Opening of a jewelry salon. Step by step instructions

The jewelry business in Russia, despite the crisis, does not lose its relevance. Every year, gold production and sales of precious items are only increasing. That's why this type earnings, we can safely call this area of ​​activity in demand today.

In the previous publication we discussed, in this article I want to talk about how to start a jewelry business.

Before starting your own business in this attractive and profitable area in all respects, you need to decide on the direction.

Choosing a direction in jewelry

  1. A pawnshop is a place where you can pledge any valuable item, in our case, gold jewelry. This business is relevant in times of crisis; you can rise well, quickly recoup all costs and soon receive net profit from this case;
  2. Design development of gold products. This type of employment is quite promising, although troublesome. Such work requires a certain skill and knowledge in the jewelry field, so it is best to start with people who master this skill. Prices in jewelry stores for exclusive jewelry are always much higher, so good income provided for you;
  3. Supply precious metals. The supply of precious metals is promising and very profitable business. But in Russia this process is controlled at the state level, therefore, there is nothing for a beginner in this matter to do. Here you need solid start-up capital and not small initial investments;
  4. Workshop for repairing gold items. Very often such workshops open next to jewelry stores. As a rule, people turn to the nearest jeweler for repair services, so it is very important to open a workshop next to or in the same premises as the jewelry store;
  5. A jewelry store is enough profitable business, but requires a large initial investment, so is not very suitable for beginners.

In this article, I want to discuss more specifically the issue of how to open a jewelry store.

Opening a jewelry store

To begin with, it’s worth making detailed business plan of a jewelry store, this is necessary in order to competently study all the nuances of this field of activity. Namely, the amount of initial investment, payback period of the business, competition. All this is necessary for your future activities to be successful.

Where can I get money to open a jewelry store?

There are several ways, but you must be clearly aware possible risks. In business, there is no 100% guarantee of success.

It will not be possible to open a jewelry store from scratch; this area of ​​business requires considerable financial investments, so first you need solid start-up capital.

Starting capital

You can get money to open your business from the bank. Apply for a loan and receive start-up capital. If you try, you can find the most favorable conditions lending.

Help from the state. Each person is entitled to one-time assistance from the state for development own business, don't miss this opportunity.

Companionship. The jewelry business requires considerable investment, so you can look for partners, people who will be ready to work with you for the benefit of the common cause. It is desirable that investments in the business be approximately equal.

Video on the topic

Registration of a jewelry store

To get started, you should register with tax service as a legal entity. You also need to obtain a license to trade in jewelry.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permits from the sanitary-epidemiological service and the fire inspectorate.

All goods must be certified, all products must have appropriate samples confirming their authenticity.

Premises for a jewelry store

Let's start by choosing a store location. It should be crowded, passable, best option– large shopping centers. Don’t worry if there are competitors nearby; as a rule, clients are creative when choosing jewelry; they walk around, choose, and visit several points before making a purchase. Therefore, the location of the store next to competitors is more of a plus than a minus.

Renting premises

Prices vary quite a bit depending on location point of sale. But it’s important not to make a mistake here, because jewelry is not an essential commodity, so opening a store in a residential area of ​​the city is pointless. You will have to shell out a considerable amount of money for monthly rent in a good, crowded place, but this makes sense, because you are more likely to get targeted clients.


First of all, you will need to purchase display cases. They must be attractive appearance. There must be an alarm.

Also, every jewelry store should have a security guard, make sure that he has a presentable appearance.

Scales. It is mandatory to have scales for weighing jewelry. Sometimes clients need this service, and they will be needed at work.

Equipment options for jewelry stores:

  • Classic counters are glazed showcases, horizontal or inclined towards the client, with a height of one meter.
  • Glass cabinets look very presentable and allow the client to examine the jewelry in more detail. As a rule, such display cases are used in exclusive jewelry stores.
  • Vertical stands – easy to use, allow you to place large assortment goods.

Purchase of goods

Most of your capital will be spent on purchasing gold items for resale. It is very important to find good suppliers, with whom it will be profitable to work.

It is best to choose a certain direction: exclusive products self made, vintage jewelry or standard inexpensive items.

You shouldn't buy too many products at the initial stage. It is more profitable to sell goods under a commission or commission agreement. In this case, you pay for the goods after its direct sale.

