Snow Queen performance. Tickets for the Snow Queen Christmas tree

Diana Ibragimova
New Year's performance "The Snow Queen"


based on a fairy tale

"SNOW QUEEN» preparation gr. 2015

Target: create conditions for the development of creative abilities in students through active activities in preparation for New Year's holiday.


Development of children's creative potential;

Uniting the children's team;

Introducing to the culture of celebration New Year.

Children go out singing "Tell Me a Story"

It's so nice when guests come!

Music and laughter are heard everywhere.

We are a holiday New Year's Eve opens,

We invite everyone, everyone, everyone to the Christmas tree!

2 child:

Sparkles like golden rain

Our cozy bright room.

The Christmas tree invites us into the circle,

The time for celebration has come!

3 child:

They are waiting near the tree

There are miracles for you today.

Do you hear? They come alive here

4 child:

Christmas tree in festive attire

She invited us to visit,

You can't stand still

Next to her at this hour.

5 child:

We have gathered here today,

We stood together in a round dance.

Brings a lot of joy

Every time we have a New Year!

Song "In a spacious, bright room".

(children sit down)


They say on New Year's Eve

Whatever you want,

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.


Snow sparkles in the clearing

The month floats on a cloud.

The clock strikes and it comes

Glorious New Year holiday.

Dance being performed "Rozhdestvenskaya"

Ole Lukoe comes out

Ole Lukoe:

Hello, dear friends!

Do you recognize me?

I am Ole Lukoe,

I know a lot of fairy tales.

I would like to tell you everything...

But which one should I start with? (thinks)

Maybe a fairy tale about the good fairy?

Perhaps I'll tell you about Snow Queen! (leaves)

The curtain opens, he sits on the throne Snow Queen,

They stand around her snow trolls.

Snow Queen:

How bored I am, all alone -

Blizzard, snow, blizzard, winter...

1 Troll:

Queen, we are servants.

2 Troll:

We will cure you of boredom!

The Troll dance is performed with snowflakes.

Snow Queen:

(gets up from the throne and comes forward)

You are too cold

And I don’t need them at all.

I want warmth and affection

Tired of evil fairy tales.

I saw a dream yesterday -

Sweet boy is waiting for me!

Trolls and snowflakes go to the music, Snow Queen

sits on the throne, the curtain closes.

Kai and Gerda come out to the music

Gerda, let's play blind man's buff...


(Gerda takes a bell from the table, Kai with his eyes closed

"searches" Gerda)

Search, search, search...

Where are you, where are you?

I'm tired of looking for you

I'm tired of playing!


The tale of To the Snow Queen?

(Gerda sits down in a chair, Kai sits down on the floor next to

with a chair. On the table is a pot of roses and a book about Sn. Cor-ve.)

The evil sorceress is reputed to be

Lives in an ice palace.

There's a snowstorm there the snow is circling

And white snow lies all around.

Oh, how scary, don't read!


Don't be afraid, dear Kai.

You better take a look here -

Our roses have bloomed.

Grandma will be so happy!


Children, children, where are you! I'm here!

Let's hide?


(Kai and Gerda hide behind the Christmas tree, Grandmother appears)


Children, where are you?

(Kai runs up to his grandmother from behind and hugs her)


Is this Gerda?

No - Kai!


I got everything mixed up again!


Grandma, look quickly, our roses have bloomed.

(suitable for roses)


Beauty, what a miracle?

There is a snowstorm and blizzard in the yard.

And here, like a ray of light

A piece of summer on the table. (Blizzard music sounds)


The snow is swirling like a white swarm,

Kai, hurry up and close the window. (Appears Snow Queen)

Snow Queen:

How dare you do this -

Let the flowers bloom in winter,

Without asking me.

After all, today I rule.


Who are you, how did you get here?

We didn't even hear a knock!

Snow Queen:

Haven't you heard, what's wrong?

I apologize.

Sell ​​me roses quickly -

I will pay you in silver.


I don't want to sell.

Snow Queen:

I'll pay a lot

I know that you are poor.


Yes, we are certainly not rich,

But we don't need money.

There are more important things (hugs grandchildren)

Leave as soon as possible.

Let her go quickly!

Snow Queen:

Then give me the boy.


Sorry - this is too much!

Grandma, tell me quickly

Why won't you give Kaya to her?

Snow Queen:

You will live in a palace,

Everyone will serve you.

