What you need to make handmade soap. Business idea: how to make handmade soap and make money from it? For problem skin

Recently, soap making at home has overwhelmed those who like to do something with their own hands. This fascinating process quickly becomes a hobby. And there are much more benefits in natural soap than in store-bought soap, which is full of chemical ingredients. Therefore, our magazine suggests learning how to make soap yourself. Step-by-step instructions and an accessible explanation, which you will find below, will certainly help in this exciting task.

The main thing in the article

Making soap at home: what do you need?

Soap making is one of the modern trends that involves making useful things yourself. What should you stock up on before you start making soap?

1. Basic foundation. There are three basic options.

  • Baby soap, which is grated and is the base for all other ingredients. This option is perfect for those who are starting to try themselves in this business. Having filled your hand, you can move on to other materials.
  • Special soap base. It is available for sale in handicraft stores and is a ready-made base for work.
  • Soap making professionals use oil and lye preparing soap. The consistency of the future soap will depend on the amount of alkali added.

2. Oil included in the base. You can take any mineral or vegetable. The main task of this component is to nourish and moisturize the epidermis. Alternatively, the following oils are suitable:

  • almond;
  • castor;
  • olive;
  • cocoa butter, etc.

3. Flavors. Their role is played by essential oils from fruits and herbs.

When choosing such a flavoring, you should pay attention to the needs of the skin, since, for example: orange oil helps to saturate with vitamins and get rid of cellulite, but tea tree copes well with excess oily skin.

4. Pigment (dye). There are two options for coloring soap:

  • food coloring or a special dye for coloring soap, sold in the same craft store;
  • natural, herbal decoctions, vegetable and fruit juices come to the rescue here.

5. Auxiliary elements. These include:

  • liquids for diluting soap base (milk, water, herbal infusions);
  • decorative elements (poppy, flowers);
  • scrubbing particles (coffee particles, oatmeal);
  • vitamin supplements;
  • glycerol.

6. Equipment for work. These are the dishes in which the soap mass will be boiled and the molds where it will harden.

Fragrance and color additives for homemade soap

As we have already found out, essential oils are used as flavoring agents. The effect of the main oils on the body is given in the table below.

As for natural dyes, the following products can be used for coloring:

  • turmeric and mustard powder will add yellow tint ;
  • calendula, carrot juice, sea buckthorn oil will do color orange;
  • beet or cherry juice will help get color from soft pink to burgundy ;
  • paprika and ground red pepper will add to the soap bright red color ;
  • nettle decoction, crushed herbs will contribute to the appearance green tone;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate, make soap brown;
  • added poppy seeds or activated carbon will give gray.

Methods for making soap at home

There are three ways to make soap:

  1. Melting the base with the addition of various ingredients.
  2. Hot method. The whole process takes place on the stove after the reaction of the alkali with water.
  3. Cold way. It is characterized by mixing ingredients, in which heating occurs due to chemical reactions.

Cold process soap making can create patterns and fuzzy swirls.

Making soap at home: step-by-step instructions with photos

We offer detailed master class, how to make peeling soap in two colors, which even a novice soap maker can handle.

To begin the soap making process, you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • transparent soap base – 0.5 kg;
  • chamomile oil – 5 tsp, it is suitable for sensitive skin (you can take another if desired);
  • food coloring, ours is blue;
  • black or yellow French clay – 1-2 tsp;
  • fragrance: choose any essential oil that you like, but since the soap will be in marine theme, then it is better to give preference to fresh ocean aromas;
  • alcohol, needed to get rid of bubbles;
  • pebbles to create decor;
  • Soap mold, we have a square silicone one.

Soap is made according to the instructions below:

Homemade clear soap recipe

To make transparent soap from scratch, we prepare:

  • Castor oil – 120 g;
  • Coconut oil – 150 g;
  • Pork fat – 30 g;
  • Glycerin – 210 g;
  • Alkali – 45.7 g;
  • Water – 90 g.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Add lye to very cold water.
  2. Melt coconut oil and fat, add castor oil.
  3. When the oils have cooled well, introduce an alkaline solution into them through a sieve.
  4. Using a mixer, beat all ingredients until smooth.
  5. Place the mixture in a water bath. Cover with a lid and, stirring occasionally, simmer for 2 hours.
  6. After this time, use an indicator strip to measure the pH. It should turn light green.
  7. Now pour in glycerin. Continue simmering until the soap becomes homogeneous. This will happen in approximately 40 minutes.
  8. Pour the mixture into the mold and leave to harden.

It is not recommended to place clear soap in the refrigerator to harden, as the cold temperature will cause the base to become cloudy.

How to make baby soap at home?

Every mother takes care of her child, trying to give him the best. Therefore, we suggest preparing environmentally friendly soap for your children. You will need the following components:

  • Organic soap base – 250 g.
  • Almond oil – 6–8 drops.
  • Carrot or beet juice for coloring – 10 drops.
  • Strong chamomile decoction – 1 tsp. You can take any decoction, but for children, chamomile, string, and sage are best.

Baby soap is made like this:

  1. Grind the organic base and melt it in a water bath.
  2. Add chamomile decoction, almond oil, coloring juice. Mix everything well.
  3. Pour into molds and let harden. Choose fun molds to make it interesting for kids to use this soap.

To ensure that the surface of the finished soap is smooth, without accumulation of bubbles, the mold and visible parts are sprayed with alcohol, which is first placed in a spray bottle.

Scrub soap: how to make it at home?

