Energy saving coloring pages for children.

  1. Background and objectives of the Competition

The first republican competition of children's drawings “Energy saving through the eyes of children” is held on the eve of the 10th anniversary International holidayEnergy Saving Day”.

November 11 on the initiative of the international environmental network " School project on the use of resources and energy" ( SPARE) declared Energy Saving Day ( International Day of Energy Saving). The decision to establish this holiday was made in April 2008 at an international meeting of coordinators held in Kazakhstan SPARE. And already in November 2008, the world celebrated the first Energy Saving Day. This holiday received international status, since about 20 countries wished to take part in the project. The main purpose of the holiday is to attract the attention of authorities and the public to rational use resources and development of renewable energy sources.

In this regard, Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, being an authorized body in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency, holds a competition of children's drawings “Energy saving through the eyes of children.” The general partner of the project is Eurasian Resources Group (hereinafter referred to as ERG). The partners are Kazakhstan Association of Energy Auditors, UNDP/GEF And JSC Institute for Development of Electric Power Industry and Energy Saving(hereinafter referred to as Partners).

The competition is held with the aim of educating the younger generation in environmental awareness, sustainable lifestyle skills and attracting their attention to the problems of energy use, thereby encouraging children to study the basic principles of energy saving, while simultaneously helping to reveal their creative abilities.

  1. General provisions of the Competition
    • These Regulations establish the principles of organizing, conducting and summing up the results of the Children's Drawing Competition “Energy Saving Through the Eyes of Children” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).
    • The organization and conduct of the Competition is based on the principles of universal accessibility, free personal development and freedom of creative expression of Competition participants.
    • Children aged 4 to 17 years can take part in the competition.
    • Collective and anonymous drawings (not containing information about the competition participant) are not allowed to participate in the competition and will not be considered.
    • Works can be submitted educational institutions(including institutions additional education children) or other organizations.
    • All drawings sent to the Competition can be used by the Organizers in the future for various events, including holding exhibitions and publishing books.
    • The winning drawings will be awarded with prizes.
    • The winners and runners-up of the Competition are determined by the Competition jury.
  1. Organizers of the Competition
    • The organizer of the Competition is Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – MID RK).
    • The organizer and partners jointly exercise general management and control, operational management events within the framework of the Competition.
    • The Organizer publishes the Regulations on the Competition on its Internet resource and, together with its partners, monitors its compliance.
    • The Organizer approves the composition of the Competition Jury. Partners are entitled to one (1) voting vote on the Jury. Representatives of other organizations may be invited to the jury.
    • The Organizer invites information partners of the Competition and posts information about the Competition on Internet sites, printed publications and in other media.
    • The organizer and partners jointly provide organizational, technical and methodological support for the Competition and the activities of the Jury.
    • Partners organize an award ceremony for the winners of the Competition and provide Prizes to the winners and diplomas to participants of the Competition.
    • The organizer and partners jointly establish the procedure and register the results of the Competition.
    • The Organizer and partners jointly keep records of the profiles and works of the participants and winners of the Competition.
    • The awarding of the winners will be timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the International holiday “Energy Saving Day”.
  1. Awarding the Competition
    • The total prize fund is 1200000 tenge and is allocated by a partner in the person of ERG.
    • As part of the Competition, prizes are awarded in the following categories:
  • Holder Grand Prix "Best Drawing"(no age limit) – Grand Prix Diploma 150 000 tenge;
  • Laureate “The best drawing in the age group from 4 to 7 years”:

- diploma " 1st degree laureate» + valuable prize equivalent 125 000 tenge;

- diploma " Laureate of the 2nd degree 100 000 tenge;

- diploma " Laureate III degree"+ valuable prize equivalent 75 000 tenge

  • Laureate " The best drawing in the age group from 8 to 12 years»:

- diploma " 1st degree laureate» + valuable prize equivalent 125 000 tenge;

- diploma " Laureate of the 2nd degree"+ valuable prize equivalent 100 000 tenge;

- diploma " Laureate III degree"+ valuable prize equivalent 75 000 tenge

  • Laureate " Best drawing"in the age group from 13 to 17 years":

- diploma " 1st degree laureate» + valuable prize equivalent 125 000 tenge;

- diploma " Laureate of the 2nd degree» + valuable prize equivalent 100 000 tenge;

- diploma " Laureate III degree» + valuable prize equivalent 75 000 tenge

  • Special Prize " Computer graphics"(without age limit) - diploma "Best Computer Graphics" + valuable prize equivalent 100 000 tenge

By decision of the Jury members, one additional (encouragement) prize is awarded ( best idea, best technology, originality of approach to revealing the topic, through the prism of humor, etc.) – diploma + valuable prize equivalent 50 000 tenge

Partners have the right to additional rewards for their favorite Contest participant/participants from own funds, not related to prize fund Competition.

