Who is this HOA manager? What are his functions and job responsibilities? Where to hire a manager.

Partnerships. He represents the interests of the HOA when communicating with third parties.

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Based on the power of attorney, the manager can submit petitions to local governments.

For example, if the roof of a house is leaking, the manager can write a statement demanding repairs.

The full list of responsibilities is determined by the general meeting of the partnership.

Who is this?

The HOA manager is a non-legal entity who is obliged to organize all administrative and legal functions in the work of the partnership.

If there is a manager, this does not mean that the board transfers all its functions and powers to him.

A manager is appointed. He is presented with a job description, according to which his range of responsibilities is determined.

How is it prescribed?

A manager is appointed upon the recommendation of the chairman of the board:

  • the authorized representative can work on the basis of an employment contract or a civil contract for the provision of services;
  • It is permissible to elect a manager by voting by all members of the HOA.

Legal basis

Based on paragraph 2 of the Russian Federation, the manager must act on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the chairman of the partnership.

The chairman also approves the job description, according to which the following are determined:

  • responsibilities;
  • responsibility;
  • manager's rights.

With the help of the job description, the range of requirements for the candidate is determined. In addition, activities are regulated by the HOA charter.


The manager of the HOA and the chairman of the HOA are different people, each endowed with their own powers. The range of functions is determined by the property owners, and everything is assigned by the chairman himself. In this case, the type of contract does not matter.

The powers are as follows:

  1. The manager represents the partnership in various instances, courts, and enters into contract agreements if necessary.
  2. The entire organizational and legal system of work on HOA issues rests on his shoulders.
  3. The manager may involve a lawyer or accountant in his activities in agreement with the chairman.
  4. It should be noted that the activities of the person appointed to this position depend on the range of responsibilities determined by the members of the HOA.

HOA Manager

The HOA manager is a kind of representative, a trusted representative of the homeowners. It is entrusted with a lot of functions.

In addition to them, the manager also has his own rights; they are determined by an additional clause in the job description.



  • can participate in the discussion of all problems and issues that are part of the responsibilities of the partnership;
  • vested with the right to make decisions together with all participants of the HOA;
  • can make various proposals to improve the activities of the HOA;
  • if necessary, can obtain the necessary documentation for work.

If shortcomings are identified during the activity, the manager can report them to the chairman and also take measures to eliminate them.

If it is necessary to involve specialists to solve issues and problems, then the manager can do this.

At the same time, he has the right to give instructions for performing work independently.

If the operational service employees seriously violated the requirements, the manager has the right to remove them from work.


Each chairman appoints a manager based on the interests of the HOA. It all depends on the degree of trust.

If it is complete, then you can involve the manager in the following responsibilities:

  • selection of operational services to carry out repair and maintenance work on an apartment building;
  • concluding various contracts, including for the provision of utility services;
  • search, employment and dismissal of employees;
  • monitoring the implementation of various works to improve the condition of the house and territory;
  • official representation of the partnership in authorities and courts;
  • preparation of various financial documents, including annual estimates of expenses and income;
  • preparation of financial statements;
  • debt collection.

In this case, it all depends on the level of trust in the person.

You can entrust him with:

  • conducting various financial transactions;
  • payment of bills for the provision of services;
  • purchasing materials for work and so on.


Requirements for the candidacy of a manager are determined in accordance with the established regulations.

It all depends on the specific partnership:

  • sometimes an HOA needs a manager with a higher economic or technical education;
  • age requirements are also put forward - managers, most often, cannot be a person under 30 years of age;
  • a prerequisite is no criminal record;
  • the manager must have a lot of free time to conduct his activities.

Responsibility, perseverance and determination are the essential qualities of an employee of the partnership.

The manager must also have information about the technical structure of the house. Be familiar with regulatory documents, design, contractual and other.


In addition to rights and requirements, the manager is responsible for his activities. It is determined by the job description.

If the manager does not meet and does not fulfill the requirements for working in the partnership, then he may be dismissed from his position in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If misuse of funds, theft and fraud are discovered in the course of the manager’s activities, then he bears criminal liability.

