Happiness on a white background.

Topic: “Happiness through the eyes of children.”

Target: Definition of the concept of “happiness” and ways to achieve it.

Tasks :

Educational: introduce the concept“happiness” for a person, learning to express one’s feelings and emotions; prove and defend your point of view,develop skills to work in a group.

Developmental: develop oral and written speech, the ability to reason, express your thoughts coherently, consistently. Contribute to the development of communication skills and creative abilities of students.

Educational : cultivate respect and a friendly attitude towards each other.

Participants: class students, class teacher, parents.


multimedia technology;

presentation “What is happiness”;

proverbs about happiness for the game “Collect proverbs”;

2 Whatman paper for collages;

magazine clippings,

family and children's photos,

gifts for children and guests.

Progress of the event:

1. Org. moment

- Good afternoon, girls, dear colleagues, we are glad to welcome you.Children, what is your mood today? Does it look like the sun or a dark cloud? Let good mood never leaves you.

2. Main part

- And we will begin our meeting with an ancient parable... slide 1 .

God molded a man from clay and he had a piece left.

God asked the man: What else should you make?

“Make me happy,” the man asked.

God did not answer, and placed the remaining piece in his hands.

Why do you think God did this, why did he not fulfill the man’s request?

The topic of our class hour"Happiness through the eyes of children."slide 2.

Today we will conduct classes with you together with an English teacher, so today you will have to speak two languages: Russian and English. You have been studying English for a whole year now, and I am sure that you will succeed.

Let's tell the guests a little about ourselves:

(children stand up and say in chorus):

- I can be tall

- I can be small

- I can be plump

-I can be skinny

- I am who I am...

- And I’m happy!

What does happiness mean to you?(Children's answers).

The topic of our lesson: “Happiness through the eyes of children”, today we will learn the definition of the word “happiness”, talk about what to do and how to build your life to always be happy. I suggest you close your eyes for a minute and think, are you happy?

(Music plays, children and adults close their eyes and think about happiness) slide 3.

- Let's first ask our guests to say what the word “happiness” means to them? I wonder if happiness is the same or different concepts for adults and for children? What do you think, girls?

I suggest turning to a reliable source, Ozhegov’s dictionary, and finding out what the word “happiness” means.

(Children find the wording of the word in the dictionary and read it out) slide 4.

Eduard Asadov

Happiness is clouds in the sky,
Happiness is puddles on the roads,

Happiness is tanned sides,
Happiness is if someone needs you!

Happiness is snow, green grass,
Happiness is a yellow leaf, streams in spring,
Happiness is hearing tender words,
Happiness is if you are with me!

Happiness is the tramp of children's feet,
Happiness is baby babble early in the morning,
Happiness is mom's apple pie
Happiness is love that makes the heart tremble!

Happiness is a state of mind,
Happiness is even a rainy day,
Happiness is life, just don’t rush,
Happiness is understanding that this is happiness!slides 5-8

The girls told us what happiness is through the eyes of the writer and poet Eduard Asadov, he talentedly composes poetry and thus expresses his thoughts.

The phenomenon of happiness is studied by such sciences as philosophy, ethics, psychology, as well as theology. For thousands of years, the theme of happiness has provided the broadest scope for creativity for poets, artists, musicians, and actors.

And, of course, every person walking through life with all its joys and worries is sure to comprehend his own unique little Great Happiness along the way.

You are all very talented children, and now you will try to express your thoughts about happiness not only with words.

Group 1 – writes a mini-essay on the topic “I happy man».

Group 2 – make a collage “My family is the greatest happiness in my life”, using photographs from the family archive.

Group 3 – make a collage on the theme “Happiness through the eyes of children.”

Group 4 - will draw pictures on the topic “What is happiness.”

Group 5 – make up proverbs and sayings about happiness from individual words.

(Children's songs about happiness are played, children are engaged in creativity) slide 9.

1. Mini-essays are read.

Poem “Cherish happiness, cherish...”

Cherish happiness, cherish it!
Notice, rejoice, take
Rainbows, sunrises, star eyes -
It's all for you, for you, for you.

