When preparing your resume for an employer. Rules for preparing a resume for employment, samples

Hello! Some readers have asked me about how to write a resume for a job in 2019. I turned to my friend, who has been heading the HR department for more than 5 years large company, which employs more than 500 people. He has a clear idea of ​​what a correct and competent resume should look like, because... Many company employees went through it.

In today's article I will share with you this useful information. I'll tell you how to write the right resume for a job, and also give you a universal resume form/template that you can download for free, and I'll give you a sample resume! After which you can begin the article about.

8 main rules for writing a resume

Resume is a written document containing information about your professional and personal qualities, as well as containing additional autobiographical information about you that is important when applying for a job (place of previous work, personal qualities, contact information, addresses, etc.).

  1. Don't make foot wraps! The resume should be clear, concise, nothing superfluous, a maximum of 1.5 pages, at most 2. Without extolling your personality as a multi-armed, many-legged employee.
  2. Follow a common resume structure. Next, we will tell and show you how to write a resume.
  3. Only the truth! And nothing but the truth! If you are asked to do something at an interview that you indicated in your resume, and you do not know how to do it, you are guaranteed to fail. If you speak Photoshop at the first-grader level, then there is no need to write that you are a “confident user of Photoshop”; if you have completed English courses at the Elementary level, then there is no need to write that you are “fluent in spoken English.”
  4. Competitive. These are the qualities your resume should include. This is especially true for residents of megacities, where competition in the labor market is fierce and it is important to show yourself in the best light. But don't forget about point 3.
  5. Resume style. This is important to remember. After all, if, when applying for a job as a lawyer in a large holding company, you provide a resume on pink paper with flowers, then it is unlikely that they will even consider it. A creative approach to resume design is only relevant for interviews for a creative position (showman, party host, graphic designer etc.).
  6. Don't forget the purpose of your resume- make an impression and get an invitation to an interview. Your resume must match the position you are applying for. If you are a multifaceted person and at the same time are applying for the position of an accountant, then there is no need to write that you are also an “excellent toastmaster”; if you are applying for the position of a pastry chef, then there is no need to write about your knowledge in psychology and NLP.
  7. Literacy. If you are applying for a position as a lawyer, but in your resume you made a typo in the word appeal, then such a lawyer is worthless. Check your resume several times, run it through an online grammar (text.ru; orfogrammka) or using the F7 function in Word, and finally give it to a more competent person to read. No slang or emoticons, this is not a private correspondence. Speaking of which! Nowadays, many recruiting managers and department heads pay attention to how an official email is written: whether there is a subject line, address style, greeting, signature and contact information. And here, too, it is important not to forget about the rules of good manners and the rules of business correspondence.
  8. One position - one resume! If you are applying for the same position in different companies, then make sure that your resume meets the requirements personnel policy each specific company. To increase the effectiveness of a positive interview, HR specialists advise preparing a new resume for each company.

Requirements for preparing a competent resume

  1. Maximum number of pages- 2 pages of A4 format. The resume should be easy to read, and the most important information should be on the first page, in plain sight, so to speak. At the end of the first page, be sure to indicate that it will be continued on the next page. At the end of the next page, indicate your last name (if the second sheet gets lost, the employer can easily determine who it belonged to).
  2. If there is little information, then place it entirely on one page so as to avoid emptiness on the sheet. Let your text take up 3/4 of the page.
  3. Preferred font- Times New Roman or Arial. Use only one font, no need to be colorful, this is a business document, not friendly correspondence. Size either 12 or 10. Remember, font smaller than 11 is not readable after faxing a document, so don’t go too small.
  4. Resume submission form. If you are sending a resume by fax, then first check how your photo will look in black and white, whether it will look like Malevich’s “Black Square”; perhaps it makes sense to abandon the photo altogether. Regardless of how you send your resume, by fax, email, mail or personal delivery, the text should always be the same. One company - one resume! As for the photo, it should not be larger than 3.5 by 4 cm, as in the passport. Just as strict and official, and not from the beach in Gelendzhik. Some employers make their conclusion about the candidate in the first 3-4 seconds, so the photo, in this case, can contribute or, on the contrary, aggravate the choice in your favor.
  5. All sections of the resume must be structured, in a certain order, each with a new line and highlighting the subtitle.

Resume form (template) for downloading

Before you start composing a resume step by step, download a ready-made resume form and then continue reading to simultaneously fill out the resume template with your data. As a result, by the end of the article you will have a ready-made resume on your computer with which you can go find a job.

Download resume template.

How to write a resume - working structure

Well, it’s probably worth dwelling on the structure in more detail. This is very important because... this makes it easier for your resume to be found among others. There is no need to anger the employer even before applying for a job; follow the resume structure that HR officers are already accustomed to working with.

Document title

We’re not inventing a wheel and we’re not being clever. Briefly, without dots and in one line:

Resume of Petrov Petr Petrovich

If you are applying for a position abroad, then it is customary to write there Curriculum Vitae(CV, or “biography”). This is not practiced in our country.