In addition, material damage is subject to restoration.

If the manager damages something, he is obliged to carry out repair work at his own expense.

It is imperative to comply with labor regulations and fire safety; if a violation is detected, the manager may be punished with a fine.


The contract is concluded on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It can be standard labor, where the date of conclusion is indicated, or civil law.

The latter is a kind of act of providing services for a certain period of time.

The form of concluding the contract is chosen by the Chairman and Manager himself.

Interaction with the homeowners association

The method of cooperation between the HOA and the manager may be limited to the framework of 2 models.

Each partnership chooses independently what is closer to it:

  1. In the first case, the activities are carried out by the manager, and all repair and construction work is carried out by hired employees. The only negative is that you will have to maintain a large staff. But if the HOA is an entire residential complex, then this form of cooperation is convenient.
  2. The second option involves hiring temporary workers. This model is very profitable in financial terms, because employees will appear only when necessary, and there is no need to pay for the rest of the “downtime” period.

In any case, the manager is responsible for the chosen solution. If residents are dissatisfied, he may be removed from his post.

Hiring a good manager who will perceive your project as his own brainchild is quite problematic. After all, hiring a hired manager means that you, as a business owner, will be able to relax and entrust the solution of almost all emerging issues to him. So, how to hire a productive manager and not make the wrong choice?

Below we provide step-by-step instructions that may be useful to you.

  1. Preparation. First of all, it is necessary to form an image of an “ideal” leader in your head. Much depends on whether a new business is being launched or you decide to transfer an already profitable business to management.
  2. Posting a vacancy. You can search for a candidate yourself or delegate the task to recruiting agencies. When placing an ad, you must indicate all the criteria for a potential candidate. Contacting an agency allows you to hide the name of the company if you plan to replace an existing manager.
  3. Processing of submitted resumes. You can complete this step yourself. But, as our practice shows, the vacancy of a manager is one of the positions that receives an average of 1.5 responses. There is a test that will allow you to weed out some candidates at the stage of sending your resume. In the questionnaire, ask the question: “How do you see our company from the outside?” Let the answer be sent along with the application form with a covering letter. In addition, you need to take the time to interview candidates who were able to contact you personally, bypassing all the contacts listed in the vacancy.
  4. Personal interviews. From all the resumes, you need to select those candidates who fully meet your ideas about their manager. 20 candidates are enough. If you want to hire a truly productive manager and not miss out on a real professional, then never schedule more than 4-5 interviews per day. Don't forget that talking can take a lot of energy.
  5. Evaluation of candidates. The results of the interview will allow us to select 3–5 candidates who most fully meet all the requirements. It is with them that you can conduct a detailed interview. We recommend inviting the candidate to the company for a few hours and giving him the opportunity to communicate with people of interest to him. For a real professional, two to three hours will be enough to get a more or less clear idea of ​​the existing problems and ways to solve them. An equally important point is the information part, i.e. personal information provided by a person. This includes a track record, scandalous moments, recommendations, reviews of former subordinates. It is step 5 that will help you understand which candidate is needed. Some applicants are eliminated at the stage of visiting the company, because they lack the professionalism to extract the necessary information, and the manager is a person who is able to find solutions and extract resources.
  6. Introduction to the position. Typically, this step will leave only one candidate who meets your needs. And here it’s up to you to decide whether to transfer the authority to manage the company to him or start introducing him step by step. Many people prefer to introduce their subordinate into business gradually, which allows you to evaluate his initiative and ability to take charge of solving problems.

What Dovahkiin doesn’t dream of his own corner in one of the picturesque places in the province of Skyrim? With the release of The Elder Scrolls: Hearthfire expansion, the developers gave the player the opportunity to build their own Lake Estate. “Skyrim” is rich in picturesque places, one of which will be discussed in the article.

Shall we sit down by the fire?