Many jewelry stores also work on order, that is, you choose the jewelry you like in the catalog and after a while you receive your product. It’s much more profitable to work this way and almost all exclusive salons have switched to this type of activity.


It is very important to choose the right employees for your jewelry store. There are some requirements for sales consultants that are worth considering. The consultant must be competent, pleasant-looking, sociable, and understand the intricacies jewelry business, be able to attract clients and advise them competently.

Remember that the profit and success of the entire business directly depends on the professionalism of your employees.

Security guard. In addition to salespeople, you must hire a person for the position of security guard. Treat this candidate responsibly, carefully check all the information about this person before hiring.


Advertising plays a big role in business promotion. This is especially true for new jewelry stores that have just opened.

To attract customers you need to let people know about the new jewelry salon that has opened in their city. To do this, you can distribute leaflets with the store address in crowded places in the city.

Promotions and discounts. Competent pricing policy will help you attract customers and beat competitors, so this issue is worth paying attention to close attention. The presence of discounts and promotions has a positive effect on people and, on a subconscious level, forces them to participate in advantageous offer. Consider this fact, and you will always be one step ahead of your competitors.

What is the name of a jewelry store?

Oddly enough, a lot also depends on the name, so approach this issue creatively. The sign in the store should be bright, eye-catching, the name should be laconic and memorable.

The article presents a business plan for a jewelry store and step-by-step instructions for realizing your “golden” dream. Jewelry is always in demand among both women and men. The high profitability of the jewelry business always attracts attention, and despite the competition, everyone has clients. In this business, everything depends on a well-chosen product line, pricing policy and correct layout goods.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 5-5.5 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population:from 25 thousand people
Industry situation:high competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 20-22 months

Business Description

The business involves the sale of jewelry from Russian manufacturing plants; in addition, you can provide customers with the opportunity to order products from catalogs.

The store's assortment will fully satisfy the needs of each client.

The store only sells gold jewelry without inserts. And also with inserts of precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones.

Before moving on to considering the business plan, we will determine the main steps that need to be taken to receive the first clients:

  1. Registration of activities with the Federal Tax Service with the corresponding OKVED codes.
  2. Obtaining a certificate in State Inspectorate Assay supervision.
  3. Search for rented premises.
  4. Development of a brand book - store design, signage, promotional materials, packaging.
  5. Ordering display cases and commercial equipment.
  6. Drawing up assortment policy.
  7. Selection of suppliers and purchase of goods. As a rule, this requires visiting one or two large exhibitions organized by professional market participants in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  8. Search and recruitment of personnel.
  9. Concluding an agreement with a security company.
  10. Conclusion of an insurance contract.

Description of services

The store will carry out the following activities:

  • sale of jewelry;
  • cleaning jewelry;
  • ordering jewelry from manufacturers' catalogs;
  • buying jewelry in order to exchange it for a new product.

Each of these areas will attract customers and increase revenue. For example, free cleaning of products for 10 minutes will allow the client to get acquainted with the assortment, and subsequently, if the need arises to purchase gold jewelry, with a probability of up to 80% he will contact your store.

Market analysis

The jewelry market is quite saturated. In 2000, its dynamic development began, which stopped in the crisis year of 2009. The annual growth rate was at least 50% and was associated with an increase in income to the population and the cost of metal.

The years 2010-2014 were marked by a growth rate not exceeding 20%, and in 2015 – 10%. Prices for jewelry increased by 50% in 2015.

Currently, market growth dynamics do not exceed 5%, since prices for new jewelry are quite high and consumer demand is reduced.

Competition in the market is high, but in the market it is enough to competently conduct pricing and marketing policies in order to acquire “your” clients and ensure monthly profitability of sales.

Before opening you need to determine:

  • the number of jewelry stores in the city and their main locations;
  • read reviews on the Internet and, through a personal visit, determine which of the existing salons will provide strong competition;
  • study the dynamics of sales on specialized websites to prepare an assortment - what types of products are sold and when;
  • understand your pricing policy in order to effectively deal with customer objections that will always arise, even if your prices are the lowest.

Marketing plan

Production plan

Organizational plan

The activity can be registered as a limited liability company or with the status of an individual entrepreneur. If registered as an LLC, the owner will act as the founder.

