Types of business letters and messages. Types of business letters and rules for writing them



1.The origin and history of palindromes……………………………….....5

1.1 Basic principles of palindrome construction......….. …………….5

2. Linguistic features of palindromes…....………………………...............7

2.1 Types of palindromes.............................................................................9

3. Using the palindrome technique in poetry and prose......…………... …13

4. Practical part………………………………………………………...15


Literature................................................... ........................................................ .18

Application………………...…………………………………. ……….19


A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward, such as madam or kayak. Sentence-length palindromes may be written when allowances are made for adjustments to capital letters, punctuation, and word dividers, such as “A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!”, “Was it a car or a cat I saw? " or "No "x" in Nixon".

Relevance: insufficient knowledge about the linguistic features of the palindrome.

Material for the study : palindromes collected on the Internet.

Subject of research : linguistic characteristics of English palindrome.

TheObjective of the work is to explore the history of the palindrome, and describe the features of English palindrome.

To achieve the set aim I’ve determined the followingtasks :

    to get general information about palindromes

    to find information about history of palindromes

    to learn some facts about the typical palindromes andthe common features of the English language palindrome.

    to interview the pupils and teachers of our school

    to analyze information

    to create a computer presentation

    to make a conclusion

The practical importance : the materials can be used in English lessons, will help to better understand the development of modern English, a variety of linguistic and poetic forms.

In my work I have used the followingmethods of research :

a. Theoretical study

b. The observation

c. The questionnaire

d. Interweaving

e. Generalization

Hypothesis : Not many people know what a palindrome is and can hardly give any examples of palindrome words or phrases.

Palindrome refers to a rare form of poetry where the writing process is associated with significant technical difficulties, but the result does not always satisfy the aesthetic sense. It is most often referred to as experimental poetry related to the comprehension of the secrets of craft and art of versification. But along with this interpretation of the palindrome, and there its amazing popularity in the general reading environment - almost every European would call one or two palindromes known to them.

Therefore, the interest to study this curious form - its genesis, history and development of the theory - is due to the length of the "experiment" of poets with a palindrome, which has more than two thousand years and still continues to be considered experimental .

It is expected that the study of poetry samples and information about palindrome will help to better understand the features of the palindrome as a form and genre, to clarify its varieties and trace the evolution of the palindrome from its origins to modern times.

1. The origin and history of palindromes

It is known that palindromes first appeared on the vessels, vases and other objects of the spherical shape, "Inscription-palindrome can be read by turning the" rotation of the body "in any direction or approaching it from all sides." Since antiquity palindromes were placed on the portals of houses and temples, on fountains and tombstones.

The origin of the palindrome is caused by the interaction of several equally important factors. Firstly, the aesthetic sense of mirror symmetry, it is almost a mathematical expression, not only in numbers and in letters. Secondly, the aesthetics of the game - the game of the mind, an intellectual exercise in the highest skill. Palindrome placed in Mystery crafts, famous and subservient only the initiated, like "The Glass Bead Game" by H. Hesse. The most logical justification for the emergence of European palindrome is necessary to consider the variety of forms of writing, which coexisted in the ancient Mediterranean since the time of Alexander the Great.

1.1Basic principles of palindrome construction

British composer also composed music in the palindrome or based on palindromic themes; the slow movement of his is a palindrome, as is the slow movement of his String Quartet No. 1. His hour-long consists of thirty-two variations and a fugue on a palindromic theme of Haydn (from the minuet of his Symphony No. 47). All of Simpson's thirty-two variations are themselves palindromic, equating to a remarkable feat in string quartet writing.

In , a is a in which one line of the melody is reversed in time and pitch from the other.

The longest palindromic song was composed by Edward Benbow in November 1987, she begins Al words, sign it, Lover! and ends with the revolting, Isla. The composition consists of 100,000 words.

3. Using palindrome technique in poetry and prose

Palindromes are willingly used in visual poetry, thereby creating the so-called videopalindromes - visual poetry, based on the technique of the palindrome. Such structures are created by recording of the text on the closed line (generally a circle), resulting in a cyclodrome. Cyclodrome reads the same in both directions at the beginning of the end splice; while a physical copy of the initial letters of the forward and reverse reading can be different. For example, the longest English word palindrome TATTARRATTAT, which is recorded in the Oxford dictionary I Love Me, Vol. I/S.Wordrow Palindrome Encyclopedia. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1996.

Bergerson H.W. Palindromes and Anagrams.N.Y., 1973.

Crystal D. Language play. , 1998.

E. Greber Palindromon B Revolutio // Russian Literature XLIII. 1998 S. 159CH203.

Palindrome // The Oxford Companion to English Literature / Compiled and edited by sir Paul Harvey. Oxford, 1967. P. 610.