The vacancy you came to apply for or the purpose of your resume

This is an important point, again, for the convenience of grouping applicants in the HR department. The vacancy for which you are applying must correspond to the position required by the organization. If you are applying for several positions, then create your own resume for each. No need to write: applicant for the position of lawyer, boss legal department, sales manager or chief accountant. So the goal should look like this:

Purpose of resume- applicant for the position of sales manager.

If you have 2 higher education and have enough work experience to apply for several positions, then for each position, even if it is required in one company, create your own resume.

You can also indicate not a goal, but a specific vacancy:

Vacancy– Sales Manager.

Brief details and contact information

Please provide the following:

  • Date of birth
  • Marital status
  • Residence address
  • Telephone
  • Email


If you graduated from several educational institutions, then write them in order, as you graduate. If it is important for you to indicate additional courses, which you graduated from, then indicate them after your basic education. This point is very important, especially for young professionals who do not yet have work experience.

The school needs to be indicated only if you have graduated from a specialized high school or with a gold medal. In other cases, it DOES NOT NEED to be mentioned.

Special education (DSHI, music school etc.) or additional training or courses are indicated only if they are relevant to the position for which you are applying. After school, you must first indicate technical (college, technical school) education, and then higher education. So, what does education information look like?


  • Higher(full-time) 2009 - 2013 Astrakhan State Pedagogical University.
    Specialty: educational psychologist (bachelor).
  • Additional- second higher education (evening) 2010 - 2015 Astrakhan Law Academy.
    Specialty: lawyer (specialty).

If you were nominated for state awards, then this should also be indicated in this paragraph.

If you are a young specialist and have no work experience yet, then you can indicate in this paragraph your scientific publications (title scientific work, edition and date of publication), list the subjects in which you achieved the highest success, and also indicate the topic of your thesis.


This paragraph is usually written as follows:

The left column indicates the period of work, and on the right is the name of the organization, your position and your responsibilities for this position. Work experience is indicated in reverse order: last place of work, previous, first. If you are a young specialist and do not yet have work experience, you can indicate the places of your training internships, the period of your internship (date) and your job responsibilities.

If you have a long track record, do not rush to list all your places of work. In particular, there is no need to mention those where you stayed for a short time, this may alert the employer. Maximum 5-7 last jobs. Each new place of work is indicated on a new line, do not forget to write the full date accurate to the month, otherwise it will not be clear: “from 2000 to 2001 I worked there”, whether you worked for a month or a whole year.

Write the name of the organization in which you worked completely; you do not need to rely on the abbreviation being familiar to everyone.

Not allowed: OSK LLC

NEEDED: United LLC construction company» Moscow.

In the job responsibilities column, indicate only those that will certainly be useful to you in your new place of work. There is no need to list everything. If you worked as a legal assistant, then it’s hardly worth writing about such little things as filing cases and sorting the archive by year.

The work experience section looks like this:


Important rule : no matter where you work, where you do your internship, no matter what advanced training courses or trainings you complete, take recommendations everywhere. Life is long and no one knows where it will take you, so any piece of paper can be useful. And as they say, “without a piece of paper, we... (you know who!)”

Achievements at previous jobs

If any, please indicate. If not, then skip this point. This point should be skipped by unskilled workers (cleaner, driver, cashier, etc.). In other cases, 3-4 points and your resume will be one level higher than your competitors for this position. It is important to show the employer that you took a direct part in the prosperity of the company, previous place work, which means you will be a valuable employee in the new one.

There is no need to write: “took part in reducing depreciation costs.”

NEEDED: “Reduced the company’s depreciation costs by 20%.”

There is no need to write: “worked to increase tender purchases.”

NEEDED: “Under my fate, the number of auction purchases increased by 20%, and the percentage of tenders won doubled.”

There is no need to write: “worked on the company’s image.”

NEEDED: “With my participation, the number of mentions of the company in the media has increased 10 times. 17 press conferences were organized during the year and 4 off-site meetings at the international level.”

There is no need to write: “organized the department from scratch.”

NEEDED: Organized a work department... from scratch: hired 10 employees, developed job descriptions, trained employees, etc. More specifics!

Write numbers and statistics. This will attract the attention of the employer and the HR department.

Additional information

This is also an important point. If you are settling sales representative or a driver, then here you must indicate the presence of a driver’s license, as well as indicate the category and availability of your car (make, model, year of manufacture).

If you are a candidate for a position where knowledge is required graphic design, then indicate at what level you are proficient in certain programs. For example: experienced user of Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw.

Today, almost any office position requires specialists who are confident users PC. Therefore, you need to point this out.

For example:

Computer skills: at the advanced user level (Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet).

If you are an applicant for a position where knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required, be sure to indicate this.

For example:

Language skills: English (spoken), German (basic).

Let's understand the levels of proficiency foreign languages. By the way, you can also use these formulations to indicate your level of language proficiency.

  • Perfectly - free dialogue with a native speaker on any topic.
  • Fluency - the ability to communicate with a native speaker on most topics, I can easily present the information I need.
  • Good - competent explanation of your thoughts, understanding of your interlocutor.
  • Conversational - the ability to communicate at an everyday level, in simple words.
  • Basic - knowledge of only general phrases, the ability to understand the simplest text.

