Appraiser qualification certificate from the year. How to obtain a qualified appraiser certificate? Directions of qualifying exams

Information for applicants who have passed the qualifying exam in the region appraisal activities.

An application for a qualification certificate can be submitted immediately after successfully passing the exam. To do this, you must have with you documents confirming your experience in appraisal activities (see below).

The certificate confirming passing the qualification exam in the field of valuation activities in the areas of “real estate valuation”, “movable property valuation”, “business valuation” is the Qualification Certificate.

A qualification certificate is issued by the Federal Budgetary Institution “Federal Resource Center for the Organization of Management Training” (hereinafter referred to as FBU “FRS”) on the basis of a written application from the applicant, subject to passing the qualification exam and having, on the date of submission of the application, work experience (experience) related to with the implementation of appraisal activities for at least three years. At least one of the last three years of the specified length of service (experience) must be spent working as an assistant appraiser or appraiser.DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FORM .

A written application for the issuance of a qualification certificate is submitted to the FBU "FRS" in person or by post with notification of delivery and a list of investments at the address: 105064, Moscow, st. Staraya Basmannaya, 11/2, building 1.

The application shall indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant, date and place of birth, email address, contact telephone number, area of ​​assessment activity for which the qualification exam was passed. Attached to the application are copies of documents confirming that the applicant has work experience related to the implementation of valuation activities.

Work experience (experience) related to the implementation of valuation activities , can be confirmed by corresponding entries in work book, employment contract with application job description, contracts for the assessment of objects of assessment for three years, an extract from the register of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers on completed assessment reports, an extract from the register of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers on prepared expert opinions on reports on the assessment of objects of assessment.

The application is registered on the day it is received. Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application, the Federal Financial Center considers the application and makes a decision on issuing a qualification certificate or refusing to issue it.

The applicant, no later than 5 working days from the date of the decision to issue or refuse to issue a qualification certificate, is notified of the decision taken to the email address specified in the application. If a decision is made to issue a qualification certificate, the message will contain information about the place and time of issue of the qualification certificate.

The issuance of a qualification certificate to the applicant is carried out upon presentation of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document identifying him in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or to the applicant’s representative on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For questions related to obtaining a qualification certificate, contact an FRC employee by phone. 8-925-311-39-38 and by email[email protected] .
It is recommended to make an appointment with a member of staff in advance.


I took exams in the areas of “Real Estate Valuation” and “Movable Property Valuation” at the end of October 2017 in Moscow (at that time they were still held only there), both exams in a row, in two days. I scored 62 points for real estate assessment, and 64 for movable property assessment. I took the exam in the “Business Assessment” direction later, in December, at an on-site session in Rostov-on-Don. Passed with 86 points.

Regarding the content of the exam, most of the questions and tasks are very far from daily work appraiser. Therefore, having a lot of experience, titles and regalia in assessment will not help you much, just as the lack of them will not significantly reduce your chances of success. It is quite possible for anyone who works in assessment to pass the exams, but only with preparation. Jumping on a ball without preparation, hoping that you will be lucky, will definitely not work.

The first thing you need to start with is submitting a registration form to participate in the exams. Exams are taken in Moscow or in other cities where on-site sessions will be held in the near future. The schedule of on-site sessions is published on the website ( For each direction you must submit a separate registration form.

Questionnaires in the areas of “Real Estate Valuation” and “Movable Property Valuation” can be submitted simultaneously, this way you can save time and money and pass two exams in one trip. It is better to submit the application form for the “Business Assessment” exam separately from the others, later, since a situation may arise that you will be given all three exams in a row (as it happened to me and I had to apply to reschedule the business exam). In terms of the volume of materials for preparation, the business exam is comparable to the other two combined, if not more, so it is worth preparing for it separately.

There is no point in starting full-scale preparation before receiving an invitation to the exam; over time, the material is quickly forgotten. You will have enough time after receiving the invitation. But, based on the experience of communicating with colleagues, I know that there are practicing appraisers and assistant appraisers who have never read the Law on Valuation Activities and Federal standards assessments. They make reports using templates created by other evaluators. If this is your case, be sure to take the time to read these documents before receiving your invitation.

Start preparing a week before the exam day, not earlier. On weekdays, set aside 1-2 hours in the evening; on weekends, devote much more time to this. Theoretical questions with answers can be viewed, for example, when traveling on public transport.

The official database of questions and tasks is closed. Therefore, the assessment community created a “popular” database based on data from evaluators who had already taken the exam and, from memory, jointly reconstructed the wording of the questions and tasks. Most full archive materials for preparing for exams in all areas are located on the portal #evaluatorstogether ( There is a list of questions with answers, problem solvers, as well as free trainer exams in each direction.

