Child and study. How to spark interest in learning

The school year has just begun, and many parents are already starting to look for useful literature and advice? Today is an important topic - we’ll discuss what to do if your student’s grades leave much to be desired. How to save your nerves and inspire your student.

Many children by the age of 12-14 begin to lose interest in learning. And even if in elementary school it was easy for you to motivate or force you to complete all the necessary tasks and study well, now the child is more and more interested in spending time with friends or on gadgets, lingering on walks or “hanging out” in front of the TV. The child’s body is structured in such a way that, due to age and immaturity, the student himself does not yet understand the importance of education. Therefore, the parent's task is:

Show all the pros and cons of good study. Explain to your child about future career opportunities and income and how they depend on the quality of education and knowledge.

Pay attention to your student’s hobbies, identify interests and talents, see what gives the child the most pleasure. Encourage hard work in non-school interests and hobbies.

WITH early age instill a love of learning. This cannot be done at the age of a teenager; responsibility develops over the years.

Don't use blackmail. As a parent, you must clearly understand that blackmail methods backfire. “There will be threes, you won’t get a new phone.” Of course, I want a phone, but studying is starting to cause more and more disgust, as it is perceived as a barrier between what I want and reality. Communication with teenagers is a very subtle and delicate topic.

Child's trust

Gaining trust and respect is not easy, and even easier to lose it. If a child lives in constant fear and hears threats and blackmail, then you are unlikely to build a trusting relationship. If you have this communication problem, eradicate it as early as possible. Communicate with your child, talk more about interests, find out what objects bring joy, clarify and understand what objects you don’t like and why. Don't impose your opinion, listen. It is important for a child to see that you are next to him, on his side, and not against him.


Everyone loves her. Celebrate the student’s achievements, encourage them, and praise them. IN primary school this is often enough to instill a love of learning. At any age, anyone will appreciate affection and praise! A win-win.

Hobbies and interests of a teenager

Every child is talented. No time is an excuse. No matter how busy you are, make time for your hobbies. Find out what your child likes. In addition, a teenager’s hobbies can often be associated with school subjects For example, your daughter may love books (literature, Russian, history), is interested in computers (computer science, English), dances well (physical education), and so on. Does your son play a lot? Talk to him about the process of creating games? What knowledge might be needed for this? Computer science, programming, design and so on.

Children are our reflection

The best education is your own example. I am deeply convinced that if mom and dad work and constantly learn new things, improve themselves and are attentive to the child, then he will be drawn to everything new and show interest in learning. Share your emotions and thoughts. We attended an interesting conference - share your impressions over a family dinner. Received new project– tell us about it, enjoy it with the whole family. Success is contagious.

Knowledge is everywhere

Sending your child to school and being sure that they will teach him everything is a mistake. Education in Russia is far from perfect. In-depth study, interest groups, access to additional literature - provide your child with opportunities. Spend your time on additional education schoolboy.


Very useful quality! Responsibility depends on it and security is closely related. Communicate, tell your teenager about the need to be responsible. Be it high-quality homework without parental supervision or behavior during breaks and on the way home from school. Draw parallels between successful studies at school and admission to university.

Monetary motivation

A great way to give your child the opportunity to show off their positive qualities and earn extra pocket money. Consider a reward scale. At the same time, it is worth limiting spontaneous “wish list” purchases. Let your teenager earn the money he wants with his own work.

“Work will make you a man”

It also works well in a neglected situation. If laziness is a teenager’s main companion, then influence him with work. You can limit your pocket money and allow small earnings, for example, during the holidays. Low paid job and a “on your feet” schedule will help you understand all the delights of low-skilled labor. In contrast, we can talk about prestigious job V office centers walking past them.

Choose the recommendations that suit you and try to introduce them gradually. For example, you should not immediately come to a teenager with tuition rates and offer money. Praise individual achievements, encourage them, and gradually suggest systematizing them.

Rules of communication if a teenager does not like the topic of study in principle.

Transitional age is a difficult companion to adolescence. Right now there is a risk of losing authority in the eyes of a teenager. Sharp condemnation from parents and constant conflicts lead to rejection of school, and the child may start skipping classes out of spite. They want to prove something! They don’t always know what, but they really want to do it out of spite. Feel like adults.

