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Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region

Budget educational institution of the Omsk region

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"Omsk State College

management and Professional Technologies »

Department of Management and Economics

Specialty 080501 Management (by industry)

Discipline Personnel Management

Course work

Personnel management at the formation stage of the organization

Allakova Anastasia Altybaevna

MN-31P Group

Leader: Tsyghakov Alertina Aleksandrovna


1. Personnel management tasks at the formation stage of the organization

1.1 Basic Personnel Management Tasks at this stage

1.2 Personnel Service Tasks

1.3 Personnel Strategy

2. Planning the need and calculation of the number of personnel

2.1 Personnel Calculation

2.2 Analysis of the personnel situation in the region

2.3 Analysis of the activities and the formation of candidate evaluation criteria





Each organization understands the events inside and around it only through the representations of people, its components. And, despite the fact that these ideas are usually difficult to explain, they have a decisive influence on the actions that people are taking into different situations.

At the same time, a holistic understanding of the laws of functioning of the organization is almost impossible to be folded, based on the knowledge of the individual characteristics of the individual or the analysis of the activities of individual members of this organization.

The content of personnel management activities is significantly filled with tasks that are solved by the organization at different stages of its development. Those manufacturing processes that go to the organization require its specific personnel provision. Personnel management is intended to provide that personnel resource that is necessary for efficient work Organizations.

The staff is one of the main priorities of the management. Often, "Management" is interpreted precisely as "managing people in the organization", a link between the "interests of the enterprise" and "the interests of man".

In general, the tasks of personnel management at the organization stage of the organization can be reduced to two: how to form the personnel potential of the enterprise and how to make the work of these "frames" productive. The reasons for the dissatisfaction of managers by the work of their subordinates almost always lie in an inadequate solution to one of these tasks.

Each organization takes place in its development 4 of stage: formation, intensive growth, stabilization and crisis. In addition, the organization can be involved in the process of absorption by another organization, or by the initiator of the absorption of any company. In each of these situations, managers should be able to correctly navigate and correctly organize personnel.

purpose term paper - Consider the features of personnel management at the stage of formation of the organization.

1. Describe the main management tasks at this stage.

1. To identify the tasks of the personnel service

2. Analyze the basic methods of candidate evaluation criteria

Research Subject - Personnel Management

Research methods Observation, comparison,

1. Personnel management tasks at the formation stage of the organization

Personnel management is the necessary side of any organization. At each stage of the development of the organization, there are special tasks to managers in personnel. Wow management at the stage of formation of the organization.

The main task at this stage is to find a product that can find your own market, its consumer and ensure a sufficient source of receipt of funds for the organization's existence. However, not always a young organization has sufficient resources to start their business. That is why the issue of searching for the source of investments, methods of attracting funds becomes significant at the formation stage. To this end, the organization should show potential investors the attractiveness of the proposal, the validity of the investment, the likelihood of returning invested funds.

One of the ways, which, on the one hand, can help the leadership itself formulate an idea of \u200b\u200bthe strategy and stages of the organization's development, and on the other hand, to submit a project to potential investors is a business plan.

If it is possible to find a sufficient amount of resources to start work, management faces the problem of personnel and logistics of production. It is necessary to attract new personnel or reorienting part of personnel with the preparation of the project to implement it in production activities.

1.1 The main tasks for managing staff at this stage:

Preparation of the organizational project:

Design of the organizational structure;

Calculation of personnel needs;

Analysis of personnel situation in the region;

Development of a labor incentive system.

Formation of personnel composition:

Analysis of activity and the formation of candidate selection criteria;

Determination of the segment of the labor market, from which it is advisable to carry out a set.

Development of the system and principles of personnel work.

Formation of personnel policy and plan of personnel events;

The formation of the personnel service itself (organizational structure, set of composition);

Development of systems for collecting, storing and using frame information

1.2 Personnel service tasks

Objectives of personnel service - directions of personnel work, an idea of \u200b\u200bworking with personnel, concretized taking into account specific conditions for the existence of the organization.

It should be noted that such personnel service is not 99.9% of the newly created organizations. It is too large for the deficit of funds, too far "fathers - founders" from the formal atmosphere and those tasks that need to be addressed in the field of working with staff to create this kind of unit.

However, the lack of awareness of the need for personnel events does not cancel their natural implementation: within the framework of the business plan, it is necessary to describe the project of the organizational structure, to calculate the need for personnel, provide the calculation of changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the enterprise. It is necessary to calculate costs, including the recruitment, training of personnel, labor payment. To select the place of deployment of the enterprise, the development of payment systems it is necessary to analyze the labor market and the occupational market. For the formation of personnel composition, it is important to formulate requirements for future employees, to find the sources of the least expensive attraction of personnel and adaptation.

However, it is least in the formation stage drawn attention to the creation of the system of working with personnel, the formation of corporate principles, and simply the system of working with personnel documentation. Usually awareness of the need for personnel formalization, definition of personnel work, the creation of information storage systems comes many later, at the moment when the amount of information exceeds conceivable volumes, when something finds becomes a certain problem, and when, unfortunately, personnel information loses its property of information It is impossible to work with it during the preparation and evaluation of management decisions.

1.3 Personnel strategy

The concept of "personnel strategy" is usually covered by a set of basic models, representation and principles that are used in working with personnel of the organization. It is believed that the purpose of the personnel strategy is to ensure the optimal balance of the processes of updating and preserving the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel in its development in accordance with the requirements of the organization itself, requirements current legislation and the state of the labor market.

In relation to the external environment, an organization can implement an open or closed personnel strategy. In the first case, we are talking about the fact that the organization completes its composition (regardless of the level of responsibility) due to external sources. Closed personnel strategy is characteristic of the organizations that make a bet (with the exception of technical positions) solely on internal sources Personnel recruitment.

The main stages of building a personnel strategy include:

formulation general principles and work with personnel in accordance with the goals and values \u200b\u200bof the organization;

programming, including the development of a system of procedures, events and personnel technologies.

Monitoring staff consisting in the implementation of specific measures for the development and use of knowledge, skills and staff skills and evaluating the effectiveness of these measures.

Today we can talk about the institutionalization of the main areas of work with personnel united by the concept of "personnel management". These include the following planning labor resources:

b personnel set

b personnel selection

b development of the stimulation system

b personnel adaptation

b training personnel

b Rating labor activity

b. Career Planning

lE Preparation of Steering Frames

b monitoring the socio-psychological situation and organizing communication within the enterprise.

Each of the above directions can be considered as a special type. professional activity As part of the personnel management as a whole. At the same time, it should be paid to the fact that, depending on the stage of the life cycle and the type of personnel strategy of the organization, this or that direction becomes the leading or most an important form Activities of personnel services. This kind of specification can be observed in connection with the level or depth of planning characteristic of a particular organization.

It is advisable to talk about three different "accents" of personnel management activities, depending on how far the leaders of the organization "look" to the future. Empirically managed to determine the time indicators characteristic of each level of planning: long-term, or strategic, - 3 - 5 years, the medium-term (tactical) - 1--3 years and short-term (operational) - up to 1 year.

As a rule, a long-term (or strategic) planning level in the current political and economic situation in Russia allows very few organizations (according to our research, 6%). The bulk of organizations (up to 75%) is trying to plan work with personnel in the medium term. At the same time, a fairly large number of organizations have time to implement personnel events in the short-term (operational) range.

Since the personnel service is designed to provide the human component of the company, which serves as an important guarantee of the effectiveness of the organization's activities, then among the most significant tasks can be noted:

Helping the company in achieving its goals;

(Efficient use of skill and employee opportunities;

b Ensuring a company with highly qualified and interested employees;

b desire for the most complete satisfaction of employees to their work, to their most complete self-expression;

development and maintenance at a high level of quality of life, which makes the desired work in this firm;

bond management of personnel with all employees;

h help in preserving a good moral climate;

lC movement to the mutual benefit of individuals, enterprise groups, society.

You can select two personnel management structures in the organization:

staff structure - specialists of personnel management departments involved in the development of the principles of working with personnel of the organization, specific programs and organization of personnel events (personnel managers).

linear structure - practitioners practicing specific functions of working with staff during their own management functions (linear managers).

In order to be able to implement various directions of personnel work at the level of specific divisions, personnel management structures create an extensive network

However, for the newly created organization, all this "luxury" of a wide variety of structures and divisions is still not available.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account when designing the personnel management structure.

· The level on which the personnel management is intended to implement.

Or in the organization it will be about the executional level of personnel management, which is usually expressed or in personnel work (documenting labor relations), or in solving certain problems (resolving conflict situations, recruitment), and then we will talk about the level of performers - employees of personnel units (as a rule, the personnel department in the traditional submission).

· Personnel management staff. Even in the largest corporations, no more than 150 people work directly in personnel management services. On average, 1 specialist accounted for 200 busy.

More precisely, the number of employees necessary to fulfill the recruitment and accounting of personnel can be calculated by the formula: (Appendix 1)

It should be borne in mind that there are also national norms for calculating the ratio of the number of employees of personnel services and personnel. Thus, in Russia, one employee of the personnel service accounts for 50 to 100 people, in Germany - 130 - 150 people, in France - 130, in the US - 100, in Japan - 40 people.

3. The main tasks solved by the personnel management service.

As a particular, the content of the activities of personnel management services allocate the following tasks:

Solution of staff problems (set, selection, orientation, assessment, discipline) - 33%;

Compensation and benefits - 28, 5%;

Training, advanced training - 1%;

Labor relations - 10%.

2 . Number planning and calculationpersonala

Personnel needs planning is part of the overall planning process in the organization. Ultimately, successful personnel planning is based on the knowledge of answers to the following questions:

how many employees, what kind of qualification, when and where it is necessary;

how can you attract the necessary and reduce or optimize the use of excessive personnel;

how best to use personnel in accordance with its abilities, skills and internal motivation;

how to ensure the conditions for the development of personnel;

what costs will require planned events.

Obviously, an assessment of the organization's needs in personnel may be quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative assessment is based on the analysis of the alleged organizational structure (control levels, the number of divisions, distribution of responsibility), the requirements of the production technology (what is the form of the organization of joint activities of the performers), the marketing plan (in line of commissioning of the enterprise, the phase of exploration of production), and the forecast of quantitative changes Characteristics of personnel (taking into account, for example, changes in technology). At the same time, of course, information about the number of completed vacancies is important.

High-quality assessment of the staff of the personnel seems to be a more complex view of the forecast, since it is followed by an analysis similar to the targets of quantitative assessment, should take into account value orientations, the level of culture and education, the professional skills and the ability of that personnel, which is necessary for the organization. Of particular difficulty is the assessment of the need for managerial personnel. In this case, it is necessary to take into account at least, the possibilities of personnel to determine the rational operational and strategic goals of the enterprise and implement the formation of optimal management decisions that ensure the achievement of these goals.

An important point is to develop an organizational and financial plan of staffing, which includes:

the development of the program to attract personnel;

b development or adaptation of candidate assessment methods;

the calculation of financial costs for attracting and evaluating staff;

b implementation of evaluation measures;

the development of personnel development programs;

evaluation of costs for the implementation of personnel development programs.

2.1 Calculation of the number of personnel

The calculation of the number of personnel may be current, or operational, and long-term, or promising.