Also very useful is the Facebook group “Preparing for the assessment exam” ( There the main communication of the assessment community takes place about the exam (and not only), analysis of questions and tasks. The group is closed, so you can join only by invitation of someone who is already a member. If you would like to join the group, please contact one of the moderators with a request. Read the group rules carefully. And before asking a question, use the search by keywords, since many questions have already been asked before you and there is a high probability that you will find the answer to your question without wasting someone else’s time.

The main attention in preparation should be paid to solving problems, since they give the greatest number of points and it will not be possible to score a passing grade with theory alone. You read the conditions of the problem, try to solve it yourself, if it doesn’t work, look for the solution in a solver book or Facebook group and play it back, then move on to the next one. When you reach the last task, return to the first and start from the beginning. Do not memorize the correct answers to problems; the initial data in the conditions changes. Your goal is to remember and be able to reproduce the correct solution in the exam, since the results obtained during the incorrect solution are also available among the answer options. When preparing to take the business assessment exam, you need to memorize the basic formulas: various types cash flows, transition from one flow to another, transition from a leveraged beta to an unleveraged one, transition from a nominal rate to a real one and back. Without knowledge of these formulas, most business problems cannot be solved.

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that among the issues and tasks there are quite a lot of controversial ones, the correctness of whose solutions raises doubts among representatives of the assessment community. For such problems, you just need to remember the “correct” solution according to the logic of the authors of the problem. You can, of course, go your own way and choose the answer that you consider correct in accordance with your knowledge and beliefs, and then appeal your decision. But the consideration of the appeal takes a long time and, as practice shows, the percentage of positive decisions is extremely small.

Finally, here are some tips for passing the exam. The night before the exam, you shouldn’t try to finish learning what you haven’t learned. It is important to get enough sleep and be fresh-headed on the day of the exam. Therefore, you need to arrive in the test city on the day before the exam. Choose a hotel within walking distance to the delivery location, this will allow you not to worry about the possibility of being late due to transport and not to arrive too early. Don’t expect to be able to copy something or ask someone; the organizers are constantly walking between the rows.

Take your time, there is enough time to calmly answer all questions, solve problems, and at the end there is still time to check. Read the question and all answer options carefully, even if at first glance the question is familiar to you and you see the correct answer. Very often, questions may differ in one word, for example, “what is contained” and “what is not contained,” etc. Don’t get stuck on one question or task. If you don’t immediately know the answer or the calculation results obtained do not agree with any option, do not panic, this does not solve anything. Mark the question number on your draft and move on to the next one. You will return to these questions at the end, when you have answered the bulk. The source data of tasks cannot be directly copied from text and pasted into Excel; all numbers must be entered manually. In order not to waste time constantly switching between the exam program and Excel, you can take a screenshot using the PrtScn key, paste the screenshot into Excel sheet, reduce it to a convenient size and then enter data, having the text of the task in front of your eyes. When handing over a business, before starting to answer questions (at the time when they are handing out logins to enter the system), it turned out to be very useful to write down on a draft all the basic formulas that I mentioned earlier. This way they will always be in front of your eyes and there will be less likelihood during stressful situation exam, forget to add or subtract something in calculations.

If you lack a small number of points, be sure to go to an appeal. Even if you fail to get the missing points, at least you will be able to recognize and analyze your mistakes. This will help you prepare for the retake.

Good luck on the exam!

Deputy Director for Valuation Activities of the FINEKA company, Dmitry Protasov, who has worked in the field of valuation activities since 2012, shared his experience of passing qualifying exams.

The changes were introduced by the Federal Law of June 2, 2016 No. 172-FZ “On Amendments to Certain legislative acts RF", which were proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development. Experts in the valuation industry say that these are the most significant and significant changes since the existence of the law on valuation activities.

The most important change is that from April 1, 2018, the appraiser must have a qualification certificate. Only if it is available, a specialist will be able to carry out assessment activities. It is the fact of obtaining a qualification certificate that is legally significant, and not the passing of the qualification exam itself. Persons who have received higher education and/or professional retraining in the field of valuation activities. In case of failure to pass the exam, the applicant is allowed to retake the exam only after 90 days. A qualification certificate is issued for a specific area of ​​activity; accordingly, the appraiser has the right to carry out his activities only in the area of ​​activity specified in the qualification certificate. There are three such areas: real estate valuation, business valuation and movable property valuation. A qualification certificate is issued to an applicant who has at least 3 years of work in appraisal activities, at least one of these three years must be spent working as an assistant appraiser or appraiser.

Thus, appraisers who have not received a qualification certificate do not have the right to sign assessment reports, as well as in the case of a discrepancy between the areas of activity in the certificate and the signed report.

Every three years, appraisers must confirm their qualifications in a structure operating under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia - the Federal Resource Center for the Organization of Management Training. Applicants also take the qualifying exam there.