We heard a trembling word -
Rejoice. Don't ask for a second one.
Don't waste time. No use.
Rejoice at this, him!

See the beauty in the ugly,
See the river floods in the streams!
Who knows how to be happy in everyday life,
He really is a happy man!

And the roads and bridges sing,

The colors of the forest and the winds of events,
Stars, birds, rivers and flowers:
Cherish happiness, cherish it!

2. Presentation of collages.

The poem “Happiness, what are you?”

Happiness, what are you like?
Can I wake up with you?
I want with my heart, with my hand
To touch you quietly.

Maybe it would come to me
So... stay a little,
With me from the sky
Catch stars in your palm?

We will smile at people
Let them smile too
You know, then we will
They're all a little similar.

Give them Joy
Given only your power...
...You know, I guessed
What is called HAPPINESS!

3. Exhibition of drawings.

Did you know thatIn 2012, the UN declared March 20 as the International Day of Happiness in order to support the idea that the pursuit of happiness is a common feeling for all people on our planet, happiness is one of the main goals of humanity.

It is interesting that the initiative of the institution International Day happiness came from a small mountainous country - Bhutan. It is believed that the people of the Kingdom of Bhutan are the happiest people in the world!

By the way, the very concept of the Gross National Happiness Coefficient was introduced by the fourth king of Bhutan and became one of the concepts of the country’s unofficial state philosophy.

4. Proverbs and sayings about happinessslide 10.

"Our happiness is in our hands"

“To a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the way”

“Family is the pillar of happiness”

“Twins in a family means double happiness”

The Russian people are famous for their apt words, the Russian people have many proverbs and sayings, but today in class you will learn that not only the Russian people composed proverbs about happiness. You have been studying English for a whole year and now you will try to guess proverbs in English slide 11.

(Children guess and read proverbs in English, translate them into Russian)

Find an analogy for English proverbs in Russian proverbs and sayings.(Children compare proverbs and find consonant ones).

Why do you think this happened, two completely different peoples - Russians and English, but the proverbs are so similar?(Students' answers)

Poem "What is happiness" slide 12.

What is happiness?
Happiness is simple!
Happiness has no weight
Happiness has no growth.

Happiness cannot be measured
In bright words,
You won't see happiness
With clear eyes.

How then to answer,
What is happiness?
After all, it happens
Of all different colors.

Happiness... that's the word
Has many faces
Everyone understands
Happiness as best he can!

Game "Polyglot". slide 13.

And now we will play a little. I will tell you words in Russian, and you will name and write them on the board in English.

Happiness, peace, sun, mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, friends, dog, cat, school, toys.

So what does happiness consist of? And now you can answer the question, is the happiness of children and adults the same? Do any of you have a recipe for happiness?? (Children's answers).

Let's all create a recipe for happiness together and share it with our guests:slide 14.

Recipe for happiness:

Take your patience.

Pour a heart full of love into it.

Throw two handfuls of bounty.

Sprinkle with kindness.

Add as much faith as possible

Mix it all well...

And offer it to everyone you meet along the way!(show)

(Children sing the song “We wish you happiness”)

Now let’s hold hands, friends, stand in a big Circle of Joy, invite guests into our circle and wish each other happiness, in different words, in different languages!slide 15-16.

(Music plays, children and adults wish each other happiness)

Thanks everyone! We wish everyone happiness! See you again!

Notes with older children preschool age"Drawing happiness"


  1. Formation of children's idea of ​​happiness.
  2. Development of abstract thinking, creative imagination, the ability to capture your fantasies on paper.
  3. Cultivating a sensitive, careful, cautious attitude towards the meaning of the word “happiness”, towards the world around us and loved ones.
  4. Relieving emotional stress, developing a sense of self-worth, developing ways effective interaction with other people, overcoming communication barriers and psychological defenses.

Equipment: A4 sheets, watercolor paints, brushes, napkins, glasses of water for each child, a ball, “magic” glasses (plastic multi-colored children’s glasses with dark lenses).

Progress of the lesson:
1. Greeting “Little Ball”: Hello, my dears! Look, I have a ball of magic strings. Now we will greet each other with the help of this ball. We take a thread, wind it (without tightening it too much) around our finger and handing the ball to our neighbor, we greet him, saying affectionate, kind words addressed to him.