The advent of the Heathfire add-on introduced elements of the “life simulator” genre into the game. The idea of ​​​​the possibility of building your own estate with a dozen or two lustful Argonian maidens as servants and Serana as a wife (as well as with drunken fights of the Dovahkiins on weekends along with preference and courtesans) is better to put off right away.

Factors that limit the player’s wild imagination are found at every step, but in quite moderate quantities.

The very possibility of having a plot of land brings a lot of variety to the Skyrim game. Expansion of the Ozernoye estate can be done both with the help of mods and without them.

How to get an estate

Where can you find Lake Estate? Skyrim is famous for its beautiful places, but this time we are talking about the territory northeast of Falkreath.

During the game, Dovahkiin may be met by a messenger from the jarl of the above-mentioned town, who will hand over a letter with an offer to purchase for 5,000 septims.

Or the protagonist can independently visit the aforementioned ruler and get the opportunity to build an estate after completing several quests.

The jarl or his steward will certainly explain how to get to the already acquired land plot (after paying 5,000 septims), but, in principle, there is no need to listen to the route to the end, because there is already a mark on the map.

About the area

Briefly about the site itself: it is located in a thicket of forest, therefore predatory animals can wander onto the estate, which do not care whether the owner is at home or not. Wolves can attack livestock at any time of the day. Not far to the south is a table for ritual sacrifices. The place for raising children, which the hero can also have, is almost ideal, except that nearby (just south of the already mentioned altar) there is a robber outpost, from where forays are made to attack and rob Khajiit caravans.

Called the Sosnovaya Zastava, the inconspicuous structure looks more like a forester's dwelling. But if you subject it to a thorough search, you can find a secret passage to the bandits' lair.

Start of construction

It is no coincidence that the place where the Lake Estate will be built was chosen; Skyrim is rich in all kinds of building materials (as well as surprises). The land plot is located in the forest. When approaching the construction site of the future estate, you can find a chest with building materials, a workbench, an anvil and a drafting table. Apparently, the jarl made sure in advance that Dovahkiin would not deny himself anything.

First of all, you need to clean out the existing chest. Then use a drawing table to draw up a plan for a small house, because there are not enough resources for a larger one.

Laying the foundation

You need to use an anvil to make nails, of which you will need thirty pieces. Next, use a workbench to pour the foundation of the future structure. By periodically running from workbench to anvil, the frames of the walls, the walls themselves, the floor, the roof and, of course, the front door are created.

Then you need to go inside. There you can find a small workbench for constructing furniture and interior decoration, as well as a chest.

To do this, you need to select a section with furniture on the workbench and create the required piece of furniture. Each of them has its own place in the house, which cannot be changed.

In such a simple structure there is neither a pentagram of souls nor an alchemist's laboratory. And in general, this house is far from the Dovahkiin’s habitat imagined by the average player, imbued with the spirit of battles, great feats and shot knees.

This is what a budget version of the estate, called Lake Estate, looks like. Skyrim is a world with a lot of resources. Next, you need to start mining them in order to significantly improve the protagonist’s home.

"Skyrim". Estate "Ozernoe". How to hire a manager and servants

In order to appoint any companion to the above position, you must first bring him to the estate. A corresponding dialogue thread will appear, which serves to logically link the character to the estate as a housekeeper.

In the game Skyrim, the manager of the Ozernoye estate is called upon to look after the property of the main character in his absence.

Main functions:

  • assistance in purchasing building materials such as wood, clay and stone;
  • through it you can buy livestock (chickens and cows);
  • can appoint servants to the house like a bard and a cab driver;
  • when someone attacks the estate, he resists in all possible ways.

Main hall

Upgrading the Ozernoe estate (Skyrim) to a more impressive structure follows the same rules as building a small house - using a drafting table. After such an action, the initially erected house turns into a hallway - the bed is removed, but a display case and weapon racks appear.

The main hall is significantly larger; it is divided into sections: the first floor, consisting of a dining area and a lounge, and the second floor.

It is located immediately at the transition from the hallway - here you can set up an alchemist’s laboratory. In the rest room, install an anvil, a buffet (in which all the stolen sweet rolls and more are stored), and there is also an entrance to the basement. You can enter this room through the dining room.

