Design and research work “Wintering birds of my small homeland. Topic of the research work: “Observations of wintering birds Research work about birds for preschoolers


IN modern conditions The problem of environmental education of preschool children is becoming particularly acute and relevant. It is during preschool childhood that the beginnings of ecological culture are formed. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them.

Winter time is not only happy holidays, lively slides, a desperate snowball fight, but also severe frosts with a piercing wind. During the cold season, wintering birds face vital questions: how to feed themselves. The available food is becoming significantly less, but the need for it is increasing. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die.

Our task is to introduce children to the birds wintering in our area, their species and characteristics; teach how to take care of birds and help them in the cold winter.

Project type: informational and creative.

Project type: group.

Duration: short.

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Participants: teacher, children and parents preparatory group.

Project stages

Stage 1 – preparatory

  • discussion of goals and objectives by educators, children, parents;
  • Creation necessary conditions for project implementation;
  • long-term project planning.

Stage 2 – main (practical)

  • introduction into the educational process of methods and techniques to expand children’s knowledge about wintering birds;
  • productive activity of children.

Stage 3 – final

  • project presentation,
  • report on the “Help the Birds!” campaign.

Project implementation

Stage 1

Target: expansion and enrichment of knowledge about wintering birds.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about wintering birds, about the role of humans in the life of wintering birds.

2. Promote the development of creative and intellectual abilities pupils

3. Involve students and parents in helping birds in difficult winter conditions.

Expected result:

1. Expanding children's horizons about wintering birds.

2. Improving the subject-development environment.

3. Active participation of children and parents in the exhibition “The Best Bird Feeder”

Stage 2

Basic (practical)

Event Tasks
Formation of a holistic picture of the world “Familiar Strangers”, reading B. Brecht “Winter Conversation through the Window” Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds. To consolidate knowledge about the adaptation of birds to the winter period. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena and bird life.
Observation of sparrows. Reading S. Yesenin “Winter Sings and Calls” Clarify children's ideas about the habits of sparrows, note what time of year they fly to the feeder, what food they prefer, how long they stay at the feeder. Invite children to check the correctness of the folk superstition: “If a sparrow is ruffled, it means frost, feathers are smoothed, it means warmth.” Discuss with the children why the sparrow sits in cold weather, ruffled.
Conversation "Bird's dining room" Talk with children about the importance of their work feeding birds; learn to feel involved in all living things. Foster respect for birds and responsibility; encourage the desire to be useful and help birds in winter.
Work activity:feeding birds. Invite those who wish to take responsibility for cleaning and filling the feeder, teach them to select food taking into account what birds fly to the site. Offer to explain why it is especially important to feed birds after heavy snowfall and ice. Encourage the desire to care for birds.
Work in the “Magic Plasticine” circle: “Birds on the branches” Expand children's understanding of wintering birds and the role of humans in the lives of birds. Learn to convey your observations of living nature in artistic and visual activities, create pictures from thin plasticine flagella. Teach how to portray a bullfinch and a tit, convey the features of their appearance. Develop composition skills.
Design: “Pigeons” (origami) To instill in children a caring attitude towards birds. To consolidate children's knowledge about birds flying to the site. Make you want to make a dove using the origami technique. Strengthen children's ability to work with paper, folding a sheet in different directions.
Reading V. Bianchi “Bird Year: Winter”, M. N. Bogdanova “House Sparrow” Introduce children to new literary works, continue to develop the ability to maintain a conversation based on the content of what they read, cultivate in children a love for the environment, and a desire to help birds.
Drawing “How we fed the birds” To instill in children a caring attitude towards birds. To consolidate knowledge about the adaptation of birds to winter conditions. Develop independence in choosing visual media (colored pencils, paints, wax pencils). Develop compositional skills.
Board games: “Wintering Birds”, “Collect a Picture”, Lotto “Birds” To consolidate the idea of ​​wintering birds and their appearance.
Outdoor games: “Sparrows and a cat”, “Migration of birds”, “Birds in nests” Develop an understanding of birds and their habits. Practice jumping on two legs. Develop coordination of movements and the ability to navigate on the site.
Didactic game “What is good and what is bad? To instill in children a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to care for them and help them.

Working with parents:

Release of leaflets, booklets: “Feed the birds in winter!”, “Help the birds”

Organization of the exhibition “The best bird feeder”.

Stage 3 - final

Presentation of project results in the form of a presentation,

Presentation of a report on the “Help the Birds!” campaign

Report on the event “Help the Birds!”