Rules that will help in communicating with a teenager:

  • Respect the child's personality, talk to him as an equal, do not humiliate or call him names.
  • Establish certain rules of conduct. What do you allow and what is strictly prohibited in your family.
  • Listen to the child, ask leading questions, get arguments. Dialogue will always be beneficial in building relationships. But solid notations - on the contrary, will stand up as a wall between you.
  • Don't immediately deny criticism directed at you. Find out the situation. Try to put yourself in the child’s shoes and understand.
  • Explain the importance of getting an education, the need for school knowledge for later life.
  • Ask your child sincerely about school matters. Chat with him. Indifferent and clichéd questions generate clichéd “fine” answers.
  • Be proud of your achievements, celebrate progress, and do not skimp on praise.
  • If you have difficulties with homework or the school curriculum, try to help, explain, ask the teacher for help, or even hire a tutor. Misunderstood material today attracts big problems in the future.
  • Failures happen. Don't get hung up on condemnation for bad grades, support the teenager. Think together about how you can improve the situation.
  • Talk about goals. A teenager must understand what he is striving for, what he wants to achieve and what knowledge he needs. Determine your aptitude for science.
  • Encourage and praise specific successes. Balance your expectations with the child’s real capabilities.
  • Do not compare grades and achievements with peers, do not discuss classmates.
  • Love your child.

Every parent has the power to instill in their child a love of learning. Don't ignore the tips above. Think about them and try to put them into practice. Motivation is important for developing determination and responsibility.

Awareness of the need for education comes over the years. At the initial stage, children learn for the sake of parental recognition and praise. It is important for them to know that mom and dad are proud of them. And only in this case is the desire to move forward and develop born, when the child knows that he is valued and he “will not let you down.”

Don't make a cult out of studying. Don’t study for days and don’t read constant lectures. Rely on the interests and talents of the child, and then learning will be joy and pleasure.

We hope that our tips on how to motivate a teenager to study , were useful to you! We wish your children success in their studies! Share your experiences and stories in the comments!

This is how the world works that the development process begins where interest rules. Parents, teachers and educators ask the question: “How to instill in a child an interest in learning and development?” This problem is especially acute in the age digital technologies, endless amounts of entertainment and a largely outdated education system.

Interest is the magic key that triggers the coordinated work of all the “gears” of the brain. Interest, in turn, appears when emotions arise.

Obviously, they are not caused by common truths dictated by the teacher, but by curious and unexpected questions, racking your brain over which is an adventure. If our goal is to raise a thinking, developed, independent and creative person, then it is necessary to structure the learning process so that the student works at the level of emotional perception and makes a series of efforts. Still, studying is also work, perhaps one of the most difficult, but the most fruitful. Emotions can help at the initial stage, but without effort they will not be able to completely solve the problem of interest in learning. This also needs to be understood.

Such a combination of emotions and efforts will awaken interest, which will allow the student to focus on the problem, easily turn on the imagination, think freely and creatively, and solve problems in a comprehensive manner.

It is important to note that emotions should in no case be negative; they should be based on enthusiasm, joy and pleasure. To achieve this result, parents and teachers themselves should accompany the learning process with positive emotions, note the advantages and significance of the subject being studied, not deprive the lesson of an appropriate sense of humor, praise students and establish trusting, warm relationships with them.


A very subtle technique. The fact is that children under the age of 14 years are quite bad strategists. It is difficult for them to plan ahead and think about how this or that knowledge can be useful. At this stage, talking about the importance and benefits of the subject may not be justified. But since children are full of excitement, you can use a clever move that is also related to motivation. For example, when telling children about Christopher Columbus, who discovered America, ask a puzzle question: “When Columbus was going to set sail, discover and explore new lands, no one wanted to be his companion because in those days they believed in the end of the world ( i.e. the edge of the Earth, people believed that it was flat). To sail with them meant dooming yourself to death. How was Columbus able to solve this problem?

Naturally, children will become interested, they will even turn to various sources, including the Internet, get an answer to the question and become interested in the subject.

But older children need to be explained how the knowledge they are acquiring will be useful to them in life. For example, knowledge from the fields of physics and chemistry helps us in everyday life - from frying food in a frying pan to repairing cracks in pipes. Foreign languages ​​cease to be an abstract set of rules, words and expressions and turn into a living tool with which you can easily communicate with a person from another country. The numerous complex rules of trigonometry begin to evoke not fear, but respect. The child comes to the realization that without them there would be no modern devices: tablets and smartphones, computers and smart devices. household appliances. Children begin to have a different attitude towards acquiring knowledge at school.