The workbench, located in the eating area, also allows you to design a pentagram of souls, which is installed on the second floor, in addition to single beds (for children) and a double bed (for a spouse and the protagonist of the game “Skyrim”).

The mod for improving the Ozernoye estate can add a room where the main character’s companions will live, adjusts the lighting of the entire estate, and also places three guards at the entrance to the estate.

Garden plot

Further improvement of the Ozyornoe estate (Skyrim) occurs in the form of arrangement of the surrounding areas using a workbench. Everything that can be built in the yard is in the “Miscellaneous” section.

It is possible to construct such elements as:

  • Front garden. The properties are intuitive from the name: you can grow vegetables and components for use on the alchemist's table.
  • Stable. There is a horse stall here. The horse can be purchased through the manager for the modest price of 1000 septims.
  • Corral. The housekeeper brings a cow and three chickens here. The cow produces milk, which appears in the kitchen cupboard, and the chickens lay eggs. The responsibilities are, in principle, intuitive.
  • Apiary, containing honeycombs and, in fact, the inhabitants - bees.
  • Installation possible tanning machine in the yard, as well smelters, blacksmith's workbench And whetstone. The purpose is no different from the same elements of any forge in the vastness of the province of Skyrim.

Improve the Ozernoye estate further? Easily!

A rich Dovahkiin will always find how to decorate his home with taste. And if there is no more space, you can build more. Three wings are attached to the main hall: northern, eastern and western. There are three types of construction for each of them - a total of nine variations.

The mod for the Ozernoye estate in Skyrim will also add fencing around the perimeter, adjust the lighting and color scheme of the environment, place an innkeeper on the estate, and also add mines for the extraction of corundum, iron, silver and gold.

East wing

  • Library. Used exclusively for Accordingly, only shelves for all kinds of tomes can be built here.
  • Kitchen. Includes a cooking pot. A lot of recipes for complex dishes can be found in the vastness of Skyrim or purchased from merchants.
  • Armory. When built, it provides the Dovahkiin with a number of weapon racks, mannequins and display cases.

North wing

  • Closet. There are safes and chests where you can put anything you want. Dovahkiin very often suffers from a mania for collecting and drags into his backpack what is poorly laid out, hoping that someday it will be useful. And if not, you can put everything in the pantry.
  • Alchemy laboratory. An expanded version of the small alchemy stand that is based in the dining room. It differs only in appearance, the functions are the same.
  • Trophy room. The most interesting option of the proposed ones. Of course, the interest is purely aesthetic - during breaks you can admire the stuffed dead creatures.

West wing

  • Enchanting laboratory. A similar story as with the alchemist's corner. Larger, aesthetically pleasing and atmospheric. Functionally, it is no different from the existing pentagram of souls.
  • Greenhouse. Another analogue. But this time it is an analogue of the front garden and functionally more advanced - fireflies, butterflies, bee nests and honeycombs appear here. And also many containers for storing anything.
  • Bedroom. The importance of this building is to make it convenient and comfortable for everyone to live in the estate. There should be as many beds as there are residents. Otherwise, someone will have to take turns sleeping.


The final touch is the arrangement of the dungeon. As a rule, the protagonist places here a forge with all the necessary components, as well as altars of nine deities, the images of which are found in the vastness of the province of Skyrim. The Ozernoye estate expansion mod also allows you to build a dungeon with prisoners or build a mycelium.

If the character is a vampire (TES: Dawnguard add-on), a coffin is installed in the basement.


Some features of the estate should be noted. For example, buildings such as the alchemist's and enchanter's laboratories and the library have the shape of turrets on both sides of the estate. The observation deck offers a gorgeous view of the area, and it is also very convenient to fight off bandits attacking the estate using a bow or magic.

Anyone can attack: from skeevers who have taken a fancy to the basement, to wolves who can show up at any time of the day and slaughter all the livestock.

