Relations between producer and consumer. Problems of information interaction between producers and consumers

The interaction of producers and consumers is determined by many factors, but primarily due to changes in the development of the economy and society, the formation of new human needs at a higher level of quality of life, the increasing role of information and the share of information means of communication in the life of society.

Thus, in the process of economic and social development, mass needs and a wide range of associated socio-economic interests undergo significant changes. The development of the economy significantly increases the ability to satisfy people's needs, while, as it develops, the structure of society's needs is noticeably transformed. An example of systematic advancement along the hierarchy of needs and requirements is the most developed countries, whose population is at a level where they strive more to achieve “spiritual goals”, acquiring goods corresponding to this level, while in less developed countries the consumer strives for the material accumulation of goods .

The structure of production and consumption begins to undergo dramatic changes as personal needs for the necessary economic goods are saturated. IN modern economy knowledge-based consumer preferences are gradually changing in favor of education, information services, higher standards of living, healthy environment, social priorities. As a result, stereotypes of the “consumer society” are gradually replaced by quality of life guidelines.

It should be noted that the saturation of needs acts as one of the most stringent mechanisms of social pressure and makes there is no alternative to the need to develop new products to satisfy changing needs. The core of the renewal of production and consumption is the production of high-tech durable consumer goods. In the structure of consumption, information, educational, medical, tourist and other types of services gradually occupy a dominant role. In this regard, it becomes obvious that the economic sphere is beginning to perform important social functions and economic results production is not limited to profit, but contains other diverse economic effects, including external positive and negative, lost benefits, etc.

In the theory of consumer behavior, basic needs are considered as “needs,” that is, necessary needs, the satisfaction of which allows the individual to provide living conditions. A mutually beneficial exchange between producer and consumer is made possible by the fact that the producer is well aware of the needs of the consumer.

The philosophical essence of need lies in the fact that it defines a problem that can be solved with the help of one or another specific form, but is unsolvable, since it is impossible to create any product, service, idea that can solve a person’s problem once and for all without it did not arise again. It is in the awareness of this moment that the potential for developing a system of relations between producer and consumer lies. Any success commercial activities determined by the manufacturer’s ability to identify human needs and produce a product that will provide best solution consumer problems.

It is necessary to note the ability of the individual to describe only the sensations that he perceives and is aware of, but to formulate a specific material form as an option effective solution The consumer is often unable to resolve the problem that has arisen; this must be provided by the manufacturer. Interpretation of the need becomes possible only from the standpoint of already established knowledge about existing product(service) and, as a consequence, hypothetical ideas about improving its structural characteristics and consumption technology.

The need corresponds to a problem that is solvable but unsolvable, which ensures that the manufacturer prioritizes the type of service aimed at satisfying the need at a higher level of utility than the previous one. The realization of the needs of both the producer and the consumer manifests itself in the form of interest, which determines the nature and intensity of the reproduction of the purchase decision-making process. Expressing the essence of socio-economic relations between subjects regarding the implementation of their needs, interest is the starting, essential basis for the formation of a conceptual understanding of the technology of marketing interaction.

Successful competition in the market requires an accurate and thorough analysis of customers, their consumer abilities and capabilities. It is necessary to constantly answer questions and solve marketing problems: who is ready to buy this product; why the consumer will buy this particular product or service; in what form the consumer wants to receive the product; what time does he intend to buy; where he would like to buy; in what volume and how often is he willing to buy goods?

The market's ability to cheaply produce high-quality information about a product and about what others are doing or wanting to do and under what circumstances is its greatest strength. Therefore, most of the problems listed are of a subjective rather than economic nature. The economic behavior of the consumer in the market is determined by purchasing capabilities, purchasing motives and surprise factors. In the market, a situation most often arises of an economic nature when the amount that the consumer is willing to pay for a product is higher than what he actually paid upon purchase. If the opportunity arises to pay less, the so-called consumer surplus(consumer rent). In turn, interaction may be limited to the exchange of information, or may be embodied in the implementation of transactions.

