Lesson summary on Gorodets painting. Lesson summary on fine arts (decorative drawing) “Introduction to Gorodets painting


Master industrial training


On the theme “Golden Khokhloma”



Subject "Technology" artistic painting wood products" PM.02

Lesson topic: "Golden Khokhloma"

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1. To acquaint students with the history of fishing and works of folk arts and crafts, the technology of painting and the features of the Khokhloma design. Explain the differences between the types of Khokhloma painting.

2. To develop the ability to make sketches based on Khokhloma painting. To promote accuracy in work, development of imagination and observation of students.

3. To cultivate interest and love for folk art, a sense of pride and patriotism for the rich cultural heritage of Russia. Give children the opportunity to feel like folk craftsmen.

Lesson type: Explanation of new material.

Materials and equipment:

For the teacher: board, chalk, projector-computer (for showing presentations, films), reproductions;

For students: A4 paper, gouache, watercolor, large and small brushes,a jar for water, a napkin, a simple pencil, a notebook.

Lesson plan (45 min):


Lesson stage

Time (min.)

Organizational moment. Checking readiness for the lesson.

3-5 min.

Theoretical part. Introductory conversation with demonstration of Khokhloma products.

10-15 min.

Practical part. Independent work. Execution of elements Khokhloma painting.

15-20 min.

The final part. Summing up.

5 min.

Homework assignment.

2 min.

Lesson progress:

    Preparing students and teachers for work in the classroom; marking absentees. Checking readiness for the lesson.

    Explanations and reinforcement of educational material:

A long time ago, in the Nizhny Novgorod Trans-Volga region, the custom of decorating wooden utensils with painting arose. In this forested region, almost everything was made of wood. The entire territory of the region was like one workshop scattered across hundreds of villages. Residents, as if by agreement, divided among themselves all types of production wooden products. Each group of villages had a center - a large trading village, where peasants came every week to the market to sell their products. The villages where wooden utensils were sharpened and painted were located around the large trading village of Khokhloma, which gave its name to the entire art of painting. It was from here that cups and spoons scattered like firebirds all over the earth. When the merchant was asked: “Where does such a miracle come from?”, he proudly answered: “From Khokhloma.” And so it happened: Khokhloma and Khokhloma. To this day, painted dishes are called Khokhloma.

Khokhloma painting is a type of artistic woodworking. This art arose at the endXVIIcentury in the Volga region (the village of Khokhloma, Gorky region). From ancient crafts, Khokhloma inherited the classic forms of wooden turning products and clear rhythms of ornament. The pictorial skill of ancient Rus' enriched it with drawings of plant motifs and techniques for freely executing them with a brush. Original technique The “golden color” of the product sets Khokhloma apart from other crafts. The technology of “gilding” wood continues to this day.

    Examination of product samples (exhibition of works - presentation).

    Khokhloma painting technique:

1. A wooden product is coated with a liquid solution of “vapa” clay. Clay closes the pores of the wood and creates a waterproof layer.

2. After this, the products are moistened with raw linseed oil and dried well. Then cover with drying oil and dry again, repeating this operation 3-4 times.

3. The next stage is tinning. The product is covered with half-milk: tin or aluminum powder is rubbed into the product with a swab. The products become smooth, shiny and resemble metal.

4. And only now does the dyer (the person who applies the pattern) get to work. The painting is done with oil paints. All elements of painting are performed immediately with a brush, without preliminary drawing with a pencil.

5. The painted and dried product is coated with oil varnish (previously it was covered with drying oil) and placed in the oven to “heat”. When exposed to temperature, the varnish turns yellow. Then this delightful honey-golden color appears. This is how the phrase “Golden Khokhloma” arose.

    Features of Khokhloma painting:

Two writing methods:

riding letter, where the pattern is drawn with red or black paint over a gold background.

The second technique is “under the background”: First, the contours of the pattern are drawn, then the background is covered with color, and after that the remaining unpainted pattern is painted.

The peculiarity of “mountain” painting is to apply a pattern with strokes over a golden background.

The peculiarity of the “background” painting is that the background around the pattern is painted red or black. With this method, leaves, flowers or birds stand out against this background in the form of golden silhouettes.

But usually these two types of painting are intricately intertwined in one product.

    colors: red, black, gold, sometimes dark green and yellow

    main element of the pattern: “grass”

    elements: leaves, flowers, berries,

    composition: the pattern is built from grass located on a winding line, the pattern is built like a rosette.

