Specialized dairy breed of cattle. Dairy cow breeds

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


About a thousand large breeds cattle known to science today. Among them are dairy, meat and combined. Pursuing certain goals in the development of the economy, livestock breeders choose the appropriate breed. It took science many years to classify cows into groups according to the abilities of the animals and the desires of the breeders. Today we will talk about which cows give the most milk.

External characteristics

All cows produce milk, even beef cows. It differs in composition, fat content and quantity. A dairy cow can be distinguished by its external characteristics:

  • long body, elongated muzzle and large belly;
  • weak muscles;
  • shiny, elastic skin;
  • elongated legs;
  • healthy teeth for grinding food;
  • impressive udder size.

As for the character of this subspecies of cows, they are phlegmatic. They find it difficult to go on too long walks; they do not tend to look for good pastures for a long time. Having found a meadow with various herbs, a dairy cow is ready to stay there all day and can stand in one place for a long time. So an individual cattle eats up to one hundred kilograms of grass, and then gives twenty-five liters of milk in two approaches per day.

For such a quantity, the cow must have a large udder. After milking, it decreases because it has good stretching abilities. Also, the udder should accumulate and freely hold a lot of milk for twelve hours.

It is believed that the highest milk yield comes from the cow that has a cup-shaped or tub-shaped udder. A cow with these mammary glands produces twenty percent more milk than a cow with a round udder. In addition, their milking speed is approximately twice as high.

If a cow produced more than twenty-five kilograms of product per day, then the speed will be greater than that of the cow that produced twelve. Milk yield is determined by this criterion; on average, it is about two kilograms per minute.

The ratio of milk yield from the anterior lobes of the udder to the total volume determines the mammary gland index. It is approximately forty percent. Based on this indicator, the issue of hardware milking is decided.

Age matters

First calving and age at that year are important when choosing a dairy cow. It is important to take your time and not slow things down too much:

  1. Fertilizing females that are too young reduces their productivity. The animal stops growing, remains small, gives birth to a small calf and produces little milk. Perhaps in the future the cow will show her abilities. But lost milk cannot be returned;
  2. fertilization at a late age, when “the horse is not fed.” The cost of feeding and maintaining the animal lasts too long;
  3. It is better to inseminate cows at one and a half years old. By this period, its weight is approximately seventy percent of cows that have already had their third calving. This is no less than 360 kilograms. In many countries, the readiness of young animals determines growth.


Now let's move on to the most extensive section, which will talk about which cows produce the most milk depending on their origin. Knowing the characteristics of each milk cow breeds, the livestock breeder can choose the one that suits himself and his wallet.

Only in this case does it matter in what area the cow will live. Sometimes, by moving a cow that has excellent milk production, the cattle owner thereby deprives her of her usual climatic conditions. Moving and other environments can significantly reduce the productivity of an animal.


The breed got its velvety name from the island of Jersey. It is located in the English Channel. Here a cow was bred whose maximum is rarely below five percent. Cow farming on the island, with green pastures and a wonderful climate, was at its peak more than two centuries ago. Breeders crossed three breeds to produce such a dairy specimen. The butter made from her milk was especially popular.

At the end of the eighteenth century, they even stopped bringing cattle to the island so as not to spoil the breed.

It is noteworthy that island cows grow up to 120 centimeters and do not gain more than 450 kilograms. But this compact female produces about four tons of product during the lactation period. Her milk has a pleasant smell and delicate taste. It is rich in calcium and protein. The fat globules are large and instantly appear on the surface, turning into a thick layer of cream.

This breed of cow is not particularly picky when it comes to food, it consumes little feed, and infections rarely overcome them. Although they show signs of an aggressive nature, if you demonstrate a kind attitude, you can make them docile. The Jersey cow is expensive and is bred abroad. But she has adapted to different climates. Recently, breeders from the Moscow, Novgorod, Leningrad and Ryazan regions decided to experiment with breeding the breed in Russia.