Consumer preferences are the main condition in determining both qualitative and quantitative changes in the goods sold. It is the buyer’s assessment of the consumer parameters of the product that becomes a factor influencing its release. The economic behavior of the consumer, and in many ways, his well-being, depends on the services of information intermediaries, as a necessary and main condition of the market.

The basic principles of consumer behavior are reflected in the following provisions of economic theory:

In maximizing utility with limited income, the consumer is guided by purely personal tastes and preferences;

The utility assessed differently by each consumer is subjective in nature, so it is significantly different for different people;

In order to maximize expected satisfaction or utility, the consumer (individual) must be able to compare and contrast utilities individual goods or services;

To implement the selection criterion, it is necessary to estimate the level of maximum satisfaction, which is achievable provided that one good is compared with another.

In the process of consumer choice and determination of consumer preferences, an idea is formed about the most significant elements, criteria grounds and mechanism of individual consumer choice, methods of assessment, which determines the content side of the conceptual approach to determining the principles of consumer behavior.

Ideally, the relationship between the consumer and the manufacturer is built as follows: the consumer is the object of interest of the manufacturer, his needs are studied, and based on the results of these studies, the company builds its marketing policy. However, in the modern information society, manufacturers often try to create a need for their product by using advertising to build information fields around themselves that have an ambiguous effect on the consumer.

On the one hand, the information provided by the manufacturer allows society to fully study the properties and characteristics of the product, while satisfying the functional demand, which puts the qualities inherent in the product itself in the first place. However, on the other hand, information about products is often unstructured, contradictory, bordering on false. As a result, after making a purchase of a product, consumer disappointment and a negative attitude arise both towards the manufacturer and towards advertising.

In order to find solutions to this problem, it is necessary to identify the interests and possible conflicts between the advertising agency, manufacturer and consumer. Conflicts arise when there is a clash of interests among agents.

) inconsistency in prices;

) non-compliance with the deadlines for fulfilling the obligations of the parties;

) difference in views on creativity and aesthetic perception;

) dissatisfaction with the quality of the work done;

) failure to provide information important for the transaction, concealment of information, dissemination of false information.

Let's consider the causes of these conflicts. The existing disagreements between the advertising agency and the advertiser (manufacturer) regarding the price of advertising are due to the fact that:

) there is no understanding of what the price-quality ratio should be;

) what colors can or cannot be used in advertising;

) what image to use for the layout or video;

These conflicts arise due to the fact that, as a rule, in an advertising agency the designer does not interact with the manufacturer and cannot take into account all the wishes regarding the layout. Also, the designer, as a creative person, has a hard time dealing with criticism and suggestions regarding his work, and he initially has a negative attitude towards any wishes of the advertiser.

Often, the advertiser is dissatisfied with the quality of the advertising producer’s work - the lack of proper control over staff, superficial performance of their duties, etc. Conflicts over information arise if one of the parties begins to “embellish” the facts, give false information or hide it. In this case, an information gap appears between the advertising agency and the advertiser. Thus, there are various reasons for conflicts between the advertiser and the advertising producer.

It is also necessary to consider what conflicts exist between the advertising producer and society. Initially, we will highlight the interests of society and the advertising agency.

Interests of society:

) receiving true information;

) expression of respect;

) receiving help;

) acquisition of knowledge.

) the need for reactivity on the part of society;

) the need for public interest;

) the desirability of a tolerant attitude of society towards advertising.

There are clashes of interests between society and the advertising producer, since the truth does not approve of all actions and actions. In the case of advertising, not all messages can attract approval from society. If advertising does not try to help society with its problems, then the desired reactivity on the part of society will not occur. Respect for society means that people have the right to choose, while the purpose of advertising is solely to sell a product.

