Test to determine readiness for career growth. Career management tests

V1: Man and labor in the system of market relations

S: What does not characterize a person’s place in economic relations?

-: its position in property relations;

-: his participation in business and entrepreneurship;

+: his problems in his personal life;

-: its role in the labor process.

S: A person’s place in economic relations primarily characterizes

-: its role in the labor process

-: his position in property relations

-: his participation in business

+: all answers are correct

S: Most important economic role person is

-: his participation in business;

-: his position in society;

+: his participation in the labor process;

-: its position in the relations of distribution of the product produced in society.

S: Structural components in the system of social and labor relations (SLR) (remove the wrong answer)

-: subjects and levels of service stations

-: service station items and their structure

-: principles and types of service stations

+: service station facilities

S: Who can be the subject of social and labor relations?

-: organization

-: legal entity

+: individual

-: there is no correct answer

S: In what ways does entrepreneurial activity become one of the important forms of human participation?

-: political

+: economic

-: social

-: psychological

S: The person is a participant in the relationship

+: distribution and consumption

-: distribution and promotion

-: consumption and promotion

-: there is no correct answer

S: Sphere of formation of supply and demand for labor called

+: labor market

S: What are the characteristics labor activity people are not objective:

+: professionalism;

-: performance;

-: efficiency;

-: place in the system of social division of labor.

S: The assessment of work activity is determined by the degree of compliance

-: labor discipline

-: qualifications

-: contractual discipline

+: all answers are correct

S: Social and labor relations are

-: relations between labor and society;

-: interdependence of subjects in the labor process;

-: interaction of subjects in the labor process;

+: interdependence and interaction of subjects in the labor process, aimed at regulating the quality of working life.

S: What is not a structural component in the system of social and labor relations?

+: division of labor;

-: subjects and levels of social and labor relations;

-: principles and types of social and labor relations;

-: subjects of social and labor relations.

S: The employee is

-: object of social and labor relations;

+: subject of social and labor relations;

-: the subject of social and labor relations.

S: The limiting case of aggravation of social and labor relations is called

-: paternalism

-: discrimination

+: conflict

-: subsidiarity

S: Labor supply depends directly on

+: salary level

-: competitiveness of the company

-: prestige of the company

-: nature of work

S: A person who works independently and constantly employs one or more persons for work is called:

-: state;

+: employer;

-: employee;

-: businessman.

S: Social and labor relations can have the following levels

-: individual

-: group

-: mixed

+: all answers are correct

S: What level cannot social-labor relations have?

+: simple;

-: group;

-: mixed;

-: individual.

S: Which level describes the relationship between the employee and the state, the employer and the state?

-: simple;

-: group;

+: mixed;

-: individual.

S: Which level describes the relationship between employee and employee, employee and employer?

-: simple;

-: group;

-: mixed;

+: individual.

S: Which level describes the relationship between workers' associations?

-: simple;

+: group;

-: mixed;

-: individual.

S: Which block is not a subject in social and labor relations?

-: social and labor relations related to the organization and efficiency of labor;

+: social and labor relations of unemployment;

-: social and labor relations of employment;

-: social and labor relations arising in connection with remuneration for work.

S: The dominant role of the state in social and labor relations forms the type of social and labor relations called:

-: solidarity;

+: paternalism;

-: social partnership;

-: subsidiarity;

-: discrimination;

-: conflict.

S: The type of relationship developed by humanity in the process of its development presupposes the joint responsibility of people:

+: solidarity;

-: paternalism;

-: social partnership;

-: subsidiarity;

-: discrimination;

-: conflict.

S: Coordination of the most important social and labor interests between employers and employees on the basis of cooperation forms a type called:

-: solidarity;

-: paternalism;

+: social partnership;

-: subsidiarity;

-: discrimination;

-: conflict.

S: A type of social and labor relations that presupposes as a basis a person’s desire for self-responsibility, self-realization and the absence of a desire to transfer responsibility to society?

-: solidarity;

-: paternalism;

-: social partnership;

+: subsidiarity;

-: discrimination;

-: conflict.