Jersey cow


In 2033 the breed will celebrate its centenary. It became famous in most regions of the Russian Federation for its dairy properties. Although information about the Yaroslavl breed was discovered much earlier. Then they tried to cross it with the Dutch, Simmental and Algauz.

However, the result was a weak animal with a low fat content in the milk. As a result, representatives of foreign breeds were eliminated, and work continued within the tribe. The results were not long in coming. With a fat content of at least 4.2 percent, Yaroslavka can produce up to 4.5 tons of milk per year.

The advantages of this breed of cows are as follows:

  1. ability to acclimatize and readiness for poor natural conditions;
  2. resistance to cattle diseases;
  3. high levels of fat and milk content;
  4. light weight, so consume small amounts of food.


The cow of Swiss origin has firmly established its niche in the livestock industry. This breed of cows was the result of work on breeding dairy and meat animals. Burenki grazed in the valley of the Simma River, from which they got their name.

The average level of milk fat content ranges from 3.8 percent to 5.5 with a milk yield of five tons. Since we are talking about a combined breed, the Simmental’s meat functions are excellent:

  • height more than 150 centimeters, torso 160;
  • powerful muscles, rough features and shapes;
  • wide croup as an indicator of the development of the genital organs and udder;
  • excellent health and peaceful disposition.

In addition to this, they give birth to large calves, up to 45 kilograms. At the same time, they are not picky about feeding and can gain a kilogram of weight every day.


The breed comes from the Arkhangelsk region. She was the first dairy breed bred in Russia. There is information that Kholmogorskaya was obtained by crossing with the Dutch. But it does not find exact confirmation, since we are talking about the eighteenth century, the records have not been preserved.

They have a muscular body, a rough skeleton, and a narrow muzzle. The fat content of milk is on average slightly below four percent. But the milk yield is high: up to 5.5 thousand kilograms. Such figures are achieved despite the animal’s small but proportional udder in the shape of cylinders. With the right approach, it is quickly milked, and diseases have little impact on the cow due to its strong immunity.

According to most reviews from farmers, Kholmogorskaya’s heart and lungs work like clockwork; her stomach processes more than a hundred kilograms of food per day. If you feed her healthy fresh food, she will give fatty and nutritious milk.


It is worth saying a few words about this breed, because it is extremely famous in Canada, America and Germany. And recently she has settled in almost all countries of the world.

Although the fat content of its product is not the highest - 3.7 percent, the total mass of milk is about 7 tons.

For such high performance, the Holstein has a large, capacious udder. The weight of the animal reaches 750 kilograms, sometimes thousands. Representatives of this breed live a long time, sometimes up to twenty years.

Thus, excellent properties on all fronts make the guest from Holland a leader among dairy cattle.

The lowest fat content results are given by black-and-white and red steppe cows. The figure is 3.3 percent. But they are still popular because they are affordable and demonstrate consistency in milk production.

Seasonality and care

The heredity, breed, age and other qualities of a cow play a role in its milk production. But still, a healthy cow produces the most milk.

This condition is affected by feeding and care:

  1. regimen and balanced protein nutrition help improve the properties of milk. If a cow eats sunflower, cotton, or flaxseed cake, then the fat content begins to increase. But if you forget to feed the cow on time, give it heavy food, the milk yield drops by half. This is especially true after childbirth and in the cold season, when the diet needs to be monitored especially carefully;
  2. the temperature and humidity in the pens should be average, ventilation and daily removal of dirt and manure are mandatory. The health of the animal’s limbs, udder, and therefore future milk yield depends on the presence of infectious agents;
  3. noise and crowding can cause stress in livestock. The most milk is produced by cows whose life is measured, the environment is stable and without external stimuli. Livestock should not be kept with tractors or plants operating nearby;
  4. cows that calve in the autumn and winter produce twenty percent more milk than their relatives who gave birth in the summer. It is undesirable to skip insemination, as this leads to a decrease in milk yield;
  5. Proper milking of cows results in greater productivity. To do this, you need to wash the udder and nipples, massage them before starting the process for thirty seconds. Milking should also be completed with a massage to prevent the milk in the udder from going rancid.