A necessary condition for solving this problem is meeting the needs of society. Public benefits will be enhanced when agencies are challenged the following requirements:

) stimulate the norm of presenting information within the framework of psychological safety, so that people do not have the feeling that they are being manipulated, relationships are honest and open.

To do this, you can invite the manufacturer to provide market maps in each advertising message. It will reflect, for example, three aspects such as:

1) profitability of a product - may be the position of the price of a given product in relation to the prices of the ten most popular products competitors. Product ratings should also be available;

2) environmental friendliness of the product - does the advertisement comply with existing environmental safety standards;

3) effectiveness, which will reflect the degree of ability to solve the problem stated in the advertisement.

These aspects will be assessed on a five-point scale.

Table 1 - The map can be presented as follows

Thus, in order for producers to benefit not by manipulating society, but by satisfying social needs, it is necessary to take into account the interests of society by providing structured information. This provision will open up new opportunities for all agents involved in these relationships: advertising agency, producer and consumer.


1. Sukhorev, O.V. Institutional changes and hierarchical structures [ Electronic resource] //

2. Prigozhin A. Disorganization. Causes, types, overcoming. M.: Alpina Publishers, 2007. – 408 p.

From the manufacturer to the consumer there is a flow of products (commodity flow), and back payment (cash flow). The consumer wants to provide the producer with his labor, his land (i.e., the supply of employment, the means of production, the flow of factors of the means of production) (commodity flow), and back there is payment (payment) for these factors (cash flow).

  1. Interaction between the state and the manufacturer

From producer to state: flow of products. From the state to the manufacturer: payment. The manufacturer pays taxes, and the state provides services.

  1. Interaction between consumer and government

From consumer: stream factors of production(labor, land, capital), back: payment flow. The consumer pays income tax, and the state provides social assistance (by law), government services: upholding rights, ensuring security, creating infrastructure (roads, etc.), legal assistance, social benefits, education, health care, development of science, culture, physical culture.

About 2 types of economic systems

The division by type is based on 2 main circumstances:

1) what is the prevailing ownership of the means of production in the economic system (in whose hands are the means of production: factories, factories, roads (private or public)).

2) how the reproductive cycle is managed (what ideas?, what forms of regulation of economic life).

If the state form of ownership predominates and management comes from a single center, then such systems and management is called planned or administrative-command. And when the opposite situation (management ideas are given to the market), then this capitalist system.

Difference between centralized and market systems


Centralized system

Market system

1) forms of ownership

1) state(previously it was assumed: we are all owners, the collective farm close to it (99%), hired labor in private property was not allowed, then already a capitalist).

1) there should be manifold(the conditions are chosen by the entrepreneur himself) and equality(comfortable conditions) forms of ownership.

2) management

2)vertical connections(There is one-stop center, and everything else is subordinate to him, manager. directions: from the center to the seats). State plan- state law, there are sanctions for non-compliance. State committee– intermediate between rights. and line ministries (regulatory). From places to the center take a plan.

2) horizontal connections(based on contract, agreement).

3) prices

3) prices for main types of products were set for a long period of time = 5 years, prices are low, economical. scarce, the manufacturer does not receive income, economy. you can plan.

3) free pricing

4) entrepreneurship

4) was prohibited ( speculation)

4) free choice, personal interest is connected with public interest, ensures better production and management

5) income distribution

5) equalization of wages, stable salary (did not stimulate)

5) wages based on work (extra-high and ultra-low incomes), salary under contract


6)monopolized to the limit, large events

6) monopolization is unacceptable, but it still exists; antimonopoly committees.

Conclusion: prevail capitalist countries with mixed economies(the main question: in what ratio? - a variable question, because it is difficult to decide which system is better: the market system provides more high level consumption (we strive for it)).

