General information about educational presentations created using Flash technologies. Guide to creating interactive flash presentations and applications Program to create a flash presentation

Creating flash presentations at a price of 30,000 rubles, like any other promotion, it is ultimately created to inform its potential clients about the services provided by the company and to make a profit. It directly depends on costs. Traditional advertising is a very expensive and costly pleasure without a guarantee of effectiveness, so today in traditional marketing Electronic or computer visualizations are becoming increasingly important.

Low-cost multimedia development produces the most effective results. Compared to the traditional one, posted on information platforms, it is a very democratic way to promote your product on the market, since it is accessible to almost everyone. This is a very advantageous and convenient form; and at the same time, professionally performed work - for example, slide show design - can become a decisive argument in the competition for a leading position in the market. She works to promote the company's image and promote its brand. This happens when successful developments become the calling card of an organization or project, and also when it embellishes the customer’s participation in exhibitions, giving additional features customer beliefs.

This is a fascinating creative process, in which, as noted above, the client himself can actively participate, but in order for its production to end with the birth successful product, you need professional help. To convince you of this, we invite you to take a look at our portfolio, which will allow you to see examples developed by members of our team.

Multimedia 3D visualizations and slide shows

Creating an interactive flash presentation is difficult process, but that’s what’s good computer technology that at a relatively low cost they provide great opportunities for slide shows. In the past, producing albums for advertising was an expensive endeavor with very limited capabilities. IN recent years 3D visualization became a serious help.

The main arguments in its favor:

  • This is an important and responsible moment in promoting your product or service on the market.
  • A slideshow promoting your company, product or service brings you closer to your potential partner or customer.
  • Allows you to be modern and progressive.
  • You can do it once, and then transform it into a chronicle of the company on which its history will be based.

For examples of work completed by our studio, see the Portfolio.

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If you have an animated drawing created using Adobe Macromedia Flash and saved as a Shockwave file with the extension . SWF, you can play it in a PowerPoint presentation.

You add a Flash file to a presentation in PowerPoint 2010 and later by adding or linking the file to a slide.


    There may be some limitations when using Flash in PowerPoint, including the inability to apply special effects (such as shadows, reflections, glow effects, blurred edges, baguette borders, and 3D rotation), the ability to appear and crop, and the ability to compress these files to making it easier to share and distribute.

    PowerPoint 2010 64-bit version is not compatible with 32-bit versions of QuickTime or Flash. You must either install the 64-bit version of QuickTime or Flash, or the 32-bit version of PowerPoint 2010.

Embedding a Flash File

Create a link to a flash file

Adobe Macromedia Director videos

You cannot insert an Adobe Macromedia Director video file into a PowerPoint presentation.

To add a SWF file to PowerPoint 2007, use an ActiveX control called the Shockwave Flash object and Adobe Macromedia Flash Player. To play a flash file, add and link to an ActiveX control on your slide.

ActiveX control security settings are available in the Trust Center, where you can configure security and privacy settings for applications in the 2007 Microsoft Office system. To allow Active X controls to run, you may need to configure security settings. The ActiveX settings in Trust Center apply to all 2007 Office products (edition). For example, if you change a certain setting in PowerPoint application, it will change in all other Office applications that use the Trust Center. For more information about ActiveX controls and changing settings, see Turn on-screen settings on or off.


Add a Flash file to a presentation

Animation preview in slideshow mode

    On the tab View in the group Presentation viewing modes select item Slideshow or press F5.

    To exit slideshow mode and return to normal mode, press the ESC key.


    Unlike pictures and pictures, Flash files are always linked to, rather than embedded within, a PowerPoint 2007 presentation. When you insert a linked file into PowerPoint, a link is created to the current location of the file. If you later move the file to another location, PowerPoint won't be able to find it when you want to play the file. Before inserting Flash files, it is recommended that you copy them to the same folder as your presentation. PowerPoint will create a link to the Flash file and will be able to find it as long as it is not stored in the presentation folder, even if you move or copy it to another computer. Alternatively, you can ensure that your linked files are in the same folder as the presentation and use the CD packaging feature. This feature copies all files to one folder (CD or folder) and automatically updates all file links. If your presentation has linked files, you must copy the linked files as well as the presentation if you plan to assign the presentation on another computer or send it to others via email.

    The third-party products discussed in this article were produced by manufacturers that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft does not guarantee the performance or reliability of these products.

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All sections of the site site

flash sites, creating flash presentations Flash screensavers

Flash animation on the site

Flash technologies that attract attention ...

Flash is a modern, popular technology in the field of animation and multimedia. Flash– it’s original and dynamic . Websites (presentations or just banners) created using flash become interactive.

Flash technologies have brought interactivity, effectiveness, and attractiveness to multimedia applications to the Internet. The Internet comes to life with animation, videos and sounds

Flash screensavers for websites

Flash screensaver - this is a short animated film , Briefly telling the visitor about the content of the website. If the site is implemented in several languages, at the end of the video the visitor is usually given the opportunity to select a version of the site in one of the languages.