S: The limiting case of aggravation of contradictions in social and labor relations is characterized by the type:

-: solidarity;

-: paternalism;

-: social partnership;

-: subsidiarity;

-: discrimination;

+: conflict.

S: Arbitrary restriction of the rights of subjects of social and labor relations is of the following type:

-: solidarity;

-: paternalism;

-: social partnership;

-: subsidiarity;

+: discrimination;

-: conflict.

S: The sphere of formation of demand and supply for labor is called

-: land market;

+: labor market;

-: capital market;

-: securities market.

S: Labor supply directly depends on:

-: prices for goods and services;

-: bank interest;

+: wage level;

-: cost of land.

V2: Career as a working life strategy

S: Career is

+: the process of a person’s professional growth

-: relations between entrepreneurs

-: labor process

-: social labor system

S: What two groups of conditions influence career formation:

-: objective and special

+: subjective and objective

-: special and specific

-: specific and subjective

S: The result of a person’s conscious position and behavior in the field of work, associated with official or professional growth

+: career

-: salary

+: J. Holland

-: J.Locke

-: K. Marx

-: M. Weber

S: Which conditions for career formation are not objective:

+: personal

-: crisis

-: personnel

S: What objective conditions for career formation are associated with special requirements for the profession?

-: socio-economic

-: crisis

-: personnel

S: What objective conditions for career formation are associated with increased life-threatening risk?

-: socio-economic

+: crisis

-: personnel

S: What objective conditions for career formation are associated with changes in forms of ownership?

-: socio-economic

-: crisis

+: personnel

S: What objective conditions for career formation are associated with the lack of a personnel management system?

+: socio-economic

-: crisis

-: personnel

S: Models of career options (select the odd one out)

-: springboard

-: ladder

S: What type of personality is not in the Holland system?

-: realistic

-: research

-: artistic

+: spiritual.

S: What type of personality according to Holland is a person who prefers activities related to the manipulation of tools and mechanisms?

+: realistic

-: research

-: artistic

-: social

-: entrepreneurial

-: conventional.

S: What Dutch personality type is a person who likes to work together?

-: realistic

-: research

-: artistic

+: social

-: entrepreneurial

-: conventional.

S: What Holland personality type is a person who prefers to be an analyst?

-: realistic

+: research

-: artistic

-: social

-: entrepreneurial

-: conventional.

S: What Dutch personality type is a person who enjoys activities that allow him to influence others to achieve goals?

-: realistic


-: artistic

-: social

+: entrepreneurial

-: conventional.

S: What Dutch personality type is a person who likes to systematically manipulate data?

-: realistic

-: research

-: artistic

-: social

-: entrepreneurial

+: conventional.

S: What type of personality according to Holland is an expressive, original person?

-: realistic

-: research

+: artistic

-: social

-: entrepreneurial

-: conventional.

S: How many types of career approaches are most common in real life?

S: What types of careers can be distinguished in the process of career movement?

-: authoritative, qualifying, professional, real

-: status, power, educational, promising

+: qualification, status, power, monetary

-: power, monetary, status, educational

S: Depending on the nature of the course, career types are distinguished

-: straight and curved

+: linear and nonlinear

-: horizontal and vertical

-: advancing and non-advancing

-: domineering

-: status

-: monetary

+: handwritten

S: Identify the type of career that involves professional growth movements by ranks tariff schedule

-: domineering

+: qualification

-: status

-: monetary

S: Who in the organization draws up employee promotion schedules?

-: economist

-: developer

+: career planner

-: programmer

S: What type of goals are missing when planning a career?

-: subject

-: instrumental

S: What is the process of creating career goals?

-: temporary

-: periodic

+: constant

S: Which characteristic is not included in the typology of career building?

-: level of aspiration

-: self-esteem

+: control

-: locus of control

S: What type of approach to career building is a conscious career that is not prone to rash decisions?

-: illusionist

+: climber

-: ant

-: collector

-: usurper

S: What type of career approach involves working strictly on specific tasks for fear of making mistakes?

