Quotes about good and evil. Proverbs and sayings about kindness, kindness and good deeds

Before you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about good and evil... This is quite an interesting and extraordinary collection of the most real "pearls of wisdom" on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and apt phrases of masters of the spoken genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more ...

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But I say to you: do not resist the evil one. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.
Gospel of Matthew 5, 39.

Of the two evils, the one that is easier to inflict is usually chosen.
Danil Rudy.

And shouldn't we do evil so that good may come out, as some curse us and say that we teach this way.
Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans, 3, 8.

I did not keep my thought - keep your word.
Slawomir Trotsky.

The good that I want I do not do, but the evil that I do not want I do.
Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans, 7, 19.

If you can choose from two evils, then that's not bad.
Konstantin Melikhan.

Evil tends to avenge itself, but good is not necessarily rewarded. Evil is much more consistent.
Karol Izhikovsky.

Good exists where it is constantly being created.
Vladislav Grzheshik.

If you get hit on the right cheek, block with your right hand and hit with your left.
"Karate school."

The ascetic makes need out of virtue.
Friedrich Nietzsche.

Evil never sleeps, and besides, it often wakes up.
Vladislav Grzheshik.

Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.
Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans, 12, 21.

Of two evils, I always chose the one that I had not tried before.
Mae West.

The greater evil always hides behind the lesser.
Vladislav Grzegorchik.

Do not forget that Our Father begins with a request for daily bread. It is difficult to praise the Lord and love your neighbor on an empty stomach.
Woodrow Wilson.

The Ten Commandments are given in order to choose several of them and follow them.

If there were so little good in the world, as they say, evil would not have been so vividly in the eye.
Vladislav Grzheshik.

All original thoughts and original sins happened before you were born with people you did not have the opportunity to know.
Fran Lebowitz.

If everyone followed the Ten Commandments, there would simply be nothing to talk about.

Immorality is the morality of those who have a better time than we do.
Henry Louis Mencken.

Nowadays, rules have taken the place of the ten commandments road traffic- and violate them just as often.
Ilona Bodden.

The morality of nations depends on respect for women.
Wilhelm Humboldt.

All for the election of two evils!
Boris Krutier.

Take your time to convert sinners before they sin.
Wieslaw Brudziński.

People are always bad until necessity compels them to do good.
Niccolo Machiavelli.

Never attribute human malignity to anything that can be explained by stupidity.
Hanlon's Razor.

Sin is man-made, but it tastes divine.
Mae West.

Virtue is its own reward.

It is a pity that drinking water is not a sin. And how tasty it would seem!
Georg Lichtenberg.

Absurdity is sin without God.
Jean Paul Sartre.

If you don't feel like breaking even one of the Ten Commandments, then something is wrong with you.
Gilbert Chesterton.

The lesser evil tends to be more durable.
Wieslaw Brudziński.

When the Celestial Empire learned that beauty is beauty, ugliness also appeared. When they learned that good is good, evil also appeared.
Lao Tzu.

Morality is the mind of the heart.
Heinrich Heine.

The amount of good in nature is equal to the amount of evil.
Jean Baptiste Robinet.

Sins are of different rites.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

True ethics begins where words are no longer used.
Albert Schweitzer.

People are not punished for their sins, but are punished by the sins themselves. And this is the most difficult and surest punishment.
Lev Tolstoy.

Let us learn - maybe after death a tree of the knowledge of good and evil will grow out of us.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Two things always fill the soul with new and ever stronger surprise and awe, the more often and longer we think about them - the starry sky above me and the moral law in me.
Immanuel Kant.

Morality has always been the last refuge of people indifferent to art.
Oscar Wilde.

For the pure, everything is pure.
Apostle Paul - Epistle to Titus, 1, 15.

The best punishment for virtue is virtue itself.
Anairin Bevin.

Two evils, you say? I also have an assortment!
Wieslaw Brudziński.