The initial data for determining the necessary number of workers and their professional and qualifying composition are: a production program, the production standards, planned growth in improving labor productivity and work structure.

The overall need of an enterprise in working personnel is determined by the following formula: (Appendix 2)

More specific calculations are usually produced separately in the following categories:

· Operator workers (taking into account the complexity of products, the working time fund, the level of performance of norms);

· Boardwriters (taking into account the fixed zones and labor-intensity of work, the norms of the number of personnel, the complexity of normalized tasks, the working time fund);

· Pupils (taking into account the need for the preparation of new working and planning time limits);

· Attendants (focusing on typical norms and staff schedule).

Additional framework it is a distinction between the overall need and the presence of personnel at the beginning of the settlement period.

The overall need of an enterprise in specialists and employees (A) is determined by the formula (Appendix 3)

Enterprise development (scientifically substantiated determination of the growth of posts due to increasing production): (Appendix 4)

Partial replacement of practitioners temporarily occupying positions: (Appendix 5) Reimbursement of the natural disposal of employees who occupy the posts of specialists and managers (evaluation of demographic indicators of personnel composition, mortality accounting, etc.);

Accounting for vacant posts based on approved states, taking into account the expected disposal of employees:

The long-term calculation of the needs in specialists is carried out when it comes to the depth of planning for a period of more than three years.

Saturation coefficient determined by the ratio of the number of specialists for 1 thousand employees or 1 billion rubles. Production volume: (Appendix 6)

2.2 Analysis of personnel situation in the region

Analysis of the personnel situation in the region is especially important at the stage of formation of the organization and is essential primarily for design and business planning purposes. The main result of the analysis is the allocation of the labor market segments in the region.

It is necessary to collect and analyze information about:

b main professional age groups;

b regional market professions;

b educational institutions, producing and reconcilifying specialists;

b demographic situation and demographic forecast;

n national and cultural features of residents of the region.

Conducting the analysis of the main professional age groups, it is necessary to keep in mind the characteristic features, internally inherent in one or another strategy. So, for young workers, features associated with the beginning of a career and willingness to master modern professions are characteristic. On the one hand, the beginning of the career is the insufficiency of practical skills, and on the other, is a large emotional involvement in the work process. In the same way, the lack of stereotypes blocking the introduction of a new one are positive in orientation to modern professions, but the same orientation may be a disadvantage, if we are talking about the implementation of traditional schemes and behavior in the organization. Among the middle-aged workers who meet a number of requirements, it makes sense to select managers.

The result of the analysis of the regional market of professions should be quantitative and qualitative indicators in the following major categories of employees:

little layer of non-physical workers;

b lower bed of non-physical labor workers;

h top layer of physical labor workers;

b lower layer of physical labor workers;

b Farmers and agricultural workers.

personnel management Personnel Management

Analysis of the wage level by category It is advisable to base not only on the data of official statistics available in the region, but also on the results of special sociological studies and content analysis of the press materials. The same refers to the assessment of the level of employment in categories and information on educational institutions engaged in the preparation, retraining and advanced training of specialists, taking into account the level of educational institution, its specialization, the volume of production and quality of training.

Evaluation of the demographic situation in the region and the demographic forecast is based on: population population, age structure of the region, assessing the natural population growth, birth rate, migration level.

For some regions and specialized organizations, it is important to analyze the national and cultural characteristics of the inhabitants of the region, in which such characteristics would be taken into account, such as:

b traditional areas of professional activities for residents of the region;

lifestyle features related to religious or religious rites, climatic living conditions, etc.;

b freedom or traditionalness in choosing young profession people;

b average age of the beginning of independent employment;

b Middle age of creating a family;

b traditions in family life (in particular, it is customary to work his wife, the average number of children in the family, whether young families live separately).

2.3 Analysis of the activities and formation of candidate assessment criteria

Objectives and Stages Analysis

Analysis of activity should give answers to the following questions:

b what time is it necessary for the employee to perform the main production transactions;

b What industrial operations can be grouped into a more general concept of the workplace;

b how to organize a workplace in such a way as to increase productivity;

b What is the optimal mode for this workplace;

such characteristics (features) must have an employee for performing this production operation;

how information obtained as a result of the workplace analysis can be used to create the personnel management program.

The following stages of analysis and design (rationalization) of the workplace can be distinguished

· Analysis of the structure of the organization and place of each workflow in it

· Determining the objectives of the RM analysis, how information about it will be used

· Choosing a RM analysis method and its use in order to collect the necessary data

· Description RM.

· Creation of the PM Specification

· Use of information for designing PM

· Use of information to form criteria for evaluating candidates for work as

· Evaluation and implementation of the draft modified PM

The results of the analysis of jobs can be used during the implementation of the following personnel programs:

Description of the workplace

Presentation of the essence of the workflow, duties of the employee and its degree of responsibility, information about working conditions

Compilation of catalog requirements

The main material for drawing up a catalog of claims for one position or other is the results of interviews with managers who have sufficient experience in the organization.

Various standard descriptive circuits are used as an auxiliary methodological base for interviews. One of the similar schemes is shown below.

1. Functional requirements:

• management and management;

b Communication;

b profession.

2. Qualification requirements:

h management techniques;

b experience leadership (experience in positions, work experience

b supervisor, work experience in the organization);

b Professional knowledge (level of training, duration and quality of education).

3. Organizational requirements.

b is determined by the style of the manual. First of all, it depends on the type of organization and from the method of incorporating an employee in organizational activities.

the results of the assessment allow you to draw up a profile of requirements for a particular position.


At the formation stage, the most important issues of designing the organizational structure, the calculation of the need for personnel, an analysis of the activities and the formation of criteria for assessing candidates for work has been. At this stage, issues of formation of personnel strategy, personnel service and storage and work system and working with personal information are important, that is, personnel documentation. It should be noted that organizations often neglect these events, motivating this by the priority position of other tasks, which is illegally.

Performance performance with personnel should be developed in all areas of work with staff and be relevant for the company as long as possible, in order to make objective conclusions about the effect of indicators on each other and simulate future situation situations.

If the company turns out to be in the crisis situation, the head of the company must remember that investing in personnel is a serious financial resource that can afford and profit and losses. Thus, analyzing performance indicators in all areas of personnel management activities, their influence on each other for a certain period of time, the head can use the information received in the company's crisis for the company's effective management decisions.

In the crisis situation or the situation of the recession, the company's head can also obtain data on the necessary (optimal) number of personnel in the context of a decrease in production volumes (services provided). Having calculated the number of personnel, which will be released as a result of a decline in the volume of products (services provided), the personnel manager will be able to prepare a personnel release program, calculate the necessary budgets to implement these programs, calculate the cost of risks when implementing these programs.

Timely adoption of management decisions on the basis of this indicator allows the company to significantly reduce costs and optimally use their own resources.

The productivity indicator is an important indicator in determining the staff of the company's staff and the development of personnel programs (increase / reduction of the state).

Having considered as an example only two indicators of the effectiveness of personnel management work, it is possible to highlight the main problem areas and the ways to solve them. However, in real practice, this is not enough, since, having data only on two indicators cannot be analyzed all the problems.

To effectively assess the state of affairs in personnel management, the manager needs to analyze indicators for all aspects of activity and analyze in many factors. How to choose exactly the indicators that will provide the leadership of the most complete and meaningful information on the effectiveness of personnel management.

The first approach can be in conducting an expert development of such a list. As a rule, professional consultants are invited to help leadership to conduct a strategic session and using information received from top managers, and their own knowledge and experience help develop an optimal set of criteria, meaningful for the company and relevant to its development stage.

Another approach lies in the selection of indicators experimentally. In order to develop initially redundant list of indicators and over time, tracking their informativeness, to form that set that will be optimal for the company.

Regardless of how the list of indicators will be formed, the head is important to remember: any indicators system only then brings the effect when it is regularly analyzed, and management decisions are taken on its basis. Only then an assessment of the effectiveness of personnel management at the organization's formation stage will help the company to respond to changes in the internal and external environment.


1. More accurate number of employees needed to perform work on recruitment and accounting

H \u003d T1 * K1 / FP

Where T1 is the total labor-intensity of the costs calculated by typical standards per year (quarter), h;

K1 - the number of personnel;

FP - Fund of remuneration.

2. The overall need of an enterprise in working personnel is determined by the following formula: H \u003d OP: B, where OP is the volume of production; B - Development on 1 working.

3. The overall need of an enterprise in specialists and employees (A) is determined by the Formula A - CS + D, where the emergency is determined by the number of specialists in the industry, the region at the beginning of the planned period; D - additional need for specialists.

The calculation of the DP in experts and employees includes:

4. Development of an enterprise (scientifically based determination of the growth of posts in connection with the increase in production): DP = - Apul - AB, where the APL is a common need for specialists in the planned period; AB is the general need of specialists in the base period;

5. Particular replacement of practitioners temporarily occupying experts: DP \u003d Appl-KV, where kV - the disposal ratio of specialists (practice shows that it is 2 ... 4% of the total number per year);

6. Saturation coefficient determined by the ratio of the number of specialists for 1 thousand employees or 1 billion rubles. Production volume: A \u003d ChR-KN, where the Czech Republic - average number Working, KN is a regulatory saturation ratio by experts.


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23. Materials of the site

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Evaluation of personnel activities helps determine the effectiveness of the execution of a particular work of the employee, allows you to establish the compliance of the performance indicators to the established requirements. In addition, the evaluation process helps to identify how individual problems Employee and general, characteristic of the whole team (department or company).

Problem 1.How to develop criteria for staff assess?

Problem 2.Who should take part in the development of evaluation criteria?

Problem 3. What are the requirements of the evaluation criteria?

The assessment of the staff helps determine the effectiveness of the execution of a particular work of the employee, allows you to set the compliance of the working indicators to the established requirements. In addition, the evaluation process helps to identify both the individual problems of the employee and the general, characteristic of the whole team (department or company). But most managers are difficult when evaluating their subordinates. This is due to the lack of clear, unambiguous and aimed at the result of the activities of the evaluation criteria. Sometimes this leads to the adoption of some managerial decisions under the influence of personal sympathies, as well as problems associated with a non-working system of encouragements, with low disciplines of employees. To make such problems, it is important to determine when developing an employee assessment system, on the basis of what criteria will be evaluated.

What criteria exist?

The evaluation criteria are divided according to different grounds, among which the following groups can be distinguished:

· Corridge criteria (applied to all employees of the company, for example: timeliness, completeness of the fulfillment of duties, etc.) and specialized criteria (i.e., corresponding to a certain workplace, type of activity);

· Quantitative criteria (assessment based on results achieved) and qualitative criteria (individual characteristics of the employee and quality of work);

· Objective criteria (standards, quality and performance standards, which can be installed almost for any work) and subjective criteria (indicators and characteristics that are evaluated on the basis of opinions and estimates of experts);

· Integral and simple criteria. If, when evaluating in one indicator, information obtained as a result of the evaluation of various characteristics of work and working behavior is taken into account, then such an indicator is an integral criterion. If separate aspects of work or working behavior are evaluated, such as performance levels or lack of delays to work, these indicators can be considered as simple criteria.

The choice of specific evaluation criteria depends on the categories of evaluated employees and from how the results obtained are intended.

