Marketing research in promotional business. Encyclopedia Marketing

The depth interview is a low-resistant personal interviewer conversation with the respondent in the form that encourages the latter to detailed answers to the questions asked.

Distinctive features

The interview takes place in the form of a free conversation on the subject of interest to the researcher, during which the researcher receives very detailed information from the respondent about the reasons for his actions on the attitude towards various issues.


Preparation of the structure of the conversation. Before the start of a series of interviews, the researcher prepares a plan in accordance with which the interview will be carried out. Unlike the usual survey, the depth interview plan is simply a list of issues by which the interviewer should learn the opinion of the respondent.

Selection of respondents and interview. After the preparation of the plan, respondents are selected and interviews themselves are selected. The duration of the depth interview can be from half an end to several (2-3) hours depending on the complexity of the topic, as well as the number and depth of the issues under study. As a rule, the deep interview is carried out in a special room with a neutral atmosphere and good sound insulation, to avoid any external interference. The interview is recorded on audio and / or video equipment to facilitate subsequent decryption and data analysis, as well as in order not to lose important information.

Processing the results of the interview and drawing up an analytical report. After completing the interview, his audio and / or video is processed, as a result of which the researcher receives the full text of the entire interview. Based on these texts and interviewer's impressions, an analytical report is drawn up.


The success of the deep interview largely depends on the professionalism and personal qualities of the interviewer. For interviews needed qualified specialistSupported to psychological education. He should be inherent in the skills of establishing contact with people, good memory, the ability to respond quickly to non-standard answers, patience. In the interview process, it is impossible to have psychological pressure on the respondent, arguing with it.


As a rule, the deep interviews are used to solve the same tasks as the focus of the group, namely:

  • study of consumer behavior, their attitudes towards goods, companies, brand;
  • development of new products, assessment of the concept of a new product (its packaging, advertising campaign, etc.);
  • obtaining a preliminary consumer reaction to various marketing programs.

The deep interview is advisable to use instead of the focus group in the following cases:

  • the interview the topic involves a discussion of purely personal topics (personal finance, diseases);
  • interviews are held with representatives of competing organizations that will not agree to discuss this topic in the group;
  • the topic in which there are strict social norms, and the respondent's opinion may affect the response of the Group (paying taxes, etc.);
  • it is impossible to collect all the respondents in one place and at the same time (respondents are small, removed from each other and / or very busy).

Advantages and disadvantages

Basic Disadvantages The method of deep interviews are associated with the complexity of finding interviewers. First, for depth interviews, qualified specialists are required, which are not easy to find. Further, the quality of the results of the interview is strongly affected by the identity and professionalism of the interviewer. And finally, the complexity of the processing and interpretation of data obtained during interviews, as a rule, requires attracting psychologists to analyze them.

Dignity. Using deep interviews, you can get more complete information about the behavior of a person, about the causes of such behavior, its deep motives, which is not always possible in the focus group, where the respondents put pressure on each other and it is difficult to determine who exactly given one or another answer.


Chapter 1. Main components of marketing communications systems

1.1The concept and principles of marketing research

2 Application of marketing research in the planning of the Adekvat advertising agency

1 Defining the basic methods for conducting marketing research

3 New Methods in Marketing

5 Development of proposals for improving the effectiveness of the management of marketing activities of the Adekvat advertising agency





The relevance of the problem thesis: Currently, advertising takes an integral part of the life of our society, because, as advertising is known - the engine trade and its successful operation is necessary to monitor the services market and the choice of the optimal way to develop the organization. Advertising must be effective and appropriate, to determine which preliminary marketing research is needed.

Marketing research is a collection, processing and analysis of information that can be used both in order to reduce uncertainty when making management decisions, for example, when preparing a business plan, and immediately in front of the advertising campaign itself, in order to find out the behavior, desire and consumer preferences and Competitors in the system market relations. Currently, the need for the right analysis of the market for the development of a strategic development plan is particularly acute. advertising organization. The indisputable complexity of this process is the choice right methods Marketing research giving objective data. Thus, obviously, the practical need for solving this problem and the scientific and methodological justification of the choice of the necessary marketing research is expressed.

The degree of development of the graduation work. Analyzing the state of the topic of study, it should be said, the topic was developed only by its separate sections: Belyaevsky IK, Golubov E.P., Malchotra, Neshch K. and others considered marketing research, and Lyasco V.I., Mamilo G.V. , Glushchenko V.V. - strategic planning. The purpose of the graduation work. Show the use of marketing research in the ADEKVAT advertising agency, as an optimal and efficient way to collect and process data.

Give the concept and describe the principles of marketing research.

Describe the types and methods of marketing research.

Make conclusions and recommend recommendations regarding the use of marketing research in the strategic planning of the Adekvat advertising agency. Object: Marketing research activities in an advertising agency.

Subject: Use of marketing research in strategic planning in the advertising agency.

)an analysis of the advertising agency will be conducted to identify the problems of activity;

)recommendations will be developed for marketing research and adjustments in the activities of an advertising agency.

The theoretical basis of this diploma work is fundamental research Domestic and foreign authors and conclusions contained in them on the following problems: strategic planning in the organization at different stages of its development (Pearls M. K. Organization's life cycle. Problems of economics and management), selection of marketing research (Malchotra, Naresh, K.)

Marketing research), selection of marketing research in accordance with the type of strategic planning (Minzberg G., Alstand B., School Strategies, Meson M., Albert M., Management Basics). The empirical material was assembled on the basis of the adekvat advertising agency and the OSEO Gazprom Neft Asia. Research methods. When studying this topic of study, the following methods were used: systemic, marketing, empirical - survey, observation.

Novelty research. The novelty of the study is that:

)a target comprehensive program for marketing research has been developed to identify customer needs and possible ways to develop an advertising agency;

)the weak developing of the information and methodological basis for marketing research in the strategic planning of advertising agencies is revealed;

)recommendations were developed for marketing research in the strategic planning of the Adekvat advertising agency, which can be applied by other advertising agencies. Practical significance. The practical significance of my graduation work is to develop a target comprehensive program to conduct marketing research in the activities of the Adekvat advertising agency.

Diploma structure. This diploma work consists of: administration, in which goals, objectives, object and object work, the main part (2 chapters), the conclusion in which the author sums up the results of the conducted research activities, the list of used sources and literature and applications. The first chapter identifies the role of marketing research in planning the activities of the advertising agency, the concept of marketing research is given and existing research species are considered. The second chapter describes the practice of applying marketing research in the advertising agency, shows the role of marketing research in the strategic planning of the Adekvat advertising agency and examined marketing research on the example of OSE Gazprom Neft Asia as a product of the work of the advertising agency.

Chapter 1. Main components of marketing communications systems

1 Concept and principles of marketing research

Marketing research is a collection, processing and analysis of information that can be used both in order to reduce uncertainty when making management decisions, for example, when preparing a business plan, and immediately in front of the advertising campaign itself, in order to find out the behavior, desire and consumer preferences and competitors in the system of market relations.

Marketing is a system of organizing and managing the production and sales activities of enterprises, the study of the market with the task of forming and satisfying demand for products and services and receiving profits.

There are different definitions of the concept of "marketing research". Naresh K. Malhotra has identified marketing research as a systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis, dissemination and use of information to improve the efficiency of identification and solving marketing problems (possibilities). "

Marketing, as a generation of a market economy, is in a certain sense of production philosophy, fully (from research and design and design work to sales and service) subordinate conditions and requirements of the market in constant dynamic development under the influence of a wide range of economic, political, scientific -Hechnic and social factors.

Manufacturers and exporters consider marketing as a means to achieve goals recorded for this period for each specific market and its segments, with the highest economic efficiency. However, it becomes real when the manufacturer has the opportunity to systematically adjust its scientific and technical, production and sales plans in accordance with changes in market conditions, maneuvering its own material and intellectual resources to ensure the necessary flexibility in solving strategic and tactical tasks based on marketing results. Research.

As the concept of management (business philosophy), marketing requires that the company considers consumption as a "democratic" process in which consumers have the right to "vote" for their money they need. This determines the success of the company and allows you to optimally meet the needs of the consumer.

Since marketing is a way to convince the masses to make a purchase, most mistakenly squeeze this concept with marketing and stimulating. The difference is contained in the following: Sales, mainly, implies contact by the face to face - the seller deals with potential buyers. Marketing uses the media and other ways to take possession of attention and convince many people - people who may not have any direct contact with anyone from this sales. One of the leading theorists on the problems of management, Peter Drukker, talks about it like this: "The goal of marketing is to make efforts to sell unnecessary. His problem is to know so well and understand the client that the goods or service will accurately approach the last and sell themselves. "

Marketing - phenomenon is complex, multi-faceted and dynamic. This explains the impossibility in one universal definition to give a complete, adequate entity, principles and functions of the characteristic of marketing.

