Planning work to prepare a project in a dhow. Methodological recommendations for organizing project activities in preschool educational institutions; methodological development on the topic

Author information

Kelar Oksana Konstantinovna

Place of work, position:

MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 22" GM, teacher

Leningrad region

Resource characteristics

Education levels:

Preschool education


Target Audience:


Target Audience:

Teacher additional education

Target Audience:

Teacher (teacher)

Resource type:

Brief description of the resource:

Rough plan the work of the teacher in preparing the project, stages of the project, types of project and tasks of the project.

Approximate work plan for a teacher to prepare a project

  1. Based on the children’s problems studied, set the goal of the project.
  2. Developing a plan to achieve the goal (the teacher discusses the plan with the parents).
  3. Involvement of specialists in the implementation of relevant sections of the project.
  4. Drawing up a project plan.
  5. Collection, accumulation of material.
  6. Inclusion in the project plan of classes, games and other types of children's activities.
  7. Homework for yourself. execution.
  8. Presentation of the project, open lesson.

Main stages of the project method

1. Goal setting: The teacher helps the child choose the most relevant and feasible task for him for a certain period of time.

2. Project development- action plan to achieve the goal:

  • who to turn to for help (an adult, a teacher);
  • what sources can you find information from?
  • what items to use (accessories, equipment);
  • what objects to learn to work with to achieve the goal.

3. Project execution- practical part.

4. Summing up - defining tasks for new projects.

Currently projects are classified:

  1. by composition of participants;
  2. by target setting;
  3. by topic;
  4. according to implementation deadlines.

The following types of projects are used in the practice of modern preschool institutions:

  1. research and creative projects: children experiment, and then the results are presented in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design;
  2. role-playing projects(with elements creative games when children take on the character of a fairy tale and solve problems in their own way);
  3. information-practice-oriented projects: children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests (decoration and design of the group, stained glass windows, etc.);
  4. creative projects in kindergarten(format the result in the form children's party, children's design, for example "Theater Week").

Other types of projects are also significant, including:

  • complex:“World of Theater”, “Hello, Pushkin!”, “Echo of Centuries”, “Book Week”;
  • intergroup:“Mathematical collages”, “The world of animals and birds”, “Seasons”;
  • creative:“My friends”, “In our boring garden”, “We love fairy tales”, “The world of nature”, “Rowan berries of Russia”;
  • group:“Tales of Love”, “Know Yourself”, “ underwater world", "Fun Astronomy";
  • individual:“Me and My Family”, “Family Tree”, “Secrets of Grandma’s Chest”, “ Fairytale bird»;
  • research:“The World of Water”, “Breath and Health”, “Nutrition and Health”.

In terms of duration, they can be short-term (one or several lessons), medium-long, long-term (for example, “Pushkin’s Work” - for the academic year).

Development objectives:

  1. ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;
  2. development of cognitive abilities;
  3. development creative imagination;
  4. development of creative thinking;
  5. development of communication skills.

Tasks research activities specific for each age.

In early preschool age this is:

  • children’s entry into a problematic play situation (the leading role of the teacher);
  • activating the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with the teacher);
  • formation of initial prerequisites for search activities (practical experiments).

In older preschool age this is:

  • formation of prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative;
  • developing the ability to identify possible methods of solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;
  • developing the ability to apply these methods to help solve the problem, using various options;
  • developing a desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.


Activities of a teacher

Children's activities

1. Formulates the problem (goal). When setting a goal, the product of the project is also determined.
2. Introduces the game (story) situation.
3. Formulates the problem (not rigidly).

1. Entering the problem.
2. Getting used to the game situation.
3. Acceptance of the task.
4. Addition of project tasks.

4. Helps in solving a problem.
5. Helps plan activities
6. Organizes activities.

5. Uniting children into working groups.
6. Role distribution.

7. Practical assistance (if necessary).
8. Directs and controls the implementation of the project.

7. Formation of specific knowledge and skills.

9. Preparing for the presentation.
10. Presentation.

8. The product of the activity is prepared for presentation.
9. Present (to spectators or experts) the product of the activity.