Competitive moment

Competition is a powerful “fuel” for fueling ambition and desire to work, and, of course, interest. This is especially important for children, because they are not always guided by awareness, but they will want to get involved in the process, compete and prove themselves. This method It does not work on all children, but on most.

All these and more techniques are used by the “Dumalogy” school of effective thinking. If you're interested, check out the classes.

The “Dumalogy” school took as a basis the original methods and principles of TRIZ - the theory of solving inventive problems. Its founder was Soviet inventor and science fiction writer Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller. In the last century, he thought about the formation of a creative personality, the development creative imagination and thinking and created a kind of teaching, thanks to which you can learn to identify the essence of the problem, reduce the time for solving them, and move away from traditional solutions.

Based on this theory, we created our own unique system called “5 Steps of Thought”. By studying according to this system, children learn to find the essence of the problem, look at everything from a different sides(rain is good because..., rain is bad because...), going through all possible solutions, identifying and resolving contradictions (the iron must be hot and cold at the same time), thinking freely (“How to save a bun from a fox?"). Masquerading as fun game, TRIZ, adapted for children, helps to form logic, develops visual-figurative, cause-and-effect, creative thinking, imagination, and memory. Children are growing vocabulary, breadth of thinking and creative abilities develop.

What is important is that in our classes the child learns to solve real life problems, overcome shyness and isolation. The child learns to defend his point of view, relying entirely on his own strength.

You can try all the above tips, master them and see their benefits for you and your children!

Does your child despair when faced with the first difficulty, is he inattentive, and does not try? Teachers and psychologists confirm: modern children are losing interest in learning earlier and earlier. Parents are panicking. According to Levada Center surveys, 49% of Russians call schoolchildren’s lack of interest in learning the most serious problem of the education system. At the same time, 28% of us would like to instill in children a desire for knowledge, and 59% are confident that good school performance is necessary for a future successful career.

The parents themselves may have studied in a Soviet school and were more disciplined students, but they hardly wanted to learn more than their children. It was just easier to control them: “This is how it should be.”

What has changed today? The harsh discipline went away and the lack of interest in studying became more apparent. In addition, the pace of life has accelerated. To involve the student in the learning process, more individual, practical tasks related to everyday life are needed.

Every child has developmental needs. All children are inquisitive, but we, adults, rather do not encourage their curiosity, as well as independence. And interest in learning is directly related to the extent to which a student feels responsible for himself.

“The influence of parents is indirect; we are not able to make a child feel interested,” insists psychologist Tamara Gordeeva, author of the book “Psychology of Achievement Motivation,” “but we are the ones who can “trigger” intellectual activity by offering him something that captivates us.”

Most schools do not set themselves the task of making children interested in learning

The situation is complicated by the influence modern culture: Today it is assumed that pleasure and success should follow instantly. It turns out that parents give their children a contradictory attitude - they encourage immediate satisfaction of any desires, but demand perseverance. “Only by directing the child’s interest, taking into account his individual characteristics, the situation can be changed,” Tamara Gordeeva is sure.

“Motivate with a future result, the opportunity to enter a university, get good job Only high school students are allowed,” clarifies family psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya. “It is possible to captivate those who have just come to school only by the learning process itself.” But most schools, alas, do not set themselves the task of making children interested in learning. This means that we, parents, have to develop a taste for participating in the child’s school life.

“Becoming a tutor in all subjects is not a solution,” says child psychologist Elena Morozova. “After all, no one can remain impartial towards their own child: emotions and reasons from the unconscious interfere with maintaining equanimity.”

What does it take for a child to be motivated?

  • Interest and meaning to learn: he needs to feel pleasure from what he is doing and understand why he is doing it.
  • The ability to set goals and achieve them, that is, to plan, concentrate, and control one’s actions.
  • Self-confidence, understanding that success depends on oneself.
  • Perseverance in overcoming difficulties, determination to finish what you start.

Tasks for parents

We asked experts to talk about universal recommendations that everyone can use, adjusting them taking into account their character and family traditions. Each age has its own priorities. Therefore, we have identified three main stages.