The most favorite among Khokhloma artists is the “grass pattern” or “grass”, which vaguely resembles sedge. Often among the “grass” a flower, bird, or fish is depicted. The most intricate patterns are called “curls”: grass turns into large curls - curls.

Here are the berries. For lingonberry, currant and mountain ash berries, use a poke seal (cotton swab). But gooseberries, strawberries and raspberries are painted immediately with a brush. After the red paint has dried, the berries are “enlivened” with yellow.

A blade of grass is a thin, smoothly bending stem, from which curved stems with curls extend in all directions. The pressure of the brush is applied to the widest part of the blade of grass.

“Kudrina” is a floral-leaf pattern with rounded wide leaves with curls.

The leaflet is most often a stylized currant leaf. Leaves and flowers begin with drawing the stems, then draw the main shape of the leaf or flower. Next, draw the veins on the leaves and the stamens of the flowers.

From such elements you can create a pattern.

    The sequence of performing elements of Khokhloma painting (using the example of a “plate”).

    Practical work: work on compositions.


Where and when did Khokhloma painting originate?

What techniques of Khokhloma painting do you know?

The main element of Khokhloma painting?

Elements of Khokhloma painting?

Color palette Khokhloma painting?

Compositional construction of a drawing?

Ornament, decor, decoration?

Practical part . Performing the composition “Khokhloma” using the horseback technique, writing “grass”, “berries”, “bushes”

Summing up. Exhibition of works. Summing up.

Homework: 1. Repeat the lesson completed.

2. Complete a presentation on the topic “Khokhloma”, top and background letters and write how they differ.

3. Complete a small composition of Khokhloma painting.

Lesson summary: Thank you for your attention!

List of used literature:

    V. Vishnevskaya Khokhloma. Russian artistic crafts. Publishing house "Plakat", Moscow 1981

    V. Vishnevskaya The art of folk arts and crafts. Set of color postcards.

    S.K. Zhigalova. Russian folk painting. Publishing house "Prosveshchenie", Moscow 1974

    E. Subocheva. Khokhloma. Folk crafts. Publishing house "Okolitsa", Moscow 1997.

    L. Yakhnin. Cheerful word Khokhloma. Publishing house "Malysh", Moscow 1987

Natalya Chebotova

Program content: Teach children to paint patterns based on Gorodets painting. Learn to highlight decorative elements of painting. Develop a sense of rhythm and color.

Demo material: illustrations Gorodets painting.

Handouts: brushes; paints; water; napkins; cutting board template.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we continue to get acquainted with Gorodets painting. Now listen poem:

Our Russia is great

And our people are talented.

About our native Rus', craftsmen

Word spreads all over the world.

Gorodets patterns

So much joy for the eyes.

The craftswomen are growing up,

Maybe among us too.

Play my harmonica

You, friend, sing along,

Gorodets painting- how can we not know her?

There are hot horses here, well done.

There are such bouquets here that it is impossible to describe.

The stories here are like nothing in a fairy tale.

Gorodets is a city in the Nizhny Novgorod Trans-Volga region, on the left bank of the Volga. This is the oldest Russian city ​​- fortress. Gorodets- home to a wide variety of crafts. It is famous for wood carving, making spinning wheels, Gorodets painting, carved boards.

There was a lot of forest in the Volga region, and it provided a lot of cheap material from which everything was made: from children's toys to furniture.

They were especially famous Gorodets spinning wheels, which were sold in large quantities at Nizhny Novgorod fair and dispersed throughout Russia. People bought them with pleasure thanks to the funny painted pictures on the bottom of the spinning wheel. After finishing work, housewives decorated the walls with such donuts instead of paintings. Craftsmen also sought to decorate household items - wooden dishes, children's furniture, and other things with elegant, bright patterns.

Let's take a closer look at what elements this consists of. painting. (Show illustrations Gorodets painting and elements; leaves, roses, cupavas, buds, daisies - naming these elements.)

What color are lush roses, daisies, leaves?

Now look at the diagram showing the sequence drawing kupavka. First, a large circle of pink or blue is drawn, then animations are added - white, blue or dark red paint.