The project method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment and synthesize acquired knowledge. Develop creativity and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of school learning.

The introduction of the project method into practice began with the organization of work with teaching staff. Here you can use the following forms of work:

Junior preschool age

Learning Objectives:

  1. awaken interest in the proposed activity;
  2. involve children in the learning process;
  3. form different ideas;
  4. involve children in reproducing images using various options;
  5. encourage children to engage in joint search activities and experimentation.

Improving mental processes:

  1. formation of emotional interest;
  2. familiarity with objects and actions with them;
  3. development of thinking and imagination;
  4. speech development.
  1. awareness of the goal;
  2. mastering various ways of solving assigned problems;
  3. the ability to anticipate the outcome based on one’s past experience;
  4. searching for different means to achieve the goal.

Lines of personality development.

Physical development:

  • stimulation of the natural process of development of motor abilities and qualities;
  • formation of conscious ideas about the need to take care of one’s health (role-playing project “The ABC of Health”);

social development:

  • formation of methods of communication (vernissage “Me and My Family”, individual family projects “Geneological Tree”);

cognitive development:

  • enrichment and expansion of ideas about the world around us;
  • expansion and qualitative change in methods of orientation in the surrounding world;
  • conscious use of sensory sensations in decision making practical problems(mathematical collages, intergroup project “The World of Animals and Birds”, “ Creative projects“My Friends”, “Natural World”, “We Love Fairy Tales”);

aesthetic development:

  • development of an emotional-value attitude towards works of art and artistic images;
  • mastery of artistic activity (complex projects “The World of Theatre”, “Hello, Pushkin!”, role-playing projects “Favorite Toys”).

Senior preschool age.

Learning Objectives:

  1. develop search activity and intellectual initiative;
  2. develop special methods of orientation - experimentation and modeling;
  3. to form generalized methods of mental work and means of building one’s own cognitive activity;
  4. develop the ability to predict future changes.

Formation of prerequisites for educational activities:

  1. arbitrariness in behavior and productive activity;
  2. the need to create your own picture of the world;
  3. communication skills.

Formation of design and research skills:

  1. identify the problem;
  2. independently search for the right solution;
  3. choose the most adequate one from the available methods and use it productively;
  4. independently analyze the results obtained.

Lines of personality development.

Social development:

  • development of self-knowledge and positive self-esteem;
  • mastering methods of non-situational and personal communication;
  • high level communicative competence;
  • awareness of the functions of speech (individual project “Me and My Family”, “Family Tree”, project “Tales of Love”, group projects"Know yourself");

Physical development:

  • development of a conscious attitude towards one’s health;
  • formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle;
  • improvement of the process of development of motor abilities and qualities (role-playing projects “The ABC of Health”, “Secrets of Ilya Muromets”).

Cognitive development:

  • systematization of knowledge, stimulating the development of cognitive and creative abilities;
  • development of abilities for practical and mental experimentation and symbolic modeling, speech planning, logical operations (club of book lovers “Magic Country”, group projects “Ural Gems”, “Underwater World”, “Fun Astronomy”, intergroup project “Seasons”, complex projects “Hello, Pushkin!”, “Heroes of the Russian Land”);

Aesthetic development:

  • in-depth introduction to art, the variety of artistic images;
  • mastering various types of art. activities;
  • development of abilities for aesthetic appreciation (role-playing project “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, complex projects “Echo of Centuries”, “Book Week”, “World of Theatre”).

Methodical recommendations compiled to help preschool teachers for organization project activities. The material contains the teacher’s work plan for preparing the project, the main stages of work on the project, the algorithm for developing the project, and approximate topics of the projects.



project activities in preschool educational institutions

Project method

Object of design,

on project preparation

a limited period of time.

