Is it possible to owl Home nest

A person who decides to keep a feathered predator at home has a lot of questions: what to feed the owl, how to equip a home for it, what diseases the bird can suffer from and what disadvantages it will have to face. The fashion for breeding exotic birds and animals at home is steadily growing, but without knowledge, some difficulties may arise. Our article will introduce you to the habits and lifestyle of the night guard and help you understand the intricacies of its content.

What are owls

Do not forget that an owl, even a domestic one, is a bird of prey that has a sharp beak and claws. This cute fluffy, under the cover of darkness, pierces its victim through and through with its claws and tears it apart with its beak.

Owls are very smart and cunning by nature; the flapping of their wings is completely silent, which allows them to get as close as possible to the prey without arousing suspicion. Powerful, strong paws are capable of tearing apart prey that does not exceed the size of the bird itself. Therefore, if you have a hamster, a cat or a small dog in your house, it is not recommended to have a bird of prey, as pets can easily become its prey.

It is impossible to remain unnoticed in a room; an owl can turn its head 270 degrees around itself and tilt it to the side 180 degrees. Such anatomical feature allowed her to always see everything around her.

Is it possible to keep a bird at home?

Theoretically, you can keep an owl at home, but it is worth considering several features of its maintenance. In many countries, raising a predator in a cage is considered illegal. Unless they are kept by ornithologists and naturalists to observe their habits and character. At home, the bird must be provided with a number of conditions so that it does not wither away, does not get sick, and does not yearn for freedom.

The average lifespan of an owl reaches 50 years, or even more. Therefore, if you are already over forty, think about who the bird will stay with if it outlives you. She will quickly get used to the cage, regular feeding, and by releasing her into the wild, you will doom her to inevitable death. Carefully study the remaining points of the article to draw a conclusion: is it worth keeping an owl at home or not.

Types of decorative owl

Ornithologists distinguish 3 subfamilies, thirty genera and seven times more species in the owl family. One common species is the long-eared owl. It reaches a length of 35 cm, and the wingspan varies from 85 to 100 cm. The gray-brown color of the bird with a white chest makes it very recognizable. The bird got its name from its ear tufts with six feathers.

The second most popular is the eagle owl. The largest representative of a feathered predator. Its body length reaches almost a meter, and its wingspan is 190 cm. The eagle owl's plumage is red with beige inclusions, its eyes are bright orange, and above them there are tufts of long feathers.

The barn owl has red plumage with numerous speckles, stripes and specks. The body length reaches 40 cm, and the wingspan can be up to a meter. Asymmetrical ears allow the bird to hear very well.

The Scops Owl or Pygmy Owl got its name from its relatively short body length and the characteristic “spitting” sound it makes when hunting. The size of the individual does not exceed 20 cm, so keeping it at home does not require huge aviaries.

To summarize, we can say that it is most convenient to keep a pygmy owl at home, but with great desire and patience, other popular species can be tamed.

Where and at what price can you buy a pet owl?

It is best to purchase a domestic (ornamental) owl from specialized nurseries. Such institutions must ring the predator and attach documents to it. A number is stamped on the ring, which is duplicated in the passport and certificate. The price depends on the type of bird and its age. For example, the price of a baby Scops Owl does not exceed 12 thousand rubles, and an adult costs about 30 thousand.

If you don't want to spend that much money, you can try your luck and catch an owl in the forest yourself. The chick may accidentally get in your way. Due to his age, he is still a poor flyer. It is enough to carefully approach it, transplant it onto a strong stick, and then you can cover it with a net or transplant it into a cage. But do not forget that this method is very stressful for the owl, so it is better not to resort to it.

Main inconveniences

The main disadvantage of keeping a predator at home is the smell from its toilet. It is impossible to train a bird to use a tray; it will go where it is convenient for it. The droppings released by the bird fly two meters, so soon the aviary will turn into a foul-smelling chicken coop. They emit fetid odors and food debris: dead rodents and birds.

The second disadvantage of keeping an owl indoors is that it is very difficult for it to find food. It is necessary to buy at least a dozen hamsters from a pet store in order to feed the predator for future use. This raises the question of the freshness of the meat. You can, of course, leave the rodents in the aquarium and feed them gradually, or you can kill them immediately and freeze them in the refrigerator.

And the third drawback is the bird’s poor adaptation. Even after several months the individual remains semi-wild. It is unknown what you can expect from it in the next moment, so you should be extremely careful with the owl.