Even death can be consent and therefore a moral act. The animal dies, a person must surrender his soul to its Creator.
Henri Amiel.

It makes a big difference whether a person does not want to sin or does not know how.

At every step there are inscriptions: Don't give a damn! Do not litter! Keep quiet. Don't drive on the left? I didn’t see only the inscription: Do not kill? Or maybe it would.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

The Ten Commandments are so laconic, clear and understandable only because they were written without the help of advisers and experts.
Charles de Gaulle.

Moses: Inventor of the ten most frequently violated laws.
Leonard Louis Levinson.

No one can be completely free until everyone is free. Nobody can be completely moral until everyone is still moral. Nobody can be completely happy until everyone is still happy.
Herbert Spencer.

Morality teaches not how to become happy, but how to become worthy of happiness.
Immanuel Kant.

Hell is a place where the ten commandments are persecuted by law.
Henry Louis Mencken.

He who does not notice evil is stupid, who does not notice good is unhappy.
Jerzy Płudowski.

We live in such a way that to suddenly see us is to catch us red-handed.

Be the lesser of two evils.
Ambrose Bierce.

In all that concerns sins, one should carefully follow the fashion.
The mutated Lillian Hellman.

It is a sin to indulge in despondency when there are other sins.
Gennady Malkin.

Good must be with fists.
Stanislav Kunyaev.

The border between light and shadow is you.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Good should be with fists - if he does not have more modern weapons.
Valery Seregin.

If we all confessed our sins to each other, we would laugh at how little invention we have. If we all revealed our virtues, we would laugh at the same.
Kahlil Gibran.

What is virtue? In chastity? No, I will answer, because the human race would die out. Marital cohabitation? No, there is more virtue in abstinence. Not to kill? No, because every order would be violated and the wicked would kill the righteous. To kill? No, murder destroys living creature. Our truth and our good are only partially true and good, and they are tainted by evil and falsehood.
Blaise Pascal.

As sin multiplied, grace abounded.
Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans, 5, 20.

Of two evils choose the less.
Modified Aristotle.

Choose the cutest of two evils.
Caroline Wells.

Give your fists to good, so evil will immediately declare itself good.
Vladimir Goloborodko.

A sin committed for our sake cannot be grievous.
Leszek Kumor.

If God were a liberal, instead of ten commandments, we would have ten sentences.
Malcolm Bradbury.

You have to make good out of evil, because there is nothing else to make of it.
Robert Penn Warren.

We always imagine the moral position as vertical, the immoral - horizontal.

I always keep my word when I am dealing with people, and not always when I am dealing with God. God is able to forgive.
Modified by Paul van Doren.

If A said, don't be B.
O. Donskoy.

People could not even invent the eighth deadly sin.
Théophile Gaultier.

Good by decree is not good.
Ivan Turgenev.

Morality must be a bitter fruit if we give it to our wives and sisters.
Alexander Sventokhovsky.

Morality is not a list of actions and not a collection of rules that can be used like pharmaceutical or culinary recipes.
John Dewey.


People are cruel, but man is kind.
R. Tagore

Good deeds should never be postponed: any delay is unwise and often dangerous.

There is only one way to put an end to evil - to do good to evil people.
L. Tolstoy

Doing good to bad people is the same as doing bad to good people.
Zahiredtsin - Muhammad Babur

In the victory of evil is your fall. In your good is your salvation.

Anyone who has not comprehended the science of good, any other science brings only harm.
M. de Montaigne

Only he can ardently love good, who is capable, with all his heart, to hate evil irreconcilably.
F. Schiller

Any evil is easy to nip in the bud.

