Code of professional ethics for preschool teachers. Seminar-workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions

Code of Professional Ethics


Municipal government preschool educational institution -

Purpose of the code of ethics for preschool teachers:

Norms Code of Ethics for Educators guided by teachers and all employees of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution - Kindergarten working with children.

Given Code of Ethics for Educators(hereinafter - ECP) defines the basic norms of professional ethics:

Regulatory relations between teachers and their students, as well as other members of the public of the educational institution;

Protecting their human worth and dignity;

Supporting the quality of professional activities of teachers and the honor of their profession;

Creating an educational institution culture based on trust, responsibility and fairness.

Standards of pedagogical ethics are established on the basis of universal moral norms, constitutional provisions and legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of human rights and children's rights.

The basis of the norms ECP constitute the following basic principles: humanity, justice, professionalism, responsibility, tolerance, democracy, partnership and solidarity.


1.1 Personality of the teacher

1.1.1 Professional ethics of a teacher requires calling, dedication to one’s work and a sense of responsibility in the performance of one’s duties.

1.1.2 The teacher is demanding of himself and strives for self-improvement. It is characterized by self-observation, self-determination and self-education.

1.1.3 Constant updating is necessary for the teacher. He is engaged in his education, advanced training and search for the best methods of work.

1.1.4 The teacher is responsible for the quality and results of the pedagogical work entrusted to him - education.

1.1.5 The teacher is responsible for the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual protection of children left under his care.

1.1.6 The teacher is responsible for the functions assigned to him by the administration and entrusted resources.

1.2.1 By his behavior, the teacher supports and protects the historically established professional honor of the teacher.

1.2.2 The teacher passes on national and universal cultural values ​​to the younger generation and takes all possible participation in the process of cultural development.

1.2.3 He cannot engage in countercultural activities either in the performance of his direct duties or outside the educational institution.

1.2.4 In communicating with his students and in all other cases, the teacher is respectful, polite and correct. He knows and follows the rules of etiquette appropriate for each individual situation.

1.2.5 The authority of a teacher is based on competence, fairness, tact, and the ability to take care of his students. The teacher does not create his authority using incorrect methods and does not abuse it.

1.2.6 The teacher educates by his positive example. He avoids moralizing, does not rush to condemn and does not demand from others what he himself is unable to observe.

1.2.7 A teacher has the right to privacy, but his chosen lifestyle should not undermine the prestige of the profession, distort his relationships with students and colleagues, or interfere with the performance of professional duties.

1.2.8 Drunkenness and abuse of other intoxicating substances is incompatible with the profession of a teacher.

1.2.9 The teacher values ​​his reputation.


2.1 Communication between teacher and students

2.1.1 The teacher himself chooses the appropriate style of communication with students or pupils, based on mutual respect.

2.1.2 First of all, the teacher must be demanding of himself. The teacher’s demands on the student are positive and well founded. A teacher should never lose a sense of proportion and self-control.

2.1.3 The teacher chooses methods of work that encourage the development of positive traits and relationships in his pupils: independence, self-control, self-education, desire to cooperate and help others.

2.1.4 When assessing the behavior and achievements of his students, the teacher strives to strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence, show them opportunities for improvement, and increase learning motivation.

2.1.5 The teacher is impartial, equally friendly and supportive towards all his students. Having made evaluation decisions that unreasonably belittle a student, the teacher must try to immediately correct his mistake.

2.1.5 When assessing the achievements of students, the teacher strives for objectivity and fairness.

2.1.6 The teacher constantly takes care of the culture of his speech and communication. There are no curses, vulgarisms, rude or offensive phrases in his speech.

2.1.7 The teacher maintains discreteness. The teacher is prohibited from communicating to other persons information entrusted to him personally by the student, except in cases provided for by law.

2.1.8 The teacher does not abuse his official position. He cannot use his pupils or demand any services or favors from them.

2.1.9 The teacher does not have the right to demand remuneration from his student for his work, including additional work. If a teacher is engaged in private practice, the terms of remuneration for work must be agreed upon at the beginning of work and fixed in a contract.

2.1.10 The teacher is tolerant of the religious beliefs and political views of his students. He has no right to use indoctrination, imposing his views on his pupils.

2.2 Communication between teachers

2.2.1 Relationships between teachers are based on the principles of collegiality, partnership and respect. The teacher defends not only his own authority, but also the authority of his colleagues. He does not belittle his colleagues in the presence of students or others.

2.2.2 Teachers avoid unreasonable and scandalous conflicts in relationships. If disagreements arise, they strive to resolve them constructively.

2.2.3 Teachers of the same educational institution avoid competition that interferes with their partnership in carrying out a common task. Teachers are united by mutual assistance, support, openness and trust.

2.2.4 The right and responsibility of the teacher is to evaluate the activities of colleagues and administration. Harassment of a teacher for criticism is strictly prohibited. Criticism, first of all, should be internal, that is, it should be expressed in preschool educational institutions and other educational institutions between teachers, and not outside the preschool educational institution. It should be expressed face to face, not behind the scenes. There should be no place for gossip in schools and other educational institutions.

2.2.5 Criticism should only be made public in cases where there is absolutely no response to it, if it provokes persecution by the administration, or in cases where criminal activity is detected.

2.2.6 Criticism directed at the work, decisions, views and actions of colleagues or administration should not humiliate the person being criticized. It should be reasonable, constructive, tactful, non-offensive, and friendly. The most important problems and decisions in pedagogical life are discussed and made in open pedagogical discussions.

2.2.7 Teachers do not cover up each other’s mistakes and misdeeds.

2.3 Relations with the administration

2.3.1 The educational institution is based on the principles of freedom of speech and belief, tolerance, democracy and justice.

2.3.2 In educational institutions, a culture of communication is observed, expressed in mutual respect, goodwill and the ability to find a common language. The head of the preschool educational institution is responsible for maintaining such an atmosphere.

2.3.3 The administration of the preschool educational institution is tolerant of the diversity of political, religious, philosophical views, tastes and opinions, creates conditions for the exchange of views, the opportunity to agree and find a common language. Different statuses of teachers, qualification categories and responsibilities should not prevent all teachers from equally expressing their opinions and defending their beliefs.

2.3.4 The administration cannot discriminate, ignore or persecute teachers for their beliefs or on the basis of personal likes or dislikes. The administration's relationship with each teacher is based on the principle of equality.

2.3.5 The administration cannot demand or collect information about the personal life of a teacher that is not related to the performance of his work duties.