Positive aspects of the content

Along with all the disadvantages, several advantages of keeping owls can be noted. Some specimens turn out to be quite playful and docile in nature. Such individuals can be easily picked up, squeezed and stroked. Their mischief amuses the audience, and their beauty brings truly aesthetic pleasure.

If you are ready to face all the difficulties, then feel free to go to the nursery and bring home a young chick. Any questions that arise during the domestication of poultry can be resolved by asking the experts, who are usually located in the nurseries.

How to set up a room for an owl

The owl is very demanding at home:

  • she can only live in a separate room;
  • You should remove all fragile, bright and small objects from the room, such as mirrors, chandeliers, telephones, flowers;
  • the windows must be curtained with dark thick fabric, tulle and curtains must be removed so that the bird does not get entangled in them and is not injured;
  • You need to equip the walls with special wooden slats and cover them with carpet or other soft fabric so that the owl has something to hold on to;
  • feathered predators love to swim, so you can place a large basin or other container in the room, the water in which must be renewed every morning;
  • take care of an artificial hollow; an old bedside table, cabinet or other small furniture is suitable for this.

Lock up the predator at night to prevent it from harming you. Many owners arrange separate cages lined with soft mesh so that the bird does not hit them. But even from such an enclosure, a cunning person can easily escape.

Poultry Diet Basics

Feeding a predator is not an easy task and is far from colorful. Giving raw meat or minced meat will not work. The fact is that the bird’s stomach is designed in such a way that it can digest the entire prey: feathers, wool, claws and bones. Good health and digestion cannot be ensured by more than one artificial diet substitute. The dead animal contains essential vitamins and minerals that are involved in the formation of healthy intestinal microflora.

Observe carefully: 10 hours after eating, the individual regurgitates the remains of undigested food. If this does not happen, then there is a violation in the bird’s digestive system.

It is recommended to butcher only mice, since in the process of fighting they can bite the owl and infect it with an infection. The domesticated little owl feeds on finely chopped pieces of rodents. If you feed your bird from your hands, you can quickly get him used to it, but do not forget about precautions. Eagle owls, in turn, love fish most of all; you can even throw live ones into a container of water and watch the hunt. Birds of prey need a fasting day once a month. There is no need to feed, the main thing is to provide your pet with plenty of water.

Health and illness

Today, not many veterinarians are fully aware of the diseases and illnesses of owls. Therefore, it is worth taking care of your feathered companion and preventing him from feeling unwell. You can determine his health status by looking at his droppings. If a domestic owl, no matter what type, is healthy, its droppings will look like a liquid white puddle with dark-colored solid inclusions. If the droppings smell bad or have changed color or condition, this is a cause for concern and contact a doctor.

A sick bird often loses its appetite, moves little, and its feathers stick together and look very dirty. It is also worth contacting a specialist if she sits for hours without moving with eyes closed. A competent veterinarian, along with the usual treatment, should prescribe vaccinations for her. These could be standard vaccines to prevent infections or vitamin and mineral supplements to boost overall immunity.

After reading the article, you are certainly thinking about whether you should get a pet owl or not. Remember that you take great responsibility for your pet. Therefore, like and make the right decision.

Before you start looking for an owl and arranging a home for it, think about whether you can keep this animal. Such a pet is contraindicated for sensitive people, because the owl is an owl, and it should be fed with meat. But not beef purchased at the nearest supermarket, but real game - fresh rodents or. It is advisable not to cut them up before feeding, but to give the bird the opportunity to cope with this task on its own. An owl is not the neatest eater, and you will have to regularly remove the remains of its dinner from the floor and walls, otherwise they will start making unpleasant noises.

The owl is not the cutest pet to handle. You are unlikely to get as much warmth and feedback from her as from a dog or cat. You won't be able to cuddle the bird or fall asleep with it in your arms. Moreover, if you have a dog or a toy dog, they may suffer from clawed paws and sharp beak predator. The joy of keeping an owl lies in observing this strong and intelligent animal.

Owls live a long time, on average from twenty to fifty years. Before you get an owl, consider whether you are willing to spend several decades, or even your entire life, with it.

Where to get an owl

It is better to keep small owls in captivity. These are the short-eared owl, long-eared owl, tawny owl, owls, and scops owls. The bird should be purchased from a nursery and, preferably, as a chick so that it gets used to you. Owls sold at bird markets are illegally taken from the wild. They can be carriers of various diseases and have no desire to come into contact with humans.