Hello, Lenochka, you look very good today, I’m very glad to see you...

Hello Maxim, I like your cheerful mood...

Etc. children take turns greeting each other.

Psychologist: So, guys, we said hello. Look, a thread united us all together, because we are friendly, friendly, kind. (Children remove the thread from their finger. The psychologist winds the thread into a ball.)

2. Game "Magic glasses" (3 min)

Instructions from a teacher-psychologist: “Once upon a time there was a wizard who invented amazing glasses. Through them, only joyful events could be seen. I want each of you to try on these glasses and tell us about the most joyful and happy event in your life."

3. Main part. Conversation on the topic “Happiness” (2 min) Questions for conversation:

  • Have you ever heard of the word "happiness"? Where? When?
  • Who usually talks about him? (People who are not sick and who are doing well.)
  • When do they talk about happiness?
  • What do people do when they are happy? (They do good deeds.)
  • What do people need to be happy? (Have good health- as one of the answer options.)

Conclusion. Everyone understands happiness in their own way, and everyone has their own. For a child, happiness is “this is mom, this is me, this is dad, the whole family.”

4. Magic story (3 min)

Instructions. A teacher-psychologist tells a fairy tale:
"Once upon a time there was a rose. She was tender, beautiful, slender. Everyone who passed by admired her. The rose grew alone in the garden. The owner, who took care of the garden, never forgot to water it. But one day the rose began to wither. Sunshine, Seeing this, he asked her: “What’s wrong with you? Are you really missing mine? sunlight? Or the water that your owner pours on you? You are so beautiful!” Rose quietly replied: “Dear sunshine, thank you for the light. To be happy, it is not enough to have beauty. I’m unhappy because..." Next, the educational psychologist asks the children to answer the questions:

  • Why is the rose unhappy?
  • What needs to be done to make a rose happy?

Conclusion. When a person is surrounded by family, loved ones, and friends, he does not feel loneliness. Such a person can also be called happy.

5. Productive activity. Drawing on the topic (10 min)

Instructions. The teacher-psychologist invites children to close their eyes, think and imagine what happiness is.

Guiding questions:

  • How can you depict happiness on a piece of paper?
  • What paints will you use?
  • In what mood will you paint?

Then the children are asked to open their eyes, smile at each other, take the necessary colors and draw what they imagined. (you can draw with brushes or fingers).

6. Discussion of drawings (3 min)

Each child tells what he drew.

7. Final part. Farewell "Sunshine" (2 min)

Instructions from a teacher-psychologist: “Guys, take your drawings, press them to your heart, and let your happiness come true. Now let’s stand together in a circle, stretch out our hands in front of us and join them in the center of the circle. Let’s stand quietly, feel like warm rays of sunshine The rays of the sun bring joy and happiness to people. I hope you will bring joy to your family and friends.
We are all friendly guys
We are preschool children.
We don't offend anyone
We know how to care
We won’t leave anyone in trouble,
We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it.
May everyone be well
It will be joyful and light!
This concludes our lesson. Thanks everyone! Goodbye!"

On the page there are photos and pictures of happiness. By- different people happiness is understood, but no one is indifferent to it!

In the photo, a happy child is watching a rainbow! Happiness in wonderful beauty! Simple formula happiness! And the children themselves are our happiness! Pictures happiness loves silence, so the child enjoys happiness in silence!

The picture shows a saying of the great Frankl. Frankl knew the meaning of life! Happiness is like a butterfly, no need to catch it!

Happy emoticon on the seashore. Good for him!

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. The point is not in the goal, but in the process! A wise formula for happiness!

In the photo, the child is happy just because he smells a sunflower. Two suns!) Happiness is in the little things! The child hid his happy face in a flower!)

And the pictures of happiness and joy are closer and clearer to children.

They are happy together, riding a bike. They don’t need much, happiness is in the little things for them too. It's nice to see happy people! Pictures of happy people will cheer you up!

Confucius knew everything about love and happiness, he knew what to say!)

Happiness is nearby! It’s about who you love and who loves you! Pictures of happy people only confirm that happiness exists!)