Scrub soap easily removes stubborn dirt and also helps remove the upper dead layer of the epidermis. Prepare the ingredients:

  • Soap base – 200 g.
  • Water – 4 tbsp.
  • Almond oil – 60 ml.
  • Honey – 60 g.
  • Finely ground coffee – 2 tbsp.
  • You can also use a dye of the desired shade.

The scrub soap is quite easy to prepare:

  1. Grind the base.
  2. Boil two glasses of water and pour boiling water over the base.
  3. Beat the mixture with a blender.
  4. Add honey, almond oil, finely ground coffee. If you want to add dye, then add that too. Stir, leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Add the remaining water and beat with a blender until smooth.
  6. The scrub soap has a creamy consistency, so it is best stored in a bottle with a dispenser.

Cosmetic soap as a gift: how to make it at home?

The following recipe is suitable for a gift. You need to prepare:

  • Soap base – 80 g.
  • Grapeseed oil – 30 g.
  • Cinnamon oil – 3 drops.
  • Cinnamon powder – 10 g.


  1. Melt the soap base under temperature (microwave, water bath).
  2. Pour oil into it and stir.
  3. Add cinnamon powder and stir.
  4. Pour into molds. After 8-10 minutes, stir the mixture so that the cinnamon powder does not settle.

DIY cold process soap

Characteristic for soap making cold method is the lack of heating of ingredients. The reagents are water and alkali.

  • The water should be icy, but ice may be present.
  • The ingredients must be measured strictly according to the recipe, otherwise you can harm the skin when washing with such soap.
  • After the reaction takes place, you can add other components (oils, pigments, flavors).
  • The temperature of the oils and base should not differ by more than 10°C. Everything should be thoroughly whipped with a blender and poured into the mold.

Hot method of making soap

At hot method After mixing the alkaline solution with a base of oils, the resulting mass is sent to simmer under the influence of temperature and only after that pigment substances and flavors are added. Hot process soap lathers better and can be used immediately after hardening.

Photo ideas for making soap at home

The best homemade soap recipes

We’ve sorted out how to make soap using different methods, now we’ll give you the recipes for the most best options homemade soap according to our magazine.






How to make soap at home from soap remnants?

From pieces of old soap that constantly remain in the soap dish and are eventually thrown away, you can cook good soap for washing your face. To work you need to have:

  • Remnants – 5 pcs. Instead, you can take 1-2 pieces of soap.
  • Lanolin – 2 tbsp.
  • Almond oil – 1 tsp.
  • Avocado oil – 0.5 tsp.
  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp.
  • Almonds (powder) – 1 tbsp.
  • Tea rose petals (dry) – 1 tsp.

Do the following:

  1. Grind the soap, this can be done using a grater. Melt them in a water bath, add lanolin.
  2. When everything has melted, remove from heat, add butter, oatmeal, almonds, rose petals.
  3. Stir until a homogeneous mass emerges.
  4. Pour the soap into a mold, preferably a silicone one. Cover with cling film and forget for three days.
  5. After three days, take it out and cut it into bars.

How to make liquid soap at home?

We invite you to try the lazy cooking recipe liquid soap. Preparing the components:

  • A piece of baby soap – 50 g.
  • Herbal decoction – 800–1000 ml. Celandine, chamomile, and calendula are perfect.
  • Glycerin – 1 tbsp.
  • Oil – 1 tbsp. You can take any.
  • If desired, pigment and flavoring.

Do the following:

  1. Rub soap.
  2. Brew the grass. Strain the broth.
  3. Combine the broth and soap. Hide for a day.
  4. Add glycerin, oil and other ingredients to the resulting mass, mix until smooth.
  5. Pour into a bottle with a dispenser and you can wash.

Laundry soap at home: a simple recipe

Common mistakes made by soap makers: what not to do?

  1. You should not melt the base over an open fire; this is done using a steam bath.
  2. There is no need to add a lot of oil to the base, as oil droplets will protrude on the surface of the mixture.
  3. You cannot replace alcohol, which removes bubbles in soap, with vodka, as it will not have the desired effect.
  4. Do not use fresh flowers; preference should be given to dry ones.
  5. When applying layer upon layer, you need to lightly scratch the bottom one with a toothpick and treat it with alcohol, then the finished soap will not separate.
  6. You should not add more than 10 drops of essential oils.
  7. When making clear soap, minimize the addition of carrier oil, which can make the end result cloudy.
  8. Add menthol diluted in alcohol, since the menthol itself in the soap base can form crystals.
  9. Be careful when mixing scents, as the result may not be entirely pleasant.

Home soap making video

Today, soap making is becoming increasingly popular. Of course, ready-made soap can be purchased in stores of various types. The souvenir shops offer a large number of products self made, amazing with their skill and originality. Homemade soap has significant benefits. It is made from renowned and quality ingredients. In addition, the cooking procedure is very exciting. You can read about how to make handmade soap at home in this article.

There are several technologies for making soap at home. Some of them are suitable for those who are just starting to get acquainted with soap making. You can make soap yourself after a short introduction or watching a master class.

Soap making is not just the process of preparing a bar of soap. This is creativity, which means creating a unique composition, color and shape of soap.

Store-bought soap may contain not only useful, but also harmful components, which reduces its use to nothing. Soap made at home will have the same properties that the soap maker will give it. Natural soap will gently and delicately care for the skin of your hands, face and body.

