Practice of technical re-equipment of the enterprise. Course's impact of technical re-equipment of the machine-building enterprise to increase the competitiveness of products and financial results "(on the example of NURLETHNEFT)

1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the effectiveness of technical re-equipment of production.

1.1. The soccer and economic essence of production efficiency and its increase; Criterion and performance indicators of production.

1.2. Superiority of technical re-equipment of production, its relationship with the efficiency and direction of development.

1.3. Meeting provisions for the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for managing the effectiveness of technical re-equipment of production.

2. Study of the practical aspects of technical re-equipment of the production of machine-building enterprises.

2.1. Expecting a reserve of technical re-equipment of production of machine-building enterprises.

2.1.1. Study of reserves for saving living labor and growth of its performance.

2.1.2. Investigation of the cost of products.

2.1.3. Efficiency of capital investments in the development of technical re-equipment of production.

2.2. Effective cost management at enterprises carrying out technical re-equipment of production.

3. Development of a system for managing the effectiveness of technical re-equipment of production of machine-building enterprises.

3.1. Strategic priorities for the development of staff of enterprises and its motivation.

3.2. Improving the planning of technical re-equipment of production and risk assessment.

Recommended list of dissertations

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  • Innovative development of technical preparation of production and reserves of increasing its effectiveness 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Yakushev, Mikhail Vasilyevich

  • Development of the mechanism of managing technical re-equipment of machine-building enterprises 2013, Candidate of Economic Sciences Sharyptkin, Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna

  • Formation and development of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of enterprise competitiveness 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Zakharova, Svetlana Vladimirovna

The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the effectiveness of technical re-equipment of production: on the materials of machine-building enterprises"

Relevance of the research topic. In modern conditions, the development of a dynamic market environment and the formation of a global economy introducing indigenous changes to traditional ideas: the quality of goods and services, the level of their production costs, labor productivity has a multilateral impact on the need to find and maintain competitive advantages of Russian engineering enterprises. The implementation of these possibilities allows you to quickly adapt to increasing changes in the external environment, consumer requests to the manufactured; Products, thereby promoting not only the effective functioning of enterprises, but also competitiveness in the global market. World experience confirms that exactly the engineering enterprise, which is the main goal; Strategic1 Plan puts the issue required; new "; or: upgraded products, methods of its manufacture, based on modern means of labor using new material resources ^ Personnel of which has a high level of professionalism and contributes to increasing intellectual capital, is a complete; in a competitive struggle. It. It makes one of the most important key The moments of the organization? Management, his orientation to the awareness, the need to continuously update, meaningful and strategically corrected development of the enterprise in the conditions of the undergraduate course on the modernization of the domestic economy. Therefore, the technical re-equipment of production is one of the key elements of the formation: the directions of the effective development of the machine-building enterprise and its competitors. This requires improving the management of the re-equipment process, the meaning of which is to concentrate efforts on time \u003d managers, specialists and performers on the development and use of scientific new technical and social progress, world experience in organizing this kind of activity. But due to the lack of serious experience in conducting technical re-equipment of production on existing domestic engineering enterprises in market conditions of management, it is still difficult to talk about any significant successes in this field of activity. There is a need to change ways to control the technical re-equipment of production.

The need to create a more efficient management system of this process led to the formation of a new organizational and economic mechanism of management focused on improving the efficiency of activities based on the introduction of new or upgraded equipment and the new technological processes based on them, the change of management style, preparation and retraining of highly professional employees capable of creating and implementing Intelligent capital, maximize the use of domestic reserves, to identify the risks arising here and able to manage them, stimulates the creation and introduction of end-to-end management of technical re-equipment from the emergence of the idea to its practical implementation. All this predetermined the relevance of this dissertation study.

The degree of development of the problem. A great contribution to the development of the methodology for solving the effects of effectiveness in the development of the economy was carried out by the works of scientists and economists Z. Atlas, V. Baranauskas, M. Baba,

A.Vavilova, A.Efimova, Ya.Kvashi, K. Klimenko, V. Novozhilova, B. Plishevsky, V. Poltorsgin, S.STromilina, O.Shakhareva, N. Fedorenko,

B.Fhodoritov, T. Hahaturova.

Solving the problems of analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of production systems are devoted to the work of domestic and foreign scientists: A.Arakuelina, V.Byalkovskaya, V. Vasilyeva, M. Vilensky, V.Ginzburg, V. Denisova, P. Dodrucher, ieazaryan, D. Lviv, K. Värera, V.Oktyabsky, V.Popova, T.PITERS, S. Khayshina, N. Chumachenko, A. Shehermeth, I. Schupterter, Ememerson. Among the works of scientists - economists dedicated to various theoretical and practical aspects of the essence of technical re-equipment of production, as the most significant, such authors can be distinguished; as A.Ksenhenko, M.Vilensky,

A.Gerasimenko, N. Thr., V-Dubrovsky, A.Grinberg, I. Kravtsov, D. Palterovich, V.Poletorgin, V.Potasova,. T. Berbstein, O.Tretinnikova, A.TSiginko, N: Numachenko. However, the approaches of these scientists have a significant drawback consisting in the fact that they have a production, and non-market orientation, as a result of which they do not fully reflect the realities of the modern development of machine-building facilities.

Issues of detection and use of domestic reserves were reflected in the works of A. Aanbegian, P; Akoff, V. Babic, B. Bantzman, Y. Bondara, S. Bouronenkova; And: Vishnevsky, N. Vizhneshensky, I.Vokk, V. Gang,

B. Denisova, S. Kamenzer, K. Klimenko, A. Dostina, M. Kunyavsky, F. Kutta, in; Larina, V.Lebedeva, B. Maidanchik, Yu.Markina, Grudensky, Savitskaya, S. Symina1, Lsyrkin-Shklovsky, S.Shwalova, Ogakovyevosh

The work of scientists and economists presents all the variety of views on the specified issues. However, so far in the domestic theory of management and economic practice there is no one to determine the concept of technical re-equipment 1 of production, its effectiveness. The problem of the interaction of the objectives of its development, identifying and implementing reserves. Manufacturing and achievements on this basis of a new quality level-engineering enterprise remains poorly studied. Consequently, the need to study theoretical and methodological issues of effective development; Technical re-equipment of production on machine-building enterprises, identification and implementation of internal reserves caused the purpose and objectives of this work.

The purpose and objectives of dissertation research. The present dissertation study has a scientific and practical purpose consisting in clarifying theoretical and methodological provisions of the implementation of technical re-equipment of production on existing machine-building enterprises, as well as the development of practical recommendations for the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing its implementation to ensure effective activities and competitive sustainability. enterprises.

In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks were delivered:

Determine the essence and role of technical re-equipment of production in the effective development of machine-building enterprises and their competitiveness;

Develop the methodological provisions for the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for the management of technical preparation of production;

Suggest methodological provisions for the analysis and evaluation of internal reserves based on technical re-equipment of production;

Explore the practical aspects of the efficiency of technical re-equipment of production on machine-building enterprises;

Suggest methodological provisions on the cost management of machine-building enterprises carrying out technical re-equipment of production;

Clarify the strategic priorities "Development of enterprise personnel and practical solutions to motivate the professionalism of employees;

It is proposed to propose guidelines for planning technical re-equipment of production and quantitative assessment of risks associated with its implementation.

The subject of research is economic relations arising in the process of formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for the management of technical re-equipment of production on machine-building enterprises and improving the efficiency of their operation based on identifying and implementing reserves.

The object of the study is large machine-building enterprises producing high-tech high-tech products that are in demand of consumers. OJSC "Saratov Electric Agricultural Production Association", OJSC "Saratov Bearing Plant", OJSC, OJSC Saratov Bearing Plant, Research and Production Enterprise Contact, Trolza CJSC, OJSC Voronezh Joint-Stock Engory Construction Society, JSC "Novokramatorsky Machine-Building Plant" .

The theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation study is the dialectical method of knowledge of reality both in general and a specific problem, modern economic theory, systemic analysis, legislative acts and other official documents regulating the activities of enterprises, methods of system-structural, abstract-theoretical and comparative feasibility and economic and economic Analysis, economic and mathematical methods for analyzing logical "generalizations, works of domestic and foreign scientists on the issues of dissertation research, the concept of general theory of systems, materials of periodical printing, materials of scientific and practical conferences, operational materials of machine-building enterprises, collected and correctly processed by the author.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation work is that on the basis of the research performed, the following theoretical foundations, methodological provisions and practical recommendations for the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the effectiveness of technical re-equipment of production on machine-building enterprises are developed:

The place and role of technical re-equipment of production in the effective development of the engineering enterprise and increase its competitiveness, under which the system process of updating the physically and morally outdated active part of the main funds of production units, the management and infrastructure of the enterprise, without expanding production areas, qualitatively new equipment and technologies , with constant updating of the social level of personnel aimed at increasing the effectiveness of activities based on the use of new knowledge, intellectual capital, world experience in organizing production and management, training and retraining of managers, specialists and performers who can produce competitive products and ensure the competitive-sustainable development of the enterprise ;

The author's definition of the management of the technical re-equipment of production is proposed, under which strategically and tactically-oriented solutions and actions of management, specialists of functional services, structural divisions of production preparation, production structures, aimed at applying new technologies, new and upgraded equipment, without additional need for passive fixed assets. , in order to flexible adaptation to changes in external and internal environments to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise and meet the needs of buyers in specific products at all stages of its life cycle;

A methodology has been developed for the systemic formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the effectiveness of technical re-equipment of production on machine-building enterprises, covering the set of subsystems, which carry out complexes actions aimed at increasing the competitive advantages of enterprises and ensuring their competitors;

The impact of the reserves of technical re-equipment of production to improve the efficiency of enterprises and was given the author's definition of them - these are potential or partially used possibilities for the sustainable development of the enterprise in the most effective methods based on the use of technical and social progress, modern information base, intellectual capital in order to meet buyers' demand competitive products at all stages of its life cycle, ensuring profit and the necessary conditions for the further development of production and personnel, and the expansion of these possibilities;

A systematic classification of reserves for improving the efficiency of machine-building enterprises is proposed, which allows to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the available reserves and identify the most economical ways to develop an open economic system, and scientifically substantiated methodological provisions of systemic identification and quantitative assessment of the values \u200b\u200bof reserves based on technical re-equipment of production;

A modified method of managing costs for technical re-equipment based on the study of labor costs for the manufacture of finished products, in which the basis of the product that characterizes the production volume is recommended to use the labor costs of the main production workers (ODA);

A system for managing the effectiveness of technical re-equipment of production, presented in the thesis, is to be viewed as a leading component of the organizational and economic mechanism of the management-II enterprise economy.

The theoretical significance of the dissertation work is that its results are developing and complemented by a study in the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the efficiency of technical re-equipment of production on machine-building enterprises and are aimed at the methodological support of the implementation of a system for improving the efficiency of enterprises and their competitiveness based on the implementation of internal results. .