  1. Dates of the Competition
  1. Conditions of the Competition
    • Drawings for participation in the Competition are accepted by email [email protected] at any time from September 01, 2018 to3 0 SepNovember 2018.
    • The participant has the right to withdraw his work for participation in the Competition at least 3 days before the deadline for accepting works.
    • Requirements for drawings submitted to the Competition:

– the subject of the Competition is creative drawings on the topic “Energy saving through the eyes of children”;

– the works can reflect both the young author’s own creative vision of real phenomena, as well as the fantasies and associative thinking associated with energy saving or increasing energy efficiency in the past, present and future;

– drawings must correspond to the theme of the Competition and reflect the propaganda of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency (the subject is at the discretion of the author).

– drawings can be made on any material (whatman paper, cardboard, canvas, etc.) and executed in any drawing technique (oil, watercolor, ink, colored pencils, crayons, etc.);

– there is a separate nomination for works performed using computer graphics(CorelDraw, Photoshop, etc.);

– scanned works made on A4 (standard landscape sheet) or A3 paper, in color or black and white (graphics) are accepted for the Competition;

– works submitted for the Competition must be in electronic form(JPEG or PDF image format), in color, image size no more than 10 MB;

– a drawing for the competition can only be submitted by its author, parents with the consent of the author or educational institution with the consent of the author;

– drawings must be completed without the help of parents or teachers;

– the drawing is sent to the competition by e-mail, along with the application according to the approved form (see table 1);

– each drawing must be accompanied by an application, which indicates the name and surname of the author, his age, the title of the drawing, the postal address of the author’s residence; email address for contacting the author or his parents, as well as consent to use the drawing;

– the number of works submitted to the Competition by one child cannot exceed 1 drawing.

6.4. Works that do not meet the theme of the Competition or the requirements specified in clause 6.3. of this Regulation, are not allowed to participate in the Competition and will not be considered.

  1. Competition jury and evaluation criteria competition works
    • The composition of the Jury is not announced until the results are summed up, in order to avoid facts of pressure.
    • The jury checks the participants' work.
    • The jury ensures uniform criteria for selecting winners and laureates of the Competition.
    • The jury participates in awarding the winners and laureates of the Competition.
    • The work of the competition jury to evaluate the works of the Competition participants begins on the last day of the competition.
    • The jury carries out expert assessment drawings submitted to the competition based on their subjective assessment based on their experience, guided by the main evaluation criteria.
    • Evaluation criteria:

– compliance with the theme of the Competition;

– originality of the plot and originality of the theme;

- artistic value.

7.7. Evaluation of competitive works is carried out in two stages.

Stage one : The jury collectively selects the most promising work to participate in the second stage in each nomination.

Stage two: The jury carries out an expert assessment of the drawings selected for the second stage in accordance with evaluation criteria from 0 to 10 points. The winners are determined by the highest sum of points received from all jury members for all evaluation criteria (see Table 2).

Table 1. Bidto the drawings sent to the competition ()

Table 2. Evaluation sheet of competitive works that passed to the second stage ()

Views: 1,461

It’s not very easy to make energy saving lessons for children interesting and fun. Probably for this reason search engines Very often there are requests related to energy saving classes.

Today, while looking at the statistics of transitions to my website using search phrases, I again discovered that someone was looking for “classes in senior group on the topic of energy saving."

This was the first reason for writing this article.

The second reason is International Energy Saving Day, which perhaps not everyone knows about. About what energy saving important for conservation environment, most likely you have heard. They began to talk about this more and more often on radio and television.

Methodological materials for lessons on energy saving.

To make it interesting for children to learn about ways energy saving, add a little excitement to your activities! And the result will pleasantly surprise you!

What could be more exciting than gambling? Board games are convenient because they can be played during classes in the classroom, or you can play them together with your child at home.