Soap making process:

  • Preparation of soap base. The finished base can be purchased in a special soap making department. It has a translucent or white color. If the soap is prepared from scratch, which involves preparing the base yourself, purchase the chemical components separately and combine them in the amount corresponding to the recipe.
  • Adding base oils to the base. Each oil may have its own unique properties. It is chosen independently, taking into account the expected effect of using soap. Oil can be coconut, olive, peach, apricot.
  • Enrichment with essential oils. Its addition gives the soap a unique aroma and also enriches it with useful substances. Instead of essential oil, you can add fragrances or fragrances. But you can't mix them.
  • Adding dyes. You can use special or food coloring. For naturalness, you can color your soap using coffee, cocoa or juice.
  • Use of fillers. Add extra soap cosmetic properties. You can use oatmeal, honey, dried herbs and flowers, coffee, nut shells, and ground fruit seeds as fillers.
  • The finished composition is poured into molds. These can be plastic glasses, ceramic bowls, special molds for soap.

You need to work with the liquid composition smoothly and carefully. It is better to prepare all the ingredients in advance so that they are at hand at the right time. Before starting work, beginners need to read the tips and recommendations of experienced craftsmen.

The first piece of advice when working with ingredients and soap composition is to follow safety precautions. There is an increased risk when making soap from scratch. To work with different compositions, you need to use dishes that will be intended only for soap making.

Please note that heated base can leave thermal burns - you need to work with it very carefully.

You also need to be careful when working with fragrances and essential oils. They need to be diluted in a container specially designed for this purpose. It is important to understand that chemicals if ingested can cause harm to the body.

Points to consider:

  • Beginners should carefully consider step by step process Job. To do this, all actions need to be written down in the plan. When working with a heated base, you need to act harmoniously and quickly, otherwise the soap may harden prematurely.
  • Do not allow the base to overheat. To heat it up, it is best to use a water bath. To do this, take larger and smaller enamel dishes.
  • The addition of fillers, dyes and fragrances should be moderate. Otherwise, the quality of the soap may be spoiled.
  • When working with soap base, do not use water. Water is needed when working with baby soap or making soap from scratch.

Interestingly, supplements have different effects on appearance soap, its density and hardening speed. For example, sugar and honey help soap melt quickly. But chocolate affects its hardening time. The use of vanilla gives a yellow tint to the soap, but does not enrich it with a pleasant aroma.

Homemade handmade soap: how to make

Soap can be made faster by using ready-made baby soap or base. You can use a special composition purchased in the store. Oils and extenders can be purchased at a grocery store, pharmacy, or craft store.

The preparation procedure is simple, especially when it comes to using a soap base. If you prepare the composition yourself, the technology may differ.

Working with chemicals involves several technologies: hot and cold. When hot, the components pass heat treatment. When cold, the heating reaction occurs from the interaction of elements.


  • Soap based. The base is melted and base oil, flavors, dyes, and fillers are added to it. The liquid is poured into molds for 3-6 hours.
  • From scratch. Working with chemical reactions. The alkali reacts with water, and oil, dyes and fillers are added to the finished base.

It is common to make soap from scratch. The lye must be mixed with water; it must be poured into the water, and not poured into it. It is better to prepare the base in a ventilated area or outside. The mixture is allowed to cool, preparing the solid oils for mixing: they can be melted in the microwave or using the water bath method. After the base mixture is ready, fillers, dyes and flavors are added to it.

What is handmade soap made from?

The amount of ingredients for making soap may vary, since the technology for its production may be different. Soap can be prepared from ready-made baby soap, base or lye and water. Standard ingredients are added to the liquid base, which will vary depending on the personal preferences of the soap maker.

The ingredients and their properties determine the characteristics of the soap and its effect on human skin.

All preparations need to be thought out in advance. The preparation of soap should be smooth, especially after the base is heated to a liquid state. The ingredients must be selected correctly; you should not oversaturate the soap with them.


  • Soap base;
  • Base oil;
  • Flavorings, essential oil;
  • Fillers.

The choice of ingredients depends on whether the soap should be moisturizing, cleansing, bactericidal, etc. There are many homemade soap recipes. When choosing them, it is important to monitor the ratio of ingredients.

How to make handmade soap (video)

Homemade soap for beginners is easy to make. Anyone can learn this, the main thing is to start. It is important to familiarize yourself with professional advice and instructions. All actions must be coordinated and fast. The choice of ingredients for cosmetics depends on the properties that the soap maker wants to impart to the soap. There are three technologies for making soap: using a ready-made base, from scratch, or based on baby soap.

How to make soap from scratch

The method of making soap from scratch is the most difficult. Here you must follow all the rules and have experience in making soap. The process of making soap from scratch is longer than soap-based soap. It takes up to 6 weeks to achieve a neutral pH balance.
To make soap from scratch you will need:
- alkali - caustic soda (NaOH);
— base oil (without strong odor);
- essential oils to add aroma and color;
— decorations (sparkles, flowers, loofahs and other plants);
- tools (measuring spoons, 2 saucepans for a stainless steel water bath, gloves and glasses for working with lye, a headscarf, an apron, a blender or mixer, a grater or knife for wax, a plastic stirring stick and soft molds for pouring soap) .