2.3.6 The assessments and decisions of the head of the preschool educational institution must be impartial and based on facts and the real merits of teachers. Applicants for higher qualifications must be selected and supported regardless of their personal affinity or obedience to the head of administration.

2.3.7 Teachers have the right to receive from the administration information relevant to the work of their institution. The administration has no right to hide or tendentiously distort information that could affect a teacher’s career and the quality of his work. Decisions that are important to the teaching community are made within the institution based on the principles of openness and general participation.

2.3.8 Intrigues, insurmountable conflicts, harm to colleagues and splits in the teaching community prevent the educational and educational institution from fulfilling its direct functions. The head of a preschool educational institution who cannot cope with acute and protracted conflicts must resign.

2.3.9 The preschool educational institution values ​​its reputation. If criminal activity by teachers and senior administration employees is revealed, as well as gross violations of professional ethics, the head of the institution must resign.

2.4 Relations with parents and guardians of pupils

2.4.1 The teacher advises parents and guardians on the problems of raising children, helps mitigate conflicts between parents and children.

2.4.2 The teacher does not disclose the opinions expressed by children about their parents or guardians or the opinions of parents or guardians about children. Such an opinion can be conveyed to the other party only with the consent of the person who conveyed the said opinion to the teacher.

2.4.3 Teachers must communicate respectfully and kindly with parents of students. They do not encourage parent committees to organize treats, congratulations, etc. for teachers on any occasion.

2.4.4 The relationship between teachers and parents should not influence the assessment of the personality and achievements of children.

2.4.5 The relationships of teachers with students and their assessment should not be influenced by the support provided by their parents or guardians of the preschool educational institution.

2.5 Relations with society

2.5.1 A teacher is not only a teacher, coach and educator of children, but also a public educator, a guardian of cultural values, and a decent, educated person.

2.5.2 The teacher tries to contribute to the harmony of society. Not only in private, but also in public life, the teacher avoids strife, conflicts, and quarrels. He is more ready than others to anticipate and solve problems and disagreements, and knows how to solve them.

2.5.3 The teacher well understands and fulfills his civic duty and social role. He avoids emphasized exclusivity, but is also not inclined to opportunistically descend to any environment and merge with it.


3.1 The teacher has the right to use various sources of information.

3.2 When selecting and transmitting information to students, the teacher observes the principles of objectivity, suitability and propriety. Tendentious distortion of information or changing its authorship is unacceptable.

3.3 The teacher may, at his own discretion, choose the type of educational activity and create new methods of education, if they are suitable, responsible and decent from a professional point of view.

3.4 The teacher has the right to openly (in writing or orally) express his opinion on regional or state educational policies, as well as on the actions of participants in the educational process, but his statements cannot be tendentiously inaccurate, malicious or offensive.

3.5 The teacher does not disclose confidential official information intended for the internal needs of the preschool educational institution.


4.1 Teachers and administrative workers must use material and other resources carefully and wisely. They must not use property (premises, furniture, telephone, telefax, computer, copying equipment, other equipment, postal services, vehicles, tools and materials), as well as their working time for personal needs. Cases in which teachers are allowed to use things and working time must be regulated by the rules for the safety of the institution’s property.


5.1 The teacher and head of the preschool educational institution is objective and disinterested. His official decisions are not subject to his own interests, as well as the personal interests of family members, relatives and friends.

5.2 If a teacher is a member of a council, commission or other working group obliged to make decisions in which he is personally interested, and therefore cannot maintain impartiality, he informs the persons participating in the discussion about this and recuses himself from voting or other way of making a decision.

5.3 A teacher cannot represent his institution in a legal dispute with another institution, enterprise or individuals if he has any private interests or accounts with the partners in this case, and he may be interested in one or another outcome of the case. He must inform the head of the administration and the persons considering the case about his interest.


6.1 The teacher is an honest person and strictly complies with the law. Neither accepting a bribe nor giving one is compatible with the professional ethics of a teacher.

6.2 In some cases, seeing respect from students, their parents or guardians and their desire to express their gratitude to him, the teacher may accept gifts from them.

6.3 The teacher can only accept gifts that:

1) are presented completely voluntarily;

2) do not and cannot have as their goal bribery of a teacher and

3) are quite modest, i.e. These are things made by the hands of the pupils themselves or their parents, works created by them, flowers, sweets, souvenirs or other inexpensive things.

6.4 The teacher does not make hints, does not express wishes, does not agree with other teachers so that they organize pupils or their parents to present such gifts or prepare refreshments.

6.5 The head of an educational institution or a teacher may accept any disinterested assistance from the parents of pupils intended for the educational institution. The public must be notified of the provision of such assistance and gratitude must be publicly expressed on its behalf.


7.1 The head of the preschool education institution must maintain impartiality when hiring a new employee or promoting his employee to a position. He cannot appoint a member of his family or his relative as his deputy or head of any department, or grant them any other privileges.

7.2 The teacher cannot put pressure on the administration so that a member of his family, relative or close friend is accepted into the institution where he works, or that the above-mentioned persons are promoted. He should not take part in considering this issue at the pedagogical council and making decisions.

7.3 It is unacceptable to accept remuneration in any form for hiring, raising a qualification category, appointment to a higher position, etc.

Principles and standards of employee appearance

Municipal government preschool educational institution -

MKDOU kindergarten "Firefly"


These rules have been developed in accordance with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Design, Contents and Organization of the Operating Mode of Preschool Educational Institutions SanPiN, the Charter of the MKDOU Kindergarten "Firefly" in order to outline and explain the basic principles and standards of appearance of preschool educational institutions employees for further their implementation in everyday practice.

Each employee of the preschool educational institution, with his appearance and attitude towards his work, must support and strengthen the general image of the preschool educational institution.


2.1. Neatness and neatness

Clothes must be clean, fresh, ironed, and look new.

Shoes must be clean, well-groomed, and polished throughout the working day.

The appearance must comply with generally accepted social norms of business style and exclude provocative details.

Employees must be attentive to the rules of personal hygiene (hair, face and hands must be clean and well-groomed, the deodorizing products used must have a light and neutral odor).

2.2. Restraint

One of the main rules of a business person when choosing clothes, shoes, and when using perfumes and cosmetics is restraint and moderation.

The basic standard of dress for all employees is professional business attire.

Use simple, discreet decorations in a business style.

For daytime makeup and manicure, soft, calm tones are appropriate.