The action was attended by: children of the preparatory group, senior teacher Puzanova I.N., teacher Solovyova N.V., parents of students.

On the territory of the preschool educational institution, 14 feeders made by parents from various materials were hung: wooden feeder houses, feeders made of boxes, plastic bottles.

During the campaign, the following work was carried out:

  • Daily feeding of birds;
  • Observing their behavior;
  • Using different feeds;
  • Accounting for the number of birds and their species.

Tits were the first to begin mastering the feeders. At first they approached the feeders with caution and looked around for a long time, but gradually they got used to it and stopped being afraid of children. The sparrows flew in in a small flock. At the feeder they fight, scream, and argue over food. If tits flew to the feeder, the sparrows flew away, as if giving way to them. Bullfinches flew to the feeder. They behaved warily and flew away at the slightest approach of the children. Magpies and crows flew in alone and did not sit on the feeders. They collected food below, under the feeders. A flock of pigeons flew in. They collected food under feeding troughs, and sometimes approached the children at a distance of up to two meters. Waxwings flew to the site in the absence of children and did not sit on the feeders.

During the event the following people flew to the feeders:

  • Tits – 30;
  • Bullfinches – 4;
  • Sparrows – 15;
  • Crows – 11;
  • Pigeons – 14;
  • Waxwings – 13;
  • Magpies - 7.

As a result of the work, the children learned:

  • What types of birds remain to spend the winter in our area, and which ones fly to us for the winter;
  • How to distinguish birds by color;
  • What food do birds prefer?

The following conclusions were drawn:

  • Birds become noticeable and more active as the weather warms up; the brighter the sun shines, the more more birds on the street, the more active they are;
  • Birds do not fly on windy days;
  • Pigeons and sparrows prefer seeds as food, and tits prefer lard;
  • Sparrows, pigeons, waxwings fly in flocks, tits in 3-4 groups, magpies, crows - alone;
  • 7 species of birds visited the feeder;
  • During the project, the birds have become accustomed to receiving food, so feeding must be continued.

Municipal state educational institution "Peschanskaya secondary secondary school» Belovsky district, Kursk region

Design and research work

“Feed the birds in winter!”


3rd grade students

Peschanskaya secondary school.

Head: Vorobyova E.A.

Sandy 2017

Feed the birds

Feed the birds in winter.

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

I need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

It will be winter for them.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

How can we forget:

They could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Together with people.

Train your birds in the cold

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring.

A. Yashin

Rationale for the topic:
I chose this topic to learn more about the state of wintering birds in our area.


During winter, which begins with the appearance of stable snow cover, many people die from hunger. wild birds.

Hypothesis :

Suppose that if a person feeds birds in winter, then there will be fewer birds dying.

Studying the lifestyle of wintering birds in our area. Helping birds in winter.


1. Find out which birds remain for the winter.

2. Determine what birds eat in winter.

3. Make feeders and feed the birds.

4. Involve friends in helping birds in winter.

3. Analyze the collected information and draw conclusions.

Subject of research : wintering birds

Research methods:
- study of literature;
- observation;
- analysis.

Stage I – preparatory

Birds have great value in nature and human life. People believed that birds brought spring on their wings and therefore tried to feed the birds in winter.

It is especially difficult for birds in severe frosts, heavy snowfalls, and also when the soil, branches and tree trunks are covered with an ice crust. Natural food in such conditions becomes practically unavailable.

Sparrows, magpies, pigeons, bullfinches, tits, crossbills, and woodpeckers winter in our village. I wanted to know more about each bird. Using the Internet and on the pages of books, I looked at photographs of birds and learned about the peculiarities of their wintering. Here's what I found out:

Wintering birds can tolerate cold weather. For example: a woodpecker hides in the hollows of trees. Tits and magpies fly to human habitation. Crows, jackdaws, and pigeons spend the night huddled close to each other. Feathers help birds stay warm. Birds have air between their feathers. It keeps the cold out and retains the heat. So they don't freeze.

Wintering birds can find their own food - berries and fruits. For example, a woodpecker can get insects from under the bark. Seeds that ripen in autumn on trees and shrubs are also food for birds. The crossbill even hatches chicks in January, because there is a lot of food for them - seeds from fir cones. (Application)

Stage II – basic (practical)

1. Making feeders . (Application)

I got my friends involved in helping the birds. Together with my classmates we made feeders and hung them up. We found out what you can feed the birds. And together with my friends I began to watch.

We made feeders, we opened a dining room.
Sparrow, neighbor bullfinch, will be your winter lunch!