Primary School: Safety and Curiosity

Children enter first grade expecting new, interesting events. But it is precisely the first years of study that some of us later remember as the most boring. What can parents do to keep their child interested in learning? Answers in the article Primary school: safety and curiosity

Middle School: Independence and Encouragement

Rapid growth and hormonal storms change the perception of oneself and relationships with others. This revolution in a teenager’s life also affects their studies. A hobby modern technologies, new forms of communication and leisure becomes another cause of conflicts with parents. How to communicate with a teenager to maintain interest in studying, read the article Middle School: Independence and Encouragement

High school: flexibility and endurance

The life of a high school student is marked by the need to choose a university and pass the Unified State Exam. On the threshold of the future, the support of his parents is invaluable to him. How to help your child see his strengths, understand desires and set priorities, read the article High school: flexibility and endurance

Today, more and more teachers primary classes complain that schoolchildren have reduced or completely absent motivation for learning. Children do not want to learn, show indifference to knowledge, grades, and do not strive to learn new things. Following teachers, this negative attitude towards learning also worries parents, especially those whose children are going to enter first grade. Adults understand that for successful learning, in addition to the ability to count and read, children must have a desire to learn. But how can you instill such a desire in your child? Psychologists say that a child, first of all, must develop educational motives. Therefore, it is not enough just to teach a preschooler practical skills and think that he is ready for school. We must not forget about motivational readiness and form it long before the child enters first grade. Science has long proven that the desire for new knowledge (motivation) is genetically embedded in people: even in ancient times, when people discovered something new, they experienced joy and elation. This desire is also characteristic of small children, so in the conditions of home education it is quite easy to form motivation if you follow the recommendations of psychologists.

What parents need to know about motivation

Where should parents start if they want to promptly motivate their child to study? According to psychologists, this requires the development of such educational motives in the future student as:

  • desire to learn and acquire knowledge;
  • enjoy the learning process;
  • encouragement to make independent discoveries in the classroom;
  • desire for academic success at school;
  • desire to receive high grades for your knowledge;
  • the desire to perform tasks correctly and diligently;
  • desire for positive communication with classmates and teachers;
  • ability to comply with school requirements;
  • self-control skills.

Parents should instill this attitude towards future studies in their child from early childhood, when he is just beginning to explore the world. But what to do if the child has already become a schoolchild, but the desire to learn has not appeared? Parents of first-graders need to take this problem seriously and try to understand to what extent it exists in the child. A simple method will help determine the level of motivation and degree of adaptation of a young student to school. psychological test which can be done at home.

Test - questionnaire

An adult, in a confidential conversation, asks the child and records his answers:

  1. Do you like school or not so much? (not really; like; don’t like)
  2. In the morning when you wake up, are you always happy to go to school or do you want to stay at home? (most often I want to stay at home; it varies; I go with joy)
  3. If the teacher said that tomorrow all students do not have to come to school, those who wish can stay at home, would you go to school or stay at home? (I don’t know; I would have stayed at home; I would have gone to school)
  4. Do you like it when some classes are cancelled? (don’t like it; it varies; I like it)
  5. Would you like to not be given homework? (would like to; would not like to; don’t know)
  6. Would you like there to be only breaks at school? (I don’t know; I wouldn’t like; I would like)
  7. Would you like to have a less strict teacher? (I don’t know exactly; I would like to; I would not like to)
  8. Do you have many friends in your class? (many; few; no friends)
  9. Do you like your classmates? (like; not very much; don’t like)
  10. (Question for parents) Does your child often tell you about school? (often; rarely; don’t tell)

A positive attitude towards school is assessed as 3 points; neutral answer (I don’t know, it varies, etc.) - 1 point; negative attitude towards school - 0 points.

25 - 30 points - high level educational motivation. Students have high cognitive motives and the desire to successfully fulfill all the requirements. They very clearly follow all the teacher’s instructions, are conscientious and responsible, and worry if they receive unsatisfactory grades or comments from the teacher.

20 - 24 points- good school motivation. The majority of primary school students who successfully cope with educational activities have similar indicators.

15 - 19 points- positive attitude towards school, but extra-curricular situations are attractive. Schoolchildren feel comfortable in the school environment, but they strive to communicate more with friends and teachers. They like to feel like students and have beautiful school supplies (backpack, pens, notebooks).

10 - 14 points- low educational motivation. Schoolchildren are reluctant to attend school and prefer to skip classes. During lessons they often do extraneous things. Experience serious difficulties in educational activities. They are in a state of unstable adaptation to school.

Below 10 points- negative attitude towards school, school maladjustment. Such children experience serious difficulties at school, as they cannot cope with their studies and have problems communicating with classmates and teachers. They often perceive school as a hostile environment; they may cry and ask to go home. Often, students can show aggression, refuse to complete assignments, or follow rules. These students often have mental health problems.