(mixed) direction. The characteristics of the most popular ones are presented in this article.

Dairy cattle breeds

Dairy animals are characterized by the large volume of milk they produce per kilogram of live weight.

This animal is characterized by:

  • lean build with weak muscles;
  • "triangular" body when viewed from above (with expansion towards the back);
  • long neck and equally long legs, straight back;
  • large udder with prominent veins and large nipples.

Did you know?During the first lactation, the heifer's productivity is approximately 60% of the average.

Maximum milk yield is obtained at 5–6 calvings. Dairy cows have a calm character and are adapted to various living conditions.


This is a Scottish breed. It was officially registered in 1862. The animals are perfectly adapted to cold climates, are economical in nutrition, and are characterized by early maturity and potentially early insemination. Excellent for personal gardening. The bones of the animal are thin and strong, and the body is angular with a large bath-shaped udder. The color of the skin is variegated - red and white.

They gain weight quickly: heifers - up to 480 kg, bulls - up to 800, calves are born weighing 25-30 kg, and within a year they increase their weight to 250 kg. The meat yield is 50-60%, and tasty milk can be obtained up to 7000-8000 liters per year.


Until 1998, it was considered a variety, which it resembles in appearance. Simmental genes were used in breeding. The color of the animal is red-variegated, and its height reaches 1.4 m. The udder is cup-shaped. No content required special conditions, but strict adherence to the feeding and milking schedule is necessary to achieve optimal performance.

The weight of an adult cow can reach 680 kg; a calf is born 33–37 kg. The meat yield when fattening castrated bulls is up to 60%. Milk yield – 5000–6000 liters with fat content up to 3.8%.

Black and white

The result of crossing local Russian and Dutch cows. One of the most common breeds, whose popularity is explained by its excellent milk yield and good meat characteristics. The animals are large, the body is elongated, with a wide rear part; The udder is also large and asymmetrical. Height – 1.3 m. Requires a large amount of feed.

The weight of a bull reaches 900 kg, cows gain up to 650 kg, and calves are born weighing 35 kg. Milk production ranges from 5500 to 8000 liters per year with 3.7–3.9% fat. Slaughter yield of meat – up to 55%.


The age of the breed is over 200 years. Relatively small animals, up to 1.3 m tall, with an angular body, black in color with white spots on the head, belly and legs. The muscles are weak. The teats on the udder are characteristically spaced: the front ones are wider than the back ones. Feels great in different conditions climatic zones.

The weight of a cow is fixed at 450-550 kg, bulls gain 600-800 kg. A newborn calf weighs 28–32 kg, its daily gain is about 750 g. Milk yield depends on feeding and, averaging 2700–3500 l, can reach 5500–6000 l per year. High fat milk – 4.5%. The meat yield is small: 43% for cows and up to 52% for castrated bulls.


First mentioned in the 17th century. Thanks to selection, modern animals have a strong build with a height of up to 1.35 m and excellent milk production. Color black and white. Dutch women gave their genes to almost all dairy breeds. Animals are characterized by precocity.

Dutch bulls reach 900-1000 kg, cows can weigh between 550 and 750 kg, and newborn calves weigh around 40 kg. Average annual milk yield is 4000–5000 liters with a fat content of 4%. When fattening you can get up to 60% meat high quality.

Red steppe

Ukrainian breed bred at the end of the 18th century, and by the end of the 20th it was improved thanks to crossing with the Danish and Angler. These are animals whose body is red, long, with a rounded udder. It differs from other breeds by the presence of light horns and black hooves. Height – up to 1.3 m. Quickly acclimatizes in different regions. In arid areas, it is more resistant to disease than other breeds.

The weight of a bull reaches 900 kg, a cow - 470-520 kg, and a calf is born weighing about 25-30 kg. At one year of age, the weight of the animal is 240–260 kg. Milk productivity is up to 4500 liters per year with a fat content of 3.6–3.8%. The meat of these steppe cows is tasty, its yield is approximately 53%.


