General Director of the Skolkovo Research Center. Skolkovo - what is it? Self-driving vehicle testing facility

The International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO provides strategic advice and participates in determining the vector of further development of the school.

The Board of Trustees brings together authoritative representatives of large companies and the most active public and political figures - both Russian and international. Members of the Council are in continuous dialogue with the leadership of the business school and are actively involved in the process of shaping its educational and research agenda.

The International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO is headed by Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

Dmitry Medvedev

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

Dmitry Medvedev

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

Chairman of the International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University in 1987 and graduate school at Leningrad State University in 1990. Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1990-1999 - teaching at St. Petersburg State University. At the same time, in 1990-1995, he was an adviser to the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council, an expert on the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall. In 1999 - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation. In 1999-2000 - Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Since 2000 - First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In 2000-2001 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom, in 2001 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom, since June 2002 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom. Since October 2003 - Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In November 2005, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. From 2008 to 2012 he was President of the Russian Federation.

Gökhan Saig

Gökhan Saig

President, Schlumberger, Russia and Central Asia

Gökhan Saiğ has been President of Schlumberger Russia and Central Asia since April 2012 and is responsible for operations and integration. Prior to his current position, Gökhan held various management positions in the company, incl. served as Vice President for East Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Myanmar and the Philippines); Vice President of Strategic Marketing; Vice President of the Integrated Reservoir Study Group; Vice President for Marketing of the Geophysical Well Research division; and also Vice President for the Middle East and Asia of the Well Geophysical Division.

During the early stages of his Schlumberger career, Mr. Saige held various oilfield operations, human resources and management positions in Dubai, Iran, Turkey, the United Kingdom, France and Malaysia. Gökhan joined the company as a well logging engineer in Oman in 1985.

Mr. Saigh holds a degree in Oil and Gas Production Technology from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.

Ajay Banga

Ajay Banga

President and CEO of Mastercard

Ajay Banga is the President and Chief Executive Officer of MasterCard and a member of the Board of Directors. He also chairs the company's executive committee. Mr. Banga was hired by Mastercard in late April 2009 as President and Chief Operating Officer. In April 2010, he was nominated for the position of President and Chief Executive Officer, and he assumed this position on July 1, 2010.

Prior to joining Mastercard, Mr. Banga served as Chief Executive Officer of the Asia-Pacific region of Citigroup. In this role, he was responsible for all of the company's business activities in the region, including institutional banking, alternative investments, wealth management, private banking and credit cards. He also served as a member of Citi's Senior Management Committee and Executive Committee. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations of the Economic Club of New York, as well as a member of the board of the Foreign Policy Association. He is also a member of the Financial Services Roundtable.

Mr. Banga has a keen interest in social development issues and has served on the boards of trustees of the Society of Enterprise Partners and the National League of Cities, and was vice president of the board of trustees of the New York Hall of Science. He also served as a director of the Council for European Education and was a business sponsor of Citi's African Heritage Network, New York. In addition, from 2005 to mid-2009, he led Citi's microfinance strategy worldwide. Mr. Banga holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Delhi, graduating with honors.

German Gref

German Gref

President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia

Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation from 2000 to 2007. Born on February 8, 1964 in the village. Panfilovo, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR. In 1990, he graduated from Omsk State University with a degree in law. 1981-1982 - legal consultant of the district agricultural administration of the Irtysh district of the Pavlodar region. 1982-1984 - service in the Soviet Army. 1984-1985 - student of the preparatory department of the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University. 1985-1990 - student at Omsk State University. 1990-1990 - teacher at the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University. 1990-1993 - postgraduate student, Faculty of Law, Leningrad University.

1991-1998 – held various positions in the administration of St. Petersburg. 1998-1998 - member of the board of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation. 1998-2000 - First Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation. 2000 - Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. On March 9, 2004, he was appointed Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. Has state awards: Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (2004).

Ruben Vardanyan

Ruben Vardanyan

Founding Partner, Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy Chairman of the International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Founding partner, Deputy Chairman of the International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Institute for Research on Emerging Markets, Chairman of the Expert Council of the Center for Wealth Management and Philanthropy of the SKOLKOVO Business School. Until September 17, 2011 – President of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.