There will be everything you want -

And toys, lollipops,

And mountains of ice cream

And sleds and skates.

Only Gerda won’t be there,

Grandmothers and their love!

Snow Queen:

Yes, I see you are just a coward!

I'm not afraid of anything!

Snow Queen:

I like you, boy

But apparently it’s not fate, although it’s a shame...

At least kiss me goodbye! (Kai goes around Sn. Queen, then

kisses her hand, jumps away)

Well, goodbye!

Snow Queen:

Goodbye! (leaves)

Oh, how much it hurts in my chest here.

Gerda, Gerda, help!


Kai, my dear, what's wrong with you?

I will save you, dear! (goes to the roses)

Gerda: Oh, look, the roses have wilted!

Kai: (angrily)

Wipe away your tears quickly

Well, just think, flowers.

Grandma walks like a duck (shows)


Kai, tell me it's a joke!

What do you care?

Kai, Kai, Kai...

I'm so tired of you! (puts on a hat)


I don’t understand what happened!


Kai, where are you going?

Well, leave me alone, I'm leaving! (Shows Gerda "nose" and leaves)

(Gerda runs to her grandmother)


Tomorrow everything will be the same, our boy is just tired.

(Hugs Gerda. They go behind the tree)

Ole Lukoe:

Eh, their hopes are in vain

After all, Kai kissed her!


We made the slide yesterday

The snow is spinning above her

Gerda, Kai, hurry up and go for a sled ride!

Song "Winter Gifts"

To the song "Jingle Bells" children sledding.

(Appears Snow. Cor. with sleigh)

Hurry up, Kai, sit down,

Take a ride in my sleigh! (Kai sits down)


Kai, where are you going? Come back! (Kai sticks out his tongue and drives away)

Ole Lukoe:

Kai's heart turned into a small piece of ice.

Queen She returned and took him with her.

Our Kai lives in the palace, and there is snow and ice all around.

Grandma is sad about him, but in this fairy tale the one who can save him from the spell is

Who, having forgotten food and sleep, will share warmth with him.

Whose heart is on fire...

Gerda closed the door and went on a long journey,

To bring Kai back to the house. (Gerda walks through the snowstorm to the music and goes behind the Christmas tree)

And she went around the world, after winter came summer.

(Flowers come out behind them - the fairy of flowers. Gerda comes out from behind the Christmas tree towards them)

Hello, dear child. How did you get here?


Hello, fairy of flowers! I'm looking around the world for Kai, maybe you've met him?

Kai? I don't know, I haven't seen it. Tell me everything first.


Sorry, but I need to hurry.

Trust me, you will find your brother, but first, rest

Look at my flowers.

Flowers are dancing


Dear flowers, tell us something about Kai!

Flowers (shakes head)


What should I do? Where should I go?


We hope you find Kai soon!

Goodbye Gerda! (flowers and Fairy leave)

Ole Lukoe:

How much Gerda walked around the world, but there was no end to the road.

Summer, autumn has passed and winter has come again.

The blizzard is sweeping, not allowing anyone to pass. (Gerda appears)


Oh, what a blizzard it is.

Where is the road, where is the forest?

I can’t find my brother Kai, he was with us and disappeared. (Raven appears)

Kar, kar, kar, who are you, tell me.

Don't cry, don't tremble.

My name is Gerda, I was looking for my brother.

There's a princess and a prince in that palace, they're having a New Year's ball

They will help your trouble. I'll show you the way. (Flies with Raven)

The ball scene opens, the king sits on the throne, and the prince and princess are standing next to each other.


I'm announcing the ball today

The ball is fun, New Year!


We are waiting for gentlemen and their ladies to come to us for the holiday today!


Sorry for not having permission

We came to this ball.

Gerda is looking for her brother,

But he can’t find him anywhere!


I'm so cold, so tired

There is trembling in my bare, cold feet.

But I didn’t find Kai,

After all, the Prince is not like Kai.


So you are Gerda! I'm so glad!

Are you looking for your brother around the world?

Yes! I'm following him north

To the very Snow Queen!


Gerda, be my sister

We will make friends with you!

I'll ask you now

May you stay with us!


I can't stay

My beloved Kai is waiting for me!

You make us very sad

Because you're leaving!


We could become friends

But the time has come to say goodbye...

How lightly dressed you are!

A fur coat, a muff, a carriage!