Dictionary palindromes

A nut for a jar of tuna- NutForflaskstuna.

Able was I here I saw Elba -Iwasstrong, ByeNotsawElba


Anna -Anna

Asko Oksa –AskoOksa

Bob -Bean



Dammit, I" mmad! - Damn it, I'm crazy!

Deed - business

Dr Awkward – Doctor Okward (story title)

Emma Lamme – Emma Lame

Enny Lynne- Annie Lynn

Eve - Eve

Hannah - Hannah

Kayak - kayak

Level - level

Livenotonevil– Life is not about evil

Ma is as selfless as i am. - Mom is as selfless as I am.

Madam, I’m Adam - Madam, I’m Adam

Malayalam - malayalam

Mom - mother

Net ewe ten (to catch ten sheep in a net)

Niagara o roar again – Niagara roars again


Not New York Roy went on –RoywasNotVNewYork

Nun - monarchy

Olson in Oslo – Olson in Oslo (story title)

Otto - Otto

Peep - squeak

Pull up if I pull up - stop if I stop

Racecar - racing car

Radar - radar

Rats live on no evil star. - Rats do not live on any evil star.

Redder – more red

Reviver - reviver

Rotor - rotor

Sagas - sagas

Sanna Rannas – Sanna Rannas

Sator arepo tenet opera rotas - The sower of Arepo keeps the wheels in business

Shahs - Shahs

Solos - solo

Some men interpret nine memos – Several men explain nine notes

Step time emit pets

Tattarrattat – the sound of a door opening, the sound of a drum

Tenet - principle

Was it a car or a cat I saw? – Was it a car or did I see a cat?

Was it a rat I saw? - Was it really the rat I saw?

Yay - cheers

Palindromes - biyaz

Ball to the forehead

Fire - sheriff

User! – I’m dreaming

Yes pop

And love was calling

Rot it, King

Mile – lim


Chimera– remix

Some famous names as fine palindrome examples:

    Lon Nol was a was Prime Minister of Cambodia

    Nisio Isin was a Japanese novelist

    Robert Trebor was an actor

Stanley Yelnats is a character of a movieHoles

Names of Places in Palindrome Style

    Notton, Yorkshire, England

    Kanakanak (Alaska)

    Neuquen (Argentina)

    Yreka Bakery (Yreka, California)

    Madoko Dam, Zimbabwe

    Renner (South Dakota)

    Semmes (Alabama)

    Caraparac, Peru

    Allagalla, Sri Lanka

    Glenelg (cities in Ontario, Maryland, and Australia)

    Vellev, Denmark

    Capac (Michigan)

    Lon Nol (Vietnam)

    Tassat, France

    Navan (Ireland)

    Elleyelle, Nigeria

    Akka, Morocco

    Tumut (Australia)

    Ward Draw (South Dakota)

    Ruppur, Bangladesh

    Oruro, Bolivia

    Kivik, Sweden

    Sajas, France

    Wassamassaw (South Carolina)

    Hattah, Australia

Names of Girls& Boys with Palindromes















Palindromic Names of Twins

    Nadia & Aidan

    Lexa & Axel

    Nella & Allen

    Kira & Arik

    Nala & Alan

Palindromic Phrases & Sentences

    Dammit, I'm mad!

    Wonder if Sununu's fired now.

    Don't nod.

    Dog God.

    Borrow or rob?

    Evil rats on no star live.

    Evil olive

    I"m a fool; aloof am I.

    Let Omro open one poor motel.

    A new order began, a more Roman age bred Rowena.

    Murder for a jar of red rum.

    Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas!

    Did Hannah see the bees? Hannah did.

    Live, O Devil, revel ever!Live! Do evil!

    Ma is as selfless as I am.

    Must sell at tallest sum.

    Cigar? Toss it in a can.It is so tragic.

    See, slave, I demonstrate yet arts no medieval sees.

    Madam, I"m Adam.

    Denim axes examined.

    Naomi, did I moan?

    May a moody baby doom a yam.

    A dog, a plan, a canal: pagoda.

    Desserts, I stressed!

    Eva, can I stab bats in a cave?

    Stack cats.

    Poor Dan is in a droop.

    Golf? No sir, prefer prison-flog.

    Draw, O coward!

    No cab, no tuna nut on bacon.

    Ten animals I slam in a net.

    Meet animals; laminate "em.

    Never odd or even.

    No lemon, no melon.

    Party boobytrap.

    Tino dump mud on it.

    Rise to vote, sir.

    Stella won't have wallets.

    Won't lovers revolt now?

    Was it a car or a cat I saw?

    So many dynamos!

    Let O"Hara gain an inn in a Niagara hotel.

    Reviled did I live, said I, as evil I did deliver.

    Ma is a nun, as I am.