Personal qualities must also be indicated in this paragraph. Write the personal qualities that are inherent to you and relevant to the position for which you are applying and the corporate culture of the company. For example:

Personal qualities: diligent, attentive, proficient in methods of analytical psychology, as well as methods of personality analysis. (This is if you are applying for the position of psychologist). Mathematical and analytical mind (If your position requires such skills).

NONE: sociable, stress-resistant. These are all hackneyed phrases that fade if another applicant writes the same thing, but in different words.

As already mentioned in paragraph 5, recommendations also have great value. Some employers require references before the interview. The lack of a recommendation may raise red flags for some employers. This may indicate that at your last job you were unable to cope with your responsibilities or were fired, leaving you on bad terms with your employer.

If in in writing If you cannot provide references, please provide the contact information of your supervisor from your previous place of work. And don’t forget to warn your former boss that they may call him, so that there is no mishap. Perhaps no one will call; the very fact of having contact information will indicate that you are not afraid for your review from your previous job.

LLC "Chrysanthemum"

General Director: Smirnov Semyon Semenovich

t. 8-987-654-32-10

Expected salary level

must be clearly marked. Don’t write: “I would like to...”, “better from...”, etc. Moreover, if you worthwhile specialist with decent work experience, then you should know your worth. If you expect to get a job within the average wages currently offered on the labor market in your specialty, then indicate this amount. The main thing is to know the limits and do not overestimate the limit, but also do not underestimate the expected income.

Expected salary level: 100,000 rubles.

Ultimately, your resume will look something like this:

Overall, it's not that difficult. The main thing is to follow all the rules, don’t forget to indicate all your professional qualities and achievements and everything will be great!

9 main mistakes in writing a resume

  1. Inconsistency of biographical information with the requirements of the candidate for the position.
  2. Inconsistency between the described skills and reality. Having indicated your proficiency in certain programs, during the interview you may be asked a couple of questions regarding the use of these programs. Having indicated your language proficiency, be prepared for unexpected questions like: “Tell us about your interests.” And if you indicated “fluency in the language”, but were unable to give an answer, then your resume will receive a “minus”.
  3. Sentences are too long.
  4. Too much long resume, a lot of unnecessary stuff and not relevant to the proposed position. Inappropriate humor or quotes. Some manage to insert links to their pages on social networks. This is unnecessary, besides, it can compromise you or show you inappropriately. the best side. Therefore, if you have not been asked to indicate this, then you do not need to do so.
  5. A resume that is too short raises suspicion: the person has no experience and no positive personal qualities, or he is overly modest and will be difficult to work with.
  6. Frequent job changes or prolonged absence from work.
  7. Banal phrases. More specifics and your resume will shine: implemented effectively; reduced costs by 10%; promoted in position.
  8. Spelling errors.
  9. There is no date for sending the resume and the name of the applicant.

Well, now you know how to write a resume correctly! Good luck in finding a job!

Video on how to write a resume


Well, now you know how to write a resume! But if you can’t find a job, then you can always start earning money on your own. Here is a list of articles to help you.

Greetings, dear reader. With you is Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and founder of the “PAPA HELPED” project.

The topic of writing a resume is very familiar to me. Previously, I had to write it more than once when applying for a job, and later I became an employer myself and now I often come across this document in the status of a manager.

Based on my extensive experience in this topic and after previously communicating with experienced personnel officers, I wrote this instructional article. By applying the steps described in it, you will create a professional resume that sells.

At the end of the article you will find 45 ready-made resumes of popular professions for download.

A well-written resume is half the success in getting a job.

What is a resume and why is it compiled: a definition with your own examples

Resume- This brief selling self-presentation in the form of a business autobiography, compiled according to certain rules.

Purpose of resume- create about yourself positive impression in absentia and get to a face-to-face meeting (interview) with the employer or his employee personnel service.

Mission summaryget your job dreams in minimal time.

Below I have given examples of 2 of my resumes. The first is composed in a classical form, the second in a daring (minimalistic) form.

Classic resume of Alexander Berezhnov for the position of Internet marketer ()
Bold (minimalistic) resume of Alexander Berezhnov as a business partner ()

As you can see, you can approach writing a resume in different ways.

If you are applying for a job in a reputable company with a serious corporate culture and a “strict” type of activity, for example, in a bank, I recommend writing a resume of the “classic” type.

If future profession involves “creative flight”, and the company has a free style in everything; your option is a creative resume.

In the “bold” version, you write your greatest achievement in your previous job, expressed in 1-2 sentences.

The implication is that by getting such serious results, you are definitely a well-rounded professional in the job you are applying for. In this option, you also add a large photo to make your resume look brighter. Don't forget to write your phone number and address here email for communication.

A cheeky resume can work very well, since no one sends one like that. However, here you need to understand how much the employer’s representative will perceive your “insolence.”

Resume for work - sample 2019

For those who do not want to study the article for a long time, I have made a current sample resume for 2019 ().

Pick it up, enter your details and in just 5 minutes you are ready to send your resume to a future employer.