The practical significance of the implementation of the study is that the theoretical results obtained are brought to the level of specific practical recommendations for the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the efficiency of technical re-equipment of production and: used * on; A number of operating machine-building enterprises.

Implementation of research results. The developed methodological provisions on the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the effectiveness of technical re-equipment of production was found practical application in the development of the specified system in CJSC "Trolza", as evidenced by the Act on the implementation of the dissertation results on this machine-building enterprise. Research materials are used in the educational process when teaching courses "Enterprise Economics and Foreign Economic Activities", "International Management", "Organization Management":

Approbation of work: the main theoretical and methodological provisions of the thesis "reported and approved approval on scientific, scientific and practical conferences and seminars, including: the international scientific-practical conference" Directions and models of transformation of innovation activities in. Context of international integration "(Donetsk, 2007), the International Scientific Conference "Innovative Society-New Historical Epoch of Civilized Development" (Saratov, 2009). On the topic of the dissertation study published 9 works, total 3, 925 pp.

The structure of the dissertation work is due to the goal and objectives of the study. The thesis consists of introduction, three chapters, 7 paragraphs, conclusions, a list of used literature and applications: the total volume of the main text of 164 sheets. The list of references used includes 159 items. The paper contains 20 drawings, 16 tables, 11 applications.

Similar dissertation works in the specialty "Economics and Management of the National Economy: Theory of Management of Economic Systems; macroeconomics; Economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; Labor economy, 08.00.05 CIFR VAK

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  • Managing the effective development of the machine-building enterprise 1999, Candidate of Economic Sciences Panyushkina, Lyudmila Vladimirovna

  • Improving the efficiency of management of reconstruction and technical re-equipment for machine-building enterprises 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Kalinin, Konstantin Yuryevich

  • Strategic management of production costs of machine-building enterprise 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Kublin, Stanislav Igorevich

  • Methodological foundations of production efficiency management taking into account planning and cost control: on the example of enterprises of the ship repair industry 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Tungusov, Elena Vladimirovna

Conclusion of dissertation on the topic "Economics and management of the national economy: the theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; Economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; Labor economy, Reznik, Alexander Evgenievich

The main conclusions of the theoretical, methodological and practical nature caused by the implementation of this study can be reduced to the following.

1. Research confirmed that efficiency is a multifaceted concept and represents an objective economic category that has an independent quantitative and qualitative characteristics caused by the current economic laws and the ability to use them. Analysis of the concepts characterizing efficiency showed that they can be reduced to three directions. The first of them considers the production and technical aspects of effectiveness, limited to the growth of production, or the establishment of communication between it and functionality. The second direction provides that in determining effectiveness, economic, social, political, psychological and other aspects should be taken into account. The third direction is considering efficiency as a comprehensive (integral) assessment of the essence of the development of the functioning) of the economic system of any level and the defined set of quantitative and qualitative indicators.

2. Essence of economic efficiency of production Most scientists interpret how to achieve maximum results with minimal costs. We support this point of view. In our opinion, effectiveness in modern conditions is an objective economic category expressing the strictest cost savings of aggregate social labor and capital invested in the production, and the synthetic qualitative indicator of the economic and social development of the enterprise.

3. Improving production efficiency is not only the result of the achieved level of development of productive forces, but also an indicator of their use; This is an interconnected process of the simultaneous impact of the productive forces and production relations on the effectiveness of production, acting as an objective necessity and has a focus on satisfying individual, collective and social needs.

4. In modern conditions, two forms of efficiency are identified and external. The first expresses its own assessment of the efficiency of the enterprise, an assessment of the functioning of it and units based on costs and results in the manufacture of competitive products and customer satisfaction. The second is the structure of social needs and the degree of their satisfaction with the enterprise. It expresses the level of utility of the product produced, the share of the enterprise in the world market and the possibility of its expansion, including the creation of new enterprises of entrepreneurship.

5. We confirm the legitimacy of the use of a single criterion for measuring the economic efficiency, supplemented by the system of private indicators. At the same time, agree with the opinion of scientists in two-way formulating criteria for economic efficiency: the maximum of the result from each: the units of costs of resources or the minimum of resources for each unit of result. Both wording correspond to the essence of the efficiency and the steady increase in labor productivity, so in the study of * problems of increasing, the effectiveness of the management of technical re-equipment of production is acceptable both of these formulations.

6. To assess the economic efficiency of production, it is advisable to use profits as a generalizing indicator,. A important private indicator is the cost of production, expressing savings of living and extractable labor. In assessing the economic efficiency of the technical re-equipment of workplaces, production sites * Tshekhov, it is recommended to use an indicator of profitability, which is the ratio of savings from lower costs; To the expenses of a specific period, profitability of sales.

7. The author proposed to consider the technical priority of technical? re-equipment? Production on machine-building enterprises at the present stage of modernization of the domestic economy. Justified the need to rethinking his conceptual g of the apparatus, given the author; The definition of the concept of "technical re-equipment, formulated, the goals, substantiates the variation of the existence and the need to increase; the effectiveness of the management of this, process.

8. According to the author, technical re-equipment: causes an increase in the level of development of all components of production: technical and economic level, level, organization of production, labor; Management, social development staff. When evaluating activities; Aimed at the technical re-equipment of production should take into account the costs of intellectual capital. ;

9. The process of managing the effectiveness of technical re-equipment of production should be carried out in the system of corporate management. The effectiveness of the management system used "can be determined depending on the dynamics of living labor costs for its operation and relevant changes in production profitability. A distinctive feature of the proposed methodological provisions is discreteness, systematicity, complexity.

10. The methodological provisions of the organizational and economic mechanism for the management of technical re-equipment of production are allowed to build a multifunctional and multi-component system aimed at identifying and implementing reserves, support and increasing the competitive advantages of enterprises, and strengthening their position on the world market on this basis.

11. It is noted that in connection with the development of market relations, the problem of internal reserves is acquired. Their use leads to the dissemination of new technologies based on new and upgraded equipment, organizational, managerial and other changes. Here, a special role belongs to the technical re-equipment of production on machine-building enterprises, which has a great influence on the effectiveness of their development and competitiveness. Various theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of the influence of reserves are investigated, the author's concept is formulated and a system classification is proposed.

12. On the basis of the analysis, it was revealed that the technical re-equipment of production causes a significant reduction in living labor costs and improving its productivity. It has been established that the labor costs of various categories of workers change not the same pace and to maximize the realization of productivity growth reserves require the acceleration of the labor costs of all categories of subsidiary workers based on the implementation of automation and mechanization of labor in the enterprise infrastructure division.

13. It is noted that the technical re-equipment of production causes significant changes in production costs. Studies of structural shifts of the cost of manufactured products have shown that a decrease in the cost of the latter will largely be determined by the reserve reserves; Costs for basic materials and purchased components. The role of procurement marketing should increase, since Eco-Nomia. Posted on material resources, is ensured not only by changing the volume of consumption, but also due to such a subjective factor; How1 Changing prices for them, the use of discounts from the price. The importance of the use of cheap composite materials is increasing.

14. It has been confirmed that the technical re-equipment of production on machine-building enterprises provides an increase in labor stock, the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets, changes: fund-studies, a significant increase in production: products for 1 m2 of production area. Proposed: guidelines; allowing to determine the effectiveness of capital investments throughout: chains, values; in; The basis. The case is laid, the principle: the correlation of discounted marginal revenues and discounted marginal costs, the associated investment ^ Vatechnical rearmament: production:

15. It is proved that a systemic analysis of the dynamics of living labor costs and their structure for the production of commercial products is a prerequisite for evaluating the effectiveness, the functioning of any system and the enterprise subsystem, th first, the management system. It has been established that on the studied engineering enterprises, labor costs are not managed by the production of marketable products and the causes of the structural changes are not analyzed, which indicates the availability of groups of non-identified and unused reserves.

16: It has been established that managing the effectiveness of the "technical re-equipment of production, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise" and development, ensures effective operation; They are due to the corresponding cost changes in the managed and control subsystems. There is a tendency to reduce the cost of living labor of management personnel to 1.5-10.55%, accompanied by a decrease in them for one hour of labor costs of the main production workers by 5.89-19.1%. The proportion of labor costs of all categories of auxiliary working and management staff is reduced; by 1.54-5.79%. The use of computer technologies for designing products and methods: its manufacture, reduces living labor costs up to 16.1%. .

17. The dissertations considered strategic priorities for the development of machine-building enterprises. The focus is drawn to an increase in the values \u200b\u200bof knowledge, orientation to: the creative potential of workers, the development, their strategic thinking and business initiative, the strengthening of interest in ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises: in the market; It was proposed1 to consider investment in continuous training of personnel and knowledge updates not as the costs that should be minimized, but as the most important:; The resource forms intellectual capital.

18. It is recommended to expand employees; enterprises and administration; relevant structures of developing their own: systems; Preparation and retraining of various personnel categories. The mechanism of formation is proposed: knowledge consisting of five stages of TG mod fir's own personnel training system at the enterprise: ■

19. Theoretical and methodological approaches are investigated to the problem of motivation, under the latter it is proposed to understand the social and cultural worker formed; and spiritual and moral needs that encourage him and. Surrounding to highly efficient activities to meet these needs and ensure the implementation of the strategic goals of the company's development. At the same time, it is recommended to special, attention to the motivation of certified workers and machinery, high qualifications directly providing the manufacture of products of a given level of quality and during the desired deadlines, the need for which is steadily increasing. Not work should be motivated, but professionalism using the feedback system: "Contractor - Head."

20. Proposed for the implementation of a comprehensive assessment of the technical and technological level of production, all private indicators are grouped on the signs of the presence and interaction of all elements of production. Technical and economic indicators reflecting the effectiveness of the implementation of measures for the technical re-equipment of production, its specifics should be used in the system of plans - strategic, medium-term, short-term and operational.

21. Proposed in the development of technical re-equipment plans for the production of risk measures to identify possible losses or as a result of any production and economic or financial activities, or due to the adverse change of the state of the external environment. It has been established that the use of probability theory apparatus allows simulating technical re-equipment processes with great accuracy and take risk management measures to minimize them.


Studies have shown that the development of the domestic economy is impossible without the modernization of the machine-building industry. The use of obsolete methods of operation in the enterprises of the industry does not provide effective development and competitiveness. This can only be achieved on the basis of technical re-equipment of production on them. However, like any activity, the process of technical re-equipment of production as a whole should be manageable to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise. This paper presents theoretical substantiations and methodological provisions for solving a comprehensive problem of forming the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the effectiveness of technical re-equipment of production on machine-building enterprises, the use of which will allow to implement the identified domestic reserves and achieve the achievement of the desired results of activities.