Why there is a lack of motivation to learn: 10 mistakes parents make

Educators claim that in kindergarten and school a lot is done for children in order to develop their cognitive motives and learning motivation. Meanwhile, parents themselves, out of ignorance, make mistakes in raising their children, leading to their loss of desire to learn. The most typical of them are:

  1. Erroneous opinion of adults that a child is ready to learn successfully if he has accumulated a large amount of knowledge and skills. Parents teach their child to read and write, encourage them to memorize long poems, study foreign languages, solve logical problems. Sometimes they forget that intellectual readiness does not replace psychological readiness, which also includes educational motivation. Often such intensive classes take place to the detriment of the main activity of young children - play, which leads to the emergence of a persistent aversion to learning.
  2. Another common mistake is the desire of parents to send their child to school as early as possible , without taking into account the level of his psychological and physical readiness. They believe that if a preschooler knows a lot, then it’s time for him to learn. Meanwhile, psychologists remind that in addition to developed intelligence, the level of mental and physical maturation of the future schoolchild is no less important. An unprepared child gets tired quickly, fine motor skills are not well developed. All the difficulties that a young student has to overcome lead to a reluctance to learn, and motivation to learn decreases.
  3. Psychologists believe that family education is a serious mistake overestimation of demands on the baby without taking it into account age characteristics and individual capabilities, accusations of laziness, unwillingness to follow the instructions of adults. As a result, low self-esteem may form, which prevents the child from correctly assessing himself and building relationships with peers. Both unreasonable praise and belittlement of a student’s merits are categorically unacceptable, since they negatively affect the development of learning motivation in younger schoolchildren
  4. In a family where there is no clear organization of life for a small schoolchild , for example, the daily routine is not followed, there is no physical activity, classes are conducted chaotically, there are few walks in the fresh air; The student will also not have developed educational motivation. At school, it is difficult for such a student to fulfill the teacher’s requirements, to obey school rules and norms of behavior.
  5. Psychologists believe that one of the unacceptable violations of family education is when there are no uniform requirements for a child from all adults in the family. If the demands of one contradict the demands of the other, the child will always find an opportunity to avoid doing homework, pretend to be sick in order to skip classes, and complain unreasonably about the teacher and other students. This behavior does not allow for the full development of learning motivation.
  6. Adult misbehavior in relation to a student, for example, comparing his achievements with the successes of other children, ridiculing failures at school (for example, a bad grade “unfortunate student”, difficulties in writing “you write like a chicken with its paw”, slow reading “you’ll fall asleep while you read”) , incorrect remarks in the presence of other guys (“the other guys are great, and you...”). Then, as soon as adults’ sensitive attitude to the student’s school problems and help in overcoming them will help develop motivation.
  7. Use of threats and physical punishment If a child gets bad grades and doesn’t have time to complete homework, instead of understanding the reasons, ask how the student studied today, what worked, and what needs to be worked on.
  8. Dysfunctional family relationships , discord between loved ones negatively affects the emotional state of the child. A junior student who is under constant stress cannot adequately treat his studies, get good grades, or enjoy his successes. Parents should take care of the psychological climate in the family in order to increase motivation.
  9. Schoolchildren who did not attend kindergarten , do not master the skill of conflict-free communication with peers, have a low level of self-control, and unformed voluntary behavior. All this interferes with the development of educational motivation in younger schoolchildren.
  10. Parents projecting their unfulfilled hopes onto the child. Often adults, who did not realize their interests in childhood, transfer them to children, regardless of the child’s opinion. For example, they want to see him as an excellent student, a talented musician, a class leader, and have high hopes for him. The student himself has his own interests, different from his parents’, so the unjustified aspirations of adults do not motivate him to study at all. It is more useful to think about how to motivate a child to study based on his wishes and aspirations.