    A nut for a jar of tuna.

    Wonton? Not now.

    Lay a wallaby baby ball away, Al.

    No, Mel Gibson is a casino"s big lemon.

    Gate man sees name, garage man sees name tag.

    Drab as a fool, aloof as a bard.

    Draw pupil's lip upward.

    Anne, I vote more cars race Rome to Vienna.

    As I pee, sir, I see Pisa!

    Dennis and Edna sinned.

    Go deliver a dare, vile dog!

    A Santa at Nasa.

    Draw nine men forward.

    Acrobats stab orca.

    Do you see God?

    Zeus was deified, saw Suez.

    Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?

    Camp Mac

    Evil, a sin, is alive.

    Devil never even lived.

    No, it never propagates if I set a gap or prevention

    Emu love volume.

    No, I save on final perusal - a sure plan if no evasion.

    God saw I was dog.

    No, Sir, panic is a basic in a prison.

    He did, eh?

    Hey Roy! Am I mayor?Yeh!

    I"m a pup, am I?

    Oh, cameras are macho.

    In words, alas, drown I.

    Laid at a dial.

    Sh...Tom sees moths.

    Lid off a daffodil.

    No, tie it on.

    Seven eves.

    Marge,lets send a sadness telegram.

    My gym.

    Name now one man.

    Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?

    Pull up, Eva, we're here!Wave! Pull up!

    Oprah defined Harpo.

    Niagara, eh? I hear again!

    O Geronimo, no minor ego.

    Pass mom's sap.

    Some men interpret nine memos.

    Rail delivers reviled liar

    Salt an atlas.

    Too bad I hid a boot.

    Won't I panic in a pit now?

    Selim's tired - no wonder, it's miles!

    Yo bro! Free beer for boys!

    Was it a bar or a bat I saw?

    Too hot to hoot.

    Yawn a more Roman way.

    Star comedy by Democrats.

    Now I draw an award.I won!

A linguistic phenomenon when one word is read the same way backwards is scientifically called a “palindrome” (Palindrome), but in common parlance it is called inversion. In the English language there are a dime a dozen of such words...

What does it mean

The word itself is ancient Greek and means “running backwards.” A palindrome is a word or phrase that can be read equally well in either direction. Here are some analogues of the Russian word "shalash":


The first means a laboratory for measuring tomatoes, and the second is simply a seller of soap dishes. The most famous joke English phrase The palindrome needs no introduction: Madam, I am Adam. Also classic examples are:

Do you see God?
Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?
Murder for a jar of red rum.
Some men interpret nine memos.
Never odd or even.

What happens

The palindrome is very common in the works of experimental poets (like the Russian poet Veniamin Khlebnikov), in language games (in American schools children in class English language It is proposed to create a crossword puzzle from palindromes). Palindrome is also very popular as a linguistic joke or entertainment.

Just for fun

King, are you glad you are king?
Fall leaves after leaves fall.
Says Mom, "What do you do?" - You do what Mom says.
You know, I did little for you, for little did I know you.
First Ladies rule the State, and state the rule: "ladies first."
Please me by standing by me please.
Blessed are they that believe they are blessed.
Escher, drawing hands, drew hands drawing Escher.
You can cage a swallow, can"t you, but you can"t swallow a cage, can you?
Did I say you never say "never say never"? You say I did.

Palindrome poem

The poems below were written by James A. Lindon. From the first line to the last, as well as from the last to the first, the poems read exactly the same. They were first published in the book Dmitry Borgmann“Beyond Language” or in another version “Super Language”.

Entering the lonely house with my wife
I saw him for the first time
Peering furtively from behind a bush -
Blackness that moved,
A shape amid the shadows,

Revealed in the ragged moon.

Put him to flight forever -
I dared not
(For reasons that I failed to understand),
Though I knew I should act at once.

I puzzled over it, hiding alone,

He came, and I saw him crouching
Night after night.
Night after night
He came, and I saw him crouching,
Watching the woman as she neared the gate.

I puzzled over it, hiding alone -
Though I knew I should act at once,
For reasons that I failed to understand
I dared not
Put him to flight forever.

A closer look (he seemed to turn) might have
Revealed in the ragged moon
A momentary glimpse of gleaming eyes
A shape amid the shadows,
Blackness that moved.

Peering furtively from behind a bush,
I saw him, for the first time
Entering the lonely house with my wife.

Palindrome crosswords

The examples above show how each word can be read the same way both forward and backward, both vertically and horizontally.


As you know, the Russian language is quite voluminous in terms of the variety of turns and expressions. One type of lexical element is palindrome. Examples for children that most accurately illustrate this concept can be found in the classics. For example, from Fet: “And the rose fell on Azor’s paw.” If you look closely at the words, you will notice that the sentence can be read in both directions: from the beginning (from left to right) and from the end (from right to left). And in each case the expression will sound the same. These are sentences, but there are also palindromic words. Examples that most clearly illustrate the concept will be given below.