Bandits also periodically visit the estate. They steal or kill livestock, kidnap a spouse, leaving behind a ransom letter. However, to return your beloved is simple - kill everyone. Sometimes draugr, giants and even dragons attack.

In the event of a vampire invasion in the absence of the owner, all residents will turn into these bloodthirsty creatures.

Separately, it is worth noting that it is planned to erect not one estate, but three in the vastness of the Skyrim province. The Ozyornoe Estate house is just one of them. Dovahkiin can buy the Winstad estate, a place not far from Hjaalmarch. It is right next to the burial places of the ancient Nords, so draugr periodically running in to see the light is quite a common occurrence here. The Heljarken Hall estate is located on the border area between Whiterun and the White Coast. From here you can clearly see the Throat of the World and Dragon's Reach. There are no draugr here, but there are giants, famous for their ability to send the player into orbit near Tamriel with a single blow of their club.

Each estate has its own peculiarity. You can build an apiary in Lake Manor, a fish nursery in Winstad, and a grain mill in Heljarken Hall.

For some reason, among the children of Skyrim, Lake Estate enjoys greater sympathy. Apparently, they still prefer bees to fish and flour dust.

As already mentioned, there are nine options for building the north, east and west wings, but you can only choose three. If you want to build all nine, you will have to purchase all three plots of land.

It is better to appoint the most powerful and tenacious companion who can withstand attacks as a manager. Especially when it comes to vampires. Leaving Serana as a housekeeper (with the help of mods) is a bit illogical, since this girl is most useful in battle as a companion.

There are also a lot of mods that allow you not only to improve the estate, but also to hire special managers who can also perform functions to protect Dovahkiin’s estate.

Despite the many limitations that were mentioned at the beginning, a personal estate remains a very useful addition to the game. Everyone will find something of their own here. For some, it is a source of raw materials for forging armor or alchemical ingredients. And for some it is a source of unique screenshots a la “Dovahkiin on a chair” or “at the stove”, and if you try with mods, then in the arms of Serana.

In fact, there are very few such houses. This is also the fault of the residents, who cannot always maintain cleanliness where they live, as well as wine UK, after all, it is she who should stimulate the desire to maintain order in the residents, and she herself should be interested in ensuring that the house has the proper appearance.

General information

As you know, today in our country there are two organizational and legal forms of managing an apartment building.

The first of them is UK, an organization with a clearly established structure, rights and responsibilities regarding management.

But the owners of premises in multiple houses do not always resort to this form. The option is much more attractive. There are a number of reasons for this.

Firstly, at the head of this organization are the owners of the premises, which means that even the top of the organization will interested in improving the building.

Secondly, this organizational and legal form works much more harmoniously, simpler and is subordinated to the homeowners. Of course, the partnership has its own hierarchy. There is a presence in it - active owners, as well as.

It is the chairman who is largely responsible for carrying out certain actions regarding the arrangement of common property.

But more recently, the presence of a homeowners association manager has become a common occurrence in the homeowners’ association. Many still do not know about its presence, and those who know cannot understand what kind of face is this and what important functions does it perform?.

If you also do not know the answers to these questions, we invite you to read the text of our article and gain new, and most importantly, useful information for yourself.


Let's start with what a homeowners' association is. Otherwise, you risk getting confused in terminology.

So, a homeowners association is an organization

This organization, despite the fact that it carries non-commercial nature, manages the account formed by the residents for the needs of the house, and the main responsibility of this organization is to maintain it in proper condition and order. Let us explain how this manifests itself.

The responsibility of the partnership includes maintaining communications in proper quality, arranging the common area, timely elimination of breakdowns, and so on.

In general, the homeowners association manages an apartment building. The board of the partnership decides where to spend the funds, what to fix primarily, and what to pay attention to.

The chairman approves or rejects their initiative. Also the highest governing body of the partnership- this is a meeting of the owners of an apartment building, which meets either on their own initiative or by convening the chairman to resolve general issues.

What does he do?

The manager is an individual who also carries out improvement activities in the homeowners' association. If it's convenient for you, you can consider it employee.

