Open the chup. Registering a private unitary enterprise (PUE)

February 8, 2019 9162

Partner news

“I can account for every million I make except the first,” this phrase is usually attributed to John Rockefeller when trying to hint at the difficulties of starting a business. To avoid them, it is better to start your journey by registering a legal entity. Today this can be done on the Internet. Thus, Alfa-Bank promises online registration in 15 minutes. You just need to enter your data, after which all you have to do is print out the automatically completed documents and take them to the executive committee.

Individual entrepreneur or company?

The first thing the service suggests doing is deciding on the organizational and legal form. There are three types to choose from: individual entrepreneur, private unitary enterprise and LLC. These are the most common types of legal entities in Belarus, which cover 90% of business needs for work and their legal protection. If you translate these abbreviations into human language, you get an entrepreneur and a small business company.

It is better to become an entrepreneur if you are planning a small personal business for the provision of services or sale of goods. How small? In principle, the income of an individual entrepreneur is not limited in any way, but in order to pay 3% or 5% under the simplified taxation system (STS), revenue for 9 months of work should not exceed 152 thousand rubles. This is approximately 16.8 thousand BYN per month. In addition, there are a number of restrictions who cannot work under the simplified tax system; it is better to read about this in detail in paragraph 5 of Article 286 of the Tax Code of Belarus.

A little more information about the simplified tax system. With a simplified system, individual entrepreneurs have the opportunity to work with VAT and pay 3% tax on revenue without VAT, then the tax will be 5%. In addition, there are a number of taxes from which individual entrepreneurs are not exempt. These are various state duties, fees, real estate tax and a dozen other payments. A detailed list can be found.

You also need to keep in mind that an individual entrepreneur is liable for obligations with all his property as an individual, and you can hire no more than 3 people on staff.

Individual entrepreneur registration

At the first stage, the system will ask you to indicate your name, phone number and email address, where documents for registration will then be sent.

At the next stage, a more detailed form will appear to fill out: full name, registration address, passport data and social security number. Then you will need to select the type of activity and receive completed documents by email. Documents for registration will require an application, a 3x4 photo, a passport (or residence permit) and a receipt for payment of the state fee (0.5 of the base amount).

After this, you need to print out the documents, sign the application and go to the executive committee with your passport and photo. Typically, the registration procedure takes no more than one day - the executive committee will issue a Certificate of State Registration of Individual Entrepreneurs. In addition to the certificate, you will also have to go to the tax office at your place of registration and register. There you also need to choose a taxation system - simplified taxation system or general - and purchase a book of comments and suggestions and a book of audits.

As you know, Belarus is now becoming an IT country. Therefore, you can register an individual entrepreneur online through the web portal of the United state register. However, there is one big BUT. To do this, you need to log in to the portal using your electronic key. digital signature. And getting it is a whole quest and at least more than 50 rubles in expenses. We leave detailed instructions for the strong-willed and browser owners Internet Explorer version 9.0.

When all procedures are completed, the bank manager will bring documents for opening an account.

Registration of private unitary enterprise

Private unitary enterprise is private unitary enterprise with one founder. Unlike an individual entrepreneur, a private unitary enterprise is not liable for the obligations of its founder.

This is already a level small business with the ability to hire an unlimited number of employees.

To register it you will need a whole package of documents:

  • Statement
  • Founder's decision
  • Charter
  • Electronic copy of the charter
  • Founder's profile
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (1 basic)

All these documents will be generated by the system after filling out the appropriate fields on the website. Here are a few subtleties you need to be aware of during the registration process:

  1. The agreed name is reserved in the Unified State Register for a month. During this period, you need to submit documents to register a private enterprise with this name or you will have to agree on a new name.
  2. If you register a private unitary enterprise in a residential building, then utility bills will be paid at the rates for legal entities (they are much higher).
  3. Any changes to the charter must be registered, so it is better to write down all the important points right away.
  4. There is no minimum size of the authorized capital of a private enterprise; the founder himself decides what his contribution will be. But authorized capital can only be created in in monetary terms and in Belarusian rubles.
  5. Registration of a private enterprise with a government agency takes place in one day
  6. Since February 23, 2017, legal entities in Belarus have been allowed not to use a seal on documents, however, in practice, both government agencies and contractors continue to require its presence.
  7. To work under the simplified tax system, the company must employ on average no more than 100 people over the last 9 months, and revenue must not exceed 1,159,800 rubles for the same period.