What is a palindrome? This concept has Greek roots and is literally translated as “running back” or “running again.” In some cases, palindromes, examples of which will be given below, are taken to be any set of symbols that is symmetrical with respect to its middle. The longest letter combination of this type is saippuakauppias (from Finnish - soap seller). There are quite interesting English palindromes:

“Madam, I’m Adam” - a man’s introduction to a lady (Madam, I’m Adam).

To this the lady can modestly answer with a “shifter”: “Eve” (Eve).

It's not just sentences or sets of letters that are symmetrical. Palindromes-verses are quite common:

I rarely hold a cigarette butt in my hand...
I’m sitting here earnestly,
Creating furiously in silence,
I'll laugh once
Good luck in the future,
I'll laugh once -
I'm glad!

Brief historical background

Speaking about what a palindrome is, it should be said that “changers” have been known since ancient times. Often they were given a magical sacred meaning. Palindromes appeared, examples of which can be found in a variety of languages, presumably in the Middle Ages. In classical Russian literature there is reliable information about the author’s “reversal” written by Derzhavin: “I go with the sword of the judge.” The first attempt to compose a long, multi-line rhymed work of palindromic type was made by Velimir Khlebnikov (the poem “Razin”). But this artistic movement reached its peak only in the 1970-1990s. Palindromes, examples of which can be found in the works of Vladimir Gershuni, Nikolai Ladygin, Dmitry Avalini and Elena Katsyuba, began to be studied in more detail in literary studies in the 1990s. Research was actively carried out mainly by German Lukomnikov and Alexander Bubnov.

Theorists and practitioners have identified various borderline forms. For example, "werewolf". This text from left to right reads differently than the other way around: “The world is convenient” (author Sergei Fedin). Speaking about what a palindrome is, we should also mention rare forms of this artistic movement: these are syllabic, bilingual “reversals”. The latter are text that can be read one way in one language, and back in another. What other rare palindromes are there? Various examples can be given. There is a form of “symmetrical” combination, in which the reading is carried out not in reverse, but as if in a multiplied form: tsokolzocle, kabankaban and others.

Interest in the direction

It should be said that palindromes, examples of which will be given later in the article for greater clarity, were of interest to lexical researchers, writers, poets, and writers in different times to varying degrees. It is noteworthy that in the seventies of the last century it was impossible to publish such works. This was mainly due to the fact that the desire for “formalism” was not welcomed in literature at that time. At the very beginning of the development of this artistic movement, all the writers of “reversals” were well acquainted with each other, they knew each other, one might say, by sight. To date, many works have been published in anthologies. But most of them remained unpublished.


Palindromic phrases, or “aphorisms,” were very popular. Some of them could even make you smile (due to their artistic features). In many cases, the combination inside the shifter attracted attention not only with its non-standard form, but also with a certain humorous content. Individual lines can even be collected into a poetic work. However, if the combinations still claim to be poetry, then no allowances should be made for the unusualness of the forms. In other words, everything must be preserved - rhythm, rhyme, meters - as in standard, ordinary poetic works. “Symmetry” in such cases added only rhythmic and sound play. Many poets managed to find “almost palindromic” forms. For different authors, such turns created the beauty of sound. Speaking about what a palindrome is, one cannot help but consider lyrical poetic works created using these artistic forms. Many of them contain some humor, but despite this, they can be taken quite seriously. Some symmetrical expressions go well with music. In some cases, a poetic work may consist of one “reversal”, divided into lines. In this case we speak of a monopalindrome.


Of particular interest against the background of the study of palindromes is that, being a symbolist poet, he paid quite a lot of attention to the rhythmic and sound organization of his works. His poem “The Twelve” clearly traces the achievements of Alexander Blok in the sound and rhythmic directions. Goldstein translated this entire work of Blok into the language of palindromes. At the same time, the author notes that in the process it turned out to be possible to preserve the rhyme, rhythm, and composition of the entire poem almost everywhere. Having remade “The Twelve,” Goldstein notes that, in his opinion, some of the shifted accents even enhance the intonation to a certain extent.

Symmetry in numbers

In addition to letter combinations, expressions and whole products, there are also palindromic numbers. This definition is used when there is visible symmetry in the recording. in this case they will be read from left to right and vice versa in the same way. Both an odd and an even number of characters can be arranged symmetrically. Numerical palindromes are found in different systems, each with its own proper names. So, there is a category of “curly” signs: 1001, 676 and others. Such "palindromic" forms are found among Smith.