The first to be noticed at the feeder were sparrows. Sparrows try to stay close to humans in winter. In severe frosts it is cold for them to sleep under open air, so they hide at night in the cracks of houses and under the roofs of barns.

The sparrows ate in a feeder that was nailed to a post. They love feeders that don't sway in the wind, they are shy, but they are very rowdy in it. Watching how the sparrows were fighting, we poured millet on the table and all the birds pecked at it together.

Then the tits began to fly. Tits almost all year round live in forests, parks, gardens. In winter, in search of food, they gather in flocks and move closer to human habitation.

The tits behaved civilly at the feeder, taking their time and not jostling. They are not afraid of swinging feeders, so they fed in wooden and cardboard feeders.

Sparrows, crows and pigeons were the main guests. But the tits flew in when we left. They seem to be very shy and cautious.

2. Bird food . (Application)

Students in our class run with great trepidation every day to check the feeders - clear them of snow and replenish them with food. And the birds don’t keep you waiting long.

During feeding, we follow the rules of conduct near the feeders: we do not shout loudly, we do not litter, we do not leave newspapers, paper and plastic bags, tin cans and boxes.

We learned that there should be little food in the feeders, just what the birds need, and that the birds need to be fed regularly. You cannot feed them from time to time: it is in winter that they really need our support.

While feeding the birds, we observed and learned that: almost all birds eat sunflower seeds and, first of all, tits. But they don’t like melon and pumpkin seeds, but sparrows eat them with pleasure. Millet and millet are the favorite food of sparrows. Tits and sparrows eat bread crumbs. But bread in large quantities is harmful to birds. But the bullfinches have not yet arrived at our feeders; we have prepared rowan berries for them. But we will wait for them - we hope that they will arrive.

Research results:

Now I know wintering birds and can identify them by appearance.

My hypothesis was confirmed :

Only those birds that can endure the cold and find food for themselves remain for the winter, but they need our help. If you hang feeders and feed the birds, then in the spring there will be more of them and we will listen to wonderful singing.

III-Final part.

Using my observations and the observations of the guys, I made the following conclusions:

1) There are more birds visiting feeders in cold weather than birds visiting feeders in warmer weather

2) Birds can overwinter quite successfully if there is a lot of suitable food around

3) In our area, sparrows, crows, pigeons, and tits winter near humans; bullfinches fly from the forest to feed.

4) Winter is a difficult period in the life of birds. If a person takes care of them, it will be easier for them to endure cold and hunger.

Slowly, the snow is falling slowly.

A man walks quietly through the snow.

In a hat and his fur coat

He carries a wooden sled behind him.

The bird feeder in the sled turns yellow

For kinglets, bullfinches and tits.

Snow is falling...

Bon voyage you man! FEED THE BIRDS IN WINTER!


Memo "How to feed the birds."

1. If you started feeding the birds,

Don't quit!

And you're an empty feeder

Don't leave it to them!

2. They are so trusting

They believe in us like children.

Remember - you tamed them,

You are responsible for them!

3. It’s not enough to make a feeder, you also need to know what you can put in it. Tits and woodpeckers love watermelon and melon seeds. Pieces of lard are not suitable for all birds. Tits love lard. Just lard should not be salty. Tits and sparrows will readily eat oats. Sunflower - especially small ones, but not fried - is the best food for tits and sparrows. It is better to crush them slightly before adding them to the feeder. You can give millet, bread crumbs (wheat only!)

Educational and research work

“My sparrow, little sparrow”

The work was completed by the students

primary classes

MBOU "Lekarevskaya secondary school"



My sparrow, little sparrow!

Gray, nimble, like a mouse.

Beady eyes, paws apart,

Paws - sideways, paws - askew...

Jump, jump, I won't touch you -

You see, I crumbled the bread...

Push the crow with your beak,

Who asked her here?

Jump closer, come on, come on,

So, like this, just a little more...

The wind is throwing snow, you bastard,

Both on the back and on the chest.

Make friends with me, birdie,

We'll live in a house together,

Let's sit side by side under the view,

Let's learn the alphabet...

Closer, just a little more...

Furh! He ran away... What an impudence!

Ate all the grains, ate all the crumbs

And he didn't say thank you.

(Sasha Cherny)

After reading in class literary reading this poem, we thought about the fact that these birds always meet us near our home. Even in winter, they remain in our area, and do not fly away to warm countries for the winter. But winter is a very important and difficult period in the life of animals. Only the most resilient are able to survive it. We were interested in the peculiarities of bird life in the winter season and decided to observe it.

Purpose Our research work is to study the habitat and feeding habits of sparrows in the winter season.