From the essence of marketing flows the basic principles. However, in the domestic and foreign literature under the "marketing principles" are understood quite different things. Having considered the position of various authors by comparing them, lay out the following fundamental principles:

Careful accounting for the needs, states and dynamics of demand and market conditions when making economic decisions;

Creating conditions for the maximum adaptation of production to the requirements of the market, to the structure of demand (and based on not the momentary benefits, but from the long-term perspective);

Impact on the market, on the buyer with all available funds, first of all advertising.

Marketing case is a set of activities oriented to the study of such issues as: an analysis of the external (in relation to the enterprise) of the environment in which markets are included, sources of supply and much more. The analysis allows you to identify factors that promote commercial success or creating an obstacle to this. As a result of the analysis, a data bank is formed to adopt informed marketing solutions; Analysis of consumers as relevant (existing, buying enterprise products) and potential (which is still required to be convinced to become relevant).

This analysis is contained in the study of the demographic, economic, geographical and other characteristics of people who have the right to make a decision on the purchase, as well as their needs in the broad sense of this concept and processes of acquiring both our and competing goods; Studying existing and planning of future products, that is, the development of concepts of creating new goods or modernization of old, including the range of their and parametric rows, packaging, etc. Outdated, not giving the given profits, the goods are removed from production and export; planning of product and sales, including the creation, if necessary, corresponding to sales networks with warehouses and shops, and so agency networks; Ensuring the formation of demand and stimulating sales (phosstila) by combining advertising, personal sale, prestigious non-profit events ("Public Ryleshnz") and various kinds of economic incentives aimed at buyers, agents and immediate sellers; providing pricing policies in planning systems and levels of prices for exported goods, definition of "technology" use of prices, loan terms, discounts, etc.; satisfaction of the technical and social norms of the country importing the goods of the enterprise, which means the obligation to ensure the proper levels of safety of the use of goods and environmental protection; compliance with the moral and ethical rules; proper level of consumer properties of goods; marketing management (marketing) as a system, i.e. planning, execution and control marketing program and the individual duties of each participant in the work of the enterprise, assessing risks and profits, the effectiveness of marketing solutions.

To implement the above activities, it is necessary to take into account the larger role of those from whom, in essence, and depends on the effectiveness of the marketing strategy, namely, marketing entities, which include manufacturers and organization organizations, wholesale and retail organizations, marketing and various consumers. It is important to note that although the responsibility for the implementation of marketing functions can be delegated and distributed in various ways, in most cases it is impossible to neglect, they must be carried out to someone.

The marketing process begins with the study of the buyer and identifying its needs, but is completed by the purchase of goods by the buyer and the satisfaction of its identified needs. The market on which marketing entities are valid can be divided into the "Market of the Seller", where the company sells its own products, and the "buyer market" on which it acquires the necessary production components. Thus, marketing is mainly beneficial to the merchants and buyers of the goods. Communication and business communication with valid and potential partners is the most important part of marketing.

The task of managing marketing is contained in the impact on the level, it is time and the nature of demand so that it helps the organization in achieving objectives. Simply put, marketing management is a demand management. There are five main approaches (concepts), on the basis of which commercial organizations carry out their marketing.

.the concept of improving production;

.the concept of improving the goods;

.the concept of intensification of commercial efforts;

.marketing concept;

.the concept of social and ethical marketing.

The use of each of them is necessarily and, first of all, the question of how the ratio of the interests of manufacturers, consumers and society as a whole should be. After all, quite often, the buddy with a friend come into contradiction.

Production concept, or production improvement concept. Enterprises that adhere to such a concept have mainly serial or large-scale production with high efficiency and low cost, and the sale of goods manufactured by them is made using numerous trade enterprises. The main prerequisites for the existence of this concept of management of marketing activities include the following: a) most of the real and potential consumers have low incomes; b) demand is equal or slightly exceeds the proposal; c) there is a rapid decline in high production costs (usually on new products), which leads to the conquest of greater market share.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of improving the goods is to orientate consumers for certain goods or services that technical characteristics And the operational qualities are superior to the analogues and thereby bring more benefits to consumers. Manufacturers at the same time send their efforts to improve the quality of their goods, despite higher costs, and, consequently, the cost. The factors supporting the existence of such a marketing concept can be attributed as follows: a) inflation; b) monopolistic restrictions market; c) Fast moral wear of goods.

The sales concept, or the concept of the intensification of commercial efforts, suggests that consumers will buy offered goods in sufficient volume only if the company attaches certain efforts to promote goods and the increase in their sales.

Marketing concept. This concept comes to replace the sales concept and changes its content. The difference between the sales concept and the marketing concept is as follows: The case based on the sales concept begins with the existing company in the disposal of the company.

The activity based on the concept of marketing begins with the identification of real and potential buyers And their needs. The company plans and coordinates the development of certain programs aimed at meeting identified needs.

The marketing concept is an integral part of the policy, known as the "consumer sovereignty", when the decision on what should be done should be made not by the company not by the government, but by consumers. This truth can be postponed in the next definition of marketing: Marketing is a love of neighbor, for which you get a fee in the form of profit.

The concept of socio-ethical marketing: F. Kotler considers it the most modern. The main goal is that for the company the main task should not be the fulfillment of all conditions that have been reflected in the above concepts, but should be the conservation and strengthening of public well-being, as well as the well-being of each individual client (consumer). The difference in social and ethical marketing from previous concepts is that any firm, satisfying any needs, should be acting taking into account the long-term benefit of the Company.

The above concepts characterize different periods and basic social, economic and political changes that have occurred in developed countries in the outgoing century. As the dominant trend of the changes that occurred is the transfer of accent from production and goods to sales, as well as on the problems that cost consumers and society as a whole.

"Carrying out marketing research is the most important component of the analytical function of marketing." Marketing activities is the process of planning and conducting events related to the creation of goods or services, to the market and subsequent distribution.

For the organization in the first place should be satisfying consumers, and not the achievement of maximum profits, such is the basic principle of marketing. In other words, the organization should actively interact with consumers, focus on their needs and strive to fulfill them as quickly as possible and better so that it is mutually beneficial for the organization and consumer. It follows from this that for each organization it is important to possess information about its consumers, operating with which it can be concluded which most appropriate way is the systematic study of the conducted research to maintain the level of awareness of the organization about environmentand ensure the arrival of topical data. The objectivity of the conducted studies directly affects the quality of the information obtained A, therefore, and on management decisions taken with this data.

Popov E.V. It gives the following definition to the concept of "marketing research" - this is any research activities that require marketing needs, that is, a system for collecting, processing, reporting, analyzing and predicting the data necessary for specific marketing activities. Thus, the marketing study acts as the beginning and logical completion of any cycle of marketing activities of the enterprise. The purpose of the implementation of this study is to reduce the uncertainty concomitiated by marketing decisions.

This definition only describes the procedure for conducting marketing events, while qualitative indicators omitted. It can be positively assessed by the characterization of marketing research as the beginning and completion of any company's activities related to marketing. Such a "post-project" stage acts as a summary for events and helps to assess the effectiveness and correctness of the decisions.

The main goal of marketing is the accounting of interests, both the manufacturer and the consumer, while the needs of the consumer are priority as, pushing away from them, the manufacturer decides which service to provide. Advertising agency, along with product manufacturers, is interested in studying the surrounding marketing environment for optimal planning of their activities. Marketing research can be conducted by companies independently, if they have a marketing department and qualified personnel, or the company refers to the services of companies involved in marketing research professionally.

Marketing service must determine the best way Achievements of strategic goals for each division of the company. The purpose of marketing managers is not always to ensure sales growth. Their goal can be maintaining an existing sales volume while reducing advertising costs and promotion of goods on the market or even reduced demand. In other words, the marketing service must maintain demand at the level defined in strategic plans. supreme manual. The marketing service helps the company assess the potential of each company's economic unit, establish goals for each of them and then successfully achieve these goals.

There are different opinions regarding marketing value for the company. In some firms, marketing service is a regular department working on a par with other divisions. Sometimes marketers fall into another extreme, arguing that the marketing department is the main functional division of the company. Such marketers are confident that it is the marketing service that must determine the mission, goods and markets of the company and manage other functional units during the service of buyers.

According to the author, the main landmark in the company's activities should be considered a buyer. The company cannot exist and succeed without buyers, so their attraction and retention is the main task. Buyers attract promises, and hold the fulfillment of these promises. The marketing service formulates these promises and ensures their execution. However, since the real satisfaction of the buyer depends on the work of other departments, all functional units must work together to achieve customer satisfaction and earn its highest assessment. The marketing service plays a coordinating role in the work of all divisions on solving the task of customer satisfaction. Thus, the marketing service does not carry out the functional (direct) management of the divisions of the company, and a special (methodological). In other words, the marketing service analyzes, plans, organizes and monitors the execution of marketing functions inherent in each company's division.