Most parents mistakenly believe that they are unable to motivate a student to study and that only teachers can do this. However, without the active help of the family, motivation for learning activities does not always develop, even at school. The motivation of younger schoolchildren will be formed much faster and more effectively through the joint efforts of teachers and parents. What methods and methods should be used to develop learning motivation at home? Here's what psychologists advise to motivate schoolchildren to study:

  • Be an example for your child. You can often notice that in younger schoolchildren, reluctance to learn manifests itself in a hostile attitude towards some academic subject. For example, some schoolchildren do not like to read, so they have difficulty understanding reading lessons, others have difficulty solving problems, etc. To overcome such situations, the example of parents will be useful. Do you want to instill a love for literature lessons? Read aloud more often, organize family readings, riddle evenings, poetry competitions with incentive prizes. Any interesting methods will help develop motivation.
  • Create common interests. When parents are well aware of their child's interests, it is much easier to learn new things together. For example, a primary school student’s passion for animals will help develop a love for natural history lessons, based on the artistry of a first-grader, you can get him interested in reading by roles, a love of drawing can manifest itself in an interest in sketching nature, drawing up geometric patterns, good logic will help him fall in love with mathematics. A lot depends on attentive parents, who, knowing their child well, can easily influence such an important point as motivation to study.
  • Organize useful communication with peers. The family should always know who your child’s friends are. To benefit from a child’s communication with peers, you can choose a good environment for him, for example, in clubs, sections, and interest clubs. In such an environment that meets the needs of the student, he will always strive to keep up with other children in studies, sports, etc.
  • Organize your student's life correctly. In their quest to optimally load their child with useful activities so that he does not sit idle, parents sometimes go beyond the limits of what is possible. We must understand that it is important for younger schoolchildren correct routine days when physical and intellectual activity alternates with rest, hobbies, games, walks. At primary school age, when the formation of arbitrariness of actions is just beginning, the child is not able to control time and actions himself. During this period, the control of adults is important, who will tell the student how to distribute his time, what lessons to do first, how to combine rest and activities.
  • No comparisons! Nothing prevents a student from developing educational motivation more than comparing him with other children. Loving parents accept the child with all his strengths and weaknesses, understanding that all the child’s shortcomings are gaps in their upbringing. It is useful to learn how to evaluate a student’s homework and class work. To do this, it is advisable to contact the teacher more often, discussing the child’s successes or failures at school.
  • Eureka (Greek heureka - I found)! Make your child a pioneer, create an emotional mood when acquiring new knowledge. It’s good when a parent learns something new together with a child, expresses joy and satisfaction from an original solution to a problem, the emergence of an idea, and it is necessary to emphasize the presence of knowledge to find solutions. For a student who is a pioneer, learning is always a pleasure.

  • Create a reward system for good academic performance. Proper encouragement is used to motivate students to learn. It is useful to agree with the little student how his progress in learning will be encouraged. There are families where financial rewards are the norm. As practice shows, this works for the time being, becoming older child begins to get good grades by any means. It is much more important when the encouragement becomes a continuation of the child’s emotional uplift. For primary schoolchildren, communication with parents is always valuable, so family outings, travel, excursions, outings with interesting events (to the circus, theater, bowling alley, sports competitions) can be encouraged. The choice of rewards depends on the child's interests. Combine business with pleasure, the whole family will enjoy it!

Conflicts can arise anywhere, regardless of the people around you and the circumstances. An angry boss or unscrupulous subordinates, demanding parents or dishonest teachers, grandmothers at bus stops or embittered people in public places. Even a conscientious neighbor and a dandelion grandmother can cause a big conflict. How to properly get out of a conflict without suffering damage - moral and physical - will be discussed in this article.

Impossible to imagine modern man who is not subject to stress. Accordingly, each of us experiences such situations every day at work, at home, on the road; some sufferers even experience stress several times a day. And there are people who constantly live in a stressful state and don’t even know it.

Life is a strange and complex thing that can throw up several dozen troubles in one day. However, it is worth remembering: any trouble is a lesson that will definitely come in handy sometime in the future. If a person is an honest student, then he will remember the lecture the first time. If the lesson was unclear, life will confront you with it again and again. And many people take this literally, making their lives more difficult! But sometimes you shouldn’t tolerate certain things, looking for life lessons in them! What specific situations is it worth stopping?

Everything seems dull and gray, loved ones are annoying, work is infuriating and thoughts arise that your whole life is going somewhere downhill. In order to change own life, it is not necessary to do something supernatural and complex. Sometimes the simplest and most accessible actions for every person can significantly increase energy levels and make you feel much better. Try to implement 7 effective practices into your life that will dramatically change your life for the better.

Anyone who is engaged in self-development knows that he cannot do without a feeling of discomfort. Quite often, people confuse discomfort with a bad streak in life and begin to complain, or even worse, try to avoid change. But as experience shows, only by going beyond comfort can we find and gain all the benefits we need.

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