Mathematical operations

Numeric palindromes can result from operations on other characters. the author of the book “There is an Idea!”, being a fairly well-known popularizer of science, puts forward a certain hypothesis. If you take a natural number (any) and add to it its inverse (consisting of the same numbers, but in reverse order), then repeat the action, but with the resulting sum, then at one of the steps you will get a palindrome. In some cases, it is enough to perform the addition once: 213 + 312 = 525. But usually at least two operations are necessary. So, for example, if you take the number 96, then by performing sequential addition, a palindrome can only be obtained at the fourth level:

96 + 69 = 165
165 + 651 = 726
726 + 627 = 1353
1353 + 3531 = 4884

The essence of the hypothesis is that if you take any number, after a certain number of actions you will definitely get a palindrome. Examples can be found not only in addition, but also in exponentiation, extraction of roots and other operations.

In groups of, you can notice very interesting patterns if there are specific numbers, for example, simple ones - 1 and 3. So, simple two-digit ones will form ordered pairs: 31-13 and 13-31, out of six three-digit ones, five will be simple, among which 2 “werewolves ": 313 and 131, pairs of shifters: 113-311 and 311-113. The resulting pairs in all presented cases are clearly expressed in the form of numerical squares. In general, you can find quite a lot of digital patterns in mathematics.

Palindromes in other areas of human activity. Biology

The structure of nucleic acids provides for the presence of relatively short mutually complementary regions. They have so-called “mirror sequences” of nucleotides capable of forming duplexes. In the human genome, the total number of such “changers” is estimated to range from one hundred thousand to a million. Moreover, according to observations, their distribution throughout the DNA structure is uneven. Palindromes in the biological sense have the ability to provide an increase in the amount of information without increasing the number of nucleotides. “Symmetrical forms” are of particular importance in the formation of certain types of nucleic acids - transfer RNA, for example.


Palindromic pieces of music are played “as usual”, according to the rules. Once the piece is completed, the notes are reversed. Then the piece is played again, but the melody will not change. There can be any number of iterations, but it is not known what is the bottom and what is the top. These pieces of music can be played by two people, while reading the notes on both sides at the same time. Examples of such palindromic works include The Way of the World, written by Moscheles, and Table Tune for Two, composed by Mozart.

He is marvelous, palindromic, and

no muzzles or paws are visible...

Kirill Reshetnikov

(from ancient Greek πᾰλίνδρομος - “moving backwards”) - these are words, phrases and sentences that are read equally from left to right and from right to left.

Palindromes, or inverted words, are possible starting with three-letter words: bob, grandfather, kok, oko, navel, shish. Although among geographical names there is a palindrome of two letters, for example, the Yaya River in Siberia. The most five-letter palindromic words are: order, argument, tavern, Cossack, lump, revolver, flood, rotor, stomp, sabbath, hut. Palindrome sentences are most often playful or humorous. In ancient times in Russia they were called “crawfish poems.”

This is what palindromic phrases look like.

And in the Yenisei it is blue.

And the lama is small.

And the fox is smart - the rat brought cheese to him.

And the muse is glad to the muse without mind and reason.

Watermelon flew into a bison

Watermelon at the bison.

Argentina beckons the Negro.

And the rose fell on Azor's paw.

And the dog is barefoot.

Asya, milk is near the meat.

And the brush is like a mother-in-law!

Oborin is great - he is both timid and Leo.

This is the power of the capitalist type.

City of roads.

The town of Bishkek is very expensive.

Yes, looking for a taxi is hell!

Fashion house

Road out of town:

now a ditch, now a lapel.

The sky is expensive, but you need a vegetable garden.

Eat less unwashed food!

It is known that even the hedgehog has NZ at home.

And the city values ​​a vegetable garden by the road.

And Lehman is broke!

And Ivan was little, but he was beating a lancer at the linden trees with a pitchfork!

And while you are poor, do not wait, O Jew, for women, but mine.

Ira, cook!

The Cossack carried hay to the donkey, and porridge to the Cossack.

Romantic whale at sea.

The cat is learned, but how insensitive he is!

Cook, save the onions.

I'm climbing into the knot.

While flying, it will catch up with another woodpecker.

Lyosha found horns on the mountain.

The leader raved cheerfully and proudly.

Did you wake up Lida?

The midget catfish was sawing on the bridge.

Rot your tuxedos, Komsomol!

Poppy is alien to bugs.

The path is small, but it leads to the portals.

The truth beckons me with its radiance.

The world is like Rome.

Oksana and her kitten get wet.

Cossack muzzle behind the scenes.

He looks like an angel, but he lies down on the sofa.

Ivan was riding on a pitchfork.

On the forehead, you idiot!

You need a sword in your fist, and a bow in your suitcase.

There is a suitcase on the house.

Cancer got into our pocket.

Strength is our talisman.

You can't see how amazing he is.