-: illusionist

-: climber

+: ant

-: collector

-: usurper

S: What type of approach to building a career includes relying mainly on oneself in life, moving up the career ladder?

-: illusionist

-: climber

-: ant

-: collector

+: usurper

S: By what indicator is management careers not classified?

-: sequence of positions

-: perspective orientation

+: time of year

-: advance speed.

S: Control business career is

-: incentive to work

+: form of personnel development

-: a type of personnel planning

-: all of the above

S: A career chart is

-: requirements for the results of work of managers and specialists

+: standard route for professional and qualification promotion for each category of managers and specialists

-: job description for each stage of a typical career for managers and specialists

S: Which employees are classified as employees?

+: predominantly mental labor, ensuring management of the production of labor products

-: performing auxiliary functions in production

-: directly involved in the production of goods

-: There is no correct answer.

V3: Career planning and development

S: How is career stage determined:

-: time period of personality development

-: phases of professional development

-: periods of mastery of activities

+: all answers are correct

S: When planning a career, the following types of goals are distinguished:

+: personal, subject, industrial

-: objective, subjective

-: personal, public

-: personal only

S: There are three aspects to the career planning process

+: employee, manager, human resources department

-: employer, employee, assistant manager

-: department human resources, worker, teacher

-: manager, assistant manager, employee

S: What stages does a person go through during his career?

-: preparatory, first, second, third

-: first, second, third, final

+: preliminary, initial, stable work stage, retirement stage

-: stage of stable operation, preparatory, second, final

S: Career Stages (remove redundant)

-: stage of formation

-: save phase

-: completion stage

+: final stage

S: Which stage is not included in the career stages?

-: save phase

-: completion stage

-: stage of formation

+: planning stage

S: What type of goals does not exist when planning a career?

+: collective

-: instrumental

-: subject

S: Which stage includes preparing for work and choosing a field?

+: preliminary,

-: initial,

-: stage of stable operation,

-:retirement stage

S: What stage does mastering a job, developing professional skills include?

-: preliminary,

+: initial,

-: stage of stable operation,

-:retirement stage

S: What stage does professional development belong to?

-: preliminary,

-: initial,

+: stage of stable operation,

-:retirement stage

S: What stage does the transfer of one’s own experience include?

-: preliminary,

-: initial,

-: stage of stable operation,

+:retirement stage

S: What career stage lasts from 25 to 30 years

-: preliminary

-: promotion stage

+: stage of formation

-: save phase

S: What age period does the conservation stage last?

-: up to 25 years

-: from 25 to 30 years

-: from 30 to 45 years

+: from 45 to 60 years

S: What age span does the completion stage last?

-: from 45 to 60 years

-: after 65 years

+: from 60 to 65 years

-: from 30 to 45 years

S: Which section is not included in a personal career life plan?

-: assessment of life situation

+: analysis internal environment enterprises

-: setting personal career goals

-: private goals and activity plans

S: What benefits does career development create for an employee?

+: opportunity to plan professional growth

-: high employee loyalty

-: reduction in staff turnover

-: There is no correct answer.

S: What benefits does career development bring to an organization?

-: the opportunity to plan professional growth

-: job satisfaction

-: no correct answer

+: reduction in staff turnover

S: Managing personnel development in the direction necessary for the organization, characterized by drawing up a plan for employee promotion is called:

-: personnel development

+: career planning

-: career development

-: personnel planning

S: What aspects are not taken into account in the career planning process?

-: worker

-: supervisor

-: human resources department

+: state

S: Which step is not included in career planning management?

-: training a new employee,

-: development of a career development plan

+: dismissal of an employee

-: implementation of a career development plan

S: What does the implementation of a career development plan not depend on?

-: professional and individual development

-: effective partnership with the leader

-: prominent position in the organization

+: weather conditions

S: What is meant by staff turnover:

-: resigned employees

-: number of hired employees

+: movement of labor due to dissatisfaction of the employee or organization

-: There is no correct answer.

S: Business Career Management Activities

-: reduce the employee’s dedication to the interests of the organization

+: increase productivity

-: increase staff turnover

-: do not reveal a person’s abilities.