Among the consumer characteristics of a service, you need to pay attention to interaction. We are talking about the interaction between the consumer and the direct producer. E. Deming, V. A. Lapidus, Yu. P. Adler mention the quality of interaction as an important aspect of the quality management system.
Service is interaction.
And, indeed, the lack of interaction or insufficient, unproductive interaction in the management system creates a feeling of dissatisfaction in the subject, and, if this concerns a student, the teacher, as a rule, reduces the grade. If this concerns the design of some customs documents, then this is interaction with the employee who is involved in this.
What makes a service a service is the interaction between the consumer and the manufacturer.
Interaction is characterized by the physical presence of the consumer, the simultaneity of production and consumption of the service. The greater the interaction, the more tangible the service appears to the consumer.
Since there is direct contact between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is important to identify visible, invisible and partially visible elements to the consumer, as well as establishing the optimal relationship between them.
The service delivery system includes, as we noted above, visible, invisible and partially visible parts.
In the visible part of the system, the consumer is in direct interaction with the company. The work of providing services takes place under the critical, examining gaze of the client.
The invisible part of the service delivery system is the part that is hidden from the eyes of the consumer and in which the consumer is removed from the process (Fig. 2).
One of the most difficult challenges in service delivery management is determining the optimal balance between the invisible and visible parts of the delivery system. educational services. The following factors influence the determination of balance:
a) the degree of uncertainty of consumer behavior in the process of production and consumption of services, that is, companies may not fully understand consumer behavior in the process of providing services;
b) the consumer’s desire to participate in the production process;
c) diversity of consumer requirements, consumers may want an individual approach or, conversely, want some kind of standardization, although, as I understand it, customs services strictly regulated, even militarized to some extent, therefore, apparently, there is very little individuality here;
d) interdependence of parts of the service delivery system, that is, the invisible and visible parts of the service delivery system.
The complexity of the service provision process lies in high degree uncertainty, which is introduced, first of all, by the consumer himself, which can arise before and during the provision of the service (Fig. 2).

Service delivery system

Fig.2. Expanding the roles of employees and consumers

Measuring customer satisfaction
We have already said that according to the standard, an organization must measure customer satisfaction. It is an emotional category, and depends not only on real technical and performance characteristics product, but also on the preliminary expectations of the consumer.
Satisfaction (pleasure) or dissatisfaction (displeasure) is an emotional category, a reaction to events, caused by the quality of the event, its nature and is not the result of choice, it is a natural response to the situation.
Satisfaction (satisfaction) is a feeling of pleasure or a feeling of disappointment that arises in a consumer who compares his expectations and the actual qualities of the purchased product (service).
Consumer satisfaction functionally depends not only on the actual technical and operational characteristics of the product, but also on the preliminary expectations of the consumer.


Consumer expectations are formed on the basis of their own experience and the experience of other consumers, as well as information from suppliers (including competitors), and assessment of prospects.
Let us show on the diagram the places where “gaps” most often form between the real and ideal properties of a product (service), leading to a decrease in consumer satisfaction:
there may be a gap between the consumer’s expectation and management’s perception (understanding) of the customer’s expectations - P1;
between management’s perception of expectations and planned indicators of service quality - P2;
between planned and actual achieved indicators - P3;
between actual indicators of services provided and information about them - P4;
between actual indicators and those perceived by the consumer - P5.
QMS researchers claim that these gaps can be eliminated in the following ways:
manufacturing products (services) with new properties;
improvement of existing properties;
by creating favorable conditions for the consumer;
by providing related services.

There are two approaches to ensuring that needs are met. The first is focused on meeting consumer needs identified by researchers. The second approach, creative, is based on the fact that modern conditions competition is no longer enough. Successfully operating organizations prefer to supplement the product with properties that not only reflect the minimum necessary needs, but also those that consumers do not even think about, but which, nevertheless, are perceived by them with pleasure.

Unfortunately, there is no reliable method economic assessment To date, we have not encountered satisfaction as a sensory category. Basically, to determine this important component, organizations use surveys with closed questions.