(Puts on a cape and muff, leaves)

Ole Lukoe:

Yes, the prince and princess have very kind hearts

Gerda rides in a golden carriage through fields, forests,

Suddenly the wide path disappeared before the dense forest.

In the forest, the robbers and the chieftain found out about that carriage and waited in ambush.

Bandit Dance


Come on, everyone stand up! I found you a job.


A job?


Now the girl will come here.




Tsk, you idiots, everyone, keep quiet! We need to catch her, intimidate her and rob her.


It's a couple of trifles!


Everyone is in ambush. This is the plan. (They whisper and hide behind the tree)

(Gerda comes out. Robbers run out with pistols)


Stop, girl, give me your clothes!


Well done, robbers, now she is mine!

Take off your fur coat quickly, or I’ll beat you! (Takes off his cape)

Who are you, speak up!

My name is Gerda, I was looking for my brother

I was very cold and very tired.


You will help me and protect the deer.

Hey, robbers, go and get the deer. (bring a deer)


I am a proud reindeer, I know where your brother is.

And I will be very happy to take you to him!


I really need to hurry

To the kingdom of eternal ice.

There my brother is sad

In the middle of the snow.


Let Gerda and me go!

Where there are eternal snows -

This is my homeland.

I was born in Lapland,

I know all the ways there,

Lock Snow Queen

I'll help her find it!


Come on, shut up quickly, don’t knock your hoof in vain!


I see that you are not evil, I beg you, let me go,

I really need to find my dear brother as soon as possible.


Okay, okay, I'll let you go,

I don't want to hear your cry.

Goodbye! Just leave me the clutch. (The deer takes Gerda behind the tree.)

Ole Lukoe:

Gerda and the reindeer reached the far north.

Having released him, she continued her journey alone.

(The lights go out. Kai comes out and plays with pieces of ice. Gerda comes in.)

Kai, Kai! Do you hear, it's me. Look at me. It's me, your sister.

Queen She told me - I’ll be here, master!

Word "eternity" ordered to lay out these ice floes.

Kai. I came for you. Let's hurry home to our dear grandmother.

Hush, hush. Don't interfere.

You're so cold, Kai! (Hugs)

My heart is beating fast! Something is burning in my chest!

Gerda, Gerda, is that you? (They hug, appears Snow. Cor.)

Snow. queen:

I see you warmed Kai, he’s only mine, so you know!

How dare you come here? I won’t give up Kai, don’t ask!

I will turn you into white snow and leave you here for many centuries.

Guys, who will help Kai and Gerda? Well, of course

(in unison) Father Frost!

(Everyone calls Santa Claus in chorus. Music sounds, Santa Claus enters)

Father Frost:

Hello guys! Hello, guests!

I'm real Santa Claus

From the deep dense thicket,

Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts,

Where are the storms and blizzards,

Where the forests are dense and the snow is loose.

Snow Queen, you were very angry,

Let your evil disappear. Now become different! (Knocks with staff)

As long as their hearts are burning, they are not afraid of the blizzard.

Well then, Queen, it's time to do good!

Kai and Gerda are together again. Now they cannot be separated! (Kai and Gerda hug)

Snow. Cor. (hugs children)

Yes, your friendship managed to overcome the eternal cold!

Ole Lukoe:

It's always easier to live in the world for those who are kind

Let's love and be friends!

Father Frost.

Come to me quickly, kids,

It's time to light the Christmas tree!

Let's say it together: one, two, three -

Our Christmas tree, burn! (repeat 2 times, lights come on)

Stand around Santa Claus quickly

The holiday is more fun with songs and dances!

Round dance "Hot time"

I was dancing with the guys and lost my mitten.

You, friends, help me - find the mitten.

Ved. Here's your mitten, Grandpa. Come on, catch up with her!

Game "Catch up with the mitten"

Father Frost.

Oh, how Grandfather was killed...


Grandfather, sit down and rest.

And our children will read poetry to you.

Father Frost:

I played with you, entertained all the children, sang songs and made you laugh... What else have I forgotten?


Happy New Year for children

Play and have fun!

But it’s still more pleasant, what to hide, -

Receive Grandfather's gifts!

Father Frost:

There are gifts, how not to be!

Oh, I love giving them!

Good fairy tales today!

May it be a happy year!

Let's not leave this little people without gifts!

Oh, where is my mitten, I lost it again!

It's a mess... come on, knock on the staff, find the mitten!