HR-A Dictionary

Criteria for evaluation- These are key parameters (workers, behavioral, personal indicators and characteristics), according to which the effectiveness of the employee's activities is estimated. The evaluation criteria determine how each function and each action should be performed to meet the requirements of the company and customers.

Observe the sequence in the development of criteria

The algorithm of action when developing criteria is as follows:

1. We define a group of posts for which criteria will be developed (according to professional signs);

2. Reveal significant factors of activity for these groups;

3. We estimate the criteria at the following points:

Are the selected criteria are really important;

Do you have enough information to evaluate the selected criteria;

4. Describe the criteria. You can give a description of only the criterion itself or in relation to the score scale;

5. We group and make the ranking of the criteria (that is, we determine the weight of the factors affecting the result of the activity). This is necessary in order to divide the main and auxiliary performance of the employee.

Boris Beltinov, head of WORK SERVICE (Moscow) personnel selection service:

"When developing evaluation criteria, the specificity of the activity, the market segment (sales, production), goals and objectives, that is, what we want to get from staff assessment. In addition, it is necessary to determine which criteria will be priority, for example, to the basic criteria for estimating linear personnel include: quality of work (no errors, fulfillment of customer service standards), the amount of work performed, discipline, loyalty. "

We propose to consider the use of an action algorithm on the example of developing criteria for trading personnel.

We define the groups of posts.In our example, this will be a salesman and sales assistant.

Determine the factors of activity Significant for this group of posts. For example, the scope of work performed, the quality of the work performed, professional knowledge (knowledge of goods and services, company standards when working with clients, work with clients' objections), discipline, loyalty, oral communications, ability to control emotions, the ability to listen,, creative abilities, guidelines Skills, ability to arrange priorities.

We estimate the criteria. As a rule, many executives try to determine as much significant factors as possible to assess the staff, believing that in this case the assessment will be the most complete. But in fact, everything is far from wrong. Evaluation in all possible factors takes a lot of time and as a result, the results are obtained blurred. To avoid this, it is necessary to evaluate the selected criteria, that is, to determine which criteria are most important, and what extra - this will save strength and time when evaluating staff. To do this, we recommend to make a table (see below).

Determination of the importance of criteria for trading personnel


High importance

Average importance

Low importance



Quality of work performed

Volume of work performed

Professional knowledge

Guiding skills


Ability to control emotions

Ability to arrange priorities

Ability to solve complex situations

The ability to listen

Oral communications

We revealed that such criteria such as creative abilities, the ability to arrange priorities and leadership skills, are not important when evaluating these posts and on evaluation on them should be refused. Thus, we have identified the criteria for which the assessment will be carried out: discipline, loyalty, volume and quality of work performed, professional knowledge, oral communications and skill listening, the ability to control emotions and solve complex situations.

Describe the criteria.Consider the description of the criteria in relation to the score scale. We also recommend making a table (see page 94-95).

Scale Estimating some criteria


Description of the criterion

3 points
(complies with the requirements)

2 points (not always matched

1 point
(does not comply with the requirements)


Working time does not spend on foreign affairs. Missing skips at work

Comes to work on time. Is rarely absent, and if it happens, then for a valid reason

Not always punctual, sometimes forgets to warn

Often absent or late, and does not inform the leader


Is respectful attitude to the organization

Satisfied with what works in the organization does not respond bad about the company and colleagues

Does not always feel part of the organization, avoids publicly expressing discontent, but sometimes it does not restrain negative emotions in relation to the company

Negatively refers to the organization, pursues their personal goals, criticizes the company and colleagues

Quality of work performed

Work is performed without errors, carefully and carefully. Compliant standards for working with clients

Quality meets the requirements, errors are rare, and if there is, then minor and corrected independently

Work is performed qualitatively, but there are errors, sometimes you have to check

Low work quality, constant errors, require constant checks

Volume of work performed

The work is performed in the planned volume.

Works fast, performs planned indicators or more than scheduled

It works slowly, you need to "customize"

Works slowly. Does not cope with the planned volume

Professional knowledge

The employee has the knowledge necessary for this position.

Well understands his duties, knowledge corresponds to the work performed, rarely require explanations from the head

Not always enough knowledge, many working questions need to additionally explain

There is not enough knowledge to fulfill duties. Poorly understands his work

Ability to control emotions

Ability to keep yourself in hand in stressful situations

It works well both in the usual and stressful situation, always retacuits and positive attitude to work and customers

Smooth, calm attitude to work and colleagues, as well as customers. Tries to restrain himself in a difficult situation

Permanent discontent and unfriendly attitude towards colleagues and customers create tensions. Uneven emotional behavior

Ability to solve complex situations

The ability to make decisions and independently find a way out of the current situation.

Self knows how to find
Exit a difficult situation. Always makes decisions within its competence and is responsible for them

Prefers not to make decisions independently, to solve this or that difficult situation often asks the Council of the Head

Avoids to make decisions and respond to them, independent solutions to complex situations only aggravate

The ability to listen

The ability to correctly hear and understand the information

Listens carefully, does not interrupt, knows how to ask clarifying questions

Carefully listening to what he is told, and seeks to understand

Not listening,
often interrupts. If something
I did not understand, it does not specify, but adds its own interpretation

Oral communications

The ability to express your thoughts accurately and clear

Very well sets out his thoughts, knows how to convince himself argument

Knows how to clarify its position, but sometimes there are difficulties in order to logically prove their point of view

With difficulty sets out his thoughts, it is offended, if you begin to ask clarifying questions, it is offended, thinking that he does not understand him

Grouping and ranking criteria. In our example it will look like this:

The volume and quality of work, professional knowledge will be included in the criteria group - the fulfillment of the main job duties. Loyalty and discipline - attitude to work. Oral communications, ability to control emotions, the ability to listen - Communicative skills.

Ranking criteria will look like this.

Performing basic duties. Among them:

· 1 - Professional knowledge;

· 2 - quality of work;

· 3 - work volume.

· Relationship to work, among them:

· 1 - discipline;

· 2 - loyalty;

· 3 - the ability to solve complex situations.

· Communicative skills, among them:

· 1 - oral communications;

· 2 - ability to control emotions;

· 3 - Listen to the ability.

Natalia Maleeva, director of Human Resources Company M.Video (Moscow):

"Since our company is developing dynamically, the need to refine both the criteria and the assessment procedure appears. It happens, as a rule, as follows:

A working group is formed, which includes key retail management staff (the best managers of sections, director of stores, controlling the region) and representatives of the commercial directorate responsible for the growth of sales of certain goods in stores.

The purpose of the working group is determined. For example, one of the criteria for evaluating the seller of our stores is knowledge of technology. In this case, the goal of the Working Group is to determine which categories of goods occupy a large share of sales in the department, technically complex products, news of the season, as well as to highlight categories that have become irrelevant or output from the range of stores. Based on this information, the percentage ratio of the number of issues to each of the categories will be formed. In addition, it is determined whether the seller should be known thoroughly specifications Or just own information on the functionality of the goods and its use in everyday life. "

Who should participate in the development of criteria?

The evaluation criteria can be developed by the head and personnel officer either in conjunction with employees who fulfill the appropriate work. In the first case, it is important that the linear leader participates in the development of criteria, since it is he who puts goals to an employee and evaluates the results of the work. The joint development of the criteria of the direct supervisor together with the staff has its advantages. First, the criteria will also be understood for both the head, and for employees, secondly, they will more comply with the peculiarities of the specific work, thirdly, will reflect, consider the conditions and content of the work and will finally be accepted by employees. But it should be noted that the final decision manager accepts after discussion of the developed criteria with the highest leadership and personnel service specialists. Remember that the overall recognition and awareness of the evaluation criteria is necessary, so before the meeting, each participant needs to be explained what evaluation criteria are why they are important and how to be used in the process of assessing the employee's activities.

Olga Svevaysheva teacher of the Center "Specialist" with MSTU them. AD Bauman, Candidate of Law Sciences (Moscow):

"IN project group The leaders of different levels and specialists must be included, whose task is to fill the proposed forms (for example, formulate goals for employees for a certain period and criteria for their achievement). The main thing in the development of criteria is to remember the connection of the company's strategy with the goals and the planned results of specific divisions and each employee. "

Do not neglect the description of the criteria. This will serve as a tool to achieve a single understanding and will act as a "dictionary" of the terms of the term.

What documents do you need to have a personnel assessment criteria?

The development of personnel criteria should be based on one or more of the following documents: the company's strategic plan, clearly prescribed business processes, mission and goals of the company, job descriptions, standards and regulations of work and so on.

It is necessary to focus on what is really important for a particular position, and determine the acceptable minimum of tasks and results that must be achieved.

Svetlana Nikitina, senior Account Manager Consulting Group "Consort", Member of the Association of Personnel Consultants (Moscow):

"First of all, a copy of the official instructions of employees is needed to develop criteria. It is extremely important here that evaluation indicators correspond to the content of the work, for this it is worth checking how the functions performed meets the job instructions. Also, a general development strategy and the form of evaluating employee are used to form an assessment criteria. In addition, documents are used in which official functions are recorded, they may be called: functional responsibilities, job responsibilities, functional tasks. Job responsibilities may be included in the job description in which the employee's powers determine. "

It is important to have sufficient information to evaluate the selected criteria, that is, it should be possible to compare the activities of employees relative to the established standards of work in the company.

Requirements that must meet the criteria

After the evaluation criteria are written, it is necessary to determine whether they comply with certain requirements. So, the criteria should:

1. Being achievable, which is necessary to perform work.

2. To be objective and reasonable and not depend on who performs them (that is, it should be designed for a particular position, and not for a person).

3. Inform the employee about which specific actions and results are expected from it.

4. Compliance with the content of the work.

5. Move the employee to achieve the best results.

6. Compliance with the objectives of the organization.

7. Available and clearly linked to the most important characteristics of working behavior and (or) the most important results of work.

8. For sale dynamic, that is, it should develop and adapt to existing changes in the company.

Olga Novikova, deputy General Director for Human Resources Synthesis N "(Moscow):

"Very often, the middle rank is not enough knowledge for assessing the personnel subordinate to him. This leads to subjectivism and bias, a formal approach and violation of the frequency of assessment activities. This problem can be solved by appointing personnel department responsible for the entire evaluation process in the organization. That is, the department will not only participate in the development of the evaluation system, but also to monitor the compliance of the regulations and the deadlines of the estimates. In addition, I recommend to develop motivational schemes for managers, including an assessment of mid-level managers in terms of working with personnel. An important role is also played by the system training managers of personnel management, which must initiate and organize the personnel department. Special attention should be paid to explanatory work among middle managers on personnel management, which is constantly carried out by the head of the HR service. "

Clear evaluation criteria help the manager, and the staff to understand what is expected from their work. This understanding provides the basis for establishing feedback, makes it possible to assess personal perspectives, contributes to the effective activity of each employee. In addition, the criteria make it possible to determine how workers are suitable for organizations and how much the organization meets the expectations of the employee. Thus, the evaluation criteria will help to assess the contribution of the employee to achieve the objectives of the organization, which makes it possible to leadership to make faithful administrative decisions.