S: During what period does the process of employee growth and career advancement take place?

-: stage of formation

+: promotion stage

-: save phase

-: preliminary stage

S: What are the rules of business career management?

+: principles of individual behavior for planning and implementing career growth

-: principles of individual behavior in society

-: principles of individual behavior in an organization

-: There is no correct answer.

S: What methods have an indirect nature of managerial influence?

-: administrative

-: statistical

+: economic

V4: Employment technology

S: Ways to find a job include

-: via private services

-: through friends

-: by using civil service employment

+: all answers are correct.

S: What phases can be distinguished in the process of searching for a new job:

-: first and second

-: initial and final

+: active and passive

-: primary and secondary.

S: What is the purpose of the stage of establishing contact with the employer:

+: receiving an invitation to an interview

S: What is the purpose of the interview preparation stage?

+: make a favorable impression on the employer

-: receiving an invitation to a vacant position

-: selection from the offered vacancies

S: What is the purpose of the interview stage?

-: receiving an invitation to an interview

-: make a favorable impression on the employer

+: receiving an invitation to a vacant position

-: selection from the offered vacancies

S: What is the purpose of the decision stage?

-: receiving an invitation to an interview

-: make a favorable impression on the employer

-: receiving an invitation to a vacant position

+: choice from the offered vacancies

S: The purpose of which stage is to preserve contacts in case of a new request

-: decision making stage

-: interview stage

+: stage feedback with managers of other companies

-: stage of preparation for the interview.

S: What method of job search should a job seeker use if he not only wants to find a job, but can also undergo retraining and advanced training completely free of charge?

+: with the help of the public service

-: through private employment services

-: through newspapers and magazines

-: with the help of friends.

S: What is not an advantage of the hidden job market?

-: you have fewer competitors

+: you have more competitors

-: you are more likely to find a job that suits you

-: you have the opportunity to create a new position

S: Before accepting a job offer, you need to evaluate

+: career prospects

-: number of enterprises

-: your physical health

-: the number of competitors the company has

S: What does not apply to proposal evaluation approaches

This test will help determine whether you have the opportunity to make a career and achieve financial well-being through your own natural abilities.

1. What is the easiest way to make money?

a) work hard, be well informed;

b) hope for “grandfather’s” inheritance, seek happiness in the lottery;

c) gradually make a career, going through all the steps up to management, or go into politics.

2. What profit margin do you think would encourage richest people peace to make a deal?

a) from half a million to a million dollars;

b) up to ten million dollars;

c) tens of millions of dollars and more.

3. Which statement do you agree with?

a) than more money, the more fun;

b) money means power;

c) money causes a lot of envy.

4. You know the letter game, where you put a small amount in an envelope, find a victim who also pays, and ultimately your investment is returned to you many times over. What role are you willing to play?

a) not to participate;

b) participate and earn money at the same time;

c) being the initiator of the game.

5. Do you attach importance to being mentioned in the “High Life” section of the chronicle in various cities?

a) I would be very happy about this;

c) they write so much about me.

6. How can you win at the races?

a) risk high stakes;

b) save money by limiting yourself to only attending the races;

c) buy a winning horse.

7. Who do you think has the greatest chance of becoming rich quickly and reliably?

a) director, actor, writer, artist, record-breaking athlete;

b) lawyer, doctor, broker, politician;

c) head of the company, publisher.

8. How do you feel about business between friends?

a) I am ready to lend money to my friends. Someday they will give me a loan;

b) money and friendship are incompatible;

c) I am ready to borrow from friends, but not to give.

9. Be honest. If you managed to become a millionaire, would you enjoy this feeling?

a) of course I would enjoy it;

b) I would demonstrate my pleasure to all those who did not trust me or looked down on me;

10. Where would you invest your millions?

a) in real estate, property. Collection of art objects;

b) in shares and other securities;

c) I will do as my wife (my husband) decides.

11. If you already have a couple of million, will you strive to earn extra?

a) if it’s a small amount, then it’s not necessary, but I won’t refuse a large amount;

b) of course;

c) no, because I have enough.