North American breed. It was registered in 1983. Animals of black and white color are distinguished by their high growth (cows - up to 1.45 m, bulls - up to 1.6 m). The udder is taut, with a characteristic vein pattern. They reach sexual maturity at one year of age. They require large amounts of high quality feed. Subject to stress. Not suitable for harsh climates.

Bulls weigh about 900 kg, cows gain 600–700 kg. With good nutrition, weight can increase by 200–300 kg. Calves at birth weigh from 38 to 50 kg. Bull meat is considered dietary and has an excellent taste, its yield is 55–60%. Milk yield reaches 7500 liters, and milk fat content is 3.8%.


One of the oldest breeds comes from the English island of Jersey. Small animals 1.25 m tall with beautiful honey-colored fur. The characteristic shape of the head and muzzle resembles a deer. The conveniently shaped udder is perfect for milking. The keeping of the animals is simple, they are undemanding when it comes to feeding. Leg diseases are rare.

The weight of an adult bull reaches 800 kg, average cow weighs 400–500 kg, and the calf is born weighing 25 kg. The milk has an excellent taste and high fat content (6–7%), the creamy part is separated quickly, with a clear separation. Annual yield is 5000–5500 liters. Meat yield is up to 55%, taste is average.


Russian breed with a long history. The body is angular, the chest is deep, the color is black and white (very rarely red-motley). The udder is small and symmetrical. They take root well in harsh conditions and are resistant to many infectious diseases.

Cows gain up to 590 kg of live weight, bulls - up to 950 kg, calves - from 30 kg. The milk yield is 3500–4000 liters per year with a fat content of 3.7%. Meat yield up to 50%.


Being the result of crossing with Dutch and Kholmogorka cows, Tagil cows have significantly improved their productivity. Can have any color. These animals are up to 1.3 m tall, with a strong constitution and different muscle structures (both powerful and baggy). Bulls have small horns, while cows are almost hornless.

The average weight of a Tagil bull is 750–900 kg, a cow – 450–500 kg, a newborn calf – 30–35 kg. The annual milk yield is fixed at 3500–4000 liters with a fat content of 4–4.5%. Meat yield up to 60%.

Meat breeds

Cows meat direction must ensure maximum weight gain with optimal, from an economic point of view, feeding.

Did you know?Most giant bulls currently live in the UK. For example, a Charolais bull, Field Marshal, weighs more than 1.7 tons and is 1.9 meters tall (according to 2008 data).

The signs of animal meat production are obvious:
  • strong, rectangular build (side and top views);
  • uniform development of the front and rear parts;
  • powerful chest and developed hips;
  • large size and tall;
  • undeveloped udder in cows;
  • thick skin.
can gain weight intensively or slowly (hence the meat with different taste characteristics).


French animals from the Limousin region, where their breeding began in the mid-18th century. The body is massive, with medium strong legs and a small udder. The neck is short, the head has a large forehead. The color of the skin is golden brown. Unpretentious and frost-resistant, with easy calving. Bulls are aggressive (as are calving cows raising a calf).

The weight of a bull can be more than 1.3 tons, and cows do not gain more than 700 kg. Calves are born weighing 40 kg and grow by 0.8–1 kg per day. High quality meat with low fat content and yield of 60–65%. Milk yield is low (1300–1800 liters per year with a fairly high fat content of up to 5%).


Known from France since the 17th century. Actively crossed and selected for height and weight. A cow is much smaller than a bull. The color of the skin ranges from milky to brown. The body is rectangular, the neck has large skin folds. Animals grow up to 2 years, reaching a height of 1.6 m.

The weight of the record bull is 2 tons (the average is 1–1.6 tons). Cows gain up to 750 kg with a height of up to 1.55 m. Calves are born weighing up to 70 kg (minimum 30).

Important!The high weight of calves often leads to birth injuries and high level mortality.

The breed is characterized by good milk production - 2000–4000 liters with a fat content of 3.5–4.5%. Meat yield up to 65%. Charolais beef is a lean meat with a delicate taste.