According to the Kotler, the marketing management process is the process of analyzing market opportunities; selection of target markets; Development of marketing complex and implementing marketing activities. In general, the role and place of marketing in the company can be submitted schematically. The result of the market segmentation process is a set of buyers with certain similar signs and equally responsive to a certain set of incentive incentives for marketing, which are described by the marketer.

After the company has allocated the market segments, it can go to one or more segments of this market. The selection of target segments of the market includes an assessment of the attractiveness of each market segment and the choice of one or more segments for development. The company should select segments in which it will be able for a long time to provide customers with the highest consumer value.

The company with limited resources may apply for one or more specific segments. Such a strategy limits sales, but may be very profitable. Another company can serve several close on certain signs of segments. A large company can offer a complete set of goods for all market segments.

After determining the target segments, the item positioning or service is coming. The position of the goods is a place that, according to the buyer, takes this product among similar goods.

Positioning the goods in the market is a set of measures, thanks to which this product in relation to competing goods occupies its own, different from the other and profitable place. One of the product positioning tools is the creation of a trademark or brand. In Marketing, the trademark bears on themselves the important distinguishing features that allow you to unambiguously identify one or another product or service.

The provision of high-quality goods and services to consumers is necessary, but insufficiently conquering leadership in the market. In addition to meeting customer needs, the marketing strategy should take into account the need to receive competitive advantages. The company must analyze the state of affairs in the industry, determine its place in it, and then decide how she should position itself relative to competitors in order to achieve a significant competitive advantage.

Development marketing strategies Achievements of competitive advantage begins with careful analysis of competitors. The company constantly evaluates the consumer value and the degree of customer satisfaction provided by its goods and goods of competitors, the price level in the market, the efficiency of the distribution channels and promotion of goods.

Competitive marketing strategy depends on the situation and market share of the company. They can be divided into the following types of them:

  • the market leader is a company that owns the maximum fraction of the industry and determining the price changes, the introduction of new products, market stimulation;
  • applicant for leadership - a company holding a second place in the industry and leading a fierce struggle for an increase in its market share;
  • the follower is one of the leading companies in the industry, which strive to keep their market share without doing sharp deposits;
  • the company serving niche is a company that serves small segments to which the other companies are looking through the fingers "or ignore. After choosing a general marketing strategy to achieve competitive advantages, the company can move to a detailed planning of the marketing complex. Marketing Complex - a set of control marketing tools - Product, price, methods of distribution and promotion of goods, whose combination is used to obtain the desired reaction of the target market. The marketing complex includes all the tools that the company uses to influence its own product or service. All numerous possibilities of the marketing complex can be divided into four groups, the so-called "4p":
  • product (Product) is an inseparable unity of its own product and a number of services that the company offers the target market;
  • price (price) is the amount of money that buyers must pay to receive goods;
  • dissemination methods (PLACE) include the actions of the company that make goods available to target buyers;
  • promotion methods (Promotion) are actions by which the company extends information about the merits of the goods and convinces the target buyers to acquire it.

Table 1. Structure of the plan of marketing activities.

Separation Observation of the Plan of Marketing Events (Summary) presents the basic theses of the proposed plan for a fluidized view of the market, the market provides basic information about the market, product, competitors and distribution of goods and opportunities and the main opportunities that may have an impact on commodities and the problems accurately formulates the Company's tasks on this product, including issues sales, market share, profits, as well as the problems that the company may encounter when performing these taskmarketing strategies possessing a general marketing approach that will be used to achieve the planned feasibility programs aware definition that, by whom, when will be done, and how much it will be costly incomes which allow you to give a preliminary financial assessment of the results of the execution of this planning monitoring, how the implementation of the plan will be monitored

Planning good strategies is only the beginning of the path to successful marketing. The most brilliant marketing strategy will not cost anything if companies fail to implement it properly. Marketing implementation is the process of transforming marketing strategies and plans to marketing activities aimed at achieving strategic marketing purposes. Implementation lies in everyday and monthly work to effectively implement marketing plan. If marketing planning is asked to questions that and why, the implementation asks questions who, where, when and how.

As the company grows, the issue of organizing the marketing department for planning and marketing activities. In large companies in such departments there are many specialists.

"External marketing research subjects (External Suppliers) are independent marketing research companies attracted to provide services in the field of marketing research." The first case is characteristic of small companieswhich are unprofitable to keep the marketing department constantly, the largest companies often have their own marketing professionals. "The number of employees varies depending on the size of the organization itself." At the head of the marketing department is a manager that controls all conducted research and organizing the work of the department, submitting in turn, the director of the company.

Marketing research implies systematic collection, processing and analysis of data on the aspects of the organization's marketing activities, within the framework of which certain decisions should be taken, as well as the analysis of the components of the external environment that affect the organization's marketing activity. However, the main attention in marketing research is paid to market aspects: assessment of the state and trends (conjuncture) of the market development, consumer behavior research, analysis of the activities of competitors, suppliers, intermediaries, study of the marketing complex, including the management of the services provided, pricing and developing a price strategy for services provided by services, Formation of the client base and the directional use of incentive means. Marketing research should be based on the principles of regularity, integrity, rationality, systematic, objectivity and efficiency. Compliance with these principles provides high quality research, the data of which will serve as a basis for the implementation of the plans and strategies of the organization.

The marketing research process is divided into several stages:

identifying the problem facing the organization and the allocation of tasks;

collection of secondary information and analysis;

collecting primary information;

analysis and interpretation of the data obtained;

formation of the report on the results of the study.

At the initial stage of the study, problems and objectives are detected, the accuracy of the definition of which affects the quality of the results of the entire study. If the problem is not clear, additional research is carried out to identify and define the target and objectives. Even if the marketing study is carried out with the participation of a third-party organization, at the first stage, the work of the customer's employees is necessary, since this makes it possible to receive useful information. The second stage is preparatory with respect to the third stage, because Information is being collected, which will serve as a base for collecting primary data. The study begins with the collection of secondary data, for example, information received from communicating with suppliers, partners, financial statements of past years, etc.

Having received secondary data, researchers start searching for primary information, directly relevant to the formulated problem of the current study. The main methods for obtaining primary information are a survey, experiment and observation, the use of which is based on sampling. The sample should accurately reflect the general population in order for the data obtained to correspond to reality.

The final stage of the marketing research is to represent its results to everyone who needs these data. First, you need to know who deems these results useful. It may be necessary to transpose report language for users, since few managers understand the terminology of marketing research (and, more importantly, their restrictions.

The most convenient way to conduct a survey is the survey, since researchers can apply questions from different shapes: open and closed type, and change the procedure for issues as needed. Open questions allow you to learn more information, however, in the interpretation of such answers, difficulties appear due to the peculiar interpretation of words. Questionnaires S. open questions Most often apply during the production of hypotheses, and in the future, closed questions are used to simplify data analysis.

Before starting research, it is necessary to carefully select employees for this work, to conduct their training if they do not have an appropriate education or explanation and instructions, if these are professionals. For example, for example, personally or by telephone special education is not required, any previously instructed person can cope with this task, in the event of deep interviews, focus groups and other more complex information collection methods, as well as for its subsequent interpretation, A qualified specialist with top profile education. Thus, if the company orders a marketing study from a third-party organization, at the initial stage, it can use its human resources at the initial stage, and a deep study of the problem to instruct specialists competent in marketing issues. Before work, it is necessary to decide how interviewers will interact with respondents - actively or passively. With active behavior, the interviewer voiced questions, notes the answers, follows the behavior of the respondent, gives comments on issues if required. With passive behavior, the interviewer is not required, respondents read and respond to the proposed questions. Much attention should be paid to controlling the quality of marketing data, for this, each survey sheet should be the contact information of the employee who conducted a survey - its name, telephone and signature, as well as the date of the survey. It is also recommended to numbered all the questionnaires to track their number and easier to navigate in them with an open questions allow you to learn more information, however, in the interpretation of such answers, difficulties appear due to peculiar interpretation of words. Questionnaires with open questions are most often used at the stage of production of hypotheses, and in the future, closed questions are used to simplify data analysis.

1.2 Application of marketing research in the planning of the Adekvat advertising agency

In the conditions of exacerbating every year of competition in the market of goods and services, companies are becoming more difficult to differentiate, the struggle between them is tougher and only competent advertising can help them stand out from the total mass and come to success.

The advertising agency is a way out for companies that have no funds for the content of their own advertising department, because these are additional rental costs of premises and salaries to employees, and their services may not be required regularly, but only on occasion, then the presence of such The structures will be completely unprofitable, so much more profitable to contact the advertising specialists, when it really needs.