Today I am sharing with my readers methodological materials for conducting lessons on energy saving, which were developed by teachers and schoolchildren Far East– participants in the “Energy and Habitat” competition.

This competition is held as part of the SPIRE project - School Program for the Use of Resources and Energy. You will receive detailed information about the program on the website -

As the coordinator of the SPIRE project in the Far Eastern Federal District, I have collected the most interesting developments created by the competition participants. These are games, performances, lesson notes, presentations and videos.

Board games for primary and secondary school students

Board games for primary and secondary school students can be found at this link -

Part of the playing field for the board game “Save Energy”. Author Druzhinina T.Yu., Nakhodka, Primorsky Territory.

This block includes different games– both the winners of the competition and the participants who did not receive prizes.

I used the game “Save Energy” to start a conversation about energy conservation with my third graders. I devoted two classes to this topic. The result was the video “Where does the light come from in a light bulb?”

You will see how the children played the board game “Save Energy” and how our discussion of the game took place in this video. The game is very simple and understandable. The guys played with pleasure.

I am sure that from the three proposed games you will choose the one that will be interesting to your children.

Energy saving classes for primary school students.

The energy saving lessons included in this block were developed by teachers from Nakhodka and Vladivostok. These are two of the best teachers of the Primorsky Territory, whose works almost always take prizes in both the Far Eastern and All-Russian stages of the Energy and Habitat competition.

To focus students' attention primary classes on any complex problem or complex issue, poetry, play performances, various tasks that require children to do some kind of activity, and interactive games are a lifesaver.

The proposed developments are examples of such activities. You can take full advantage of any of the activities. Or you can be creative and, based on them, create your own lesson aimed specifically at your unique children.

So, this was the first part of the article, dedicated to interesting activities on how you can save energy.

Tomorrow you will read the continuation of the article. In the second part of this article, you will receive videos and presentations for teaching lessons on energy saving.

You will also learn about International Day Energy saving and what energy saving activities you can organize with your children on this day.

If this is your first time on the Rucheyok website and you liked the article, please submit a free subscription. And you will receive all new information on your email during.

Not long ago I was struck by the idea of ​​organizing a competition on our blog for children’s drawings about how they see energy. Yesterday I found out that they beat me to it. Launched on the corporate website of Bashkirenergo children's drawing competition "Energy through the eyes of children". Unfortunately, only users of the corporate network can view and vote for their favorite drawings. I downloaded several drawings from there and decided to post them on our blog.

I hope that next year we will organize several similar competitions ourselves.

Most of the drawings that I looked at contained the basic “attributes of energy”: chimneys, smoke itself, light bulbs, wires, sockets, batteries and other things that are usually associated with light and heat. There are many drawings with congratulations on the day of the power engineer, with poems and words of gratitude for the light and warmth.

Polina, 11 years old

I think this is the boiler room.

Polina, 11 years old

Power facility on the shore of a crystal reservoir.

Polina, 11 years old

Home comfort and warmth.

Dasha, 4.5 years old

Mom, dad, I are a happy family.

Unknown author

Thanks for the congratulations. Great drawing.

Unknown author

The future of energy is wind power plants.

Unknown author

Energy planet.

Alexander, 10 years old

Day and night.

Unknown author

Beautiful drawing of a hydroelectric power station. It's a pity that the author is not indicated.

Unknown author

This is how energy drinks eat.

Valery, 4 years old

I didn’t understand what the child wanted to express with this drawing, but it turned out intricately.

Unknown author

This is precisely what brings us warmth and light.

Ulyana, 6 years old

Energy deficiency.

Adelina, 7 years old

New Year. Painting a power line support in green and dress up.

Unknown author

Hopefully we'll see you soon.

Unknown author Unknown author

Probably a drawing from life.

Pavel, 10 years old

Oh, if only chimneys actually released flowers into the atmosphere...

Unknown author

The Evolution of Lighting

Unknown author

Yes! Exactly this way and no other way!

Unknown author

Light and warmth in every home.

Camilla, 13 years old

It’s so nice when the house is warm and light!

Edward, 8 years old Gleb, 10 years old

Winners of the drawing competition “Energy through the eyes of children” 2011

Age group 1st place II place III place
3 – 6 years Fidan, 5 years old

Ulyana, 6 years old

Daria, 4 years old
7 – 10 years

Diana, 10 years old

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