English cows have been known since the 18th century. Animals are red with white spots. The body is squat, with powerful legs and a wide back. Unpretentious in care, with stable immunity. Calves are characterized by high vitality. The meat is marbled and has excellent taste.

The average weight of a Hereford bull is 1 ton, a cow is about 600 kg, and a calf is 36 kg. The meat yield is on average 60%, and can reach 70. The fat content of milk is 4%, and the annual milk yield is up to 1200 liters.


These hardy animals are able to survive in arid climates with sudden temperature changes and poor food. The build is compact, with a wide back. The color is red with white spots, the coat is dense. They can be grazed year-round. The meat is red with yellow streaks and tasty. After calving, cows become aggressive.

A bull weighs 1 ton, a cow weighs 550 kg, and calves are born 25 kg. The annual milk yield is 1000–1200 liters, fat content is 4.5%.

Belgian Blue

And unlimited mass growth. The animals are distinguished by hypertrophied muscles, thin skin and sparse blue-white fur. The character is calm, the immune system is unstable. Not suitable for northern regions. They require assistance with calving.

Important!To obtain optimal weight growth, it is necessary to adhere to special feeding of calves with milk until 2months.

An adult bull weighs up to 1.25 tons, a cow - 900 kg. They demonstrate fairly high milk production – up to 4500 liters per year. The Belgians have a meat yield of 70–80%. Beef with low fat content, excellent taste.

Kazakh white-headed

The animals are well adapted to local conditions and were crossed with Hereford and Kalmyk individuals. The physique is strong, with massive hips and a wide back, Hereford color. Hardy and unpretentious, they tolerate harsh climates well. Meat with excellent taste, “marbled”.

Calves are born weighing up to 27 kg and grow up to 1 kg per day. Cows gain up to 600 kg, and bulls - up to 1 ton. Meat yield - 60-65%, milk yield - up to 2000 liters per year with a fat content of 3.8%.


The Scottish breed was developed in the 17th century. Black in color, occasionally dark brown or grayish yellow. The wool is voluminous, sheep-type, up to 20 cm long. Without horns. Withstands harsh climatic conditions. The cow is unpretentious in terms of diet and care, and is early ripening. Marbled meat of high quality.

The weight of an adult bull is up to 800 kg, a cow’s weight is up to 500 kg. The calf is born weighing up to 27 kg. Meat yield is over 65%. The average annual yield is up to 1500 liters.

Aberdeen Angus

The breed was developed in Scotland in the 19th century. Hornless animals are black or red in color with short legs and pronounced meat shapes. The bones are thin. Animals quickly gain weight and take first place in early maturity and quality of meat. May be on outdoors even in cold weather. Meat with excellent taste, distinguished by “marbling”, is considered best choice for steaks.

The weight of a bull is up to 1 ton, cows weigh 500–700 kg. Calves are born weighing up to 25. Meat yield is approximately 60%. Milk yield up to 2000 liters per year. up to 480 kg, bulls - up to 800 kg, calves - 25–30 kg (in a year they increase their weight to 250 kg). The meat yield is 50–60%, and tasty milk with a fat content of 4% can be obtained up to 7000–8000 liters per year.

Meat and dairy breeds

Mixed breeds are characterized by:

  • versatility of application;
  • simple care and feeding;
  • quick adaptation to different conditions;
  • possibility of mating with any type of breed.
Breeds of this type are among the most popular.

For the most ordinary person, an outsider from the farm, a cow is simply an animal that gives milk. A person who is not interested in this will not notice any special differences. But those people who raise such animals solely for milk and to make money from it know what breed of dairy cow should be. In total, there are about 15 subspecies of the dairy breed. And all types have both their pros and cons, different percentages of milk fat content and its volumes.