To all preschool employees prohibited Use the following clothing and footwear to wear during working hours:

2.3. Cloth

Sportswear (tracksuit or parts thereof)

Clothes for active recreation (shorts, sweatshirts, T-shirts and T-shirts with symbols, etc.)


Sheer dresses, skirts and blouses, including clothing with sheer inserts

Low-cut dresses and blouses (V-shaped chest open, visible underwear, etc.)

Evening dresses

Sleeveless dresses, T-shirts and blouses (no jacket or jacket)

Miniskirts (skirt length is higher 3 cm from the knee)

Blouses that are too short, revealing part of the stomach or back

Clothes made of leather (imitation leather), raincoat fabric

Tight-fitting (tight-fitting) trousers, dresses, skirts

2.4. Shoes

Sports shoes (including for extreme sports and entertainment)

Beach shoes (flip-flops and slippers)

Shoes in “country” style (Cossacks)

Chunky shoes with a thick platform

Evening shoes (with bows, feathers, large rhinestones, bright embroidery, shiny fabrics, etc.)

High over the knee boots combined with a business suit

Clothes and shoes should not contain very bright colors, shiny threads or provocative extravagant details that attract close attention.

2.5. Hair

Extravagant haircuts and hairstyles

Dyeing your hair in bright, unnatural shades (for example, neon shades)

On dyed hair, regrown roots are visible, very different in color from the main tone of the hair

2.6. Manicure and makeup

Manicure in bright, extravagant colors (blue, green, black, etc.)

Manicure with designs in bright colors (drawings, rhinestones, clips)

Evening makeup options using bright, rich colors

Appearance must be impeccable in everything. A preschool educational institution is not a place to demonstrate design delights and extravagant ideas.


3.1. For employees holding the following positions: manager, deputy manager, educators, specialists.

3.1.1. Cloth

A business suit (pants, with a skirt or dress) of a classic cut in calm tones (the upper and lower parts of the suit may differ in color and style). Standard length trousers.

It is allowed to wear a formal blouse with a skirt or trousers without a jacket or jacket.

A dress or skirt, preferably of medium length, with a classic cut.

Jeans and clothing made from denim fabric of classic models, plain, without stylistic elements (large embroidery, fringe, rhinestones, abrasions, rivets, etc.)

A neat, attractive combination of trousers, skirts, blouses, knitted jumpers or sweaters. Blouses in calm colors with long or short sleeves. In the warm season, wearing T-shirts without symbols is allowed.

During the cold season, it is allowed to wear warm sweaters, jackets, pullovers, etc. without bright or extravagant elements that distract attention.

Stockings and tights of flesh-colored or black color with an even texture without ornament. It is preferable to wear tights or stockings throughout the year.

3.1.2. Shoes

Classic models in soft colors that harmonize with clothing.

Preference is given to models with a closed toe and heel.

The height of the heels of the shoes should be comfortable for work, but not exceed 10 cm.

3.1.3. Hair

The haircut is neat (not extravagant).

Long hair (below shoulder length): For employees who have daily contact with children, hair should be pinned up.

Hair color is preferably natural tones.

3.1.4. Decorations

It is allowed to use jewelry (rings, earrings, bracelets, chains, etc.) designed in a business style without large precious stones, bright and massive pendants, pendants, etc.

Rings - no more than three (one of which is an engagement ring).

The chain is no more than two.

Medium size watch.

Small earrings.

Piercings and tattoos are only allowed if they are hidden by clothing.

3.1.5. Hands

The length of the nails should be comfortable for work.

Nail polish should be chosen in calm tones, avoiding bright manicure elements and saturated colors.

3.1.6. Hygiene and makeup

Daytime makeup, light, natural tones.

Perfumery and cosmetics with a light neutral aroma.

3.2. For employees holding the following positions: medical. workers, catering department employees, junior service personnel, office cleaners, head of physical education department, repair workers.

Taking into account the specifics of the work of employees of this category, employees, in addition to clause 3.1., are introduced to the following:

3.2.1. Cloth


Tracksuit (for the head of physical education).

An apron and scarf for serving food, an apron for washing dishes and for cleaning premises (for technical staff).

3.2.2. Shoes

Sports shoes (for the head of physical education).

Shoes without heels or low heels.

3.2.3. Hair

Medium and long hair must be tied up.

3.2.4. Decorations

It is prohibited to wear various jewelry (for catering workers).

3.2.5. Hands

Nails should be neatly and short cut.


In order to distinguish preschool employees and prevent unusual situations when interacting with parents and visitors to the preschool, each employee must have a badge on their clothing indicating their full name and position.


All preschool employees must follow these Rules. Accepted employees become familiar with the current Rules within one month.

Appearance standards are set by the Manager, according to the nature of the tasks performed.

Compliance with general rules of personal hygiene is mandatory.

These Rules come into force from the moment they are signed and may be changed and supplemented.


use of mobile communications in

Municipal government preschool educational institution-kindergarten "Firefly"

  1. 1. During classes with children, meetings, teacher councils, meetings, holidays, children’s sleep, the sound of the mobile phone must be switched to silent mode.
  2. 2. It is recommended to use either a standard phone call or classical music as a mobile phone ringtone when you are in a preschool educational institution.
  3. 3. The use of mobile phone headsets in preschool educational institutions is prohibited.
  4. 4. It is prohibited to leave students unattended during a telephone conversation.
  5. 5.The conversation on a mobile phone should not be long.

Business etiquette - this is a set of certain rules of behavior adopted in the field of production, services, culture, science, etc., that is, in the field of your professional activity. Compliance with official business etiquette depends on time and circumstances. Unlike moral norms (ethics), the rules of etiquette are largely conditional and have the nature of unwritten laws that everyone strictly observes.

In any life situations, you should strive for good relationships with everyone, even if you encounter a person for a short time. The barmaid, the watchman, the cloakroom attendant - all these are employees with whom we encounter and quickly disperse for the whole day. You can pass by without paying attention, or you can say hello, smile and say a few pleasant words.

Image of a business person . Each of us creates a certain image of ourselves, as they say now - an image. He can be different: a kind and pleasant person to talk to, a klutz, a rude person, a brawler... There are as many images as there are people.

Always and everywhere you need to wear appropriate clothing for the occasion!

In many ways, our image depends on another person’s perception of us. When creating his own image, each person should think about how he wants to be in the eyes of others.

American psychologist Dale Carnegie in his book<Как завоевать друзей и оказать влияние на людей>proposed six rules for the art of liking.