The main question that worries all appraisers is whether it is possible to continue activities if they did not manage to receive a qualification certificate before April 1, 2018. The answer is clear - no, in this case the appraiser loses the right to carry out appraisal activities, but does not lose the status of a member of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers. If the appraiser continues to carry out his activities, then measures may be taken against him disciplinary action– an order or forced suspension of assessment activities. To avoid this, you must independently suspend the assessment activities, and only after that pass the exam and receive a qualification certificate. Thus, it will be much easier to resume your activities and in as soon as possible, while avoiding administrative liability.

As for self-regulatory organizations of appraisers (hereinafter referred to as SROs), their status can only be deprived by a court decision - this is provided for in Part 8 of Art. 23 of the Law on Valuation Activities. Even if after April 1, 2018, the self-regulatory organization does not have 300 appraisers with a qualification certificate, in accordance with Part 10.11 of Art. 24.5 of the Law on Valuation Activities - this will not be a basis for suspending the activities of such an organization.

No less important when concluding an agreement with an appraisal organization is that the appraisal organization must have at least two appraisers with qualification certificates on its staff, only in this case can an appraisal agreement be concluded. This provision is provided for in Art. 15.1 of the Law on Valuation Activities.

On the one hand, the innovations that have entered into legal force will increase the qualifications of appraisers (since all specialists will have to pass a qualification exam), and on the other hand, those appraisers who did not manage to receive a qualification certificate before April 1, 2018 will not be able to carry out appraisal activities and today many appraisal organizations are calculating losses due to the suspension of their activities.

The qualification exam in the field of valuation activities has been conducted since July 1, 2017 in order to confirm the level of qualifications in accordance with Art. 21.1. Federal Law dated July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ "On valuation activities in Russian Federation". The qualification exam was introduced on July 1, 2017 by Federal Law No. 172-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation,” which introduced significant changes to the law on assessment.

The appraiser qualification exam tests the qualifications (knowledge and skills) of applicants in areas of knowledge corresponding to the areas of appraisal activity chosen by the applicants.

The materials presented will help appraisers and applicants prepare for the appraiser qualification exam.

Directions of qualifying exams

Select a direction to learn more about it and review the preparation materials.

Preparation for the exam

Excel on the Assessor's Exam: Useful Calculation Functions

  • Solving Problems Using the TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II PLUS Financial Calculator

Regulatory framework

  • Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ "On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation"
  • Federal Law of June 2, 2016 No. 172-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development on the qualification exam operator
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development on the procedure for forming questions, the procedure for conducting and passing a qualification exam, and issuing qualification certificates

Deadlines, experience requirements, cost and other aspects of the exam

To be admitted to the qualifying exam, the applicant must present:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document proving his identity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • original documents confirming education in the field of valuation activities
  • the original payment document confirming payment of the fee for taking the qualifying exam.

Before the qualification exam begins, the operator is briefed.

Each applicant must be provided with a separate place to take the qualifying exam.

The applicant gains access to the individual task automatically after entering the appropriate login and password.

Total response time: 2 hours (120 minutes).

What you can use: software, allowing calculations using spreadsheets at the place of passing the qualifying exam (in Excel format), and (or) a financial calculator; paper with a stamp affixed in the upper right corner of each sheet.

The qualification certificate is issued for 3 (three) years and is valid for the specified period.

In accordance with Art. 21.2. Federal Law of July 29, 1998 N 135-FZ "On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation" the appraiser is required to confirm qualifications by passing a qualification exam every three calendar years, starting from the year following the year of receiving the qualification certificate.

The applicant is allowed to retake the qualification exam no earlier than after 90 (ninety) days.

The result of the individual task is presented to the applicant after the qualification exam.

The applicant gets access to questions that were answered incorrectly or were missing answers within 1 hour (60 minutes) from the moment such questions are presented to him. During this time, the applicant has the right to use educational and (or) reference materials necessary to check the answers given by him, as well as use the Internet and, based on the results of reviewing the results of completing an individual task, file an appeal.

The applicant has the right to file an appeal to the authorized body (organization) against the result of the qualification exam.

The appeal, drawn up in any form, indicates the applicant’s data (last name, first name, patronymic (the latter if available), login and password assigned to the applicant when registering for the qualifying exam), as well as the essence of the appeal.

To consider appeals, the authorized body (organization) forms an appeal commission. Information about the composition of the appeal commission is posted on the official website of the authorized body (organization) on the Internet.

The results of consideration of the appeal no later than 30 calendar days from the date of its receipt by the authorized body (organization) are sent by such authorized body (organization) to the applicant’s email address specified in the appeal.

The result of consideration of the appeal, which led to a change in the result of the qualifying exam, is posted on the official website of the authorized body (organization) on the Internet no later than 3 working days from the date of adoption of the relevant decision.