  • Staff assessment, assessment


1 -1

Personal evaluation criteria are a system of key parameters that allow objectively and accurately assess the effectiveness of employees. Estimated criteria help to determine how each production function should be performed, which requirements it should be answered and what should be its end result should be. Comparing the given and actual indicators, the head can draw conclusions about the effectiveness of both individual employees and groups of workers.

The question of monitoring staff is especially relevant when the company is experiencing a number of situations:

  1. the occurrence of personnel turnover;
  2. lack of analytical system management mechanisms;
  3. substantial change or personnel structure;
  4. participation in the emergence of conflict situations between employees;
  5. increasing the number of complaints on working conditions;
  6. the absence of employees, the desire to perform their work well (using an incorrect encourage system);
  7. changing the organizational scheme of the enterprise, updating the control apparatus;
  8. reducing the discipline of employees;
  9. significant changes in the company.

Practice shows that any company in the process of its development faces several of the listed circumstances, which slow down the promotion of strategic goals. Evaluation of staffing is a tool that helps to keep the specified pace of business plan.

Development of criteria for staff assessment

A significant part of the leaders is experiencing certain difficulties in assessing their team. Typically, difficulties are associated with the lack of a system of clear, unambiguous criteria that would describe the functionality of each position of the staffing of the organization. As a result, the evaluation of the employee is often formed on the basis of personal sympathy, which, of course, does not benefit the quality of production tasks.

What are the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of employees

Estimated standards can be divided into several large groups:

  1. corridge - this is a group of criteria applicable to all employees, regardless of the level and specifics of the position being held: punctuality, fulfillment of duties;
  2. specialized - designed for certain types of activities or posts: for example, for sales manager it is important to have a high level of sociability, and for an accountant, this criterion has no significant value;
  3. quantitative criteria - an assessment of the results achieved by an employee;
  4. objective criteria - compliance with professional activity requirements of standards, quality regulations, productivity volumes;
  5. subjective criteria - evaluation of characteristics and indicators by experts;
  6. simple norms - evaluate certain aspects of labor activity or labor behavior, for example, discipline;
  7. integral criteria - consider the combination of various characteristics.

The choice of a specific set of employee assessment criteria depends on which categories of employees are intended to evaluate and how the management intends to use the results obtained.

Having defined a list of priorities for the analytical process of criteria, it is necessary to make sure that they comply with certain requirements:

  1. reachability: The level of requirements imposed on the employee must be actually fulfilled;
  2. objectivity and validity: standards are developed for office, and not for its occupying person;
  3. compliance of the content of activity: It is impossible to include in the list of criteria that assess aspects that are not related to the functionality of the employee;
  4. informativeness and motivation: understandable, accessible to study, the system of indicators stimulates employees to improve the quality of work, and vice versa, employees will not be able to and will not strive to improve the indicators that they are unknown or incomprehensible;
  5. compliance with the main characteristics of labor behavior and the most important results of the analyzed activities;
  6. flexibility: the evaluation criteria system should adapt as internal or external environment companies;
  7. privacy: Verification results must be known only to the employee and authorized personsThe public discussion of the data obtained often creates a voltage in the team.

The system of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of employees is developed by personnel service specialists and leadership. In some cases, linear leaders and ordinary employees can be involved in this work.

The joint development of valuation standards has its advantages. First, the system drawn up by joint efforts will be understood not only to the highest management, but also to employees, and this, as we have already mentioned, is of great importance for the level of motivation. In addition, linear employees are better dealing in the nuances of the work performed than the top level managers, therefore, the criteria will fully reflect the nature of the conditions and content of individual production processes.

Taking into account the opinion of the staff, the head discovers the system of indicators with experts and personnel specialists, and then takes the final decision on approving or refining the initial list.

Objectives, tasks, staff assessment objects

Experts allocate several main objectives for assessing employees:

  • administrative - various administrative decisions may be taken on the basis of the assessment results: promotion or downgrades; training; translation to another, more appropriate work; termination of the employment contract;
  • information goal - all interested participants receive reliable information that helps leadership to make faithful personnel solutions, and employees - increase the effectiveness of their labor;
  • motivational goal - from a psychological point of view, the fact of assessment itself is a powerful motivational tool; In addition, adequate requirements and criteria for staff assessment will stimulate performance growth.

Evaluation tasks:

  • identification of the functional role of the employee estimated at the current moment and in perspective: the probability of promotion in service, professional growth;
  • determination of possible ways to develop business qualities, skills, knowledge; determination of the feasibility of expenses for additional training of this employee;
  • determining the degree of compliance of the wage level of established requirements (criteria);
  • establishing feedback channel between the head and employee for organizational, professional and other issues;
  • providing an employee of information about the level and qualitative characteristics of its labor.

Object and Subject of Evaluation

The subject of personnel assessment is the personal qualities of the employee, the labor process and the effectiveness of labor activity.

Assessment objects are those who are assessed: individual employees; link or brigade; The group combined with a common feature is the nature of the position, etc.

Subjects of evaluation are persons responsible for the preparation of criteria for evaluating the work of personnel and the implementation of an analytical event:

  • linear leaders are responsible for the completeness and objectivity of the information base required for the correct assessment, the primary evaluation conversations are carried out;
  • specialists of the Human Resource Management Service, together with the management of the Company, account for a system of evaluation criteria and quantitative performance indicators;
  • colleagues and colleagues that can evaluate business and personal qualities of the verifiable, based on the practical experience of daily interaction;
  • persons who are not directly related to the audited activity or employee are independent experts, specialists of the personnel assessment center.

All subjects can be divided into formal and informal. The first group includes managers and specialists of personnel service, which are endowed with the right to make managerial and administrative decisions based on the results of an employee's assessment. Informal assessment subjects are those participants whose opinion is the nature of additional information: independent experts, colleagues, customers.

Classification of factors subjected to evaluation

  1. naturally biological factors - gender, age, physical data, intellectual abilities of the employee, the climatic features of the region in which the employee works, seasonality;
  2. socio-economic factors - the level of economic economy / region, legal restrictions and requirements for labor activities and the formation of wages, employee qualifications, the level of motivation, the degree of social security of the employee;
  3. technical and organizational factors - the nature of the tasks being solved, the complexity of labor, the peculiarities of the organization of production, sanitary, ergonomic, aesthetic working conditions, the volume of the available employee of information, the level of used technical techniques and equipment;
  4. socio-psychological factors - the subjective attitude of the employee to work, the moral and psychological climate in the team, the psychophysiological state of the employee.
  5. market factors - the level of development of the economy and entrepreneurship, the peculiarities of pricing, the level of bankruptcy of enterprises in the country, the rate of inflation, the problem of unemployment.

Personal evaluation criteria

Those or other criteria can characterize both general, fair for all employees and specific labor standards, which are developed taking into account the characteristics of a particular employment function.

What qualities need to be considered when evaluating labor

Evaluating staff, any organization chooses criteria for four major groups:

  • professional qualities - these criteria make it possible to draw up a characteristic of professional skills, skills, experience, knowledge, qualifications necessary for the effective performance of work;
  • evaluation of business qualities - initiative, punctuality, responsibility, organization;
  • moral and psychological aspects - honesty, objectivity, self-esteem ability, stress resistance;
  • specific criteria are of particular importance in the evaluation of employees who occupy key posts: personal features, the level of authority among colleagues, health status.

Making a list of criteria, it is necessary to rank them from the most important to insignificant, find out what information about labor process Available for study and evaluation, and then grouped the selected criteria for a common feature. For maximum efficiency and clarity of the results obtained, it is desirable to make an assessment scale from "bad" to "flawless" with any convenient position.

We give an example of describing some criteria.

  1. Quality of work - performed carefully or with minor errors, the elimination of which does not require the intervention of the head:
    - high level of accuracy of operations performed; does not require constant control; almost always copes without the help of the head;
    - accuracy above the specified level; Errors allow for rarely; It has a good knowledge of instructions and standards; The need for assistance of the head is insignificant;
    - the quality of work corresponds to the necessary standards;
    - admits negligent attitude towards work, laughter; Sometimes you have to accompany or check the work;
    - unsatisfactory work quality; Requires constant attention of the head.
  2. Scope of work:
    - an energetic, a distiller officer who constantly performs more than expected from him according to the standards of his position;
    - an effective worker who often performs additional work;
    - the employee consistently performs scheduled volumes of work;
    - evaluated performs standards only under the control of the manager;
    - The employee is slowly, does not cope with the specified pace and the level of development.
  3. Discipline - the number of passes is minimally, they are always or almost always agreed in advance, in working time There is no habit of being distracted from the employment process:
    - at work is always on time, reliable, does not require control;
    - There is no rare at work, always agrees the pass or late with the direct supervisor;
    - not always accurate, sometimes reports about its absence at the last moment;
    - Neglecting punctuality, skipping work, forgets to notify the leader.
  4. Loyalty to the organization / Department - degree of respect:
    - proud to the organization to the organization, well knows her; Always baked on the interests of the enterprise, it does not allow themselves to be public negative statements, even if there are any foundations for them;
    - the employee perceives the company in positive key; does not allow yourself a grill or non-constructive criticism to the enterprise, leadership, colleagues;
    - Satisfied with his role and labor life in the company; avoids discussing leadership, colleagues, production process in a negative key;
    - does not consider himself part of the company; Sometimes it allows themselves to publicly express discontent in relation to the enterprise or individual aspects of labor;
    - It is not interested in the company's goals, it allows themselves to unconventively criticize colleagues, managers, processes both during working hours and outside the company.

A clear description of the criteria will significantly simplify the assessment, increases the objectivity of the results, and in addition, eliminates the linear manager from claims on the unfair accrual of premiums: all members of the link or divisions can see visual quantitative indicators for key standards of labor.

Evaluation of labor results

When evaluating the performance of labor, it is customary to use two groups of standards:

  • direct indicators (they are also called quantitative) - these coefficients are easily measured, are established in advance, one lending quantitative estimates are used to determine the degree of realization of the tasks;
  • indirect indicators - allow the characterization of factors that have an indirect effect on achieving production purposes; Indirect criteria are not quantified as a quantitative assessment, since they are based on ideal ideas about the implementation of the labor function under consideration, it is impossible to achieve the level of these ideas in practice.

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of employees of the governing service and narrow specialists

Assessment of any category of employees may cause certain difficulties, however, to assess the effectiveness of managers and specialists with specific activities is much more complicated than to evaluate the results of linear employees.

List of indicators for some key positions:

  1. supreme leader: profit growth, profitability of production, increase in market share, product competitiveness, high capital turnover indicators;
  2. linear leader (manufacturer, director of sales point, shop master): implementation of planned volumes, decline production costs, product quality indicators, production dynamics, flow rate of personnel, reduction of downtime in operation, improving labor productivity;
  3. head of Service human resources: Increased labor productivity, wage level per unit of output; Reduced personnel in personnel; the number of applicants for the proposed vacancy, the number of vacancies, the level of personnel costs, the quality of training personnel;
  4. head of the Financial Department: Profitability Dynamics, Capital Outpravability Coefficient, the availability of the reserve of working capital over the norm.

Stages of evaluation of employees

The main acting person in the process of assessing the team is the linear leader who is responsible for ensuring the completeness and objectivity of the information base, and also conducts conversations with employees.