First - be genuinely interested in other people. To get to know others, you need to talk less about yourself, listen to others more, and use pronouns less in conversation. Try to find out what your interlocutor thinks about this or that issue, how he lives, what he is interested in.

Second - smile at people. People always like a person with a smile in his eyes and lips. A smile without irony or malice, coming from within a person, will say:<Я рад тебя видеть, мне приятно говорить с тобой>.

Third - address the interlocutor by name. To better remember the names of those you meet, you need to mentally repeat this name several times, or even better, write it down.

Fourth - be able to listen to your interlocutor, while asking questions that you yourself would like to answer. Be able to sympathize with a person if he needs it. If you feel like interrupting your interlocutor, take a deep breath and let your interlocutor continue his thought. An attentive interlocutor will notice this and appreciate it.

Fifth - talk with your interlocutor about what interests him. This is the surest way to a person's heart.

Sixth - instill in friends and colleagues an awareness of their own importance for you, the team, the family... But this must be done sincerely. We must see the merits of other people, praise them and thank them for the good they do for us. Good words are pleasant to others. After good words spoken to people, you yourself will feel that you are becoming kinder.

Everything that has been said here is addressed both to the head of the enterprise, office, company, and to all its employees.

Culture of behavior - actions and forms of communication of people based on morality, aesthetic taste and compliance with certain norms and rules. A true culture of behavior is the organic unity of a person’s internal and external culture, the ability to find the right line of behavior even in a non-standard, and sometimes even in an extreme situation.

Etiquette - the most important aspect of the morality of professional behavior
leader. Knowledge of it is a necessary professional quality that must be acquired and constantly improved. Yes, back in 1936 . Dale Carnegie wrote: “The success of a person in his financial affairs depends 15 percent on his professional knowledge and 85 percent on his ability to communicate with people.” Quite a few careers collapse and money is lost due to improper behavior or bad manners. Knowing this, the Japanese spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year on teaching good manners and advice on etiquette and behavioral culture. They know well that the success of any company largely depends on the ability of its employees, managers, and their ability to work together to achieve a common goal. Knowledge of etiquette and culture of behavior are the key conditions for successful work in any organization. In order not to get into an absurd situation, you need to know the rules of good manners. In the old days, Peter the Great taught them strongly. IN 1709 . he issued a decree according to which anyone who behaved “in violation of etiquette” was subject to punishment. Perhaps it is necessary to introduce punishment for those domestic businessmen who expose not only themselves to ridicule, but also cast a shadow on Russian entrepreneurship. So, knowledge of business etiquette and the ability to behave culturally are the basis of leadership.

History of etiquette

Etiquette is a historical phenomenon.

The rules of people's behavior changed with changes in the living conditions of society and the specific social environment. Etiquette arose during the birth of absolute monarchies. Adhering to certain rules of behavior and ceremony was necessary for exaltation
royal persons: emperors, kings, kings, princes, princes, dukes, etc., to consolidate the hierarchy within the class society itself. Not only a person’s career, but also a person’s life often depended on knowledge of etiquette and compliance with its rules. This was the case in Ancient Egypt, China, Rome, and the Golden Horde. Violation of etiquette led to enmity between tribes, peoples and even wars. Etiquette has always performed and continues to perform certain functions.

The social role played by this or that person should not be self-oppressive, nor should it have a hypnotic influence on the subordinate. The cultural leader will treat with equal respect both the minister and the ordinary technical worker of the ministry, the president of the company, the firm and the office cleaner, i.e. Show everyone sincere respect. This sincere respect must become an integral part of the leader's nature. A culture of behavior in business communication is unthinkable without observing the rules of verbal (verbal, speech) etiquette associated with forms and manners of speech, vocabulary, i.e. with all the style of speech accepted in communication of this circle of business people. In a business conversation, you must be able to answer any question. It is always necessary to remember a sense of proportion. In the speech etiquette of business people, compliments are of great importance - pleasant words expressing approval, a positive assessment of business activities, emphasizing taste in clothing, appearance, balance in the actions of a partner, i.e. assessing the intelligence of a business partner.

During business communication there is always a real opportunity for compliments. They inspire your business partner, give him confidence, and approve. Will this interfere with the manager? It is especially important to remember the compliment if you are new to the business, and also one who suffered failure at first. It is no coincidence that open criticism of their employees is prohibited in Japanese companies: this is unprofitable for the company, since labor activity and initiative are reduced. Compliance with the most important rules of conduct with strangers is a sign of respectability, good manners, and self-confidence, which are important for a leader. The role of the leader in the formation of the team

So, the effectiveness of the team’s work, its ability to solve assigned tasks largely depends on the moral and psychological climate, as well as on the prevailing “mood” of employees in the group, which, other things being equal, is determined, firstly, by the quality of the personnel and, secondly, -secondly, the peculiarities of informal relations between the manager and the subordinate. Let's look at these problems in more detail.

Scientific research and generalization of practical experience indicate that the most productive are work groups consisting of people of different ages, gender and temperament. Young workers are more accepting of new things, more energetic, but sometimes arrogant and not inclined to compromise.

Older people, on the contrary, are quite conservative, but have life experience, are not prone to adventures, are able to make more informed decisions, and, as a rule, avoid conflict situations. Further, purely female and purely male teams have specific disadvantages: in women’s teams, petty squabbles occur more often, more work time is lost due to systematic discussion of everyday problems, etc., while in some men’s teams, foul language flourishes during working hours and "bad habits". In other words, the joint work of people of different sexes, as it were, tightens workers, increases self-discipline, and demands on themselves. It is equally important to have individuals with different temperaments in the group, since each of them, as we have already found out, has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Speech etiquette - this is a set of all etiquette speech means and the rules for their use in certain situations.

How to start a conversation

Depending on the current situation between the interlocutors, various options for starting a conversation are possible.

In a crowded place, asking for help is a good conversation starter. In a store you can ask to tell about a product, in a library to inquire about the availability of a particular book, in the gym you can ask for help and show how to properly use this or that exercise machine, on the street you can ask for directions to a particular house.

You can start a conversation by prefacing it with a compliment to your interlocutor, for example, admiring his (her) hairstyle or some item of clothing and asking him to tell him where he can find a good hairdresser or where to buy something he likes. It is preferable for a man to compliment him on his excellent physical shape, and to a woman about her impeccable taste.

Banal phrases can also be quite suitable for starting a conversation, for example: “The weather is beautiful today, isn’t it?”, “Don’t you think it’s unbearably hot today?”, “We met somewhere,” etc.

How to avoid a quarrel.