Let's pay attention to the painted boards and how the garlands can be arranged in different ways. I suggest you try to learn for yourself draw Gorodets painting patterns. But before we get to work, let's review the rules for working with brushes. Take your brush in your hand, dampen it a little in water and carefully remove the unnecessary amount of water. Now we also carefully pick up a small amount of paint on the brush. After rinsing off the paint, do not forget to wipe the brush with a napkin. Now I will show you how to make a pattern correctly (teacher shows the pattern on the board). After the demonstration, the children are asked to repeat the pattern after the teacher. The teacher monitors the correct execution of the pattern. If a child has difficulties, it helps. While the children are drawing, fair-haired folk music sounds.

While the base of the bath and leaves is drying, suggest going out onto the carpet to let the base dry and perform physical exercises. just a minute:

Legs up! Stop, one, two! (Walk in place.)

Raise our shoulders higher

And then we lower them. (Raise and lower your shoulders.)

Place your hands in front of your chest

And we perform jerks. (Hands in front of chest, jerks with arms.)

You need to jump ten times

Let's jump higher, let's jump together! (Jumping in place.)

We raise our knees -

We perform the step on the spot. (Walk in place.)

We reached out from the heart, (Stretching - arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to the place again. (Children sit down.)

After a physical education minute, the children sit down and continue working. The base has already dried, we will decorate it with revivals. And for the animations, what colors will you use? (white, red, blue, green).

The animations are painted with the tip of a brush. Independent work of children, during which the teacher reminds them of the correct technique decorative painting, draws attention to the compositional solution, helps in the selection and arrangement of elements.

Now let's make an exhibition of your works.

Children, choose the board that you liked best and tell me why? (What elements are the garlands made of, how are the garlands located on the board, what color combinations are used, the teacher calls 2 - 3 children to analyze the children’s work.)

Well done, you all turned out beautiful boards. You are real folk craftsmen.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson in decorative drawing “Gzhel. Painting a nesting doll" (preparatory group) GBOU school No. 1015 Materials: 1. gram recording of a Russian folk song 2. Khokhloma toy “Bowl” 3. Dymkovo toy“Turkey” 4. Gzhel ceramics.

Summary of integrated educational activities in decorative drawing based on the Dymkovo painting “Duck” Abstract of the integrated educational activities(“Artistic creativity”, “Music”, “Cognition”, “Communication”). Duck theme.

Notes on decorative drawing in the senior group “Painting Dymkovo toys” Program content: Continue to introduce children to folk art, consolidate the idea of ​​the character and characteristics of Dymkovo.

Summary of GCD on decorative drawing in the preparatory group “Khokhloma painting” Abstract of the NOD OO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” Decorative drawing in the preparatory group for school Topic: “Khokhloma painting”.

Abstract of the GCD on decorative drawing in the preparatory group “Painting the Filimonovskaya toy” Notes of NOTES No. 3 on decorative drawing in preparatory group Topic: “Painting the Filimonovskaya toy” Completed by: Teacher of the preschool educational institution.

Topic: “Gorodets painting”. Purpose: To introduce the history of the Gorodets craft. Learn to write elements of painting: daisy flower.

Municipal state educational institution

Levorossoshanskaya secondary school

structural unit Kindergarten

Kashirsky municipal district

Voronezh region

Lesson summary on the topic “Gorodets painting”

Educator: Ponomareva O.I.

With. Left Rossosh


Target :

Continue to introduce the history of occurrenceGorodets fishing. Learn to write elements murals : chamomile flower, leaf. to form an interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, satisfying the need for self-expression.



Develop interest and love for folk art. Strengthen the ability to build a composition of a drawing. consolidate and deepen knowledge aboutGorodets painting. Learn to highlight bright folk colors, pattern composition, dots, dashes, animations, and draw elements with a brush. Continue introducing people to handicrafts. Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of beauty.


Develop aesthetic perception, sense of color, rhythm, composition;

Develop independence and creative imagination.


Foster a love of art and folk traditions;

Cultivate respect for workGorodets masters, interest in their work.


gouache, squirrel brush No. 5, No. 1, a jar of water, a napkin, tinted paper, illustrations with the imageGorodets dishes.

Preliminary work:

Examination of folk craft items;

Acquaintance with the features of pattern elements, with traditions in the image and combination of colors;

Didactic game "Let's lay out a pattern"

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher reads a poem:

We'll walk through the meadows

With bright colors.

Let's draw those fabulous flowers ourselves -

There are daisies and kupavkas here,

Like drops of dew

Roses bloom here

Amazingly beautiful.

