Sample letter to grandfather from granddaughter. Video: How to write a letter to Santa Claus: tips for parents

An essay by Ivan Voynovsky, son of Vladimir...

Hello, my dear grandfather!
Your grandson Vanya is writing to you. Grandpa, I love you very much. Take me to your place for the summer. A?
I sat down to write you a letter because I want to tell you about how and why my dad punished me. You probably raised him very little as a child, so he takes it out on me.
Today is a day off, and I wanted to sleep, but my little sister Natasha woke me up. Well, why can't she sleep on weekends? As I was going to kindergarten, she was whining: “I want to save you!”, and then, neither light nor dawn, she woke up and came running to me. Usually she runs to her mom and dad, but her parents are cunning, they closed their door and didn’t let her in. The elder sister Anastasia, your beloved granddaughter, chatted with her fiancé all night via cell phone and corresponded via text messages. She also closed the door to her room and was dozing.
I say to Natasha: “Come on, let’s sleep!”, and she says to me: “No! Come on! I want to go for a walk. You were going to give me a pussy ride!”
There is nothing to do. I had to get up. True, not right away. We struggled a little. Natasha loves to beat me. Then she brought the Primer, and we repeated the letters that she had already learned. You know, grandfather, she already knows how to write several words herself, one of which is “grandfather.” It’s a pity that you come to visit us very rarely, practically never at all, otherwise Natasha would show you how she writes. She has her own small notebook, pen and pencil.
While we were playing around, mom and dad stood up.
After breakfast, I helped Nastya dig up a plot of land to plant cabbage. At about eleven o'clock my friends came to pick me up. I took Natasha with me and we went for a walk on a bicycle.
And where have we been? First of all, we went to Energetikov Street to ride on the big swing. With the boys, we swung very hard and flew high. The wind whistled in my ears. Natasha is still small, so they didn’t ride her sister too much, but she was still capricious. I sat her, tearful, on the frame of the bicycle, and we went to jump on the hammock. It's also close to home. However…
Grandfather, don’t think that I jumped on the hammock like on a trampoline in a circus. No! I swung on it and jumped into a large pile of sea sand. There was a bungee hanging nearby, which was also very cool to swing on. Oh, what a fun time we had.
We were going to go home through the “bathing area”. This is where vegetable warehouses used to be. Dad told me that a long time ago you built them with your team when you worked as a builder. In their place is now a fish processing plant. It's small. The adults made a small lake next to it. The water in it is not very clean, but it warms up well under the sun and you can swim.
Having abandoned our bicycles, we splashed and played in the water. Natasha washed her face and jumped with me, splashing and laughing merrily.
After swimming, my sister and Denis and I went to the big house. We argued for a long time while swimming in the lake whether there was construction going on there or not. It turned out that this house was still under construction. Builders from Uzbekistan work here. I know many of them. Last year they invited me to visit them.
When we were getting ready to go home, Denis suggested driving through the fields. Grandfather, you know, driving through the fields and not stopping at Bald Hill is simply unthinkable. And as you remember, this is a small detour of three kilometers. If I were alone, without Natasha, I would instantly turn around. That's just...
We were already returning, that is, we were walking across the field to the house. I look, and on the road there is a car similar to ours. Let's come closer. Dad is driving. He doesn't look at me kindly. Natasha and I were delighted. Dad didn’t seem to notice our joy. He just said: “Natasha, get in the car, and be home in two minutes.”
I pedaled quickly. It was impossible to come home later than my father. At home I washed my face and thought: “Why is dad so angry? What have I done wrong?”, and when I looked at my watch, I understood everything - the hands of the dial showed half past seven in the evening.
No, grandfather, after all, you raised your dad very little when he was little. Well, is it possible to punish for this?! Natasha and I just took a walk, and nothing happened.
Grandfather, don’t think about it, dad never spanks me with a belt, like my friends’ parents do. Do you know how he punished me? My father calls it occupational therapy. At first I read the stories of J. London, and then weeded the raspberries.
Grandfather, take me to your place for the summer. At least I'll rest.
Your loving grandson Vanya.