How to write a resume - instructions of 10 consecutive blocks (steps) with illustrations and explanations

Below I briefly and with pictures show how to write a proper resume. Just like building a house, brick by brick, you will see it appear before your eyes.

Block 1.

The resume should have a title in any case. It indicates your full name so that the future employer understands who it belongs to. The title is the main HEADLINE and is placed at the very top.

The goal is indicated in the same block.


Purpose of the resume: applying for the position of sales manager.

By indicating the goal, you immediately make it clear what result you expect after reviewing the resume. In our case, this is a job for the position of “sales manager”.

This is where your resume begins.

Block 2.

This block contains the candidate’s contacts and personal data:

  • date of birth;
  • residential address;
  • citizenship;
  • telephone;
  • marital status.

The employer immediately sees key information about you and contacts

Block 3. Education

Here, indicate your places of study in order, starting from top to bottom from the very first to the last. You can also indicate what kind of education you have (higher, secondary).

First indicate the educational institution, then the years of study and then the specialty and assigned qualifications (as in the education document).

Here you can specify additional education or taking special courses

Block 4. Work experience and job responsibilities

This block starts with the most recent - your last place of work, indicating the period spent there. Next, indicate the name of the organization and your position.

If you have many jobs (5-7), indicate no more than the last 2-3

After each place of work, you can indicate your job responsibilities, but this is not necessary, since in most cases they are standard.

Block 5.

Quite an important point. A potential employer is interested in paying you money for specific value (benefit), which you will bring to his company.

How do you know if you were just sitting around at your previous job or if you were actively showing yourself and recouping your employer’s investment?

You will tell about your achievements in this section.

If you are planning to get a job in commercial company, then focus on two main points:

  1. Saving company funds (cost reduction).
  2. Earnings firms (increased income).

Describe any actions you took that led to a reduction in expenses or an increase in income for the employer, and your resume will immediately gain more attention.

Example of achievements at a previous job:

  • increased the company's revenue by 10% per month through the development of a new company website with a modern selling structure;
  • saved the company 500,000 rubles, offering a non-obvious option for optimizing taxation.

When applying for a job in municipal or government agencies your achievements could be:

  • number and scale of implemented projects;
  • thank you letters and awards from senior management;
  • fast career growth.

Indicate personal achievements that are relevant for future work, and not everything in a row (caught a fish 1.5 m long)

Block 6.

In modern terms they are called “skills” (from the English skills - skills, abilities).

This is the value that you directly sell and for which you receive money. The more expensive and rare skills you have, the higher your income at work.

They are different for each profession.

Example of professional skills:

  1. For a sales manager. Identify client needs, create sales presentations, achieve results in negotiations in favor of your company.
  2. For the leader. Select the right people for the team, competently delegate tasks and monitor their implementation, build clear staff motivation, and achieve important key indicators.
  3. For a marketer. Analyze the market to identify strengths and weaknesses your company and competitors, correctly distribute the marketing budget, work with analytics tools and statistics.

Skills are often confused with personal qualities. Remember that skills is a professional category, and quality— moral and ethical (human).

Remember that these are different from personal qualities!

Block 7.

Don't write them just for show. Indicate your real qualities (5-7), since at the interview you will most likely be asked to justify them.

Below is a list of common personal qualities that appear on most resumes:

  • organization;
  • diligence;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • determination;
  • stress resistance;
  • quick learner;
  • performance;
  • responsibility;
  • communication skills;
  • accuracy;
  • punctuality;
  • attentiveness.

Add to your resume your real personal qualities, preferably unique ones.

Block 8. Additional information

This indicates the availability of a driver's license (if necessary), and knowledge of foreign languages. In this paragraph, also indicate your level of language proficiency. Level of computer literacy and ability to work in special programs- one more point additional information on your resume..

Here you can provide other necessary information for the position you are applying for.

For example, if you are applying for a job as a bodyguard, be sure to include information about whether you have a weapons license.

Write little additional information and to the point

Block 9.

In this block write real figure. It is usually calculated based on the income level at the previous place of work, plus 20-30% .

If at your previous job your salary was 50,000 rubles, then in your resume indicate a number in the range from 55 000 to 65,000 rubles .

The amount is not so important here as the ability to defend it at the interview. You will definitely be asked why you are applying for this level of income.

Be prepared to justify the requested salary amount at the interview

It’s great if you contact your previous manager and agree with him about the possibility of recommending you to the new boss in the best way possible.

In this section of your resume, indicate the company, position and name of your former manager.

Maybe, new manager won't even call your old bosses. But seeing that you have people who can vouch for you will definitely make your resume stand out among others.

This is a very important block, since its presence immediately adds “points” to you in the eyes of the future boss

Block without a number “A touch of humor” (creative) with a call to action

This item is not required, however, in some cases it is appropriate, especially if your future work involves a creative component: designer, marketer, photographer. This will become your ace in the hole.

At least good resume It shouldn’t just end at a block of recommendations from a previous job. Write a couple more words - a note, and then it will take on a full-fledged form.

Let me give you a couple of examples

For a designer position: “I don’t draw black squares, but still my design will be remembered for centuries.”

If you are applying for a marketing position: “In marketing, I am talented like Ostap Bender, ambitious like Mavrodi, effective like Steve Jobs.”