The structure of the enterprise will be linear, that is, sellers will report to the director. To reduce costs, an accountant and a security guard can be outsourced, as well as other personnel to perform periodic tasks.

The salary of a cashier consultant is at least 25,000 rubles. including a percentage of sales, a security guard receives at least 30,000 rubles, an accountant - from 20,000 rubles.

Financial section

Table 1 - Calculation of one-time costs for project implementation

Cost itemAmount, rub.
Registration of legal status and opening of a current account20 000
Rent50 000
Utility payments10 000
Cost of equipment, its delivery and installation560 000
Room renovation200 000
Purchasing goods for resale4 000 000
Other expenses150 000
Insurance15 000
Total5 005 000

Table 2 - Calculation of monthly costs

Table 3 - Payback calculation

Article1 month2 month3 month4 month5 month6 month
Consumption5005000 -5275000 5635000 -6275000 -6025000 -5723000
Revenue0 150000 200000 250000 350000 450000
Profit0 90000 120000 150000 210000 270000
Balance-5005000 5365000 -6545000 -6295000 -5993000 -5691000
Article7 month8 month9 month10 month11 month12 month
Consumption-5961000 -5901000 -5751000 -5511000 -5181000 -4731000
Revenue550000 700000 850000 1000000 1200000 1250000
Profit330000 420000 510000 600000 720000 750000
Balance5631000 -5481000 -5241000 -4911000 -4461000 -3981000
Article13 month14 month15 month16 month17 month18 month
Consumption-4251000 -3741000 -3231000 -2721000 -2211000 -1701000
Revenue1300000 1300000 1300000 1300000 1300000 1300000
Profit780000 780000 780000 780000 780000 780000
Balance-3471000 -2961000 -2451000 -1941000 -1431000 -921000
Article19 month20 month21 months22 month23 month24 month
Consumption-1191000 -681000 -171000 339000 849000 1359000
Revenue1300000 1300000 1300000 1300000 1300000 1300000
Profit780000 780000 780000 780000 780000 780000
Balance-411000 99000 609000 1119000 1629000 2139000

Income for calculation was determined as follows:

— average bill 4,350 rubles;

— trade margin – at least 60%;

— profit from a check – 2,600 rubles;

— number of sales per day – 10;

— income per day 26,000 rubles, per month 780,000 rubles.

In the first months of operation, the revenue plan is set to a minimum, since our own share has not yet been determined. The payback period for the business will be 21 months.

Also, the calculation does not include an increase in sales during the period New Year's holidays, Valentine's Day and March 8, when sales volume increases from 150 to 200%. Taking these factors into account, the return on business may be reduced by 3-4 months.

Risk analysis and insurance


A jewelry store is a beautiful and profitable type of activity. Its main advantages are the absence of product expiration dates and high profitability. The disadvantages are partial seasonality of sales and high competition. However, with proper organization, proposal additional services clients can recoup their investments in a minimum period and “in all its glory” meet every day with profit in their current account!

How to promote a new jewelry store - expert advice

  • Resume
  • Main characteristics of the object
  • Market and competitor analysis
  • Marketing plan
  • Approximate profit calculation
  • Conclusions

Recently, jewelry stores have become very popular; the demand for precious jewelry is growing, which means the need for their repair or making goods to order is increasing. Business women are thinking about starting a jewelry business, for which they need to draw up a business plan for a jewelry workshop with calculations. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a ready-made example on our website.


A business plan is drawn up to calculate starting capital and planning approximate profits, and also analyzes risks. There are two options for opening a jewelry workshop:

  1. Workshop at a jewelry store.
  2. An independent business, with renting a premises and its arrangement (more costs).

We will look at how to create an example of a business plan for 2019 for the first and second options below. The jewelry workshop is created to satisfy the population's demand for jewelry repair and the creation of individual jewelry products. And also to make a profit from this type of activity.

Starting capital – 1,538,400 rubles (extended version 4,073,200). Approximate profit - 51,550 per month (with a stable income - this is 618,600 per year). The payback period for the project, according to the business plan, is about three years.

Main characteristics of the object

Any workshop can be registered as an individual entrepreneur if it is your own business, or as an LLC if you are opening a business at a jewelry store. Minimum working area – 20 square meters, of which 5 square meters - workplace jeweler Space for rent in case of independent organization - 40,000 rubles per month, 480,000 per year.