About a month before the New Year, children begin to look forward to the holiday. Yes, this is not surprising. The shops are already decorated, there are Christmas trees here and there around the city, and pre-holiday cartoons are on TV. Therefore, the eve of the holiday is the time to send a message to the New Year's wizard. How to write a letter to Santa Claus? Read examples of such messages below.

How to format a letter

Which message is more pleasant to hold in your hands: a checkered sheet or a landscape sheet with a color illustration? Of course, everyone likes the second option more. There is no clear answer to the question of how to write a letter to Santa Claus? Each child must decide this independently. We will simply give recommendations that can be used in your work.

The letter must be written to beautiful paper. It is advisable to take a tinted one for such a case. And of course, you need to draw a New Year’s illustration on it. Some say that if a child does not have artistic talent, then he should not upset Santa Claus with an ugly drawing. But that's not true. After all, children love to draw. And they may not succeed precisely because their parents do not believe in them and do not give them the opportunity to practice often. So let the child draw as best he can.

It is worth paying attention not only to the letter sheet itself, but also to the envelope. Examples of letters to Santa Claus are given below.

Main points of the message

To avoid appearing ignorant, you need to write your letter according to plan. After all, when there is a clear structure before your eyes, it is simply impossible to forget about some point. How to write a letter to Santa Claus?

  • The first item should be a greeting. It’s worth saying hello to the New Year’s wizard and his assistants. The Snow Maiden, snowmen, hares, horses and deer will be pleased to hear greetings.
  • And now it’s worth congratulating Santa Claus on the upcoming holiday and wishing him all the best, and most importantly, long life and health.
  • The third point is to analyze your own year. Write down what went well, what you should be grateful for in the passing days, what successes you have achieved and what failures you have experienced in your endeavors.
  • Now it's time for promises. You need to write what the child promises to do to receive the gift. You can also write down your expectations for the year, not in terms of gifts, but as if your own version of the desired development of this year.
  • And only after this you can ask for gifts. Moreover, it is desirable that this is not a list of 20 points, but one most cherished desire. And the less material it is, the better. But you can ask for gifts not only for yourself, but also for your parents and friends. And you can even worry about your pets.
  • After the request, you need to express gratitude that Santa Claus spent his time reading the letter and will spend time in the future to make his wish come true.
  • And of course, don’t forget to say goodbye to the good wizard.

Example of a letter from a boy

A child of kindergarten age is not yet able to write a letter on his own. Therefore, his parents should help him in this difficult task. And it is they who must figure out how to write the text of the letter to Santa Claus. But leaving a little boy idle is also bad. Therefore, he can draw a postcard or beautifully design a letter written by his mother’s hand. The boy must also remember all his good and evil deeds on his own. And he’s also quite capable of coming up with a New Year’s resolution. Example of a letter to Santa Claus:

Hello, Grandfather Frost! Hello, Snow Maiden, snowmen and bunnies!

Happy holiday to you. May your year be successful and happy.

This year I behaved well, didn't fight with the boys, didn't offend my parents, and helped wash the dishes. I also cleaned up my toys and clothes on my own.

Grandpa, please give me a dog. I will love her very much. I promise to feed her and walk her.

Thanks in advance. I believe that you will help me fulfill my cherished desire.

Example of a letter from a girl

Almost all children want to get a toy for New Year. And beautiful and expensive. But parents don’t always have the money for such a gift. Therefore, if children’s letters to Santa Claus consist of such requests, and sincere ones at that, then, willy-nilly, such a demand will have to be fulfilled. But at the same time, it is necessary to explain to the child that you will have to work hard all year to get such an expensive toy. You can even ask not only to write a list of your promises in a message to the New Year's wizard, but also to hang this sheet on the wall. Here is an example of a letter to Santa Claus:

Hello, Santa Claus, hares and Snow Maiden!

Happy holiday to you all! Congratulations to your trio of white horses.

This year has been good, and I really hope that next year will be even better. I made great progress in drawing and learned to read. I can even write some letters now. They promise that next year I will do more English, writing and reading, and will also try to love arithmetic.

And for this to happen, I beg you, grandfather, give me a new doll from the Monster High collection. My girls really want to have another sister nearby.