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Course work

under the discipline "Economics of organizations (enterprises)"

on the topic Essence of technical re-equipment and evaluation efficiencyand its holding in the enterprise

Tolyatti 2010


I. Theoretical basis of technical re-equipment of enterprises

1.1 Concept and general characteristics of technical re-equipment of the enterprise

1.2 Advantages of technical re-equipment as a method for diversifying the production of an enterprise

1.3 The role of technical re-equipment in the development of enterprises and its main stages

1.4 Formation of equipment replacement options for re-equipment of production and evaluation of production update efficiency

II Estimated part

1. Definition of source data

2. Calculation of need for basic production facilities

3. Calculation of labor resources

4. Calculation of material resources

5. Calculation of annual costs of production (by economic elements)

6. Calculation of costs per unit of production (according to calculation items)

7. Checking the correctness of the calculations

8. Calculation of vacation prices

9. Summary Economic Indicators

10. Analysis of break-even

List of sources used


In this course work, one of the strategic alternatives of prospective planning is considered - technical re-equipment. This topic is still poorly studied by our Russian economists. Although the first theoretical developments appeared in the 20s. XX century Abroad, however, still not developed a universal concept that would satisfy the needs of most enterprises wishing or forced to diversify.

The existing theoretical developments that appeared abroad did not arise in an empty place, they were based primarily on the accumulated practical experience of enterprises. But this experience was so ambiguous and configured that it was prevented by the development of a unified concept of technical re-equipment. Therefore, so far the theoretical basis of technical re-equipment is very heterogeneous and does not possess versatility, which, in turn, makes it difficult to use it in practice.

In our country, both practical and theoretical experience in this area is not accumulated. There are only single examples of manifestations of some forms of technical re-equipment, the success of which is difficult to judge. But how much foreign theoretical developments are applicable to our conditions, it is also impossible to determine for sure.

In the context of the transition to a market economy, many Russian enterprises are subject to reform in order to survive in a rapidly changing market situation. Therefore, in my opinion, the direction of improving the strategic management of the development of a separate enterprise should be considered in the context of reforming enterprises. Moreover, many of them are interrelated and interact in the overall economic space.

Market relations discover the prospect for Russian business, but at the same time a significant number of industrial enterprises are not able to provide stable activities, and many of them exist in crisis development. An effective tool for stabilization and improving the efficiency of work, in the current conditions, is the process of reforming enterprises. However, the management staff due to the inertia of thinking is not psychologically not ready. In this regard, various forms of advanced training for the staff of the enterprise should be played in a significant role, while the problem of professional adaptation of personnel to new socio-organizational and production conditions is particularly updated. First of all, at the stage of the establishment of an enterprise, you should form at managerial staff of the quality that is necessary in the future in the conditions of the crisis development of the enterprise overcome by reforming and technical re-equipment of production.

Constant improvements in the production technology and changes in the markets forcing enterprises seeking to survive and maintain competitiveness, rebuild their strategy. Of all the market adaptation tools, experts today are today the most effective diversification of production in the form of technical re-equipment.

The relevance of work.When the company is in difficult conditions, which is typical for many Russian enterprises, the technical re-equipment of production can be aimed at a radical restructuring of production activities. The implementation of projects of technical re-equipment of production will certainly lead to significant changes in the methods of its organization and management. Therefore, paramount importance acquires the management of the change process. The search for directions for diversification of production for enterprises of the domestic economy is relevant due to the following circumstances. First, "Soviet economy struggled for one of the first places in the world in terms of the level of production specialization" and created huge monopprodutteid actors. The need to adapt to new economic conditions objectively makes it look for the most profitable areas of application created by production potential. Secondly, the technical re-equipment of production is the tool of intersectoral overflow of capital and the method of optimizing structural transformations in the economy.

Concerning, purpose This course work is to study the directions and mechanisms of technical re-equipment of enterprises.

As part of the goal, the following tasks are resolved:

Consider theoretical aspects of technical re-equipment;

Analyze the activities of the enterprise and substantiate the need for technical re-equipment;

Suggest activities on the technical re-equipment of the enterprise;

Assess the effectiveness of the use of theoretical re-equipment at the enterprise.

Theoretical and methodological basis Studies served special foreign and domestic literature on the subject matter, analytical articles of industry magazines.

Structure of work represented by the introduction, theoretical part, the practical settlement, the conclusion, the list of used sources.

1. Theoretical FoundationTechnical rearmament of enterprises

1.1 Concept and general characteristics of technical re-equipment of enterprises

Diversification of activities - the transition from one-sided, often based on only one product of the production structure, to a multi-profile production with a wide range of products of Zaitsev products B.F., Chirsov V.G. Technical and economic level of production. - M.: Economics, 2002. - with. 65.

Currently, positive shifts in the technical equipment of production are noticeable. In particular, the investments allocated for these purposes significantly increased. However, despite the intensification of the investment policy of the indigenous improvement in the implementation of technical re-equipment and the reconstruction of production has not yet happened. As a result, the wear of fixed assets is growing, there is a tendency to reduce fund-reported. At the same time, the volume of fully worn out funds continues to increase annually. Operation of physically worn and morally obsolete equipment leads to a significant decrease in the performance of social labor. Large losses, the national economy is due to the fact that to maintain worn equipment in working condition and carry out its repairs, significant labor and material resources are distracted. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that due to the weakness of repair services and the insecurity of their spare parts and means allocated for repair and operational needs, repair and modernization are not always carried out qualitatively and in a timely manner. In this regard, the losses from marriage increased, the number of accidents increased.

Studying the problem of updating by reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production in relationship with its intensification and economic mechanism allows you to identify a number of trends, which in practice expands our ideas about ways to increase the efficiency of social production, the need to accelerate it.

The first trend is manifested in the fact that the acceleration of work on the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the existing production under the influence of the scientific and technical resolution is dictated by faster aging of cash.

The second trend is that in modern conditions, the rate of accumulation, i.e. The share in national income that goes on the accumulation is determined primarily by the efficiency of the use of capital investments and production assets, which in turn allows you to compensate or weaken the influence of stabilization and even reduce the rate of accumulation on the pace of development of social production.

The presence of such trends indicates that technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the current production should be managed. Under management here is meant a system of long-term, short-term and operational measures aimed at planning preparation and conducting technical re-equipment and reconstruction in order to achieve the maximum socio-economic effect in the rational use of the necessary resources, i.e. Resource saving. Technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production embody the concepts of compensation, replacement and generally updating fixed assets, reflecting the same process of commissioning new wages, more progressive in technical and more efficient economic, instead of outdated outdated. Therefore, the update is such changes in the existing facilities of labor, as a result of which public production is saturated with new machines, mechanisms, buildings instead of old pitrors L.B. Technical re-equipment of production. - M.: Knowledge, 2007. - with. 295.

The definition of the essence of technical re-equipment of production is the first step in the formation of the economic mechanism of management of this process. The main task facing this mechanism is to improve the efficiency of work carried out within the framework of technical re-equipment of existing enterprises. It is about the formation of the targetting orientation of technical re-equipment expressed, primarily in determining the economic content of this process.

In general, the economic content of technical re-equipment from the position of implementation in the production of technological progress is determined by MA Vilensky: "This is the process of equipping the new technique of all technological converters of the main and auxiliary production, including production infrastructure, such social infrastructure services, in their conjugacy and in the complex for a more complete implementation of the potential economic effect of each type of introduced technology and enhance economic efficiency." Vilensky M .BUT. Economic content of technical re-equipment of production // Economy issues.-2004.-№5.-C. 46..

1.2 Advantages of technical re-equipment as a method of divarfixing the production of enterprise

Technical re-equipment of existing enterprises (hereinafter referred to as technical re-equipment, technical re-equipment of production), a set of measures to improve the feasibility study of individual industries, workshops, sites based on the introduction of advanced technology and technology, mechanization and automation of production, modernization and replacement Outdated and physically worn equipment new, more productive, also to improve the public economy and support services Korovina Z.P. Organization of the introduction of new techniques. - M.: Economy, 2006. - with. 122.

The advantage of this definition is the ability to partial restructuring and expanding existing or the construction of new utility and maintenance facilities, if this is due to the technical re-equipment activities carried out. Positive moments are also associated with the expansion of the application and maintenance of technical re-equipment. The possibilities of conducting complex technical re-equipment of systems and systems of machines, individual production cycles, closed technological processes, ranging from raw material processing and ending with the prepared product. Additional installation on existing manufacturing areas of equipment and machines, the introduction of automated control and control systems, the application of radio, television and other modern means in managing production is also aimed at this. At the same time, the definition of an extremely broad list of objectives and directions of technical re-equipment, which are common and mutually overlapping. As a result, it is difficult to trace the relationship between them, which leads to a discrepancy when choosing specific measures and determine their effectiveness.

Signs that distinguish technical re-equipment from other forms of reproduction should include a permanent and continuous nature of implementation, the update of the mainly active part of the main production facilities, the locality of production facilities that are subjected to re-equipment, not expanding production areas. Based on these signs, the choice of referrals of technical re-equipment and achieved goals should be associated with the improvement of the manufacturing office of the enterprise. Technical re-equipment of existing enterprises // Economy issues. - 2000. - № 2. - P. 14..

As for the reconstruction, there are many technical re-equipment with technical re-equipment associated with the continuous updating of fixed assets based on the achievements of scientific and technical progress, improving the organization and management of production at the norning enterprises. The available differences are related to the fact that the reconstruction is a form of capital construction at the enterprise, is carried out on a specially developed project, it is episodic, aimed at full or partial re-equipment and reorganization of production with a significant coverage of the passive part of fixed assets.

There is little reason to approve the presence of a systematic relationship between the diversification strategy and the financial success of the enterprise. However, reasonably conducted technical re-equipment of activities may be a prerequisite for increasing the efficiency of individual units. For example, if the costs within any industry are in nature mainly permanent, their breakdown to various areas with large sales volumes leads to a significant decrease in specific costs. The condition for improving efficiency in technical re-equipment is the presence of promising, which are of strategic interest, key competencies. So, when Honda began to use the technology of motor construction in the production of various types of products, it has the opportunity to invest more funds in the NIR without prejudice to specific costs.

At the same time, the summation of technological experience contributed to the further increase in the company's technological level. Honda has achieved advantages and quality, which has favorably affected its market positions. In cases where key competencies can be widely used in the production of various types of products, the company's technical re-equipment opens up new opportunities in the field of research. The expansion of economic activity in such cases can lead to the creation of a critical mass of resources, which will bypass competitors.

The technical re-equipment of a certain group of industries allows the company to more widely use accumulated experience in marketing, manufacturing technologies, etc., and, consequently, increase the competitive advantages of diversified divisions. In addition, the use of sectoral diversification even in such limited framework allows to significantly reduce the level of economic risks. However, diversification strategy within a certain group of industries is effective only with a favorable forecast of the conjuncture of the relevant commodity markets.