As in the previous case, to register a private enterprise you will have to purchase a book of comments and suggestions and a book of inspections. After completing all the formalities, all that remains is to open a bank account.

LLC registration

LLC - a company with limited liability, or a full-fledged company that can be created by 1 to 50 founders. This form of organization is used by both beginning startups and large companies with a staff of several thousand people. The key difference between this form of ownership is the ability to create a company with several partners. The main thing is to clearly state their shares. An LLC is not liable for the debts of its founders, but a penalty can be imposed on the share of the founders in the LLC.

To register a company on the Alfa-Bank website, you need to fill out a number of fields that will be used to create necessary documents:

  • Statement
  • Decision of the constituent assembly
  • Charter
  • Electronic copy constituent documents
  • Founder questionnaire (for each founder)
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (1 basic for the first LLC)
  • Certificate of approval of the name

The registration of an LLC has many similarities with the registration of a private enterprise, but it also has its own characteristics. Here they are:

  1. An LLC can only be registered in non-residential premises. At the same time, the tax office is suspicious of legal addresses without the actual location of the company there.
  2. As with private unitary enterprises, all changes to the charter of the LLC must be registered, so it is better to initially take into account all the important provisions about the work and the role of the founders in it.
  3. To create a company, you need a decision from the constituent meeting, which will list all the founders and indicate their shares in the authorized capital of the enterprise.
  4. The founders' contribution to the authorized capital can be made both in monetary and non-monetary form.
  5. The charter of the company may provide that the shares of the founders will not be proportional
    1. cost of contribution to the authorized capital
    2. the number of votes belonging to the participant in general meeting
    3. distribution of company profits
  6. By decision of the company's participants, a board of directors can be created ( supervisory board), who will make key decisions in the management of the company. This should also be stated in the charter.

Also, to register an LLC, you will have to purchase a book of comments and suggestions and a book of inspections. To work under the simplified tax system, the company must meet the same requirements: revenue should not exceed 1,159,800 rubles for the last 9 months, and average number employees for the same period no more than 100 people.

After receiving a state registration certificate and registering with the tax office, you can open a bank account.

By the way, this is an online service for creating all documents for registering a company or individual entrepreneur. You can receive a package of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur, creating a private unitary enterprise or LLC. The main thing is to carefully and correctly fill out the required fields in the form on the website. After that, to the specified email the mail will come all necessary documents. You will need to take it to the local executive committee and pay the standard state fee. Within a day you will receive a state registration certificate, and within another 5 days you will be registered with the tax office. For work, all that remains is to open a bank account, and you can specify a convenient date and time so that the Alfa-Bank manager will come to you with the necessary documents.

05:54 15.11.2018

Let's try briefly and in simple words describe what and how to do for those who are going to create a new legal entity in Belarus.

Choosing the form of a legal entity

Commercial enterprises in status legal entity are divided into several types, each of which is beneficial for certain situations.

To choose the right type of future legal entity, you need to answer several questions:

  1. Who wants to open a business?
  2. Who is the owner of the initial capital? One person or several?
  3. Do the owners of capital want to receive income from it?
  4. Do all capital owners want to influence business development?

If a business is started by one person, and he is also the owner of the initial capital, then it is best to open a unitary enterprise: for example, a unitary enterprise or private unitary enterprise.

If there are several owners of capital, but only one of them wants to engage in business, and all the rest only want to receive income from capital, then a choice arises:

1 option- one of the owners opens a unitary enterprise, and everyone else simply lends him money. If there is an intention to receive benefits, then at interest. After this, they have no share or responsibility in the future business, only an obligation to repay the borrowed funds

Option 2- everyone becomes co-owners of the business and founders economic company.

Economic companies are:

  • limited liability companies - LLC;
  • with additional responsibility - ODO;
  • open and closed joint stock companies - OJSC and CJSC, etc.

The founders of a business company receive the right to influence its work, hire a director, and receive income from the company's profits.

Since 2016, it is possible to create an LLC or ALC with one founder in Belarus. This information will be useful for those who in the future would like to attract other participants to the company or divide the property of a legal entity.

An LLC (ALC) with one participant differs from a unitary enterprise in that a unitary enterprise does not own property, but only manages it, while a business company owns it.

Another form commercial enterprise- cooperative. Its peculiarity is that all founders must also be employees of the cooperative.