(a large flat mitten is brought out)

Leading: This is a mitten!

Santa Claus pulls out gifts from behind his mitten)

Father Frost:

And here are your gifts, my dears!

Distribution of gifts (to the song "Russian Santa Claus")

Father Frost:

Thanks everyone for the fun!

Goodbye, birds, animals!

I send greetings to the guys and wish them many years to come!

Be healthy everyone! May happiness await you!

May you be cheerful and joyful! It will be New Year!


Children to a song "New Year" leaving the hall

Moscow State Conservatory named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky presents a joint work that will turn the heads of not only children, but also adults. New Year's tree Snow Queen with the participation of Dmitry Dyuzhev (reads the text). The Tchaikovsky Conservatory invites children and adults to the wonderful performance “The Snow Queen”. The work of Hans Christian Andersen will be read by the famous actor Dmitry Dyuzhev. The entire narration will take place to the music of the great Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, which will be performed for you by the Orpheus radio symphony group under the direction of Denis Karpanev. It is immediately important to point out that during these holidays you will also be able to attend other musical performances that will take place in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.

  • There is always a large selection available from inexpensive to VIP seats.
  • We will deliver the ticket by courier for free in Moscow!
  • On our website there is a large poster of the best New Year trees 2016-2017.
  • Development of students' theatrical skills;
  • Formation of moral qualities of an individual using the example of children's fairy tales;
  • Improving children's creative abilities.

Performers: 11th grade students, dance and choral groups.

Stage decoration:

  • New Year tree.
  • Elements of a winter forest (in the background).
  • Fireplace (right).
  • Throne of the Snow Queen (left).

Music is playing. The Storyteller comes out.

STORYTELLER: Snip-snap-snurre, purre-bazelurre! There are different people in the world: blacksmiths, cooks, doctors, schoolchildren, pharmacists, teachers, actors, watchmen. But I am a storyteller. And we all work, and we are all necessary, necessary, very good people. If it weren’t for me, for example, a storyteller, you wouldn’t have heard the fairy tale about the Snow Queen and two wonderful children - the boy Kai and the girl Gerda, their kind grandmother, a smart crow, a cute prince and princess, evil and good robbers. This is a fairy tale that is both sad and funny, and funny and sad. So, the fairy tale begins!

Grandmother, Gerda and Kai appear. The grandmother sits down in a chair with knitting, the children sit next to her on the floor with a book. There are two roses nearby.

The sound of a snowstorm.

GERDA: What snow is flying outside the window!

GRANDMOTHER: These are white bees swarming!

KAI: Do they also have a queen?

GRANDMOTHER: Yes. Very often at night she flies through the city streets and looks into the windows, and the glass is then covered with icy patterns, like flowers.

GERDA: Can’t the Snow Queen come here?

KAI: Just let him try! I'll put it on the stove and it will immediately melt.

The wind whistles and howls and snowflakes fly in. Dance of Snowflakes and the Snow Queen.

KAI: Aw! Something pierced my heart! And now in the eye!

GERDA: Let me see!

KAI (pushes Gerda): It must have jumped out. Leave me alone!

GERDA: What's wrong with you, Kai?

GRANDMOTHER: Kai! I don't recognize you!

KAI: Oh, how tired of you all are! And those nasty roses!

(throws roses on the floor and tramples them)

Look at this snowflake! How skillfully done! What precision! Not a single wrong line! And now I’m going to the square to sled down the mountain!

(Gerda cries. Kai gets dressed and leaves with the sled.)

Ooh! How ugly you are when you cry!

(Grandma takes Gerda away)

STORYTELLER: Well, guys, the Snow Queen has done her dirty deed. Ice snowflakes hit Kai's heart, it froze and turned into a piece of ice. Now our Kai has an icy heart.

Gerda runs in.

GERDA: Dear Storyteller! Trouble has happened! Kai was sledding in the town square. He tied them to a big sleigh - boys often do this to get a quick ride. In a large sleigh sat a man wearing a white fur coat and a white hat. This man hit the horses: the horses rushed, the sleigh rushed, the sleigh followed them - and no one ever saw the boy again:

STORYTELLER: Guys, have you already guessed who was in the big sleigh? (Snow Queen)

GERDA: I'm going to look for Kai! I will definitely find it and take it from the Snow Queen!

STORYTELLER: The Snow Queen lives far away. You will have to go a long way and experience many difficulties. Can you handle it, Gerda?