Advertising agency is a professional, private, independent organization. different species advertising services, From the production of advertising before its placement, the goals of which is to promote the market for services or customer goods.

"There are two forms of advertising production teams that have historically formed - an independent advertising agency that contains itself at the expense of advertisers, and advertising departments that are included in the structure of the largest firms."

In the RA market, competition is high as well as in any other sphere, therefore RA should know the needs of their customers, must meet the level of their requests, offering them of topical services. Trying to find a way out of this situation, the agencies may choose for themselves the direction of activity - a narrow specialization in which they are strong, such as mediabaynging or carrying out BTL events, or provide a full cycle of services if the agency feels in itself the strength to constant competitive combat. Next, we will look at the more existing types of advertising agencies.

Agencies that provide the whole range of advertising services are called universal or full-cycle agencies. They perform "Four Main Functions: Account Management, Creative Services, Planning and Acquisition of Square and Time in Media Plus Studies." Specialists of different advertising areas work in such organizations, which ensures the quality of the advertising campaign at all its stages - from creating a strategy to manufacture promotional products. In addition to purely advertising services, they can also provide full-fledged marketing research. The huge plus of full-cycle advertising agencies is the presence of their own contractors and production bases, which gives them the opportunity to receive discounts on their services and, therefore, reduce prices for their customers.

Addressing the full cycle advertising agency, and ordering all services in one place, the client can count on a higher level of performance of work than if it appeals to several different places, because Comprehensive execution of the entire project with one people guarantees the relationship between its elements among themselves, their quality and success of the campaign in general. The functionality of a universal advertising agency includes such services as: development and communication strategy and marketing strategy, market research, behavior and opinion study, budget development, media plan development, manufacturing promotional products, purchasing advertising space and advertising, advertising, Conducting BTls. Not only large companies with large turns can apply to full cycle advertising agencies. moneyBut also small businesses and most often, work with such agencies is placed on the long-term basis, because Having worked with the client once, they are already better oriented in his needs, and they know that and how to offer him, what nuances are in his activities, they can offer discounts for their services, and the client, in turn, will trust such agency and Recommend it to its partners and colleagues.

Recently, there is a tendency to share and narrow the specialization of the agencies, which ensures improvement in the quality of individual services they provide, but simultaneously makes them vulnerable in terms of limited monitoring and research functionality, which may affect the quality of decisions and implemented strategies.

Advertising agencies that produce advertising or creative agencies themselves are engaged in the manufacture of commercials, graphic advertising, replicate and distribute it. The word "Creative" in translation from the English language means "creativity", "creating", but in Russian, this word acquired the meaning of "originality", "non-standardity", creative is that customers are ready to pay big money, based on that creative will attract a lot of attention to himself and contributes to an increase in sales. Creative helps to highlight the goods among many others, affecting a different level, more subtle than ordinary advertising that has come and almost not distinguished by buyers. It is for this reason that whole agencies have appeared, specializing in this field. advertising activitiesprofessionally engaged in creating high-quality advertising ideas and materials.

This agencies, as a rule, have a simple organization structure - Management Department and Creative. "This is determined by the same type and standardity of their activities, a limited number of different types of labor, small size." Managers work with customers and contractors, take orders, coordinate the activities of the creative department, which in turn consists of creative personalities, specialists generating creative ideas.

A good creative idea is not necessarily expensive, on the contrary, it is possible to find such a solution that does not require high costs, but not all ideas can be realized, it must be remembered by developing an advertising idea and repel primarily from the client's budget.

In order to find the idea that "shoots", you need to know my target audience very well - its opinion about the brand, about the product itself or the service, an accurate understanding of the situation will give the opportunity to find an unusual solution that everyone will surprise and make it talk about him.

Creaters must remember, first of all, on the interests and requirements of the client, that is, the proposed creative ideas are not creative for the sake of creativity, but first of all, the solution of the customer's problems. The essence of the activity of the cryator is to find a kind of point that will be perceived by the buyer as an irritant, causing certain emotions when contacting it. Search for such an irritant is a difficult process in which the experience and talent of man is important.

Advertising agencies that purchase advertising space in bulk and sell them in retail are called media or media biores. They make a profit from selling advertising places with extra charge. Mediabing is not limited to the placement of advertising only on television, it is also a purchase of advertising space in newspapers and magazines, airtime on radio, areas outdoor advertisingAs well, more and more recently purchased advertising spaces on the Internet.

The advantage of working with media banking agencies is their high degree of professionalism in this narrow sphere and, as a result, ensuring high-quality selection of media and advertising for a particular advertising campaign. MediaBaying services can be provided as together with the media planning service and separately, and the comprehensive service will cost, most likely cheaper than in other agencies, also for the reason that media banking agencies receive good discount For large volumes of advertising placed.

Advertising agencies act as an intermediary between manufacturers of goods and a retailers, having the opportunity to regulate the incoming proposals, noted by untimely and acting in the interests of the entire market and in particular in the interests of consumers, also exclude the possibility of advertising the main prerequisite for the creation of advertising agencies - implementation Advertising campaigns at a high and professional level and the creation of high-quality advertising messages.

In accordance with the same article of the law, the advertiser is "legal or individualcarrying out the placement and "or" distribution of advertising information by providing and "or" the use of property, including radio and television broadcasting, as well as a broadcasting channels and other ways. "

There are five stages of the life cycle of the organization.

Number (making a decision on the creation, development and approval of the necessary documents, the formation of conditions for activity).

Growth and occupation of a certain place in the relevant area.

Search for new directions and forms of activity simultaneously with the development and improvement of existing ones.

Maturity, when the organization is firmly on the legs and often does not tend to expand or improves.

Completion of activities.

According to the concept of the life cycle, in the absence of transformations in the management system of the firm, taking into account the influence various factors Economic, social, political, scientific and other characters, the life cycle of the enterprise does not exceed 30-40 years and has a tendency to reduce. This is due to the fact that the external environment of the company asks the requirements that need to be responsible, and if this is not done, the stability of work is disturbed. "The external environment in relation to the enterprise is a lot of interrelated factors that affect everything that is happening inside the organization." It follows from this that companies need to be either changed or terminate.

Marketing research will be useful for creating a strategic plan at the second stage, its adjustments in the third and fifth stages of the company's life cycle.

At the very beginning of the existence of the organization of the relationship between employees, they are characterized by informality and direct participation of the head in all matters. The goals have not fully disagree. The structure of the organization is extremely simple, since the state is still small. At this stage, the company is looking for its niche, deals with self-determination, and chooses a position for himself in relation to competitors: adaptive, powerful or niche specialization of activity. It is at this stage that marketing research is applied for the first time to choose activities. Through the social skins and public opinion research, the sphere is determined, which will be in demand from the consumer.

At the stage of growth, the structure of the organization becomes complicated, the staff of the staff increases. Development prospects appear, the organization actively interacts with external environment, masters the market. The organization has a mission and develop a development strategy. "The mission's definition is closely related to marketing and implies an answer to the question:" What kind of benefits can bring consumers to achieve greater success in the market? ". The development of the strategy is based on various marketing research - competitors are studied, the dynamics of the development of their production niche, the relation of society to the organization is revealed.

The third stage is the middle of the cycle of existence when the company already has a mission, goals and objectives and it can search for new activities, or throughout existing ones that will allow to expand or deepen its scope. For search possible options Marketing research will be an indispensable tool.

At the stage of maturity, the company's structure has already been established, the workflow is characterized by stability and orderliness, the company is among the leaders of its industry. To the state of maturity, the organization has extensive experience and knowledge that are reflected in its mission and goals

The agency opened in the summer of 2007 and over the years of its existence has established itself as a leading and experienced supplier of BTL services of the widest spectrum.

To date, "Adequit" specializes in the following services:

Consumer Promotion (Buyer Stimulation);

Trade Promotion (stimulation of a trading network);


Secret buyers and retail audit;

production of souvenir, printing products, promotional forms;

In February 2008, the first website of the company was launched, which was different from the competitors' agencies with a large amount useful for customer information, such as data on implemented projects accompanied by photo reports. A distinctive feature of the site was the presence of a large database of artists, the performance of which can be ordered to any event, as well as a catalog of stage equipment for rent. All these materials help the consumer better understand the specifics of the agency's activities, the entire BTL-sphere as a whole, to navigate in the assortment of the agency's services and choose for themselves suitable.

In the spring of 2013, Adequat continues to develop new activities: the range of printing services is expanded, contracts are concluded for an exclusive representation of several creative teams of Yekaterinburg. At the same time, the Agency fully updates the design of his site.

The staff has increased significantly, now it employs 11 people. Control over the work of the departments is carried out by the deputy director. Its responsibilities include: control over the work of employees, fulfilling all the duties of the director during its absence.