Ruben Vardanyan is a social entrepreneur, impact investor and venture philanthropist, born in Armenia, who has achieved success in Russia and implements international projects. A recognized expert on global economics, entrepreneurship, and education, he provides strategic counsel through board memberships, advisory boards, and trusteeships to businesses, nonprofits, educational institutions, and community and professional organizations. These include the Charles Aznavour Foundation, business schools in Russia and Brazil, the leader of the financial industry in Armenia (Ameriabank), and the Russian auto giant (KAMAZ). One of the most honored investment bankers in Russia, whose name is inextricably linked with the history of the Russian financial industry, Ruben Vardanyan implements large-scale partnership commercial (investment companies Troika Dialog and Vardanyan, Broitman and Partners) and social and entrepreneurial initiatives with a wide range of impact. Among them are the first college of the international educational network UWC in Eastern Europe (UWC Dilijan, Armenia) and the “Revival of Tatev” program, within the framework of which the world’s longest reversible cable car was built, leading to the ancient monastery. Various groups of partners, together with Ruben Vardanyan and his family, raised more than $600 million to create the first private business school in Russia - a unique project in terms of scale and nature of interaction, and also invested about $600 million in commercial and philanthropic investments in social and entrepreneurial projects in Armenia. In 2015, Mr. Vardanyan and his partners founded the global project Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, of which the international Aurora Prize is part. The award is presented annually on behalf of survivors of the Armenian genocide as a sign of gratitude to their saviors. Ruben Vardanyan devotes a significant part of his time to projects related to the development of charitable infrastructure in Russia (Philanthropy Infrastructure - PHILIN) and issues of succession and wealth management (Phoenix Advisors). With the support of Mr. Vardanyan, Troika Dialog, the SKOLKOVO business school and several charitable foundations, a classic of world business literature was published in Russia. Since 2016, Ruben Vardanyan has headed the jury of the annual PwC Business Book of the Year in Russia award.

Jay Knibbe

Jay Knibbe

Member of the EY Global Executive Committee

Jay Knibbe serves as Vice Chairman of the Global Tax Practice and is responsible for the operations and strategy of EY's Tax practice. Jay leads more than 38,000 employees worldwide. Jay Knibbe has been with EY since 1985 and has extensive international experience.

Previously, Jay Knibbe led the global client committee and was responsible for working with the largest clients at the executive level of the EY global organization, and also served as deputy managing partner for the EY EMEIA region (Europe, Middle East, India and Africa).

In addition, Jay led the tax services practice in the Americas region, and from 1995 to 1999 he worked in Moscow, where he headed the tax practice in the CIS. In 2014, Jay Knibbe joined the board of directors of the US-Russia Business Council.

Mark Sutton

Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Paper

Mark Sutton assumed the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Paper on January 1, 2015, and the position of Chief Executive Officer of International Paper on November 1, 2014. Immediately prior to this, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer, responsible for the direction and management of the Company's international business. Mr. Sutton has served on the Board of Directors of International Paper since June 1, 2014. Mr. Sutton has been with International Paper throughout his career. He joined International Paper in 1984 as an engineer at the Pineville, Louisiana mill. In 1994, he was named mill manager in Tilmany, Wisconsin, which at the time was part of International Paper's industrial paper division.

In 2000, Mr. Sutton moved to Europe, where he was appointed Director of Operations for the European Corrugated Packaging Division, and then, in 2002, he was promoted to Vice President and General Manager in charge of for all corrugated board operations in seven countries in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa). In 2005, Mr. Sutton was named Vice President of Strategic Corporate Planning and relocated to Memphis. In 2007, he was named senior vice president of global supply chain and in 2009, senior vice president of printing and communications papers for the Americas. In November 2011, Mr. Sutton was named Senior Vice President, Industrial Packaging.

Mr. Sutton serves on the Board of Directors of the Memphis Tomorrow Association and the Board of Trustees of the New Memphis Institute. Mr. Sutton holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Louisiana State University.

Andrey Fursenko

Andrey Fursenko

Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation

Born on July 17, 1949 in Leningrad. In 1971 he graduated from Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

From 1971 to 1991, he worked as a junior researcher, head of a laboratory, deputy director for research, and leading researcher at the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Leningrad. From 1991-1993 - Vice President of JSC Center for Advanced Technologies and Developments, St. Petersburg. From 1994-2001 - General Director of the Regional Fund for Scientific and Technical Development of St. Petersburg. Since 2000 - Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Center for Strategic Research "North-West" Foundation.

From 2001-2002 - Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation. Since June 2002 - First Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation. Since December 2003 - time. acting Minister of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation. From 2004 to 2012 he was the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Blair Sheppard

Blair Sheppard

International Leader at PwC International

International Head of Strategy and Leadership Development at PwC International. Prior to joining PwC, Blair was a special advisor to Duke Kushan University, where he was responsible for managing corporate development, development of non-certified programs and regional development of the newly formed campus in China before opening in 2013. He served as Dean of the Fuqua Business School. Under his leadership, the Chinese campus of Duke and Fuqua schools was created, as well as a unique Master's program, which is already considered one of the best in the world, and therefore the school's ratings increased significantly during Blair's tenure.