1. Prepare the oil base in a water bath, i.e. melt solid oils and wax.
2.The most dangerous thing about making soap from scratch is the lye.
To protect yourself from getting alkali on your skin, wear an apron and rubber gloves. Also lay an oilcloth on the table and remove all excess. Prepare dishes for preparing cosmetics; they must be clean.
Measure out the required amount of water and lye. Put glass jar in a bowl with cold water. Now stir and fall asleep quietly lye in water.
Attention! Under no circumstances should you do the opposite! Since when water and alkali are combined, a strong release of heat occurs, so the jar heats up and can cause an explosion.
3. Now we move on to the mixing stage. It is necessary that the lye solution and oil are at the same temperature; use a thermometer or determine with your hand by touching the dishes. Pour the lye into the oil, whisking with a mixer until it reaches the consistency of sour cream.
4. Add the necessary essential oils and beat again. If the composition must contain clay or other components, add them at this stage.
5. Place the soap in the prepared molds. Wrap the molds in a towel or blanket. Leave to cool and harden for 3 days. Then we remove the towel and leave the soap for another month in a dark, cool place to reduce the acidity and achieve a neutral pH. Cut into pieces and use!

How to make soap from baby soap

To make baby soap, you will need:
— 2 pans for a water bath;
- baby soap and grater;
— cosmetic oil (base);
— essential oils for scent and color;
- tools for making soap.

1. Grate baby soap into fine shavings.
2. Prepare a water bath. To do this, place a pan of water on the stove and heat it up. Place the soap shavings in another clean pan and add a glass of water. Melt the soap until smooth. To speed up the soap melting process, add honey or sugar.
3. Cool the liquid a little and add cosmetic oil, whisk.
4. Add essential oils and decorations.
5. Pour the soap into the molds.
6. Cool the soap in the refrigerator until it becomes solid. Remove from molds and cut into small pieces. The soap is ready and can be used.

How to make liquid soap

In order to make liquid soap use potassium hydroxide or soap residue, which is grated. To impart softening properties, you can add 5 ml of vodka and glycerin.
1. Melt the remaining soap in a water bath and add water.
2. Add essential oils and whisk.
3. To make liquid soap, add infusions or decoctions of herbs.
4. Pour liquid soap into the container. The soap is ready.

How to make soap based soap

Making soap based soap is easy. The soap turns out natural and will have the color and smell you need. Use it immediately after preparation.
To make soap you will need:
- soap base, sold in special stores (can be transparent and white in the form of a piece or shavings);
- essential oils;
— decorations for soap (plants, sparkles, dry fruits, peels, etc.);
- cutlery and dishes.

1. Melt the soap base in a water bath or in the microwave, without adding water.

2. Cool and add plants, decorations and essential oils, stir.

3. Pour the soap into molds and cool in the refrigerator.
4. Cut into pieces. The soap is ready.

To vary the clarity of soap, you need to use white powder in the form of titanium dioxide. If you add titanium dioxide, or purchase a special white base, the soap will be cream-colored. Various additives will give the soap color and aroma.

How to make bath balls

Bath balls soften the water and make your skin soft and pleasant. To make bath balls you will need:
- baking soda;
- citric acid;
- corn starch;
- essential oils;
- oil sprayer and sieve;
- round molds.

1. Sift soda and starch into a bowl and add citric acid, mix well.
2. Prepare essential oils and pour into a diffuser. While stirring, distribute the oils evenly.
3. The mixture is ready if it sticks together when squeezed with your fingers.
4. Decorate the mixture and fill the molds tightly.
5. Leave in the refrigerator for 5 hours and remove from the mold. Place in a cool, dark place to harden for a day. After this, you can use it by adding balls to the bath.

How to make a massage tile

The massage bar consists entirely of oils and melts in your hands. Used to moisturize and soften different parts of the body.
To make a massage tile:

  1. Melt the solid oil base in a water bath.
  2. Add softer base oils.
  3. When everything is completely melted, remove from the bath and leave to cool for 5 minutes.
  4. Add essential oils and stir.
  5. Pour into molds and place in the refrigerator to cool until firm. Can be used immediately.

To make your own recipe:
— ;
— determine what your skin needs;
- select base and essential oils;
- make soap in any way;
— .

Beginners are recommended to start by making soap based on baby soap. In soap making, it is very important to maintain the weight ratio of the ingredients. The method of a whisper of this and a handful of that will not work. Carefully measure and weigh all ingredients. And remember to take precautions when working with lye. Do not overdo it with adding essential oils; oversaturation leads to bad consequences.
You can use the soap recipes at home presented on our website.

Recipes for making soap at home

White Lavender Soap - recipe from scratch

softening body soap | baking soda, lavender oil, olive oil | dry skin

Mix 130 g of caustic soda with 375 ml of purified water. Follow the instructions above. Be careful with lye. Leave the solution to cool. In the meantime, make a water bath for 1 liter of olive oil to heat the oil. Remove the oil from the bath, and, stirring, pour the oil into the lye solution. Stir until the spoon begins to leave a mark. Add 20 ml lavender oil. Olive oil takes a very long time to thicken; the process can take several hours. Pour the mixture into molds and wrap it with a towel. Leave to harden for 3 days. Remove from the mold and leave in a ventilated area for 4 weeks.

1 month | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-09-05

Rose bath balls

cleansing body soap | rose, citric acid, rose oil | normal skin

Make bath balls: strain 450 g baking soda and 145 g cornstarch and 300 g citric acid through a sieve. Add rose essential oil (2.5 ml) and stir. Spray the mixture evenly with 5 ml of rose water until it clumps together. Divide the mixture into 2 halves. Add 5 g of red pepper to one part. Place tightly in molds and form into a ball. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight. Remove and leave to dry for several hours. You can decorate with dry rosebuds.