Project development algorithm



Project activities



Problem Definition

(topics). Group selection


Clarification of existing

information, discussion



Problem analysis. Define

information sources

mation. Setting goals

and selection of evaluation criteria

results. Distribution

team roles

Formation of tasks,

accumulation of information.

Selection and rationale

success criteria

Making a decision

Collection and clarification of information

mation. Discussion al-

alternative The choice of optimal

new option. Clarification

activity plans

Observation. Consultations


Project execution

Work on the project


Evaluation of results

Analysis of project implementation

the results achieved

tov (successes and failures)

Participation in collective

project analysis and self-


Project protection.

Preparation for defense.

Rationale for the process

design. Explanation

the results obtained

Comrade, their assessment



project activities in preschool educational institutions

A modern preschool institution, in conditions of high dynamics of social processes and a huge flow of information, requires such methods of organization educational activities, which would form an active, independent and proactive position of preschoolers in acquiring knowledge; would develop research and reflective skills; would form skills directly related to the experience of their application in practical activities, i.e., competence. The project method can provide all of the above.

It is the project method that makes it possible to shift the emphasis from the process of children passively accumulating amounts of knowledge to their mastery of various methods of activity in conditions of the availability of information resources.

The accumulated pedagogical experience over the last decade confirms the consistency and effectiveness of using the project method in preschool educational practice. In the approximate basic general education program “From birth to school”, project activities are declared as a form of organizing educational activities and are based on the thematic principle of construction educational process.

About the relevance of useThe project method is evidenced by the fact that in scientific pedagogical literature it is mentioned in the context of the humanization of education, problem-based and developmental learning, collaborative pedagogy, student-oriented and activity-based approaches; integration of knowledge, social education, joint creative creation, etc.

The promise of the project method lies in the fact that it provides the opportunity to develop observation and analysis of phenomena, comparison, generalization and the ability to draw conclusions, creative thinking, logic of knowledge, inquisitiveness of the mind, joint cognitive search and research activities, communication and reflective skills, and much more. , which are the components of a successful personality.

Project method - a set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow solving a particular problem as a result of independent actions of students with the obligatory presentation of these results. Project-based learning can be presented as a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on interaction with environment, step by step practical activities to achieve the set goal.

Object of design,According to researchers, the pedagogical system of a preschool educational institution, a teacher, a separate program can become the unity of a system of educational goals and all factors of the pedagogical process that contribute to the achievement of goals. Meanwhile, for each teacher, the most important issues are related to the design of the educational process according to a specific methodology of an individual educational system, a separate specially organized lesson, and a pedagogical situation.

Taking joint project activities (project-based learning) as a basis, our teachers implement the “Basic general education program Preschool Educational Institution" through the organization of thematic projects aimed at expanding the educational space, searching for new forms of organizing children's teams, as well as opportunities for the development of creative, cognitive thinking of preschoolers.

Tips for a teacher on working on a project

1. Study the topic of the project in depth.

2. When drawing up a joint plan with children for the implementation of the project, support children's initiative.

3. Get each child interested in the topic of the project.

4. Create play motivation based on children’s interests.

5. Introduce children into a problem situation that is accessible to their understanding, based on children's personal experience.

6. Tactfully consider all options for solving the problem proposed by children: the child must have the right

to make mistakes and not be afraid to speak up.

7. Observe the principles of consistency and regularity in working on the project.

8. While working on the project, create an atmosphere of co-creation with the child, using an individual approach.

9. Take a creative approach to the implementation of the project, orient children to use accumulated observations, knowledge, and impressions.

10. Unobtrusively involve parents in working together on the project, creating a joyful atmosphere of joint creativity with the child

11. The final stage of the project should be carefully prepared and carried out in the form of a holiday, show, theatrical performance, etc.