Administrative - Director of the Agency, Direct Guide to the Advertising Agency. Its obligations include: strategic planning of the company's activities, approval of marketing plans, control over the work of all departments, making decisions about the purchase of new equipment and the development of new directions

The client department is the head and client-managers engaged in finding customers, work with them, providing support for orders, drawing up the estimation and document management.

The project department consists of its head and coordinators who are engaged in direct implementation of orders, including those responsible for working with contractors, the preparation of internal estimates and reports on projects.

The personnel department consists of two people - the head and mansion manager. His task is to find and teach promotional personnel, conducting trainings and reporting.

The marketing and advertising department headed by the art director provides the promotion of the agency, works with the site, the media, promotes the agency on the Internet and social networks, is responsible for creative, pricing and directly advertising and marketing.

Accounting, represented by one employee, is responsible for holding all transactions with money - taxes, payments.

The staff of the company today works about 90 freelancers: designers, scene workers, sound operators, designer, promoters and supervisors. By 2013, the market share increased by 10-11%. The agency acquired regular customers and a large client base.

The distinctive features of the Adekvat advertising agency is the presence of its base of promoters and professionals. Agency's audience coverage is wide due to interaction with a variety of organizations and customers from various spheres Trade and services. Depending on the project, advertising can be directed as a narrow social group (Students, pensioners) and a fairly wide population group. In some projects there is a territorial specialization (residents of a certain area, suburb, etc.), it becomes especially relevant under the exit russian market, or narrower orientation, for example, for potential consumers of a particular product. To promote the agency, the Direct Mail, Internet Advertising, as well as banner advertising on implemented events. The agency's website is a powerful tool for promotion, regularly updated and replenished with content. To familiarize yourself with their activities, the Agency lays out photo reports and a description of the activities and shares, which are in the portfolio. Also on the site you can familiarize yourself with the full catalog of services provided by the Agency and the list of adekvat advertising agency partners.

Over the years, the agency staff gained invaluable experience with the most different customers and companies, which, of course, helps when implementing projects at present.

The set of services provided by BTL agencies is almost identical, it is difficult to differentiate, so each company is trying to stand out at the expense of the service that there is no competitors.

In the Arsenal of Services provided by the Adekvat advertising agency, marketing research is presented as a secret buyer and retail audit. The main specialization of the agency - BTL activities, so the range of services related to marketing is small.

The Mission "Adequit" is as follows: "Create an inextricable emotional and positive relationship between our customers and their consumers through the impeccable organization of BTL-shares and non-standard events. Every detail is important to us, so we are constantly improving the quality of the services provided and expand their spectrum, which allows us to conquer all new and new markets. We strive to deserve confidence not only customers and partners, but also society as a whole to become the inevitable choice of everyone. "

1 Defining the basic methods for conducting marketing research

Gazprom Neft Asia "- 100% subsidiary of JSC Gazprom Neft - operates in the market of oil products of the Kyrgyz Republic from August 2006. The company is the largest operator in the wholesale and retail markets of petroleum products, as well as liquefied hydrocarbon gas. In the management of the enterprise there are 8 tank farms, 110 gas stations, 2 databases of liquefied hydrocarbon gas, 130 units of fleet, 5 laboratories.

In addition to the market of the Kyrgyz Republic, Gazprom Neft Asia is presented in the markets of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan represented by its subsidiaries - Gazprom Neft - Kazakhstan and Gazprom Neft - Tajikistan. Gazprom Neft Asia carries out the sale of petroleum products for the production of an Omsk oil refinery. The ONPZ is one of the most high-tech plants of the Russian Federation and is one of the largest refineries in the world. The advantage of the ONPZ is the highest in Russian Federation The depth of processing, which in turn indicates the high quality of petroleum products. Currently, the company continues the implementation of the program for the rebranding of petrol systems of the network, according to which the All Gazpromneft gas stations will be given to a single retail brand. Following the long-term development strategy, Gazprom Neft Asia applies the most advanced technologies, successfully implements innovative projects. New gas stations comply with all generally accepted world quality and safety standards.

The company for the first time in the market of the Kyrgyz Republic began to carry out activities in the accompanying business of the retail segment, build a wide profile stores at gas stations, provide free additional services - Tire swap, shoe cleaning items, glass washing and license plates, Wi-Fi. To date, 67 stores are functioning at Gazpromneft gas stations.

Gazpromneft gas stations in the Kyrgyz Republic are implemented branded fuel G-Drive 95, Gasoline brands super Euro-98, Premium Euro-95, regular-92, AI-80, as well as diesel fuel of summer and winter samples. Supplies of fuel and gas are carried out directly from the Omsk oil refining plant, one of the most high-tech plants in Russia and the number of largest oil refineries in the world. The advantage of the ONPZ is the highest processing depth in Russia, which in turn indicates the very high quality of the fuel produced. The activities of Gazprom Neft Asia are built on two priorities - high quality products and an acceptable price for it. Realizing only high-quality energy from Russia, Gazprom Neft Asia LLC establishes such a price level in which the company's margin is minimal. By this company, the company "Gazprom Neft Asia" is trying to minimize the price load on its customers. Currently, construction, rebranding and automation of gas stations of the company OSO "Gazprom Neft Asia" are being conducted. Petrol stations will comply with all generally accepted world quality and safety standards. The gas station of this type is presented in the market of Kyrgyzstan for the first time. A distinctive feature of the gas stations built by Gazprom Neft LLC, first of all, is the principle of self-service clients (customers pay for the purchase of fuel at the operator's office). Such a type of payment is a transitional step to introduce a full self-service system on a gas station in the future, which is now functions in many countries of the world, including Russia and the United States. At all newly built gas stations in Gazprom Neft Asia LLC, customers except for the purchase of high-quality supplies can also use the services of mini-markets, car washes and vulcanizations - components of the accompanying and roadside service. For the first time in the Kyrgyz market, Gazprom Neft Asia LLC - Gazprom Neft began the implementation of gasolines of grades premium euro-95 and super Euro-98. These gasoline brands refer to the Euro-3 standard widely used in world markets.

OSOO Gazprom Neft Asia today realizes in the market of Kyrgyzstan such types of fuel as: gasoline, diesel fuel, liquefied hydrocarbon gas, engine oils, consistant lubricants. Currently, Gazprom Neft Asia's assets have 99 acting gas stations. The gas stations are located in all 7 regions of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Bishkek and Chui region account for most of the gas station Gazprom Neft Asia - 57 stations, 12 gas stations are located in Issyk-Kul region, 7 gas stations in Talas, 10 gas stations in Jalal-Abatskaya, 8 gas stations in Osh, 2 - in Batken and 3 - in the Naryn region. Gazprom Neft Asia LLC plans to increase the presence of its gas stations under the Gazprom Neft brand by reconstructing available, as well as the construction and acquisition of new gas stations, thereby providing the population of the Republic with high-quality Russian fuel supplied from the Omsk oil refining plant. One of the main tasks of the company Gazprom Neft Asia is to provide wholesale and retail buyers with high-class fuel and providing quality services to customers. For the purposes of the latter, the managers of Gazprom Neft Asia, for gas station operators and other employees Gazprom Neft Asia regularly conduct courses for improving the quality of customer service and advanced personnel training. Currently, the company continues the implementation of the program for the rebranding of petrol systems of the network, according to which the All Gazpromneft gas stations will be given to a single retail brand. Following the long-term development strategy, Gazprom Neft Asia applies the most advanced technologies, successfully implements innovative projects. New gas stations comply with all generally accepted world quality and safety standards. A large number of employees, the high density of communications within the company, the geographical separation of units, branches (Gazprom has several hundred "daughters" and "granddaughters") make branding tool of connectivity, a holistic understanding, flexible standardization. Each of the target groups is interested in various issues, and with each work in its directions. That is why a single brand of the company is needed, connecting the requests of all audiences, communities. It is important to understand that, being the largest transnational corporation "Gazprom", first of all, sells non-goods, but relationships, business principles, reputation, management and communication standards. It is rather not to sell, but interaction for the subject of vision. The unified image that constitutes the basis of the Gazprom brand is needed in order to be an understanding. The brand in this case is a marker of the effective style of corporate governance of the company.

From the novelties of outdoor advertising, Gazprom Neft Asia can be allocated as follows:. Joker is a three-way advertising player with a special internal illumination, placed in a special cylindrical case with transparent "windows" from acrylic.

Citibox, City-format is a double-sided advertising box having a garbage collection container installed at the base of the structure. The height of the City Boxing is 3 meters, thanks to which advertising on it is perfectly visible both pedestrians and car drivers, and the intensive inner backlight makes an advertising player well noticeable even at night.