1.5 days | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-09-05

Enrichment of baby soap

cleansing body soap | baby soap, fatty oil, essential oil | normal skin

Prepare 200 grams of baby soap, 100 grams of hot water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fatty oils (a mixture of oils), 1 teaspoon of glycerin and half a teaspoon of vitamin A and E in oil solutions, 5-10 drops of essential oils. First, grate a piece of baby soap and fill it with hot water (you can also use a decoction of herbs or milk). Place the soap in a water bath and wait until the mixture melts, stirring. If lumps form, add water. You should get a creamy mass. Heat (melt) the fatty base in a water bath. Combine the soap and fat phases, add essential oils and other ingredients, stir thoroughly. Pour the mixture into the molds and leave to cool. It will take a week to finish the soap. When the soap dries (the water evaporates), you can take the soap out and use it.

1 week | website | 2011-02-09

Oatmeal soap

cleansing body soap | oatmeal, baby soap, glycerin | normal skin

Baby soap (200 g) is used as a base, which must be grated and melted in a water bath. To get rid of the specific smell of baby soap, melt it 2-3 times. Add a fatty base (any fatty oil) and glycerin (1/2 teaspoon). Add vitamins A and E, essential oils (for example, orange) to the hot mixture, mix thoroughly. Prepare 1 teaspoon of milk powder or cocoa powder and 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons crushed oatmeal. Add these ingredients to the hot mixture and mix well. Place the mixture into a square pan. To decorate, you can sprinkle with whole oatmeal and lightly press it into the soap. Leave the soap to dry for 2-3 days, remove from the mold. Baby soap dries out and loses its shape, so you can simply trim the edges with a knife.

3 days | website | 2011-02-09

Soap with sea buckthorn oil

cleansing body soap | sea ​​buckthorn oil, orange oil, eucalyptus oil | normal skin

Melt 100 g of white soap base in a water bath, add a third of a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil for color and 3 drops each of sweet orange and eucalyptus essential oils for scent. Take a mini mixer and beat the resulting mixture and pour into the molds. You can add calendula petals to soap. We advise you to prepare the leaves in advance, since pharmaceutical calendula is crushed into dust and contains many impurities.

2 days | website | 2011-02-11

Soap with hop cones and basil oil

pore-tightening body soap | hop cones, basil oil, soap base | oily skin

Melt 100g clear soap base, add 2 drops green liquid coloring and 4 drops basil essential oil. Place crushed hop cones in a soap mold and pour hot soap over it. The soap is ready.

2 days | website | 2011-02-11

Soap with coconut flakes

exfoliating body soap | mint oil, coconut | dry skin

Take 100 g of transparent soap base and melt in a water bath. Next, add 5 drops of Chinese mint essential oil and coconut flakes (half a teaspoon) to it. Stir well with a spoon until slightly thickened, but do not miss the moment when the soap can still pour into the mold. Make sure that the coconut flakes do not float and pour the soap into the base. Cooled soap can be used immediately. The coconut flakes will act as abrasives and improve exfoliation.

2 days | website | 2011-02-11

Strawberry poppy seed soap

exfoliating body soap | strawberry, poppy seed, soap base | normal skin

Make strawberry juice or use strawberry flavoring. Melt 100 g of transparent soap base in a water bath and add strawberry juice (1 teaspoon). Mix well by adding 1/4 teaspoon poppy seeds. Stir continuously until the soap thickens a little. Once the poppy seed is distributed throughout the soap, pour it into the mold. Poppy will improve skin exfoliation.

2 days | website | 2011-02-11

Soap with loofah

exfoliating body soap | loofah, sea buckthorn oil, orange oil | normal skin

For this soap, use a fresh loofah (with flat, soft and fine fibers), it will act as a gentle scrub. To make the loofah soft, place it in boiling water, squeeze it well, and place it in a mold for pouring soap. Melt 100 g of transparent soap base in a water bath and add 1/3 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil and 5 drops of orange essential oil, 3 drops of lemongrass essential oil, beat the mixture well with a mixer. Fill the loofah with liquid soap. And if the loofah floats, place a weight on top. Once the soap has cooled, remove it from the mold. Cut off the protruding part of the loofah.

3 days | website | 2011-02-11

White soap base soap with ylang-ylang oil

softening body soap | avocado oil, ylang-ylang oil, lemon oil | dry skin

For this soap, use 1 teaspoon of avocado oil, 3 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil and 5 drops of lemon essential oil. Melt white soap base for 1 soap 100 g in a water bath. For a yellowish color, you can add dye (1 drop of liquid). Add essential oils to the melted base and mix thoroughly. Prepare a relief mold and pour the mixture into it. After 20-40 minutes, when it has cooled down a little, massage the mold with your thumbs to get air into it. To avoid damaging the mold, gently press down on the raised part of the soap. If the soap does not come out, it is better to wait.

1 day | website | 2011-02-11

How to make bulk soap

softening body soap | soap base, peach kernel oil, basil oil | normal skin

To make volumetric soap, you will need special plastic molds that must be connected to obtain volume. Pour in the prepared soap and leave to cool. Since the soap will be in a closed form, it will harden more slowly. For voluminous soap, you can use the following ingredients: 150 g of white soap base, 3 drops of blue liquid dye, 1 teaspoon of peach seed oil, 3 drops each of basil, ginger, and grapefruit essential oils.