Blair also chaired the Board of Directors of Duke Corporate Education (Duke CE), a company founded in 2000. Under his leadership, Duke CE grew from one office to multiple locations on three continents and was ranked #1 in the world for corporate education services by the Financial Times and BusinessWeek for nine consecutive years.

Blair has advised over 100 companies and governments on leadership, corporate strategy, organizational design; published more than 50 books and articles. Blair was Fuqua's inaugural Educator of the Year Award recipient, Triangle Business Journal's 2011 Education Business Person of the Year Award; Outstanding Scientist Award, Institute of Finance at the University of Frankfurt in 2007; Honorary Doctor of Science of the Royal Council of Canada. Mr. Sheppard received a Doctor of Social Psychology from the University of Illinois (USA) in 1980 and a Master's degree from the University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario, Canada) in 1977.

Igor Shuvalov

Igor Shuvalov

Chairman of VEB.RF, Deputy Chairman of the International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

In 1993 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in jurisprudence.

1984-1985 - laboratory assistant at the Ecos Research Institute. 1985-1987 - service in the ranks of the Soviet Army. In 1993 - attaché of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 1993-1995 - Senior Legal Advisor at JSC ALM Consulting, since 1995 - Director of the ALM Law Firm. In 1997 - Head of the Department of the State Register of Federal Property of the Russian State Committee for State Property Management. In 1998 - Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation. 1998-2000 - Chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund. 2000-2003 - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation - Minister of the Russian Federation. In 2003 - Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. 2003-2004 - Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In 2004 - Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. Since 2005, he has also been the Russian “sherpa” in the Group of Eight. Since 2008 - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On May 24, 2018, he was appointed Chairman of Vnesheconombank.

First Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore

16/09/1923 - 23/03/2015

The first Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore and one of the creators of the “Singapore Miracle” Lee Kuan Yew was born in Singapore in 1923. He received his education first at Raffles College (Singapore), and then at Cambridge (UK), graduating in 1949. In 1950 he began practicing as a lawyer at the Middle Temple (London). Then he practiced law in Singapore, where he worked as a consultant on legal issues for a number of trade unions. In 1954 he founded the People's Action Party, where he served as General Secretary until 1992, with the exception of a short break in 1957.

In 1955 he was elected a member of the Legislative Assembly. In 1959 he became Prime Minister of Singapore, held this post for several consecutive terms and resigned in 1990, after which the new Prime Minister Goh Chok Dong appointed him Senior Minister. Lee Kuan Yew was reappointed to this post after the 1991, 1997 and 2001 general elections. In September 2014, he was awarded the title of Honorary Member of the International Board of Trustees of the SKOLKOVO Business School.

Chairman of the Board of the Skolkovo Foundation Andrei Burenin resigns. Until June, the fund will be headed by Vice President for Legal Affairs Igor Drozdov, RBC sources say

Director of Legal Affairs of the Skolkovo Foundation Igor Drozdov (Photo: Alexey Danichev/RIA Novosti)

Chairman of the Board of the Skolkovo Foundation Andrei Burenin will leave his position after April 28, 2016, three sources told RBC - two in the management of Skolkovo and one close to Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. The information was also confirmed by a representative of the Renova group, Viktor Vekselberg, president of the fund.

Burenin's place will be taken by the fund's senior vice president for administrative and legal issues, Igor Drozdov, RBC's interlocutors say. Drozdov will head Skolkovo until June 2016; The final candidacy of the new chairman of the fund's board will be approved at a meeting of the fund's board of trustees in June. Drozdov is the main candidate for the post, says a source in the fund’s management.

Burenin is leaving his post due to the expiration of his contract, explains RBC’s source at the fund. According to another source in Skolkovo management, the chairman of the board is leaving for family reasons; management has no complaints about Burenin’s performance. Vekselberg approved the personnel decision, he says.

The chairman of the board is responsible at Skolkovo for the operational management and management of the fund, in contrast to the president, who oversees the strategic issues of development of the innovation center, explains a source in the management of the fund. Representative of the fund Skolkovo "Refused to comment.

The Skolkovo Foundation was created in 2010 to manage the innovation center of the same name. Skolkovo resident companies receive tax benefits: in 2015, their total revenue exceeded RUB 53 billion, said Vasily Belov, senior vice president of the fund for innovation. According to him, the volume of private investments attracted by the fund amounted to more than 11 billion rubles., and the amount of state funding for Skolkovo in 2016 decreased from 19 billion to RUB 14.5 billion .​

Burenin, who also heads the grant committee of the fund, has worked as deputy general director of OJSC SUAL since 2001, was a State Duma deputy from United Russia in 2003-2007, and was the financial director of Renova Management AG JSC in 2008-2009. 2009 - Deputy General Director of Integrated Energy Systems CJSC. In 2013, the manager headed the Skolkovo fund.