Just practice a little, but the chance of getting this particular job will increase many times over.

I'll bring you real example from my life. It’s not on the resume topic, but it does a great job of illustrating a creative approach to sales through text. And a resume is just “selling” yourself through text to a future employer.

I once sold my apartment and at the end I wrote: “The buyer of the apartment gets a tea party with cake as a gift from the owner!”

Just kidding, the guy who bought this apartment from me said that he was fundamentally hooked by that moment with the cake in the ad. So he came to look at the man who was selling the property.

After completing the transaction, I fulfilled my promise, spending as much as 300 rubles! Not bad marketing ploy, do you agree?!

Congratulations, your resume is ready!
Ready-made resume for sales manager

All that remains is to write a cover letter. What is it, why is it needed, and how to compose it correctly, read below.

How to write a cover letter for a resume

Cover letter for resume is an explanatory text, the purpose of which is to briefly describe in a business-like and polite manner how you found out about this vacancy and why you want to get a position in this company.

In other words, this is a response to a vacancy. After sending your resume, the employer should not have a blank screen in his email account with your document attached.

This is where the text of the cover letter should be located.

Answers to frequently asked questions

I asked myself these questions and often heard them from friends. That's why I answered them here.

Question 1. Do I need a photo on my resume?

Most resumes are written without a photo. Most often, the HR officer or manager will make a decision based on your professional experience and skills.

The presence of a photo will not affect the decision to invite you for an interview.

However, if your future job involves active interaction with people, then a presentable appearance and photography will play a role.

A photo will come in handy if you are applying for one of the following vacancies:

  • sales manager;
  • account Manager;
  • assistant manager;
  • model;
  • actor.

The least people who need to worry about having a photo on their resume are designers, storekeepers, doctors, and those employees whose appearance does not directly affect their career success. Such specialists are either not visible at all, or they “trade” not their appearance, but the products of their labor.

Question 2. How many pages (how long) should a resume be on?

There are no standards for the volume and number of sheets. You must fit as much information as possible into a small amount of space. Usually this is 1-2 pages. There are exceptions when the employer requires a detailed resume of 3-5 pages. But such cases are rare.

Most HR professionals believe that ideally a resume should fit on one sheet of paper.

Question 3. How to create a resume online and save it for free

Here is a popular online service with which you can easily create a resume online and save it in different versions on your computer - Simpledoc.

Question 4. Who can write a resume for me and how much does it cost?

Specialists from various freelance exchanges and specialized staffing companies will help you with this.

Cost of resume writing service: from 500 rubles to 10,000 rubles .

Below are popular exchanges and services where you can write a good resume for a fee:

  • Freelance exchange KWORK. Here you can order a simple resume for 500 rubles.
  • IM Consulting company. The specialists of this company create an individual professional resume in Russian and English languages. Cost starts from 4,000 rubles .

Question 5: Is it necessary to write a cover letter with your resume?

Optional. However, a cover letter will make you more credible and increase your chances of getting your resume considered. I wrote above about how to write a cover letter. In addition, the very presence of a cover letter or text is good form in business circles.

Question 6: Do I need to contact a potential employer first before sending my resume?

Yes, you can contact a representative of the company you are applying for. This must be done in order to cover letter address by name (and patronymic) the person with whom you spoke on the phone.

For example, you called the JOY company and asked who you could talk to about employment. You will be transferred to a specialized employee. Usually this is the head of the HR department, human resources (HR) manager or the head of the company (if it is small).

Often the vacancy announcement already includes a contact person. Then in the cover letter to your resume you can address him, starting with the words: “Dear Ivan Petrovich...”.

Question 7. How to correctly describe personal qualities in a resume - give an example?

In addition to the “standard” personal qualities, such as responsibility, sociability, stress resistance, determination, you can specify:

  • ability to make compromises;
  • bring the job started to completion;
  • listen and hear the interlocutor.

Approach this point creatively and your chances of getting the desired position will increase many times over.

Question 8. How to write a resume if I have no experience?

Often young people or former students have no work experience. In this case, write what personal qualities of yours will help in the position for which you are applying. Maybe you have experience as a volunteer or, through some hobby, you have developed the necessary qualities and competencies for future work.

Also indicate what events you organized or participated in. Availability of prizes in specialized competitions, letters of gratitude and recommendations will be your advantage.

Be sure to include in your resume the contacts of a person who will recommend you to a future employer as a great guy (girl) with great professional potential.

But at the same time, be honest with yourself: few people want to hire a person without experience and teach him, wasting time and money.

Work somewhere unofficially to get the first recommendations and professional skills before getting a serious job.

Question 9. Does the resume form have a set form or can it be arbitrary?

The resume does not have a form established form. There are only rules that should be followed when writing a resume and the main blocks necessary for better perception of information.

You can prepare a resume in any form, even draw it in a graphics editor as a creative picture. This is allowed, for example, if you get a job as a designer.

Question 10. How to write a resume if I am studying at the institute and going to work part-time (in shifts)?

You write a regular resume, just make a note in a visible place that you are only looking for shift work (with a flexible schedule).