1.3 The role of technical re-equipment in the development of production d. pleasses and its main stages

The technical re-equipment of production allows to solve the following primary tasks of the enterprise:

Improving the efficiency of economic activity of the enterprise through its technical modernization, improvement of production processes, development of new products;

The use of strategically effective production management methods for adapting a competitive strategy to a new market situation;

Improving the quality of the enterprise's production personnel, primarily managerial;

Formulation of the new image of the company based on the use of modern scientific and technical achievements, innovations, information and communication technologies and innovations of organizational and management activities, which contributes to the increase in the competitiveness and economic efficiency of Kasyanov enterprise S.I. Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises. - M.: Economy, 2004. - with. 76.

The variability of external and internal conditions of the medium leads to the need to develop a production diversification program. The program approach to the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bdiversification should include actually all parties to the enterprise, which is claimed by this enterprise, i.e. Wear systemic. In fact, the appearance of the enterprise, taking into account the introduction of new production technologies, modernizing production and improving the management of the enterprise and is comprehensively thought out the process of changing production from an existing state to the final result, which must be achieved when implementing a diversification project. Technical re-equipment of production should be considered as systemic education in the activities of the enterprise.

The technical re-equipment of production proceeds from the current state of production at the enterprise and allows it to improve and can be carried out at the expense of its own sources of financing and attracting additional funds.

The technical re-equipment of production is necessary to improve the efficiency of production, its competitiveness and accumulation of financial and economic potential, when the situation in the enterprise as a whole is stable, but the development dynamics has worsened, the level of competition has decreased, when the enterprise is derived from the crisis state. That is, a set of measures is needed, which would allow to effectively implement production, its management in order to stabilize the situation and withdrawing it to break-even work. The technical re-equipment of production is necessary both under the conditions when the current position of the enterprise can be recognized as satisfactory, but the forecasts of its activities are unfavorable Chumachenko N.G. Technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production. K.: Nukova Dumka, 2001.-s. 103.

The general scheme of the whole process of technical re-equipment of production can be divided into the following steps:

1. Timely awareness of the need to diversify production in the enterprise. An analysis of changes in the external and internal environment, which may affect or have already influenced the vital activity of the enterprise.

2. A description of the management system, production, finance of the enterprise is made, their effectiveness is estimated. A financial and economic analysis of the current state is carried out. The main factors of the driving efficiency of the enterprise are revealed.

3. In accordance with the Strategic Development Goals, a draft technical re-equipment of production is being formed, taking into account the status of the company's development at this stage, within the framework of the existing strategy for the development of the enterprise, its main benchmarks and how to achieve them.

It includes a complex of necessary measures in the field of management, finance, production, personnel support, evaluation of the cost of diversification.

4. Implementation of the project of technical re-equipment of production. Here, the skillful dusting of all units in the implementation process and high management activities for the successful implementation of the diversification program are important.

5. Evaluation of the project of technical re-equipment of production. Here, the following highlights can be distinguished, such as an analysis of the state of the enterprise, taking into account changes conducted within the framework of the technical re-equipment project, conclusions on the basis of the allocation of areas for increasing the effectiveness of financial and economic activities and their implementation in the process of implementing a technical re-equipment project, accumulated experience in The process of developing and implementing this project Nikova L.I. Analysis of the effectiveness of technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises. - M.: Finance and Credit, 2000. - with. 156.

The technical re-equipment of production is a strategy of survival and adaptation of an enterprise to a rapidly changing situation in a market economy.

However, under the transition of the Russian economy to new business relations, the company's survival strategy is characterized by active and passive types of adaptation to existing conditions.

The main measures describing the strategy of a passive type of adaptation of enterprises include: reducing the share of costs by reducing production volumes, reducing the production level of production, reducing employment and wages, the use of government subsidies and subsidies, non-payment of all types of Popov's creditors V.M. Business planning. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2007. - with. 295.

The active type of adaptation strategy is characterized as follows: search for new market niches, product renewal, technical re-equipment of production, marketing costs, reducing the primary costs by improving the technology and use of innovation, changes in the loading of aggregates, liquidation and reform of non-profitable industries, restriction of non-payment and strengthening of entrepreneurial activities from the provision of own means and on the conditions of market lending. An active strategy for adaptation is characterized by stabilization or weak growth of production.

1.4 Formation of equipment replacement options for reversew.production and evaluation of production update efficiency

re-equipment of labor material manufacturing

Technical reconstruction in our country is carried out in various areas: the introduction of progressive technologies, mechanization and automation of production, modernization of equipment, a fundamental change in the organization of production and management. But primary importance at the present stage of the economy is attached to those that allow you to create conditions for the production of products at the level of the best domestic or world samples.

Economic research and accumulated economic experience indicate that today the basis of technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the current production is the widespread introduction of new progressive technologies, comprehensive automation of production. These directions are the most effective.

The reason for replacing production equipment and machines is their physical and moral wear. Physical wear means deterioration of the technical and economic characteristics of the equipment in the production process. In the event that the repair, restoring the consumer properties of the equipment, is economically inexpedient, it is necessary to replace it with a new one. The machine requires replacement as a result of physical wear, if the cost of repairing or modernization is commensurate with the cost of purchasing, delivery and installation of new equipment. It should be noted that the conclusion about the need to replace equipment due to the duration of its use is not determining, since the practical experience of technically developed countries suggests that the "Green" equipment has a significant proportion. The criterion for replacing the equipment is not its age, and the degree of compliance with the technical and economic requirements in relation to the conditions of the concrete production of Banching S.M. Organization, planning and management of industrial enterprise activities. - Kiev, 2008. - with. 149..

The process of updating production in modern conditions should be considered from the position of its direction to enrich the content and improvement of working conditions. In this regard, it is advisable to allocate as an independent form to replace the equipment associated with social, wear, which is determined by the inconsistency of the social characteristics of the equipment used by its socially normal level. The specific feature of this form is that the specified inconsistency may manifest itself and in relation to new equipment. Thus, the introduction of mechanized coal mining complexes in the lavs increases as 8-10 times dusting.

Currently, it is often an improvement in the consumer properties of new techniques is carried out at the expense of additional costs, i.e. The cost of new machines and equipment is due to the fact that at certain stages of development, constructive and technical improvements can be provided only due to additional costs. In this case, additional costs can be compensated by saving costs to increase production.

The impossibility of compensating costs due to an increase in production indicates that the principle of further constructive and technical improvements is morally outdated, therefore, in order to increase the consumer value of new machines and equipment, it is necessary to focus on the development of fundamentally new technical solutions.

A possible version of the technical re-equipment of the production of an industrial enterprise can be defined as a set of breeding equipment for equipment for all technological links of the production process.

When developing technical re-equipment options, the following principles must be taken into account: the national economic approach, target orientation, complexity, balance, variation of resource use, coherence to the implementation of the periods.

In the process of forming technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to allocate its main directions emanating from the existing assessment of industrial and scientific and technical potentials that take into account the peculiarities of the current stage of economic development.

The main directions are manifested differently in various industries.

The main directions of technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises are achieved by increasing the level of mechanization and automation of labor, reduction due to this number of workers engaged in manual labor; increasing the efficiency of the use of fixed production assets, widespread use of progressive solutions; reduction of loss of raw materials during production; growth in the use of polymeric materials; unification and standardization of parts produced, which will reduce the nomenclature and increase the quality of spare parts; increase in the production of automation tools using technology and technological processes; Use of progressive methods for treating raw materials Philippov A.N. Technical and economic design of food industry enterprises. - M.: Statistics, 2007. - p. 21.

Based on dedicated areas of technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises, breeding equipment for improving production equipment are formed, which largely take into account the specific features of industries, specific and detail, "rigidly" are associated with restrictions on almost all types of resources and are focused on achieving pre-formulated objectives. The implementation of subordants is aimed at improving individual jobs or technological links of the production process.

The process of forming options is divided into two relative to the independent phase: the preparation of the replacement of equipment for the development of individual technological links and the construction of an algorithm that allows synthesizing a plurality of subordinates and permissible options for technical re-equipment of an industrial enterprise.

The first stage can be implemented using a data bank, since in the near future the "basis of an integrated system of information will obviously be automated data banks", which are "systems for obtaining information from many sources and in turn outreach to many consumers the necessary data" and allowing many consumers "To solve many newly arising tasks that have not been predetermined in advance, Bukas V.I., Lapidus M.Kh. Financing technical re-equipment and reconstruction of enterprises. -M.: Finance and Statistics, 2007.- with. 149.. The organization of information in the data bank is based on the principle of integration and correction of data. The data bank consists of several databases and the management systems. Under the database, the organization of logically related information elements is understood, and the control system is a software apparatus that provides storage, updating and data sample, i.e. The database management system is aimed at ensuring the life of the system in conditions of changing requirements. In the database management system with relatively more permanent components, the data themselves, and their processing according to user requirements can be much more likely to change application programs. Currently there are two trends in the development of the database management system. One of them implies the merger of the database management system with the operating system, and the other is the allocation for it by a special mini-computer. The last direction of development of the database management system is used in cases where there are large databases.

The development of equipment replacement options must be preceded by their analysis in such a sequence:

Determined in the databases, the availability of measures to implement the planned technical, technological and organizational solutions to replace equipment,

In the presence of ready-made activities in the databases, their relationship with other activities is specified, the possibility of using activities in existing form is estimated;

The complexity and complexity of calculations is determined to establish the need to focus on the computer or, if possible, and appropriate, use a manual account;

The accuracy of the quantitative characteristics of measures is estimated and the conclusion about the feasibility of using the computer or other approximate express methods based on simplifying calculations arising from the well-known error of the initial data Avdeenko V.N., Kotov V.A. Production potential of an industrial enterprise. - M.: Economy, 2001. - with. 165.

At the next stage, the formation of a set of technical re-equipment measures, allowing to expand "bottlenecks" and achieve the target standards of individual stages of the production process. The formation of sets of activities is carried out by embedding in an existing system of certain technical innovations from the Bank of Events.

Taking into account the formed measures, the promising production capacity at the end of the planned period is calculated, indicators of the technical and economic level are recalculated and an option for technical re-equipment is formed. Since among the activities of technical re-equipment there are alternatives, a single variant of the production program corresponds to several options for technical re-equipment.

With the stabilized structure of the production program, the "bottlenecks" are known and are determined by the coefficient of integral loading of equipment, technological operations (sites), technological converters (workshops) according to the results of certification of the relevant stages of the production process. When planning technical re-equipment in the context of a significant change in the structure of products, the analysis of "bottlenecks" is advisable to conduct on the basis of the calculations of the production capacity of the stages of the production process.

According to the final set of activities, the costs of the necessary resources are determined and a technical re-equipment option is formed, which includes goals - ways to achieve goals (set of activities) - the necessary resources.

The establishment of the reconstruction efficiency criterion is associated with the choice of indicators characterizing the economic results of implementation. The feasibility of capital investments that enterprises can do in order of self-financing or at the expense of free loan can be determined to be expected to improve the indicators of current economic activities.