You can use flash screensavers (Flash-intro) - this is a great opportunity to briefly and colorfully, using the excellent capabilities of modern internet technologies, Macromedia Flash, tell the visitor to your representative office about the capabilities of your company or the features of your business, even before he gets to the internal pages of your site.

Flash screensavers are an integral part of promoting your website on the Internet. On many sites on the Internet, you can see flash screensavers that reflect the direction of the company’s activities.

Convenient technology for presenting information helps to convey the main idea correctly, and most importantly in a beautiful and intelligible form, which is sometimes beyond the power of large websites.

The duration of the flash screensaver varies from several seconds to several minutes. For flash screensavers You can use the announcer's voice. After all, what the guest of your web project focuses on first is the design.

That is why it is important to make a positive effect on guests from the first minutes . Just as the construction of a house begins with the first brick, so the effect of the first acquaintance of website clients (meeted by their clothes) with your organization begins with design.

Flash presentation

Flash presentation is one of the most effective advertising technologies today. Flash presentation- an important element of corporate style, allowing you to make a good impression and indicating your serious approach.

At the core Flash presentations– animation and Flash technology. Flash presentations - this is an interactive film , which in a short time allows you to convey the essence of the issue to the client or partners as efficiently as possible. Today Flash technology is very popular; interactive applications, presentations and websites are developed using it.

If you need to create a unique impression, then when preparing websites, it is possible to implement the latest advances in the field computer graphics, for example, such as flash multimedia, which allows you to create very beautiful graphics and add dynamics to the page.

Flash sites

But flash screensaver on the first page of the site - not at all prerequisite when creating a web resource, which may have completely different goals, features, methods of influencing the visitor, in some cases, instead of a flash intro on the main page, flash elements, as a design tool, can be scattered throughout the internal pages of your site.

And they will serve the assigned tasks no worse, and in some cases perform exclusively decorative functions.

Flash sites are not designed to accommodate as much information as on html sites, but with the help of Flash technology this information will look much brighter, which contributes to greater impact.

For Internet users, the level of a company's website is an indicator of the development of the company itself and its products.

Flash sites give the impression of interesting and complex products. Information about new and original Flash sites quickly spreads across the network causing an influx of visitors to your site.

Development and implementation of a Flash site has a number of advantages compared to static sites:

Firstly, Flash site- implies interactivity (not only the user communicates with the site, but the site also responds to him, the elements of the site are rearranged depending on the user’s actions);

secondly, the Flash site is dynamic, which facilitates the absorption of information; thirdly, it’s simply more interesting to be on a Flash site - click here and there, observing the changes.

Flash technology allows you to host almost any multimedia format (video, sound, vector graphics, etc.).

A Flash website increases the image status of the company. The creation of a Flash site speaks of the modern views of the company and a serious attitude towards its own image.

Flash galleries

Flash- simply a great technology that allows you to make web sites not only look great, but also create a feeling of comfort and convenience for visitors.

Animated buttons or other website elements attract the eyes of visitors and their attention more than the usual stationary website elements. But this too must undoubtedly be a reasonable measure.

It is not at all necessary to create bloated and “heavy” by Internet standards flash objects, A light, small creative presentation is quite enough, and the visitor will always find out the “details” on your website, the main thing is to captivate the viewer without boring him from the very beginning with unnecessary details.

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A little history Flash presentations began to spread with the advent of, in fact, the flash player and flash products in general. Flash software product, allowing you to develop interactive multimedia applications. The scope of use of Flash is different, it can be games, websites, CD presentations, banners and just cartoons. When creating a product, you can use media, sound and graphic files, you can create interactive interfaces and full-fledged web applications using PHP and XML. gamescartoonsPHPgamescartoonsPHP Flash player (eng. Flash Player) player of files created in the Flash format.

Flash Presentations are a hybrid of Web Show and Video File. Presentations in this format are created to be viewed on a web page, but are video-based. Unlike the limitations of regular video files, Flash presentations support the display of menus and multiple presentations. Flash presentations, however, do not support color profiles. Flash presentation quality is noticeably lower than Web Show because video requires much more data to pass through. This limits overall quality presentations. Real dignity Flash presentations is high compatibility. Most Internet users have a Flash plugin already installed for their browser and it is very easy to play a presentation made using Flash.

Types of FLASH presentations: Advertising, a colorful story about a product in a favorable light; Gift edition – a video created for partners, visitors, management, etc. and telling about the company's activities. Usually created for some anniversary - as a visual, concentrated display of successes and achievements. Catalog of goods and services – a multimedia, colorful display of the company’s goods and services with the necessary comments, emphasis, etc. It has a much stronger effect than displaying a standard printed product catalogue. Used by staff when working with clients. The exhibition catalog is a multimedia display of exhibits and the advantages of their use, a story about manufacturing companies, etc. Electronic report Flash video about an event, a report on the work of a company, etc. Can be used as an accompaniment to the report or independently. An electronic business card is in many ways similar to a gift publication about a company. It is a multimedia presentation of the company.