General characteristics of Russian consumers:
Ignorance of your rights.
Inability and (or) unwillingness to use the Consumer Rights Protection Law.
Lack of requirements.
Unrealistic expectations.

E. Deming speaks absolutely negatively about assessment and ranking, calling for its exclusion from practice and noting that “the performance of any person is the result of the combination of many forces - the person himself, his colleagues, work, the materials he processes, his equipment, his management , external conditions" He gives similar conclusions regarding personnel certification. “Evaluating people by their contributions rewards those who succeed within existing system. But it doesn’t encourage us to improve this system.” Moreover, performance appraisals are meaningless from the point of view of predicting the future performance of the appraisee, unless the effect of individual differences in individuals exceeds the differences due to the system in which individuals work.”
A follower and close friend of E. Deming, G. Neave, expressing the thoughts of the teacher, adds: “ranking young people from a young age at school, and then at college or university, kills the joy of learning and reduces the internal motivation for learning with which they are born. Children are divided into levels.”
Specific quality requirements customs activities contained in the standards of the World trade organization and conventions of the World Customs Organization.
The customs system has certain features that significantly affect the quality management processes of the functions performed. This is, first of all:
Fiscal nature - that is, customs payments are tax payments and form the revenue side of the state.
Law enforcement focus. That is, customs services and their quality affect economic security country and to ensure the safety of the health of the population, which will subsequently consume products imported into the territory.
When developing customs technologies and management procedures, algorithmization of the processes of development and decision-making and procedures for their implementation should be widely used, including based on the use network models and taking into account risk factors.

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Manufacturers are physical or legal entities whose activities are aimed at creating an economic product. Modern manufacturers can do both material production, and the production of a product of the intangible sphere - services.

Producers and consumers: concept and relationship

Today, the production of intangible services depends primarily on how well developed production of tangible economic products– the magnitude of their processing, as well as technical equipment. The activities of producers are aimed at satisfying the social, economic and cultural needs of consumers.

Consumers are exclusively individuals who have a desire or need to purchase goods (material product or services) for needs not related to business activities.

The relationship between producers and consumers lies in the fact that consumers indicate to the producer the quantity and type of economic product that he most needs. The consumer’s demand for a certain type of economic product directly depends manufacturer's profit.

Economics and its role in society

Economy represents the economic life of members of society, as well as the totality of those relationships that develop as a result of the production process, consumption and exchange certain type goods or services. The economy is a complex organism that ensures the life of society as a whole, and each person in particular.

To date, four forms have been identified in which an economy can exist: market, traditional, administrative-command and mixed. Depending on the type, the economy is divided into the following types:

Microeconomics (separate private enterprise or production);

Macroeconomics (state economy or national economy);

Intereconomics (patterns of development of the world economy).

Of course, economics plays a leading role in the life of any society. Thanks to the economy, people can satisfy their needs for material and intangible goods. Economics is systematizing link the public, which determines the course of all events that occur in the life of society.

Stages of development of capitalism

The scientist-economist K. Marx developed three stages historical development capitalist relations are the simplest production, manufacturing and large-scale machine industry.

Simplest production- the stage of capitalism, which is characterized by small-scale commodity production without division of labor. All workers who were involved in production performed the same work at the same time, which affected low labor productivity.

Manufactory- the stage of capitalist relations, the main features of which were the involvement in production of a large number of workers, whose labor was divided. The division of labor significantly increased the volume of manufactured products, which led to a more sustainable nature of production and consumerism.

Manufacturing production made unregulated work possible - the concepts of seasonal, shift and urgent work appeared for the first time. Large machine industry- the stage of capitalist relations that arose on the basis of manufacturing production.

This form of capitalism preserved the system of manufacture, but significantly exceeded it in scale. While manufacturing employed an average of about 30 people, large-scale machine industry required hundreds of workers. However, the introduction of machines (machine tools) into production process required qualified labor force, people who had practical skills in handling machines.

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