GERDA: I will try, because Kai is my sworn brother.

STORYTELLER: You are a very brave girl! Go forward and don't be afraid of anything!

The storyteller leaves. Raven comes out to meet Gerda.

RAVEN: Kar - kar! Hello, young lady!

GERDA: Hello, sir.

RAVEN: Excuse me, but will you throw a stick at me?

GERDA: Oh, of course not!

RAVEN: Kar-kar, good to hear! What about a stone?

GERDA: What are you talking about, sir!

RAVEN: Let me most respectfully thank you for your amazing courtesy. Am I talking nicely?

GERDA: Very good sir!

RAVEN: That's because I'm the court raven. But, I beg your pardon, are you upset about something? Say, say, I’m a good raven - what if I can help you.

GERDA : Good raven, have you seen my friend, a boy named Kai?

RAVEN: Maybe, maybe! In the kingdom where you and I are, there is a princess who is so smart that it’s impossible to say! She read all the newspapers in the world and already forgot everything she read - that’s how smart she is! She's getting married. And I think her fiancé is your Kai. Right now there is an engagement ball in the courtyard. I can take you there secretly, and you will see for yourself.

Gerda and Raven leave. Music is playing. Polonaise.

PRINCESS: Dear Prince! Look, there's a little girl here!

PRINCE: Who are you, dear child?

GERDA: My name is Gerda, I am looking for my friend Kai, and the court raven told me that the prince is my Kai. Now I see that this is not so! (crying)

PRINCE: Don't cry, dear girl! You will definitely find your Kai!

PRINCESS: We really liked you, Gerda. We decided to give you a warm fur coat, a warm hat and a warm muff.

The prince and princess leave. Gerda is left alone.

GERDA: I'm alone again. Where should we go? Where to find Kai? And what a dark and gloomy forest this is!

A whistle sounds. Dance of the robbers.

OLD WOMAN: Look, what a nice, fat little thing. Fattened with nuts! Fatty, like my little lamb! Well, what will it taste like? /pulled out a sharp knife/

OLD WOMAN: Ay! /she was pinched by the little robber/. Oh you mean girl!

LITTLE ROBBER: She will play with me! She will give me her muff, her pretty fur coat and will play with me /takes it from Gerda/.

OLD WOMAN: Well, no! First, earn the right to have this girl. Guess the riddles.

LITTLE ROBERT: Are you kidding me? I have never done such a stupid and useless thing in my life. Yes, I don’t even know a single riddle.

OLD WOMAN: It's your business. The girl will stay with me.

/Takes Gerda away./

LITTLE ROBBER: No! /screams/. I can: I know: I came up with it! The guys will help me. Is it true? /yes/ Let's help this girl!

OLD WOMAN: Well, okay. Hey, robber villains, help me!

The robbers ask riddles.

OLD WOMAN: Look how smart the kids are! You took it, take the girl.

The old robber woman and the robbers leave.

LITTLE ROBBER: /hug Gerda/. They won't kill you until I'm angry with you! You're a princess, right?

GERDA: No! I'm looking for my friend Kai. The Snow Queen took him away.

LITTLE ROBBER: They won’t kill you, even if I’m angry with you - I’d rather kill you myself.

GERDA: Oh Kai! My dear Kai!

LITTLE ROBERT: Well, that's enough! Otherwise I'll deal with you! (takes out a knife)

Gerda: You are kind, a good girl. But why do you always carry a knife? You are kind! Help me find Kai.

LITTLE ROBERT: Well, so be it! There is a menagerie in my cave. Among the different animals is a reindeer. I will let him go, and in return he will take you to Lapland, to the palace of the Snow Queen.

Gerda hugged the robber.

LITTLE ROBERT: Okay, okay! Take your fur coat back, but I’ll keep the muff, it’s so good!

Gerda: Thank you!


Gerda and the Robber go in different directions.

The melody "Blizzard" is playing. Two Snowmen come out.

1 SNOWMAN: Well, what do you hear?

2 SNOWMAN: I can’t hear anything. What can you see?

1 SNOWMAN: Yes, nothing is visible. Nothing and no one.

2 SNOWMAN: Of course. Who will appear here? Snow and ice, ice and snow - one melancholy. Tired of it! I'm leaving here!

1 SNOWMAN: Quiet, otherwise the Snow Queen will hear.

2 SNOWMAN: Well, what will she do to me - turn me into snow? No, I'll leave!

1 SNOWMAN: And where will you go?

2 SNOWMAN: Yes, even to the city. There is freedom for snowmen there. You’re standing in your yard, there are guys around playing hockey, skiing and skating down the hill. Noise, screams, laughter!