Tasks :

    Study and analyze the literature on the role of birds in wildlife.

    Expand and clarify the understanding of the life of sparrows in the winter season.

    To study the behavior of sparrows in winter in the village.

    Conduct observations and find ways to additionally feed sparrows in the winter.

Bird watching in the winter will expand the possibilities of providing assistance to them and will contribute to greater survival of birds in our area.

Object of study: wintering birds of our area (sparrows).

Subject of research: feeding habits of sparrows in winter.

In accordance with the objectives set, the following research methods are used in the work: analysis of specialized literature, observation.

The work has practical significance. It is aimed at studying and disseminating experience in preserving the lives of birds, and providing practical assistance in their nutrition in the winter.

There is no corner on earth where sparrows cannot be found. The significance of birds in nature and for humans is great and varied.

Birds are dear to us because they are part of our native nature. They are beautiful, active, and their sonorous and melodic songs enliven our forests, fields and gardens. Birds pollinate plants. Valuable tree species such as oak and cedar are resettled.

By eating the seeds of weeds, harmful insects and rodents, birds reduce their numbers and thus provide benefits.

Sparrows are small, daring, brave and smart birds that live safely even in crowded cities, not to mention villages and villages. The color of the male sparrow is gray, with dark spots on the back, and a black spot on the neck. The sparrow nests in hollows, wall voids, and birdhouses. The male and female bring a lot of straw, hay, vegetation, and paper to the future nest. The female lays 5-6 eggs, which are equally incubated by both parents.

The sparrow is a sedentary bird. They don't fly away warm regions, but gather in flocks and appear near human habitation. There is no village so small or large where sparrows are not seen. They boldly jump through the streets, fly under the feet of passers-by, but it is not easy to catch a sparrow. They behave cautiously and quickly notice danger.

Sparrows are found everywhere except Antarctica. The majority of species are adapted to life in trees; some species have switched to a terrestrial lifestyle. The sparrow was named so a long time ago because flocks of field sparrows could devastate vast fields. People, scattering flocks of these little birds, shouted: “Beat the thief!” So they remained sparrows, although they have not devastated anything for a long time. Most sparrows are very active birds. They are small and medium in size. The weight of the body is from 4-5 g to 30 g. Most sparrows form married couples. The majority of species are adapted to life in trees.

2. How sparrows feed in winter.

Little boy

In a gray army jacket,

Snooping around the yards

Collects crumbs.

After observing the sparrows more closely, we learned that sparrows always stay in groups. From the textbook on the surrounding world, we learned that such groups are called flocks. If there are sparrows on a tree, then you will not see other birds on it. They will try to position themselves on a nearby tree. A flock of sparrows, unlike other birds, boldly jumps in search of food.

As a result of our observations, we came up with the following comparative table.


3. Habits and habitats of birds.

Poem by S. Yesenin “Winter Sings, Calls”

Winter sings and echoes,

The shaggy forest lulls

The ringing sound of a pine forest.

All around with deep melancholy

Sailing to a distant land

Gray clouds.

And there's a snowstorm in the yard

Spreads a silk carpet,

But it's painfully cold.

Sparrows are playful,

Like lonely children,

Huddled by the window.

The little birds are cold,

Hungry, tired,

And they huddle tighter.

And the blizzard roars madly

Knocks on the hanging shutters

And he gets angrier.

And the tender birds are dozing

Under these snowy whirlwinds

At the frozen window.

And they dream of a beautiful

In the smiles of the sun is clear

Beautiful spring.

Observing the habits of these birds, we wondered, how and where do they find their food?

When we were walking to school and back, we noticed that birds can be seen not only in trees and places where waste accumulates, but also near people’s homes in specially equipped feeders.

The most regular guests are nimble titmice and sparrows. They constantly hang around feeders and houses. Sparrows are extremely unfriendly to tits and often provoke fights. Waxwings sometimes visit the feeders. On warm days, the behavior of birds changes: magpies chatter loudly, titmice chirp. Birds are not afraid of winter if they have food. The bird is full and warm under its down and feathers.

In the extended day group we decided to make feeders. We made different feeders: cardboard, plastic bottles, plywood. The teachers and I hung feeders on the nearest trees near the school and near their houses.Most of the birds gathered on the cardboard open feeder. Birds flocked to it from different parts of the yard. They sat all over the feeder and felt very comfortable. With apparent danger, they easily and quickly scattered in all directions. But the snow quickly clogged the feeder, and it had to be cleaned several times. There were a lot of birds on the plywood feeder with sides. This feeder is more durable and bird friendly.