Pillars (Pillar, Pillar, Pillar) is a three-edged advertising cabinet with an internal illumination, having three advertising surfaces of 1.4x2.8 m. Pillars are well combined with the architectural appearance of the city, performed at a high technological level and therefore are actively installed in central and historical parts of cities. Due to the periodic change of the image, the dynamic pillar is perfectly attracted attention.

Roller displays (scrollers) are an advertising and information system, which is a light box with a powerful inner backlight, in which advertising images are rewound from one shaft to another. Automatic image change occurs due to two electric motors that lead trees in motion. Each image is demonstrated by a specific time setting.

Flex Case (advertising shield) is a means of outdoor advertising is a separate advertising shield with intense internal illumination without protective glass. The protection of the inside of the flex-case is the image itself, which is evenly stretched and fixed in the box with the help of special fixators. Properly executed poster setup allows you to achieve perfectly smooth image. The absence of glare on the image during the daytime and bright inner backlight at night make flex-case attractive advertising type. Such a modern advertising design is an excellent alternative to outdated advertising shields 3 × 6 m.

2.3 New Methods in Marketing


) Mystery shopper (Mystery Shopper).

Any company seeks to "tie" their consumers to himself, to achieve their favor and "loyalty", so that they will be held their next purchase in its store.

Buyers loyalty is one of the most indicative business efficiency criteria. As a rule, a loyal buyer, regardless of the current situation in the market, including when improving the cost of goods (services) or the emergence of new stores and similar products, will give preference to your favorite brand.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the work of an enterprise or store allow special marketing research, during which there are deficiencies in the service sector, as well as the "mood" target audience.

For example, the method called by Mistery Shopper, or a mysterious buyer who implies a visit to a trade point by a specially prepared agent, allows you to determine the level of service and make it even higher, eliminating all the shortcomings.

NET PROMOTER SCORE (NET PROMOTER SCORE). Many large foreign and domestic companies for this purpose use NPS technology (Net Promoter Score). This method Appeared relatively recently, in 2001. Its author became a well-known American loyalty specialist Frederick Rayheldeld, who, on the basis of his numerous studies in real companies, was able to identify the relationship between the loyalty of consumers and the success of the company. True, it mainly applies to service companies (shops, insurance companies, banks, gas stations, airlines, etc.).

REYHELD suggested using a special survey technique, which allows you to determine the NPS coefficient is a pure loyalty coefficient. In the process of study, which is a survey, necessarily including a key question: "What is the probability would you recommend our company to your friends?", Consumers are detected, which are conventionally divided into 3 categories:

· "Critics", or detectives (detractors), - unsatisfied buyers who will not recommend your brand;

· "Neutrals" (Passives) - passive buyers who are fully satisfied with your products / services, but they do not plan to advertise them with their familiar;

· Promoters (Promoters) are loyal buyers who are fully satisfied with the products and are going to recommend them in their surroundings.

To split these categories, respondents are offered a special scale, for example, from "0" to "10". As a result, all who chose a range from 0 to 6 fall into the list of critics, in the list of promoters - from 9 to 10, and the rest are considered as neutral consumers. Meaning in% and is calculated as the ratio of the total number of promoters and critics.

To carry out a quality marketing study of consumer loyalty and get an objective result that will help identify and eliminate negative factors that prevent the company's prosperity is extremely important to correctly make a sample and take into account a number of other factors.

Along with the determination of the loyalty coefficient, the study also implies the identification of the reasons why the target audience relates to the company benevolently or negatively, which is also carried out in the survey process. The NPS technique actively uses companies such as Apple, P & G, Philips, Amazon, Haw Credit Bank, MTS, Gazprom Neft and Many others.

Methods "Secret Buyer" and "Net Promoter Score" - effective and proven tools for increasing loyalty to the brand. If traditional research methods require considerable time to process the results, these technologies allow you to save time resources.

Conducting a promotion "Secret buyer". Adekvat's advertising agency has extensive experience in the secret buyer's promotion, the employees of our agency conducts such a share for several years for Gazprom Neft Asia, covering the fueling of the entire Kyrgyzstan. During the inspections, the level of service as well as the level of work of the entire gas station network has increased significantly.

Evaluation of the quality of personnel service is based on the results of data processing collected during the inspection. Here is a list of materials that each secret buyer provides after checking: about visiting a traffic point or service office;

· cash check for confirmation of checksum;

· photo, video report or voice recorded negotiations with company employees.

· Report on a traffic point or office office.

Research and quality control of consumer services is usually carried out on a regular basis. Programs The secret buyer allows the company's management in conjunction with the HR department to obtain the information structured by the same specified parameters:

· how is the sale of goods or services at each stage;

· what kind typical errors Employees do;

· which prevents the promotion of the brand and the formation of a positive image of the company; What is the quality of customer service.

Advantages of working with our company:

) Experienced staff for inspections

) Availability of own professional photo, video equipment (various hidden video cameras) for high-quality checks. Availability of auto transport.

Marketing research The mysterious buyer allows the control of staff activities and use the received information to motivate employees, increasing customer loyalty, stimulating sales, improving the service provided and introducing new technologies.

A mysterious buyer shows how your company looks in the eyes of customers, and allows you to improve the service standards, making them more customer-oriented.

Agency Adequate implements the program "Secret buyer" Mystery Shopping in all regions of Kyrgyzstan.

· Suggested studies of the study,

· Fast reporting

· Professional Secret Customer

· Monitoring in different regions of the country without increasing overhead

· Discounts increasing in proportion to the increase in the number of checked checks.

Using the Mystery Shopping method, Mystery Shopping is monitored by the organization's staff: it is easy to know whether employees of the company have been performed in the company's service standards, are they interested in holding customers and promoting the company's services, are they motivated to achieve the result appearance and speech standards established in the company.

According to the results of the inspections, the quality of customer service is also given, on the basis of which it is possible to draw conclusions about the current state of affairs in the company and the measures necessary to improve the quality of service and increase customer loyalty.

Checking the trading point may include test purchases. A document confirming the purchase of procurement is a cash receipt. The control purchase, the results of which will be reflected in the reports will allow you to check the correctness of the service procedures of your company's employees. The checkpoint is also an additional method to check the work of the secret buyer.

Before the launch of the project, a secret buyer, we analyze and discuss the following items:

· Goals and objectives of the study;

· Requirements for candidates of secret buyers;

· The possibility of using the information received to improve the service;

· The need to create / improve service standards adopted in the company;

· The number of offices or outlets and employees of the company that will be checked;

· The number of evaluation criteria in the questionnaire;

· The method of filling out a visiting report (questionnaire or detailed descriptions);

· The need for audio or video recording, performing control purchases;

· Frequency and submission form (only final report or regular intermediate reports);

· Methods for processing the information received and the method of providing it to the customer.

We will help you apply the "Secret Customer" method or Mystery Shopping to organize an audit of the divisions of your company. The information received during such an inspection will most fully provide a state of service in your company and will allow measures to improve the quality of customer service. Promotion "Secret Buyer". Is it worth the resulting result of time spent, forces and costs?

What is the action "Secret Buyer"? What is it for? Who needs it and why? Such questions are asked by people who first met with this phrase. Already the word "secret" hides in itself some mysteriousness, and, consequently, interest. After reading about this study in newspapers and magazines, having heard in the television program, having learned from friends, the person, first of all, does not understand what kind of buyer, yes, and why is it secret? Already having a little rash in this marketing term, it becomes clear that the secret buyer or Mystery Shopper is a person who visits a store or another institution (banks, beauty salons, restaurants, etc.) under the guise of a regular visitor, but pursues well-defined goals . And his main goal is to evaluate the quality of service in the place where he came to receive services or purchase goods. Well, deal with it. But not in their own will, this person goes, for example, for advice in the bank and spends its time if the advice does not need to be advised at all. Why does he record a conversation with a bank employee for a recorder, and pays so close attention to the situation and the atmosphere reigning in the department? Not for the same he does it to then call hot line Bank and complain or, on the contrary, praise serving his employee? Of course, there are also such people who are asked in restaurants or stores "book of complaints and suggestions" and record their reviews about the service and personnel of this institution. But such visitors are united, and they usually notice only very poor service, therefore the reviews in such books in most cases are negative.

Mystery Shopping (Mystery Shopping). To implement an effective development strategy and accept competent management decisions, management should be aware of existing problem areas. The "Mysterious Buyer" program is an objective and reliable information "about yourself." The research we offer is low-cost, but very effective way Assessment of the quality of the bank, a shop or another commercial object.

It allows you to find out:

· How to interact with buyers in the sale of goods and services.

· What errors make employees of the company.

· What prevents the formation of a positive image of the company in the eyes of real consumers.

· How high quality customers are serviced.