For those people who would like to buy a fairly productive dairy cow, you need to know, and if you don’t know, then study the entire line of cows and the need for any particular one. And also based on what subspecies, you need to understand for what terrain it will be used and what its characteristics and cost are. After all, it may happen that a dairy cow will be excellent in its performance, but a change in terrain or climate can greatly affect its productivity. In addition, this cattle is distinguished in different directions:

  1. Dairy
  2. Meat
  3. Meat and dairy

All subspecies have their merits. Some produce a lot of milk, but of poor quality, others, on the contrary, the quality of the milk is high, but its quantity is not satisfactory.

There are quite a lot of dairy cows in private household plots. These can be said to be the calmest animals. As a rule, all animals of this type love to stand; they are not happy with hiking or walking far in search of pastures. Their favorite area is a meadow, which is rich in a variety of herbs. In such a meadow, the cattle carefully eat the grass, eating it around them. Although the dairy subspecies belong to the standard genus, they will not run after the rest of their brothers or the herd, no matter where.

The cow was created by nature, and raised by man only for the sole purpose of giving milk. Therefore, of all animals, dairy types have a fairly well-developed digestive system, and also have a strong and large heart. An animal can eat about a hundred kilograms of grass per day, and milk production reaches up to 26 liters per couple of milkings.

Farmers who have a cow as a pet claim that raising it is a pleasure. All she needs is the presence of grass in large quantities. Also, cows have very good health. Therefore, they are minimally exposed to various diseases. It is believed that the very first subspecies of dairy cow is called Kholmogory. More detailed information about the best dairy cattle is provided below.

Schwyz breed

belong to the combined type of direction (milk and meat). It was first bred in the Swiss mountains, but this species is grown almost all over the world. This species appeared in Russia in the middle of the 19th century. Each subspecies of cows has its own unique body structure. The Schwyz subspecies has a large body, with a powerful structure, the muscles are well developed, and the chest is wide. The photo on the right characterizes the animal of the Swiss breed.

Cows of this type are characterized by brown colors; the color can vary from light to dark. Also, as a rule, the species has a light stripe on its back and dark rings around the lips and ears. The horns and hooves are black.

Russian farming, as a rule, has a dairy and meat type. The approximate weight of a Swiss cow is up to 600 kg for females and up to 900 for a bull. The productivity of an animal during the lactation period per year can be equal to 4 tons. milk. The fat content of produced milk is up to 3.8%. The advantages of the subspecies are their stable immunity to diseases; the animal is quite precocious.

Kostroma breed of cows

This category, just like the one described above, refers to dairy and meat. They were brought out for the first time in the Kostroma region. appeared as a result of crossing Yaroslavl and local breeds. In the photo on the right you can see its exterior.

The animal is strong, large, with well-developed bones and muscles. Advantages of the breed: fast growth, excellent meat quality. The color is gray with various shades. Average milk productivity is up to 5 tons with a fat content of 3.9%. There is even a record for this species animal. During the lactation period, the cow produced 14 tons of milk. The priority areas where Kostroma cows are bred are Russia and the Republic of Belarus.


Photo of a Simmental cow

Brought out in Switzerland by improving local Scandinavian cattle. Previously, this category was called Bernese. Now it is used on farms almost all over the world, since the animal is highly productive and has excellent acclimatization. The direction of this type is divided into two types: it is both dairy and meat. The cows are fawn in color, sometimes completely red, and sometimes with a white head or a white stripe on the head. The animals are well developed, their weight reaches 600 kg, height – 140 cm at the withers. The yield from one such subspecies per year is almost 3.5 tons of milk. The Simmental breed feeds well. The meat of such a cow is very high in calories, riddled with fat and has delicate fibers.

This type of animal can be recognized and distinguished from others by its wide back, short but muscular neck, the back part is quite long and wide. The udder of such a cow has a large reserve and a rounded shape, but sometimes it is developed unevenly.

Kholmogory breed

It first appeared in the present Arkhangelsk region in the 18th century. Reported as milky. The type of animal is assigned to cattle. Well developed muscles and a very strong and heavy skeleton. The breed has a narrow muzzle, and its color is brown with large dark spots on the body. Favorable living conditions for livestock will have a positive impact on milk productivity. It can release up to 4.5 tons per year, the best figures are 5 tons. The cow weighs about 550 kg.