Fewer birds flew to the plastic bottle. The cutout of the plastic bottle only fits 2 birds. One sits on the neckline of the bottle and looks around, while the other grabs food from the bottom of the bottle.

Thus, we found that the birds will feed most in an open cardboard feeder and in a plywood feeder. But a cardboard feeder has its own inconveniences: the wind blows away the food and requires constant cleaning of snow. And the best feeder is made of plywood with sides and a roof.

4.Which food is better?

What interested us most was the questionBut what do sparrows and tits like to feast on in winter?

Starting to study this issue, we noticed that sparrows are rare guests in the clean yard and near the school. First, we studied the rules for feeding birds.

It is not at all difficult to stock up on bird food for the winter. And how necessary it is for them!

Rules for feeding birds:

    You cannot feed birds salty foods and rye bread (this is deadly for them)!

    Birds should not be given citrus fruits (oranges and lemons), banana peels, or spices.

    If you start feeding birds one day at the beginning of winter, make sure there is food in the feeder every day!

    The feeder should be convenient and safe for birds (tight fit, no sharp edges, inaccessible to the neighbor’s cat)!

    Hang the feeder so that small and agile birds can get there, but not pigeons and crows (for which there is enough food even outside)!

    If possible, the food should be protected from the weather!

The feeder must be cleaned regularly!

Taking into account the knowledge from the outside world that these birds have a characteristic small and very strong beak, which is convenient for chewing grains and seeds, we selected sunflower seeds, millet and buckwheat for them. For 4 days we observed the number of birds at the feeders. As a result, it turned out that sunflower seeds are more popular among birds. But they didn’t want to peck the buckwheat at all; it remained intact in the feeder throughout all the experimental days. We also managed to find out that on the first day several tits flew in for reconnaissance, and by the 4th day a whole flock had gathered at the feeder. At one time we could count up to 10-12 birds at the feeder.

The sparrows were very wary of the feeder. There were much fewer of them in it. But unlike tits, they sat comfortably and stayed for a long time in our dining room. The tits behaved very culturedly. They quickly flew in and sat on the edge of the feeder. Having grabbed the seed, the tit flew off to the branch of a neighboring tree. According to our observations, she made about 5 such flights to the feeder in 1 hour. So we calculated that she spends about 8-10 minutes cleaning and eating one seed. It turns out that in a short winter day the tit makes 40 flights. This means that per day she eats up to 40 seeds, which she needs so much not to freeze.

Later we decided to diversify our guests' lunch. They began to pour bread crumbs onto the snow crust and hung pieces of fresh lard and meat on the branches. Then the taste preferences of our guests were completely divided. The tits were actively pecking at the lard and meat, and a whole flock of sparrows gathered around the crumbs. Thus, we found out why you see tits more often in trees, and sparrows on the road and near garbage cans. These are common places to search for food. Here they feel more comfortable and eat food more actively.

5. Conclusion.

Our observations helped us learn more about the life of a small piece of living nature.

Birds are an important part of wildlife. Sparrows live near human habitation in winter. This is related to the search for food and places to sleep.

A large number of birds at organized feeders proves the need for additional feeding in winter. To do this, you can use self-made feeders, preferably open ones. For food you can use any cereals and dry bread crumbs. Affordable food organized by man, will help birds endure the winter cold more easily.


1. Everything about everything. Popular encyclopedia for children / AST. Moscow: Company "Klyuch-S". - 1997

2. Savenkov A. B .Research teaching of junior schoolchildren. /Samara: Publishing house "Educational Literature". - 2010.

3. Fedotova N.O., Trafimova G.V.. The world around us. Textbook/Moscow: Akademkniga. – 2010

4. Shumakova N.B. Development of research skills of junior schoolchildren. /Moscow. Education. – 2011

5. Amchenkov Yu.A. Magnificent encyclopedia of animals / Yu.A. Amchenkov // Atticus Publishing Group LLC. – 2008.

Svetlana Morozova

Purpose of the work: studying the lifestyle and behavior of birds in winter.

1) study the literature about birds and identify the birds wintering in our village;

2) find out what type of feeders birds prefer;

3) describe how and what to feed the birds;

4) observe the behavior and relationships of wintering birds;

5) conduct a survey of peers to identify attitudes towards wintering birds;

6) draw conclusions and summarize the results.

Object of study: wintering birds of our village.

Bird observations in winter allowed us to put forward hypotheses:

1. Only those birds that can adapt to other food remain and come to us for the winter.

2. Wintering birds are birds that can adapt to different conditions.

3. If you regularly feed birds in winter, their numbers will increase.

Main part of the work

Birds are amazing creatures.