3 days | website | 2011-02-11

Soap with parsley

cleansing body soap | parsley, soap base, pine oil | normal skin

Prepare 1 teaspoon of dried parsley, crush it well and pour hot oil (for example, vegetable oil) over it. Within two days, the oil will be enriched with parsley components and it can be used to create soap. Melt 100 g of white and 100 g of transparent soap base separately. Heat the oil a little in a water bath so that the temperature of the soap base and oil are the same. Add 0.5 teaspoon of butter with parsley to each melted base. IN transparent base add 4 drops of pine essential oil, and rosemary to white. Pour into separate identical molds and leave to cool. Next, you can combine 2-4 soaps, alternating colors. Tie with natural fiber, the gift is ready.

2 days | website | 2011-02-11

Soap with blue clay

cleansing body soap | blue clay, jojoba oil, patchouli oil | normal skin

To make homemade soap with blue clay, you will need 100 g of white soap base, a teaspoon of dry blue clay. The oil base will consist of 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil, 7 drops of patchouli essential oil. You need to melt the soap and add clay, oil and mix thoroughly with a mini mixer. To get soap without lumps, pour immediately after thorough mixing, the liquid should be hot. To get shaped soap, the prepared base must be sufficiently fluid. Pour the soap a little and press it with a spoon so that it gets into the relief. Pour in the remaining mixture to the end and wait 20 minutes - the soap is ready. Blue clay cleanses the pores and skin of the face and body.

2 days | website | 2011-02-11

Soap with honey

cleansing body soap | honey, propolis tincture, shea butter | normal skin

Melt 100 grams of soap base (in a water bath or in the microwave at 400 W for 2-3 minutes). Adding honey to soap is very simple - you just need it
mix there. The base should be hot enough
so that the honey has time to dissolve. But not too much - then
beneficial substances will be preserved as much as possible. Heat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey in a water bath so that it reaches the same temperature as the soap base. Add 1/3 teaspoon shea butter and 1 teaspoon alcohol tincture of propolis (for more details on how to make the tincture, see the website). Mix everything well and pour into the mold. Spray with rubbing alcohol to remove bubbles. Cool and wait until the soap hardens. Soap with honey turns out softer, more flexible, and
of course beautiful.

Chocolate scrub soap with coconut flakes

cleansing body soap | chocolate, cocoa, coconut oil | normal skin

Melt 100 grams of soap base (in a water bath or in the microwave at 400 W for 2-3 minutes). Add 1-2 grams of dark chocolate, cocoa powder 1/3 teaspoon, vanilla sugar 1/3 teaspoon. To give a scrub effect, add coconut oil (1/3 teaspoon) and coconut flakes (1 teaspoon). Mix thoroughly, pour into the mold and leave to cool.

1 hour | mama-mila.ru | 2011-08-22

Chocolate coffee soap

cleansing body soap | chocolate, coffee, jojoba oil | normal skin

Melt 100 grams of soap base (in a water bath or in the microwave at 400 W for 2-3 minutes). Add 2 grams of dark chocolate and ground or instant coffee 1 teaspoon, vanilla sugar 1/3 teaspoon and 1 teaspoon of milk powder. Add 1/3 teaspoon of jojoba oil to the soap base. All components will dissolve well in a hot soap base. Place carefully and leave to cool.

1 hour | mama-mila.ru | 2011-08-22

Chocolate soap with shea butter

cleansing body soap | chocolate, cocoa, shea butter | normal skin

For 100 grams of soap base, use 2 grams of dark chocolate, which will dissolve itself in the base. To enhance the effect, add 1/3 teaspoon of cocoa powder, vanilla sugar and shea butter. Using a special form, you can get beautiful soap.

1 hour | mama-mila.ru | 2011-08-22

Soap ice cream

cleansing body soap | sugar, condensed milk, wheat germ oil | normal skin

Take 1 tablespoon of creamy soap base and add it to 100 grams of hot white soap base. Mix and add 1 teaspoon of condensed milk, 1/3 teaspoon of vanilla sugar, 1/3 teaspoon of wheat germ oil. Dissolve a little crystalline menthol (1 gram) and add it, it will give a feeling of cold in tender places. Mix well and pour into the mold. Spray with alcohol to remove bubbles. The more creamy the soap base is, the softer the final soap will be. If you use a clear soap base, the soap will become cloudy.

1 hour | mama-mila.ru | 2011-08-22

Oatmeal soap

cleansing body soap | oatmeal, milk powder, avocado oil | normal skin

Add 1 tbsp to 100 grams of melted soap base. a spoonful of ground oat flakes and some whole ones for decoration. Add 5 drops avocado oil and 1 teaspoon milk powder. Stir well and pour into the mold.

1 hour | mama-mila.ru | 2011-08-22

Cinnamon Soap

cleansing body soap | cinnamon, walnut oil, cinnamon oil | normal skin

Add ground cinnamon, cinnamon essential oil and walnut oil (1/3 teaspoon each) to the soap base (per 100 grams).

1 hour | mama-mila.ru | 2011-08-22

Soap with mint

cleansing body soap | mint, mint oil, grape seed oil | normal skin

For 100 grams of soap base, take ground mint (1/3 teaspoon), mint essential oil 9 drops, grape seed oil 1/3 teaspoon and alcohol tincture of chlorophyllipt 1/2 teaspoon.

1 hour | mama-mila.ru | 2011-08-22

Spiced soap

cleansing body soap | turmeric, cinnamon, clove oil | normal skin

Prepare 100 grams of soap base. Add 1/3 teaspoon ground turmeric, 1/6 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 4 drops clove essential oil.