Drozdov is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University. In 2004-2005, he worked as an adviser to the Minister of Economic Development and Trade, who at that time was the current president of Sberbank, German Gref, in 2005 he headed the secretariat of the Chairman of the Supreme Arbitration Court (SAC) Anton Ivanov, in 2006-2010 - the staff of the SAC. Since 2010, Drozdov has been responsible for legal issues of the Skolkovo Foundation. In 2011, he was a member of the public committee of supporters of Dmitry Medvedev, who heads the Skolkovo board of trustees.

The International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO provides strategic advice and participates in determining the vector of further development of the school.

The Board of Trustees brings together authoritative representatives of large companies and the most active public and political figures - both Russian and international. Members of the Council are in continuous dialogue with the leadership of the business school and are actively involved in the process of shaping its educational and research agenda.

The International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO is headed by Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

Dmitry Medvedev

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

Dmitry Medvedev

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

Chairman of the International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University in 1987 and graduate school at Leningrad State University in 1990. Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1990-1999 - teaching at St. Petersburg State University. At the same time, in 1990-1995, he was an adviser to the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council, an expert on the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall. In 1999 - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation. In 1999-2000 - Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Since 2000 - First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In 2000-2001 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom, in 2001 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom, since June 2002 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom. Since October 2003 - Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In November 2005, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. From 2008 to 2012 he was President of the Russian Federation.

Gökhan Saig

Gökhan Saig

President, Schlumberger, Russia and Central Asia

Gökhan Saiğ has been President of Schlumberger Russia and Central Asia since April 2012 and is responsible for operations and integration. Prior to his current position, Gökhan held various management positions in the company, incl. served as Vice President for East Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Myanmar and the Philippines); Vice President of Strategic Marketing; Vice President of the Integrated Reservoir Study Group; Vice President for Marketing of the Geophysical Well Research division; and also Vice President for the Middle East and Asia of the Well Geophysical Division.

During the early stages of his Schlumberger career, Mr. Saige held various oilfield operations, human resources and management positions in Dubai, Iran, Turkey, the United Kingdom, France and Malaysia. Gökhan joined the company as a well logging engineer in Oman in 1985.

Mr. Saigh holds a degree in Oil and Gas Production Technology from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.

Ajay Banga

Ajay Banga

President and CEO of Mastercard

Ajay Banga is the President and Chief Executive Officer of MasterCard and a member of the Board of Directors. He also chairs the company's executive committee. Mr. Banga was hired by Mastercard in late April 2009 as President and Chief Operating Officer. In April 2010, he was nominated for the position of President and Chief Executive Officer, and he assumed this position on July 1, 2010.

Prior to joining Mastercard, Mr. Banga served as Chief Executive Officer of the Asia-Pacific region of Citigroup. In this role, he was responsible for all of the company's business activities in the region, including institutional banking, alternative investments, wealth management, private banking and credit cards. He also served as a member of Citi's Senior Management Committee and Executive Committee. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations of the Economic Club of New York, as well as a member of the board of the Foreign Policy Association. He is also a member of the Financial Services Roundtable.

Mr. Banga has a keen interest in social development issues and has served on the boards of trustees of the Society of Enterprise Partners and the National League of Cities, and was vice president of the board of trustees of the New York Hall of Science. He also served as a director of the Council for European Education and was a business sponsor of Citi's African Heritage Network, New York. In addition, from 2005 to mid-2009, he led Citi's microfinance strategy worldwide. Mr. Banga holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Delhi, graduating with honors.

German Gref

German Gref

President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia

Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation from 2000 to 2007. Born on February 8, 1964 in the village. Panfilovo, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR. In 1990, he graduated from Omsk State University with a degree in law. 1981-1982 - legal consultant of the district agricultural administration of the Irtysh district of the Pavlodar region. 1982-1984 - service in the Soviet Army. 1984-1985 - student of the preparatory department of the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University. 1985-1990 - student at Omsk State University. 1990-1990 - teacher at the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University. 1990-1993 - postgraduate student, Faculty of Law, Leningrad University.

1991-1998 – held various positions in the administration of St. Petersburg. 1998-1998 - member of the board of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation. 1998-2000 - First Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation. 2000 - Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. On March 9, 2004, he was appointed Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. Has state awards: Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (2004).