They say that if two people quarrel, then both are wrong.

And the one who is smarter is more to blame. He must be the first to abandon the quarrel.

Turn on music, TV. Or go outside. Do something to distract you from the fight.

Do not try to argue in any way and take revenge - these are clear signs of an abnormal personality when a person asserts himself through a quarrel.

A teacher must constantly engage in self-education.

Here are the most common methods of self-education and self-government:

  • Reminder method . Knowing his shortcoming, the leader constantly reminds himself of it. In some cases in writing. For example, there is a piece of paper on the table that says: “Hold back!”, “Don’t be nervous!”.
  • Stop tap method . As soon as passions begin to flare up, the leader warns himself: “No, this cannot continue. We need to behave differently and find more flexible approaches.” This makes you stop the storm and look at yourself, people and the situation differently.
  • Containment method . In acute situations, the manager begins to convince himself that further “increasing tension” will not lead to anything good. It is difficult to restrain himself, he wants to return blow to blow, but he consciously restrains himself, his own emotions, moves away from the situation, immersing himself in other matters, speaking out somewhere, etc.
  • Explain before action method . The explanation encourages both parties to understand the reasons for the intensely emotional relationship.

How to manage your emotions?

This technique was developed by artist-suggestologist Albert Ignatenko.

If the state of your nervous system and psyche needs correction and the method of self-hypnosis is recommended to you, I can recommend this exercise.

Sit in a chair with your hands on the armrests. Raise your right arm, bent at the elbow, with your palm outstretched. The formula for self-hypnosis is as follows: “The hand has relaxed (mentally move to the little finger, feel it). My little finger slowly begins to move away. Farther and farther. My little finger moved even further to the side, even further. The little finger moved to the side as far as possible. Frozen, petrified. All my fingers are made of stone, I can’t move my little finger. With the count of “five,” all fingers will become light, free, and mobile. The little finger will return to its original position.

Once - your fingers are free, light, tension disappears.

Two - the little finger is free, light.

Three - the hand is light, free, normal.

Four - the tension has completely disappeared. After this exercise, I can easily inspire myself with any thought.

Five - the hand is light and free.”

Now you can move on to targeted suggestion. Take a “coachman’s pose”, close your eyes. The formula for relieving stress is: “I will count to twenty. With the count of “twenty”, every word I say will be realized in my psyche.

Once - the stress that was begins to disappear from my memory.

Two - I forgot about him.

Three - all the bad consequences after stress are erased from my memory.

Four - I am a strong, calm, self-confident person.

Five, six - there was no stress.

Seven, eight - there will never be stress.

Nine, ten - in any difficult situation, stress never arises.

Eleven, twelve - I am a strong, confident person.

Thirteen, fourteen - I easily control my psyche.

Fifteen, sixteen - my mental order “I am calm” will be mentally implemented in my psyche.

Seventeen, eighteen - stress completely disappeared from my memory.

Nineteen, twenty - I am a strong, calm, healthy person. I live on positive emotions, I enjoy life. I want to live a full, healthy life and contribute to society. Never in my life, even in the most difficult situations, will I be stressed.

With the count of three, I will return to normal. You will feel great.

Once - the body is light and fresh.

Two - the head is clean and clear.

Three - excellent mood, pleasant, light, bright thoughts

These exercises should be done twice a day, morning and evening, until stress is completely relieved. As practice shows, the following exercise will help you manage your emotions (during an exam, in a difficult family conversation, at work).

Pose - standing, legs together, arms down. Formula: “On the count of “one” I will be pulled forward.” Once. “With a score of two, it will pull you forward more.” Two. When you feel the craving after counting “one” or “two”, you have established contact with your subconscious (opened the door to the subconscious sphere) and can now carry out self-hypnosis designed to control your emotional sphere.

Formula: “With the count of seven, every cell of my central nervous system will calm down. I will be a calm and self-controlled person in conversation and actions.

Once - the nervous system calmed down.

Two - every cell of the body is calm.

Three - calmness spreads throughout the body.

Four - calmness fills my mind.

Five - I'm completely calm.

Six - the excitement completely disappeared.

Seven - I self-confident."

If after completing this exercise the implementation with the score “seven” did not take place, find the optimal option with the score twelve, twenty, etc. With constant practice, you will soon feel that you can perform self-hypnosis within a second.

Communication between teacher and children
At each age stage:
1. Show humanism, ensure the safety of all spheres of the child’s life.
2. Show full respect to the individual.
3. Protect from inappropriate behavior, physical and psychological pressure, damage to the safety and health of the child caused by inappropriate behavior.
4. Suppress any attempts in pedagogical practice related to the formation of negative leadership, outsider, antisocial and religious groups, using pressure on the individual (social, psychological, physical).

Communication between teacher and colleagues

1. Be tolerant of others.
2. Respect.
3. Rejoice at the success of your colleagues.
4. Support colleagues.
5. Be able to share information.
6. Be able to work together.
7. Encourage new, original developments of colleagues.
8. Organize round tables to exchange new technologies, methods, programs for implementation in the work of preschool educational institutions, analyze achievements and mistakes.

Communication between teacher and parents
1. Strive to be in a good mood and pleasant to talk to.
2. Feel the emotional state of the parents.
3. Find an opportunity to tell parents something positive about the child every time.
4. Be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents, set an example of good manners and tact.
5. Show flexibility in conflict and difficult situations when communicating with parents.
6. Give accurate, specific answers, informed advice.
7. Instill in parents faith in their child.
8. Do not belittle the authority of parents, no matter how little their experience in raising children is.
9. Unite parents when solving various issues, create an atmosphere of common interests of parents and teachers.
10. Provide parents with complete information about the child during individual meetings.
11. Provide assistance to parents in teacher education.

Appearance of preschool employees
The appearance of preschool educational institution employees must comply with generally accepted social norms of business style and exclude provocative details. Employees must be attentive to the rules of personal hygiene (hair, face and hands must be clean and well-groomed, the deodorizing products used must have a light and neutral odor). The basic standard of dress for all employees is professional business attire. Simple, discreet decorations in a business style should be used. For daytime makeup and manicure, soft, calm tones are appropriate. All preschool employees are prohibited from wearing the following clothing and footwear during working hours:
- Sportswear (except for FC instructor)
- Clothes for active recreation (shorts, sweatshirts, T-shirts and T-shirts with symbols, etc.)
- Beachwear.
- Transparent dresses, skirts and blouses.
- Low-necked dresses and blouses (V-shaped chest opening, visible underwear, etc.) - Evening dresses.
- Miniskirts (skirt length above 3 cm from the knee)
- Blouses that are too short, revealing part of the stomach or back
- Clothes made of leather (imitation leather), raincoat fabric
- Tight-fitting (tight-fitting) trousers, dresses, skirts
- Sports shoes (including for extreme sports and entertainment)
- Beach shoes (flip-flops and slippers)
- Shoes in “country” style (Cossacks)

Clothes and shoes should not contain very bright colors or provocative extravagant details that attract close attention.
- wearing extravagant haircuts and hairstyles.
- dyeing hair in bright, unnatural shades (for example, neon shades)
- applying manicure in bright, extravagant colors (blue, green, black, etc.)
- evening makeup options using bright, rich colors.