Holstein dairy breed

Perhaps, best breed among all dairy representatives of cows. This species of animal is native to the USA, although it is believed that its homeland is Holland. Best and best option for crossings and improvements, both in the amount of milk and in its fat content.

It has a large udder, which means a lot of milk, and excellent milk yield. The live weight also deserves attention, as it is quite large. The color of such a cow is mainly black and motley. The weight of the breed varies from 700 to 750 kg. In exceptional cases, the mass reaches a weight of 1 ton. The Holstein breed can rightfully consider itself a world record holder. The record was set for life; the cow lived for 20 years and died in 1985. Her twenty-year-old milk yield was 211 tons of milk. But in 1983, an animal of the same breed produced 25 tons of milk in 10 months.

Black and white breed

The newest, youngest breed of cows. They took her to former USSR by crossing local breeds with dairy breeds. This breed is in demand in Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and Russia. The black-and-white breed is relatively small, with a live weight of 400-500 kg. Become a strong animal. The advantage of this species is its ideal adaptation to climate conditions.

Red steppe breed

A very common cattle in the Donbass, Rostov and the Urals. not picky and you can say they live on their own “milk without effort.” The average milk yield per year can be 4 tons. The color of the breed can vary from red to dark red. They tolerate heat well, which is why Ukrainians like to choose them. Has a strong immune system and good stamina.

A breed with well-defined milk tendencies, but the build is light and the bones are not very strong. This subspecies can produce approximately 4-5 tons of milk per year. Weight is 500 kg. The milk of such an animal is quite fatty compared to other breeds. Fat content has been recorded at more than 5%, but on average reaches 4%.

Yaroslavl breed

The best dairy cow in all of Russia. The color of this breed is 90% black, but there are also red tints. It is profitable to keep one like this on a farm; they eat little, but they can produce 6 tons of milk and this is far from the limit. The weight of the cow reaches 500 kg. Distinctive characteristics from other breeds are short legs and spaced teats on the udder.

Ayshire dairy breed

The color of the animal is red-variegated. She begins to produce milk very quickly. The backbone is not very large, which is a distinctive feature from others. In addition to milk characteristics, they are also rich in meat. That is, they can be classified as dairy-meat. The fat content of milk from such cattle will be 4%, and the annual milk yield will be about 4.5 tons.

The breed was bred in Scotland as the optimal animal for milk quality. Accordingly, the climate of northern America and Europe is suitable for such cattle. In Russia, this subspecies is not very common and makes up only 4% of the total. The character of the breed is very extraordinary. She can be both aggressive and very timid. Not adapted to hot and dry climates.

Dairy cow breeds , Unlike their counterparts in other directions, they differ in both external qualities and build. They have a well-developed udder, digestive system, and heart muscle. But at the same time, they have predominantly weak muscles and pronounced bones. Also, dairy cows do not have such an elongated body. Different breeds of this direction have their own specific degree of milk fat content and the volume of product produced per year. The best dairy cow breeds will be described in this article.

The best dairy breeds of cows are determined not only by the quantity of the product obtained, but also by its quality, as well as the complexity of keeping, feeding and care.

  • Holstein dairy breed cows are considered the best among other representatives of this trend. It appeared in America, although it is believed that its homeland is Holland. The first quality that stands out is compatibility. This species can be easily crossed and improved, as it can easily be “adjusted”. It has a large udder, white and black color, variegated spots. The weight of a cow is from 700 to 750 kg, and the record holders reached 1 ton. The annual milk yield on average reaches 7-8 tons.
  • Ayshire dairy was developed in the 18th century in Scotland. It has a remarkable red-variegated color. It differs in that it begins to produce milk from the age of 2 years. The backbone is not large; it is often bred for both milk and meat. They produce 4.5-7 tons of milk per year with a fat content of 4-4.3%. The amount of product depends on the conditions of detention, climate, and feeding. Among the disadvantages, it is important to note that it is difficult for the species to adapt to a new climate for it; they do not like drought and heat. They take root best in the northern part of America and Europe. Cows have a very unusual character - they are timid and sometimes aggressive.
  • Dutch– the oldest existing dairy breed and the most widespread throughout the world. Pedigree dairy cows are a rarity. And the Dutch one belongs to them. It appeared naturally, and not through crossbreeding. There are several subspecies that differ in color, but the most popular is black and white. Outwardly, it is similar to Kholmogory, but this one’s spots are located less chaotically. In some cases, the weight can reach 800 kg, but more often it does not exceed 500 kg. Annual milk yield is 4-6 tons, fat content is 3.6%.