In economic literature there are different approaches to the definition of indicators of the economic efficiency of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises: the definition of one indicator, such as the payback period of capital investments due to the annual economic effect, or the definition of a set of indicators characterizing the efficiency of living and extractive labor, technical and resource armed and Dr. No even generalizing indicator is able to reflect all aspects of the effectiveness of new technology. The entire system of indicators should determine the optimal level of decisions on the scale and pace of implementation of the technical reconstruction of industries and enterprises by transferring the center of attention from intermediates to the final national economic results, with quantitative indicators for high-quality; disclose the content of the reconstruction, describing the main directions and ensuring the maximum efficiency of each of them; characterize the effectiveness of both new equipment and capital investments, giving the opportunity to compare the directions of technical reconstruction with the options for new construction and expansion; Put a limited circle of indicators that can identify reserves of using fixed assets of material and labor resources, taking into account socio-economic results.

One of the generalizing indicators of evaluating the effectiveness of reconstruction is an economic effect. Since the reconstruction of the current enterprise is carried out for a long time, the economic effect is determined for the estimated period for the implementation of the event from the start of reconstruction before receiving all the results provided and is integral (with a growing outcome of the planned period).

The cost of implementing the reconstruction (ZT) activities are calculated by the formula:

where the cost of costs per year (including the cost of obtaining related results), UAH;

aT - the coefficient of bringing to the settlement year.

where AT is the coefficient of bringing;

tP-T - the number of years, separating the costs and results of this year from the beginning of the settlement year;

E- standard to bring up the rapid costs.

In determining the efficiency of reconstruction in the total cost of the costs, in addition to the newly investigated centralized and non-centralized capital investments, the cost of liquidated fixed assets are taken into account, which are transmitted for use on other sites of the national economy, etc.

where the book-capital costs produced during the years planned for the reconstruction of the facility, UAH; The closer value of the replaceable fixed assets, UAH; Kn- The cost of fixed assets transmitted to other sites or industries. UAH.;

DKS - Changes in capital costs in related industries, UAH.

The costs of reconstruction increase as a result of the influence of a number of factors: the irrational distribution and use of capital investments, the low level of the concentration of funds, the complexity of work in the conditions of active production, errors of project documentation, the level of equipment supply and its quality, etc.

As practice shows, entering each new unit of production facilities is currently achieved by the price of high costs.

The value assessment of the results (RT) of the reconstruction during the estimated period is determined by the formula:

where the rt-value assessment of the results in the year of the estimated period, UAH;

tn- initial year of the estimated period;

tP- final year of the estimated period.

For the initial year of the estimated period, the year of the beginning of work on the development of production on the reconstructed object is adopted. The final year of the estimated period is determined by the end of the entire life cycle of the reconstructed object.

Sources of information for settlements should serve as actual accounting indicators, reflecting actually established costs and production.

In addition to absolute private indicators, relative can be calculated; labor productivity, profitability (the ratio of the amount of profit to the average annual value of the main production facilities and the normalized working capital), FDO-report (the ratio of production of products to the average annual value of the main production assets) and others. Efficiency of capital investments and new technology. - Cheboksary, 2001. - with. 66.

The results of calculations of the indicators are linked to the corresponding indicators of the plan to reduce the cost of products, financial plan, labor plan, fixed assets, etc. Accounting of these indicators does not represent difficulties, since all data are available in the workshops reports, enterprises.

At enterprises, such a system of control, accounting and reporting of the effectiveness of reconstruction activities should be created, which would allow to quickly control the course of their implementation by a growing outcome from the beginning of the reconstruction to complete development of production.

In the structure of indicators characterizing the individual terms of the resulting effect, the indicators of the economy of material and fuel and energy resources are important. On the one hand, the rational use of resources has a significant impact on the change in the overall indicators of production efficiency - low cost, profit growth, on the other, the cost reduction characterizes the level of intensification of production, the achievement of which is impossible without the introduction of new equipment and technology. In this regard, objective indicators of resource savings are needed to substantiate effective technical re-equipment options, individual areas and activities. Calculations should take into account resource savings, both beyond the unit of implemented event and for certain types of resources and products.

ІІ. Calculated part

1. O.the title of source data

01. Production program for the planned year (pieces)

02. The complexity of the unit of products (normal hours)

03. Tariff rate of work (rub / hour)

04. Consumption of materials for the manufacture of products

product name

Name of material

Option "0" + 0.1 x n \u003d "0" +0.1 x13

Legend: ST - steel; pl - plastic; EP - electric wire.

Price 1 kg steel - 20 rubles.

Price 1 kg of plastics - 80 rubles.

Price of 1 power meter of electrical wire - 4 rubles.

05. Consumption of purchased component products for the manufacture of a unit of products (rubles / units)

06. The volume of unfinished production by types of work at the end of the planned year (normal hours)

07. The volume of incomplete production on material resources

07.01. The volume of incomplete production by the cost of materials at the end of the planned year (kg, route meters)

07.02. The volume of incomplete production on the cost of purchased component products at the end of the planned year (RUB)

08. Characteristics of technological equipment located on the balance sheet of the enterprise

09. The company leases the production room for the workshop on conditions:

Balance value of 1 sq. M Production area - (5000 + 100 x n) rub. \u003d (5000 + 100 x13) \u003d 6300 rubles.

Rental percentage - 22% per annum on the book value of the production area;

The annual depreciation rate is 3%.

010. The company rents office space on conditions:

Balance value of 1 sq. M Production area - (8000 + 100 x n) rub. \u003d 8000 + 100 x13 \u003d 9300 rubles.

Rental percentage - 20% per annum from the book value of the office area;

Annual depreciation rate is 2.5%.

011. Terms of remuneration

The company has a piecework and premium system of remuneration of fixed (production) workers (the award is 40% for a piece of earnings) and a one-time-premium system of remuneration of the auxiliary workers (award is 40% of the tariff earnings).

Employees wages averages 10 minimum wages (minimum wage) per person. In the calculations for the variant N \u003d 0, the level of the minimum wage is equal to 600 rubles per month. A student when performing a course work must use the level of minimum wage at the time of the calculations.

Social tax rate (ESN) For variant N \u003d 0, an equal to 35.6% of the accrued wage for all categories of working are taken. (ESN) For variant N \u003d 13, an equal to 26% of the accrued wage for all categories of working are taken.

012. Annual Stationery, postal expenses, telephone services, payment costs for heating and lighting premises, costs for the purchase of special literature and others general running costs- (35000 + 100 x n) rub. \u003d 35000 + 100 x13 \u003d 36300 rub.

013. The established level of product profitability (relative to the cost) for the planned year:

On the product A - 25%;

On the product b - 30%;

On the product in - 50%.

Calculation of the working capacity of the annual production program

The volume (labor intensity) of annual commercial products by types of work (H-hour) in relation to each product (A, B and B) is determined on the basis of:

Annual product production program;

Work intensity by type of work on the appropriate product.

The volume (labor intensity) of annual commercial products on products A, B and B (H-hour) is determined based on the volume of annual product products by types of work on the relevant products.

The volume (complexity) of annual commercial products for all products (N-hour) is determined on the basis of the volume of annual commercial products for each product.

Volume (labor intensity) of annual commercial products by type of work (n-hour)

The volume (complexity) of annual gross products by types of work (H-hour) is determined based on the results of the calculation of the annual marketable products by types of work and changes in the magnitude of the incomplete production (if it takes place) to the end and at the beginning of the planned period (year) on the same types of work.

2. Calculation of need for basic production facilities

Active part of the main production facilities

The required amount of equipment by type of work (unit) is determined on the basis of:

Annual fund of working time (h) of the equipment unit (FVO) in the reporting period (the planning year), assuming at the same time:

the number of working days per year - 250;

the number of equipment shift is 2;

number of working hours in shift - 8;

losses of working time (for repairs, prevention, etc.) - 5%.

Note: To determine the amount of equipment accepted by type of work (OMP, OLD, OSP), the corresponding calculated amount of equipment (ORP. ORD, OSR) is rounded up to a greater integer.

Equipment loading coefficients by types of work are determined on the basis of comparing the calculated and accepted amount of equipment by type of work.

The carrying value of the entire equipment (rub.) Is determined on the basis of the adopted number of equipment by types of work and the book value (prices) of the unit of the corresponding equipment.

Annual amortization deductions for equipment groups (types of work) are calculated according to the linear method based on the values \u200b\u200bof the depreciation rate and the book value of the corresponding group of equipment.

Annual electricity costs consumed by the appropriate technological equipment (rub.) Are determined on the basis of:

Laboriousness of annual gross products by types of work;

Electricity capacity (kW) consumed by the unit of equipment by types of work (relevant group of equipment). In the calculation, the cost of 1 kW-hour of electricity is taken equal to 1 rub.

Passive part of the main production facilities

The production area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop (sq.m.) is determined on the basis of:

Accepted amount of equipment by types of work (by equipment groups);

Overall dimensions of the unit of appropriate equipment.

To ensure the normal functioning of production, the size of the area for travel, passages, household premises, etc. is accepted. In the amount of 180% of the production area occupied by equipment.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe office (sq.m.) is determined on the basis of:

The number of employees of the office operating in the office (director, deputy. Director for the production and chief accountant) - 3 people;

Square norms per employee, taken equal to 6 sq.m. per person.

The carrying amount of the production premises of the workshop is determined on the basis of:

The values \u200b\u200bof the production area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop;

The cost of 1 sq.m. The area of \u200b\u200bthe building in which the production area is rented for the workshop.

The book value of the room under the office is determined on the basis of:

The magnitudes of the office area;

The cost of 1 sq.m. The area of \u200b\u200bthe building in which the area is rented under the office.

Rental fee (annual) for renting the production premises of the workshop (rub.) Determined on the basis of:

Rental percentage;

The rate of depreciation of the production room (with a linear depreciation method).

Rental fee (annual) for renting premises for office (rub.) Determined on the basis of:

The book value of the leased room;

Rental percentage;

The depreciation standards for the office (with a linear depreciation method).