For the work of the master, good and sufficient lighting is necessary:

  • brighter ceiling lights;
  • additional working table lamps – 10,000 rubles (3 pcs.)

The room in which the jeweler will sit must be equipped with:

  • Alarm system – 7,650.
  • Grilles on windows (if there are none initially) – 3,400.
  • Impact-resistant glass (the place where jewelry is received and returned) - 11,590.

When drawing up a business plan for a workshop, it is necessary to pay special attention to the equipment of the jeweler’s workplace:

  • table + chair – 15,000;
  • file – 1,500;
  • needle file – 1 100;
  • tweezers – 300;
  • vice - 2,000;
  • jewelry scales – 7,000;
  • pliers – 1,000;
  • wire cutters – 1,000;
  • scissors – 1,000;
  • jigsaw – 2,000;
  • hammer – 1,500;
  • anvil – 2,000;
  • drawing board – 5,000;
  • magnifying glasses or lamps – 50,000;
  • continuous casting machine – 1,700,000;
  • chamber for enamels – 191,000;
  • enamels - 800 per piece;
  • refrigeration unit – 190,000;
  • rollers – 70,000;
  • polishing machine – 20,000;
  • microscope – 40,000;
  • laser welding machine – 730,000;
  • hydrogen welding machine – 28,000;
  • engraving machine – 183,000;
  • press vulcanizer – 600,000;
  • casting machine - 100,000;
  • tumbling – 40,000.

  • Region: Moscow
  • Release date: April 2009
  • Number of pages: 86
  • Report language: Russian
  • Delivery method: Printed form, electronic form.
  • Price: 15,000 rubles
  • Payment: 100% advance payment - 100% advance payment - non-cash | Sberbank | Bank of Moscow
  • Delivery: Free in Moscow, e-mail or express courier

Typical business plan for opening a jewelry salon: brief description

(subject of research, main blocks of a business plan)

A business plan for a jewelry salon contains the necessary marketing information about the market. Offers one of the options for organizing the salon from the moment of organization legal entity until the investment is fully repaid. The business plan provides practical recommendations in obtaining a license and permitting documents from supervisory authorities, recommendations on the costs of renting premises of the required area. We offer a choice of the main range of services, selection necessary equipment, detailed calculation of the required initial investment with calendar plan, the required number of personnel. Calculation of the required areas and necessary equipment was carried out in accordance with established recommendations. A calculation of the project's payback and other project indicators is also provided, depending on the projected revenue.

Typical business plan for opening a jewelry salon: full description

(purpose, methods, structure, sources of information, excerpts from the text)

The essence of the project: Opening a jewelry salon with good quality products and service

The purpose of the project: Making a profit from the sale of finished jewelry

Organizational and legal form of the enterprise: Society with limited liability.

Attractiveness: The relative weakness of the Russian economy and the protracted crisis of 1998 led to the fact that the local jewelry market was significantly undermined. Over time, the situation has improved significantly and today the market is growing dynamically (its volume has increased 10 times since 1994), maintaining a rate of about 30% per year. Current economic crisis As long as it does not have a negative impact on demand, jewelry sales are not declining.

The most popular material for making jewelry in Russia is gold. Its production in 2007 decreased by 0.9%. At the same time, production itself decreased by 1.9%, and associated and secondary production increased by 3.4% and 17.8%, respectively. At the end of 2008, the growth of the jewelry market in physical terms was about 20%.

In general, the Russian jewelry industry is developing at a pace exceeding GDP. In 2008, the retail volume increased by 20-30% and reached, according to experts from the Guild of Russian Jewelers, 4 billion dollars, and half - about 1.9 billion - came from diamond jewelry. The volume of the Russian jewelry market in 2009 will amount to more than four billion dollars. At the same time, the main growth will occur in large industrial cities of Russia, such as Yekaterinburg, Orel, Rostov, Saratov, Yakutsk and Vladivostok.
Our fellow citizens tend to invest in gold and precious stones. In addition to investment functions, gold is also bought as gifts, as a collectible, and simply as an element of image. All this taken together heats up the market, pushing prices and demand up.

Description of the enterprise: The jewelry salon will include trading floor and auxiliary premises. The establishment will be decorated in accordance with the company's individual and recognizable style. The salon is expected to target visitors with a stable average and high income.