Thank you very much for last year's gift. I kept all my promises and I hope I won’t let you down again this year.

Example of a letter from a student

Unlike small children, a 12-year-old child can already compose a message on his own. How to write a letter to Santa Claus? You need to work according to the standard scheme given above. Here is a sample letter from a junior student:

Hello, Grandfather Frost!

Happy New Year! I hope it went well and fun for you. So do I. I have worked hard and plan to continue working the same way next year.

I promise that I will obey my parents and grandmother. I also promise that I will walk the dog and play with the kitten.

Please give me a tablet. We already have one, but he is dad's and dad takes him in the evenings. And I want to have my own. But not only for toys. I can watch training videos on it.

Thank you very much in advance.

Example of a letter from a schoolgirl

School-age girls want to grow up faster, so their desires usually flow in this direction. We discussed how to write a letter to Santa Claus above, but now let’s look at an example:

Santa Claus, hello! Hello, Snow Maiden!

Happy holiday to you!

This year I behaved well and finished the quarter with straight A's. Mom says that if I study just as well, I will receive a gold medal. This year I went to art school and learned to draw well. But I don't want to limit myself to paper.

Santa Claus, please give me some cosmetics. I want to learnnot onlydraw on paper, but also create beautiful makeup. And my mother doesn’t allow me to use her makeup bag.

Thank you for helping me.

Santa Claus address

The letter was written, packed in a beautiful envelope, now it’s time to go to the post office. Where to write to Santa Claus? The letter can be addressed to Verkhny Ustyug. Index 162390. And don’t forget to write the cherished words Santa Claus Mail. But we can surprise schoolchildren who want to send a letter on their own, without the help of their parents. Even if you write “Santa Claus” on the envelope, then such a letter will find its addressee. Postal employees have been redirecting messages to the New Year's wizard for several years now.

But Santa Claus reads not only paper letters. He has and e-mail. Here you can send both a letter typed on a computer and a photograph of a handwritten message.

Dear and beloved grandfather...

Dear grandfather, it’s been 70 years since the war ended...

I'm sorry that I only know about you from stories, but I still love you very much. Dad spoke a lot about you and always only good things. I know everything by heart scary stories about the war that happened to you back in 1943. You told these stories to your dad, and he told them to me. I know that you didn’t like to talk about what happened to you, but we need to know what this victory cost you.

Dad said that when you were drafted into the war, you were a year older than me, you were 16. I tried many times to put myself in your place. Imagine what it would be like for me in war. I couldn’t do it... I became scared and tears appeared in my eyes... You went to war as a child who did not know fear and pain. The war stole your childhood. Children's war games suddenly became a reality. But the reality was terrifying: pain, tears, shell explosions, devastation from bombings that almost never stopped. Day and night you had to fight hard and brutal battles. It's a miracle you survived...

Grandfather, what if fate turned away from you and you died? No! It's even scary to imagine! After all, then the country would have lost its hero, and I would have lost my grandfather... If you had been gone, then my dad and his beautiful sister would never have been born. I wouldn’t have been born into this world either... Thank God for keeping you in the fight. But there were still some injuries. When you were sitting with three of your comrades on a tank, a bomb hit you, you were the only one who remained alive then. I know that you were severely concussed then, and your arm was broken. Your hand never moved again. Until the end of your days, this wound reminded you of the bloody battles on the Kursk Bulge.

My generation is the last generation that sees veterans, defenders of the Motherland, true patriots! Unfortunately, modern children do not understand the full value of your feat. They have their own heroes from cartoons and modern films, and you are my hero!

I will share memories of you, of your feat, at my school, so that the memory of you remains in the hearts of those who are close to me. I want our generation to appreciate the immortal feat thanks to which we live peacefully and happily in a free country. Thanks to you, I can live calmly, breathe, look at the blue sky and enjoy every moment spent on this earth. You gave me a free life, thank you for that.