Appearance must be impeccable in everything.
A preschool educational institution is not a place to demonstrate design delights and extravagant ideas.

1. Professional ethics

A teacher is not only a profession, but also a social status,which must be complied with. And for this, the teacher must havepedagogical culture. All requirements for teacher culturewritten down in pedagogical ethics.

Ethics - (from the Greek ethos custom, disposition, character) - the science of morality. The most important requirement of pedagogical ethics is love for children. However, loving children is not just showing feelings, but also the teacher’s ability to accept the student as he is, empathize with him and help him develop.

A teacher's love for children should be at the level of moral relations. Children value in a teacher, first of all, kindness, responsiveness,understanding. If the teacher does not like children, then he will not be able to provoke a and trust of children.

An important quality of a teacher is pedagogical optimism.

This is faith in the child, in his capabilities, the ability to see the good and rely on this good in the learning process.

Pedagogical ethics is a complete balancing of moralfeelings of consciousness and behavior of the teacher. All these qualities mustbe present in his culture of communication with children, with any otherpeople, in the pedagogical tact of the teacher.

Pedagogical tact (from the Latin Tactus - touch) is calleda sense of proportion in the choice of means of pedagogical influence. Tactdoes not at all imply that the teacher will always be kind ordispassionate, not reacting to the negative behavior and actions of children.

Pedagogical tact consists of a combination of respect for the child’s personalityand with reasonable demands on him.

The teacher may be indignant, even angry, but this mustexpress themselves in ways that are adequate to the requirements of pedagogical cultureand ethics. The actions of a teacher should not humiliate the dignity of the individual. Byopinion of A.S. Makarenko, pedagogical tact is a skill“don’t go overboard anywhere.”

Usually, pedagogical tact is needed by a teacher in complex and ambiguous situations of pedagogical interaction, in which, in addition to the moral side of the relationship, he is required to show his resourcefulness, intuition, poise, and sense of humor. Good humor, rather than evil irony and mockery, sometimes makes it possible to find the most effective and tactful way of pedagogical interaction. Sometimes a teacher’s smile is enough to change the situation. But it should be a smile that is permeated with love: a smile of approval, understanding, reassurance, regret, sympathy. And in no case should it be a smile - a surrogate: malicious, malicious, mocking.

2. Signs and elements of pedagogical tact

The main elements of pedagogical tact are:

♦ exactingness and respect for the student;

♦ the ability to see and hear a child, to empathize with him;

♦ attentiveness and sensitivity of the teacher.

Professional tact manifests itself:

♦ in the appearance of the teacher;

♦ in the ability to quickly and correctly assess the current situation and at the same timetime not to rush to conclusions about the behavior and abilities of the pupil;

♦ the ability to restrain one’s feelings and not lose self-control in difficult situations


♦ combined with reasonable demands and a sensitive attitude towards children;

♦ good knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of children;

♦ in a self-critical assessment of one’s work.

♦ a tactful teacher comes to work and business meetings on time;

♦ promptly returns what he borrows from colleagues; does not repeat rumors

♦ unverified facts, especially if they can harm others.

The basis of tact is the teacher’s self-control and balance.

The main distinguishing feature of a tactful teacher is high demands and sincere respect for students. The concept of “tact” includes many components, but all of them are in one way or another connected with caring for a little person, with an attentive and sensitive attitude towards him.

Psychologists argue that where the flexibility of pedagogical tactics is replaced by a sharp shout or verbosity of irritation and anger, professional pedagogical activity is replaced by an expression of pedagogical failure. It is as if a doctor, instead of helping a patient, would beat him.

It should be noted that when using stimulation methods such as punishment and reward, the teacher must be especially tactful intowards each child. When applying punishment, it is very important to show as much respect as possible and at the same time be demanding ofto the pupil. It is unacceptable to be indignant at a child’s misbehavior, much lesstear out evil and insult him.

The teacher's communication style as an expression of pedagogical tact.

An important characteristic in the ethics of professional and pedagogical communication is its style. The style of communication between a teacher and students is a social and moral category. It is formed under the influence of many factors and depends on:

From the mental makeup of a person;

His value orientations;

Level of education and general culture;

Influences of the immediate social environment (family, friends).

Maria Kostina
“Pedagogical ethics, professional standard of a teacher as a tool for improving the quality of preschool workers”

Consultation for teachers

"Pedagogical ethics,professional standard of a teacher as a tool for improving the quality of preschool education"

“Only those who control themselves can rule the world”.

In other words, only a person with high moral

qualities can achieve a lot. We need to be more

perfect for ourselves and our children and obliges us to this

chosen by us profession – teacher.

The great sage Aesop, who fell into slavery to the Lydian king Croesus, was forced to serve at his feast. And when the tipsy Croesus asked Aesop to bring for the guests the best treat that was in the palace, the sage brought him a tongue.

“Why is this dish the best?”- asked the surprised king.

“What could be more beautiful than a language that conveys feelings!

What could be more valuable than a language that gives us knowledge!

What could be more sublime than a tongue speaking words of love! – answered Aesop.

Then the king, who decided to test Aesop’s resourcefulness, demanded to bring him the worst dish that could be found in the kingdom. Aesop did not budge and again handed the king the dish with the tongue.

"But why!"- exclaimed Croesus.

“What could be more disgusting than a tongue that lies, what could be dirtier than the language of foul language, what could be more vile in the world than the language of slander and slander!” - answered the sage.

This wisdom suggests that communication can be both constructive, ethical, and destructive, conflictual. Everyone knows that a word can elevate and humiliate a person, that a word can heal or kill.

That's why the problem pedagogical ethics communication is central to establishing relationship between teacher and other participants in educational process: children, parents, colleagues and administration.

