The rhea is a bird similar to the African ostrich from South America. Where does the ostrich rhea live and its species? Nandu description

Although the Nandu ostrich is similar in appearance to its African relative, it belongs to a different family and order, which experts call rheas. It has more modest body dimensions and a different habitat. The rhea is often raised on farms because it can produce large quantities of eggs, meat and feathers. More about this amazing bird(description of the species, nutritional diet, reproduction characteristics) find out right now.

Under natural conditions, Nandu lives in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, and Bolivia. Northern Rhea lives in warm climates, while Darwin's Rhea lives at altitudes of at least 4,500 above sea level.

Of all the birds known to us, scientists call ostriches the largest in the world - they grow up to 270 cm and can weigh about 175 kg. The South American ostrich, unlike its relative from Africa, can reach a height of more than 140 cm and weighs no more than 40 kg.

In appearance, the rhea is a ratite bird, which has naturally received an oval-shaped body, large legs, a long neck and a small head. Nandu's neck seems somewhat rough because it is covered with feathers.

Although Nandu does not know how to fly, he uses his wings while running - he lifts one up when maneuvering. On the feet of such birds it is easy to see not 2, but 3 fingers. This may be the reason why rheas are worse runners than other ostrich breeds.

It is believed that the Nandu ostrich is the first flightless bird, from which other species originated. The fact is that the American representative has sharp claws - their ancient ancestors also had them in the Paleocene.

Rheas are polygamous - there are usually 3 - 7 females per male, but the male is able to incubate and raise offspring. So the female's task is only to lay eggs. These ostriches live in groups and are able to graze with cows or sheep. They love water and feel great in it. When there is no body of water nearby, ostriches do this: they sleep in a cool place during the day and stay awake at night.

What does it eat?

Rheas prefer a varied diet. Their diet is based on plant foods, with smaller amounts of mineral and animal foods.

The main sources of carbohydrates and fiber are wheat, barley, corn and oats. Suitable succulent feed is hay, consisting of clover and other herbs growing in the meadow. Raw and boiled potato tubers, carrots, and beets will become sources of minerals and vitamins during the winter–autumn period.


In female Nandus, sexual maturity occurs at 2–3 years, and males enter this period at 3.5 years. Younger ostriches lay “empty” eggs.

When forming families, birds of 1, 2 and 3 years of laying should be kept separately. Thus, in the fall it will be easier to select individuals for reproduction. If it is not possible to keep birds separately, it is recommended to mark each one in a special journal.

It is customary to obtain young Nandas in one of three ways:

  • The first assumes that parents are kept in open pens or insulated rooms. Eggs are taken from the nest for incubation, which contributes to the subsequent increase in their number. Chicks are usually raised without parents. Using this method, you can actually get about 40 eggs from each female.
  • Another method is for the parents to live in closed poultry houses with year-round walking. The eggs are hatched by an ostrich. The bird owner needs to protect its offspring from predators. Although there is savings in terms of incubating eggs, the disadvantage is that the female herself hatches no more than 20 eggs.
  • The third one is known - mixed method, when some of the eggs are placed in an incubator, and the rest are incubated by the female.

Nandu eggs

The Nandu's nest is a depression in the ground, covered with grass, which is guarded by the male. A fresh, just laid egg is sterile, but as it cools, it loses this feature, and bacteria can easily penetrate the shell. Do not wash their surface, even if it is dirty.

To stimulate high egg production, eggs should be taken from the nest at least 2 times a day. On average, an egg weighs about 620 grams. The yolk in it is located in the center and consists of light and dark layers. If the yolk is intensely colored, this indicates an increased presence of vitamin A in the female’s diet.

Nandu eggs are healthy and nutritious. They can easily replace about a dozen chicken eggs. This product is recommended for those who watch their figure, their health, or adhere to a diet.

Eggs are also used in folk crafts. The dense shell is considered valuable. Creative people make souvenirs from it. It serves as the basis for beautiful paintings and even vases. In terms of its properties, egg shells are very similar to fine porcelain.