Educator : What arts and crafts is the poem talking about?

Children's answers:

Educator: Guys, the postman brought a letter today, let's see what they sent us! What kind of pictures? The envelope contains step-by-step material painting boards . Today we will tooby Gorodets craftsmen. Let's decorate the board with “buds” and “leaves”.

Main part.

Educator: Currently, the natural yellowish color of the tree is used as a background. Guys tell me what colors are inpaintings are used by Gorodets masters?

Children's answers.

Educator: The colors in the pattern are not numerous, but in very bright combinations - red, blue, green, rich orange and its shades. White and black colors in murals have special meaning. These 2 colors have the ability to influence the sonority of colors and contribute to their favorable combination.

Guys, what elements are inmasters use paintings?

Children's answers. (clarification of names : rose, kupavka, berry, leaves, horse, birds).

Educator: This is rosen, this is kupavka, this is chamomile. Look carefully at these flowers, they can be in blue and blue tones or pink-red. Chamomile is easy to recognize. It has many thin petals. The center of the kupavka is shifted.

Educator: Guys, would you like to try yourself in the role Gorodets masters learn how to perform floral elements murals ? Okay, let's get to our jobs.

Practical work.

Educator: You have sheets of paper on your table, pre-painted yellow. Let's get started with the first stage of execution. We choose the colors we like and draw an underpainting - a circle in the center of our work. While our circle is drying, we will draw more green leaves, creating a composition.

Now we move on to the second stage of execution. We do it in a different color shading : draw a circle in the center of the flower, and now arrange the petals opposite each other in a circle. Who can tell me how to do this?(by dipping the brush)

Before starting the third stage, you will need to wait a little for the paint to dry.

Let's take a physical minute:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up(torso right, left)

I didn't want to sleep anymore(torso forward, backward)

Moved, stretched(Hands up, stretch)

Soared up and flew(Hands up, right, left)The sun will just wake up in the morning

The butterfly circles and curls(spin around)

Final stage"revival" paintings . Apply white and black paint in the form of dots, droplets, and curls with a thin brush.

Bottom line.

Children lay out their works on one table, choose the ones they like best, and share their impressions. The teacher asks you to tell them what you did. Invites you to admire the works. Think about whose work you liked and why? The teacher praises the children and reads a poem.

We painted flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

There is no end to that beauty

That's all for Gorodets.

Open art lesson

Topic: “Gorodets painting” (1 lesson)

Purpose of the lesson : Acquaintance with Gorodets folk craft products,

Mastering the traditional elements of Gorodets painting: “rosan”, “kupavka”,

"berry", "leaf".


Educational: introduce students to the rules and techniques of Gorodets painting;

Developmental: to develop students' imagination, artistic and creative

thinking, originality of mental activity.

Educational: to instill in students an interest and love for folk art.

Lesson type : assimilation and consolidation of new knowledge.

Equipment used:

For the teacher: multimedia projector, computer, slides, gouache, brushes, album;

For students: album, gouache, brushes, water jars, palette, cards with elements of Gorodets painting.

Visual range : slides with products of the Gorodets craft.

Music series : Russian folk songs.

Lesson Plan

    Organizational part.

    Introductory conversation and explanation of new material.

    Physical education minute.

    Practical part.

    Analysis and evaluation of children's work.

    Homework assignment.

Lesson progress:

    We check the students' readiness for the lesson.

    Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    Teacher's opening speech

If you look at the tablets,

You will see miracles!

Gorodets patterns,

Subtly withdrew his hand.

The Gorodets horse is running!

The whole earth around is shaking!

Bright birds fly

And the water lilies bloom.

    In previous lessons we talked to you about folk crafts.

    What are they called?

    Today we will get acquainted with the works of craftsmen from the city of Gorodets.