Moreover, this employee may even have the status of an individual entrepreneur and be invited to perform certain duties. He can carry out his activities for a fee in several partnerships at once homeowners.

In addition, it is important to know that two types of contracts can be concluded with this citizen.

The first one is well-known and popular.

It is concluded between the homeowners association and the manager. It specifies the main obligations of the parties, rights, as well as the necessary conditions for cooperation.

Often they can enter into agreements with him civil contract, which also has legal force.

A distinctive feature of this act is the fact that the employee becomes an object providing services under certain conditions for a certain period of time, and not a permanent employee as in the case of an employment contract.

What is the difference from the chairman?

Many people confuse the positions of chairman of a partnership and manager. In fact it's two completely different positions, which cannot even intersect in any way.

The chairman is the head of the HOA, who deals with organizational and legal issues, as well as financial issues, analyzes the decisions and wishes of residents, and also makes his own adjustments and initiatives. His activities are administrative.

As for the manager, his activities are also related to administrative work, however, he rather exercises control over the activities of hired workers, does not introduce any initiatives, but provides assistance in increasing the functionality of the labor of the partnership’s employees.

In addition, he reports to the chairman as an employee to the employer, undertakes observe the internal regime and not violate it without good reason.

You can find a sample job description for an HOA manager.

Why is it needed?

Such a hired employee, as we have already said, increases efficiency of the work performed. He plays the role of controller, manager and analyst at the same time, deciding who should be replaced, what is best to concentrate on, and what can wait.

Such a leader has become an indispensable figure in recent years, since, having relevant work experience, he can easily determine the main directions of action, and also report if any of the employees are doing their job poorly or are completely shirking it.

Can the HOA operate without this hired employee? For a very long time, homeowners' associations functioned without them and this suited everyone quite well.

But today, when the goal of all organizations is to increase functionality, this position is simply necessary in order to have maximum control over what is happening and make the most efficient use of resources.

True, many homeowners in apartment buildings do not understand the need for such a position. These individuals believe that they are paying money as a reward to a person who is completely undeserving of them.

In fact this is not the case and it works a good employee will be visible after a couple of months. If not, then you can always raise the question at a general house meeting about his dismissal and termination of the contract with such a person.

How is it prescribed?

The manager is appointed by submitting his candidacy to the general house meeting. The chairman alone cannot hire such a citizen without a vote of the owners.

At the meeting, the need for the work of such a specialist is discussed, and his qualities are characterized. By voting, owners of premises in apartment buildings decide Is such an employee necessary? them today or not.

If the majority agrees, then at the meeting an employment or civil law contract is drawn up with this person.

The clauses of the contract are also carefully discussed with the owners and if there is any misunderstanding, one or another clause is accepted by voting.

After this, when the agreement is signed by both parties at once, the hired manager is considered a full-fledged employee of the partnership and can begin his duties.

Legal status employee must be specified in the contract with him.

If the employee is represented as an individual, then he cannot act as a provider of utility services, then he acquires the organizational and legal status of a controller for the implementation of public services. If he is an individual entrepreneur, then everything is much simpler.

What is the job?

You should not think that the position of the head of the HOA comes down to control alone. It turns out that if everyone works hard and regularly carries out actions to maintain the house in proper condition, then he receives his salary in vain?

Actually no, the manager has many other functions, which we will try to list for you in full:

Otherwise, he helps carry out the work and is mainly engaged in administrative and business activities.

The financial sphere is beyond the control of the manager, which can only be entrusted to the meeting of owners or directly to the chairman.

Ways to interact with HOAs

There are two models of interaction between the manager and the owners’ association, and each has taken root to one degree or another.

The first model boils down to the fact that this employee exercises control when the activity is carried out permanent employees.

This scheme is simple for the employee, but not profitable from the point of view of budget expenditure.

The second model boils down to the fact that the manager again exercises control, and the work is carried out by the contractor. The simplicity of this scheme is that the contractor is hired one-time and not on an ongoing basis.

This gives opportunity to save money at a time when there is no work and there is no need to pay the employee for downtime.