Perhaps Nandus got their name because during the mating season the female makes a sound reminiscent of this word. In general, a feature of birds is considered to be the ability to scream loudly and make hissing sounds. Sometimes from the outside they resemble the hissing of predatory animals.

Ostriches sleep in groups that live in them. For safety reasons, during the night's rest they leave a guard on duty who guards the sleep of others.

Nandu's favorite delicacy is locusts. There are cases when birds ate so much that they gained weight and were unable to run.

The ostrich defends itself from predators with its beak, as well as with the blows of its powerful legs. If necessary, he is capable of killing a fairly large predator with one blow.

Under natural conditions, birds protect their offspring from attacks by predatory animals, distracting the enemy. They fall on the sand and get up as if wounded, and at this time the kids run away to the rest of the adult ostriches. But if a predator tries to attack an ostrich at the moment of such a performance, it quickly runs away. Also, in case of danger, the bird can lie down and pretend to be dead. At the same time, she stretches her head, then she is not visible from a distance.

Video “Nandu in the National Park”

Thanks to this short video you have the opportunity to watch Nanda in his natural environment habitat - in Torres del Paine National Park (Chile).

Many people classify the rhea as a member of the ostrich family. Due to some factors, zoologists believe that this statement is not entirely correct. Let's figure out who the rhea really is.


According to the biological classification, ostriches are representatives of the order Ostrichidae, and rheas - rheas. The latter are very similar in appearance to ostriches, but are much smaller in size. Scientists differ on whether rheas and ostriches are related. Some believe that ostriches descended from rheas and somehow moved to Africa from South America. The appearance of rheas dates back to the Paleocene period; they definitely lived in the Eocene and are one of the most ancient birds on the planet. Other zoologists argue that these similar birds evolved differently.

Characteristics of rhea

Rheas get their name from the cry they make. It resembles the growl of an animal and is heard literally as “nan-doo.” Most often males scream this way during the breeding season. Birds are divided into two taxa - Darwinian and common.

Description of appearance

In the bird family, rheas are representatives of large flightless species. They are half the size of ostriches. Unlike ostriches, they have three-fingered limbs rather than two-fingered ones.

Did you know? A rhea's step can be two meters.

At the end of the rhea's wings there is a claw-shaped outgrowth. According to zoologists, males use it to intimidate rivals during the mating season. Otherwise, the birds are very similar in appearance and are the only representatives in their family.

The characteristics of rheas can be complemented by their ability to hiss and the fact that they are excellent swimmers.


The place where the rhea lives is the entire South American continent. He lives in Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay. Rheas choose flat savannas to live in. Species of rheas differ from each other depending on what part of the continent they live on. Darwin's rhea is found at an altitude of 4.5 thousand meters above sea level and in the southern part of Peru, so it is small in size and very hardy. The common species lives in low areas where the climate is warmer, as a result of which it is larger in size than Darwin.

Productive qualities

Increasingly, rheas are bred on farms due to their high productive qualities. Poultry meat is healthy due to its low cholesterol content. Its slaughter yield is equal to half of the total weight. On average, a female can lay about 60 eggs per season, the maximum egg production is 80. There are exceptions when she refuses to lay eggs. Ostrich leather is highly valued in the production of bags, clothing, and shoes. Because of its strength, eggshells are also highly valued. Jewelry and miniature paintings are made from it.

Character and lifestyle

Rheas have a calm, balanced character. Fights occur only between males during the mating season. Birds live in herds, which number from 5 to 30 individuals. Females, males and juveniles are found together. Rheas are active and feed during daylight hours. When the heat is intense, they can stay awake at night. They do not tolerate heat well.

Rheas are polygamous birds. During the breeding season, they form groups of one male and 5–7 females. After fertilization, the latter lay eggs in one nest. The offspring are incubated exclusively by the male. He is with the young animals in the first months of life.

Nunduformes eat absolutely everything. The main list of what they eat includes plants, fruits, vegetables, insects, and small vertebrates. They claim that they can even eat poisonous snakes, but there is no documented evidence of this. To digest roughage, birds swallow small stones or minerals. Water is obtained mainly from food and can do without it for quite a long time.