Sample work plan for a teacher

on project preparation

1. Based on the studied problems of children, set the goal of the project.

2. Developing a plan to achieve the goal (the teacher discusses the plan with the parents).

3. Involvement of specialists in the implementation of relevant sections of the project.

4. Drawing up a project plan.

5. Collection, accumulation of material.

6. Inclusion of classes, games and other types of children's activities in the project plan.

7. Homework for yourself. execution.

8. Presentation of the project, open lesson.

Main stages of the project method

1. Goal setting: the teacher helps the child choose the most relevant and feasible task for him in the educational process.

a limited period of time.

2. Project development - action plan to achieve the goal:

Who to turn to for help (an adult, a teacher);

What sources can you find information from?

What items to use (accessories, equipment);

What objects should you learn to work with to achieve your goal?

3. Implementation of the project - the practical part.

4. Summing up - identifying tasks for new projects.

Project development algorithm



Project activities



Problem Definition

(topics). Group selection


Clarification of existing

information, discussion



Problem analysis. Define

information sources

mation. Setting goals

and selection of evaluation criteria

results. Distribution

team roles

Formation of tasks,

accumulation of information.

Selection and rationale

success criteria

Making a decision

Collection and clarification of information

mation. Discussion al-

alternative The choice of optimal

new option. Clarification

activity plans

Observation. Consultations


Project execution

Work on the project


Evaluation of results

Analysis of project implementation

the results achieved

tov (successes and failures)

Participation in collective

project analysis and self-


Project protection.

Preparation for defense.

Rationale for the process

design. Explanation

the results obtained

Comrade, their assessment

Project protection. Participation in collective assessment of project results


The following projects were implemented in our kindergarten:

mini-game projects “What should we build a house?”, “My favorite toy”, “Who lives in the house?”, “Wild and domestic animals”, “Sand Tale”; long-term project for children 1 junior group“Play, baby,” which are aimed at developing tactile sensations and fine motor skills, developing communication and gaming skills, and activating creative possibilities every child.

Projects in the physical culture and valeological direction to form correct posture and the prevention of its violations, to create the prerequisites for a healthy lifestyle in older preschoolers. These projects are relevant for our kindergarten, since the problem of health improvement is a priority for us.

Educational - “We are defenders of nature”, “Week of Fairy Tales”, “My Family”.

Local history - as part of the implementation of the regional component in the 2011/2012 academic year, a project on moral and patriotic education was developed at the preschool educational institution, which includes mini-projects “My City”, “Kazan Kremlin”, “My Republic”, “Peoples of the Volga Region” , "Tatar national costume", "Russian folk costume", "Folk crafts", "Weeks of Russian and Tatar cuisine".

When organizing work on projects, teachers taught children to collect information, and together with their parents, preschoolers figured out where it could be found and how to format it. Each project ended with some final event (exhibition, open occupation for parents or holiday).

In progress joint activities teachers, children and parents within the framework of design technology, we realized that no form of work with parents will bring the desired result if the family does not participate in planning, organizing and monitoring the results of activities. We took these three conditions as a basis, so teachers informed parents about the topics of new joint projects.

Thus, parents, participating in planning, organizing, and then monitoring results, are active participants in the educational process and begin to understand their own responsibility for raising children.

Preschool age is the foundation general development child and the starting period for the formation moral principles personality. Therefore, competently planned and organized project activities in preschool educational institutions have great value for the development of cognitive interests of preschool children. Collective work in microgroups provides an opportunity to express oneself in various types role activities, and the common cause develops social and personal qualities.

Didactic meaning of project activities in preschool educational institution We see that it helps to connect learning with life, forms research skills in preschoolers, develops their cognitive activity, independence, creativity, ability to plan, and work in a team. Such qualities contribute to children's successful learning at school.

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project activities in preschool educational institutions

A modern preschool institution, in conditions of high dynamics of social processes and a huge flow of information, requires methods of organizing educational activities that would form an active, independent and proactive position of preschoolers in acquiring knowledge; would develop research and reflective skills; would form skills directly related to the experience of their application in practical activities, i.e., competence. The project method can provide all of the above.