Good is doubly good when it is short. When we reward the good, we punish the bad.
B. Gracian y Morales

A necessary consequence of the order of things is that the wicked gains a double benefit: from his own injustice and from the honesty of others.
J.-J. Russo

Everyone wants good. Don't give it away.
S.E. Lec

He who does good to another does good to himself.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

When good is powerless, it is evil.
O. Wilde

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when the light kisses them.
R. Tagore

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad things, I feel bad. This is my religion.
A. Lincoln

When, having done evil, a person is afraid that people will find out about it, he can still find a way to good. When, having done good, a person tries to make people know about it, he generates evil.
Hong Zicheng

The villain cannot achieve greatness.
I.V. Goethe

Do good right and left, do not skimp on good words and even better deeds - love in order to be loved.
B. Gracian y Morales

Someone asked: "Is it correct to say that evil must be paid with good?" The teacher said: “And then with what to pay for the good? For evil you have to pay with justice, and for good - with good. "

Do not do evil - and that is a blessing.

An evil person harms himself before harming another.
Aurelius Augustine

The highest right is often the highest evil.

Deception and power are the weapons of the wicked.
A. Dante

The good man finds a paradise for himself on earth, while the evil one here anticipates his hell.
G. Heine

Sow evil - so wait for a bloody harvest.
J. Racine

Suppress evil in the bud! If time is wasted and the disease has strengthened, what will the doctor do?

Take away from our hearts the love of goodness - you take away all the charm of life.
J.-J. Russo

Custom is often evil.
P. Beaumarchais

You cannot behave the same with good and evil.
Mark Tullius Cicero

The invisible evil is the most disturbing of all.

12 Feb 2019 admin

Sayings about good

Good alone is immortal, evil does not live for a long time! Shota Rustaveli

Evil tends to avenge itself, but good is not necessarily rewarded. Evil is much more consistent. Karol Izhikovsky

A kind person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who does not know how to do evil. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad things, I feel bad. This is my religion. Abraham Lincoln

No good is wasted. Ancient India, unknown author

A person is often left alone with himself, and then he needs virtue; sometimes he is in the company of other people, and then he needs a good name. Nicola-Sebastian Chamfort

In his prayers, he simply asked the gods to bestow good, for the gods know best of all what good is. Socrates

If you are evil, then why do you know how to do good to your children, and if you are considered kind and cordial, then why do you not do the same good to our children as to your own? Ivan IV the Terrible

Any impartially decided matter deprives a lie of its power, affirms the truth, creates good and destroys evil like food that destroys hunger, like clothes that cover nakedness, just as the sky after a fierce thunderstorm clears up and the sun warms all who are frozen, like a fire that roasts what was raw is like water that quenches your thirst. Ancient Egypt, unknown author

Good deeds, which are performed not out of love for people and not out of concern for them, but for the salvation of their own souls, are not at all good. Where there is no love, there is no good. Nikolay Alexandrovich Berdyaev

It is better to die in good standing than to live in disrepute. Zahireddin Muhammad Babur

The good that I want I do not do, but the evil that I do not want I do. Paul

Only he can ardently love good, who is capable, with all his heart, to hate evil irreconcilably. Johann Friedrich Schiller

With whom everyone is satisfied, he does nothing good, because good is impossible without offending evil. Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

Good deeds need to be covered with new ones. good deeds so that the good glory does not fizzle out. Marcus Porcius Cato (Sr.)

We must repay for good and evil, but why exactly to the person who did us good or evil? Friedrich Nietzsche

If you do good to a person, what more do you want? It is not enough for you to do something consistent with your nature - are you still looking for a bribe for yourself? Just as the eye would demand payment for looking, or legs for walking. Marcus Aurelius

Love good, and then you will be necessarily useful to your fatherland, without thinking or trying to be useful to it. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Tragedy arises not when good is defeated, but when a person seems nobler than the forces that destroy him. George Orwell

Half of the effects of good intentions turn out to be evil. Half of the consequences of bad intentions turn out to be good. Mark Twain

The secret of good government: let the ruler be the ruler, the subject - the subject, the father - the father, and the son - the son. Confucius