Important! A family of six ostriches should have at least 150 square meters. m area.

Breeding Features

Every year there are more and more farms where rheas are grown. Their meat, which tastes like beef, has a delicate structure and excellent dietary qualities. The eggs of these birds are also dietary.

Each of them contains one male and up to five females. Indoors and outdoors, each family is separated from the other by partitions. Rheas do not tolerate heat well, so it is necessary to additionally equip the walking areas with canopies under which they can rest on hot days. Enclosures should be large in area, since the bird is active and loves to walk and run. Habitats must be equipped with feeders and drinkers, which must be cleaned daily.

Livestock care

Rheas do not require comfortable living conditions and are unpretentious in maintenance. It is enough to ensure that they live in warm homes in the winter and avoid drafts. The bird requires daily walking; in winter, it can be released into an aviary at a temperature not lower than -4 ° C.


Nandas rarely get sick. This mainly occurs from poor nutrition or from hypothermia. Birds clean their plumage on their own; they do not need human help for this. Of course, you need to monitor the skin of your birds and, if you are concerned about their condition, seek help from a veterinarian.

Rheas can eat anything. However, it is better not to give them parsley, rye, or potatoes. These foods can cause digestive problems for them. Feeding should not be monotonous. The diet of birds includes grains, fresh grass, clover, alfalfa, corn silage, vegetables, and beans. It is good to feed birds with compound feed. In winter, vitamins and minerals must be added to food.


An adult rhea needs 1.5 kg of food per day. Food should be given in equal portions twice a day. IN summer period it can consist of clover, alfalfa with the addition of grains and vegetables. Birds eat beets, cabbage, and carrots well. During the egg-laying period, it is not recommended to add corn to the diet.

Did you know? One rhea egg weighs more than ten chicken eggs.

Experienced farmers recommend composing a pet's diet as follows: 70% should be plant food, and the remainder is feed and vitamin and mineral supplements.
For food in winter, hay is prepared, which forms the basis of the winter diet. In addition to this, at this time of year, rheas eat root vegetables and grains. Adding vitamins and minerals during this period is mandatory. There should always be a drinking bowl with clean water near the feeder. It needs to be changed once a day. In the room where the pets are, there should be a pile of small stones and pebbles. Birds peck at it as needed. This helps digest food.

Young animals

The young may not eat for two to six days after hatching. This happens because they have a yolk sac in their umbilical cord, which provides them with nutrition during this period. Young rheas should have food in the feeder at all times and consist of clover or alfalfa leaves, chopped to 1 cm, and vegetables.

Chicks love beets, carrots, and apples. You need to add eggshells, shell rock, and small limestone pebbles to their diet. This helps to form the skeleton of the little rhea.

Important! Until four months old, baby rheas should not be given food containing a large amount of fiber.


The mating season for rheas occurs in the spring. Puberty in birds it occurs at two to three years of age. In the natural habitat, males fight for females, the strongest gets the harem, and the defeated one leaves.

The male shows off in front of the females and fluffs up his plumage. It fertilizes 5 to 7 females, which lay eggs in one nest. The male incubates the chicks. They hatch in about 6 weeks. At first, the male is with them. On farms, the mating season for rheas can begin in March and end in October. The eggs are placed in incubators. The temperature there is maintained at +35 °C.

For successful breeding Nanda needs the following:

  • large storage area;
  • properly formulated feeding diet;
  • sufficient space for walking;
  • availability of clean water;
  • spacious home with no drafts;
  • daily cleaning of the habitat;
  • prevention of possible diseases.
Rhea is similar to an ostrich in appearance, but is smaller in size. Their breeding is gaining popularity every year. This is because they are unpretentious in maintenance and require minimal care.

Squad - Rhea-shaped

Family - Nandu

Genus/Species - Rhea Americana. Northern Rhea or Common Rhea

Basic data:


Height, height: up to 1.5 m, males are larger than females.