If the appeal is satisfied, the authorized body (organization) makes a decision to recalculate the points received by the applicant for the answers to the individual assignment.

If, based on the results of recalculation of the number of points received by the applicant for the answers to the individual task, the applicant is considered to have passed the qualifying exam, changes are made to the corresponding protocol of the results of the qualifying exam. The protocol of the results of the qualification exam no later than 3 working days from the date of making such changes is posted on the official website of the authorized body (organization) on the Internet.

If, based on the results of recalculation of the number of points received by the applicant for the answers to an individual task, the applicant is considered to have failed the qualification exam, retaking the qualification exam is carried out in accordance with the requirements of part five of Article 21.1 of the Law on Valuation Activities.

An applicant who has not received the results of the appeal consideration has the right to contact the authorized body (organization) in person or by the contact telephone number indicated on its official website on the Internet.

Assistance in submitting an application for a certificate to the Federal Resource Center (FRC) for appraisers who have passed the qualification exam

If you have already passed the qualifying exam but have not yet submitted an application for a qualification certificate to the FRC, we will assist you in submitting documents to obtain a qualification certificate. To do this, you must send the following information (in free form) to the email address o.chizhkov@site:

  • Full name;
  • the area of ​​assessment activity for which the qualification exam was passed and the date of its passing;
  • your email address;
  • mobile phone number;
  • attach a scan of an extract from the Protocol on the qualification exam.

Applications are accepted from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00.

Submission of documents to the Federal Financial Center is carried out 3 times a week.

If you independently submitted an application for a certificate immediately after the exam to the FRC staff, do not send us an application to submit documents to the FRC.

If you independently submitted an application to the Federal Center, wait for the notification that your qualification certificate is ready, send us this letter and we will receive the certificate.

Assistance in obtaining a qualification certificate from the Federal Research Center

Employees of NP "ARMO" obtain qualification certificates from the Federal Center only after receiving notification from the appraiser about the readiness of the certificate indicating the date of its issue, received by them from the FRC.

This notice must be sent to email o.chizhkov@site

Obtaining certificates at the Federal Center is also carried out daily from 14-00 to 16-00.

On July 11, 2017, the Russian Ministry of Justice registered Order No. 257 of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development dated May 29, 2017, establishing the procedure for passing the qualification exam for appraisers. The need for it is established by the norms of the Federal Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation”, which came into force on July 1. The document came into force on July 24, 2017.

Now, in order to be admitted to the appraisal services market - membership in an SRO, you must pass an exam and receive a qualification certificate. It's becoming prerequisite for carrying out assessment activities. The specialist will be able to work only in the areas specified in the certificate.

At the same time, for existing appraisers (who were members of the SRO as of January 1, 2017), such a need will arise from April 1, 2018.

The examination will be carried out by the Federal Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. budgetary institution"Federal resource center for organizing training of management personnel." A demo version of the registration form for applicants to participate in the qualification exam is already available on the website of the Federal Financial Institution FRC ( It will be possible to fill it out from July 24th.

The exam itself will be held in three areas: real estate valuation, movable property valuation and business valuation, including the valuation of intangible assets. There is no provision for “absorption” or combination of directions.

Specialization will allow you to improve in the chosen type of assessment and will help protect the interests of consumers when choosing these services.

The fee for the exam is 5 thousand 900 rubles for the first pass and 2 thousand 900 rubles for the second one, and the procedure itself in the form of a test will take place at the reception points no later than 20 working days from the date of registration of the applicant, which he will be informed about by e-mail.

Within two and a half hours, in the areas of “Real Estate Valuation” and “Valuation of Movable Property” you must answer 40 questions, in “Business Valuation” - 54. The minimum number of points for the exam in specializations is 45 and 63, respectively. If the applicant disagrees with the results, the possibility of filing an appeal for a recount is provided.

According to the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, the need to introduce a qualification exam is due to the serious role of appraisers in the process of managing state property and making investment decisions. In addition, their competent opinion when challenging the cadastral value can change the taxation of real estate, and the assessment report itself often becomes significant evidence in court proceedings. Thus, the appraiser is no longer just a consultant whose professional opinion can be listened to, but a direct participant in the activities of the state and a virtually unlimited circle of people.

However, today the situation is such that customers have stopped trusting the appraiser and the reports he has compiled and are demanding more documents confirming the correctness of his work. In courts, for example, assessment reports in some cases are not used to make decisions, but are ordered forensic examination. Government bodies also carry out or order verification of reports.

This is largely due to the fact that a number of SRO appraisers are focused on commercial activities and are not interested in high-quality methodological and information support of its members, taking seriously the development of their qualifications.

For successful preparation For the exam procedure on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, you can familiarize yourself with the main topics of the questions, examples of individual tasks for each area and a glossary of basic terms.

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