3. Calculation of labor requirements

Number of workers

The number of basic (production) workers is determined by profession:

The number of machinery for machining materials - lm;

The number of presger trainers - LL;

The number of product builders - LC;

The number of basic workers by profession is determined on the basis of:

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Introduction ..................................................................................4
Chapter 1. Enterprise as a subject and entrepreneurial object
1.1 Regulatory and legal acts regulating the activities of the enterprise .................................................................................... .6
1.2Will signs and classification of the enterprise ......................10
1.3 The goal of creating an enterprise. Brief description of the activities of the enterprise and the TEP it is characterizing ............................................................15
1.4 The organizational structure of the enterprise ................................. 26
1.5 Problems and prospects for the development of your enterprise ............ .32
Chapter 2. The authorized capital and property of the enterprise
2.1. The authorized capital of the enterprise ............................................. 38
2.2. Classification, structure of fixed assets ........................... 42
2.3. Wear and depreciation of fixed assets ............................................... ..51
2.4. Product quality as a production regulator ......................59
2.5. The role of investment and innovation in the formation of property of an enterprise ................................................................................. ..63
Chapter 3. The main directions of technical re-equipment of the machine-building enterprise at the present stage
3.1. Extensive and intense factors of economic growth of the enterprise ..............................................................................................72
3.2. The main sources of financing technical re-equipment of the enterprise .................................................................................. 80
3.3. Marketing research is the basis for technical re-equipment planning. The role of the country's scientific potential and overseas experience ....88
3.4. The role of profit as the main regulator of technical re-engineering enterprise .............................. .93
Chapter 4. Economic efficiency of technical re-equipment on a machine-building enterprise
4.1. Methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of introduction of a new
techniques and technology in the enterprise ....................................... .100
4.2. Calculation of economic efficiency of technical re-equipment as an introduction: .............................................................................. 105
- new types of equipment in the main workshops;
- new casting and handling technologies;
- Leisure production technologies
4.3. Analysis of the impact of technical re-equipment of the machine-building enterprise on financial performance ............................................................111
5. Calculated part ....................................................................... ..1.114
Conclusion ..................................................................... 129.
List of used literature ............................132


The topic of my course project "The impact of technical re-equipment of a machine-building enterprise to increase the competitiveness of products and financial results" is a relevant issue for the economy of any country, including ours. After all, technical re-equipment plays an important role for the economic efficiency of the enterprise and the economy as a whole.
Technical re-equipment of the enterprise - progressive forms of reproduction of the main production facilities of the existing enterprises. The technical re-equipment includes a set of measures to improve the technical and economic level of production, its mechanization and automation, modernization and replacement of outdated and physically worn-out equipment, more productive, as well as to improve the public economy and subsidiary services. The purpose of the technical re-equipment of the existing enterprises is all possible intensification of production, an increase in production capacity, production of products and improving its quality in ensuring the growth of labor productivity, decrease in the material intensity and cost of production, and saving material and fuel and energy resources, improving other technical and economic performance indicators of the enterprise.
The goal of the course project is to study the impact of the technical re-equipment of the enterprise to increase competitiveness and financial results.
Research tasks:
a) To consider the basic economic processes in the enterprise and to identify the factors of economic growth, sources of funding for technical re-equipment;
b) reveal the meaning of investment, innovation and profits as the main regulators of re-equipment in the enterprise;
c) determine the economic efficiency of technical re-equipment in the enterprise.
Work consists of five major chapters. The first chapter examines the enterprise in the system of market economy, the purpose of its creation, a brief description of the activity and technical and economic indicators of it characterizing, as well as problems and development prospects.
The second chapter is devoted to the study of the authorized capital of the enterprise, classification and structure of fixed assets, as well as depreciation and amortization.
The third chapter discusses the main directions of technical re-equipment of the enterprise at the present stage. Extensive and intensive factors of economic growth, market research as the basis for technical re-planning.
The fourth chapter is devoted to the assessment and calculation of the economic efficiency of technical re-equipment in the enterprise. This chapter presents a methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of the implementation of new equipment and technology, namely the introduction of cyclic factotting and OPS producing wells. The calculation of the economic efficiency of technical modernization as the introduction of new types of equipment to the main shops, the new technology.
The fifth chapter is the settlement part. It presents two tasks. The first is the calculation and explanation of the variance of the following indicators: fondootdocha, capital-labor ratio, capital ratio, profitability, product profitability, etc. fondorentabelnost In Problem No. 2, the cost of oil production after Moon is determined.
When writing a course project, a literature of various kinds were used: general plan textbooks, textbooks for higher education, benefits, various scientific articles, and annual reports and data from TATNEFT and NRUD "NURLETNEFT".

1. Enterprise as a subject and entrepreneurial object
1.1. Regulatory and legal acts regulating the activities of the enterprise

Entrepreneurship - initiative, independent activities of citizens aimed at making a profit or personal income, which is carried out on its own behalf, under its responsibility (or on behalf of the legal entity for legal entity).
Economic Science is considered in three aspects: as an economic category, as a management method and as a type of economic thinking.
From an economic point of view, the identification of objects and entities of entrepreneurial activity is important for the characteristics of entrepreneurship.
Independent entities are individuals who use their own or hired labor or a group of persons related to contracts and economic interests for entrepreneurship.
The object of entrepreneurial activity is an effective combination of production factors in order to obtain maximum profits.
Characteristic features of entrepreneurship as a management method are:
1. Independence and independence of economic entities. Independence suggests the absence of a governing body, which indicates that and how much to produce, how much to spend and whom to sell. At the same time, the entrepreneur depends on the state of the market of sellers, buyers and goods, the dynamics of demand for all types of products and services, price levels for resources and finished products, inventory systems;
2. The presence of a combination of freedoms and the rights to choose activities, the formation of a production program, the choice of sources of financing, access to all types of resources, sales of products, the establishment of the price and order of profit after paying taxes in the budget;
3. Responsibility for the decisions made under risk conditions, which is associated with the uncertainty and unpredictability of the external environment of the enterprise;
4. Orientation to achieve commercial success, maximizing profits.
5. Personal economic interest;
6. Innormance and creative search.
Depending on the functions that the entrepreneur takes on itself, distinguish the following types of business activities.
1. Production entrepreneurship, traditional or innovative.
Innovative (scientific and technical) Entrepreneurship is associated with the creation, development and dissemination of innovation (the final product of scientific and technological progress in the form of a new product or technology).
Traditional (manufacturing) entrepreneurship is associated with the production of goods and services.
The result of industrial entrepreneurship is a product or service that requires its implementation through sales divisions or with the help of commercial organizations (direct or indirect sales).
2. Commercial entrepreneurship - activities, the main content of which is trading and exchange and consistent relations (operations for the sale and sale associated with the change of property of the goods). Commercial entrepreneurship include: trade, trade and procurement activities, trade and mediation, (resale, commission trade, consignment, brokerage and agency agreements), activities of commercial exchanges.
3. Financial entrepreneurship - banking, insurance activities, the activities of the stock exchange, the provision of leasing services.
4. Other business activities: advisory (consulting), audit services, engineering services, etc.
The main documents regulating entrepreneurial activities are:
1. Constitution of the Russian Federation of 12.12.93 (ed. From 07/25/2003.)
2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part 1) of 30.11.94 No. 51-FZ (Ed.29.07.2004);
3. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part 2) of January 26, 1996 No. 14-FZ (Ed. Dated December 23, 2003);
4. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part 3) dated November 26, 2001 No. 146 -FZ;
5. Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part 1) of 31.07.98 No. 146-FZ (Ed. From July 22, 2005 No. 119-FZ);
6. Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part 2) of 05.08.2000 No. 117-FZ (ed. Dated July 22, 2005 No. 117-ФЗ);
7. Federal Law "On State Support for Small Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation" of 14.06.95 No. 88-FZ (ed. Dated March 21, 2002);
8. Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" of 28.08.2001 No. 129-FZ (Ed. Dated December 23, 2003);
9. Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" of October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ;
10. Federal Law "On Licensing of Special Activities" of 28.08.2001 No. 128-FZ (Ed. Dated December 23, 2003);
11. Labor Code of the Russian Federation No. FZ dated December 21, 2001
12. Other regulatory acts
The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the main document of all Russian legislation. The Constitution enshrines the following fundamental rights and principles of entrepreneurship: free disposal by their work, the right of private property, the equality of all forms of ownership, freedom of economic activity, the unity of economic space, the free movement of goods, services and financial resources, human rights.
The Civil Code (Part 1) defines the legal aspects of the relationship between citizens, legal entities and other participants in entrepreneurship, organizational and legal forms of management.
The Civil Code (part 2) defines the legal aspects of commercial and financial entrepreneurship, contractual and contractual relations.
The Tax Code regulates the general rules for determining the income and expenses of participants in entrepreneurial activities, types, tax rates, tax base, taxation of taxes, etc.
The Labor Code determines the legal aspects of the regulation of labor relations: the organization of labor and labor management, working time and time of rest, payment and rationing of labor, guarantees and compensation.
State registration is the procedure for legalizing the activities of business entities, in which state bodies verify the compliance of the legal entity and its registration documents with the requirements of current legislation. Federal laws may establish a special procedure for the registration of certain types of legal entities.
Legal entities operate on the basis of constituent documents: contract or charter, depending on the organizational and legal form of a participant in entrepreneurship, or contract and charter.
The constituent contract of the legal entity is concluded, and the Charter is approved by its founders (participants).
The constituent contract - the document containing the following information: the name of the legal entity; place of his stay; the procedure for joint activities for its creation; the amount of the participation of each of the founders; conditions for the transfer of property of the founders to a legal entity; conditions for the participation of founders in the activities of a legal entity; the conditions and procedure for the distribution between profit participants (losses); conditions for managing legal entities; Conditions for the release of founders (participants) from the composition.
The Charter should necessarily contain: information on organizational and legal form, name, location, the size of the authorized capital, the composition of the founders, the form and field of activity, the procedure for the distribution of profits, the procedure for the formation of funds, the conditions for reorganization and liquidation.
The oil and gas management department of NurlTenneft is a structural division of the vertically integrated company OJSC TATNEFT, which has its own organizational structure and functional responsibilities, operating in accordance with regulatory legal acts.
Thus, the state provides for a large number of regulatory acts that directly regulate the activities of the enterprise.