1 hour | mama-mila.ru | 2011-08-22

Soap with lime and mint.

cleansing body soap | lime, mint oil, lime thought | normal skin

Dry the zest of half a lime well. Take 100 grams of clear soap base and melt in the microwave. It should be hot enough for the zest to give its color to the soap. Add dry zest and stir well. Then add 5 drops of lime essential oil and 3 drops of mint essential oil, 1/3 teaspoon of grape seed oil. Continue stirring until the soap thickens a little so that the particles stop floating. You can also add lime juice, but first strain it through a fine strainer. The aroma of lime essential oil does not last long, so you can add stronger and more persistent lemongrass essential oil. After 20 minutes, the soap is ready, but before using for the first time, you should let it dry for another day.

5 hours | mama-mila.ru | 2011-08-24

Orange zest soap

cleansing body soap | orange, orange oil, grape seed thought | normal skin

Dry the zest of half an orange well and chop it finely. Take 100 grams of clear soap base and melt in the microwave. It should be hot enough for the zest to give its color to the soap. Add 10 drops of orange essential oil and 1/3 teaspoon of grape seed oil. To enhance the scent, add 1-2 drops of Lemongrass essential oil. Stir well until slightly solidified to avoid pieces of zest floating to the surface. Leave to cool and dry for another 4-5 hours.

Last time home soap making is becoming more popular. Soap made from natural ingredients is environmentally friendly and beneficial for the skin. There are two options for making soap. In the first case, the soap base is made by hand, but you have to work with lye and follow precise instructions. The simplest option is soap making using a ready-made soap base. For those who decide to make soap for the first time, it is better to opt for the second method, the technology of which is described in this article.

Ingredient Selection

Professionals add various components to soap, depending on what skin type the soap is intended for. The main components include:

  1. Soap base. For home preparation, simple baby soap is considered the ideal option. It contains glycerin, lanolin, and natural oils that moisturize the skin and relieve irritation. For soap making, it is better to choose unscented soap.
  2. A base oil that improves the quality of soap. The most popular oils are jojoba, olive, and peach.
  3. Special or food colorings To give a rich shade, as well as fruit and vegetable juice, chocolate.
  4. Additives are used depending on the recipe. As additional ingredients you can take: honey, dried herbs and flowers, cream, ground coffee.


In addition to the listed ingredients, for soap making you will need:

  1. Grater. It is better to choose a grater that produces smaller chips.
  2. Iron pan.
  3. Two plates. One glass or porcelain plate for the water bath, the plate must fit into the pan. Another plate is needed to melt the butter.
  4. Knife for cutting soap.
  5. A few spoons.
  6. Buy molds for filling in a specialized store, or you can use disposable jars and baking dishes.


The soap making process of any soap consists of the following stages:

  1. Rub baby soap on a grater.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan on the stove. After the water boils, place a plate with shavings in it. The edges of the plate should not be filled with water.
  3. Stir the mixture periodically; the soap should not boil.
  4. When all the chips have dissolved, add 3 teaspoons of oil per 100 g of chips, half a glass of hot milk or water.
  5. Later we add additional ingredients according to the recipe: herbs, flowers, honey or chocolate. Cook the resulting mixture for a few more minutes.
  6. Remove the plate from the water bath, then add essential oil and dye.
  7. Pour the hot soap mixture into the molds. Moreover, you can combine different colors, resulting in beautiful curls.
  8. We put the molds in the refrigerator so that the soap becomes solid. When the soap hardens, take it out of the molds and leave it to dry for two to seven days.

Pine massage soap recipe

Natural pine soap is one of the most useful. It gently cleanses pores and removes toxins. Also, pine soap has exfoliating, soothing and bactericidal properties. To create this soap you will need:

  1. 100 g of soap or soap base, preferably transparent;
  2. Chopped spruce and pine needles - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Loofah;
  4. Alcohol;
  5. Fir essential oil;
  6. Green dye;
  7. Molds.

The preparation technology is the same as for regular soap. During the cooking process, sprinkle pine needles or add pine decoction instead of water. At the end of cooking, add fir oil and dye. Pour into loofah molds. Sprinkle alcohol on top.

Cherry soap recipe

Cherry soap has a pleasant aroma and makes the skin silky. Compound:

  1. Transparent soap base – 100 g.
  2. Rosehip, fucus, grape seed, rose oil. Each oil – 1/3 teaspoon.
  3. Freshly squeezed cherry juice – 10-20 ml.
  4. Sugar – 1/2 teaspoon.
  5. Dyes: pink, red, burgundy.

Pour heated cherry juice with sugar into the melted soap base, add oil and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into three glasses and add a different coloring to each. Then pour the soap from the glasses into the molds, mixing the colors.

Soap making does not require any special skills. The variety of recipes, forms, additives makes the process fun and interesting.

Do homemade soap very easy, and despite the simplicity of its manufacture, it will make your skin much better, depending on the elements that you can choose yourself. Handmade soap will be an excellent gift for family and friends, because... you can use their favorite colors and flavors.

Recipe No. 1

Connoisseurs of soap making can make soap from scratch with only fat and lye. Beginners should use the most common baby soap as a base.


  • baby soap – 100 grams
  • herbal decoction of nettle, sage, chamomile, parsley – 250 grams
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil
  • 1 teaspoon. honey
  • half a teaspoon of vitamin E
  • half a teaspoon of vitamin A
  • peppermint oil – 5 drops

If you have a lot of soap leftover, then you can save money and use them instead of a whole piece of baby soap.