Who can be the founder of a legal entity?

The founders can be citizens of Belarus and foreigners. The founder of a legal entity must have full legal capacity (in the Republic of Belarus, citizens over 18 years of age automatically receive it).

The following are not eligible to be founders:

  • Those who are prohibited from doing so by the court.
  • Founders and managers of legal entities undergoing bankruptcy and liquidation.
  • Persons with outstanding debts arising by court decision.
  • Former founders and heads of organizations that have not repaid their debts to the budget.

Stages of opening a legal entity

The creation of a legal entity is a multi-stage legally regulated process. We will name only its main mandatory stages.

  1. Founding meeting and adoption of the charter

The founder of a unitary enterprise can decide to register a legal entity without consulting anyone. He simply draws up a Charter, which spells out important aspects of the creation and future operation of the enterprise:

  • Name;
  • areas of activity;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • procedure for receiving income;
  • legal address;
  • information about the manager.

Several founders usually register an LLC or ODO. The order of their actions is more complicated.

A meeting of the founders is held at which:

  • a joint activity plan is agreed upon;
  • the responsibilities of the founders are distributed;
  • the size and procedure for forming the authorized capital (official initial capital) of the enterprise is determined;
  • the issue of holding a constituent assembly is being decided.

The next stage is the constituent assembly. On it:

  • the company's charter is approved;
  • management bodies of the company are appointed from among the founders.

The charter of a legal entity with several founders (LLC, ODO) differs from the charter of a unitary enterprise in sections that describe:

  • powers of the founders (general and each individual);
  • their shares in the total capital;
  • collegial work: holding meetings, voting, etc.;
  • procedure for distribution of profits between participants.

The usual charter of a legal entity is a multi-page document in which all sections and provisions are based on some legislative norms, most often from the Civil Code.

The safest thing to do is not to invent your own charter of the enterprise, but to take a sample that has already been verified by lawyers.

Such samples can be downloaded for free on the Internet or borrowed from registered enterprises of a similar type.

  1. Choosing a name.

The name of the future company is determined by its owners. The only restriction is that there should not be another company with the same name.

The name of a unitary enterprise must indicate the nature of its activities. Example: ChTUP is a private trade unitary enterprise.

The name of the company is agreed upon and approved by the justice departments of the regional executive committees and some other bodies, exact list which can be found on the website of the Ministry of Justice.

To approve the name you need to submit to the relevant authority:

  • an application requesting approval of a specific name of the legal entity;
  • document confirming the authority of the applicant.

Both documents are submitted to the registration authority in person or by email. When applying in person, the name is registered within a day.

  1. Definition legal address

Such an address is required for any legal entity. However, the requirements for it are recent years noticeably softened.

  • a unitary enterprise is allowed to be registered at the place of registration of the owner;
  • The addresses of other business entities cannot be registered in the housing stock.

Here we can give one practical advice - it is best to have not a formal, but a real legal address, where there will be heating, light, a table, a chair and a place for documents. This is useful during inspections and other communications with government agencies.

An organization that has not yet been registered cannot enter into an agreement with the owner of the premises at a legal address, but receives from him a letter of guarantee, which is then submitted to the registration authority.

  1. Selecting an activity

What the company will do is usually known in advance. But legal formalities begin with registration, because the proposed types of activities are prescribed in the charter.

The first thing you should do is determine your type of activity in OKRB 005-2011.

Then you should refer to the text of Decree No. 450 of September 1, 2010. It states what types of activities can be carried out only by obtaining the appropriate license.

Licensing does not depend on organizational form enterprises, this equally applies to OJSC, LLC, individual entrepreneurs, etc.

A license is required:

  • for the sale of alcoholic and tobacco products, jewelry;
  • for lending activities, financial services;
  • for opening casinos and gambling clubs;
  • on legal services, security and real estate activities;
  • for activities in the field of medicine and health.

This is not an exhaustive list. In each specific case, everything needs to be clarified again in the executive committees, relevant ministries and committees.

Obtaining any licenses is possible only after registering a legal entity. But you should understand the issue in advance.

Licenses are issued:

  • executive committees at the place of business;
  • ministries;
  • committees and other government bodies at the republican level.
  1. Submission of documents for registration of a legal entity

Before registration, the founders pay a state fee of 1 basic unit. Today it is 24 rubles 50 kopecks.