You can also write about this in your cover letter.

45 resume templates to download for popular professions

Here is a rich collection of resumes in Microsoft Word (docx) format. You can download them in one click and edit them to suit your needs.

The most common question is “How to write a resume?” visits newcomers who have just graduated from educational institutions. Young job seekers do not always know what they want, so it is even more difficult to imagine what a potential employer expects from them. As for professionals and those who are in a creative search for their path, they tend to be more confident in themselves, despite the fact that they make no fewer mistakes in writing a resume than former students. Today we will learn how to write a resume so that it is guaranteed to be your ticket to an interview.

There are different ways to write a resume. It has no set form. But there is a list of recommended columns. A good resume always contains:
  1. Personal information: full name, age, address, marital status, contact information of the compiler.
  2. Goal: what position are you applying for and why.
  3. Work experience: in chronological order, starting from the last job, years of work, company names, position, responsibilities and achievements are recorded.
  4. Education: years of study, title educational institution, speciality.
  5. Additional information: all yours additional knowledge, skills, talents and character traits that will set you apart from other candidates and help you in your new job.
  6. Recommendations: an indication of the possibility of providing them.

You shouldn’t be creative in this regard and omit one of the points; the recruiter is unlikely to appreciate it.

On our website you can download:

Remember: your resume should be short, specific, and honest. Write using active voice. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, write not “trained,” but “trained 20 new employees.” As for volume, 1 A4 sheet is considered ideal. It’s not worth writing less, but it’s not worth writing more either. Anything else that needs to be said, you will say at the interview. In the “Work Experience” section, indicate only the information that relates to the future position. For example, if you worked as a camp counselor and are applying for a secretary position, then you can keep silent about such a fact in your work history. This is especially true for those who have rich and varied work experience. If you list your entire career path, your resume may turn out to be too “motley” and lacking a common focus. This creates a negative impression, and the resume risks ending up in the trash.

Download on our website.

As for the “Training” column, it should be filled out as fully as possible for those who have just received a diploma, and briefly specified for those who have solid work experience. Writing a resume for a former student can be difficult; there is a great temptation to list all the “crusts” received in order to increase the volume of the resume. But, if you are planning to take the position of sales manager, do not write that you have completed courses in floristry; it is better to indicate that you completed an internship at a company where you had similar responsibilities for a month.

Download here.

Another mistake that job seekers often make is to write a resume and send it to all vacancies. For each case, a resume must be compiled separately! Especially if you are just starting your career and trying yourself in different professions. It cannot be the same as a web designer's resume, even if you are well versed in both topics. The resume should have a purpose, where everything below will be subordinate to it. Everything that is described should flow logically to the main goal and relate to one professional sphere. This way you will create the impression of an integral person who knows what she wants.

Before you sit down and write a resume, imagine yourself in the shoes of the person who will receive this resume. Find out more about the company you are going to work for, about the specifics of its work, think about what they can expect from a future employee, and what exactly will interest them in you. Believe in your strength, prepare carefully - and you will definitely succeed!

Why do some people send their resumes to dozens of companies and receive no response, while others send their resumes to three companies and receive three invitations for an interview?

You can guess or rely on luck, but only one thing is clear: good preparation gives good results. For this reason, it is better to think seven times and write once excellent resume. It will give you the job you need, a smart leader, career opportunities and everything you dream about.

In this article you will find tips on how to properly write a resume for an accountant, manager, lawyer, engineer, director, manager, economist or any other specialist. All recommendations given are basic in nature and do not depend on the profession.

Four facets of proper resume writing

1. Literacy

The absence of errors, typos, and youth slang is a necessary and perhaps the most important aspect of writing a resume. The most important because if there are a lot of errors in the document, they can simply throw it away without paying attention to everything else.

To write a resume for a job correctly, you need to write it competently.

2. Compliance with the vacancy

By indicating unnecessary things, you confuse the employer and give rise to unnecessary questions.

After people order the service of writing a “selling” resume, I carefully discuss their wishes for the job. I request vacancies that people like, watch how employers describe the desired candidate, and look at similar vacancies. All this allows you to see the situation from both sides (through the eyes of the applicant and the employer). The result of all these actions is that the resume becomes “closer” to the employer, and the job search is simplified and accelerated.

Examples of correct and incorrect resume writing

  • If you are going to work as an accountant, there is no need to mention taking courses in website creation or interior design.
  • If you're going to be a chef, you don't have to list the accounting courses you've taken.
  • If you are going to work as a programmer, you should not write about sales skills.

If you are in doubt about writing or not writing about any experience or skill, write. It is better to answer the employer’s questions during the interview than to be left without an invitation to an interview at all.

3. Reasonable resume length

Half a page is not enough, three pages is a lot, 1-2 pages is optimal. Of course, it is advisable to keep it to one page, but it is not always possible to do this painlessly. Sometimes, in order to write a resume correctly, it is better to describe your experience and achievements more voluminously and make a two-page resume than to skimp on words and try to describe your professionalism in a couple of insignificant phrases.