Beak length: 9-12 cm.

Weight: up to 50 kg.


Puberty: from 2-3 years.

Nesting period: from 2-3 years.

Carrying: for 1 year.

Number of eggs: 20-30.

Incubation: 40 days.


Habits: Rhea ostriches (see photo) live in groups of up to 50 birds.

Food: grass, insects, small animals.


Another member of the family is the long-billed rhea, which lives in Patagonia.

The American ostrich rhea does not fly, but has strong, muscular legs and well-developed wings. His wings are larger than his wings. They cover the bird's body with a lush cape. The male shows off his feathers during the "wedding ceremony". In addition, the wings help the rhea maintain balance while running and make quick turns.


The northern rhea's favorite food is grass, especially alfalfa and clover, which grow in the pampas. Rhea does not disdain insects, eating grasshoppers. Quick movement This bird uses its beak to catch small animals. The bird receives the fluid necessary for the body from plant foods. Rhea drinks only in cases where, after a long drought, the amount of moisture contained in plants is significantly reduced.

In some areas, sheep farmers consider the rhea a competitor to domestic animals, forgetting that it destroys thistles, which choke out forage plants and whose thorns spoil the wool of sheep. Farmers who care about wool quality know that the presence of rheas prevents sheep from matting their wool.


Northern rheas are common in the pampas and semi-deserts of South America. Birds are more likely to settle near bodies of water - near rivers and swamps, in grassy areas. Rhea avoids high mountain and forest areas.

Northern rhea - social birds, their flocks usually consist of 20-30 birds, in exceptional cases the number of individuals can reach hundreds. During mating, the flock breaks up into smaller groups consisting of 5-10 females led by one male, who zealously defends his territory from enemies and competitors. Males live alone for a certain part of the year.

Nandu has very well developed vision and hearing. The long neck allows the bird to look around in the tall grass and notice danger in time. Rheas have almost no natural enemies. Sensing danger, he runs away on his strong legs with his toes spread wide to a safer place. Nandu spares no effort to break away from the enemy. He runs, bending to the ground, stretching his neck forward, while the bird emits loud cries. Rheas differ from ostriches in that they run in zigzags rather than in a straight line. The pursuers, not expecting sharp turns, accelerated and rush past. When turning, rheas use their wings as a steering wheel and brake. Northern rheas do not migrate; they live sedentary all year round.


The mating season of the northern rhea lasts from September to December (the exact time depends on the bird's habitat). Male rhea ostriches engage in serious fights with each other during mating. The male, who has expelled all rivals from his possessions, gathers a harem of females and starts dancing: he runs, abruptly changing direction, puffs up his feathers and shakes his head from side to side. Its thick plumage flutters in the wind like a lush cape. During such a dance, the male makes loud sounds “nandu, nandu”. After mating, the male finds a place convenient for arranging a nest and digs a hole in the ground, which he lines with plants. All females of the harem lay eggs in one nest. The eggs laid outside the nest are carefully rolled by the male to the general clutch. After laying eggs, females go in search of another male. The male incubates the eggs for 40 days. He never leaves the nest, warms the eggs and protects the clutch from lovers of easy money. There are usually about 20-25 eggs in the nest, but sometimes there are 40 and even 50, but in this case normal incubation is impossible, so the embryos do not develop in some eggs. Chicks weigh about 400 grams. They grow up under the supervision of their father. In case of danger, the chicks hide under the wide wings of the male or climb onto his back. Rhea chicks at the age of six months are already able to take care of themselves. They reach sexual maturity at the age of 2-3 years.

  • Argentine farmers often take dogs with them to protect themselves from aggressive male rheas. However, some of them use rheas as guards. These cautious birds They willingly graze not only sheep, but also geese.
  • Rhea flocks are often joined by deer, which take advantage of the birds’ ability to notice the approach of an enemy.
  • During mating, males are so engrossed in the fight with rivals that birds that live in zoos drive employees out of their enclosures.
  • The name rhea is onomatopoeic, it comes from the ringing cry of this bird - “nandu”.
  • One northern rhea egg has the same calorie content as 12 chicken eggs.