The main task of the personnel service is high-quality selection: it is necessary to choose from the candidate's applicants, who is able to achieve the level of performance company supplied. Assessment of admission to work is one of the first steps of quality control.

Preparatory stage

At the preparation stage, it is necessary to put specific goals that are planned to be achieved by evaluating personnel:

  • determining the level of qualifications and need to implement training programs;
  • revision of the remuneration distribution system;
  • forming a personnel reserve, drawing up a plan for promoting workers by vertical and horizontal;
  • improving labor efficiency.

The next step is to determine the participants in the process: to distribute who and whom should evaluate, approve the circle of persons with access to familiarization with the results. Then choose the rating period: it can be a calendar month with piecework of labor or a period of time corresponding to the business process cycle.

At the end of the preparatory period, the list of assessment methods that we will talk to just below are determined.

Second Stage: Evaluation Process

Approve the participants, the methodology and criteria for assessing staff activities, it is necessary to take care of the documentation of the results. At the same time, it is important to contribute not only to successful, but also unsatisfactory evaluation results. This will give the head a complete picture of the quality of personnel, and will also allow relying on a written source, chatting with an employee regarding his future prospects.

Third Stage: Results

After analyzing the results obtained, it is very important to convey them to the employee. The immediate supervisor invites an employee to a conversation, during which it reports about his wishes or comments, discusses the prospects for further development.

It is important that each employee get an objective picture of the effectiveness of its work:

  • if the results are unsatisfactory, he will not be able to blame the leader in subjectivism; In addition, based on concrete facts it is easier to discuss ways to correct the situation;
  • if the assessment of the employee showed good results, the immediate supervisor should be conveyed to the estimated information being estimated - discussed small flaws, the manager and subjudice constitute an individual development plan for the employee.

Managers send appraisal documents to the personnel service, where they are analyzed, summarized and in the form of a consolidated report are transferred to the highest leader of the organization.

Personal assessment methodology

In addition to the basic requirement that estimated activities should not violate the production process, there are a number of requirements for the assessment technology:

  • objectivity - the evaluation of the criteria should not depend on private opinions;
  • reliability - the maximum possible independence from the influence of situational factors;
  • accuracy - the real level of employee is estimated;
  • predictability - results should give an understanding of the potential possibilities of the employee;
  • an integrated approach - an assessment includes intorganization links and relationships.

Develop a rating system equally efficient in terms of objectivity, accuracy, informativeness is quite difficult, so today there are several systems, each of which has both advantages and some drawbacks.

Evaluation of the potential of employees

  1. Personnel assessment center. Specialized centers use comprehensive technologies based on the principles of the criteria evaluation of performance. Professional use of a wide range of techniques and methods provides high accuracy of results.
  2. Tests for professionality. The purpose of testing is the assessment of the psychophysiological qualities of the employee, the ability to perform labor activity.
  3. Common ability tests. Total testing allows you to analyze the level of development, features of thinking, memory, attention. Tests of this orientation are often used in assessing the learning ability.
  4. Studying a biography. The study of the biography allows you to trace the picture of the development of the employee, thanks to which one can judge the prospects for its growth. Biographical tests include the study of personal affairs, family relationships, sociability, employee interests.
  5. Personal tests. Assess the predisposition of the employee to one or another type of interaction with people. Used when forming a team, brigades, teams.
  6. Interviewing is a conversation, organized with the aim of collecting information about the level of knowledge, experience, professional challenge skills. Comparison of interviewing results with other assessment methods allows you to get a reliable forecast for the effectiveness of the candidate.
  7. Recommendations. Recommendations need to pay special attention - the document must be supplied with the details of the organization. Specialists of personnel service working with applicants prefer recommendations made up by direct managers who could personally observe a candidate in work.
  8. Innovative methods. Some companies use specific tests for honesty or find out the attitude of a candidate for some aspects important to preserve the corporate spirit of the company. The use of a polygraph is found, and part of employers includes alcoholic and narcotic tests in the overall medical examination.

Business assessment of employees

A business assessment makes it possible to find out how personal qualities of the employee meet the requirements of the work that he performs.

Ways to analyze business qualities:

  1. questioning and comparative assessment;
  2. the method of a given selection - the method is a questionnaire in which the options and the main characteristics of the behavior of the subject are given; A predetermined scale on the score of the scores allows you to evaluate a set of performance characteristics;
  3. behavioral installations: Rating scales - represents a collection of key situations of professional activities; This questionnaire fills not subject, and his head, who notes those descriptions of behavior, which, in his opinion, most accurately reflect the actions of an estimated employee; Each of the points is assigned a certain number of points, the amount of which is a personal rating of the employee;
  4. evaluation on a decisive situation - specialists are prepared by a list of behavior models in various production situations; Evaluation officer contributes examples of the behavior of the evaluated employee characteristic of each situation; Based on records, conclusions are made on the level of labor efficiency of the employee;
  5. observation of behavior - for an objective assessment of employee behavior, a scale is developed, with which the appraiser fixes the number of certain models of behavior.

Group techniques make it possible to compare the employees of one group / link among themselves, compare their effectiveness, identify leaders and outsiders:

  1. classification: The immediate supervisor distributes subordinates on certain criteria - from the strongest to weaker;
  2. param comparison - all employees who occupy one position (sellers, mechanics, etc.) are divided into pairs, whose participants are compared on the basis of various indicators; The number of cases when each employee turned out to be the best in his bundle, and then on the basis of records the rating of each employee is built;
  3. labor participation ratio: The magnitude of the CTU of the group is equal to one; The meaning of the instrument is that if one employee receives a KTU equal to 1.10 during the day, it means that he worked more than his colleague and one, in turn, should obtain a coefficient of 0.9; This method was very popular in Soviet industrial enterprises, but today is not widespread.

Evaluation of staff and personnel management functions

In a modern dynamic market environment, staff assessment is an important business tool that is closely related to any of the functions of personnel management:

  • personnel planning: Thanks to the exact picture of the existing working indicators, specialists can determine the company's need for personnel;
  • personnel search: The evaluation of candidates at the initial stage shows the effectiveness of attracting and selection of applicants;
  • education: Evaluation activities allow you to determine the need to develop training programs or attracting more qualified specialists;
  • the formation of the personnel reserve is directly related to the results of the estimated activities;
  • responsibility Stimulation System: Evaluation increases motivation and allows you to objectively distribute encouragement.

Advantages of using personnel assessment criteria for company and team

The benefits of implementing the assessment system for the enterprise and manual is obvious:

  • accurate, objective determination of the level of skills, knowledge, personnel performance;
  • the ability to effectively move frames and create a personnel reserve;
  • increase the motivation of the team;
  • organizational development.

Of course, no one likes when it is evaluated and compared with others, but if you drop emotions, the evaluation activities can benefit and employees:

  • determination of a well-deserved place in the structure of the company - not only vertically, but also horizontally;
  • a clear understanding of the tasks;
  • understanding of the given criteria and level of efficiency;
  • transparency of the salary calculation scheme;
  • the ability to estimate career growth prospects.


The criteria for evaluating the employee's work can be an effective tool for managing staff, no wonder this service has recently become one of the most popular business counseling market. However, implementing the evaluation system, it is important to avoid widespread errors that make many enterprises.

First of all, it is necessary to properly approach the choice of assessment tools, which depends on the goals set. When we want to determine the potential of the employee to make a decision to enroll it into the personnel reserve, we need to be armed with such techniques as an interview with the competencies or tests of abilities. If we need to determine the need for training, you need a completely different approach - using an incorrect toolkit, the company risks completely destroy the motivation of personnel to work.

Another common error is to compare the staff among themselves. However, if you develop and describe the standards that the employee must match each position, you can see that even your leaders do not reach the required level established taking into account the strategic tasks of the enterprise. With caution, it is necessary to relate to different questionnaires - most of the available questionnaires are thoughtlessly translated from Western samples, which are designed for other languages, culture, thinking.

So, the main conditions for the successful implementation of the personnel assessment system are the clarity of the goals set, the correct selection of the toolkit and the support of qualified external or internal specialists.

Section 2. Preparation of the personnel assessment center
This section describes the 1st and 2nd stages of training the staff of the personnel assessment center and contain answers to the following questions: what is the essence of the project preparation, how the activity analysis is carried out and the evaluation criteria are formed, what needs to be done for organizational, material technology and personnel support programs.


The program of the assessment center may be included in various personnel management projects as one of the steps. Table 1 presents a description of the goals and content of activities that should be implemented in the preparation of various assessment center programs.
Types of Tso Programs
Objective and content
Set of new employees
Purpose: concretization of the image of the desired employee of the organization. Activity: Analysis of the organization (history, stage in development, traditions, relationships, development prospects).
Evaluation of the potential of employees for reorganization, reduction, definitions of a new strategy, formation of new working groups
Purpose: Determination of the opportunities of the organization's employees to solve relevant and potential tasks.
Activity: defining future needs, assessment of cash labor resources, identifying personnel capacity to ensure a new strategy, analysis of the activities of new working groups.
Staff development
Purpose: Analysis of learning goals and ways to train personnel, affordable organizations. Activity: Analysis of the future needs of the organization in personnel and the definition of individual career orientation of employees.

When formulating concrete work purposes, it is important to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe place of the intended estimate in the personnel management of the enterprise as a whole. Examples of personnel programs, information for which can be obtained as a result of the evaluation center program, are presented in Appendix 1.
To determine the timing of work, it is important to consider the following parameters:

  • time on the normative design of the evaluation process (the publication of internal orders, orders governing this work in accordance with the Labor Region);
  • time to conduct experts;
  • time for processing results and preparation of reports.

    Analysis of the activities and formation of evaluation criteria

    Within the framework of this phase, the meaningful basis of the assessment is laid. Table 2 presents a description of the tasks and maintenance of work under the 2nd stage in the preparation of programs of various for the purposes of the CSO.
    Several main approaches to the formation of evaluation criteria can be distinguished:
  • Under the end result, built on the analysis of labor results expected from the employee at a particular workplace;
  • from the ideal identity model, built on the analysis of the "psychological portrait", study the features of a successful employee;
  • through the study of the requirements of the post, built on the analysis of the work itself or by studying the regulatory documents, regulating it, or by analyzing the activities of various professionat methods;
  • other approaches (for example, game modeling or expert assessment).
    Depending on the specifics of the organization, the degree of certainty and the assignment of the activities performed by the staff, the activity analysis stage can be implemented in two different directions:
    1y option. If the organization has just been created if the activities that are to be analyzed are only addressed if the organization is aware of the upcoming significant change in functioning methods, it is possible to build a model of activity of the organization as a whole and individual levels of hierarchy through a special, specially created game-based procedure. This option makes it possible to analyze the current status of the organization and determine the model-oriented structure.
    Type TsoThe content of the work
    Analysis of activity
    Formation of a list of evaluation criteria
    Set of new employees Specifying the professional tasks executed by the employee. Purpose Description of activities through the transfer of basic tasks, the conditions for formal requirements for the candidate.
    Translation of descriptions of activities in meaningful requirements for the candidate. The purpose of the formation of a list of evaluation criteria, which determine the success of activities in this organization.
    Evaluation of the potential of employees Analyzed activities from the point of view:
    Formation of target sets of criteria, such as:
    success indicators
    compliance with the requirements and "spirit" organization
    definitions of the prospects for use and change
    flexibility, adaptability, learning ability
    allocating projective success criteria
    education ability, managerial and interpersonal skills
    group portrait creation
    compatibility of candidates, role-playing differentiation, tolerance
    Staff development Management activities with minimal consideration of specialization are analyzed, but taking into account the specifics of the organization (it can be carried out directly during the training themselves assessed).
    Purpose: Formation of a circle of typical tasks (in accordance with the level of position)
    Purpose: Formation of a profile of a successful head of a particular level of management in this organization.
    The list and definition of criteria are made to the maximum efficiency convenient for the participants themselves.