Isn't it amazing, mom?! Ham, but cute!

Not married, but gentle.

Chopin didn't go.

But the archangel is invisible, the frost lay like a pattern on the temple, and it is marvelous.

But you eat less, he doesn’t wash.

Wow, I see someone alive!

There is milk near Misha.

He's been in hell for a long time.

He is marvelous, a palindrome, and neither muzzle nor paws are visible.

It, salmon meat, is salted.

He chopped and sweated from wine, it was cold - he was in a daze; That summer we drank heavily.

Should I dig up a slipper?

Oh, and dashing!

“Let me in!” - A bowl of soup is flying to Maxim. - “Let go, the soup is flying!”

Leps sang.

Tartu is dear as a city of losses.

The sea flows, not the rum.

A raccoon is drowning.

Cake and bananas, soup. My son's mouth is full.

Coffee cake is not a foxtrot.

You, my dear, go fast: there is a mine near the road, behind an expensive vegetable garden, and behind it is a city by the sea; go, if you wash.

I'll be at the oak tree.

Horror - the angel lay down on the soot.

I don’t knit brooms anymore.

Lyosha found a saw near the linden trees.

He died - and peace be upon him.

The mind stupidly floated beyond the limits on the path to insanity.

Appreciate the lead in yourself.

The rustle from the oak tree seems good.

I come with a sword, judge.

I'm dumb and tender, don't marry me.

I am dumb: the fox bit me.

I'm not crying, I'm sure.

I'm not old, brother Senya.

I finally met the lady.

I compared this and that - that’s why I distinguished myself.

I will die, farmer, - I ate persimmons.

Palindromes can also be used in poetry. An interesting couplet by D. Avaliani, written in Homeric hexameter.

The sea is mighty. In tone with him, I will answer noisily with Homer:

Sea, awaken faith - bright, quickly I go like a storm.

There are many poetic phrases that can be read equally in both directions.

Muse, wounded by the awl of experience, you will pray for reason.(D. Avaliani)

Here the weirdos honor the cicada.(D. Avaliani)

We will illuminate and destroy the world!(V. Gershuni)

But you are as thin as a note.(N. Ladygin)

I sang, shining and blind...(A. Khanmagomedov)

Prayer for the white horse.(I. Fonyakov)

He lay down on the temple, and the archangel was marvelous and invisible.(Folklore)

You could be our god, you deception!(B. Goldstein)

Morning crept across the port.(V. Ryabinin)

The history of palindromes dates back to time immemorial. The oldest surviving palindrome is written in Latin and was created around the 4th century. AD. This is a phrase "Sator Arepo tenet opera rotas" , which means “The sower of Arepo can hardly keep his wheels.” Typically, this palindrome, consisting of five five-letter words, was written in the shape of a square.

In this form, the phrase is read in four ways: horizontally and vertically, from left to right and from right to left.

It is worth saying that in ancient times, amazing properties were attributed to the palindrome, “sharpened” into a square. It was believed that it had magical powers and was able to protect against diseases and evil spirits. It is no coincidence that such “magic” phrases were carved on the walls of temples and palaces of the ancient Romans, and in the Middle Ages - on the facades of Christian churches.

Palindromes are words and entire phrases that can be read both from left to right and from right to left, and when read, the same thing will happen. There are palindromes in almost all languages ​​of the world (perhaps except Chinese), if only because there are elementary palindromes - names of people consisting of only 3 letters, for example, Bob.
More complex palindromes, consisting of several words, are no longer found in all languages ​​of the world. However, palindromes for all letters of the alphabet are so long, and in general SUCH a variety of them exist ONLY in the Russian language.

Palindromes from foreign languages:
Nigro or gin?
Dogma: I am God
Madam, I "m Adam. (English Madam, I am Adam)
Animal as Salamina.
Gabler Ruby - burrel bag.
Standard - smallest, sell Amstrad nats.
Zoo belt to be Russia, is sure bottle booz.
Evil fit some kill like me, kill like most, if alive.
Do me?.. Kill I victim? Must summit civil like mod.

Spanish: Anita lava la tina (Anita washes the trough)
Finnish: saippuakauppias (soap seller)
German: Reit nie tot ein Tier (Never drive an animal to death)
Latin: Sum summus mus (I am the strongest mouse)
Turkish: Anastas kazak satsana (Anastas, sell your sweater)
Esperanto: Ora trovo: vortaro (Golden Find: Dictionary)