Grandfather, my dear, I know that I will not receive an answer to my letter, since you are no longer alive... But I want to tell you about how I live. When you passed away, you knew that you would soon have a grandson or granddaughter. And then I was born - your granddaughter Sasha, now I’m already big, I’m in the 9th grade, I’m looking forward to graduation. I study well, I try to accept active participation in all public affairs, I help at home.

You know, grandpa, the world has changed so much! So many new things have appeared! People are in a hurry, not noticing anything around them. And from childhood I was taught goodness, taught to appreciate what we have now. I know this is your fault. Dad is very proud of you, your military achievements, and therefore he taught me to appreciate and respect the past. It’s spring here, grandpa! Nature is coming to life, the gardens will soon bloom. Victory Day is coming soon and I will proudly go to the parade, knowing that you, my dear, are the hero of the country! With great joy and respect, I will present flowers to veteran home front workers. In our village, grandfather, unfortunately, there are no combat veterans left alive.

I'm proud of you! I am proud of the great Soviet people!

I will pass on everything I know about you to my future children so that they will be as proud of you as I am. Your feat will forever remain in our memory...

Everything becomes a thing of the past, but the memory of a person is immortal... I bow to you veterans!!!

Thank you, grandfather, for the Victory!!! You are forever in my memory and my heart!

With great love and gratitude, your granddaughter Sasha.

“Letter to the Past” - a letter to my great-grandfather,

who fought in the war

Timofeeva Alexandra Alexandrovna

9th grade MKOU "Bolotnikovskaya secondary school"

Lyambirsky municipal district

“Dear Grandfather Frost!
I'm very glad that soon New Year and mom, dad and I will decorate the Christmas tree.
And I'm waiting for you to come visit me!
Most of all I would like to receive a dog as a gift.
I promise to behave well and help my parents. Thank you!"

You can write such a letter together with your child. Or persuade his friends from kindergarten or school to write a general message: then the kind grandfather will definitely not pass by New Year's party and will bring long-awaited gifts.

What to write in a letter

Like any person, Grandfather Frost is unlikely to like impolite treatment, mistakes or an orderly tone. Keep this in mind when helping your child write a New Year's message.

The letter should contain the following points:

  1. Greetings (dear Santa Claus, dear Grandfather Frost).
  2. First and last name of the baby (there are too many people who want to receive a gift, you can inadvertently make a mistake).
  3. Brief story about the child’s achievements over the past year (he was obedient, helped his mother with housework, learned to read, etc.).
  4. Request for a gift in a polite manner (or better yet, several to choose from).
  5. In conclusion - thanks to grandfather, it would also be useful to say goodbye before next year. You can also go to a matinee or visit, he will be pleased!

Design of a New Year's message

Well, the text of the letter is ready. All that remains is to work on its design - after all, it’s somehow frivolous to write such a message on a piece of notebook paper! What are the options?

Ready-made templates for letters to Santa Claus

This is the simplest option: you just need to print out a sample you like from the Internet.

But a homemade card is much better, isn't it? Therefore, we call upon our imagination to help...

Children's holiday cards

Very elegant cards are made from bright cardboard, decorated with Christmas tree rain or simple cotton wool. Make a card out of a sheet of cardboard, and use pieces of fabric, pebbles, beads, beads, broken Christmas tree decorations or nutshells as decoration.

The postcard can contain either a chaotic applique or a New Year's themed drawing: a snowflake, a Christmas tree, a snowman, a white bunny, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Family letter

Why not write an important family message to Santa Claus with a coat of arms and seal? He will be surprised and delighted!

Together with your child, come up with titles for the whole family: let dad be a king, let mom be a king, and let him be a prince or princess. Next, take thin parchment paper and write the prepared text on it in beautiful handwriting. At the end, do not forget to draw the family coat of arms and put a seal.

New Year's collage

Another option is to cut out suitable pictures of children, Santa Claus, gifts and Christmas decorations. Then glue them onto cardboard and write the text. The holiday message is ready!

Envelopes and stamps

Their goal is to attract the attention of the recipient, so they should also be bright and festive. Bookstores sell large colored envelopes. You need to write an address on them and put a stamp on them. You can also make an applique on an envelope or create a special New Year's stamp.

Where to send the letter?