    2 option. If the organization functions sufficiently if the structure of the institution and the main types of activity have already developed and there is a task to analyze them, fix and, may be corrected, then it is possible to carry out such work using the procedures that have developed within the approach
    "Analysis of activity."

    According to 2, the analysis of the activity is carried out in two stages:

    Stage 1. Training experts, i.e. those employees who
    are attracted as researchers when analyzing activities.
    2 stage. Actually Analysis of the activities The description of the professional actions of those employees whose posts are subject to analysis, allocation of grounds and classification of management actions, the creation of job descriptions, including:
    description and specification of activities (requirements that are presented to the applicant for this position). Formation of banks information about posts in the organization, employees. After the end of the analytical work, it is possible to conduct a special evaluation procedure.
    Predicted results.
    1. Fixation in regulatory documents of the organization's employees.
    2. Ronated allocation and formalization professional requirementsFor employees.
    3. Assessment of the current state and prospects for the development of the organization's personnel potential. Formulating the objectives of keyproof programs.
    4. Determining the goals and selection of training programs.
    5. Bank of information on posts and employees of the organization.
    6. Systematization and deepening of staff ideas about the goals, methods, significant factors of professional activities.
    7. Development of cognitive and communicative abilities
    experts directly occupied at the stage of analysis of activities.
    8 . Standardization of various schemes for evaluating the effectiveness of employees used in the institution (the formation of a common assessment scales for all documents).
    Results that can be obtained as a result of a project after an additional analytical stage:
    development of a holistic personnel monitoring system;
    development of career planning technology for employees of the organization;
    Determining the need and development of ways to form management teams in the organization.

    Basic requirements To analyze activities are:

  • Mandatory accounting for the specifics of organizational culture and interaction schemes used in the organization;
  • accounting for the degree of institutionalization and structure of analyzed activities.
    Description of the procedure for analyzing activities.
    1 pitch. The objectives of this stage are: familiarization with the specifics of the specific organization, the preparation of individualized tools for analyzing activities, a formalized description of the structure and information networks of the organization.
    Working method within this step different kinds Observations for the performers carried out by observers from among employees of the organization.
    Materials: Blank for fixing observation results (Appendix 2).
    2nd step. Tasks: Collection of information on the content of the analyzed activities from the point of view of both the performers of this activity and higher managers. The description of the activity is carried out in the form of disclosure of typical tasks and actions that must be made to solve the task.
    Work method: structured interview. Among especially significant items The interview should be allocated: a description of everyday actions, relations of responsibility and reporting, decision-making areas, freedom and the procedure for using the time, the problems faced by an employee.
    Materials: Interview form (Appendix 3).
    3th step. Task: Primary meaningful processing of information on the components of the described activity, translation of activities into concrete actions.
    Method of operation: Content Names of descriptions obtained in step 2. Materials: Contentanalya form, blankclassifier (Appendix 4).
    4th step. Task: schematization of described activities. Method of work: Grouping by previously the foundations of all obtained in steps 1 and 2 actions. The grouping is carried out by experts, which include the superior leaders of those employees, whose activities are subject to analysis. The grouping can occur in the form of group discussion or individual work.
    Materials: Blanchematizer (Appendix 5).
    5th step. Task: Evaluation of identified actions from the point of view of consumption and importance for carrying out activities. Working method: Filling in all employees who perform the described activities, a specially created questionnaire, which includes all dedicated actions, as well as parameters: Importance in complete activities, time costs, comparative difficulty. The questionnaire must provide the ability to supplement the list of actions. When processing results, all actions that did not score critical (boundary) estimates for importance and frequency are excluded.
    Materials: Opremnel Blank (Appendix 6).
    6th step. Task: Allocation of behavioral correlates, additional collection of information on activities, allocating an alternative classification of actions.
    Work methods:
    1) "brainstorming" and group discussion;
    2) Content Nalis descriptions.
    Materials: Blancus for MSH and DG (Appendix 7) Contentanal Blank, Blanchematizer (4).
    7th step. A task: expert review A highlighted list of action.
    The leaders in organizing the position of the 12 rank position above employees whose activities are analyzed, evaluate the final list of actions from the point of view of compliance with behavioral correlations, and also rank actions to the degree of importance for the implementation of the described activities.
    Expert work method: individual examination and group discussion.
    Materials: Expertness Blanc (Appendix 8).
    8th step. Task: Transition from action to measurements. Working method: Correlation analysis in order to clear differentiation of the analyzed actions.
    Materials: Blanches (Appendix 9).
    Typology of criteria used within the framework of evaluation centers. The criteria obtained by the results of the analysis of activities may relate to different types:
    Qualities Individual human properties. When working this type of criteria, it is assumed that people with certain characteristics, skills, skills, characteristic features, will effectively cope with a certain type of activity. This type of criteria is most adequate when the personnel selection on such jobs when the activity cannot be strictly regulated and has great situational variability.
    Activity Special description of the work through a set of typical actions, obtained on the basis of activity analysis. When using this type of criteria, it is assumed that people actively perform defined view Works will also be successful in this workplace. These criteria are most adequate in the selection and certification of specialists or lower management personnelwhose activities have already developed and can be described / regulated.
    Rollipida of work through the task of working conditions, the specifics of the tools, features of interaction with partners. When evaluated using this criterion, it is assumed that the effectiveness of the employee depends on the adoption of those goals, objectives and values \u200b\u200bthat are asked by a professional role. This type of criteria is most adequate to the assessment center program used for the development of personnel.

    Examples of measurements used in the program of the Center O · Enca

    Option 1
    1. The ability to make a solution: argument and evaluation comparison.
    2. Creativity and systemic thinking.
    3. Communicative abilities.
    4. The ability to convince and cooperate.
    5. The ability to negotiate.
    6. Interpersonal skills.
    7. Self-organization and ability to distribute time.
    8. Organizational abilities.
    9. Education ability.
    10. Commercial and business orientation.
    11. Persistence and dedication.
    12. Deteritation.
    13. Independence, initiative, activity.
    14. Readiness to changes and flexibility.

    Deputy Head of Administration

    Activities implemented by Canada's government agencies at different levels of management
    Under the article: Bazarov T. Yu. Vestnik public service, 1993, No. 1 ss. 4245.

    SupervisorMedium manager DirectorCEO Assistant Minister
    MotivationCreating interest, motivation Development of employees Impact on the organization Creating values, producing goals of approaches
    Direct solution of problems Formulation and anticipation of problems Integration of information and solution solutions Development of strategic perspectives Allocation of meaning
    Use of the opportunities of the organization Creating connectionsDevelopment and implementation of organizational innovation Organizational support Finding power! partners and allies
    Understanding partners in interaction Management of group situations Work with complex interpersonal situations Establishing contacts, finding compromises Presentations of organizations outside
    Instructing, informing Generalization and informing Combining and influential impact in communication Strategic Communication Creating an atmosphere of robusts
    CoordinationPlanningManual delegation ConditioningProviding opportunities for action


    Functional and business roles (associated with the solution of a group task):
    "generator" (ideas, programs, problems) performs onewhoit has the greatest sensitivity to the problem situation, creates ways out of it;
    "Erudite" serves for the team by the source of various information and data (for example, the subtleties of the technological process);
    "critic" Looking for the most vulnerable moments in general work and draws on them the attention of others, questioning ideas nominated in the team;
    "executor", or "technician" provides overall work by execution for a group of routine tasks;
    "Improved" I bring ideas until completion, summarizes them in terms of possible practical implementation from the point of view of how the idea will "work" if the group arrives;
    "expert" Evaluates the current results of work, their compliance with certain criteria;
    "enthusiast", or "inspiration", encourages members of the group to decisions and actions, to more intensive and high-quality activities, infects others with its energy faith in common success;
    "Informant" Provides information transmission inside and outside the group;
    "coordinator", or the "organizer" shows and clarifies the relationship between ideas and strategies, unites them, seeks to coordinate the activity of the members of the group, distributes areas of work and functions between members of the Group;
    "Orientator" Determines the position of the group with respect to the target, fixes what is done, notes deviations from the main objectives, clarifies the direction in which it is necessary to work further.

    Socio-emotional roles (related to group work support):

    "Incomputer" Pravit, accepts, supports ideas and contributions of others, manifests warmth, participation and solidarity in relation to members of the group;
    "Harmonizer" acts as an intermediary between colleagues, trying to resolve or resolve disagreement if it arose, reduces psychological tensions in conflict situations;
    "compromiser" It offers a compromise solution when the conflict affects his ideas and positions, retreats from its point of view if necessary, is ready to come from its status for the sake of preserving favorable relationships in the group;
    "communicator" monitors communication processes in the group, seeks to support the open climate of communication, contributes to overcoming the "barriers" to exchange information, encouraging others to participate in the process of discussions or discussions, regulates the flow of communication;
    "commentator" records information about the various aspects of the functioning of the Group and the status of relationships and reports such information with a possible interpretation when necessary;
    "follower" - the group lasts, passively accepts its goals and serves as an audience with a group discussion;
    "Expressive Norm" is a carrier of group norms and standards and applies them when evaluating the state of group processes;
    "aggressor" expresses disapproving attitude towards the actions and feelings of other members of the group, attacks the problem solved by the group, constantly shows hostility to the contribution of others to the overall work;
    "blocker" Resists the solutions of other members of the Group, contradicts without any objective grounds, returns to issues already solved or discarded by the Group;
    "Recognition Seeker" Trying all sorts of ways to draw attention to yourself, reports about their achievements, fighting for not falling into the "worst position" ";
    "rake" demonstrates its innocence to group activities in a demonstrative form, engaged in other cases or silent when everything is discussed something, shows constant indifference, distracts others from work inappropriate jokes;
    "helpless" - seeks to cause the manifestation of sympathy, sympathy from the group (members of the group), without having objective reasons, demonstrating their insecurity;
    "Dominator" actively seeks to obtain and preserve power to manipulate others, defends its high status, gives direct instructions, interrupts, presents its rights or flaps, if necessary;
    "representative" Constantly acts as a representative or defender of the interests of interests (women, young people, science, etc.), masking their own interests and motives for specially selected, the most relevant opinions of the relevant group, the defender of which he announces itself.

    Parameters on which the selection of the type of criteria depends

    Tasks of the estimated procedure
    It is necessary to distinguish the situations of the assessment center: "TSO to stabilize the existing system" and "TSO for development" (providing a transition to a new structure, orientation, tasks, etc.).
    posts estimated
    In general, based on the current practice, for the level of supervisors, the use of measurements is more adequately, for the average management of activities and qualities, for higher Management activities and roles.
    Type of organizational culture
    For bureaucratic type orgulture, the use of qualities, for business-oriented and efficiency, activities, for partitioning roles (22).TIM evaluation procedure
    For the CSC as a one-time short-term procedure based mainly on test data, the most adequate are qualities and roles. For the Central Committee as a steadily existing institution in a large organization used primarily for the selection of supervisors and medium managers, activities. For TSO programs as a means of improving the efficiency of the organization and role.