Teacher must meet the requirements of the time, the generation of children, and the prospects for the development of society and the country. U teachers have new professional competencies, basic functions also change due to modern conditions. It is difficult for a teacher to comply with everything. But it seems to me that the main skill teacher at all times is the ability to listen and hear a child. Teacher must build relationships with a modern child from a position of respecting his interests, taking into account the level of development of his communication skills, individual developmental characteristics, individual needs and much more.

The professional standard should, In my opinion, establish formal, external, measurable (observable) functions and actions and do not imply the identification of internal moral relationships and positions of the educator. The teaching profession is special, and no one argues with this. But this does not mean that all documents must specify the content “spiritual and moral inner world teacher» . There must be others for this mechanisms: public opinion, openness and publicity of activities teacher, parents’ opinion, the atmosphere of the kindergarten’s way of life, rules professional ethics. I understand that the current situation with the introduction the professional standard will not change, but now it’s important work out their decisions based on the analysis of the document from the perspective of its practical implementation.

Pedagogical ethics are rules, which allow:

Regulate relations between teachers and their students, as well as other participants in the educational process;

Protecting their human value and dignity;

Supporters the quality of professional activities of teachers and the honor of their profession;

Creating an educational institution culture based on trust, responsibility and fairness.

On principles pedagogical ethics based on a code of ethics teacher. It regulates such areas - requirements for the individual teacher, communication teacher with students, colleagues and administration, authority, honor and reputation

Personality teacher

A teacher enters the profession by vocation, devoted to his work and fulfills his duties responsibly.

Teacher demanding of himself and strives for self-improvement, self-determination and self-education.

Teacher is responsible for quality and the results entrusted to him pedagogical work - education.

Teacher is responsible for the physical, intellectual, emotional and psychological protection of its students.

By your behavior teacher supports and protects professional honor of a teacher.

Teacher transmits national and universal cultural values ​​to the younger generation, takes part in the process of cultural development.

He cannot engage in countercultural activities either in the performance of his direct duties or outside the educational institution.

In communication the teacher is respectful, polite and correct. He knows and follows the rules etiquette.

Authority teacher is based on competence, fairness, tact, and the ability to take care of one’s students. Teacher does not create his authority through incorrect means and does not abuse it.

Teacher teaches by his positive example.

Communication teacher with students

Teacher chooses a style of communication with students based on mutual respect.

First of all the teacher is demanding of himself. Demandingness teacher in relation to the student is positive and reasonable. Teacher should never lose a sense of proportion and self-control.

When assessing the behavior and achievements of your students teacher strives to strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence, show them opportunities for improvement, increase learning motivation.

Teacher is impartial, equally friendly and supportive towards all students.

When assessing the achievements of students teacher strives for objectivity and fairness.

Teacher constantly cares about the culture of his speech and communication. There are no curse words, rude or offensive phrases in his speech.

To the teacher It is prohibited to disclose to other persons information entrusted to him personally by the pupil, except in cases provided for by law.

Communication between teachers

Relationships between teachers are based on the principles of collegiality, partnership and respect. He does not belittle his colleagues in the presence of students or others.

Teachers avoid conflicts in relationships.

Right and duty teacher is to evaluate the performance of colleagues and administration. Persecution teacher criticism is strictly prohibited. Criticism, first of all, must be internal, i.e. it must be expressed between teachers, and not outside the preschool educational institution. It should be expressed in private. There is no place for gossip.

Criticism aimed at work, decisions, views and actions of colleagues or administration should not humiliate humanity dignity. It should be reasonable, constructive, tactful, non-offensive, and friendly. The most important problems and solutions in pedagogical lives are discussed and accepted in open pedagogical discussions.

Relations with the administration

The team maintains a culture of communication, expressed in mutual respect, goodwill and the ability to find a common language.

Teachers have the right to receive from the administration information relevant to work of their institution.

Intrigues, conflicts, division into groups in pedagogical community prevent the educational institution from performing its direct functions.

The institution values ​​its reputation. If criminal activity is detected teachers and other employees, administration, as well as gross violations professional ethics the manager has the right to influence in accordance with the law.

Relations with parents and persons in their stead

Teacher when communicating with parents (legal representatives)

constantly cares about the culture of his speech and communication. There are no curses, vulgarisms, rude or offensive phrases in his speech.

Teacher advises parents and guardians on problems of raising children, helps mitigate conflicts between parents and children.

Teacher Tolerant of parents' religious beliefs and political views.

Teacher does not disclose the opinions expressed by children about their parents or the opinions of parents about their children. Such an opinion can be conveyed to the other party only with the consent of the person who completed the teacher mentioned opinion.

Teacher does not discuss with parents (legal representatives)

kindergarten problems, personal problems and the problems of their colleagues, and also do not participate in the discussion and assessment of other parents of students.

Relationship teachers with parents should not influence the assessment of the personality and achievements of children.

For relationships teachers with pupils and their assessment should not be influenced by the support provided by their parents.

Rules « Pedagogical communication»

Memo for preschool teachers

1. Enter a group of children with a smile.

2. Teach your students first, ask questions later.

3. Never deceive children; hold fast to your word given to children.

4. Never insult a child, protect him from all types of violence.

5. No matter how difficult it is, be humble and patient.

6. Be an example for your child in behavior, work, clothing, and attitude towards other people.

7. In any situation, try to put yourself in the child’s place.

8. Remember that you can truly understand a child if you love him.

9. Learn from your colleagues, parents, children.

10. Never complain about your students to parents or colleagues, remember that you are good teacher is dissatisfied only with himself.

11. When you are wrong in any situation, ask your child for forgiveness; this will not diminish your authority.

12. Live in the interests of children and their hopes.

13. Be generous to someone who accidentally stumbles.

14. Learn to see the child’s zone of proximal development and optimize his future.

15. Never talk about his or her disabilities in front of your child.

16. Tell parents good news about the child’s successes and achievements.


Guseva N.V. About morality pedagogical climate in the pedagogical team // Young scientist. -2011.-No11

Davydova O. S. Cheat sheet on introduction to pedagogical activity

Mishatkina T.V. Pedagogical ethics: Textbook. Publishing house: Phoenix, 2007

Naumchik V.N. et al. Ethics of a teacher. - M: Publishing house "University", 2009

Ethics: Uch. village / Comp. S. G. Kolbovskaya; Ed. T. A. Stepanova. Yaroslavl: Institute of Development education., 2011.