    Gorodets wood painting - famous folk craft Nizhny Novgorod region. It developed in the second half of the 19th century in the Trans-Volga villages along the Uzole River near Gorodets. Most of the surrounding residents, from ancient times, were known as skilled artisans. Among them there were many blacksmiths, weavers, dyers, gingerbread makers, but the greatest scope for activity was among wood craftsmen - carvers, carpenters, joiners. People even said that “the forest feeds the Volga residents.” Forests provided cheap and varied material from which everything was made: from children's toys and cradles to grave crosses. Many artisans were busy making tools for processing flax. Gorodets spinning wheels were especially famous; they were sold in large quantities at the Nizhny Novgorod fair and distributed throughout Russia. They were bought with pleasure, largely due to the funny painted pictures on the bottom of the spinning wheel. After finishing the work, the hostess hung such a bottom on the wall instead of a painting. Over time, such painting began to decorate not only peasant spinning wheels, but also bast baskets, yarn storage boxes, birch bark beetles, salt cellars and many other items of village life. (Slides)

Features of Gorodets painting

    The painting that originated in Gorodets is difficult to confuse with any other - its originality is so great. Not a single Gorodets product is complete without lush garlands, bouquets of flowers reminiscent of roses, kupavka, and daisies. And although the Gorodets masters did not know the laws of perspective, and their drawings were flat, the painting always turned out to be somehow surprisingly light and transparent. (Slides)

    Another important distinctive feature of Gorodets painting can be considered its plot nature. Masters loved to depict gentlemen walking with ladies, dashing riders prancing on horses, tea drinking scenes in rich interiors decorated with columns, wall clocks, high windows with lush curtains, and grand staircases. Often, themes more familiar to the masters were used: spinners at work, hunters in the forest, carpenters building a house, and many other scenes from folk life. (Slides)

    What do you think is depicted in this work?

    Previously, Gorodets painting was done with egg paints, which were applied to the object in large spots of color, without a preliminary outline, with a predominance of certain colors. (Slides)

    Find these colors in the works and tell me them. (Red, blue, black, green)

    Another feature is that the design was applied on a ready-made colored background. (Slides)

Techniques for performing Gorodets painting

Today we will get acquainted with the techniques of performing some elements of Gorodets painting: “rosan”, “kupavka”, “berry”, “leaf”. (Slides) This process breaks down into several stages. First, with a large brush, an “underpainting” is made - a round colored spot, then with a small brush, a “shadow” is made - the middle of the flower and petals are indicated. One color is used, from which two shades are made: diluted and saturated. “Underpainting” is a diluted color, and “shadowing” is a saturated color. (Slide) At the final stage, “animation” is carried out - numerous details are drawn on the flower in the form of strokes, arcs, petals and dots. Black and white colors are used. (Slides) The sequence of performing “kupavka” and “berries” is the same as when performing “rosan”. When performing the “leaf” element, first we draw a general outline that has the outline of a leaf-shaped spot, then we carry out “shading” and “revival” using thin strokes. (Slides)

All elements of painting are done immediately with a brush without preliminary drawing with a pencil. To make the arcs beautiful shape, they begin to be painted with the tip of the brush, barely touching the surface, then in the middle of the arc the pressure increases and the drawing of the element ends again without pressure. The brush must be held perpendicular to the surface to be painted. (I show with my own example)

    Physical education minute.

    Practical part

Before the practical part, children are given cards that depict the sequence of elements of Gorodets painting: “rosan”, “kupavka”, “berry”, “leaves”.

    On a landscape sheet, using cards, complete the elements of Gorodets painting. Your task is to follow the sequence, selection of color combinations inherent in Gorodets painting and follow the rules for using a brush when painting. (Musical series, slides depicting Gorodets products)

    Analysis and evaluation of children's work

Exhibition of children's works.

    What folk craft have we met today?

    What elements of Gorodets painting did you learn about?

    What colors did Gorodets masters use?

Final word.

Crafts helped people survive.

What human qualities contributed to the creation of such works?

This beauty not only pleased the craftsmen, but also helped the family financially.

So we will send our works to the fair.

Gorodets blooms with a wonderful garden -

Bright, sweet, explosive dawn.

No one has guessed it so sensitively

And such love is not sung.

Life would be wilder and harsher,

Poorer in beauty and joy,

If only in colors, lines and words

We would not give ourselves to her.


Repeat the elements of Gorodets painting to consolidate the material.

Description of material: I offer a summary of a group lesson for children 10-16 years old on the topic “Introduction to educational program"Painting on wood." This summary is aimed at developing children’s interest in learning wood painting and attending classes in the “Wood Painting” club.

Synopsis of a group lesson on the topic “Introduction to the educational program “Wood Painting”

Target: developing students’ interest in learning wood painting.


· Educational: introduce students to such types of painting as Khokhloma, Bashkir painting, Gorodets, teach some techniques of painting on wood.