    Problems arising when working with criteria

    Creating a program center program

    In accordance with the objectives, objectives, the number of participants, terms and conditions of the assessment, the organizational plan is drawn up. Based on the available elements of the technology, the program of evaluation procedures is developed, the recruitment of the evaluation criteria is developed, since a certain type of procedures (special exercises, group exercises, tests) is designed to identify some limited number of qualities, therefore, for adequate assessment it is necessary to conduct procedures for various types. .
    The essence of the design of the accounting of all necessary conditions for organizing and carrying out the optimal number of estimated procedures that ensure a sufficient number of information for the final assessment.
    Significant moments to create a specific program of the assessment center are:
    Number of estimated;
    the number of specialists of various profiles;
    The timing of the assessment;
    Material technology (premises, technique).
    The version of the program of the one-day evaluation center is given in Appendix 10.

    Methodical Evaluation Program

    Basic concepts
    The method is a generic concept that records the classification of a particular procedure in the general classification of methods for collecting diagnostic information. The procedure is an element of the assessment center program, different from other purposes and scenario.
    Methods Detailed description of the procedure for collecting and processing evaluation information.

    Basic methods used in evaluation centers

    Special exercises
    The goal of conducting special exercises to simulate the most typical business situations characteristic of the activities studied, they make it possible to assess primarily the level of professionalism of the participants in the assessment center, as well as mental and organizational abilities.Interview
    The purpose of the interview will receive information about professional purposes and values, organizational abilities. Communicative and personal qualities from the resultant for maximum objectivity of the final puppy. In an interview, it is possible to clarify: the realism and professional orientation of the objectives that the participant sets itself, an assessment of the level of own achievements and failures, orientation for professional growth and promotion, a circle of common interests.
    Group exercises
    Group exercises in the assessment centers are used to model the situations of collective activities and obtain information on typical methods and means of human behavior in them, as well as on the peculiarities of the interaction of people in the group when solving common tasks for them. In the course of monitoring the interaction of participants, the data is recorded in special blanks, sometimes applies technical means of recording: audio and video equipment. According to the results of the observation, communicative and
    organizational skills of participants, ability to argued their point of view, systemic, dynamism and flexibility of thinking, creativity. The position of each participant in the group discussion is determined by the discussion organizer, the defender of professional values, the defender moral values, critic, Idea generator. In addition, in case the exercise is carried out in the team of people actually working together, you can see and evaluate the effectiveness of typical interaction schemes in this group.
    Psychological tests
    The purpose of using standardized psychodiagnostic techniques (tests) at the assessment center Receive information on qualities that significantly affect the behavior of a person in the organization and ensuring its professional efficacy, as well as a description and assessment of the current state, adaptation mechanisms, sources of problems (in individual activity and in cooperation with Other people), identify potential.
    It is important that the use of well-proven psychodiagnostic "instruments" makes it possible to correlate the results of different candidates among themselves, as well as with standards. In addition, the use of tests makes it possible to specify the information obtained within the framework of other techniques, and supplement it, and for a shorter time.
    Types of tests used in evaluation center programs
  • Savage Questionnaires (CPI, 17 PF, MMPI)
  • Intelligence Tests (Cat, CFT20, Amthauer)
  • Typology Questionnaires (MBTI, Eisenk)
  • Tests of the structure of the individual system categories (Kellyizenk)
  • Generalized Personal Assessment Tests (Freiling, Lucher Picturesque Tests)

    Organizational and managerial games Special type of diagnostic procedure within the Center
    evaluation of the organizational management of the game. In the game there is a management situation with the aim of developing decisions on the development strategy of the organization and its individual parts, in contrast to other methods, the game is based on the material of the real problems of this organization, the discussion of which is important at the moment and makes it possible to assess the mental management abilities of candidates, and also offer They are specific programs of action.

    Definition of a set of methods

    What methods will be included in the evaluation center program depends on the set of factors, the main of which are: the composition of the evaluation criteria. All criteria included in the list must be assessed by the results of the procedures. It is very important that the same criterion can be rated repeatedly in the procedures of different types (and in tests, and in group exercises, etc.). This makes it possible to obtain a full range of information about the degree of development of this parameter;
    the level of training of specialists conducted by the assessment center (which methods they themselves own and what methods are rather standardized in order to be included in the assessment center program);
    The ability to attract specialists owning new techniques to work within the framework of the Center. Moreover, in this case, it is not only important or not so much the opportunity to pay the work of attracted specialists, how much the ability of the organizer so to include a specialist in work so that the new tool gives additional information and is organically embedded in the technology itself;
    The duration and processing of the results of concrete procedures. This is especially important in those programs in which the time between conducting and analyzing the results is very compressed (for example, a final discussion with the participation of the organization's management is carried out in the evening of the same day when the program of the evaluation center itself was conducted).

    Short description Methods used in the Anti-Crisis Management Specialists Evaluation Center

    Special exercises Individual tasks are represented by the organizational test (Appendix 12), during which the estimated need to familiarize themselves with the set of information messages and create its own problem of solving the problem
    on time planning. The task is typical for management activities.
    According to the results of the exercise, the characteristics of thinking systemics, non-standard, dynamism, organizational skills, the ability to plan, the level of motivation of the achievement is estimated.
    Group exercises
    Acquaintance riding The preceding start of group work and consisting in the presentation of itself by each group of the group according to a given scheme. It gives the opportunity to the primary diagnosis of communicative and personal qualities, contributes to the creation of a benevolent atmosphere in the group.
    Group discussion Exercise that simulates the typical situation of group adoption of management decisions. Participants during the allotted time discuss the proposed topic and accept the general decision to the Group.
    Report Exercise that simulates a typical situation of text preparation for a public speech on a given topic. During this exercise, each participant must prepare a short performance during the allotted time, and then answer questions from other participants.
    Psychological tests
    Typological questionnaire MBTI (Annex 13) - Psychological questionnaire, which makes it possible to identify belonging to one of the 16 main types of personality characterized by the specifics of obtaining and using environmental information, interaction styles with the surrounding, level of development of organizational abilities, etc. Knowing the type of personality, one can predict success Work on one or another problem of interaction with people, including within the framework of the Working Group (correlating with the types of other members of the Group).
    Questionnaire more than 30 years is widely used in the US in the formation of management teams, diagnostics of organizations, selection and evaluation of personnel, individual and family counseling.
    MBTI is a questionnaire containing 94 approval. Filling time 2535 min.
    Personal Questionnaire CPI A questionnaire aimed at studying the psychological qualities of the personality essential for management activities (dominance, sociability, independence, self-acceptance, the ability to understand others, responsibility, the level of mastering social norms, the desire for achievements, the level of intellectual productivity, etc.).
    The test from the 60s is used in the diagnosis of management capabilities, the personnel assessment, individual CPI consulting is a questionnaire containing 462 approval of the fill time of 1 hour.
    A brief orientative test (Appendix 14) Questionnaire gives the opportunity to assess intelligent productivity,
    the speed of working with intellectual tasks, features of thinking and attention.
    The test was developed by Russian psychologists for expressing features of mental processes. Includes 50 tasks of different types created on a different material. Filling time 15 minutes.

    Principles of creating specific techniques used in evaluation centers

    IN typical Programs Evaluation Centers used a large number of different procedures that are sometimes given very diverse information. In this regard, the moment of translation of data obtained using a specific method is very important in the status of personnel information. You can highlight two main approaches to the processing of primary data and receiving frame information on their basis:
    1. A quantitative approach, which makes a comparison of estimates obtained by the test for each of the evaluation criteria. For this, all the results of individual procedures are translated into a single, i.e., the battle scale is common to all methods used.
    2. A qualitative approach in which the meaningful description of the behavioral manifestations of the test on the evaluated criteria and the formation of the final portrait is made.
    Depending on the purpose of assessment and forms of the presentation of the results, one or another approach can be used. Examples of results representation forms are represented in applications 15, 16, 17.
    It should be noted that to achieve high accuracy, informativeness and prognostability of the results of the assessment center, regardless of which data processing method is used, a large preparatory is necessary. methodical workthat should include:
    Acquaintance with the results of using each procedure for diagnostic purposes (acquaintance with applications, norms for various samples, limitations of use);
    Pilotage and comparison of the results of the application of the procedure with the results of previously tested techniques, testing the diagnosticity in assessing specific criteria;
    Selection and balleting indicators, creating a procedure for using the procedure within the framework of the assessment center.

    Organizational and Material Equipment
    After the preparation of the CSC program, the possibility of

    temporary rules of work (in the process of assessing
    and processing results);
    the need for premises, equipment, consumables;
    The need for staff.

    Rules of work

    The program of the Evaluation Day must be adapted to use it by the following participants in the process:
    Project Manager (Evaluation Organizer) (Appendix 18);
    experts conducted by assessment depending on their
    professional roles (Appendix 19);
    Assessment participants (Appendix 20).
    It is necessary that all people incorporated into the program accurately imagined, where, when, and to participate in which procedures they are invited. It is advisable that everyone has its own individual route list of participation in the planned event.
    When planning and conducting processing results of the assessment, the following points of the time axis are key:
    Evaluation Day;
    day / hour representation of results;
    Day of feedback with participants assessments. As part of the specified temporary restrictions and, depending on the personnel and technical support, the manager
    organizes the processing process.
    Our experience shows that with the possibility of partial computer processing of test results, compilation of 20 final conclusions takes:
    * When using a computer form of translating the results of test evaluation tests on criteria, the processing time decreases by about 2 times.
    Technical support
    The number and volume of rooms are directly related to the assessment program. We give exemplary standards for various procedures (Table 3).

    Table 3.

    1 Type of procedureNormaSpecial conditions
    Introduction to the evaluation program One hall (audience), accommodating all evaluated, experts, organizers When using halls, a radio-missing equipment is necessary
    TestingOne audience for 14 people Tables and chairs, convenient for writing for 5 hours. Accommodation for 1 person at the table
    Group exercises One audience for 7 people estimated and 3 experts Like a "round table"

    Writing paper for 30 sheets per group of 7 people
    Handles for each participant assessment
    Watman 4 sheets per group of 7 people
    Feltolsters 3 pcs. Different colors per group of 7 people.Evaluation materials
    Materials for estimated texts of exercises, tasks, forms for answers;
    materials for expert instructions for conducting procedures, follow-ups and evaluation.