Ruben Vardanyan

Ruben Vardanyan

Founding Partner, Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy Chairman of the International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Founding partner, Deputy Chairman of the International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Institute for Research on Emerging Markets, Chairman of the Expert Council of the Center for Wealth Management and Philanthropy of the SKOLKOVO Business School. Until September 17, 2011 – President of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.

Ruben Vardanyan is a social entrepreneur, impact investor and venture philanthropist, born in Armenia, who has achieved success in Russia and implements international projects. A recognized expert on global economics, entrepreneurship, and education, he provides strategic counsel through board memberships, advisory boards, and trusteeships to businesses, nonprofits, educational institutions, and community and professional organizations. These include the Charles Aznavour Foundation, business schools in Russia and Brazil, the leader of the financial industry in Armenia (Ameriabank), and the Russian auto giant (KAMAZ). One of the most honored investment bankers in Russia, whose name is inextricably linked with the history of the Russian financial industry, Ruben Vardanyan implements large-scale partnership commercial (investment companies Troika Dialog and Vardanyan, Broitman and Partners) and social and entrepreneurial initiatives with a wide range of impact. Among them are the first college of the international educational network UWC in Eastern Europe (UWC Dilijan, Armenia) and the “Revival of Tatev” program, within the framework of which the world’s longest reversible cable car was built, leading to the ancient monastery. Various groups of partners, together with Ruben Vardanyan and his family, raised more than $600 million to create the first private business school in Russia - a unique project in terms of scale and nature of interaction, and also invested about $600 million in commercial and philanthropic investments in social and entrepreneurial projects in Armenia. In 2015, Mr. Vardanyan and his partners founded the global project Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, of which the international Aurora Prize is part. The award is presented annually on behalf of survivors of the Armenian genocide as a sign of gratitude to their saviors. Ruben Vardanyan devotes a significant part of his time to projects related to the development of charitable infrastructure in Russia (Philanthropy Infrastructure - PHILIN) and issues of succession and wealth management (Phoenix Advisors). With the support of Mr. Vardanyan, Troika Dialog, the SKOLKOVO business school and several charitable foundations, a classic of world business literature was published in Russia. Since 2016, Ruben Vardanyan has headed the jury of the annual PwC Business Book of the Year in Russia award.

Jay Knibbe

Jay Knibbe

Member of the EY Global Executive Committee

Jay Knibbe serves as Vice Chairman of the Global Tax Practice and is responsible for the operations and strategy of EY's Tax practice. Jay leads more than 38,000 employees worldwide. Jay Knibbe has been with EY since 1985 and has extensive international experience.

Previously, Jay Knibbe led the global client committee and was responsible for working with the largest clients at the executive level of the EY global organization, and also served as deputy managing partner for the EY EMEIA region (Europe, Middle East, India and Africa).

In addition, Jay led the tax services practice in the Americas region, and from 1995 to 1999 he worked in Moscow, where he headed the tax practice in the CIS. In 2014, Jay Knibbe joined the board of directors of the US-Russia Business Council.

Mark Sutton

Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Paper

Mark Sutton assumed the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Paper on January 1, 2015, and the position of Chief Executive Officer of International Paper on November 1, 2014. Immediately prior to this, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer, responsible for the direction and management of the Company's international business. Mr. Sutton has served on the Board of Directors of International Paper since June 1, 2014. Mr. Sutton has been with International Paper throughout his career. He joined International Paper in 1984 as an engineer at the Pineville, Louisiana mill. In 1994, he was named mill manager in Tilmany, Wisconsin, which at the time was part of International Paper's industrial paper division.

In 2000, Mr. Sutton moved to Europe, where he was appointed Director of Operations for the European Corrugated Packaging Division, and then, in 2002, he was promoted to Vice President and General Manager in charge of for all corrugated board operations in seven countries in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa). In 2005, Mr. Sutton was named Vice President of Strategic Corporate Planning and relocated to Memphis. In 2007, he was named senior vice president of global supply chain and in 2009, senior vice president of printing and communications papers for the Americas. In November 2011, Mr. Sutton was named Senior Vice President, Industrial Packaging.

Mr. Sutton serves on the Board of Directors of the Memphis Tomorrow Association and the Board of Trustees of the New Memphis Institute. Mr. Sutton holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Louisiana State University.

Andrey Fursenko

Andrey Fursenko

Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation

Born on July 17, 1949 in Leningrad. In 1971 he graduated from Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

From 1971 to 1991, he worked as a junior researcher, head of a laboratory, deputy director for research, and leading researcher at the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Leningrad. From 1991-1993 - Vice President of JSC Center for Advanced Technologies and Developments, St. Petersburg. From 1994-2001 - General Director of the Regional Fund for Scientific and Technical Development of St. Petersburg. Since 2000 - Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Center for Strategic Research "North-West" Foundation.