Plumage: brown-gray, loose, soft, unsuitable for flight. The feathers on the hips and tail are short and stiff.

Beak: about 12 cm long. This is a wonderful weapon against the aggressor and a tool for catching prey.

Nandus werden auch als Pampasstrau?e bezeichnet, da sie von Laien leicht mit diesen verwechselt werden. Der Kopf der Vogel ist mit Feder bedeckt, die Haaren nicht unahnlich sind. Mehr Infos uber Nandus finden Sie unter Weitere Clips aus dem Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover finden Sie unter:

Rheas are amazing ostriches that attract people with their appearance and behavioral characteristics. Birds are valued for their egg products - they are low in calories and have excellent taste. Nanda is also bred to produce dietary, tender meat. And incredibly beautiful products are made from animal feathers and skin.

Historical information

The Nandu ostrich, according to archaeological excavations, was the first bird from its order to appear on Earth. Scientists have long argued over which zoological family the animal belongs to. And we still haven’t come to a consensus. Some are convinced that the South American ostrich is the main representative of ostriches, others are sure that ostrich features were acquired during evolution, others classify it as a cryptotail.

The breed became famous in the 16th century. Initially, these were birds domesticated by the Indians, which were used for feathers and meat products. In 1884, the Nanda was given a description, and in 1894, a family of ostriches appeared, consisting of two species: small and northern. Both are on the verge of extinction due to active hunting for them.

Rheas got their name because of their unique voice: the roar of a large predator, for example, a lion. The voice of birds is not similar to the sounds that birds make. In addition, when the animal begins to “scream”, the sounds of “nan-doo” can be clearly heard. That is why this name was assigned to ostriches.

Ornithologists note that such sounds are often made by males during the mating season. But birds are able to “speak” differently, emitting slightly hoarse sounds that serve as a danger signal and a warning to their fellow birds. If Nandu is angry, he starts hissing.

Bird feathers are popularly used to make jewelry, hats, fans and fans. But they are not pulled out, but carefully cut off right next to the skin twice a year. The birds do not suffer from this. Ostrich skin is valued no less than crocodile skin. It is used to make luxury accessories and expensive women's handbags.

Description of the animal

The Nandu ostrich is a flat-chested or ratite animal with an elongated, oval-shaped body. Stands on big strong legs. The bird has a long neck and a miniature head. The plumage color is brownish-gray, grayish-brown or pure gray. There are white spots on the back. Among the Nandus, albinos with white plumage and blue eyes are often found.

Unlike African ostriches, South American birds are twice as small. Their weight varies between 40 kilograms, and the largest individuals reach a height of 140-150 centimeters. There are short feathers on the neck, which Africans do not have at all.

There are three toes on the paws, while African ostriches have two. The toes are connected by a short membrane, which is why they run worse than their African relatives. It is extremely rare that Nandu can reach speeds of more than 60 kilometers per hour. When running, the stride length is 1.5-2 meters.

But this is compensated by its excellent swimmer abilities - the ostrich easily overcomes rivers. While running, Nandu spreads his wings like a sail, which helps him maneuver better. At the ends of the wings there are claws - keratinized processes that allow the bird to defend itself in case of attack.

The video shows a close-up of the common ostrich Nandu. Here you can see what this tall and fast bird looks like:


Rhea is often found in South America. Common large ostriches are common in Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil, and Uruguay. Prefer savannas open type. They live in low-lying areas with milder and warmer climatic conditions.

Small ostriches are found in the southern regions of Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Southern Peru, and on the island of Tierra del Fuego. They are capable of being located in places at altitudes of up to 4,500 kilometers.

Lifestyle and behavior

Generally, the preferred time for the Nandu ostrich is during the day. Only excessive drought and extreme heat can prevent a bird from being active during the daytime. During this time, Nandu is awake in the evening or at night.

Birds live in flocks of 10 to 35 individuals. In such a family there live several males, a couple of females and young animals.