Location of the complex: The jewelry salon will be located in Moscow, in a place convenient for visitors. To accommodate the establishment, it is planned to rent premises that are suitable and adequate necessary requirements for organizing a salon.

Timing and stages of project implementation: The period of organization of the enterprise until opening, under favorable conditions, will be about 2.5 months.

Period investment planning : is 3 years.

Financial resources required to implement the project: RUB 29,220,000

Without taking into account the trade area (the need to purchase a supply of products), the amount of investment required to open a beauty salon is: 7,400,000 rubles.

The business plan for a jewelry store developed by our company will help you open a jewelry salon in Moscow. You can download for detailed information.

Sources of information and used in developing a business plan:

1. Regulatory Russian Federation documents, Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards SanPiN, regulatory framework for the activities of small businesses.

2. Internet network.

3. Marketing Research market conditions, cost of services were carried out by specialists of BK-Arcadia LLC.

4. Information from statistical and analytical companies.

MS Word Volume: 39 pages

Business plan

Reviews (45)

A high-quality business plan for a jewelry workshop is offered for those who feel a creative component and entrepreneurial spirit. Everyone needs a jewelry workshop locality, because besides minor repairs various jewelry: fixing locks, cleaning, replacing stones, such a workshop can produce its own exclusive products. Please note that in this document you can find detailed stages of the formation of a jewelry enterprise.

The presented ready-made document allows you not to engage in independent data selection and calculations, because this ready-made instructions to action. In the document you will find feasibility studies for conducting of this business, you will be able to decide on your priorities and understand where to start putting into operation an interesting and profitable enterprise - a jewelry workshop.

It is possible to study information on opening a jewelry workshop now. No undertaking can be carried out if you do not think about the selection of personnel. Jewelers and appraisers, security guards and a secretary should be on staff of a reputable company that wants to provide high-quality services to the public in the manufacture and repair of jewelry made of silver, platinum and gold.

Opening your own jewelry workshop is a very expensive business. Whether you like it or not, minimal investment there's no way around it. When planning to open a jewelry workshop, it is important to calculate in time how much money is needed to implement this business idea, so as not to realize halfway that the financial resources have dried up, and the completion of the business is still very, very far away.

First of all, the future businessman will have to decide on the list of services that will be provided by his company: it is one thing if you decide to open a company engaged exclusively in jewelry repair, and quite another if you also plan to provide clients with services for the restoration of jewelry and the production of exclusive jewelry to order. It is clear that in the second case, the amount of initial investment will be much larger, but the turnover from such a company will be an order of magnitude higher.

In any case, be prepared for the fact that setting up one workplace in a jewelry workshop will cost several thousand dollars, and the total cost of opening a jewelry business can exceed $100 thousand. But if you don’t have that kind of money yet, don’t despair, but look for an opportunity save.

How to open a jewelry workshop, where to start - when you think about this, do not forget to realistically assess your financial capabilities. How much money do you need to open a jewelry workshop? You shouldn’t hope that a few tens of thousands of dollars will be enough for you to open your own jewelry business that brings in stable income. On average, these purposes cost from $100 to $500 thousand. This amount includes the cost of renting suitable premises, purchasing consumables and equipment for a jewelry workshop, as well as wages for the company’s employees.

What can you save on? Certainly not to guard the premises, because we are talking about working with precious stones and metals. But a modern security system will cost less than equipping a special safe room. To work with precious metals, according to the requirements of the Assay Office, it is necessary to have special scales of the highest class. But if the cost of $700-$1,000 seems prohibitive, try purchasing a used scale. You can find them in the laboratory of any domestic industrial enterprise, and such a purchase will cost several times less.

Such savings are all the more relevant if you open your own business in the service sector during a crisis; in this case, a jewelry workshop can become a source of, albeit low, but stable profit for you. Running a jewelry business requires having a competent business plan for a jewelry workshop, which contains a description of the jewelry workshop and what role advertising plays in its development. With the help of this description, you will be able to choose the optimal operating mode for a jewelry workshop, you will understand what you can save on and what you should never save on. By avoiding serious problems with the help of this document, you will be able to become a successful businessman in the shortest possible time.

When creating a jewelry workshop, every businessman plans to attract as many clients as possible. But grandiose plans are not always realized. The season of hunting for a client will end successfully only in one case - if you manage to interest him and offer him what he needs. Studying aspects of the jewelry business and the biographies of famous jewelers, you will certainly draw the main conclusion: the main thing is the details.