It is the project method that makes it possible to shift the emphasis from the process of children passively accumulating amounts of knowledge to their mastery of various methods of activity in conditions of the availability of information resources.

The accumulated pedagogical experience over the last decade confirms the consistency and effectiveness of using the project method in preschool educational practice. In the approximate basic general education program “From birth to school,” project activities are stated as a form of organizing educational activities and are based on the thematic principle of constructing the educational process.

About the relevance of use The project method is evidenced by the fact that in scientific pedagogical literature it is mentioned in the context of the humanization of education, problem-based and developmental learning, collaborative pedagogy, student-oriented and activity-based approaches; integration of knowledge, social education, joint creative creation, etc.

The promise of the project method lies in the fact that it provides the opportunity to develop observation and analysis of phenomena, comparison, generalization and the ability to draw conclusions, creative thinking, logic of knowledge, inquisitiveness of the mind, joint cognitive search and research activities, communication and reflective skills, and much more. , which are the components of a successful personality.

Project method — a set of educational and cognitive techniques that make it possible to solve a particular problem as a result of independent actions of students with the obligatory presentation of these results. Project-based learning can be represented as a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on interaction with the environment, step-by-step practical activities to achieve a set goal.

Object of design, According to researchers, the pedagogical system of a preschool educational institution, a teacher, a separate program can become the unity of a system of educational goals and all factors of the pedagogical process that contribute to the achievement of goals. Meanwhile, for each teacher, the most important issues are related to the design of the educational process according to a specific methodology of an individual educational system, a separate specially organized lesson, and a pedagogical situation.

Taking joint project activities (project-based learning) as a basis, our teachers implement the “Basic general education program of preschool educational institutions” by organizing thematic projects aimed at expanding the educational space, searching for new forms of organizing children's teams, as well as opportunities for developing creative, cognitive thinking of preschoolers.

Tips for a teacher on working on a project

  1. Deeply study the topic of the project.
  2. When drawing up a joint plan with children for the implementation of the project, support children's initiative.
  3. Get every child interested in the theme of the project.
  4. Create play motivation based on children's interests.
  5. Introduce children into a problem situation that is accessible to their understanding, based on children's personal experience.
  6. Tactfully consider all the options for solving the problem proposed by children: the child must have the right

to make mistakes and not be afraid to speak up.

  1. Observe the principles of consistency and regularity in working on the project.
  2. While working on the project, create an atmosphere of co-creation with the child, using an individual approach.
  3. Take a creative approach to the implementation of the project, orient children to use accumulated observations, knowledge, and impressions.
  4. Unobtrusively involve parents in joint work on a project, creating a joyful atmosphere of joint creativity with the child
  5. The final stage of the project should be carefully prepared and carried out in the form of a holiday, show, theatrical performance, etc.

Sample work plan for a teacher

on project preparation

  1. Based on the children’s problems studied, set the goal of the project.
  2. Developing a plan to achieve the goal (the teacher discusses the plan with the parents).
  3. Involvement of specialists in the implementation of relevant sections of the project.
  4. Drawing up a project plan.
  5. Collection, accumulation of material.
  6. Inclusion of classes, games and other types of children's activities in the project plan.
  7. Homework for yourself. execution.
  8. Presentation of the project, open lesson.

Main stages of the project method

  1. Goal setting: the teacher helps the child choose the most relevant and feasible task for him in the educational process.

a limited period of time.

  1. Project development - action plan to achieve the goal:
  • who to turn to for help (an adult, a teacher);
  • what sources can you find information from?
  • what items to use (accessories, equipment);
  • what objects to learn to work with to achieve the goal.
  1. Executing the project is the practical part.
  2. Summing up - identifying tasks for new projects.