Of all the living creatures inhabiting the Earth, the most amazing are birds.

What distinguishes birds from other animals? Brief description Birds: These are vertebrates that have a body covered with feathers. Birds also have other characteristics: birds have a horny beak, no more than four toes, they breathe air, and reproduce by laying and incubating eggs.

The science of birds is ornithology.

It is difficult for our smaller brothers, especially in winter - hunger and cold unite against them. But in winter, for birds, especially small ones with a fast metabolism, the most unpleasant thing is hunger. If food is available, birds can withstand even severe frosts. This is why feeders are so important! To help birds in winter, you need to know what birds winter with us and what they feed on.

I made observations and, using special literature, compiled an identification album “Wintering Birds of Our Village” so that all children would know and distinguish these birds and be able to help them survive in the cold season.

(See Appendix)

I also collected folk signs related to birds. It was interesting to check whether the folk signs of predicting the weather by the behavior of birds coincide. I checked some of the signs - everything matches!

Folk signs associated with birds

The sparrows chirped in unison - to the thaw.

Sparrows are cheerful, active and pugnacious - for good weather.

If in winter sparrows sit quietly on trees or buildings, there will be snow without wind. And they tweeted in unison - for warming.

In winter, jackdaws gather in a flock in the evening and scream - for clear weather, warming.

Tit to the hut - winter is in the yard.

The tit squeaks - it announces winter.

When crows gather in a whole flock in winter, flying, circling and cawing, expect snow or frost.

Crows often scream - this means bad weather.

If a crow is bathing early spring- for warmth; swimming in summer - for rain.

If crows fly in flocks, high, and rise under the clouds, it means bad weather.

Crows and jackdaws hover in the air - before the snow, sit on the snow - before the thaw, sit on the tops of the trees - before the frost.

A bullfinch chirps outside the window in winter - a sign of thaw.

If you see a starling, you know: spring is on the porch.

If cranes fly high in the fall, the autumn will be long.

Wild geese are flying, dragging the winter bird on their tail.

In autumn, birds fly low - towards a cold winter; high - for a warm winter.

Wild geese in the spring fly high - there will be a lot of water, low - there will be little.

2. Practical stage

Classification of feeders

To help the birds wintering with us, it is necessary to regularly feed them throughout the winter and early spring, and arrange bird feeders.

Feeders come in a wide variety of designs and are made from different materials. Let's combine them into certain groups and show the resulting classification.

Bird feeders are divided into open and closed

There are self-filling and bulk feeders.

Based on the material, there are feeders made of lumber, glass, metal, combined and others.

Some feeders can be common to all wintering birds, others - only for certain types birds.

A feeder for small birds can be placed anywhere: on a window, near the house, on a personal plot.

Types of feed

From specialized literature I learned what to feed the birds. These are simple, inexpensive and accessible products: bread, boiled potatoes, cheese, bananas, dried fruits, lard, cereals, nuts, seeds.

Pieces of lard and meat for tits can be hung on a branch. Meat and lard must be unsalted. Birds love bread crumbs and various cereals.

Almost all birds eat sunflower, melon, and pumpkin seeds. Burdock seeds are the main food of goldfinches. It is useful to prepare rowan, viburnum, hawthorn, elderberry, burdock, thistle, horse sorrel, quinoa, etc. in the fall, tying them into bundles and drying them.

My friends and I made different types of feeders and decided to hang them near our houses and near the school. The question arose - where and how to place them?

Considered options:

a) school garden - if there is a lot of snow, then approaching the feeders will be difficult, and due to the proximity of the landfill there are a lot of dogs and cats here that will scare the birds;

b) bushes under the windows of our office - low to the ground (less than 1 m) - the birds may not like this, four-legged friends and passers-by will be in the way;

c) bushes under the corridor windows - the branches are thin - the wind will rock the feeder, a bad approach in snowfall;

d) the most best option was found - attach the feeder (with self-tapping screws) to the low tide outside the classroom window: it holds tightly, the approach is good, the height is optimal, it’s convenient to sprinkle food, observe from the window, a thermometer is nearby, and you won’t forget to feed the birds, as they remind you of yourself.

Every day we poured food for the birds: various types cereals and their mixtures, seeds (white and black, loaf crumbs; “fat” feeders were set up for the tits, food was left for the pigeons in the snow.

At first, our main guests at the school feeder were jackdaws, and small birds were afraid, but after a week sparrows, titmice and even nuthatch began to fly to us.