Use in advertising Presentation – very effective tool promotion of the company, products and services. Unlike short advertising messages, a presentation allows you to convey a large amount of information to your audience in an easy-to-read form. Until recently, MS presentations were considered the standard Power Point. However, flash technologies make it possible to turn ordinary graphs, diagrams, photographs and text blocks into an interactive film with animation elements and precisely selected sound design. Interactive tools (for example, games) can be built into a flash presentation; it can contain several sections from which the user will choose only those that are interesting to him. Such a video makes an incomparably greater impression on the viewer, while simultaneously providing him with detailed information and influencing emotions. latest technologies to develop your business

Areas of use of flash presentations - a story about the company, significant events in the development of your business - a description of the advantages of a new product or service - informing about a special promotion - illustration commercial offer, report - appeal to clients, partners, colleagues - demonstration in sales offices, at exhibition stands, presentations - recording of presentation CDs that can be - used for distribution among the company's audience and as supplements to magazines or media kits

Basic principles for creating a presentation * Must have a cohesive, finished look. Thoughtful structure and sequence of slides that perfectly complement your speech. * After creating the structure, start working on common design elements for all presentation slide pages. * Then move on to filling it with content. * Pay special attention to testing. Don’t forget that you are not dealing with debugged templates, but with the live result of your creative activity. Here are a few more tips that will help keep viewers interested in your presentation: * Avoid filling the page with dense text; you are not reading a lesson, but a presentation, so instead of words it is better to place an illustration or a visual diagram or diagram. * You should not completely abandon the text that explains the pictures, because you can also quickly get tired of an excessive number of complex diagrams and graphs. * Do not overload your work with a large number of spectacular effects; everything should be done with taste, with a sense of proportion and in line with the main idea of ​​the presentation. Excessive diversity is annoying.

Creating slides

Creating slides where images (photos) simply replace each other after a certain period of time is the simplest thing that can be created in Adobe Flash.

Example 1:

Let's create a new project.
Let's use the stop-motion animation method.
Import the 1st photo (menu File - Import).
When you place a photo on a stage, a key frame is automatically created in the 1st frame.
We will allocate 30 frames (about 1 second) to demonstrate each photo.
Select the 30th frame, convert it into a key frame - on the 30th frame we should have a new photo.
Import the 2nd photo and install it on the stage.
Similarly, after 30 frames we place the appearance of the 3rd and 4th photographs.

The timeline (Timeline) will look like:

It can be seen that when creating simple slides, one layer is involved.

Example 2:

Let's create more complex slides using multiple layers.

1. Let's create a new project.

2. Import and paste the 1st photo into the scene.
A key frame is automatically created in the 1st frame.
Let's convert the photo into a graphic symbol (see Symbols).
Select the photo on the stage and select “Create Motion Tween” from the context menu.
Let's make the photo gradually disappear (see Animating color and transparency). Set the animation duration to 50 frames.

Note: you can simultaneously import several photos at once and distribute them into separate layers using the context menu command of any photo Distribute to Layers (Distribute into layers).

3. Create a new layer.
Import and paste the second photo onto this layer (outside the scene - onto cardboard).
Let's convert the photo into a graphic symbol. We create motion animation - a photograph appears from behind the scenes on stage (see Animation of motion in a straight line)

4. Create a new layer
Import and insert the third photo (to the left of the scene).
We convert the photo into a clip symbol, create motion animation - three-dimensional rotation (see. 3D rotation and translation animation)
You can add objects, such as text, to the photo. To do this, create a new “Text” layer and paste your text. Text can also be animated (see Text).

5. Create a new layer
Import and paste the fourth photo into the scene.
Let's add an animated object (symbol) to the photo. Previously, we created an animation of a butterfly flapping its wings (see below). Animation of resizing).
Let's paste a similar butterfly into the fourth photo, creating a new layer "Butterfly".

Thus, 6 layers were created, each with 50 frames.

Now we need to put things in order in the order of appearance of photographs, their duration, and also coordinate the appearance of text and butterflies in the corresponding photographs.

All ordering operations are performed by dragging key frames and frame ranges (see. Work with personnel).

Adding sound to slides

If you wish, you can include background sound (music) in your slide show.

Import the sound file into the Library (see Import).

Note: Adobe Flash Professional comes with its own set of sounds - from the Window menu, select Shared Libraries(Common Libraries) > Sounds.

Create a new layer. On the 1st frame of this layer, create a keyframe. Select a keyframe.

Click on the Name menu, click on the selected audio file to place that audio into the selected keyframe.

Open the Sync option menu and make sure the Event option is selected (the default option).

By default, each new sound added to the Timeline has the Repeat option set to 1.

Press Ctrl+Enter (Windows) or Command+Return (Mac OS) to preview the animation in Flash Player.

Additional reference materials:

Last updated: December 2014

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