So, the letter is written, elegantly designed and packed in a festive envelope. All that remains is to write the address and take the letter to the post office.

Here are some famous addresses of Santa Claus:

Father Frost, Russia:

1. Santa Claus Post Office, 162390, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, lane. Oktyabrsky, 1A.

2. 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, to Grandfather Frost.

3. St. Petersburg, Shuvalovka, “Russian Village”, Santa Claus.

Father Frost, Ukraine:

1. Santa Claus Post Office, st. Khreshchatyk, 22, Kyiv-1, Ukraine, 01001

2. House of St. Nicholas, st. Druzhby, 84, Kosiv city, Ivano-Frankivsk region, 78600.

Father Frost, Belarus:
“Belovezhskaya Pushcha. To Santa Claus", p/o Kamenyuki, Kamenets district, Brest region, 225063.

Santa Claus, Finland:
Santa Claus, Arctic circle, 96930, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Vainakhtsman, Germany:
Weihnachtsmann, Weihnachtspostfiliale, 16798 Himmelpfort.

Giving your child a miracle is not so difficult. What if Grandfather Frost not only sends an answer on New Year’s Eve, but also fulfills a child’s most cherished wish? Who knows... In the end, you will always be aware of the contents of the letter yourself and will not let your child be disappointed.

    Did you believe in Santa Claus as a child?

Hello, grandpa!

Your great-grandson is writing to you.

Now, on the eve of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we all remember the people who, one way or another, were affected by this war. Veterans come to school and remember these terrible years. Students write essays talking about loved ones and strangers whose destinies were distorted by the war. I also wrote an essay about my mother’s paternal grandfather. But about you, about my grandmother’s father, I know almost nothing. But this is not correct. You didn’t hold me on your lap, didn’t take me for a walk, didn’t tell me about the war. And I suddenly wanted to turn to you, talk to you.

Grandfather Seryozha, I know so little about you. You were a tank driver and died at Stalingrad. Your last name is Danylishen. That's it. Grandmother (or rather great-grandmother) did not receive a funeral for you, because you were not registered. How often during that war people’s relationships did not continue. Fate quickly brought us together, but war separated us – very often forever.

I don't know how you fought. But I'm just sure that you were a good soldier and did your duty to the end. I read in a history textbook that the 84th Tank Brigade took part in the Battle of Stalingrad. Maybe your tank was part of it.

I don't know how you died. Maybe your tank was hit and you found your last refuge in your combat vehicle? Maybe a sniper's bullet hit you when you were getting out of a burning tank? Maybe you and your comrades defended one of the fortress houses in Stalingrad. Maybe you died from your wounds in the hospital, never seeing how the 62nd and 64th armies closed the ring, how Field Marshal Pauls surrendered, how the long chain of captured fascists stretched. Maybe, maybe...

I'm proud of you, all of you. You didn’t flinch, you didn’t give up! They did not throw down their weapons, did not become numb in fear and meanness, declaring: this is what we are fighting for. You fought, died and won so that we could live.

Grandfather, you wouldn’t blush for us either. Your granddaughter, my mother, has been teaching children for almost 25 years. She is a good teacher: the kids love her and her parents respect her. My brother and I are studying. I'm already in 9th grade. True, I still don’t know what I’ll do after school. But definitely something interesting and useful. We have a normal family: we love sports, trips to nature; We welcome guests. And we just try to live honestly, so that, as my mother says, we won’t be ashamed to look people in the eye.

And I will definitely come to Volgograd. Of course, I would like to come with the whole family. Slowly climb Mamayev Kurgan, go into the hall of military glory and find your last name - because there is nothing more I can do for you.

I read somewhere that “there are no casualties at all in war.” I consider my grandmother as a victim, who never saw her father, my mother, who called a stranger (albeit a very good one) grandfather, and myself, because I didn’t sit on your lap, didn’t touch your orders, didn’t hear your stories.

I'll never hear back from you, but that doesn't matter. We remember you, you are alive in our memory - that’s what’s important!

Your great-grandson Linar.

Municipal educational institution

"Srednedevyatovskaya Secondary School"


9th grade student

Khaliullina Linara

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