The advantage of the "Secret Customer" study method is complete anonymity and surprise of verification. The staff does not know who is in front of him, and behaves as usual. A specially prepared "mysterious visitor" analyzes the situation, and subsequently indicates the data obtained in the questionnaire.

The mysterious buyer, depending on the specifics of the Customer's commercial activity, can verify various methods:

.through personal visits to the trading point (i.e., where there is direct interaction with consumers in our case at gas stations);

.via a phone call (for example, to a call-center or as a prior arrangement before a visit to the outlet);

.through online shopping (checking the quality of service in online stores and other online services)

A qualitative and independent marketing research is possible if the secret buyer managed to maintain its incognito. The check should be carried out by "agents", which have passed special training and valid according to clear instructions. Professional secret buyer (he is a secret buyer, he is a false client, he is Mr. Schopper) addresses a trading point with a pre-prepared scenario, however, in the process of communicating with staff, a secret buyer can improvise, taking into account the circumstances.

If necessary, during the check, MisterY Shopper can also use additional technical means, such as a voice recorder and a hidden camcorder. After testing, the secret buyer fills the pre-prepared assessment sheet in advance, which marks his observations and all the factors that are interested in the customer. The information obtained allows you to make an objective conclusion about the quality of the work of employees and compile an action plan for improving the service.

How will you help "Mysterious Buyer"

.Objectively appreciate staff

.Estimate the quality of personnel training

.Motivate personnel

.Increase the loyalty of the consumer to the brand and a specific trading point

.Stimulate sales growth

Gazprom Neft Asia LLC holds a policy of implementing the Gazprom brand name in the name of all subsidiaries. Together with the name and corporate corporate symbolism, schemes and models of communication, activities, interaction with target groups come to corporate culture. The brand concern is needed for the development and consolidation of corporate connections, identification, so that each employee understands who he is, where he is, why, what place he takes in the company, and the company is in the group. For this, there is a campaign "Secret Buyer". Very large-scale action requiring large material costs, forces and patience. And then the main question arises: "Will all these costs be justified? And the answer to this question is yes! This action is not just a personnel check, this is a real improvement in the quality of service. I will give an example. One of the largest banks in Russia ordered our agency to conduct this study. It was carried out in several stages. As soon as the action began, and the first checks were made, the results were "on the troechka". Bank employees did not comply with the service standards, were not interested in customers, their politeness also left much to be desired. As for the second stage, what we saw? The results exceeded all expectations. The staff not only gave full advice, were active and polite, but the quality of their service was to assess "excellent"! It feels like that on audio recordings we heard not just a consultation, but her perfect holding! Of course, it may have the idea that the staff expected the emergence of a secret buyer, so they tried, as best and more professional to show themselves. But I do not see anything wrong with it. One month, the employee fully works in accordance with the standards of service, the second, third. During this time, he is so accustomed to carrying out full consultation, observing all the standards, which then ceases to notice that good advice requires some efforts, more attention and time. He is no longer an hour once again to smile to the client, to give him no 10, and 20 minutes. An interest in work appears, the leadership notes, and he seeks to subsequently not spoil his reputation. And what about the customer? He is satisfied, because for a relatively short period of professionalism and the qualifications of his staff increased, and he can only be proud of employees of his bank, and, consequently,. The main purpose of the study "The Secret Customer" is achieved, the quality of customer service has noticeably rose.

2.5 Development of proposals for improving the efficiency of marketing activities of the Adekvat advertising agency

Development of proposals and their economic efficiency

.Improving the organizational structure

Organization management structure - one of the conditions effective management, closely related to goals, functions, management process, work of managers and the distribution of powers between them. Within the framework of this structure, the entire management process flows (motion of information flows and making management decisions), which involves managers of all levels, categories and professional specialization.

Analysis of the Adequate advertising agency has shown that there are a number of problems in the organization of the Agency Management Structure. The management structure of the enterprise is linearly functional and unnecessary centralized. All decisions are made by the director of the enterprise. The reason is that management does not believe in the possibility of an advertising agency to function normally in the exercise of only in common, and not permanent (daily, hourly) control over the actions of subordinates. Problems of delegation of authority in the agency, transfer them from the Director to the middle level managers create a number of problems in the agency. When developing an organizational structure of administration of the Adekvat advertising agency, it is necessary, in our opinion, to ensure the effective distribution of management functions for divisions. It is necessary to perform the following conditions:

¾ the decision of the same issues should be on the maintenance of one unit;

¾ all control functions should be part of the heads of departments;

¾ the resolution of the issues should be imposed on the divisions, according to their functional duties.

The main principles of improving the management structure of the advertising agency should be:

The organizational management structure must, first of all, reflect the objectives and objectives of the organization.

The optimal division of labor between the management bodies and individual employees should ensure the creative nature of the work and the normal load, as well as the proper specialization.

The formation of the management structure must be associated with the definition of the powers and responsibility of each employee and the control body, with the establishment of a system of vertical and horizontal connections between them.

It is necessary to maintain compliance between functions and responsibilities, and authority and responsibility.

The organizational management structure must comply with the socio-cultural environment of the Organization, to have a significant impact on decisions regarding the level of centralization and detailing, distribution of powers and responsibilities, degrees of independence and scope of control of the director and managers.

The implementation of these principles means the need for accounting in the formation of (or restructuring) the management structure of many different factors of impact on the management structure.

An important factor in improving the adequate advertising agency management structure is the level of development in the enterprise information technology. Use in the work of all the features of the Internet and local networks. This will help to coordinate the work of various divisions, generalize the work of individual employees, will expand the scope of control by the head. We can offer the following management structure and distinguish five basic functional units:

) creative or art department

) Order execution department

) delivery department

) Marketing service

) Financial and Economic Department

Fig. 1. The proposed organizational structure of the adekvat advertising agency.

The director is engaged in personnel, concludes contracts with advertisers and manufacturing advertising agencies that supply us souvenir, printed and other promotional products, visits exhibitions and conferences on the exchange of experience.

Financial and Economic Division. The chief accountant at the head of the Financial Department leads all financial activities Firms: Calculation and payment of taxes, the distribution of profits, calculation and issuance of wages, the extract of the main documents. Carries out control over the safety, rational and economical use of funds. Together with the director, the activities of the advertising agency are monitored.

Order execution department. The main manager - coordinates, sends and controls the activities of managers. Conducts a daily revision of the work done by each manager (the number of new orders, customers, etc.). The department employs 4 managers, which are the driving force of the work of the entire agency as a whole. The duties of each manager include: Search potential customers, market overview, organization of cooperation with advertisers. The manager leads a client base in in electronic format, Takes orders, develops advertising proposals and advertising campaigns, concludes an agreement with the client for advertising services, issues internal technical tasks at the signature of the executive director and exposes the costs of expenses signed by the latter. Together with the designer develops the original - layouts, approves them from the customer. Prepares the package of necessary accounting documents. Leads to an order from its adoption to the delivery of finished products and transferring money to the cashier (at the current account). Present the interests of customers in their agency, track the execution of the order from the beginning of creation before it is implemented. From the execution of the order or non-fulfillment depends on the salary accrual scheme and percentage of transactions

The Creative Department of the Agency consists of designers, proofreaders. The main work is to form the idea of \u200b\u200bhandling. They perform work in several versions in clearly deadlines And provides it to the customer through the manager.

Delivery department. The head of delivery is subject to mainly the head and chief accountant. In his subordination there are: couriers and drivers. Functional responsibilities This department includes: distribution of promotional products. Their obligations include the purchase and delivery of office equipment, if necessary, searching for channels for its repair, purchase of consumables - writing paper, stationery, changing the cartridges of the printer. Drivers are responsible for transport delivery, and couriers for uninterrupted and timely delivery of informational materials.

Marketing service. The head of the marketing service and two marketers plan marketing activities, are engaged in the formation of demand for new types of advertising and services, they are engaged in the organization of advertising activities of the enterprise itself, the formation of an external and internal image of the enterprise.

Marketing management is an analysis, planning, implementation and control of activities designed to achieve the goals and objectives of the business development enterprise. For effective management Marketing activities need to develop a marketing program in which to submit all stages of development, the necessary activities, deadlines and responsible for their implementation, the results of marketing activities. In the course of work on studies, the following was allocated:

¾ Development of methods for increasing the loyalty of employees to the company and their satisfaction with their work. Create a loyalty management system and work satisfaction management, to do this, to conduct research to identify the following aspects: internal and external motivation of employees, personal needs of workers, stimulation and wage system, working conditions and their features, labor relationships. Based on the analysis to develop a social support program, including material and intangible incentive measures, the average wage amount, improving the wage based on the results of the year for professionalism, increasing the profitability of the enterprise (personal contribution), contribution to the work of the collective and the desire career growth. Management to lead their activities based on respect for each employee, justice in making measures to stimulate and punishment. To create an atmosphere of honesty, openness and mutual assistance in the team and liquidate elements contributing to the manifestation of employees in personnel politics.