To register a legal entity, the following must be submitted to the local executive committee:

  • statement established form(the form can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Justice);
  • two printed copies of the charter and one electronic copy recorded on disk in doc or rtf format;
  • original bank receipt for payment of state duty.

Nowadays, registration of legal entities occurs on an application basis, so you should not expect a refusal if the documents are properly executed and there are no restrictions.

  1. Appointment of a manager and chief accountant

Most often, one of the company participants receives from the meeting the authority to enter into an agreement with the director.

The director, even if he is one of the participants in the company, is an employee who receives the rights to current management organization, making independent decisions.

The director is accountable to the owners of the legal entity in the manner prescribed in the charter and the agreement with the director.

The rights of company participants to interfere in its current activities have restrictions.

The director enters into an agreement with the chief accountant. The powers of the chief accountant are prescribed in this agreement and internal documents of the enterprise.

The chief accountant receives special powers to manage finances and is responsible in case of violations.

The director of small enterprises can himself perform the duties of the chief accountant if he has the appropriate education and experience in accounting work.

An alternative to appointing an accountant is an agreement with a third-party specialist, individual entrepreneur or company.

Mandatory actions after registration of a legal entity

Unlike individuals, i.e. Individual entrepreneurs, artisans, etc., a legal entity cannot count on such concessions as: work without opening an account, without a seal, without keeping full records (like individual entrepreneurs on a single tax).

After registration, the head of the legal entity, or an authorized representative, must appear at tax office to:

  • Write an application for the transition to a certain tax regime. Here you can choose between the general (OSN) or one of the simplified (STS) tax calculation systems.
  • Receive books of comments and suggestions and books of inspection records. One copy for the legal address, and one copy for each object of trade or provision of services.

A legal entity must open an account in one of the banks and enter into a service agreement. In the future, the account number, address and bank code will become part of the legal entity’s details.

A legal entity orders, receives and registers a company seal. Oval and typesetting stamps do not need to be registered.

Since any legal entity has at least one employee (director), a visit to the Social Protection Fund and Belgosstrakh is necessary. There the necessary documents will be filled out and the responsibilities for paying contributions for employees will be explained.

Obtaining licenses is described above. But for busy legal entities retail trade or services, applications for inclusion in the Trade Register or the Register of Household Services should also be submitted to the local executive committee.

Registration of a legal entity requires significantly more knowledge and effort compared to opening an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, many founders of legal entities turn to specialists for help, who, for a fee, solve all the issues listed above.

Stage 1: Name approval

You can agree on the official name of your future Company at the following addresses:

  1. 220082 Minsk, Pushkin Ave., 42, tel. +37517-308-23-90,
  2. 224005 Brest, st. Lenina, 11, tel. +375162-21-66-74, +375162-21-33-71,
  3. 210015 Vitebsk, st. Pravdy, 18, tel. +375212-42-67-76, +375212-42-67-78,
  4. 246050 Gomel, Lenin Ave., 2/1, tel. +375232-75-42-92, +375232-75-42-98
  5. 210023 Grodno, st. Ozheshko, 3-315, tel. +375152-72-32-05, +375152-77-01-66, +375152-77-32-51,
  6. 212030 Mogilev, st. Pervomaiskaya, 71, tel. +375222-32-73-60, +375222-32-67-70, +375222-74-14-15,
  7. 220036 Minsk, st. K. Liebknecht, 68-306, tel. +37517-207-35-14, +37517-207-32-14, +37517-207-36-27.

To ensure that this procedure does not drag on, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. So, for example, when choosing a name, you can check whether or not such a name exists in the name database of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs. To do this, just enter the name in the search form on the web portal Unified State Register.

Coordination of the name can be carried out when:
a) the applicant’s personal application to the registration authority with the presentation of a document proving his identity;
b) sending documents by mail;
c) the applicant submits documents to electronic form via the web portal.

If the name is agreed upon in person or by sending documents by mailApplicants submit the following documents to the registration authority:

1. Application in the prescribed form(Application forms for name approval can be obtained by applicants from the global computer network Internet on the official website of the Ministry of Justice, web portal, or provided free of charge by the registration authority upon personal application by the applicant for approval of the name);
2. A copy of a document confirming in the prescribed manner the powers of the applicant, in the case of submission of documents by representatives of a legal entity or individual, unless otherwise provided by law;
3. Permissions to use surnames, pseudonyms of famous persons or use of names in cases established by law.