  • optimize the use of space (a table, for example, allows you to write something in 3 columns and use only one row for it)
  • reduce the font (to an adequate size)
  • make optimal document margins and footers

Simple steps like these can turn a two-page resume into a one-page one.

I look through a lot of resumes and see that verbosity is one of the most common mistakes made. I once came across a full page job description (about 27 duties listed)!

4. Clear and simple structure

This is probably the most important thing to create. Correct composition A job resume requires the correct structuring of information about yourself and your professional experience.

There is no single form for presenting information about yourself, but there are popular ones. The acceptable way is to use them, rather than invent something new.

Two Commonly Used Resume Structures

To better understand how to properly compose a resume, you need to consider each of these sections separately.

Full name, contact details, personal information

From the required data:

  • Surname
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • City of residence

The remaining data is optional. Sometimes you can find unnecessary details in a resume:

  • Exact address with zip code (here you can limit yourself to the city);
  • Date of birth (can be limited to age);
  • Two contact telephone numbers (if this is absolutely necessary, then, of course, indicate, but it is better if there is one telephone number);
  • Marital status: (not) married / (not) married. These details can easily be omitted.

If you have children, you can either write about it or remain silent. It is difficult to give correct advice in advance, because... There are situations when you do not need to write this information on your resume.

Goal and desired salary level

You provide this information as you wish. You can omit it because you can talk about it in detail during the meeting, and briefly describe your goal in a cover letter. As for the desired salary, it will greatly depend on the responsibilities that you will take on. Therefore, salary can also be discussed at the interview.


It is recommended to indicate the last 5-9 years of work experience. To properly write a resume for a job, professional experience must be indicated chronologically, starting with the last place of work. Accordingly, the functions performed at the last place of work need to be described in more detail.


If you have been working for a long time, then it is recommended to provide information about your education briefly. If you are a graduate or student, then it is better to describe everything in more detail - successful term papers, diploma, industrial practice etc.

Courses, trainings, seminars and other educational events can also be indicated. Just remember that they must be relevant to the vacancy.

Professional skills

This section indicates all the skills and abilities that correspond to the vacancy for which the resume is being compiled.

The only recommendation is not to indicate trivial things: responsibility, learning ability, dedication, leadership abilities, high performance, stress resistance, desire for success. career growth. Many people write this and don’t even think about the meaning of these phrases. Don’t be like “everyone else”, learn to stand out from the crowd.

This modern problem. In my career consulting career, I have never seen a resume without these qualities! All trainees are responsible, purposeful, and work for results. EVERYONE is perfect. In general, all this supermanship should be removed from the resume.

Additional information

In this section you can indicate everything that was not included in the previous sections, but that may be important for the vacancy in question. Here you can indicate your personal qualities, your personal successes, your hobbies and other details that are interesting to the employer.

At the same time, it is important to remind you once again that you need to fill out the sections in accordance with your desired position, rather than making a standard resume for all occasions.

Sample - how to write a resume correctly

The final version might look like this:

Clear meaning of phrases and words used

Often in resumes you can find phrases like “business process management”, “ strategic planning", "solving business problems" and others. I recommend reformulating them into simpler and more understandable phrases. This will simplify the readability of the document and greatly facilitate the work of the HR manager and manager who will get to know your candidacy. As a result, you will win.

Many people ask the question “How to write a resume correctly?” In this article, we propose to create a good resume together with you, answer frequently asked questions and give the most important tips how to write a resume.

Also at the end of our article, you will have the opportunity to download a sample free resume in Word and change it to suit yourself or create a correct resume using our form.

Each of us has gotten a job at least once. The first meeting between an employer and an employee occurs through a resume; there are many templates on the Internet and a lot of conversations about what to write correctly and what not.

Remember! A well-written resume will increase your chances of getting a job and earning good money.

A complete list of resumes is available for download at the end of the article.

We propose to move away from the compilation framework and change places. The first step is to understand how to write a resume correctly.

Let’s define what a good resume is:

A resume is a written description of your professional experience, designed to create an employer's impression of your past labor activity.

Here are some rules:

  • You need to write the truth selectively. It is important in drawing up a correct resume to omit your shortcomings, but to describe more of your strengths.
  • Be concise. The employer needs a fact, a short essay about your work history.
  • Be smart. If you participated in any of the projects, even indirectly, this should be mentioned.

How to write a resume for a job correctly, it is better to present yourself to the employer

So, we have come to compiling a sample form. We will do it step by step, describing each one. We want to create the best resume for you to get a job. Let's go!

First of all, you need to introduce yourself, indicate your first name, last name and patronymic; it would be a good idea to insert a recent photograph of yourself into your resume.

Stage 1. Purpose of the resume

This part of the resume should talk about your goal, what position you want. This will help you better and faster determine which position you need to be assigned to. Sometimes even resumes are sorted into piles and given to department heads, and if yours ends up in the wrong department, you will immediately lose your chance to get a job. Therefore, the first lines should begin with the position in which you want to work.

This point needs to be highlighted! By reviewing a large volume of documents, the recruiter must see what position you are applying for.

Stage 2. Personal data of the applicant

The next step in writing a resume for a job is to indicate your personal information.