Species status and relationship with humans

Nandus were used by Indian tribes to obtain feathers and meat for food. Bolas, which are throwing weapons, were used to hunt them. It was made from a belt, and round stones were tied to its end. A little later, Nanda feathers were exported to make jewelry, and the skin of the birds was used for various products.

Due to hunting of birds and destruction of their habitat, the population has decreased significantly. Farmers note that Rheas feed on grasses necessary to feed their livestock, and flightless individuals also tend to eat grain from the fields. For these reasons, birds are often shot if they appear near agricultural land. Birds suffer no less from wire fences - after severe injuries are inflicted, birds die.

Rheas build their nests in the ground by digging holes, which they then cover with grass. The male is the main guard of the home. A special feature of a laid egg is its initial sterility, but after cooling, bacteria can penetrate through it. The surface of the eggs cannot be washed, even if it is very dirty.

To stimulate high egg production, it is necessary to remove eggs from the nests at least 2 times a day. The average weight of one egg is about 620 grams. In it, the yolk is located in the center, where it lies in layers - light and dark. An intensely colored yolk indicates that the female’s diet contains a lot of vitamin A.

A distinctive feature of egg products is their incredible benefits and nutritional value. One ostrich egg can replace 10-12 chicken eggs. This is a dietary product that promotes satiety.

Sometimes Nandu eggs are used in folk crafts. The shell of the product is dense, which is why creative people make souvenirs from it. Eggshells also make beautiful vases and canvases.


Rhea likes to eat not only grain crops, but also various insects and even small reptiles. They don’t have to drink water; they can live without it just fine by feeding on pasture.

At home, birds feed on succulent herbs and root vegetables, preferring beets, boiled potatoes, and carrots. Little ostriches need a lot of protein; they are fed eggs, fish, cottage cheese, and yogurt. Experienced farmers do not recommend giving fresh milk to chicks.

Birds love to feast on locusts - they consume them in unlimited quantities. Sometimes, due to overeating, the ability to run quickly is simply lost.


Nandu ostriches attract attention with the process of reproduction; it begins with the collapse of the flock. The males begin to perform a courtship dance, kneeling down, howling protractedly, spreading their wings.

Flightless birds are considered polygamous, that is, during the mating season, one male can mate with several females at once, sometimes this number reaches 5-7 individuals. Females lay their eggs in a common nest. The incubation period lasts about 1.5-2 months, after which the chicks hatch. The males incubate the ostrich chicks. If the eggs were laid outside the nest, a caring male will definitely return them back. During the brooding period, the female becomes the head of the family, bringing food.

25-30 ostrich chicks weighing about 500 grams can be born at the same time. Babies grow quickly, from birth they have strong eyesight and excellent hearing, due to which they are able to move independently. Because of poachers, young animals often do not survive even to 1 year.

Caring for offspring

Although Nandu is a polygamous bird, he is inclined to take care of his own offspring. Already early spring the male begins to intensely court his lady. At this time, the female experiences an increase in egg production. The male prepares a nest for his chosen one in advance - he covers the dug hole with grass or hay, which adds softness and warmth. The bird carefully guards its beloved and nest. And if someone approaches, it begins to hiss.

Females lay eggs in one nest. At home, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the nests, because bacteria can penetrate the eggs through the shell. After laying the eggs, the females immediately look for other partners, while the male Nandus hatch the chicks, not leaving the eggs for a minute.

Breeding Nanda

The ostrich thrives in captivity. Birds are raised on special farms for further production of feathers, skins, eggs and meat products. It is especially popular to breed birds specifically to obtain eggs, because it is known that they contain many useful substances and microelements.

Breeding Nandu ostriches today is no longer considered exotic. If you approach this process competently and responsibly, you will be able to receive good profit and build a good business. At home, Nanda is bred in several ways:

  • Adult Nandas are kept in closed enclosures, but are walked regularly. The male is allowed to incubate the eggs, but he must also care for the young, as well as protect the ostrich chicks from predators. In captivity, a male can hatch more than 20 eggs.
  • Keeping parents in open pens or insulated rooms guarantees excellent egg production. All eggs are taken from the female and transferred to an incubator. It is believed that if you take eggs from a bird more often, then they will appear constantly. It is optimal to collect eggs from the female at least 2 times a day.