Bullfinches and goldfinches are very cautious birds. Despite the fact that there were quite a few of them in the school district, they did not fly up to our feeder, but fed on plant seeds.

I tried to find out which feeders birds like best. It turned out that birds fly to a wooden covered feeder more willingly, more often and in larger flocks than to feeders made of plastic bottles and juice and milk bags. Perhaps the reason is that wooden feeder stable, well secured, does not move in the wind, and it is easier to cling to wood than plastic.

3. Observation.

I tried to find out which birds are most often found in winter in our village. From December 1 to March 1, I conducted observations when I went to school and returned home, during physical education lessons, ski trips, and excursions into nature. The results were entered into a table.

I noticed that in every village, and in every individual microdistrict of the village, one or another species of birds predominates. For example, near the school you can see jackdaws, sparrows, pigeons, bullfinches, nuthatch and tits. Within a radius of approximately 1 km from the school there are magpies, crows, woodpeckers, goldfinches, and jays. In the village of Rovno there are many large birds: magpies, jackdaws, crows, pigeons, and in the village of Sloboda small birds predominate: sparrows, tits, bullfinches, goldfinches.

I also created a plan of the school neighborhood, on which I marked with conventional icons the places where we met certain birds, reflected how often we saw them, in flocks or alone.

From a conversation with adults, I found out that the total number of wintering birds and their species composition in native land Every year, unfortunately, it decreases. Perhaps the reasons are that:

1) there are no farms left in the villages, subsidiary plot Few people keep pets, but barnyards are the main place of food and overnight accommodation for birds in the village;

2) the fields are not cultivated, there are no grain storage facilities - the amount of grain feed decreases;

3) the environment is deteriorating (air, water, soil pollution).

With the help of the teacher, I made diagrams “The influence of air temperature on the activity of birds”, “Change in the number of birds at the feeder depending on the time of day.”

Let's find out what the relationships are between the birds at the feeder.

The most frequent guests in our “bird dining room” and the friendliest birds are sparrows. They arrive in large noisy flocks and are friendly to each other and to tits.

The tits, sitting on the feeder, peck the food in unison, and take turns sitting on the lard and “fat” feeders. If a nuthatch flies up, other birds give it their place.

With the appearance of a flock of jackdaws, small birds fly away, freeing up the feeder for them. Jackdaws sometimes quarrel.

Pigeons are not very friendly either. They do not associate with other bird species. We watched them steal food from each other.


This work turned out to be very interesting for me. Putting food into the feeders every day became some kind of pleasant obligation, gradually teaching discipline. Observing the habits of birds and their behavior turned out to be an interesting and educational experience.

After bird watching, you can do the following: conclusions:

1) In our village, sparrows, tits, jackdaws, magpies, goldfinches, pigeons and other birds winter near humans; bullfinches, woodpeckers, jays, waxwings, etc. fly from the forest to feed.

2) Not all birds winter in our region, but only those adapted to different food and survival in harsh conditions. weather conditions. Many willingly fly to feeding areas.

3) The Russian people have created many signs associated with birds. They are accurate and truthful.

4) The number of birds visiting feeders in cold weather from 0 and below is greater than the number of birds visiting feeders in warmer weather: above 0.

5) In severe frosts (below 25, blizzards, snowfall, the number of birds is reduced.

6) In the morning and afternoon hours (from approximately 9.00 to 15.00, that is, during daylight hours, there are more birds at the feeders, they are more active than in the evening.

7) Relationships between different types The birds at the feeder are normal: sparrows are “friends” with tits, but are afraid of jackdaws.

8) In December and January there were more birds at the feeder, the species composition was more diverse than in February. At the end of winter, only sparrows and jackdaws flew to our feeder. Perhaps many birds, sensing the approach of spring, fly into the forest.

9) Most birds gather in flocks in winter, this makes it easier for them to survive cold and hunger together.

10) The total number and species composition of wintering birds in our village decreases every year.

11) Birds can withstand the cold quite successfully if there is a lot of suitable food around.

12) Many students at our school take care of wintering birds.

13) Perhaps, if the birds are constantly fed with what they love, they will not fly away to warmer climes.

My observations confirm the hypotheses put forward.

All birds bring great benefits to humans.

Birds must be protected, protected, not disturbed in spring and summer, and in winter, during difficult times of hunger, fed.

I believe that if every student in our school installs at least one feeder in the winter and regularly feeds the birds, then all the wintering birds in our village will be provided with food and saved from hunger. If every school in our country puts up feeders, then winter will not be scary for all birds. Thus, the number of birds will increase.