The approval of the name in electronic form is carried out by filling it out on the open part of the web portal interactive form statements established by the Ministry of Justice.

The procedure for agreeing on the names of legal entities is regulated by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 5, 2009 No. 154 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for agreeing on the names of commercial and non-profit organizations"and Resolution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus dated March 5, 2009 No. 20 "On the approval of the names of legal entities."

Stage 2: Determining the location of the company (“legal address”)

The location of a private unitary enterprise may be the residential premises (apartment, residential building) of an individual – the Founder (property owner) of the private unitary enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the residential premises) in one of the following cases:

  1. The residential premises belong to him by right of ownership (is in shared or joint ownership) - with the consent of the other owner (all owners), as well as all adult members of his family (and family members of all owners) living in this premises;
  2. He permanently resides in residential premises (with the exception of residential premises of the state housing stock), as evidenced by a mark in the identity document or information in the registration card - with the consent of the owner (all owners) of the residential premises of the private housing stock, as well as those living in in this premises of all adult family members of the owner (all owners).

In this case, the owner of the residential premises is charged for utilities and other payments related to the operation of such premises, in the manner determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. Implementation production activities(performance of work, provision of services) in a residential premises that is the location of a private unitary enterprise is not permitted without transferring this premises to non-residential premises in the manner prescribed by law.

In other cases, the location of a private unitary enterprise can only be non-residential (administrative) premises.
The location of a limited (additional) liability company can only be non-residential (administrative) premises.

If non-residential (administrative) premises are provided for a legal address, it is advisable to conclude a preliminary Lease Agreement for the specified areas with the potential Lessor or obtain from him Letter of guarantee containing everything essential conditions future lease agreement. Compliance with this formality may allow you to avoid problems associated with the Landlord’s possible refusal to subsequently conclude a lease agreement with your organization.

Stage 3: Preparation of documents for establishing a company

To carry out state registration A private unitary enterprise must prepare:

  1. The Founder’s decision to create a Private Enterprise;
  2. Charter of a Private Enterprise;
  3. Application for state registration in the established form.

To carry out state registration of an LLC (ALC), it is necessary to prepare:

  1. Decision on the establishment of a business company (LLC (LC);
    (The establishment of a business company is carried out by the decision of its founders, which is adopted before the constituent meeting. The decision to establish a business company can be made by the founders by concluding an agreement on the creation of a business company or in another form determined by the founders (for example, a protocol). In the case of the establishment of a business company by one person, the decision (decisions) on issues related to its establishment are made (are taken) by this person individually and are drawn up (are drawn up) in writing).
  2. Minutes of the meeting of the Constituent Assembly;(The founding meeting is held after the implementation of all decisions made by the Founders in the decision to establish a business company.In the case of the establishment of a business company by one person, a constituent meeting is not held.)
  3. Charter of a business company (LLC (LCD)).
  4. Application for state registration with appendices thereto, in the established form.

ATTENTION: When preparing the Charter, statements and other documents, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the organizational and legal form of the legal entity being created, as well as the legal requirements for their content and design. Otherwise, the founders may be held liable for providing false data during state registration of a legal entity, with subsequent recognition of the state registration as invalid by a court decision and recovery of income received from such activities.

Stage 4: Formation of the authorized capital

For limited (additional) liability companies, as well as for private unitary enterprises, the legislation does not establish minimum sizes of authorized capital, which allows them to be formed in the amounts determined by the founders.
Contributions to the authorized capital can be things, including money and securities, other property, including property rights, or other alienable rights that have an estimate of their value.
If a non-monetary contribution is made to the authorized fund, it is necessary to evaluate its value. In the case of an independent assessment of the value of a non-monetary contribution made to the authorized capital of a commercial organization, an examination of the reliability of this assessment is not carried out.

The authorized capital can be formed within 12 months from the date of state registration of a legal entity in full, unless a shorter period for its formation is provided for by the Charter.

When forming the authorized capital in money after registration of a legal entity, the money is deposited by the Founders into the current account of the created legal entity in the bank.

In case of formation of the authorized capital at the expense of cash Before the state registration of the company, the Founder must open a temporary bank account to form the authorized capital and make deposits there in the amounts determined by the Founders. To do this you will need:

  1. A decision on establishing an organization, in which it is necessary to authorize one of the founders to open a temporary account and manage the funds in the temporary account.
  2. Authorized person with a passport.