Exclusive jewelry is in greatest demand today among lovers of precious stones and metals. The main players in the jewelry market necessarily take this feature into account, understanding that the desire to stand out and become the owner of an exclusive jewelry moves many people. It’s much nicer to pay money for an original thing than to buy a mass-produced item.

By focusing on these buyer requests, you will be able to actively develop your business and recoup the substantial financial capital that you invested in creating a jewelry workshop. You should not focus only on the volume of jewelry production, since an exclusive product is a piece of work.

The peculiarity of the jewelry business in Russia is that recently the number of people who are eager to become the owner of exclusive jewelry is constantly growing. Such a purchase may become good investment money, or become a luxurious and desired gift for any date. Increasingly, original jewelry is given as a gift for a wedding, graduation, christening or engagement. Before you open a jewelry store, think about what kind of jewelry you will offer the buyer. Take a look at the official websites of jewelry workshops with product catalogs - how rich their assortment is!

It is very convenient when photographs of jewelry that are made by master jewelers of your company are collected in one catalog. At the same time, you should be able to accept an order for each of these models at any time. There is no need to even talk about the quality of work - it can only be impeccable. The uniqueness of the jewelry and the unsurpassed skill of the jeweler is the key to success in this business.

All employees must have some practical experience and appropriate training in the jewelry business - people without experience and knowledge are not able to create a positive reputation for your company. Reviews about business in the jewelry industry spread very quickly, and if you make a mistake even once, rising to the top of the business again will be very problematic.

Competition in this area is not too high, but it exists. And the fight for survival is won by the one who can realize the most creative ideas, attract the buyer with price, design, quality of work. Promotions in the jewelry business, in the jewelry business, are of great importance: try to interest the consumer special conditions, offer them bonuses and discounts when ordering exclusive jewelry models, and you will notice how the number of your customers begins to increase.

It is no secret that entrepreneurs who do not neglect such an important financial document as a business plan for a jewelry workshop achieve maximum success. By focusing on it, you will easily be able to comprehend the professional secrets of creating a jewelry business and will not get lost among your competitors.

The jewelry business attracts many entrepreneurs who decide to invest considerable financial resources in their business. If you are planning to open a jewelry business, then you understand perfectly well what interest the emergence of a new player in this market segment will cause not only among your competitors, but also among numerous representatives of regulatory authorities. Opening a jewelry business without experience in relevant business activities is very difficult, because even seasoned businessmen cannot always avoid mistakes at the initial stage.

Having decided to organize his own jewelry production, a businessman should, first of all, think about correct design everyone necessary documents. There are no trifles in this matter: if you miss even one detail that seems insignificant at first glance, you are guaranteed a lot of problems in the future. The jewelry business community is often in a fever with information that another entrepreneur has had serious friction with representatives of the Probernadzor or the tax inspectorate. Is it possible to avoid these problems? Undoubtedly! To do this, you only need to correctly and on time prepare a package of necessary documents for business registration. By describing the main aspects of the jewelry business, our article will help you understand the complexities of relationships with regulatory authorities.

Running a jewelry business involves working with precious stones and metals, so you cannot avoid business relationships with the Assay Office. Having registered an individual entrepreneur, the newly minted businessman must register with this regulatory organization, the main activity of which is to protect the rights of buyers purchasing jewelry. In addition, the Assay Supervision protects the interests of the state in the use and processing of precious stones and metals.

You will be registered with Probirnadzor only if you have a suitable premises equipped with a safe, a special safe room, or a modern security alarm. If, in addition to the workshop, you are planning to open a jewelry pawnshop, this point should also be taken into account when choosing a premises. Next up is a trip to tax office, where you also need to register. It is important to fill out all the documents correctly right away; this will allow you to significantly reduce the number of your subsequent visits to these organizations.

It will be much easier for you to prepare the most complete package of documents if you are guided by professional business floor plan of a jewelry workshop. Having carefully studied the business plan, you can easily figure out how to open an LLC whose main activity will be the production of jewelry. In addition to a detailed list of documents required for company registration, this financial document contains a description of the enterprise and industry of jewelry production. You will learn about the importance of timely training for jewelers and what measures should be taken to quickly become a recognizable company.

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