Good can exist without evil; but evil cannot exist without good. Aurelius Augustine

An ounce of fame weighs more than a pound of pearls. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Oh, that the majority were capable of doing the greatest evil in order to be capable of the greatest good! It would be nice! Otherwise, it is not capable of either one or the other: it cannot make a person either rational or unreasonable, but it does whatever is horrible. Plato

The disposition of the mighty of this world is more likely to be achieved by the one who helps them to send their goods down the wind, rather than the one who is trying to teach how to increase it. Luc de Clapier Vovenargue

The most powerful suggestion of good is an example of a good life. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

How far the rays of a tiny candle stretch! A good deed shines in the same way in the world of bad weather. William Shakespeare

A good king should do good to his friends and make his enemies friends. Ariston of Chios

The source of evil is vanity, and the source of good is mercy. Francois-René de Chateaubriand

There is and cannot be any compromise between good and evil, truth and falsehood, progress and regression. Giuseppe Mazzini

Like a reflection of the moon in water, mortal life is fragile; knowing this, do good incessantly. Ancient India, unknown author

Nurses say about their pets that they should be sent to school: if they cannot learn anything good there, then, in any case, while at school, they will not do anything bad. Lucian

The young men are good-natured, because they have not yet seen many base things. They are gullible because they have not been deceived in many ways. They are generous, because life has not yet humiliated them and they have not experienced needs. Aristotle

He who thinks too much about doing good has no time to be kind. Rabindranath Tagore

Morality consists in the perfect knowledge of good, in the perfect ability and desire to do good. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

In politics, as in trade, you must have a good name. It is impossible to deceive many times in neither one nor the other. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Gratitude to those who do us good is a universally recognized virtue, and to show gratitude in one form or another, even imperfectly, is a person's duty both to himself and to those who help him. Frederick Douglas

Gullibility never leads to good. Guy Petronius Arbiter

What is the difference between a demon and a human? Goethe's Mephistopheles says: "I am part of that part of the whole that wants evil, but does good." Alas! A person could say exactly the opposite about himself. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The invisible being called "Good Name" is the breath of all those who speak well of us. George Savile Halifax

Where there is no distinction between happiness and unhappiness, between joy and sorrow, there is no distinction between good and evil. Good is a statement; evil is the denial of the pursuit of happiness. Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach

How foolish is a man, when from the good that he has, he is still looking for something else. Not content with what he has, and chasing more, a person loses what he had. Margarita of Navarre

When, while doing good, you do not think about yourself or others, a handful of grains will bestow mercy for a thousand pounds of bread. When, helping others, you boast of your generosity and demand gratitude from people, then a hundred gold pieces will not benefit you even half a copper. Hong Zicheng

It is less a sin to follow evil, which you recognize as good, than not daring to defend what you truly know for good. Jerome of Stridonsky

A noble husband helps people to see what is good in them, and does not teach people to see what is bad in them. And the low man does the opposite. Confucius

Think in the depths of your soul: if you can hardly do something worthy, the work for you will quickly end, and the good you have done remains with you for the rest of your life; but if for the sake of pleasure you do something bad, pleasure will quickly leave you, and the bad deed will always remain with you. Marcus Porcius Cato (Sr.)

There is no righteous man on earth who does good and does not sin; therefore, do not pay attention to every word that is spoken. For your heart knows many times when you yourself have cursed others. Book of Ecclesiastes or Preacher

Such emptiness as good for good's sake has no place at all in living activity. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Virtue is courageous, and good never fears. I will never regret doing a good deed. William Shakespeare

Chastity in women is mostly just a concern for a good name and peace. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

As long as a person is able to do good, he is not in danger of facing ingratitude. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The reward for a good deed is a good deed, and the reward for sin is sin. Sages of the Talmud

Virtue and vice, moral good and evil - in all countries are determined by whether a given phenomenon is useful or harmful for society. Voltaire