Directly at the bank, the Authorized Person will fill out an application for opening an account, a questionnaire and an agreement with the bank, after which the Founders will make deposits into the account.
It is advisable to open a temporary account in the bank in which further settlement and cash services for your company are planned, since transferring funds from a temporary account in one bank to a current one in another bank is, as a rule, paid service.

Stage 5: Submitting documents to the registration authority

Providing documents for state registration is possible by personally contacting the registration authority or through the web portal of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs.

The necessary information on the procedure for submitting documents through the Unified State Register web portal can be found by clicking on the link.

When submitting documents to the registration authority in the personal presence of all Founders (or their Representatives), you must have identification documents (passport, residence permit) and documents confirming your authority (for example: power of attorney, protocol - for Representatives). If the number of founders of a commercial organization is more than three, they have the right to authorize one of them to sign on their behalf an application for state registration, which must be indicated in the document confirming the intention to create a commercial organization.

For state registration of your Company, you must provide the following documents to the registration authority at the location of the legal entity being created:

  1. Application for state registration;
  2. Charter in two copies without notarization + its electronic copy(in .doc or .rtf format);
  3. Legalized extract from the trade register of the country of establishment or other equivalent evidence of the legal status of the organization in accordance with the legislation of the country of its establishment or a notarized copy of the specified documents (the extract must be dated no later than one year before the date of filing the application for state registration) with a translation into Belarusian or Russian (the translator’s signature is notarized) – for founders who are foreign organizations;
  4. Copy of identity document, with translation into Belarusian or Russian (the translator’s signature is notarized) – for founders who are foreign individuals;
  5. Original or copy of a payment document confirming payment of the state duty. It is allowed to pay the state fee using bank payment cards through Internet banking, information kiosk (possible only through ERIP). If the state fee is paid through the ERIP, the original or copy of the payment document confirming such payment is not submitted to the registration authority. However, the payer is obliged, when contacting the body that collects the state duty, to provide the account number of the operation (transaction) in a single settlement and information space.

Request by the registration authority of other documents is prohibited.

If the Application for State Registration and its annexes are filled out correctly, and you have provided a complete set of documents, the registration authority carries out state registration of your Company on the day of your application, as evidenced by the registration stamp on your Charter, one copy of which will be returned to you by the registration authority. On the next working day, a certificate of state registration will be ready, and five working days from the date of registration of the Company with the registration authority, it will be possible to obtain documents on registration with tax authorities, authorities state statistics, bodies of the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, registration in the Belarusian Republican Unitary Insurance Enterprise "Belgosstrakh".

The procedure for state registration of legal entities is regulated by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 16, 2009 No. 1 “On state registration and liquidation (termination of activities) of business entities.”

This article will help you open and register a private enterprise yourself. Essentially it serves step by step instructions to open a private unitary enterprise. If you wish, you can seek the help of a lawyer to register a private enterprise. Registration is carried out by the competent government authorities. A state fee is charged for registering a private enterprise, which is 1 basic amount. However, the problem that is encountered during registration is the changes constantly being made to the legislation, which the average person is not aware of, unlike a lawyer who can give qualified and informed advice and prepare the necessary documents.

Procedure for registering an enterprise

Registration of a company or private enterprise in Belarus is a series of activities for which you will need a package of documents and the necessary set of knowledge, namely:

  • Find the legal address;
  • Agree on the name;
  • Set the size of the authorized capital;
  • Determine the main type of activity;
  • Prepare all necessary documents.

There are some nuances to consider during the process:

Location of private unitary enterprise

  • Non-residential premises (office);
  • Residential (apartment): only if the founder is either its owner or is registered in it and there is the consent of the adults registered in it. In this case, the cost utilities increases significantly, because Payment is charged at the rates established for legal entities.

Company name

A private enterprise requires a name. The name must contain an indication of the type of activity (production private unitary enterprise, private enterprise providing services, etc.). There is no fee for this procedure. Based on the results of approval, a certificate is issued that is valid for 1 month.

Charter capital of private unitary enterprise

Before registration, the size of the authorized capital must be established.

The legislation does not regulate minimum size authorized capital. It can be formed either in cash or by making a non-monetary contribution, which is subject to independent assessment.
It can be formed either before state registration or within one year from its date.

Types of activities of private unitary enterprises

The legislation does not require that the charter specify the types of activities. The application must indicate only the main type of activity and its code.

Charter of the enterprise

Before registering, you must approve the Charter.