When choosing any option, it is permissible to give part of the eggs to the bird for hatching, and collect the other half for the incubator.

Raising chicks

Newborn ostrich chicks reach a height of about 20 centimeters. They grow very quickly, about 1 centimeter per day. In general, birds reach a height of about 1.5 meters. For the first three days, the chicks are not fed or given water - this promotes rapid resorption of the gall sac. It is imperative to keep ostrich chicks at a temperature of no more than 32-33 degrees.

Already known in livestock farming, the rhea ostrich comes from South America. It is a flightless bird whose weight increases rapidly with skillful breeding. Their natural habitat is not Africa, as many people think, but Chile, America, Brazil, South America and even Bolivia. The rhea differs from its African relative by being slightly lighter in weight. He also only has two toes instead of three.

There is no definitive answer as to whether the African and American rheas are closely related. Their identity has not yet been established. IN Russian farms Rhea, which lives in South America, is used for breeding. It adapts better to cold and changeable climates.

Visually, the two types of rhea are extremely difficult to distinguish. You should pay attention only to the number of fingers. As you know, a native of South America has only two of them. This type is suitable for Russian farms. Everyone knows another species - the Darwin ostrich, which is even smaller than the rhea. It is rarely used in domestic livestock farming, as it has even smaller sizes.

The main differences between rhea and ostrich

Are there any differences between the common ostriches and rheas? There are very few external differences. But there is important indicators, which will definitely be useful for breeders:

The last difference between the rhea and its possible relative is its running speed. The bird is much slower than a regular ostrich, but can accelerate to as much as 60 km/h. In nature, she can not only run fast, but also swim. It is known that rheas in South America even swim across local rivers with ease. He attacks the local farmers' fields with lightning speed. He is compared to locusts.

American ostrich rhea: description of the species

Before you start breeding poultry, even if it’s not local, you should familiarize yourself with its basic indicators and description. For rhea they are:

One flock usually contains no more than three dozen individuals. In its natural environment, this species is on the verge of extinction. Local farmers often contribute to this. Their lands are attacked by ostriches, so the latter are destroyed. Nevertheless, they are now artificially bred in many European countries, in Russia.

The character and behavior of ostriches in life

It is no coincidence that there are less than 50 rheas in one flock. The fact is that the ostrich is one of those individuals that needs space. They are freedom-loving and do not tolerate the presence of several males in a pack at once. Usually their number does not exceed two individuals in a flock.

Interesting to know! Despite this nature of rheas, they can easily get along with other species of birds and domesticated animals. The reason lies in instincts. This species is several hundred years old. By teaming up with others, they were able to survive and protect themselves from predators.

For this reason, rheas are often housed on farms with artiodactyl animals. They get along well with them, no worries arise. And the birds themselves cannot be called hostile. They will even prefer to run away from the enemy than to fight him. This species loves solitude, living in a small flock, and having free space. The rhea also shows incredible care for its offspring. This applies not only to females, but also to males.

Benefits of breeding Nandu

Rheas have been domesticated for a long time. The reason lies in the fact that they easily adapt to almost any conditions. They can be found even in Germany. For example, this is where there are many farms where this bird is bred. In livestock farming it is valued due to:

Therefore, rhea breeding is a profitable business. There are quite a few such farms in Russia. There is virtually no competition. The popularity of the business is gaining momentum, since the bird has a lot of weight and is also unpretentious to its living conditions. Its mortality at the growing stage is minimal.


IN farms ah, in one flock there are from 5 to 30 individuals. This amount is also typical under natural conditions. Leaving more birds in a flock can lead to constant conflicts between them. The optimal number of males is one or two. Don't worry that it's too little.