Happiness lies in our optimistic attitude towards life! Happiness wise pictures!

A butterfly on the hand as a symbol of happiness! Great photo! The pictures of happiness loves silence are so beautiful!

Plato spoke well about happiness! The formula for happiness is according to Plato!

Large for children soap bubbles already happiness! A child's happy face is so cute! Children definitely find happiness in little things! Pure souls! Photo about happiness!

Happiness is always within! There is little in him from the outside! Funny picture!)

Happiness is in the little things and everyone has their own!

Happiness must be found in what you already have!

Happiness is in our hands. Happy photo.

Happiness is in the freedom to do what you want! Pictures of happiness with children!

A simple formula for happiness is difficult to implement!

Tips on how to be happy. Pictures of happiness and joy are varied.

Not thinking about problems is the path to happiness!

Happiness is belief in miracles

The source of happiness is in yourself!

Happiness is already possible today! And this happiness is in the little things!

Happiness is in everyone's soul

Evgenia Karnakova
Summary of the drawing lesson “The child draws happiness”


TOPIC: "Child draws happiness»

Objectives of educational areas:

Educational to develop the ability to correlate a poetic image with a visual one pattern, inventing your own plots, expressively conveying the image of early spring nature, using the means of representation drawing.

Educational: promote the development of the ability to make a sketch, build a composition, highlighting the main thing in the plot, use color to convey the time of day, mood, consolidate skills drawing wax pencils, gouache paints.

Educational to cultivate love for the world around us, the ability to approach the meaning of words sensitively and carefully « happiness» .

Vocabulary work, vocabulary enrichment: happiness, happy, unhappy, friendship, friends.

Equipment: gouache, tinted sheets of paper, pencil, imprint material (flowers, grass, hard brushes No. 3, No. 1, audio recording of Seasons "Spring". Tchaikovsky P. I.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation "What's happened happiness

Telling a fairy tale invented by the teacher « Unlucky snowdrop»

Physical education minute.

Drawing with gouache.

Drawing using the imprint method.

Painting with a hard brush.

Preliminary work:

Conversation “About spring. Primroses".

Reading and memorizing poetry "Snowdrop"

Observation of spring phenomena.

Looking at artists' reproductions "About Spring"

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about a beautiful and very important word - happiness. Have you ever heard of this word? Where? When? (children's answers)

Who usually talks about him?

When they talk about happiness?

What do people do when they are happy? (listen to the children’s answers after each question)

Children, now I will tell you a fairy tale.

In early spring, when nature had not yet woken up from its winter sleep, a blue snowdrop appeared in a small thawed patch, among the still blue snow. He was slender and gentle. Everyone who ran or passed by admired it. The sun, waking up, sent him a warm ray to warm him. A spring cloud, flying past, sent her daughter to give a drop of water to a cute flower. But one day the snowdrop became sad and began to wither. Sunny, seeing this, asked the snowdrop:

What's wrong with you? Do you really miss my sunshine and warmth? Or the water that a cloud pours on you? You are so beautiful!

Snowdrop answered quietly:

Dear sunshine, thank you for the light and warmth, but to be happy is not enough to have beauty. I unhappy because...

Why snowdrop unhappy? What needs to be done to make this cute flower happy? (children's statements)

Now guys, close your eyes and imagine: you are in a forest clearing.

A plastic sketch is being performed "The Flower Wakes Up": Early, early morning. Sleep reigns in a forest clearing. The trill of the titmouse woke up the tender blue snowdrop. The flower straightened its stem and shook its sleepy head “It's time to wake up! Look around you, how many friends you have!”- the little bird chirps. “Well, thought the snowdrop, perhaps we should listen to the advice.”. The snowdrop shook its head and opened its blue petals. The bud began to slowly open. The flower woke up and saw many cheerful friends nearby and felt their warmth.

Guys, now you know how draw happiness.

What paints will you use?

What mood will you be in? paint?

Practical activities for children.


Well done guys, yours turned out great! drawings, and most importantly, how many friends our snowdrop has. Look how cheerful the flower has become, how smiles happily at you!

And how many interesting and new things we learned!

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