1 SNOWMAN: Yes, it’s fun: People live. And we have silence:

SNOWMAN 2: Wait, wait, I hear someone’s steps. (Gerda comes out.)

1 SNOWMAN: Who else is this?

2 SNOWMAN: Don’t you see something? Girl. Yes, she was completely frozen!

GERDA: Dear Snowmen! Let me through to the Snow Queen. I will save my adopted brother Kai.

1 SNOWMAN: Yes, we would be glad to miss, but we are not supposed to be kind.

2 SNOWMAN: If only you could make us laugh!

GERDA: Would you like me to teach you a funny dance, and these guys will help me with this.

1 SNOWMAN: We agree.

Gerda and the Snowmen stand in the center of the circle. Dance of the Little Ducklings.

SNOWMAN 2: Oh, guys, they’ve made friends. How fun it was with you!

SNOWMAN 1: Well, Gerda, go to the Snow Queen's palace and help your brother out!

Gerda and the Snowmen leave.

The Snow Queen and Kai come out. Kai collects figures from ice floes.

KAI: These ice figures are simply a miracle of art, and folding them is an activity of the first importance.

SNOW QUEEN: If you put together the word "Eternity", then you will be your own master, and I will give you the whole world and a pair of new skates.

KAI: But for some reason this word doesn’t work.

Gerda runs out, throws herself on Kai’s neck, hugs and kisses him.

GERDA: Kai, dear Kai!

KAI: Hush, Gerda. You're throwing me off.

GERDA: Kai, you didn’t even look at me!

KAI: I'm busy.

GERDA: I went far from home, I wasn’t afraid of the robbers, I wasn’t afraid of freezing, and you don’t even want to talk to me! What to do?

Snowmen appear.

1 SNOWMAN: I know! Father Frost and Snow Maiden will help us.

SNOWMAN 2: Guys, let's call them!

Their names are Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Melody. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.


We came to your holiday tree from afar.
The two of us walked for quite a long time through the ice and snow!
We're glad we weren't late: you can't be late,
If best friends are waiting in an elegant hall!


There are so many familiar faces around, how many of my friends are here,
I feel good here, like at home, among the gray fir trees!
All my friends gathered in the New Year's bright hour.
We haven't met for a whole year, I miss you!

SNOW Maiden: Hello dear guys! How you have grown! How smart and reasonable they have become. Why are you so sad Gerda?

GERDA: The Snow Queen has my friend Kai, but we can’t get him back. Help please.

SNOW MAIDEN: Shall we help, grandfather?

SANTA CLAUS: Of course, granddaughter. We will light the lights on the tree, and they will melt the Snow Queen's palace and warm Kai's heart.

Make our Christmas tree sparkle with colorful lights.
Become sparkling and radiant, golden tinsel
Sparkle and play.
To make it light up, repeat with us:

“Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up and light up in a smart way” /2 times/

Magical music. The lights come on.

SNOW MAIDEN: Look, guys. A miracle happened. The Snow Queen has disappeared.

Kai runs up to Gerda.

KAI: Gerda! My dear Gerda! Where have you been for so long? Where was I myself? /Looks around/ How deserted it was there, how cold it was.


Gerda’s friends helped her and melted Kai’s heart.
Loyalty, friendship and warmth won over the Queen.


The New Year is knocking on the doors, we will open them soon
And for the holiday of Christmas trees and songs, let's invite our friends!


How fun it is to sing and dance around the Christmas tree.
The needles glow with glitter - so let's get started!

Song. Round dance.

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, I’m getting old, my legs are tired, I’ll sit here by the Christmas tree!

SNOW Maiden: Relax, grandfather, and the guys will tell you poems!

Children recite poems.

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandfather Frost, have you noticed how smart the guys are here?

SANTA CLAUS: Of course, granddaughter! After all, the most skillful and most talented children study here. Come on, Snowmen, build a round dance of carnival costumes!

Round dance of carnival costumes. Song.

SANTA CLAUS: Dear children, boys and girls! We are very sorry to part with you, but it’s time for us to move on.


It's time, friends! You need to say goodbye. Congratulations to everyone!
Let both adults and kids celebrate the New Year together!