1.2. The main signs and classification of the enterprise

The enterprise is an independent, organizational and separate economic entity with the rights of a legal entity that manufactures and sells products, performs work, provides services.
In modern conditions, the enterprise is the main link of the market economy, since it is at this level that the products needed by society is created, the necessary services are provided. The company as a legal entity has the right to engage in any economic activity, not prohibited by legislation and meet the objectives of creating an enterprise provided for in the Company's Charter. The company has an independent balance, settlement and other accounts in banks, printing with its name.
The basis of the enterprise is a professionally organized team, which, with the help of the production tools available at its disposal, manufactures the products you need or provides services.
For an enterprise, as a subject of market relations are characterized by the following signs: production and technical unity, which reflects the generalization of production processes, capital and technology; organizational unity - the presence of an internal structure and a certain order of management based on uniaxiality; Economic unity, which is expressed in the community of material, financial, technical resources and economic results of activities.
The main features of the enterprise as a legal entity are:
1. The presence of separate property, which is reflected in the balance sheet and property responsibility;
2. Availability of a current account in the bank;
3. Operational and economic independence;
4. The ability to perform in the economic circulation on its own behalf (availability of name and print).
Each enterprise has its own mission, goals and objectives.
The mission of the enterprise is the philosophy and meaning of the existence of an enterprise. The mission is detailed by the status of an enterprise, the principles of operation are declared, the intentions of the leadership are indicated, the characteristic features of the enterprise are determined. The central moment of the mission is the definition of the main goal, which expresses ways to achieve the mission, the actual activity of the subject, formulates and determines the funds by which the subject must implement its mission.
The Mission of NGDU "NurLenneft" is inextricably linked with the Mission of one of the largest in the oil and gas complex of Russia - OAO TATNEFT: Strengthening and increasing the status of an internationally recognized, financial and sustainable company, as one of the largest Russian vertically integrated oil and gas producers, products Oil refining and petrochemistry, with the high level of social responsibility.
The mission of NGDU "NurLenneft" as a structural unit is to stabilize and optimize the cost-effective production of oil and gas through the use of advanced innovative technologies and a competent approach of highly qualified employees of the company, as well as the development of new head company projects, in accordance with the status of social and environmentally responsible, innovative , systemic and dynamically developing enterprise.
Goals are always based on hypotheses. Objectives are used to establish standards to assess the effectiveness of the functioning of the enterprise to determine the landmarks of its development.
The highest goals of the company include compliance with restrictions (conditions), which are determined by legislation and public opinion: environmental protection, the use of progressive technologies, the preservation of the competitive environment, ensuring democratic freedoms.
The objectives of the enterprise are the goals, the achievement of which is desirable for a certain point of time within the period on which management decisions are calculated. Tasks are quantitatively measurable results. The objectives of the enterprise are determined by the interests of the owner of the enterprise, the amount of capital, the situation within the enterprise, the external environment.
The main task of an enterprise at the entrance to perceive the factors of production, recycle them and at the exit to obtain products needed to society.
The company's tasks include:
- reimbursement of the costs and revenue from the sale of products, which allows to satisfy the economic and social demands of the labor collective and the owner of the enterprise;
- provision of consumers of enterprises in accordance with contracts and market demand;
- creating jobs for the population;
- ensuring employees of wages;
- prevent failure in the work of the enterprise;
- Environmental protection.
The functions of the enterprise are specified and specified depending on: the size of the enterprise, industry affiliation, the degree of specialization and cooperation, form of ownership, relations with local authorities.
The main functions of the enterprise include:
1. Finance and credit includes financial management (the formation of sources of financial resources, cost management, accounting, monitoring and making calculations).
2. Cadar (personnel management) is to provide production by labor resources (hiring, preparation, safety, working conditions), the organization of wages (labor stimulation).
3. Material-technical support is to provide an enterprise with all types of material resources, forming reserves, conclude contracts for the supply of commodity values.
4.Marketing includes the study of the market for goods and services, the formation of demand, advertising, pricing, processes management.
5. Production is to ensure the functioning of the production process. Performance of the production function includes the organization of production and enterprise management.
Enterprises can be classified for a number of features (Table 1.1.). The classification is important in developing for homogeneous enterprises of typical documentation, the use of typical constructive and technological solutions, production structure and other purposes.
Table 1.1.
Classification of enterprises
Sign classification
According to the nature of the consumed raw materials, the production industry - manufacturing processing industry
For the appointment of finished products - producing production facilities - producing consumption items
According to the degree of technical and technological community - with a continuous process of production - with a discrete process of production - by the predominance of chemical processes - the predominance of mechanical processes
In time of work during the year - year-round action - seasonal action
In size (by the number of employees employed) - large (over 500 people) -Stern (from 50 to 300-500 people) - small (up to 50 people)
Specialization - specialized - diversified - combined
On the scale of production of the same type - mass-sherry - individual
According to the methods of organizing the production process - a streaming -partion-apertic
According to the degree of mechanization and automation - comprehensively automated - partially automated - complex-mechanized - partially mechanized-machine-manual-card
Continuation of Table 1.1.
By the nature of the activity - industrial-production - trade - transport - investment, etc.
According to the degree of coverage of various stages - one-way - the manufacture of individual parts of products - complex
According to the nature of the processing of raw materials - with an analytical process of production - with a synthetic process of production - a direct production process

Thus, the company is the form of organizing the vital activity of each person and society as a whole. In it, the employee realizes its creative potential, contributes to social proceedings, at the same time, reward for his work, materially ensures itself and family members. The company has a number of signs, namely: the presence of separate property; ability to speak on their own behalf; right (opportunity) to be plaintiff; availability of registration certificate; Have an independent balance and cost estimate.

1.3. The purpose of creating an enterprise. Brief description of the activities of the enterprise and the TEP it characterizing

The goal is the final state, the desired result, which any organization seeks to achieve. A sign of "common" means wide on the scale and time of the target, which, as a rule, do not have clearly pronounced quantitative characteristics.
Long-term goals determine the strategic intention of the enterprise to take a certain place in business. The definition of total long-term objectives is required for each key result that managers are considered important to achieve success and create the appropriate competitive advantages of the organization. Seven key spaces are distinguished, within which the company defines long-term goals:
1. Position on the market. Market objectives may be the conquest of leadership in a specific market segment, an increase in the share of the enterprise market to a certain size.
2. Innovation. Target installations in this area are associated with the definition of new ways of doing business: the development of new markets, the use of new technologies or methods of organizing production.
3. Marketing. The main results of activities in this area can be the output to the first place for the sale of a certain product, creating a certain image in the goods, improving customer service.
4. Production. Priority goals in this case are the achievement of the highest productivity, improving product quality, reduced production costs compared to the main competitors.
5. Finance. The common goal is to preserve and maintain at the necessary level of all types of financial resources, their rational use.
6. Personnel management. Personnel goals may be related to the preservation of jobs, ensuring an acceptable level of wage, improving the conditions and motivation of labor.
7. Management. The key goal in this area is the definition of critical areas of management impact.
The goals of the enterprise must have a number of characteristics that are sometimes called the criteria for the quality of the goals. The main characteristics of the objectives include:
· Concrete and measurability. Expressing targets in clear measurable forms, the manual creates a basis for making decisions and evaluating the course of work;
· Planning horizon. Allocate long-term (planning horizon for more than 5 years), medium-term (planning period from 1 year to 5 years) and short-term (usually within the year) goals. The already planning horizon, the more specifically the goal should be expressed;
· Reachability. The goals are set so that they do not exceed the possibility of the enterprise. The establishment of unattached purposes blocks the desire of employees to success and reduces the motivation of labor;
· Consistency. Actions and solutions necessary to achieve one goal should not interfere with the achievement of others.
Insufficient attention to the process of establishing goals or, on the contrary, the nomination of unattainable goals is detrimental to the enterprise. So, widely proclaimed by many Russian enterprises in the process of restructuring the purpose - "preservation of the labor collective" - \u200b\u200bled to a decrease in labor motivation.
Specific goals are established on the basis of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, its competitive advantages. As a rule, such goals are actually achievable specific results (two to three indicators) in those areas that are decisive for successful business. At the same time, specific goals can be established for each type of activity, which the company considers important and execution of which it wants to track.
The number and variety of targets and management tasks require a systematic approach to the determination of their composition. As a convenient tool-tested tool, you can use a model in the form of a tree of targets. one.

Fig. 1. Hierarchy of the organization's goals
By means of a tree of purposes, their ordered hierarchy is described, for which a consistent decomposition of the main goal is carried out on the following rules:
· The overall goal should contain a description of the final result;
· When deploying a common goal, the hierarchical structure proceeds from the fact that the implementation of the contributions of each subsequent level is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the objectives of the previous level;
· In the formulation of the objectives of different levels, it is necessary to describe the desired results, and not methods for their preparation;
· The scene of each level should be independent of each other and do not delete each other;
The foundation of the target tree should be tasks that are the wording of work that can be performed in a certain way on time.
Brief description of the activities of NGDU "NurLenneft".
NGDU "NurLenft" is a structural division of the vertically integrated company OAO TATNEFT. The date of education NGDU "NURLETENFT" is considered October 1, 1952. The company is an economic entity that has the right to conclude transactions and other actions on behalf of Tatneft. Based on the power of attorney OJSC TATNEFT No. 59/16-01 dated January 8, 2004, it has an independent balance, settlement and other accounts in the institutions of banks, press and stamps with their name, branded forms.
First of all, the activities of NGDU "Nurlnheft" is to receive profits. The main activities of NGDU "Nurltend" are: oil and gas production; Preparation and transfer of oil; input from drilling and well development; repair and maintenance of ground oilfield equipment; The implementation of technological processes to increase the oil recovery of the reservoirs and the processing of the bottomhole zone of wells. The production process in oil and gas production is a set of basic and auxiliary labor processes, technological and natural processes associated with the extraction of oil and gas on the day surface and their primary preparation.
The basis of the activities of NGDU "NurLenft" is mining, preparation and primary refining of oil. In accordance with the subject and purpose of its activities, the NGDU collects, training, oil and gas transport; design of industries and objects of the oil and gas industry; construction, operation of oil and gas industry facilities; Develops and implements measures for the protection of nature and the environment.
Today, the management includes:
- 6 workshops for oil and gas production;
- 2 shops of comprehensive preparation and pumping oil;
- workshop on reception and delivery of oil;
- workshop of maintaining reservoir pressure;
- 10 shops of auxiliary production;
- Housing and utilities.
NGDU "NurlTenft" is developing Romaskinsky (Minnibaevskaya, Almetyevskaya, North-Almetyevskaya, Berezovskaya Square with the deposits of the upper horizons) and Bukhara oil fields.
The Romaskin geographic oil field is located in the northern part of the Bugulmina-Belladeev hill, which occupies the southeast part of Tatarstan. Administratively is located in the territory of two municipal districts - Almetyevsky and Sarmanovsky. This is a region with a well-developed infrastructure provided by electricity.
The area is characterized by a developed network of roads, according to which the movement of motor vehicles is possible. The nearest railway stations are Almetyevskaya, Bugulma and Naberezhnye Chelny. In addition, the area of \u200b\u200bdeposits intersects the railway Bugulma-round field, as well as highways of federal and republican significance. The nearest water marins are located on the Kama River in Naberezhny Chelny and Histopol.
The power supply of the area is carried out from the Kuibyshev HPP, Zainskaya GRES and the Urussian hydroelectric station. For household and industrial needs, waters of Kama River, IR, Zai and other sources are used.
In an orogydographic relationship, the area is the northern continuation of the Bugulmino-Belladeevsk watershed and for the surface of the district, the presence of asymmetric wide, wavy plateau, intermitted by deep and wide valleys.
In economically, the deposit is in favorable conditions due to the presence near Zaina GRES and various communication paths. In close proximity to the Bukhara field, there are: to the south - Romashkinskoye, to the southwest - Novo-Yelhovskoe, in the north it borders with the Kadyrovsky and Yelgi fields that are in development. The presence of neighboring large range of developed areas, highways favors the development of the Bukhara field.
The NURLETNEFT oil and gas management team in 2013 successfully coped with the implementation of the production program.
The work of the Office was aimed at reducing the costs, development and implementation of integrated activities to preserve the financial and economic sustainability of the enterprise. This allowed the Office to fulfill all the planned production and social programs, despite the low level of oil prices in the global market.
For 2013, 4035 thousand tons of oil was mined. During the last seventeen years, NRD "Nurltend" holds production at a stable level. The oil production plan is exceeded by 2.1% or 82 thousand tons. New wells were introduced: oil - 42, of which 62.5 thousand tons of oil, injection - 26 were obtained.
39 wells were introduced from drilling. 22 130 thousand m3 of water were injected into the layers. Produced commercial products in the amount of 38,810.7 million rubles. Supply of a wide fraction of lung hydrocarbons amounted to 83.1 thousand tons.
The average number of all personnel amounted to 2003 people, including 1676 industrial and production personnel. The specific consumption of the number of maintenance of one well of the current fund has decreased to 0.67 people / SC.
The main technical and economic indicators have been completed with orders No. 1 and No. 3.
During the reporting period, 15.8 billion rubles were obtained by conditional balance sheet profit, which is 4 billion rubles more than last year. Profit is aimed at maintaining the objects of the social sphere, to fulfill the conditions of the collective agreement, to strengthen the production capacity of OAO TATNEFT.
Now consider the implementation of the technical and economic indicators of the order №1 №3 on the NURD "NURLETENFT" for 2013.
Performance of technical and economic indicators of order №1 and №3 on NGDU "NurLenneft" for 2013
Table 1.2.
Fulfillment of technical and economic and financial indicators of NGDU "Nurlnheft", 2013
No. Name of indicators of units. 2011 revealed, +/- growth index
plan fact
I production indicators
Continuing Table 1.2.
1 Plan of oil production on NGDU md.n.n. 4035.00 4035.00 0.00 1.00
2 Development and delivery of the challenge of thousand tons 82,10 82.90 0.80 1.01
3 The volume of delivery of its oil in AK "Transneft", total thousand tons 3 863,80 3 949.90 86,10 1.02
4 Entering new mining wells thousand tons 35.00 42.00 7.00 1,20
5 Enter new injection wells th thousands 25.00 26.00 1.00 1.04
6 Oil mining from new wells thousand no. 36.64 62.52 25.89 1.71
7 mining from wells introduced from the inaction of thousand tons 20.19 46.87 26.68 2.32
8 Additional mining due to Moon thousand tons 770.00 809,59 39,59 1.05
9 Additional oil mining due to hydroelectric power mills of thousands of 270.17 292.35 22,19 1.08
10 Additional oil production due to CRS thousandnants 19,90 28.37 8.46 1.43
11 Number of well-processing on MUN reservoir SC. 154.00 174.00 20.00 1,13
12 Additional extraction from the newly renovity. Svailors with side and lateral horizontal branches of thousand tons 88.21 107.34 19,14 1,22
13 Task for the overhaul of wells (for NGDU):
- Number of wells pcs. 461 461 0 1.00
14 Number of hydraulic operations PC. 96 103 7 1.07
II standards and regulations
15 The rate of consumption of demulsifiers of 74.60 71.23 -3.37 0.95
16 The rate of consumption of corrosion inhibitors of g / tons 210.43 2 ........