Project development algorithm

Project activities


Problem Definition

(topics). Group selection


Clarification of existing

information, discussion


Problem analysis. Define

information sources

mation. Setting goals

and selection of evaluation criteria

results. Distribution

team roles

Formation of tasks,

accumulation of information.

Selection and rationale

success criteria

Making a decision

Collection and clarification of information

mation. Discussion al-

alternative The choice of optimal

new option. Clarification

activity plans

Observation. Consultations


Project execution

Work on the project


Evaluation of results

Analysis of project implementation

the results achieved

tov (successes and failures)

Participation in collective

project analysis and self-

Project protection.

Preparation for defense.

Rationale for the process

design. Explanation

the results obtained

Comrade, their assessment

Project protection. Participation in collective assessment of project results

By organizing work on projects, the teacher teaches children to collect information and, together with their parents, preschoolers to find out where it can be found and how to format it. Each project ended with some kind of final event (an exhibition, an open lesson for parents or a holiday).

Preschool age is the foundation of the overall development of the child and the starting period for the formation of the moral foundations of the individual. Therefore, competently planned and organized project activities in preschool educational institutions are of great importance for the development of the cognitive interests of preschool children. Collective work in microgroups makes it possible to express oneself in various types of role activities, and a common cause develops social and personal qualities.

We see the didactic meaning of project activities in a preschool educational institution in the fact that it helps to connect learning with life, forms research skills in preschoolers, develops their cognitive activity, independence, creativity, ability to plan, and work in a team. Such qualities contribute to children's successful learning at school.

Everyone knows that children are called "why". A child cannot find the answer to all his questions on his own; teachers help him. In preschool institutions, educators widely use the problem-based learning method.



Consultation for kindergarten teachers

From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Everything is new for him: sun and rain, fear and joy. Everyone knows that five-year-old children are called “why kids.” A child cannot find the answer to all his questions on his own; teachers help him. In preschool institutions, educators widely use the method of problem-based learning: questions that develop logical thinking, modeling problem situations, experimentation, experimental research activities, solving crosswords, charades, puzzles, etc.

The integrated teaching method is innovative for preschoolers. It is aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. A series of lessons is united by a main problem. For example, giving children a complete understanding of domestic animals, the teacher in the cognitive cycle classes introduces them to the role of domestic animals in human life, in the artistic and aesthetic cycle classes - with images of domestic animals in the works of writers and poets, with the transfer of these images in folk arts and crafts. art and creativity of illustrators.

Variability in the use of the integrated methodquite diverse.

  • Full integration (environmental education with fiction, fine arts, music education, physical development)
  • Partial integration (integration of fiction and art activities)
  • Integration based on a single project, which is based on a problem.

The transition of a preschool institution to a project-based method of activity is usually carried out in the following stages:

  • classes that include problem situations of children's experimentation, etc.;
  • complex block-thematic classes;
  • integration:
    − partial integration;
    − full integration;
  • project method:
    − form of organization of educational space;
    − method of developing creative cognitive thinking.

Approximate work plan for a teacher to prepare a project

  1. Based on the children’s problems studied, set the goal of the project.
  2. Developing a plan to achieve the goal (the teacher discusses the plan with the parents).
  3. Involvement of specialists in the implementation of relevant sections of the project.
  4. Drawing up a project plan.
  5. Collection, accumulation of material.
  6. Inclusion in the project plan of classes, games and other types of children's activities.
  7. Homework for yourself. execution.
  8. Presentation of the project, open lesson.

Main stages of the project method

1. Goal setting:The teacher helps the child choose the most relevant and feasible task for him for a certain period of time.

2. Project development– action plan to achieve the goal:

  • who to turn to for help (an adult, a teacher);
  • what sources can you find information from?
  • what items to use (accessories, equipment);
  • what objects to learn to work with to achieve the goal.

3. Project execution– practical part.

4. Summing up –defining tasks for new projects.

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