Responsibilities and rights

Such a hired manager has many rights and responsibilities.

We got acquainted with the latter in the paragraph above.

As for rights, then this leader can count for timely payment of their work, for vacation, as well as for compliance with their labor rights.

No one has the right to dismiss him without reason, unless otherwise provided by the employment contract or civil law.


Like any other official, this employee has punitive and financial liability for failure to perform any actions or violation of contract clauses.

The law does not provide for specific liability, but the charter of the partnership defines the possibility of recovering money from an employee as part of prevention from incorrect actions.

If you still don’t know if there is a salaried manager in your house, it’s time to find out this fact. It is likely that this person has been properly performing its function for a long time, and you didn’t even know about it.

Familiarize yourself with its activities because only you, knowing the condition of your home, can judge performance this official.

The manager of the HOA and the chairman of the HOA are different people. Formally, a manager is an individual to whom, for a certain remuneration, part of the administrative functionality related to organizing the work of the HOA itself is delegated. As a rule, the partnership's manager is hired from outside.

Thus, we can conclude that the position of manager is intended to “unload” the management apparatus of the partnership in the person of its chairman.

The main functions of a manager in an HOA include:

Of course, a number of functions and official powers of the HOA manager can be expanded in accordance with decisions made by the management of the partnership.

Often the chairman of an HOA is faced with a fairly large amount of obligations that he cannot cope with or he simply does not have enough time to do so. Then the management of the partnership involves a person who agrees to take the position of manager and share some of the responsibilities with the chairman, taking on his functions relating to internal processes.

There are also cases when, among the residents who are the actual owners of the property, they cannot select a suitable candidate for the chairman’s position, and the meeting cannot make a choice. Then a third party is also hired to serve as the HOA manager.

Important! The key difference between the manager of an HOA and the chairman of the HOA is that the position of manager can be filled by a person who is not the owner of housing on the territory of the partnership.

A hired manager does not even have to be a resident of a particular building to take this position. in partnership. The Russian Housing Code emphasizes that only the owner of the property can become the chairman of the HOA.

Thus, the difference between the positions of manager and chairman lies not only in the scale of obligations, but also in their legal relationship to the common property, the interests of which are protected by the HOA. If for the chairman direct affiliation with the MKD is obligatory, then for the manager it is not.

How and where is the legal status regulated?

The legal status of the manager is fixed in the employment contract or in the process of approving a civil law agreement when the person who has applied to become a manager assumes the corresponding position.

Besides, the legal status must be enshrined in the manager’s job description.

Since the manager is an individual, at the time of concluding the transaction, the management board of the partnership does not shift its responsibilities regarding the provision of public services to the manager, but remains their executor.

Reference! The legal field of the position of manager is in the plane of administrative processes of an administrative nature, including control over compliance with public real estate, in particular, its maintenance in proper condition, repair and maintenance.

There are cases when the HOA Charter contains a number of fixed responsibilities, among which certain aspects can be specified. Then the scope of powers, the transfer of which is carried out to the HOA manager, is determined by the board of the partnership itself outside the legal framework.

It is recommended that the incoming HOA manager carefully familiarize himself not only with the contracts and instructions, but also with the HOA Charter, in which he plans to conduct his work in the future.

Models of interaction with the partnership

There are two models of interaction between the manager and the partnership:

Registration of powers through signing an agreement

As mentioned earlier, the HOA draws up one of two types of agreements with the person taking over the position of manager - an employment contract or an agreement on a civil law basis.

Power of attorney

The HOA has the right to designate and transfer to the manager his official functions in an official power of attorney. Typically, this document is drawn up in situations where the manager needs to represent the interests of the partnership in a third-party organization, for example, in various government bodies.

The power of attorney indicates all powers of the manager, which are usually duplicated with those given in his job description or set out in a civil agreement.

General provisions concerning its design are set out in Chapter 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Concluding the explanation of the intricacies regarding such positions as the chairman and manager of the HOA, it can be noted that there is a significant difference between them, especially in a legal context.

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