  • Angelic or the Angler breed can produce up to 5.5 tons of product per year with a fat content of 4.2-5.2%. Such a female weighs about 500 kg. Like other dairy breeds of cows, this one does not require complex maintenance, and the cost of feeding is quickly recouped by the resulting milk.
  • Jersey breed cows were bred in the 18th century in England. Known for easily withstanding any climate. But sometimes it is aggressive and requires special maintenance, so it starts more often on large farms. Color ranges from fawn to brown, less common are red, gray and black. The sizes are small, an adult weighs up to 400 kg. It is characterized by a small amount of milk - 3.5 tons per year. But the quality of the product is excellent! The milk is thick and slightly yellow. Average fat content 6-7%. Because of this, cream is immediately collected from the milk, which is highly valued both in the homeland of the species and abroad.

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  • – the best representative of a dairy cow in Russia. Externally almost completely black, with the exception of a few white spaces. Sometimes a reddish tint is mixed with the black color. External features are short limbs and widely spaced teats on the udder. Weight – 400-500 kg. It produces up to 6 tons of excellent milk per year with a fat content of 4-4.5%.
  • appeared relatively recently. It was brought to the USSR in 1959, and now it is very popular in Russia. Its weight does not reach 500 kg. But the main advantage is that it easily adapts to different climate conditions. It can produce 5.5-8 tons of milk per year, depending on the climate and quality of maintenance. The black-and-white cow is inferior to the Yaroslavl cow, except perhaps in the quality of the resulting product.

  • Kholmogorskaya the cow, despite its dairy “specialization,” has well-developed muscles. The bones are strong, the head is narrow. The color is white with large black spots. Weight about 550 kg. It can produce 4.5-5 tons of milk per year, but the figure depends on the content. If you don’t take care of the animal, keeping it will not pay for itself, as is the case with keeping any type of animal.
  • Red steppe differs in independence. It requires virtually no effort. She grazes on her own and doesn't get dirty like some other dairy cows. This way you can get milk without much effort. Representative weight up to 500 kg. It produces approximately 4 tons of high fat product per year - 4-5%. The disadvantages include weak muscles and bones.

Depending on the choice of a calf or an adult cow, the breeder may receive a lot or little milk. And then, accordingly, expand or completely close the starting business. What should you pay attention to when choosing?

  1. Appearance. Dairy cows are very different from beef cows. They have an elongated body, a straight back, a dry, small head, there are many folds on the neck, thin limbs, a voluminous cup-shaped udder, and the veins on the udder itself are clearly visible.
  2. Age. The first six years of life are the most productive for these animals. Moreover, they give their first milk at the age of 2-3 years.
  3. Milk quality. It is advisable to check the quality and quality that the cow gives before purchasing. This is done either by taste or through special analysis in the laboratory.

In addition, it is important not to forget about the correct maintenance of the already selected cow. If care or feeding is poor, then milk yield will be poor.

Interesting facts about cow productivity

  • In 1983, a Holstein cow produced 25 tons of milk in 10 months! This is a record for a breed of dairy cows.
  • Although the Jersey breed is considered not very productive - 3.5 tons of milk per year. But in Russia, breeders manage to get 5 tons per year from it with a fat content of 7%! Perhaps the reason is climate or nutrition - exact, scientific explanation no to this.
  • A representative of the Holstein breed produced 211 tons of milk over 20 years of life. This is a record number so far.

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