Also, instead of ready-made soap, Glycerin base can be used as a base, which is sold in specialized stores. In this case, you can get transparent, beautiful soap and present it to your family and friends.


  1. Grind the soap grated
  2. Add castor and olive oil to it and dissolve the resulting mixture in a water bath
  3. Put some honey, peppermint oil and vitamins.
  4. Mix thoroughly
  5. Distribute the soap according to molds

When rubbing soap, it is better to protect your eyes from getting soap shavings with glasses.

Recipe No. 2

You will need:

  • 180 g baby soap;
  • 4–5 tbsp. l. oils(olive, almond, coconut, cedar, palm, grape seed, cocoa butter, rosehip, sea buckthorn - any, depending on your needs);
  • half a glass of boiling water(100 ml.);
  • 2 tbsp. l. glycerin.

The remaining components are optional and may vary depending on your wishes.

During cooking, it is better to use a measuring cup or electronic scales. With their help, you have a better chance of not disturbing the proportions of ingredients.

Home technology

  • Grind baby soap on a fine grater
  • Pour oil into container and glycerin
  • Heat the oil in a steam bath and gradually add soap shavings and add boiling water, while constantly stirring the mixture. As a result, we get a mass that resembles the consistency of homogeneous shortbread dough without lumps.
  • Remove soap from heat and enter optional ingredients as you wish (essential oils, herbs, salt, etc.)
  • Lay out the soap into pans greased with olive oil.
  • After cooling Remove the almost finished soap from the mold and let it rest for 3 days at room temperature.

You can use anything you want as soap molds: your children’s sand molds, silicone molds for cupcakes, pudding or yoghurt cups, specialized molds for homemade soap, etc.

Recipe No. 3

We will need:

  • dyes (can be food coloring),
  • aromatic oils,
  • base oil (almond, apricot kernel, grape seed, etc.), molds,
  • a little milk
  • baby soap,
  • wooden spatula for stirring

The process of making homemade soap

  1. Grind a bar of soap into a metal container, add milk (about 2/3) and let stand.
  2. Place the mixture in a water bath and stirring continuously, wait until the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, then reduce the heat to minimum.
  3. Add 2-3 base oils. If you add honey and oatmeal, you get a soap with a scrub effect.
  4. Stir the mixture well and pour into molds.
  5. You can add dye to each container the color you want, this way we will get several bars of soap of different colors.
  6. Leave the preparations in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, transfer the soap to cling film and leave it alone for a week.

In order for the surface of the soap to be absolutely smooth, it is necessary to immediately spray the mixture with alcohol from a spray bottle after pouring it into the mold - alcohol destroys small bubbles that can ruin the appearance of our product.

Homemade liquid soap, not surprisingly, is made from solid soap.

It’s no more difficult to prepare than usual:

  1. Rub a bar of soap (229 g)
  2. Mix in a blender with 235 ml boiled water
  3. Add 1 tsp. glycerin
  4. Add additional ingredients (oils, food coloring)
  5. Add water until the perfect consistency
  6. Pour the soap into containers

The container for liquid soap must be tight so that it does not absorb foreign odors.

Healthy Supplements

To make the soap more useful and fragrant, you can add the following ingredients to it:

  • oat flakes, ground sesame seeds(2-3 tablespoons) – these components will give your soap the properties of a scrub;
  • dry medicinal herbs or infusions instead of water(oregano, chamomile, celandine, yarrow, string) - will help disinfect, soften and regenerate the skin.
  • milk powder, coconut flakes, chopped almonds(2–3 tablespoons) – perfectly moisturizes the skin;
  • ground coffee- will serve as an excellent scrub and give your product a unique aroma;
  • honey (2–3 tablespoons) and propolis tincture (1 teaspoon)– relieves redness and irritation;
  • cosmetic clay– helps enhance the cleansing effect of soap;
  • essential oils from chamomile, sage, vanilla, neroli, eucalyptus, pine, fir, cedar, vanilla, lemon, orange, etc. - give a pleasant aroma

Soap made from herbal infusions cannot be stored for long periods of time because it quickly deteriorates. It should be used for no more than 2 months.

What natural dyes should be used to obtain color?

Beige or white:

  • Powdered milk
  • White clay


  • Saffron
  • Chamomile
  • Calendula flowers
  • Curry
  • Turmeric


  • Sea buckthorn oil
  • Carrot juice
  • Pumpkin juice

From pink to red:

  • Red clay
  • Beet juice
  • Pink clay


  • Cucumber
  • Seaweed
  • Spirulina
  • Sage
  • Spinach
  • Dried parsley or dill


  • Cinnamon
  • Chopped cloves
  • Cocoa
  • Ground coffee beans, coffee grounds
  • Chopped rosehip
  • Grated chocolate
  • Burnt sugar

Soap makers' mistakes

  • Excessive addition of essential oils may cause an allergic reaction and skin irritation. If you are preparing soap for a small child, then it is better to do without it altogether.
  • Using rose petals and hibiscus for coloring. In reality they impart a dirty gray or green color.
  • Excess oil. Under this condition, the soap stops foaming.
  • Large amount of dry herbs, not ground herbs. Soap with such a defect can severely scratch the skin when lathered.
  • Adding salt to a hot soap mixture. In this case, it will turn into soap flakes and water.
  • Soap overheating. Causes lumps and makes it too soft.

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