On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve, dreams and reality come true.
On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve, miracles happen.


They are very easy to find if you believe in miracles.
Open your eyes wide in surprise.

On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve there are transformations.
And everyone, undoubtedly, is waiting for an invitation to a fairy tale.

Let a gloomy day turn into a triumph of smiles.
Oh, how nice such magic is for people!


I wish everyone happiness!
Have fun, friends!

SANTA CLAUS: Let's say together, all the people:


SANTA CLAUS: Goodbye, children!

SNOW MAIDEN: See you again!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving. The holiday at the Christmas tree continues.

During the upcoming winter holidays, the atmosphere of holiday, serenity, purity and New Year's renewal will be given to you by the most magnificent musical performances, which will take place in the solemnly beautiful Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory on the main academic stage of the capital. For six days, incredible fabulous theatrical and musical performances will be held for adults and children - Christmas tree Snow Queen. You will hear brilliant music from the world famous ballets of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (“Sleeping Beauty”, “Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker”). These works symbolize kindness and beauty in the art world. The fairy tale “The Snow Queen” by Hans Christian Andresen, which is loved by many generations, will be read by the famous theater and film actor Dmitry Dyuzhev. Music from the masterpieces presented above will follow the narration. Tchaikovsky also argued that music is an eloquent language that can come to the rescue when words are powerless.

Tchaikovsky's unique melodic gift made his works extremely popular throughout the world. Every motive, every theme in his works has a certain aphoristic clarity. At the same time, they are filled with bright style and freshness. A whole universe of images opens up before us. They can be tragic, dark, deeply dramatic, pastoral, light and lyrical. That is why the pinnacle examples of the great Russian master’s work are relevant to this day. According to Tchaikovsky, life is a series of sorrows and joys, shadows and light.

January 3-8, 2017 at the Conservatory. Tchaikovsky

New Year's performance

Reads a fairy tale Dmitry Dyuzhev

Radio Orpheus Symphony Orchestra

Artistic director and chief conductor - Sergey Kondrashev

Conductor - Denis Kirpanev

In the program: fairy tale “The Snow Queen” by H. C. Andersen, music from ballets by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

The atmosphere of holiday, New Year's renewal, purity and serenity during the upcoming winter holidays will be given to you by wonderful musical performances in the solemnly beautiful Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. For six days, incredible fabulous theatrical and musical performances will be held on the main academic stage of the capital for children and adults. They will feature brilliant music from the world famous ballets of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - “The Nutcracker”, “Swan Lake” and “Sleeping Beauty”, embodying the very concept of beauty and kindness in art. The famous theater and film actor Dmitry Dyuzhev will read the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, beloved by many generations, by Hans Christian Andersen, and music from the listed masterpieces, close in spirit and imagery to the beloved fairy tale familiar from childhood, will follow the narration, because as Tchaikovsky himself said: “There where words are powerless, a more eloquent language, music, is fully armed.”

The extraordinary popularity of Tchaikovsky's great art is associated primarily with his unique melodic gift. Every theme, every motive in his works has some kind of aphoristic clarity and at the same time freshness and the brightest stylistic affiliation. But his music is rich in shades and filled with a whole universe of images - both inspired lyrical, light and pastoral, and deeply dramatic, dark and tragic. And this is the vitality, the enduring relevance of the pinnacle examples of the work of the great Russian master. “Life has beauty only when it consists of alternation of joys and sorrows, of the struggle between good and evil, of light and shadow, in a word - of diversity in unity.”

“The Snow Queen” is not just a Christmas fairy tale, it is a story about love and fidelity, the fight against the evil of the world, without which great happiness would not have been found. Dmitry Dyuzhev and the wonderful symphony group of Radio Orpheus under the direction of Denis Kirpanev will tell you a deep and life-affirming New Year's tale that reflects our lives.

And thirty minutes before the start of the performance, in the historical foyer of the Conservatory, guests will be greeted by Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters. Children will be able to guess entertaining riddles and take pictures with their favorite characters, lead a big round dance around the Christmas tree and be sure to sing familiar songs about the forest beauty.

Young spectators can only attend the performance if accompanied by an adult. Children under three years of age share one ticket with an adult.

The ticket price may include a gift: candies from the best Russian manufacturers in colorful packaging. Those who purchased tickets without a gift will be able to pay for it directly at the event if they wish.

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