Do not let the ingratitude of many scare you away from doing good to people; for besides the fact that goodness in itself and without any other purpose is a noble deed, but doing good, one sometimes encounters so much gratitude in one person that it rewards all the ingratitude of others. Francesco Guicciardini

Only good can be evil. Where there is no good, there cannot be any evil. Aurelius Augustine

A good person cannot admire the execution of an evil one. Quintus Septimius Florence Tertullian

He who does good to a friend is doing good to himself. Erasmus of Rotterdam

The dishonest means by which many are elevated clearly indicate that goals are also not worth a kind word. Michel de Montaigne

The Irish are an honest people: they will not say a kind word about each other. Samuel Johnson

I wish you well, that's why I scold you - this is how true friends are always recognized! Hans Christian Andersen

What is considered evil at this time is usually an untimely echo of what was once considered good - an atavism of the oldest ideal. Friedrich Nietzsche

Good is like a superlative degree of benefit, it’s like a very useful benefit. Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

A crafty heart will not find good, and a crafty tongue will get into trouble. Solomon

Whoever wants to be useful can do an abyss of good with literally tied hands. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Quotes, aphorisms and sayings about Good and Evil.

2106. Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how we understand goodness, our life is nothing but a striving for good. L. Tolstoy.
2107. Good is freedom. Only for freedom or freedom is the difference between good and evil. S. Kierkegaard.
2108. Good is the wrong side of evil. Japanese proverb.
2109. Good is not a science, it is an action. R. Roman.
2110. Good is as if an excellent degree of benefit, as if it is a very useful benefit. N. Chernyshevsky.
2111. Good is to preserve life, to promote life, evil is to destroy life, harm life. A. Schweitzer.
2112. Not pleasant feelings were called good, but a state of fullness and strength. F. Nietzsche.
2113. Good and evil are names that denote our inclinations and antipathies. T. Hobbes.
2114. Good and evil differ from each other by different hierarchy of passions and the dominance of goals. F. Nietzsche.
2115. Good and evil are two rivers that have mixed their waters so well that it is impossible to separate them. P. Buast.
2116. Good and rationality are two terms, in essence, equivalent: that from a theoretical point of view rationality, then from a practical point of view - good; and vice versa: what is good is sure and reasonable. J. Chernyshevsky.
2117. Good by decree is not good. I. Turgenev.

When the Celestial Empire learned that beauty is beauty, ugliness also appeared. When they learned that good is good, evil also appeared.

Lao Tzu
The amount of good in nature is equal to the amount of evil.

Jean Baptiste Robinet
Half of the effects of good intentions turn out to be evil. Half of the consequences of bad intentions turn out to be good.

Mark Twain
You have to make good out of evil, because there is nothing else to make of it.

Robert Penn Warren
Good exists where it is constantly being created.

Vladislav Grzheshik
The reverse side of good is bad; it's great that the same is back side bad.

Grigory Landau
What would do your good if evil did not exist?

Woland in The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
And shouldn't we do evil so that good may come out, as some curse us and say that we teach this way?

Apostle Paul - Romans 3, 8
If there were so little good in the world, as they say, evil would not have been so vividly in the eye.

Vladislav Grzheshik
The good that I want I do not do, but the evil that I do not want I do.

Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans, 7, 19
Evil never sleeps, and besides, it often wakes up.

Vladislav Grzheshik
Evil tends to avenge itself, but good is not necessarily rewarded. Evil is much more consistent.

Karol Izhikovsky
But I tell you: do not resist the evil one. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.

Gospel of Matthew 5, 39
Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.

Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans 12, 21
People are always bad until necessity compels them to do good.

Niccolo Machiavelli
Good must be with fists.

Stanislav Kunyaev
Good should be with fists - if he does not have more modern weapons.

Valery Seregin
Give your fists to good, so evil will immediately declare itself good.

Vladimir Goloborodko
Good by decree is not good.