How to make a house for an owl

A large aviary would be ideal for keeping an owl. outdoors, however, if you live in an apartment, you are unlikely to have the opportunity to build such a home. Get ready for the fact that you will have to give one of the rooms to a new pet. Remove from the premises all objects that could injure the bird. Cover the windows with heavy curtains to prevent the owl from hitting the glass while trying to fly away. Special wooden or metal branches should be attached to the walls, which will replace the branches of a real tree. Owls love to bathe, so it is worth placing a large, convenient basin of water in the room. At the same time, they splash everything around, so take care in advance not to damage the furniture. Install a drinking bowl that always has fresh water. The room is now ready for a new tenant to move in.

Is it worth keeping an owl as a pet?

One of my friends, who has a granddaughter Dashka, talking on the phone about how they were doing, besides Dashka, always mentioned a certain Masha. The audibility was poor, and I decided that she had another granddaughter. An acquaintance, a former Murmansk resident, has lived in central Russia for a long time, we see each other extremely rarely, we mostly call each other.

Therefore, at the next mention of Dashka and Masha, I asked:

How old is Masha now?

“I don’t know exactly,” my friend was taken aback by her answer, “they say age can be determined by the color of the feathers.” Ours is still small, and its wingspan is about half a meter.

Granddaughter with feathers and wings?!

So it's a bird, or what?

Well, yes, I told you right away, you need to listen carefully: we bought an owl Masha for Dasha.

Then there was a story about how Masha had already fed up everyone, how many feathers she left flying around the apartment, how she tore apart the upholstery of the furniture with her claws, how she had to buy live mice and chickens to feed. How Dashka is no longer allowed to communicate with Mashka, and, in general, the moon-faced one will have to be returned back, and Dashka will be left with an uneaten chicken instead.

No cuddle, no petting

The desire to have this particular bird as a pet has recently become something of a fashionable fad. Moreover, its source is called the Harry Potter saga. The devoted letter carrier, who brought letters to the school of wizards and took away the answers to them, attracted many people. Children all over the world wanted to have a live snowy owl at home.

Just not the polar one! - those who understand a lot about owls protest and explain why.

The wingspan of this bird reaches one and a half meters or more. She cannot be kept in a cage, she needs to fly. She gravitates towards open spaces and hunts rodents, as well as hedgehogs, hares, stoats, ducks, and partridges.

Small animals are swallowed whole, large animals are torn into pieces and eaten. Wool and bones are regurgitated in the form of small lumps. A polar owl needs at least four rodents a day to get enough food.

Well, how can all this happen in a separate apartment?!

In addition, owls are predators, experts remind. Therefore, such a bird can suddenly attack without any warning even during fun and play. Keeping an owl - 24 hours permanent job and intense attention, plus small and deep scratches from her claws.

You will call your owl a pet, but it will never become a pet. You will never be able to hold her close, cuddle her, or really pet her. She won't let you do it, and if she does, her smell will scare you away, which is simply terrible. And the wild screams at night?!

Owls don't eat flowers at all...

Forget about expensive furniture if you have an owl at home, experienced owl experts warn. Anything that can be scratched will be scratched by her claws. Pillows torn to shreds, soft toys, crumbled bedspreads, tablecloths and bed linen will become commonplace for you.

Do you have any extra room?

I found all these horror stories about attempts to domesticate owls on the Internet, where many people are wondering where to buy an owl. In response, they first receive such a warning about the consequences of such a rash step, and then, for the most persistent, they give information about who can be kept at home.

These are the tawny owl, long-eared owl, short-eared owl, barn owls, owls and scops owls. If you buy an owl, then only from a nursery. The market usually sells wild-caught birds, which is illegal. Each owl from the nursery has a ring on its foot with a number stamped on it, which must match the number indicated on the bird’s certificate. It's better to buy a chick. He will get used to captivity faster and easier.

An owl, as a pet, requires free space. In order for everything to go well, it is necessary... to allocate her a room in which any possibility of accidents should be prevented. All unwanted objects that the bird could collide with and be injured should be eliminated.

The windows should be curtained with thick curtains - the bird will get entangled in the light tulle, and if it tries to fly through the glass, it may get hurt; the window needs to be covered with a strong mesh. It is advisable to attach so-called attachments to the walls in the form of wooden or iron “boughs” covered with some kind of material - for example, artificial grass or, at worst, carpet.

Domestic owls love to bathe, so it is necessary to create conditions for this by placing a large, comfortable basin or other container, depending on the size of the bird. Cat litter trays with high sides are perfect.