To develop the Charter, it is better to seek the help of a lawyer who is always up to date latest changes legislation. The lawyer will provide you with a draft Charter that will comply current legislation and take into account all your wishes.

Registration of a private enterprise is carried out on the day of submission of the package of documents. The amount of the mandatory payment is 1 basic unit.
Required documents:

  1. An application drawn up in the prescribed form.
  2. Printed charter in 2 copies.
  3. Electronic copy of the Charter of a unitary enterprise.
  4. Original or copy of the receipt for payment of the state duty.

Business registration services

This includes assistance in registering a private enterprise; to receive it you need:

  • Provide the lawyer with copies of the director’s and founder’s passports;
  • List several naming options;
  • Indicate the legal address (apartment or office);
  • Report types of activities;
  • Indicate the size of the authorized capital.

At your request, a lawyer can provide services only for the preparation of documents necessary for registering a private enterprise:

  • Founder's decisions;
  • Charter;
  • Applications with all necessary attachments.

The fee for legal assistance in preparing a package of documents is 120 rubles.

If you need to register a private enterprise in Minsk or the Minsk region, then you can order from a lawyer:

  • Consultation on issues that interest you;
  • Preparation of all necessary documents;
  • Support for submitting documents to government agency.

The cost of a lawyer’s work in this case will be 160 rubles.

Registration of a private unitary enterprise on a turnkey basis in Minsk implies:

  • Name approval;
  • Consultation on choosing a legal address;
  • Consultation on the procedure for forming the Authorized Fund;
  • Selection of activity type code according to the classifier (OKED);
  • Preparation of the founder’s decision;
  • Preparation of the charter;
  • Preparation of an application with all necessary attachments;
  • Submitting documents to a government agency;
  • Preparation labor contract with the director;
  • Preparation of an order to assume the position of director.

The fee for full support is 260 rubles.

Question for a lawyer

This is the completion of all actions to create a company WITHOUT Founders. Those. You entered into an agreement with us, provided powers of attorney and other necessary information, and then we do everything. Currently, in Minsk, a turnkey registration service for private enterprises is widespread, when documents will be prepared for you and a lawyer will be assigned to accompany you to the registration authority, and, in the best case, also to the bank. We believe that such a registration service still exists, but has no practical meaning for the client. Therefore, we recommend that you take this nuance into account when analyzing prices for registration services.

  • What do you need to know about private enterprises?

    1. A unitary enterprise is an enterprise created by an individual or legal entity.
    2. An individual may be a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, or a foreign citizen, or a stateless person.
    3. Unitary enterprise created an individual, from individual entrepreneur differs primarily in the presence of characteristics of a legal entity. In particular, a unitary enterprise must have a charter and authorized capital.
    4. A private unitary enterprise can carry out its activities only from the moment of state registration.
    5. The constituent documents of a private unitary enterprise are the charter.
  • What is the difference between an LLC and a private unitary enterprise?

    The main difference between an LLC and a private unitary enterprise actually comes down to the following:

    The property acquired by the LLC (including the contributions of the founders) belongs to the LLC by right of ownership. those. The founder cannot take and take away such property from the LLC.

    The property acquired by the private unitary enterprise (including the contribution of the founder) belongs to the private unitary enterprise on the right of economic management, and to the Founder on the right of ownership. And for certain reasons, the founder of a private unitary enterprise, by his decision, can “seize” almost any property from a unitary enterprise.

    It is much easier for the founder of an LLC to get out of business than for the owner of a unitary enterprise. A participant in an LLC can at any time either sell his share in the LLC, or simply write a statement of resignation and, from the moment the company receives the statement, no longer be a participant.

  • What is the size of the government? fees for registering an LLC?

    One basic value (as of 06/01/2018 – 24.5 Br)

  • What is the minimum size of the authorized capital of a private unitary enterprise?

    The minimum and maximum size of the authorized capital of a private unitary enterprise is not established by law. those. the founder determines it himself.

  • Can a director in a private unitary enterprise keep accounting records?

    The director of a private unitary enterprise can keep accounting records and prepare reports personally if the Enterprise is a micro-organization (number of employees up to 15 people) and the Director meets the following requirements:

    1) the presence of a higher or secondary specialized education, which, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, provides the right to work as an accountant, and work experience as an accountant for at least three years;

    2) the absence of an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for committing a crime against property and the procedure for carrying out economic activities.

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