    Personnel provision of the program

    Professional positions
    The following main professional positions are available in the preparation and conduct of the assessment center:
    project manager;
    organizer of group work;
    Primary data processing operator. Let us see briefly on the content of their activities and those personal characteristics that they must have
    (Table 4).
    Table 4.
    Business content Personal characteristics and requirements
    Project manager
    Organization of work with the Customer (Collecting information on the purpose of assessment, coordination of project conditions), Financial and personnel project management The ability to plan and design skill promptly process
    information organizational ability to negotiate
    Organizational technical support Estimates Organization of work of specialists Initiative experience of managerial work in the field of scientific research
    Preparation of the evaluation program in accordance with the conditions submitted by the project manager: volumes, deadlines, ways to present the results of assessment, technical support, quantity and composition of experts Ability to plan and design Analytical abilities Non-standard, creativity Orientation to achieve the result Experience as a specialist Tso Experience in organizing group events of intergroup interactions
    Guide to the assessment center Evaluation and preparation of attracted personnel to ensure the quality of diagnostic information Leader potential ability to organize the work of a group of knowledge of the controls of monitoring Communicative skills Experience as a specialist of the CSC theoretical and practical training on the main professional roles of the Central Committee
    Collection of test information (conducting test procedures), interpretation of the results obtained, translation of primary test information in the descriptions (evaluation) on criteria The ability to work with large volumes of controversial information Analytical abilities orientation to achieve the result of persuasiveness in the interaction of knowledge in the field of personality psychology, social psychology Experience psychodiagnostic, research, methodical work
    Group work organizer
    Organization of group procedures Collect behavioral information, translation of primary behavioral information in descriptions (evaluations) on criteria Communicability Flexibility in communication Executive qualities The ability to organize the work of the Group, "without approving the leadership functions" Observation insights of experience design and conducting group procedures
    Preparation and conducting focused interviews in order to collect individual diagnostic information, translation of primary information in descriptions (estimates) on criteria COMMUNICULTURE Flexibility in communication Executive quality Observation insights The ability to work according to the specified rules
    Expert and supervisor
    Collect behavioral information in the process of participation of tests in testing, group work, interviews, translation of primary behavioral information in the descriptions (estimates) on criteria ATTENTION Carefulness Observation skill to detail the ability to learn the orientation to the understanding of the partner
    Operator primary processing Data
    Enter the test procedures to the computer, the organization of primary data processing, entering information to the database Accuracy
    ATTENTION High pace of work PC possession

    Status of specialists of Tso.

    The main part of the specialists involved in the preparation for the CSC is attracted by the manager and is not the employees of the organization in which the staff assess.
    A special position may occupy the project manager, he may be an employee of the personnel service of the enterprise responsible for the assessment and selection of personnel. As experience shows, large enterprises tend to create a permanent service that would evaluate various personnel categories. In this case, the project manager should be able to formulate the purpose of the assessment, attract specialists conducting an analysis of the activities and forming a list of criteria
    estimates, put the tasks of the designer and all other specialists.
    Consider a special position of the expertistant. This is necessary to be a staff member of the organization itself. As mentioned above, the Central Committee makes it possible to conduct an assessment of the appeal, taking into account all the peculiarities of the culture and philosophy of the Organization, it is part in the evaluation of the expert-felders that gives such an opportunity. Specialists who themselves worked were often invited to work as experts who worked earlier at the current time. Often experts are the leaders of the subjects, which are 2 ranked above their position. This makes it possible to use all experience and knowledge regarding goals and with holding activities that have experts. It is advisable to also attract employees of the Organization's personnel services as experts.

    Training experts organization

    Before the inclusion of experts in the CSC program is held special program Selection and training of candidates for work with the quality of experts. In the course of training, the personal qualities of candidates conducts an assessment (often using elements of the assessment center in order to immerse future experts in the procedure itself, receiving experiences of sensual experiences), familiarizing them with a list and description of the evaluation criteria applicable to the procedures, the assessment program. Special attention is paid to the training and evaluation training. An example of a training program for examiners is carried out in Appendix 21.

    Requirements for appraiser training programs

    1. Improving receptions in the field of interviewing candidates.
    2. The development of observation.
    3. A clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship in the team of improving the style of leadership.
    4. Development of insight.
    5. Self-improvement, in-depth development in itself the qualities inherent in the head.
    6. Development of flexibility.
    7. The ability to develop a standard estimated procedure.
    8. Accuracy of expression when describing behavior.
  • Candidate estimates

    Analysis of activity (see Appendix 3) should give answers to the following questions:

    how much time is it necessary for the employee to perform the main production operations?

    what production operations can be grouped into a more general concept of workplace?

    how to organize a workplace in such a way as to increase productivity?

    what mode of operation is optimal for this workplace?

    what characteristics (features) should the worker have to fulfill this production operation?

    how can information obtained as a result of the workplace analysis, to create a personnel management program?

    It is possible to allocate (scheme 2.1) the following stages of analysis and design (rationalization) of the workplace,

    Information on existing workplaces collected during the implementation of steps 1-6 can be used:

    to design the workflow (step 7a) and choosing the optimal articulation of working elements, duties and objectives of the employee. Designed options are thoroughly checked during step 8 in order to identify and eliminate deficiencies;

    for the formation of a list of criteria for assessing candidates for work in position (step 76).

    The results of the analysis of jobs can be used during the implementation of the following personnel programs (Table 2.3).

    The procedure for professional analysis of activities, as a rule, begins with familiarization with the objectives, structure and scheme of information networks of the organization. The following is a collection of information on the content of the described activities from the point of view of both the performers and their leaders.

    As a method, as a rule, a structured interview with the Contractor and its direct supervisor is used.

    According to the results of collecting primary information, it is important to schematize the analyzed activities and the examination of the results obtained.

    Typical structure of the Professional.

    Descriptive characteristics of activity:

    parametric description (holistic) - title, status, structure, objectives and objectives of the organization, the main activities carried out by employees of the organization, principles and norms adopted in the organization;

    morphological description (by elements) - used equipment, workplace, basic elements of activity (actions and operations), expected results and requirements for it;

    functional description - a sequence of operations, actions, "Technology" of activity; labor and rest mode; Methods of interaction and communicative networks.

    Quantitative assessment of elements of activity:

    selected tasks and descriptions of their description;

    the number of experts and their assessment on various scales. Psychogram:

    requirements for activities to the Contractor; professionally important qualities artist. As an example, we give the specifications of the workflow of the personnel management manager. General Employee qualifications Requirements:

    1) Preparation and experience. Must have extensive experience in this profession. Working experience - at least 6 years;

    2) education. Four agenic college or university specializing in working with personnel, business management or industrial psychology;

    3) knowledge of skills and ability. Must have knowledge of the theory and practice of personnel management, including selection, appointment for posts and evaluation of employees;

    4) the degree of responsibility. He heads the department consisting of three employees specializing in personnel management.

    1. For the formation of the Organization, such types of personnel management activities are most important, such as the design of the organizational structure, the definition of the need and calculation of the number of personnel, the analysis of personnel situation in the region, formation of personnel strategy, development of a system for collecting, storing and using personnel information, activity analysis and determination of evaluation criteria for recruitment, adaptation of newbies.

    2. The concept of "personnel strategy" covers a set of basic models of submissions and principles that are used in working with personnel of the organization.

    3. The main stages of building a personnel strategy include: rationing, programming of the procedure system, activities and personnel technologies, as well as personnel monitoring.

    4. The main directions of work with personnel include: planning labor rays, recruitment and selection, development of the system of stimulation, personnel adaptation, personnel training, career assessment, career planning, training personnel, monitoring the socio-psychological situation and the organization of communication within the enterprise .

    5. To solve fairly simple and clear tasks, as well as routine tasks that allow an error, the star and hierarchical structure is best.

    6. Quantitative assessment is based on the analysis of the alleged organizational structure, the requirements of the production technology, marketing plan, as well as the forecast for the change in the quantitative characteristics of the staff.

    7. To determine the segments of the labor market in the region, it is necessary to have information about the main professional age groups, the regional market of professions, the level of wage in the categories of employees, the level of employment, educational institutions, demographic situation and demographic forecast, as well as national and cultural peculiarities of residents Region.

    Questions and tasks

    1. Name the differences in the open and closed personnel strategies of the organization.

    2. What formula is the general need of an enterprise in working personnel?

    3. From what parameters of the designed organization must be proceeding, preferring one or another type of linear structure?

    4. What is based on the assessment of the demographic situation in the region and the demographic forecast?

    5. What issues are solved by analyzing activities?

    6. What is the essence of the professional analysis of activities?

    Chapter 3

    Personnel Management at the Stage of Intensive Growth of the Organization

    For the intensive growth of the organization, as a rule, the following main tasks become decisive: attracting new consumers, the creation of new substructures and their integration into the general management space, fixing in the market (provision of additional services, forming a service network, inclusion in the network of other companies), formation Image of the organization.

    Accordingly, the content of the activities of the personnel service at this stage is largely focused on attracting and a set of new employees, a qualitative and promising assessment of candidates when admission to work, the organization of competitive selection, the formation of management teams, maintaining organizational culture in new divisions.

    3.1 Forming frame service

    Since the personnel service is designed to provide the human component of the company's work, which serves as an important guarantee of the effectiveness of the organization's activities, then among the most significant tasks can be allocated:

    helping the company in achieving its goals;

    effective use of skill and employee capabilities;

    providing a firm with highly qualified and interested employees;

    striving for the most complete satisfaction of employees with their work, to their most complete self-expression;

    development and maintenance at a high level of quality of life, which makes the desired work in this firm;

    personnel management with all employees;

    assistance in preserving a good moral climate;

    management movement to the mutual benefit of individuals, enterprises, society groups.

    You can select two personnel management structures in the organization:

    Personnel management structure - specialists of personnel management departments involved in the development of the principles of working with personnel of the organization, specific programs and organization of personnel events (personnel managers);

    The linear structure of personnel management - practitioners, implementing specific functions of working with personnel during their own management functions (L-managers).

    In order to be able to implement different directions of personnel work at the level of specific divisions, personnel management structures create an extensive and permeating various levels of the organization network (Scheme 3.1 and 3.2).

    Vice President of Human Resources

    Managing employment services

    Director for service relations

    Labor Relations Manager

    Scheme 3.1. Organization of Personnel Management Services


    Even in the largest corporations directly in personnel management services, no more than 150 people work. On average, one specialist falls on 200 busy.

    More accurately the number of employees needed to complete the work and accounting of personnel can be calculated according to the following formula:

    where t is the total labor-intensity of the work calculated on the standard standards for the year (quarter); To 1 - the number of personnel; F - Fund of remuneration.

    Staff management service statistics for some types of enterprises are shown in Table. 3.1.

    the storage and use of personnel information, which, on the one hand, corresponded to the designed structure of the organization, and on the other, was quite flexible to possible changes in the future.

    Under personnel information, you can understand in a certain way organized by the organization's personnel data.

    These are personal affairs, and personnel accounting cards, and all kinds of orders for appointments, movements, business trips, holidays and dismissions. It is important that all personnel data allowed the organization's management at a time to make optimal management decisions on the basis of an adequate idea of \u200b\u200ban intra-organizational personnel situation.

    The most typical tasks requiring information support can be attributed personnel and managerial workshop, intra-organizational planning and evaluation of personnel.

    Personnel and management workbook primarily includes the development of a staffing schedule, job descriptions, orders for personnel and personal affairs. Most often, this may include information on the calculation of wages of employees of the organization.

    Intorganization personnel planning includes work on analysis, assessment of costs and control. Thus, when organizing staff training, it is necessary to analyze the need for training and downloading employees, have information on the planning of their use, to assess the costs of intended training, after which it is possible to move to the preparation of the preparation, its implementation and control actually.

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