Palindromes in Russian:
To the reserve!
Cupid of the mind
I'm about to give birth
I eat snake
And lead the maidens
The theater is melting
Drowning in sweat
City of roads
Medea! Let's go!
Tsepok eunuch
He's gentle!
Endures and rushes
Rimbaud died
Tinned the barrel
You, Dusya, they are on trial
And they felt my paw
Seals are not fierce
Holoruk urologist
Not happy: gifted
I think, but mudya...
Not the boot is dangerous
And the sarcoma is wet
I'm confident and I'm not crying
I sit down in horror
The master eats himself
Womb - abortion
If I beat myself
I drank myself, I fell asleep
I'm not old brother Senya
Tanya's price for a dance?
The raccoon snorted ridiculously
The beetle actor is lying like crazy
Bare the ass of an elderly man
Female's horror for massage
Fan fanned for Jews
Golo and Boso - biologist
Zelo lemur climbed skillfully
Morgue at the base, over the hill
And he took it and infected it, an ulcer!
I was already roaring, chewing clover
Argentina attracts a black man
Erkhov picked laurel in ocher
And how is the morning - there's cocoa in your mouth
A matter of logic - ice
The sofa is non-contagious in appearance
Fire - the forehead of the patient
Job lapped beer and cried
And for the apple tree phenol is a bad thing
Gave her ass. I went to hell
I'm superman - I eat turnips
But he shakes the squirrels' bodies
The boar pressed the eggplant
He is not a thief, who frankly
There are no eggs - potency has fallen
Could the speaker about the gate horn
Dick is torn off. Nut in mouth
Lida, my father adjusted the lancet
He's a piece of shit in geology.
Rota, Ivanov - he is an aviator
Wow, rodeo! Nude young expensive
Looks like an angel, but lies down on the sofa
Fashionable - buy a condom type
Oh, there's cholera, hare shaggy...
Tuzam - analysis of sludge for fuel oil
Purgen is not very useful for a Negro
I bring kvass - the Papuan tastes it
Circulation? But Mila fries lemon!
Your mug is a dick, but your mind is a suitor.
Teu Rick blocks the arguments on his forehead.
Teu Rick is a drunk and a big shot.
But I won’t give you the organ - it’s huge
Oh, guten morgen, isn’t it hard for a black man?
The lawyer is a thief: that’s his temper, yes
Mine. The backside is wet and the team is behind it
Don't go - it's green. Not very useful
Eh, I wish I had a fish on my ear, a Yellow River fish!
Greedy woman, sorry, toad, bandage
Thunder in the prayer service - in non-white in the morgue
Oh, perfume, cleaning is bad for the microbe
Ila drank. After sitting down. Snot got in
The freak got wet - he tore the commander’s laurels.
Either go, or don't go... Sit, raccoon. Idiot!
Oh, did they sing Verdi, or did they sculpt the tree?
Icarus is comfortable in hell. Where to the sky, fools?
“Are you sculpting a case for Vienna?” - the frozen man hissed.
Has the bacillus infected the oval of the face?
Not alive. Floor-length mudi. I'm walking, inactive
Ale, Adgam! Akop groped Yulia while Magda was eating
I am their playpen. Stepfather, what should we do? Chemistry.
The guy bit off Bobik's dog's nose. Boss, is he drowning bitches?
She and Peter. Give the officer a cucumber and a piano.
For seven years now a lover of places has been voting in the mud of bodies
I'm a player - oh! Sorbeina was lying down. Wish. Throw. Orgy
Body. Anxiety. Foreheads are lonely: horses, houses... Fortunately, a helicopter.
And my pelvis hurts, and then... Come on! - Percy with a turnip, you need to kiss your tits
And you, oh woe, sir, you would be glad to forget the alphabet in a gray way of life!
Hit! Either Weisman or Morgan were smashed - and this is a joy for us!
He is not lame, no, but brave, kind, cheerful, velvety, but not lame
Wasn’t Lena seen on the sofa? And Lena is seen on the sofa, Lena!
Antiparkh crawled zealously to drink wine - the guy snores - he crawled out of spite
Mars near Aries. The general would take a black man to the market in a stall for a banana. Shame!
He was a wife, but he only cared about a cheerful fight, and it’s not for nothing that a cat doesn’t eat hay.
Pocket, wife, but Kakashkin is a thief! Oh, Kovaleva... She led me to the cowshed. Sha! How tender she is! Cancer...
Though I’m sad and sad, I just lie there, eat hay, and on the bank of the Ob River I have a stake of milk, because at the Coat of Arms it is necessary without daring: “Shall I give Katani, chock, the bit, eh??”

Palindromes for all letters of the alphabet:

And in the Yenisei there is blue...
And the water flows like hell...
And he's lying, bitch!
And the moon has sunk...
Argentina beckons the Negro.
And the rose fell on Azor's paw.
Oh, the marshal has a scar on his ear.

Master and slave.
White bread.

A boa constrictor crawled evilly in hell.
Lead the way, children, girls.
She took disabled people downstairs.
Way to go, Sharapov!
Thief near cows.
This is the power of the capitalist type.