Processing the results:

Calculate the points according to the table.


From 0 to 16 points. Most best way to get rich for you means to marry successfully, become an heir or win the lottery.

From 18 to 42 points. Wealth comes with hard work for you. Avoid financial speculation. Make a career and take the place of the boss. Even if this does not bring you the desired millions in life, your life will still be secure in a material sense.

From 42 to 66 points. You have the best chance of becoming a millionaire someday. You have a commercial mind and you share money and friendship. You don't intend to.

    You are absolutely not ready to accept failures and do not accept refusals. If you want something, you will achieve it, no matter what the cost. Even the probable loss of friends and family will not stop you, you know for sure that nothing happens in life for nothing, and you have to try very hard to achieve your goals. Losing is the worst punishment for you, and even if the prize is completely uninteresting, you will do everything in your power to get it. Sometimes your lifestyle resembles an ordinary race, competition for the sake of competition, and not for something. On the one hand, this is great, you have almost everything you dreamed of, but on the other hand, you risk becoming lonely at this rate. Maybe the problem is envy? Look at the article, perhaps you will find answers in it why this is happening in your life, and learn to accept yourself as you are.

    You are quite competitive, and you can easily win against almost anyone, but there is one thing - you “turn on” your mind and try to understand why you need this and whether victory in something is really necessary. That is, you give preference to receiving satisfaction from the process itself rather than the result. Therefore, you will not risk something for the sake of feeling superior in something. Only in the most extreme cases, if your dignity is affected and you want to “punish” some upstart. You resolve issues in a completely civilized manner, since you are not one of those people who will go over other people’s heads for the sake of what they want. More prone to constructive solution any questions, such a diplomat by nature. Therefore, I would like to recommend that you look at the article, perhaps some technique will be useful.

    You do not belong to the category of competitive individuals at all., if only because you avoid any kind of competition in every possible way, even in those moments when you feel superior. Either because you don’t want to offend or injure another person, or because your victory should be obvious anyway. In any case, you are generally not considered as a competitor, and sometimes they are simply not noticed, realizing that you will not enter the fight for championship. Although, you know, such behavior is also a manifestation of competition, only hidden, when you don’t have to risk anything, internally rejoicing in case of victory, only there will be no prize, because no one except you knows that you are participating in the struggle knew. Aren't you tired of staying on the sidelines while others get what you dream of? If you are ready to take action, I recommend reading this article

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Slide captions:

TEST on the topic “Career, its types” Compiled by: teacher of the discipline M.A. Khomutova Istra 2017

1. A professional career is: a) the desire to achieve a goal of the degree of complexity that a person considers himself capable of b) quickly achieving fame, success in work or any other activity, material gain, well-being c) highest level professional suitability d) a person’s active achievement of success in professional activities

2.Name the socio-economic factors influencing a professional career: a) supply and demand in the labor market, market conditions, level of wages b) industry, products, territorial location c) profitability, scale of the enterprise, production functions d) professional self-determination, level of aspirations, vocation, gender, age, education, work experience

3. The sphere of formation of demand and supply for labor is called - a) market b) business c) labor d) labor market

4. Methods of finding a job include a) through private services b) through friends c) through the public employment service d) all answers are correct

5. A person’s place in economic relations is primarily characterized by a) his role in the labor process b) his position in property relations c) his participation in business d) all answers are correct

6. A person who works independently and constantly hires one or more persons to work is called: a) state b) employer c) employee d) businessman

7. Determine the type of career that involves professional growth in movement according to the ranks of the tariff scale a) power b) qualification c) status d) monetary

8. When an employee consistently goes through all stages of his professional development within the walls of one organization, this is a career a) intra-organizational b) specialized c) horizontal d) hidden

9. a) stabilizing career b) fading career c) target career

10. a) monotonous career b) stabilizing career c) target career

ANSWERS to the test on the topic “Career, its types” 1 – d 2 – a, c, d 3 – d 4 – d 5 – d 6 – b 7 – b 8 – a 9 – b 10 -a

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