Karavaeva Oksana Borisovna
Workshop for teachers “Pedagogical ethics in preschool institutions”

Seminar - workshop for teachers

« Pedagogical ethics in preschool institutions»


1. Creating a friendly atmosphere.

2. Mastering the skills of communicating with each other.

3. Development of adequate assessment activities aimed at identifying positive means of communication with each other.

I would like to begin my speech with the words Voltaire:

“Only those who control themselves can rule the world”.

In other words, only a person with high moral qualities can achieve much. We must be more perfect for ourselves and our children, and our chosen profession obliges us to do this - Teacher.

I would like to start our meeting with a parable "Everything is in your hands".

- “Once upon a time there lived a sage who knew everything. One man wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Clutching a butterfly in his palms, he asked: is she dead or alive? And myself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her; the dead one will say, I'll release it: Sage, after thinking, replied: "Everything is in your hands".

In our hands is the opportunity to create an atmosphere in kindergarten in which children will feel "like home", A teachers, owning pedagogical ethics, - good-natured and responsive, to whom children will happily run in the morning, and parents are happy to talk about education

Our meeting today is dedicated to pedagogical ethics. At the beginning of our conversation, let's remember what it is « ethics» . (Answers teachers)

This word is derived from the ancient Greek einos - "character, custom, good way of thinking".

Rapid development of the system preschool education and modern society, special significance preschool period of life in the formation and development of personality place increased demands on the level of professional preparedness of the educator, causing the need to constantly improve it pedagogical skill. The requirements for a teacher are very high. He must be a wise, knowledgeable mentor and an artist at the same time, master everyone developing and educating children with knowledge and being able to use it professionally in classes with children in kindergarten. A teacher must have such qualities as patience, kindness, fairness, tolerance, well-readness, erudition, and a developed sense of empathy, because a teacher has to work not only with children, but also with parents.

In our preschool institution adopted in 2013 Regulations on professional ethics of teachers.

Let's define the purpose of the code of ethics preschool teachers:

The norms of the Code of Ethics teachers are guided by teachers and all employees of the preschool educational institution- kindergarten working with children.

Code of Ethics teachers defines the basic standards of professional ethics:

Regulatory relationships between teachers and their students, as well as other members of the educational community institutions;

Protecting their human worth and dignity;

Supporting the quality of professional activity teachers and the honor of their profession;

Creating a culture of educational institutions based on trust, responsibility and fairness.

Norms pedagogical ethics are established on the basis of universal moral norms, constitutional provisions and legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of human rights and child rights.

The most important element of style institutions is the culture of employee speech.

Guess what requirements can be made for the speech teacher(Answers teachers)

Speech Requirements teacher:

1. Correctness – compliance of speech with language norms. To the teacher it is necessary to know and follow the basic norms of Russian when communicating with children language: orthoepic norms (rules of literary pronunciation, as well as norms for the formation and modification of words.

2. Accuracy – correspondence between the semantic content of speech and the information that underlies it. Special attention teacher should be addressed to semantics (semantic) side of speech, which contributes to the development of children’s skills in accurate word use.

3. Logicity - expression in semantic connections of the components of speech and relationships between the parts and components of thought. The teacher should consider what exactly is in preschool At age, ideas about the structural components of a connected statement are formed, and skills are formed in using various methods of intratextual communication.

5. Expressiveness is a feature of speech that captures attention and creates an atmosphere of emotional empathy. Expressiveness of speech teacher is a powerful tool to influence a child. Possession teacher various means of expressive speech (intonation, rate of speech, strength, pitch of voice, etc.) contributes not only to the formation of the arbitrary expressiveness of a child’s speech, but also to a more complete awareness of the content of an adult’s speech, and the formation of the ability to express his attitude to the subject of conversation.

6. Richness – the ability to use all linguistic units in order to optimally express information. The teacher should consider what's in preschool age, the foundations of a child’s vocabulary are formed, so a rich vocabulary of teacher contributes not only to the expansion of the child’s vocabulary, but also helps to develop his skills in accurate word use, expressiveness and educated speech.

What associations do you have when you hear the word « ethics» ?

- Ethics is the science of morality, of the principles that should guide people in their actions.

- Pedagogical ethics is the science of pedagogical morality. Undoubtedly, it is based on ethics as such. Honesty, goodwill, humanity (everything for the sake of man, for man, in the name of man), deep interest in the success of his students, respect for their personality, a sense of responsibility for the results of work, adherence to discipline - this is not a complete list of qualities teacher. After all, a teacher for preschooler- the first person after his parents to teach him the rules of life in society, broaden his horizons, and shape his interaction in human society.

Let's come up with words for each letter of the word « ETHICS» that will help reveal it essence:

E – elegance

T – creativity

And – sincerity

K – creativity

A – relevance

Task No. 5 "Who am I?" (2-3 minutes)

teacher for child, continuing the phrase "I -.".

Children learn to be friendly, welcoming, polite, attentive, and sensitive from the example of their mentor. They see the compassion on the teacher’s face if someone gets hurt; genuine joy when they achieve success; upset when they fail. They watch you when you patiently explain something to the nanny, greet their parents warmly... Children, being in kindergarten all day, see in us a model of behavior.

Teacher who does not forget that he has been entrusted with the most precious thing - children, will certainly ask himself who he is for his pupils.

Each team needs to determine who is teacher for child, continuing the phrase "I -." and give justification. For example: I am the creator of the nursery joy: It’s interesting, fun with me.

Wish: To be a friend, teacher, protector for students.

Task No. 6 "Friendly team"

The leader for the captains distributes tasks, for which each captain needs to organize all the members of his team, distributing individual assignments “Organize a cleanup day in a kindergarten”(“Organize the preparation of a holiday for the team "March 8", “Organize participation in the competition "Teacher of the Year"). But at the same time, the presenter indicates to each participant his role:

The first team member repeats one thing all the time phrase: “I’m in a hurry, I don’t have time. Let's hurry up";

Second: “I will do this, I know how, I can, I want”;

Third: talking on the phone and not listening to the manager;

Fourth: “How long will this last? They have nothing else to do."

Fifth: “Why me again, and so it’s always me”

Sixth: “Look, I have a wonderful new blouse”

Seventh: “Wonderful idea! Wonderful!"

The players say their phrases almost simultaneously, interrupting the captain. The captain's task is to complete the task.

Exercise "Applause".

We did a good job with you. I wish you to have a firm position on any issue, defend it competently, explain and teach children clearly, and be an Educator with a capital E! I suggest imagining a smile on one palm and joy on the other. And so that they do not leave us, they must be tightly united in applause. See you again!

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