· Developmental: to develop the cognitive and emotional experience of schoolchildren.

· Educational: education of general culture.

Visual aids: Easter eggs slides; products painted with Khokhloma, Bashkir, Gorodets painting; posters on types of wood painting; Easter egg sketch; pedagogical drawing.

Materials and equipment for students: egg (underwear murals), brush (column no. 1,2), water jar, gouache.

Note plan:

1. Organizational part

2. Preparatory moment

3. Highlight

A) theoretical part

B) practical part

B) analysis of work

4. Lesson summary.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational part:


2. Preparatory moment:

Man always strives for beauty. We try to look beautiful and to be surrounded by beautiful things: dishes, furniture, souvenirs, etc.

Many items necessary for a person in his everyday life, since ancient times in Russia, rich in forests, were made of wood. And the reason for the development of the art of painting on wood was, first of all, the desire of the master to enrich the object, to make it visual and beautiful. And at the same time, such dishes were preserved for a long time.

3. Main point:

A) theoretical part: the topic of our lesson is “Introduction to the educational program “Wood Painting”. There are many artistic crafts that are famous for painting wooden products. We will look at three of them that this program studies: Khokhloma, Bashkir painting, Gorodets

The art of Khokhloma painting, which originated in the Volga region, gained worldwide fame.

(Demonstration of Khokhloma painting products).

It was named after the ancient trading village of Khokhloma, where carved lathe products with specific painting: bowls, dishes, supplies and barrels, convenient for storing flour, salt, cereals and other household products. The art of Khokhloma painting is becoming a unique craft due to the use of techniques for obtaining a golden color without the use of precious metal when finishing wooden products.

Color Khokhloma products- a combination of gold with red and black. The strict, classic combination of the three primary colors of the craftsmen's products is skillfully and tactfully complemented by the introduction of brown, green, orange, yellow, while maintaining, however, the harmonious integrity of the color scheme.

The popularity of Khokhloma painting has caused and continues to cause imitation. But of all the attempts, the only independent move was found by the craftsmen and artists of Bashkortostan. The Bashkir art association “Agidel” is developing new look decorative painting, which contains unique technology Khokhloma. And the type of painting itself differs from the free Khokhloma lettering in its strict symmetry in motifs reminiscent of a light mosaic. The very forms of objects decorated with Bashkir painting are taken from wooden utensils that are widespread in the everyday life of local residents and correspond to the national culture of the Bashkirs.

(Demonstration of products of Bashkir painting).

Let's get acquainted with another type of painting - Gorodets. Gorodets painting originally originated in the city of Gorodets, Nizhny Novgorod province. These are mostly fantastic flowers. Birds, horses, made with oil paints and decorating children's furniture, spinning wheels, dishes, kitchen boards, and various kinds of souvenirs.

Gorodets painting is bright, laconic, distinguished by free strokes with white and black graphic strokes and a characteristic pattern - plants, animals, various genre scenes. As a rule, all elements of the patterns of Gorodets masters are made with red, pink, blue, light blue, green and black paints on a bright yellow background. Gorodets patterns are especially popular because they perfectly convey the diversity of Russian ornament.

(Demonstration of Gorodets painting products).

B) practical part

Now we will try to paint a souvenir with you - an Easter egg with Khokhloma painting.

In many countries, Easter is celebrated in the spring. Easter traditions and rituals vary among individual nations, but everyone knows the custom of giving each other colored eggs. The egg in this ancient custom is not a random object. After all, Easter is a celebration of the triumph of life, overcoming death, and the egg is a symbol of eternally reborn life. “Everything begins with an egg,” said the ancient Romans.” “Christ is risen,” say Christians. And although now this holiday looks new, beautiful painted eggs remain its main symbol. For many peoples, dyeing eggs has become a artistic craft. It usually does not use real eggs, but ones made from various materials. According to special orders, the most skilled craftsmen created real works of art.

(Slide show.)

Now on the board in the picture I will show you how to turn our egg into a beautiful product - a souvenir. For this we need a brush and gouache. Let's remember how to work with brushes and paints correctly: no unnecessary or sudden movements with a brush, work carefully with paints.

Let's start painting the egg. We are given an egg with the underpainting completed. Our task is to complete the most beautiful stage in painting “revival” and “grass”. (I show on the board, the children paint on their work). During work, we take a short break to perform physical education.

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