Strategic planning in this case provides for compensation measures in accordance with the time reserve, which makes it possible to avoid the flow of personnel, first of all, managers. In the transition conditions to market methods Business management before the company is worth the main task - not only to preserve its potential, quality and product range on the level achieved, but also improvement of the sales and marketing system.


In the course of writing the thesis, the theoretical aspects of improving the efficiency of marketing activities of the enterprise were studied, including the basic concepts of marketing, the organization of marketing in the enterprise, as well as the planning process, marketing activity.

Marketing research is a comprehensive way to collect market information in all areas of activity, including advertising agencies that are full-fledged business players. Competition between advertising agencies today is high as ever, new agencies constantly appear, and each tends to stand out. The choice of the optimal path of development of the advertising agency is impossible without the attraction of strategic planning. Marketing research makes it possible to assess the situation in the market and take a faithful management solution. The correctness of the obtained data on which the strategy will be based directly depends on the choice of research methods.

We reviewed the stages of marketing research, the principles of their organization and the requirements for personnel carrying out marketing activities. Based on the sources studied, the classification of research species in four signs, as well as the classification based on the nature of the information obtained - high-quality or quantitatively was given. According to the results of the comparison of the possibilities of high-quality and quantitative research, field and office, it was concluded that choosing a specific type of study, it is necessary first of all, to be guided by the task of standing in front of the researchers.

The main methods of marketing research were issued survey, observation and survey as the most effective, available and not requiring high costs.

To date, there are several types of advertising agencies - a full cycle (universal), or highly specialized (media combing, creative, BTL - agencies). All of them should be equally needed to have a development strategy. As a result of consideration of the theory of the life cycle of the enterprise consisting of five stages, it was established that strategic planning was used at the first stage, when the company originates, in the third stage to adjust the plan and on the fifth to select a new development path and access to a new level.

The essence of strategic planning is to set the goals and choosing the methods of their achievement. The strategy is a cumulative exhaustive and detailed planimplying the development of actions and ways to achieve the goals that meet the possibilities and needs of the organization. The elements of strategic planning is to determine the mission of the company, the goals and objectives of the activity, the assessment of the internal and external environment of the organization.

The empirical material for research work was assembled on the basis of the advertising agency "Adequit, which operates in the Bishkek city service BTL market and provides a wide range of services from advertising, corporate and festive events before providing light, sound and technical equipment. We have given recommendations for preventive marketing research by the method of surveys and studying open sources aimed at optimizing the activities of the advertising agency.

List of used sources and literature

1. Azoev G. L. Competition: Analysis, Strategy, Practice / G. L. Azoev - M.: Center for Economics and Marketing, 2015. - 207 p. (B-ka of farms. Head; BN 3)

Akulich I.L. International marketing: studies. Manual / - MN. : See. Shk., 2012. - 544 p.

Akulov V. B. Theory of Organization / Akulov V. B., Rudakov M.N. Petrozavodsk, Petrgu, 2012 - 145 p.

Afanasyev M. P. Marketing: Strategy and Practice of the company / M. P. Afanasyev - M.: Finstat, 2009. - 324 p.

Belyaevsky I. K. Marketing research: information, analysis, forecast: studies. Manual for universities / I. K. Belyaevsky - M.: Finance and statistics, 2012. - 320 p.

Business planning: textbook. Regional Financial and Economic Ins-T. - Kursk, 2009. - 387 p.

Boomener K. Basics strategic Management / Lane from English Ed. L.G. Zaitseva, M.I. Falcon. - M.: Banks and stock exchanges, Uniti, 2007. - 175 p.

Bronnikova TS, Chernyavsky A.G. Marketing: Tutorial / T.S. Bronnikova, A.G. Chernyavsky, Taganrog: Publishing House, PRTR, 2004. - 103 p.

Vasilenko S.V. Corporate culture As a tool for efficient personnel management / S.V.Vasilenko, M.: Dashkov and Co., 2013. - 136 p.

Verchaigor E. E. Management - M.: Infra-M, 2012. - 283 p.

Gibson J.L., Ivantsevich D.M., Donnelly D.Kh. Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes: / J. L. Bakeson, D.M. Ivantsev, D.Kh. Donnelly, Per. from English M.: Infra-M, 2000. - 662 p.

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Vorvya O.S. Theoretical and applied basics of social work in the organization: a specialized educational and methodological manual. - Ekaterinburg: ID Oshur, 2011. - 164 p.

Zavyalov P.S. Marketing in schemes, drawings, tables. Tutorial / M.: Infra-m., 2002. - 500 p.

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Attachment 1

What do you think, at what stage of development is your organization?

What do you think, what problems are your organization collided with?

Do you think that these problems are prevented by the development of an adekvat advertising agency?

What do you think the problems of which nature do the greatest impact on your organization, external or internal?

What do you think will be able to help market research in solving the problems you have described?

What do you think, will it make sense to make a strategic planning in your organization to optimize its activities?

Appendix 2.

Questionnaire for studying staff satisfaction with working conditions

Dear Colleagues!

We ask you to pay a little attention and answer a few questions regarding the organization of your work. Your answers will give us the opportunity to appreciate your attitude to work and take measures to optimize the workflow if necessary.

). Your gender

a) Male

b) female

). Your age

). Your education

a) average

b) secondary special

c) unfinished higher

d) Higher

d) 2 higher

). Work experience

a) in the specialty ______________________

b) in our agency ______________________

). Please indicate how much you are satisfied with the following aspects regarding your work.

(1 - fully suit, 2 - rather suite, 3 - I find it difficult to answer, 3 - rather do not suit, 4 - do not suit at all)

Salary size

Relationships in the collective

Perspectives of growth

Variety of work

Relationship with leadership

Technical support level

The degree of independence of labor

). What could motivate you on productive work?

). In the next 1-3 years, you are planning ...

Work in the same post

Go up

Change place of work without changing the specialty

Change place of work with a specialty change

). You evaluate the level of their qualifications as ...

a) High

b) sufficient for work on this specialty

c) low

Thank you very much for participation!

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Features of marketing research in promotional activities

Marketing research in advertising is the main development of the advertising market. Many agencies and advertisers understand the need to study the market before, during and after an advertising campaign to evaluate its effectiveness.

Note 1.

  • analysis of the effectiveness of events certain view Marketing Communication;
  • study and selection of the main characteristics of the target audience of advertising carriers;
  • testing the script (ideas, concepts) of product advertising activities;
  • planning activities of trading organizations.
  • Quantitative research methods - the study of the demographic, psychographic and personal characteristics of the target audience
  • Quality research methods - search for motifs of advertising appeals, customer behavior models.

As a rule, quantitative, and high-quality studies are also carried out at the same time to obtain relevant and reliable information about the object of research.

The main directions of marketing research in advertising are:

  • study of the characteristics of the target audience;
  • product analysis;
  • market research;
  • evaluation of media channels;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of advertising solutions.

The process of conducting a marketing research in advertising, as well as all other types of research, consists of several stages:

  1. Defining the problem and formation of objectives and objectives
  2. Study of secondary information (internal and external data)
  3. Choosing a research method (high-quality and quantitative methods)
  4. Development of a questionnaire or shape for data collection and testing
  5. Collection of primary information
  6. Generalization and analysis of the data
  7. Reporting and decision-making on the results of marketing research

Types of marketing research in advertising

Depending on the information that is collected during the marketing research, there are two types of research in advertising:

  • Cabinet research is the study of secondary internal and external information, which was previously obtained for certain purposes. The internal data of the organization includes reports of already conducted marketing research, financial and accounting reports and other documents. The study of external information is based on the following sources: reference and special literature, periodicals, databases, materials from exhibitions, publishing various marketing and advertising associations, etc.
  • Field studies are direct collection of primary information on the problem under study to achieve their goals. These data can be obtained independently an organization or with the help of specialized agencies.

On target orientation distinguish the following types of marketing research in advertising:

  1. Intelligence or search research is the type of marketing research, which focuses on generation of ideas and collecting information that helps to better understand the problem. This is a collection of secondary information that allows you to break a wide and uncertain wording of the problem into small and specific submissions. This type of study includes such methods as the work of literature, focus groups.
  2. Descriptive or descriptive studies are a marketing study aimed at a description of the problems, situations, markets, consumer relations to advertising products. The main goal is to study and evaluate the demographic, psycho-emotional and other characteristics of consumers. This is carried out with the help of a survey and observation.
  3. Cause or causal studies - a study project, which focuses on the establishment of causal relationships, is the simulation of the relationship between the enterprise and the external environment, identifying the main factors of this interaction. The main method of this study is to conduct experiments.
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