List of used literature

1.Babaev Yu.A. Accounting theory: Tutorial 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Uniti - Dana, 2008, S.-203.
2.Batuev M.V. Changes in depreciation entered by chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation // Accounting No. 8, 2002, p. 40-42.
3. Volkov N.G. Accounting and determining the tax base for the acquisition and use of amortized objects, 2002, p.17-21.
4. Pinklytel V.Ya, prof. Schwander B, a. Enterprise in the conditions of a market economy // Economics of the enterprise / - 4th edition, M.: Uniti-Dana, 2007.- S.8.-608
5.Sversheva N.I. Social entrepreneurship: look into the future. - M.: Social Information Agency, 2010, S.-13
6.Kasyanova Yu.G.Ac.QUental Capital organization: Formation, payment, accounting and tax accounting. Is-in: Abak, April, 2009 C-6.
7.Contaeva M.N., Balandina E.V. Enterprise economy. Uch. Address Ulyanovsk: ULGTU, 2011, C-28.
8.Frolova T.A. Economics of the enterprise: abstract lectures. Taganrog: TTI South Afu, 2009.
9.Yarkina T. V. Basics of the enterprise economy: a short course. / T.V. Yarkina - M., 2009. C- 287.
10. Annual Report of OJSC TATNEFT 2010
11. Regulations on the oil and gas management department of OAO TATNEFT named after V.D. Shashin.
12. Deliven note to the annual report of NGDU "ELKHOVNEFT" for 2009-2010.


Part 1: Theoretical Part

Part 2: Description and Preliminary Analysis of the Economic Situation

Part 3: Determining the need for additional information



In the whole world, there are many enterprises that are used to produce their products machinery. Therefore, when it is introduced, it is necessary to make an optimal plan for using and replacing equipment.

The purpose of this course work is to consider and explore the prerequisites and economic conditions for the replacement of morally outdated equipment and technology of enterprises. Also, it is supposed to develop the topic of expanding the market for the company's sales.

This topic is currently relevant, since it is necessary for the successful development of any enterprise, it is necessary to correspond to the world level in the technique and technology, i.e. Adhere to the intensive level of development, which allows maximizing profits and minimize losses, at the same time to fully use the internal potential of the enterprise, as well as it is necessary to act in the direction of expanding the market for products, withdrawal of the enterprise to a new higher level in the global market.

Since outdated equipment leads to an increase in costs of its maintenance and production of products, as well as the productivity of labor is reduced, the timely replacement of the equipment helps to lower production costs and increase profits from the operation of equipment. This allows you to increase production efficiency, and the manufacture of better products, which should be the result of the replacement, leads to an increase in the competitiveness of the enterprise.

In the first (theoretical) part of the work, I intend to consider the reasons and conditions for replacing the morally outdated equipment and describe them on the example of one production enterprise in the second part.

Part 1. Theoretical part

In the management of production risks, the consideration of the risk of non-fasting products is played by a major role.

One of the most important indicators of the enterprise's economic security is the level of demand for its products. The fall in demand below some permissible level can lead to bankruptcy of the company. From here it is obvious the need to study the causes of non-lack of products that lead to risk.

To avoid the consequences of customization of products, the manufacturer must analyze its causes. For this you need to know the factors causing it. But also a specialist, far from production and economy, it is clear that they are a great set. They can intersect with each other, overlap one on another, and may not be directly related to each other. One of these factors is the obsolescence of equipment.

The main task that each commodity produce is solved at the present stage is the intensification of production. For basic funds, the solution to this problem is associated with updating their active part based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress. The increase in production facilities is increasingly dependent on new construction, but from the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the existing equipment, from accelerating the replacement of outdated equipment with a new, more productive. An important factor in updating the working equipment is its moral wear.

To implement its effective activities, production associations and enterprises must periodically replace the equipment used by them. With this replacement, the performance of the equipment used and the costs associated with the content and repair of equipment is taken into account.

The task of replacing the equipment is to determine the optimal period of replacement of old equipment. The aging of the equipment includes its physical and moral wear. As a result, production costs increase, maintenance and repair costs are increasing, labor productivity and liquid cost decreases. The optimality criterion is either profit from the operation of equipment, or the total operating costs during the planned period.

The main funds transfer their value to the manufactured products as wear. Wear is a decreasing cost of fixed capital due to the loss of its consumer properties. The main funds transfer their value to the product produced with their help is not immediately, but in parts. As already mentioned above, the main production funds in the process of their operation wear out. There are two types of wear - physical (material) and moral (economic).

For the first time, a deep scientific analysis of the causes of moral wear was performed by K. Marx. He pointed to the similarity and difference from physical.

Under physical wear, they understand the gradual loss of the main funds of their initial consumer value, which is not only in the process of their functioning, but also with their inaction (destruction from external influences, atmospheric influence, corrosion). Physical wear reduces the initial or replacement value of fixed assets. It depends on their quality, their technological improvement (design, type and quality of materials, the quality of building buildings and installation of machines), the characteristics of the technological process (the values \u200b\u200bof the speed and force of cutting, feed, etc.), their time (number of days of work In a year, shifting per day, hours of work in shift), the degree of protection of fixed assets from external conditions, the quality of care for them and their service, on the qualifications of workers and their relations to the main funds.

Physical wear occurs unevenly even by equal elements of fixed assets. Wear can be complete and partial. With full wear, the liquidated fixed assets are replaced with new ones, with partially restored by capital repairs and modernization.

According to Marx, the physical wear is caused by a change in the physical properties of the machine - the accumulation of metal fatigue, from which it is made, wear of rubbing surfaces, etc., which leads to an increase in downtime on repairs, reduce performance, increase fuel consumption, deterioration of efficiency.

Physical wear is caused by two factors. The first of these is the functioning of wages, during which the mechanical wear of the rubbing parts occurs, the deformation of individual structures as a result of dynamic loads, etc. This is the so-called production wear. The second factor of physical wear is the influence of the natural forces of nature, which is expressed in corrosion of metals, weathered, etc. This is the so-called natural wear.

The degree of physical safety of fixed assets is reflected in the shelf life:

KG \u003d (Fost / FP) * 100%,

where FP, Fost - the complete initial and residual value of fixed assets, rub.

The degree of wear of fixed assets is reflected in the coefficient of wear:

Kizn \u003d 100% -KG

Kizn \u003d (TF / T) * 100%,

where TF is the actual service life of fixed assets, T is a useful life.

However, the size of the wear and the rate of its flow is determined by the original properties of the machine and the characteristic features of the operation, which is individual for all similar machines. Using the proposed techniques, it is impossible to obtain results with a sufficient degree of reliability and reliability.

The process of wear is irreversible and, although it is possible to reduce its size by means of repair work, this is economically justified only to a certain limit.

The presence of physically obsolete fixed assessment funds, firstly, reduces the comfort of working conditions; secondly, in separate industries, especially in high-tech, it slows down the production of modern products; Thirdly, wear, primarily an extensive, active part of fixed assets leads to frequent breakdowns and equipment stops. As a result, all this increases its time in repair. As a result, the quality of products is reduced and the costs of its production increase, which in turn, leads to its rise in price and reduce demand for it.

Due to the rapid change of generations of technology, thanks to technical progress, the equipment morally obsolete. The company may accumulate a significant part of the equipment that has not been fully expired, physically not worn out, which has not fulfilled its value to the products made with its help and without paying for itself. Further exploitation of morally outdated equipment does not allow to master and produce modern products. Therefore, it is important to take into account the significance of moral wear. Moral wear is the depreciation of the elements of fixed capital, due to the appearance or cheaper equipment of the same performance, or more productive equipment for the same cost.

The cause of moral wear is the change in the social conditions of production. It holds both inactive cars, the physical properties of which do not change, if we abstract from environmental impact. Changes in the conditions of social production leads to a relative change in the effectiveness of all used machines. The similarity of physical and moral wear is that the result of their actions is increasingly loss over time the initial ability of the water to save labor. At the same time, the causes of their causing, have different nature.

The material basis of moral wear is technical progress. Its effect manifests itself in the fact that the reproduction of machines is carried out not in an existing form, but in the form of prosecutive changes, and new labor tools are more efficient. Moral wear means the loss of part of the cost of machines without appropriate physical wear, but exclusively by virtue of either the cost of producing similar cars, or creating more productive and economical.

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