From 2001-2002 - Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation. Since June 2002 - First Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation. Since December 2003 - time. acting Minister of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation. From 2004 to 2012 he was the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Blair Sheppard

Blair Sheppard

International Leader at PwC International

International Head of Strategy and Leadership Development at PwC International. Prior to joining PwC, Blair was a special advisor to Duke Kushan University, where he was responsible for managing corporate development, development of non-certified programs and regional development of the newly formed campus in China before opening in 2013. He served as Dean of the Fuqua Business School. Under his leadership, the Chinese campus of Duke and Fuqua schools was created, as well as a unique Master's program, which is already considered one of the best in the world, and therefore the school's ratings increased significantly during Blair's tenure.

Blair also chaired the Board of Directors of Duke Corporate Education (Duke CE), a company founded in 2000. Under his leadership, Duke CE grew from one office to multiple locations on three continents and was ranked #1 in the world for corporate education services by the Financial Times and BusinessWeek for nine consecutive years.

Blair has advised over 100 companies and governments on leadership, corporate strategy, organizational design; published more than 50 books and articles. Blair was Fuqua's inaugural Educator of the Year Award recipient, Triangle Business Journal's 2011 Education Business Person of the Year Award; Outstanding Scientist Award, Institute of Finance at the University of Frankfurt in 2007; Honorary Doctor of Science of the Royal Council of Canada. Mr. Sheppard received a Doctor of Social Psychology from the University of Illinois (USA) in 1980 and a Master's degree from the University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario, Canada) in 1977.

Igor Shuvalov

Igor Shuvalov

Chairman of VEB.RF, Deputy Chairman of the International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

In 1993 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in jurisprudence.

1984-1985 - laboratory assistant at the Ecos Research Institute. 1985-1987 - service in the ranks of the Soviet Army. In 1993 - attaché of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 1993-1995 - Senior Legal Advisor at JSC ALM Consulting, since 1995 - Director of the ALM Law Firm. In 1997 - Head of the Department of the State Register of Federal Property of the Russian State Committee for State Property Management. In 1998 - Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation. 1998-2000 - Chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund. 2000-2003 - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation - Minister of the Russian Federation. In 2003 - Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. 2003-2004 - Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In 2004 - Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. Since 2005, he has also been the Russian “sherpa” in the Group of Eight. Since 2008 - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On May 24, 2018, he was appointed Chairman of Vnesheconombank.

First Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore

16/09/1923 - 23/03/2015

The first Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore and one of the creators of the “Singapore Miracle” Lee Kuan Yew was born in Singapore in 1923. He received his education first at Raffles College (Singapore), and then at Cambridge (UK), graduating in 1949. In 1950 he began practicing as a lawyer at the Middle Temple (London). Then he practiced law in Singapore, where he worked as a consultant on legal issues for a number of trade unions. In 1954 he founded the People's Action Party, where he served as General Secretary until 1992, with the exception of a short break in 1957.

In 1955 he was elected a member of the Legislative Assembly. In 1959 he became Prime Minister of Singapore, held this post for several consecutive terms and resigned in 1990, after which the new Prime Minister Goh Chok Dong appointed him Senior Minister. Lee Kuan Yew was reappointed to this post after the 1991, 1997 and 2001 general elections. In September 2014, he was awarded the title of Honorary Member of the International Board of Trustees of the SKOLKOVO Business School.


Since September 2019, Vladimir has held the position of General Director of Skolkovo - Venture Investments LLC.

Since the founding of the company, Vladimir has led the investment banking team.
Before joining Skolkovo, he worked as Investment Director of the Venture Investment Department of VTB Capital Bank, where he participated in more than 15 venture transactions in the Russian Federation, the USA, the EU, including participation in syndicates with leading international venture funds (Sequoia Capital, Bessemer Venture Partners , Google Ventures, Qualcomm Ventures). Several portfolio companies were brought by Vladimir to the stage of successful “exit” (M&A and MBO in the Russian Federation, IPO on NASDAQ, M&A in the USA).
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Faculty of Innovation and High Technologies, and the New Economic School, Master of Finance program.

Executive Director, Head of Department

Dmitry is responsible for structuring M&A transactions and attracting financing; he managed to take part in closing a large number of technology venture transactions.
Before joining Skolkovo Ventures, Dmitry worked in investment banking consulting at Advance Capital, where he participated in mergers and acquisitions with small and mid-cap companies. Previously worked at IBRG Capital, which provides investment banking services for companies in the retail industry, as well as direct financing of media projects.
Graduated from Moscow State Technical University. Bauman and the Russian Economic School (has a master's degree).