At the regional competition of children's research works, we took 2nd place with this work.

Unfortunately, I reduced the volume a little and removed the applications.

Project duration: December. January, February.

Project type: informational and creative.

Project participants: teachers, children, parents.

Children's age: 6-7 years.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard requires implementation in educational process Preschool educational institutions based on the principle of integration as a condition for improving the quality of preschool education. One of the relevant and effective methods, implementing this principle is the project method. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills. Today we will talk about the implementation of the project “Wintering Birds”.

Relevance of the project

In modern conditions, the problem of environmental education of preschool children becomes particularly acute and relevant. It is during the period of preschool childhood that the formation of the human personality and the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture take place. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them.

The theme of the project “Wintering Birds” was not chosen by chance. After all, it is birds that surround us all year round, bringing benefits and joy to people. During the cold season, there is significantly less available food, but the need for it increases. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die. And we, teachers, together with parents, must teach pupils to see this, expanding their understanding of wintering birds, their habits and way of life, and create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world. After conducting a diagnostic conversation and offering demonstration material (cards with images of wintering and migratory birds), not all children correctly named the birds that remain for the winter in our city, and they did not name migratory birds at all. It follows from this that the children do not have enough information about birds, that they observe little of them in nature, that they have not developed the skills to help birds in winter


Formation of ecological knowledge about wintering birds and a responsible, careful attitude towards them.


To consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds, about the role of humans in the life of wintering birds.

Replenish the subject-development environment on the topic of the project.

To promote the development of creative and intellectual abilities of students.

Involve students and parents in helping birds in difficult winter conditions.

The project was implemented in three stages.

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1 – preparatory,

Stage 2 – main (practical,

Stage 3 – final.

Stage 1 – preparatory.

Attract the attention of parents and children to help wintering birds.

To develop in children the ability and skills to care for birds in winter.

Cultivate a caring attitude, promote the acquisition of rules of behavior when communicating with birds.

Development and accumulation teaching materials on the problem.

Stage 2 – main (practical)

Creation of a creative group.

Inform project participants of the importance of this problem.

Selection of methodological and fiction, illustrative material.

Joint development of a project plan

Play activity

Didactic games: “What kind of bird? ", "The fourth odd one", "Recognize by voice", "Guess the bird by description", "Whose tail."

Board games: “Dominoes”, “Cut pictures”.

Role-playing games: “Bird Yard”, “Forest School”, “Bird Hospital”.

Theatrical games: “Where did the sparrow have dinner? »

Outdoor games: “Migratory and wintering birds”, “Sparrows and a car”, “Birder”, “Whose team will fill the feeders with food faster? ", "Owl - owl."

Cognitive activity

Conversations: “How to recognize birds? ", "Who doesn't fly away from winter? ", "Do birds bring benefit or harm? ", "Birds Menu", "How Children and Parents Care for Birds."

Solving a problem situation

“What can happen if you don’t feed birds in winter? ", "How I saved a bird."


Memorization and reading of poems: A. Yashin “Feed the birds in winter”, S. Mikhalkov “Bird’s dining room”, A. Barto “The nimble tit is galloping”, V. Zvyagina “Sparrow”, T. Evdoshenko “Take care of the birds”, A. Prokofieva “ Waxwings", O, Grigorieva "Tit".

Reading stories: G. Skrebitsky “Titmouse Appeared”, V. Bianki “Titmouse Calendar”, “Cold in the Forest, Hungry”, L. Voronkova “Bird Feeders”.

Compiling stories from illustrations.

Solving riddles.

Artistic creativity

Drawing “Bullfinches on a branch”;

Origami "Bullfinches";

Molding "Crow";

Application "Tits and Bullfinches".

Musical activities

Working with parents

Consultation on the topic: “What can you use to make a bird feeder?”

Competition for the best feeder.

Consultation on the topic: “They stayed for the winter, we will help them.”

Exhibition "Bird - made with your own hands."

Photo competition "Birds and People".


"Good winter for the birds."

“Lard is the titmouse’s favorite treat.”

"Breadcrumbs for birds."

Stage 3 – final

Presentation of the project result in the form of a presentation.

Organization and participation of parents in the exhibition “The Best Bird Feeder”.

Conducting a final lesson with parents “Wintering birds”.

Project implementation results

Children's horizons about wintering birds have been expanded.

The subject-development environment has improved.

Children have developed curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills.

The children developed a desire to help birds during the cold season.

Children and their parents accepted active participation in helping wintering birds.

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