Ivan Turgenev
Never attribute human malignity to anything that can be explained by stupidity.

Hanlon's Razor
He who does not notice evil is stupid, who does not notice good is unhappy.

Jerzy Pludowski
Let us learn - maybe after death a tree of the knowledge of good and evil will grow out of us.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec
What is virtue? In chastity? No, I will answer, because the human race would die out. Marital cohabitation? No, there is more virtue in abstinence. Not to kill? No, because every order would be violated and the wicked would kill the righteous. To kill? No, murder destroys living creature. Our truth and our good are only partially true and good, and they are tainted by evil and falsehood.

Blaise Pascal
The border between light and shadow is you.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec
Good deeds
See also "Altruism - Selfishness", "Charity", "Love for Neighborhood"
Not a single day without a good deed!

Robert Baden-Powell (slogan of the scout movement)
No good deed goes unpunished.

Thomas Brooks
The best way not to do bad is to do good, because in this world there is nothing more difficult than trying to do nothing at all.

John claire
It's easier to light one small candle than curse the darkness.

Attributed to Confucius (unfounded)
We remember good deeds well, especially our own.

To believe in goodness, one must begin to do it.

Lev Tolstoy
Doing good is easier than being kind.

Georges Wolfrom
Do not miss an opportunity to do good - if it does not threaten you with great harm. Don't miss out on a drink - under no circumstances.

Mark Twain
For the sake of money, Mirabeau is ready for anything - even for a good deed.

Antoine de Rivarol
"Before I die, I would like to do something big and clean." "Then go and wash the elephant."

John B. Morton

You have read online: aphorisms and quotes.

Someone asked: "Is it correct to say that evil must be paid with good?" The teacher said: “And then with what to pay for the good? For evil you have to pay with justice, and for good - with good. "

Immortality can only be achieved by continuous acts of kindness; perfection is achieved by compassion and mercy. The most important thing is a loving heart.

The one who does good to another, does good to himself, not in the sense of consequences, but by the very act of doing good, since the consciousness of the good done in itself already gives great joy.

Virtue in a person should have the property of a precious stone that invariably retains its natural beauty, no matter what happens to it.

He who thinks too much about doing good does not have enough time to be kind.

When, having done evil, a person is afraid that people will find out about it, he can still find a way to good. When, having done good, a person tries to make people know about it, he generates evil.

If you can teach a person goodness and don't do it, you lose your brother.

When you do good to someone, note that while doing a good deed you will receive the same pleasure that that person will receive.

Evil is not outside, but inside us; it dwells in our soul. We are recovering from it with difficulty, because we do not know that we were sick.

Most The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone up.

In every person there is a spark of good that cannot be extinguished by the ashes of delusion, no matter how thick. A particle of love and truth remains in every person, no matter how mired in atrocities, no matter how much he leaves the straight road.

Do not let the ingratitude of many scare you away from doing good to people; for besides the fact that goodness in itself and without any other purpose is a noble deed, but doing good, one sometimes encounters so much gratitude in one person that it is a reward for all the ingratitude of others.

If you are evil, then why do you know how to do good to your children, and if you are considered kind and cordial, then why do you not do the same good to our children as to your own?

We overcome all difficulties in order to do evil; but the slightest obstacle turns us away from goodwill.

When, while doing good, you do not think either about yourself or about others, you give a handful of grains in mercy for a thousand pounds of bread. When, helping others, you boast of your generosity and demand gratitude from people, then a hundred gold pieces will not benefit you even half a copper.

The joy we deliver to another captivates by the fact that it not only does not fade, like any reflection, but returns to us even brighter.

Try to be even a little kinder, and you will find yourself unable to do a bad deed.

It is better to face evil than to think about it.

Every evil is somehow compensated. Less money means less worries. Less successes - less envious people. Even in those cases when we have no time for jokes, we are not oppressed by the nuisance itself, but by how we perceive it.

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