The most popular species among owl lovers are Scops Owls and Little Owls. These are small birds that can be kept in cages, according to some owl experts, while others insist on a separate room even for such a small thing as scops owls and owls. IN as a last resort They propose to build a spacious enclosure in the apartment.

The pygmy owl, also known as the owl, has a body length of 15-19 centimeters and weighs 55-80 grams. The body size of the scops owl is 15-20 centimeters, weight 60-130 grams. By the way, the cry of the Scops Owl is a sad melodic whistle “sleep-yu” or “sleep-sleep”. Hence the name.

These baby owls look like toys, and very cute ones at that. Large heads, expressive round eyes, fluffy bodies. I just want to stroke it, press it to my chest, make fun of it, and be touched by it. What stops him, however, is the sight of his sharp, hooked beak and strong, non-toy claws.

I admired Scops Owls in one of the Murmansk pet stores. Sellers assure that they take owls willingly. Three Scops Owls were sleeping, sitting on a perch, and looked like three such fluffy sheaves.

There was a barn owl in another cage. This owl is the size of a jackdaw. She sat motionless on one paw, clutching the other in her fist and pressing it to her chest. Eyes are half closed. However, through two narrow yellow crescent-shaped stripes, she watched what was happening around. And, judging by the way she slightly turned her head to the left and to the right, echoing my movements when I was spinning around the cage, trying to see the bird from all sides, I was watching closely.

By the way, such birds cost quite a lot: scops owls cost 12 thousand rubles apiece, barn owl - 32.

Fly, owls, fly

In many fairy tales and legends, owls act as advisors, insightful birds, messengers, and bearers of unusual knowledge. The Slavs attributed to the owl the role of guardian of underground wealth. Among the ancient Mayans, it was a symbol of power; its images are found on the bas-reliefs of rulers.

For a long time, the owl has been a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Although in some places these birds personify prosperity, in others they are considered unclean creatures, harbingers of trouble and misfortune. But learned pragmatists explain that owls have nothing to do with evil spirits, and the blood-chilling night owl calls, for example, are nothing more than just mating songs.

The statement that owls sleep during the day because they cannot see sunlight, myth. They are nocturnal to avoid competition with daytime predators. Owls see perfectly during the day, scientists say, but at night they navigate by hearing, since their ear openings are designed in a special way - asymmetrical and surrounded by sensitive feathers.

But the “ears” on the heads of some owls are not actually hearing organs - they are just tufts of feathers.

Owls also do not shine with special wisdom. According to research by ornithologists in owls intermediate level intelligence among birds.

Owls are also devoted spouses. It is known that even birds that winter alone return to their native places in the spring to their old nest and mating partner.

These birds are so interesting. Why keep them in captivity? Let them fly in the open air.

Galina Dvoretskaya
Newspaper "Murmansk Herald"

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What will you have to face if you decide to get/buy yourself an owl?

1. With the law of the Russian Federation or the country in which you live.

Purchasing an owl without documents is a violation of Russian law.

If they try to sell you a bird without documents via the Internet (Avito and other platforms), then this is 100% illegal - it is a bird stolen from nature, by buying which you are sponsoring poachers.
If you are offered documents “for a fee”, this is a fake, linden - papers that have no legal force, and a bird that is of illegal origin from the seller.

In bird nurseries, documents are not sold, but are issued attached to a non-removable ring.

If you take on maintenance wild bird who cannot live in nature (healed after injuries, for example), according to the rules, you also need to contact, first obtain permission to remove an individual from nature, then, based on this permission, take Content Permission.

Owls that are bred in nurseries are required to have a permanent ring on their paw with the name of the nursery and a personal number, which will be displayed in the documents that will be given to you at the nursery.

These documents represent agreement with the data of both parties, according to which the animal is provided to you for personal possession. It states: bird data, nursery data, your personal data. Also, at your request, you should be given information about the bird’s parents, which you will need in the future so that Rosprirodnadzor can give you Permit for keeping poultry. And it is not at all a fact that you will be given this permit, since it is necessary to provide information about the conditions of detention, which may be considered unacceptable.

Permission for keeping and breeding in semi-free conditions and in artificially created habitats of fauna objects listed in the Red Book Russian Federation. Sales and purchase agreement bird of prey, between the nursery and the buyer.

2 . The second important factor that you will have to face when cohabiting with an owl is the money issue.