Hamburg. Grub magician
The hunger is long.
Burn, pie!
The city is dear to the masses.

Yes, looking for a taxi is hell!
Drive away the gift, grapes!
Dev is a demon, but a bear.
The report gave the code.
Road outside the city.
The garden is expensive.

Ate Rabelais sheep.
I ate the snot and drank afterwards.
Yerevan - on faith.
Eat unwashed - you are smaller.

Heat. Garage.
The circulation is fried.

We're tired of waiting. The power is jazz!
Buried for display.
Splinter zone.

And catch the will.
Be so bold every now and then.
Icarus and crayfish.
Either they cut or drilled...
Or did they saw the linden tree?
Or is that how the sleigh rolled us?
And Seva loves lobbies.
And Maxim with bowls.
And Masons with their noses...

Yogi, but naked.

The boar fell - and his paw was on one side.
A stone is not a poppy.
Throw ice to the zebra, you slacker beaver.
Kirill is a lyricist.
Keith is a romantic at sea.
Forged pop float.
The goat was waiting for the ball and playing jazz.
He gives cheese for selfish reasons.
The cottage is waiting for the current.
The cat is learned, but not sensitive.

The laser cut the dawn.
The laser cut the window loudly.
Lapota stomped.
The lion led the cat to the current.
Lyova's grandfather took him away.
The archangel lay down on the temple.
I climb into the bathroom.
Lenin Nin was eating.
Lyosha found a bug on the shelf.
The midget catfish was sawing on the bridge.
Lemon, but sweet.
Rot your tuxedos, Komsomol!

The master is lying himself.
The master eats himself.
Checkmate here and there.
Mother to the jesters!
Milan and burbot.
Rome is dear to Mirgorod.
Prayer for the white horse.
We pray for something sweet.
Frost pattern...

You're wearing a shroud!
He looks like an angel, but he lay down on the sofa.
On the forehead, you idiot!
God has been blatantly slandered.
There is a suitcase on the house.
The boar pressed the eggplant.
Strength is our talisman.
There was fog.
The Negro is a snowstorm.
Not grimy, but tortured.

Wow! I see him alive!
Wow, they tortured the grimy one!
Fire -
He's been in hell for a long time.
Oh, bring the hay!

Palindrome - and neither muzzle nor paws!
Pepper, skull!
Empty. Here's the soup.

The stew is a bar, and the slave is a waste.
The clover roared.
Pop the turnip.
Reactive sweater.
The mind grew like garbage.

Sensation! Pop blew his balls!
Lilac is not rice.
Solo voice.

Dance is his patron.
Cockroach - per carat.
Tartu is dear as a city of losses.
The theater is melting.
Terebili takes it.
Coffee cake is not a foxtrot.

Steal the cow and the maiden from the thief.
I'm sure and I'm not crying.
Let's drive away the lamprey with a circus of woodlice.
Boas tore laurels in hell.
Mind - experiments according to the mind.
The Urks ate fillet and caviar.

Hana - darkness in your pockets.
He is frail and thin, but has a fierce spirit.

Cement is German.
Price: dance.

Char doctor.
Char rook.

The chance is ours.
Silk flares.

Lye. Mite.

Yuna nude.
I'll catch up with the young man!

I drank the Apocalypse while digging.
I see while living.
I eat snake.
I'm not alive before the movement.
I am their wound - anarchy.
There are no eggs - oh, potency!
I'm not expecting loans, Zhenya.
I'm not nice, and they didn't marry me.
I was dumb: the limousine amazed me.
I sang, sculpting stamps on my calves.
I'm glad to give.
I then got dressed.
I salt the elk.

Super palindrome is a piece of text consisting of M (where M=NxN) letters, when arranged in a square table of size NxN, the sequence of letters coincides when read in the following 4 ways:

1) in lines from left to right and from top to bottom;
2) in columns from top to bottom and from left to right;
3) along the lines from right to left and from bottom to top;
4) in rows from bottom to top and from right to left.

The classic and simplest 3x3 super palindrome is “World or Rome”:


The 4x4 superpalindrome also exists in almost every language in the world, because it consists of personal names:

Nora. Lobster. Ramo. Aron.

But such a multitude of 5x5 superpalindromes, and even more so the 7x7 superpalindrome, are found ONLY in the Russian language.

Super palindromes:

Gene - money.

Kira. Icarus. Cancers. Arik.

Grandfather's boa constrictor, and grandfather is in hell

Did he really wish, eat, wish? Oh, lie down! - Lie.

Levo sang, and led the cook into disgrace

The price of the body is banana, and at the ball - dance
C E N A T.

It's sharp, but also sticky, and sculpted by Ole. Is it the case?
- He sang and saved, and he also saved oatmeal.

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