Director of Ecosystem Development

Investment Director

Andrey is involved in business development and is responsible for implementing M&A projects, raising debt and equity financing.
Before joining the Skolkovo Ventures team, he worked in the structure of Otkritie Bank as a VP and took part in the creation of a management company with a focus on investment projects in the field of special situations, was involved in corporate management of portfolio companies, debt restructuring, as well as syndicated financing of projects.
Previously, as a member of the international investment banking group Oaklins, he was involved in transactions in the Russian Federation and participated in the implementation of more than 20 projects, including M&A/LBO transactions and private placements of shares, to attract debt financing. Has more than 10 years of experience in the investment banking industry.
He graduated from the Russian Academy of Economy and the State University under the President of the Russian Federation (master's degree), and also graduated from Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman.

Investment Director

Egor is responsible for implementing M&A projects and attracting equity financing, and has more than 10 years of experience in this field.
Before joining Skolkovo Ventures, Egor was Development Director at a technology company, where he participated in attracting two rounds of investment, including a strategist. Previously, for more than 6 years, Egor specialized in organizing and supporting M&A transactions for small and mid-cap companies at Credit Suisse as an AVP and at FCG as an Associate. In total, he participated in projects totaling about $1 billion. He began his career in the audit department of Deloitte.
Graduated from the Faculty of Finance and Credit of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Director of Investment Strategy

Dmitry is responsible for the investment strategy in modern technologies and the strategy for preparing technology companies for sale.
Before Skolkovo Ventures, he worked for 5 years in technology companies and startups (Google, Double Data, etc.) and 4 years in strategic consulting (McKinsey and Roland Berger). Managed Big Data projects that made it possible to: predict customer churn and improve the efficiency of cross-selling for Russian banks, assess credit risks for microfinance organizations in Vietnam, build a breakthrough technology for conducting marketing research for FMCG and pharmaceutical manufacturers. Was involved in optimizing production efficiency (mechanical engineering, metallurgy, mining), managing large CapEx projects (construction of a nuclear power plant and petroleum product pipelines). Drew up a strategy for launching new businesses in freight transportation and a strategy for repairing rolling stock.
Graduated from the Faculty of Innovation and High Technologies of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (bachelor's and master's degrees), received an MBA degree from London Business School.

Senior Investment Manager

Kirill carries out the full cycle of raising equity capital and implementing M&A transactions on buy- and sell-side.
Before Skolkovo Ventures, he worked his way up from an investment analyst to an investment manager. Worked in venture funds Synergy of Innovations, IIDF, Ingate VC, participated in VC, PE & M&A transactions totaling $25+ million. Participated in the successful introduction of the company to foreign markets, incl. Iranian market. The total experience in the venture industry on buy-side and sell-side exceeds 8 years.
Graduated from the Helsinki School of Economics (HSE, Aalto University) with a degree in Corporate Finance (master's degree).

Junior Director

Mikhail is responsible for efforts to attract private funding.
Previously, he worked in the debt finance department (DCM) of Gazprombank, Ernst&Young, and Laser Solutions-Holdings, where he was involved in business development in the Russian and foreign markets.
Graduated from the National Research University Higher School of Economics with a degree in Economics and the University of London with a specialization in Economics and Management.

Investment manager

Vladimir is responsible for the development of the venture ecosystem at Skolkovo - Venture Investments LLC.
Before joining Skolkovo - Venture Investments LLC, he worked inMcKinsey& Company, where he developed strategy for large businesses in the telecommunications and energy sectors, as well as inWinter Capital Advisors, where he was involved in investment analytics and development of the fund’s portfolio companies.
Graduated from the Higher School of Management of St. Petersburg State University with a major in Corporate Finance and the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University with a major in« Mathematical methods V economy».

Investment Transaction Manager

Danil is involved in the implementation of M&A transactions, consulting and raising financing. Before joining the Skolkovo Ventures team, he worked in corporate finance in the transaction support department of the PricewaterhouseCoopers consulting division for companies in the banking and pharmaceutical sectors. Previously, he worked at VTB Bank, where he was involved in structuring debt financing transactions and assessing credit risks of large clients.
Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a master's degree.

Investment Analyst

Tsevdn is responsible for the development of the venture ecosystem at Skolkovo – Venture Investments LLC.
Before joining Skolkovo, he worked in the investment banking division of Sberbank CIB and the Credit, Leveraged Finance and Investments department of VTB Capital.
Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics with a degree in Economics.