One rhea male can fertilize 5-7 females. The calculations should be based on these figures. Important Features:

When does the female start laying eggs? This happens in spring or autumn, and late. This is typical for any climate. Rheas are monitored for their offspring, but farmers themselves should pay attention to the clutch. To do this you need:

The diet and lifestyle of young animals is significantly different from adults. Little ostrich chicks need the following conditions:

  • In the first week, you need to equip the rooms with eggs with proper lighting. It is advisable to save it until the chicks are born.
  • The air should be moist, not dry (up to 65-70%).
  • There is no need to use straw or grass as bedding until the young animals are at least 1 month old.

Important. The rhea ostrich is still not whimsical in breeding. During the season you can get several dozen new individuals at once.

Nutrition for the ostrich rhea

Rheas are not carnivores, so their diet is exclusively herbivorous. There is information that they can hunt small vertebrates, such as frogs.

There is a rumor in South America that birds can even catch frogs with their beaks. Of course, when breeding you need a completely different diet. It must be balanced. The following is a table of suitable foods for rheas.

Table 1. Diet for rhea ostriches

Type of food for rheaList of products and explanation
Food plant origin containing fiber, carbohydratesCereals, corn. This is an essential part of the diet.
Vitamins and mineralsPotatoes, beets, carrots. During the winter season, the flock and young animals cannot do without these products. They need to add them to their food every day.
FiberThe food in the rhea's stomach is well digested, but sometimes difficulties arise. Therefore, you should add meadow grass to your diet from time to time. It also contains the moisture necessary for the ostrich.
SquirrelsIn order for the bird’s weight to increase, you need to give it fish, cottage cheese and even eggs. The ostrich readily accepts fermented milk products as food. These foods are included in the daily diet. Of course, they increase the farmer’s expenses, but the weight of the individuals will increase significantly.
WaterDaily consumption.
SupplementsIf required, according to indications.

You should not switch your flock to only one type of food. Their diet should be balanced. Only then will the ostriches reach the required weight.

Nutrition is also the key to the health of young animals. Individuals do not feed from the ground or floor feeders. They only need hanging ones. Up to 4 kg of feed should be poured into one such feeder at a time. The amount of food should be calculated based on the number of individuals, young animals in the flock, and their weight. Also, one should not forget about pure Veda. It should be changed twice a day. A floor feeder is also suitable for water. It is important to create conditions to which rheas are accustomed in natural conditions. This is why feeders with food are suspended. This is necessary so that the individual gets it as if plucking it from a bush or tree.

Rhea is an unpretentious bird, but it still requires compliance with the rules of keeping. It is important to walk her, and not just keep her indoors. In winter, this may be difficult. In cold weather, rhea can be walked at temperatures that do not drop below 4 degrees below zero. If it decreases, then the flock needs to be moved indoors.

Content Features:

  • IN summer time the flock may be outside behind a fence. For winter it requires a separate warm room. The ostrich does not tolerate drafts, so attention should be paid to thermal insulation.
  • Dry straw, less often grass, is used as bedding.
  • An enclosure should be made in an open space for the flock. It can be fenced, for example, with a net.
  • Small artificial pond. There you need to place a small amount of river sand.

Important. Since the bird loves space, both the aviary and the room must have sufficient area. The ceiling height is at least 2.5-3 meters.

Is it worth raising ostriches in Russia?

In general, the rhea ostrich adapts to any climate, although its natural environment is subtropical. In Russia and Europe, these birds easily get used to a different diet and temperature regime. Favorable conditions should be created for them, and then breeding will become profitable business. If you neglect simple recommendations, then the young animals in the flock are unlikely to be healthy.

The advantage of such a business is that there are not so many farms in Russia where ostriches are raised. Therefore, you can easily find customers. Among the clients there will be not only those who need rhea meat, but also feathers and fat. All of them are highly valued all over the world, including in Russia.

Ostriches can be raised not only on separate farms, but also together with artiodactyls. Farms are often converted to breed such birds. She can coexist with cows and goats. In order for the flock to feel favorable, it is necessary to provide all the conditions temperature regime and premises in winter, which are listed above.

Video - Breeding ostriches

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