You will have to spend money not only on purchasing a bird, but also on purchasing the necessary ammunition, building an aviary or refurbishment of a room. Food for owls is expensive. Just go to your nearest pet store, see how much it costs to buy one mouse, and estimate that your owl will need at least one mouse every day. While the owlet is growing - from 2-4 mice per day. If you have a large owl, then the daily number of mice increases.

Regular visits must also be included in the costs. veterinarian who treats birds (an ornithologist veterinarian is not the correct but common designation for “bird doctors”), carrying out tests, etc. For prevention, this should be done once every six months for healthy bird. If the owl has problems and poor health, then more often.

3 . The third point follows from the second point:

You will need to find a personal healthcare provider for your bird.

It is a specialist in the treatment of birds, and not just a veterinarian. In Russia, the situation with doctors who understand the treatment of birds is extremely depressing. You can count the number of specialists on one hand and most of them practice in Moscow.

Even if you buy a bird from a nursery, this does not provide any guarantee of its health. You immediately need to show the bird to a doctor, pass all the required tests and quarantine the animal.

Even if everything was fine with the chick in the nursery, it does not mean that he will not get sick at your place in the near future. A sudden change of environment and change in microclimate reduces the bird’s immunity and provokes sudden illnesses.

Birds have a very fast metabolism, so immediate help is usually needed. Your veterinarian’s phone number should be in your “favorites”, and the doctor himself should be ready to answer the call even at night.

4 . Place.

Owls should absolutely not be kept in cages.

for the eagle owl Yol, the room serves as a temporary habitat; Yol spends a lot of time on the open canopy of the entrance and on walks with the owner. Yolka also has a country enclosure.

Either you build a spacious aviary for the bird, with the possibility of releasing the bird daily (every day) to fly in a large room, or you give the owl a room for personal use.

When we talk about an aviary, we mean an aviary that is 2 meters wide, 1.5 meters deep and 2 meters high, for example, for an owl or scops owl. The larger the owl, the larger the enclosure should be.

5 . Time.

Owls need daily exercise to develop their muscles and lungs.

Lack of exercise and movement provokes various respiratory diseases and problems with the musculoskeletal system in owls.

To do this, you need to spend several hours every day walking with the owl in the fresh air, teaching it to fly on hand on command.

And first, you yourself must learn to train owls, which requires the help of a mentor, or studying literature on training birds of prey.

In this group, bird lovers share information about training with birds – “ “

This also includes your rest time. You won't be able to leave the bird alone for long. Taking an owl with you on vacation is almost impossible, especially if you are going to cross the border of the country.

It is not possible to leave food for future use for the owl, as it quickly deteriorates.
Not every neighbor or relative will agree to come to your house to feed the birds mice, after defrosting them.

6 . One of the most important points, without which you should not get involved with keeping an owl at all, is this

Food supply.

In nature, owls eat rodents, small birds, insects, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians. Some owls can fish. This is the kind of food your owl should receive.

No half measures or store-bought substitutes. Beef, pork, chicken and their by-products will all painfully and slowly kill your bird. IT IS FORBIDDEN.

Mice, rats, and hamsters are sold for animal feed - this is the main good food for an owl.

If we are talking about house owls, scops owls, and scops owls, then food insects are also suitable for them: crickets, food cockroaches, locusts, zoophobass, etc.

You should have constant and uninterrupted access to such feed.

You will have to learn how to kill cute little animals yourself. No, you cannot give a pet owl a live rat and have the owl kill it itself. You will have to kill the rat, butcher it, removing excess fat, and only then give it to the owl.

Small owlets need to be fed with pieces of carcasses, even cutting mice into 5-7 pieces.

7 . Socialization. If you get an owl at home, then you will have to realize and accept the fact that

It is you who will live with the owl, and not the owl with you.

What are the consequences of this situation? Owls protect their territory. Especially in spring and early summer, when they are in their nesting period. Any outsider, in their opinion, is an enemy who needs to be driven away. Therefore, be prepared that your friends, relatives, pets, children, etc. may receive a slap on the head or eight sharp claws in the face from an owl.

An owl can also be very aggressive and hyperactive in the fall, when the autumn bird migrations begin. There is a hormonal change in the bird's body; communication during this period is difficult and unpleasant for health.