Investment Analyst

Marat provides support for M&A transactions, consulting and raising financing.
Previously, he worked in the investment banking division of Sberbank CIB, where he was involved in analytics of companies in various sectors. Before that, he developed strategies for large businesses in the financial sector in the Financial Advisory department of PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Warwick Business School in the Master of Finance program.

Managing Director, Head of Department

Pavel is responsible for managing venture fundsSkolkovo Venturesand interaction with venture partners.
Before coming toSkolkovo Venturesworked as an investment director at VTB Capital, RBV Capital and Troika Dialog. Participated in more than 25 venture deals, including Troika Dialog’s investments in Evernote andiiko, exitRBV Capitalfrom RetroSenseTherapeuticsthrough the sale of sharesAllergan( NYSE: AGN), represented the interests of the investor on the boards of directors of iiko, Grid Dynamics, Avalanche Technology,Rolithand other startups. From 2003 to 2007 he worked in a Russian-American startupA4 Vision, where he was responsible for standardizing technology inISOand support of key clients.
Education: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Investment manager

Sergey is responsible for the development of the AgroBioTech fund's portfolio.
He began his career as an intern and then an analyst at RUSNANO, after which he worked as an investment manager at Polar Star Ventures and RVC Biofund, focusing on biotechnology projects.
Sergey graduated from the National Research Technological University (MISiS).

Investment Director of the Industrial I Fund

Victor is responsible for implementing investment transactions in an industrial fund managed by Skolkovo Ventures.
Previously, he was involved in attracting investments in High-Tech companies within the Skolkovo Foundation, then Skolkovo Ventures, and successfully completed 5 transactions.
Before joining the company, he worked at VTB Capital Asset Management, where he was involved in business development for portfolio companies and searching for opportunities to exit existing assets. Victor has successfully completed a number of M&A and MBO transactions, both in the Russian Federation and abroad.
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) with a degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics.

Investment manager Industrial fund

Feofan searches and analyzes investment opportunities for the Industrial Venture Fund.
Before joining the Skolkovo Ventures team, he worked at the industrial venture fund of Rostec Group, the private equity and venture capital fund Waarde Capital, as well as the investment boutique RB Partners, performing a wide range of tasks in investment analysis and transaction support in various sectors of the economy.
Has a Master's degree in Finance from the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Investment lawyer

Kirill is an investment lawyer in the company's venture funds department and is responsible for legal support for the activities of venture funds and support of transactions with venture funds.
Over the years, Kirill has accumulated more than 10 years of experience in legal consulting, direct investment and asset management in companies such as Salans (now Dentons), Capital Group and VTB Capital Investment Management.
Kirill holds a Master of Law degree from Monash University (Melbourne, Australia).

Deputy General Director for Operations and Financial Affairs

Natalya heads the operational department and is responsible for ensuring the current activities of the company, including financial and management reporting, taxes, personnel, legal support and control activities.
Natalia has more than 15 years of experience in finance, the last 7 of which were in leadership positions in the field of private equity and asset management. She began her career at KPMG as an auditor, where she led audits of key players in the Russian oil and gas and natural resources industries. Since 2006, she has worked in financial services of companies, where she held positions from head of the IFRS department (a Russian holding with an industry focus on real estate management, development and retail trade) to financial director (Fleming Family and Partners, international family office and asset management , and Da Vinci Capital, private equity management). The total volume of assets under management in the companies where Natalya worked reached $500 million.
Natalya graduated from the State University of Management (SUM), Moscow. She is an honorary member of the Global Association of Finance and Accounting Professionals (ACCA) since 2008 and has a certificate of the FFMS (Federal Service for Financial Markets) 1.0.

Head of Legal Department

Oleg provides general legal support for the company's activities.
Before coming toSkolkovo Venturesworked at PJSC ANK Bashneft, where he worked on corporate governance issues and the development of best international practices in this area. With his participation, the company became the best in the field of corporate governance in Russia, and the company’s annual report entered the TOP - 100 best in the world.
Has more than 10 years of experience in the field of investment transactions and corporate governance.
He graduated from the Russian Law Academy with a degree in Civil Law and the Financial University with a degree in Financial Management.

Head of Administrative Department

Maria is responsible for the administrative block of the company and corporate communications.
Before coming toSkolkovo VenturesShe held senior positions in the central office of the Russian Railways holding in the field of real estate management of the holding, corporate governance, corporate communications, and administrative management. During her work at Russian Railways, she took an active part in the implementation of large investment projects of federal significance. Has departmental awards.
She graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of the Baikal State University of Economics and Law with a degree in State and International Law.

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