It is also very important to take into account the fact that owls screech. Moreover, at night. These are nocturnal (twilight) animals, active in the dark. Owls use their calls to indicate their territory, males call females, females answer males, chicks call their parents. An owl may scream when it hears a dog barking on the street or sees the shadow of a crow flying outside the window at dawn. It is no coincidence that the word “cry” is used here. You are unlikely to hear the hoot of an owl, since not all species of owls hoot, and not always. Most often, owls scream. And these screams range from the heartbreaking “rape!!!” to the creepy “monkey” laughter and “dog” barking, the whistle and creaking of a rusty swing.

Here, for example, are the cries of the little owl (Athene noctua) (nickname – Gamayun (Maya), owner – Markina M-V.V.) at 4 am.

Personally, my neighbors from another entrance two floors above me are still convinced that somewhere at night a hysterical child is screaming, not suspecting that these are little owls the size of a human fist.

8 . And of course, the most favorite question of ordinary people:

Is it possible to teach an owl to go to the toilet in one place?

No. It is forbidden. Owls do not defecate while in flight. They shit where they sit or where they walk. That is, almost everywhere, but in some places more often than in others.

The fast metabolism of birds has already been mentioned. This also affects the frequency of bowel movements. The smaller the owl, the more often it will defecate.
For example, a long-eared owl can shit about ten times during the night, little owl will leave about fifteen piles, and the eagle owl may limit itself to three to five. It all depends on the activity of the bird and the amount of food eaten.

In order to improve the quality of flight, the bird dumps all its “ballast”, that is, droppings. Therefore, an actively moving bird poops more often, but in smaller volumes, while an owl sitting calmly in one place can accumulate poop for several hours, then producing an impressive pile.

Healthy owls have virtually no odor droppings. About once a day or two they produce a very smelly brown poop called “cecal feces” - this is the contents of the cecum, and is not a deviation. But if you don’t remove it in time, the smell will ruin your mood and impression.

Well, otherwise, owls are the cutest and most problem-free animals, if you solve all these above-mentioned issues or get yourself a stuffed owl.

“Everything is like animals” is a program about what people are like. It is invented and hosted by naturalist Zhenya Timonova, comics for it are drawn by Akuaku, and world manager Sergi Fenenko directs, films, edits and laughs behind the scenes. This series talks about keeping owls.

Pay attention to what a sick owl looks like, in this case it is a gray owl, which was added to the movie through unknown means. But now you can very clearly see the difference in the state of the plumage of a healthy owl and a sick one. Note editor.

Lately it has become fashionable to keep different birds. As a rule, the matter is rarely limited budgies. They have long ceased to be exotic, so they rarely attract ordinary people. Therefore, it is becoming popular to have forest pets. Many people wonder whether an owl can live at home? The answer is yes. But this will require a lot of patience.

So what does it represent domestic owl? First of all, it is nighttime. Therefore, the main activity will occur precisely at this time of day. Therefore, if you prefer a diurnal lifestyle, you are better off getting another animal. Since at night an owl can look for something, rumble something and make noise in every possible way. This will obviously interfere with your sleep. The exception to the rule is having your own large house. Then the place for the birds can be equipped in a separate room.

Domestic owls are predators, so you only need to feed them meat. But there are also a number of difficulties with this. Due to their digestive characteristics, they need to eat fur, claws, and feathers. Therefore, ordinary pieces of beef and divided chicken carcass will not work. As a rule, experienced people feed owls with mice or day-old mice. This is an expensive feed and difficult to obtain. Keep in mind also that these are very voracious birds.

What kind of domestic owls are there and how to choose them? First, find official nurseries. Do not look for advertisements on the Internet on message boards, as you will only find poachers. This means that you will make a purchase of a sick bird. You can buy a small owl or a giant eagle owl. It is best to proceed from the size of the apartment. In a small room it will be difficult for the bird to fly, and it may hit the doorframe. Therefore, for keeping in standard apartments it is better to choose owls or barn owls.

Domestic owls are not so easy to keep. They should never be kept in a cage. Even the largest enclosure will result in wing injuries. Therefore for

It is best to use a separate room for keeping these birds. The windows should be covered with dark curtains, and it is better to remove carpets from the floor. You need to take out all the mirrors, as the owl can break it and get hurt. It is important to make several perches, that is, perches. They need to be covered with fabric. You also need to build special bathing suits. You can use wide bowls for this.

Despite the fact that domestic owls are difficult birds to keep, they are very interesting pets. Therefore, think carefully before purchasing a chick. Will you be able to buy him special food and give him a separate room? If yes, then feel free to get this bird, despite possible difficulties. Of course, don't forget about regular visits to the veterinarian.

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