Date of birth. Don't be afraid to write your date of birth. The employer wants to know how old you are.

Residence address. Not such a significant point. Sometimes an employer wants an employee to live closer to work or wants to know how long it will take you to get to work.

Contact phone number. e-mail An inconspicuous, but obligatory item in a resume. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to find you.

Marital status. Here you just need to indicate whether you are married or single.

Stage 3. Education of the applicant

Here you need to indicate everything related to your education, even free courses or seminars. When applying for a job, it is imperative that the employer looks at where you studied, because the university plays a big role important factor in the employee's abilities. When compiling your resume form for a job, do not miss to indicate everything educational institutions and events.

Stage 4. Work experience and job responsibilities

A resume for applying for a job requires you to describe your past professional experience and the positions you have held. It is important for the employer where you worked before; this item should be the first in the list of your past places of work. The list of past jobs is indicated in reverse chronological order. Job responsibilities are indicated strictly next to the work.

Stage 5. Professional skills and achievements in past jobs

A job resume describes in great detail the professional skills of the future employee; it is important to indicate a list of knowledge and skills acquired in your past work activity. Although this item is in the middle of the resume form, it is necessary to describe all your achievements. Correct resume always includes significant achievements in past jobs. Try not to indicate personal qualities; many people confuse characteristics such as professionalism and qualities; there is a separate paragraph for this.

  • Increased sales volume by 30%
  • Reduced materials costs by 10%
  • Agreed with distributors about a 5% discount

Stage 6. Computer skills

Without modern technologies It is already difficult to exist in our world and therefore this is a very important point. If your knowledge of basic things in the computer world is weak, then it’s worth learning a little. After all, knowledge of Excel, Word, and email are the basic skills that will be required.

Stage 9. Personal qualities and hobbies

What qualities should you include in your resume? Each type of activity requires certain qualities. For a manager, qualities related to communication skills are more suitable, while for an office worker, it is better to indicate qualities related to perseverance and flexible character.

We have selected for you good qualities for resume:

  • ability to connect with people
  • quick solution of applied problems
  • ability to defend one's point of view
  • willpower
  • ability to process large amounts of information
  • desire to learn
  • focus on results
  • obligation
  • high performance
  • goodwill
  • integrity and honesty
  • observation
  • ability to win people over
  • desire to constantly develop
  • logical thinking
  • stress resistance
  • sense of justice

Stage 8. Desired salary level

Whether or not to indicate a salary level is a personal matter. Both options have both pros and cons. Maybe the employer is completely satisfied with you as an employee, but he was scared by the desired salary level, and he may not call back. And it happens that, having seen the monthly amount, the recruiter will immediately call you back and offer to meet. It is difficult to say how the employer will behave in both situations. But it's better to point out average salary around the city in this position.

And so we have compiled a good resume and it even looks very decent, you can download the resume in Word format from the link:

Frequently Asked Questions

Many people ask minor questions about how to write a resume. In this part of the article, we want to answer the most popular questions when writing your resume for a job.

What are the technical requirements for writing a resume?

First of all, your resume form should be in A4 format, preferably one sheet of paper. All text should be formatted in the following font: Times New Roman, Arial, Tahoma, Verdana. Can keywords highlight in bold text.

Do I need to indicate my salary level on my resume?

If you are not sure that there is a good chance of getting a job, then it is advisable not to indicate the salary level.

Competitors for the position are behind you? Then feel free to overestimate the desired salary amount. This will prompt the employer to raise this issue during the interview, and here you can turn the situation in your favor by receiving the desired salary.

Many argue about how to write a resume correctly, because this point may not even be looked at. Although some employers still call based on these recommendations, which will add a good plus to you.

I didn't have an official job. What to write on your resume?

Write the places where you worked not officially. There's nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to show your experience.

Do I need to list my experience on my resume?

This small point is mandatory when writing, because the employer, reading your resume, wants to know how old you are, are you not a teenager with no work experience before him? Sometimes you don’t have to write your age if they’ve already seen you and have an idea what kind of person you are.

Do I need to put my photo on my resume?

In Russia it has become general rule Place your photo on your resume, but it is not mandatory. In the UK it is not permissible to post a photo of yourself, it is a rule of bad taste, but the rest of Europe willingly uses it.

Why didn't they look at my resume?

There may be two reasons why the above summary was not considered.

The recruiter was not satisfied with the way you composed your resume. The first thing that catches your eye is the header; the position you want to get into should be indicated there. Most likely they put it aside without even reading it.

You submitted your response too late. What does it mean? Most likely, the recruiter has already selected a sufficient number of people for the position you want. After all, the pending vacancy needs to be filled as soon as possible.

A well-written resume will give you a chance to get a well-paid position with the opportunity to earn money more money than in similar positions.

Top best tips “How to write a resume” from the best experts:

  • Tip 1: An employer or recruiter should want to read your resume. It should be striking, but one must not deviate from the business style.
  • Tip 2. Refuse slang, only official writing style. The text should be simple and concise, written personally.
  • Tip 3. Stick to the structure we provided you. There is no need to add extra blocks that are not related to a specific job. No, if you are a designer, then a properly written resume with a creative approach will even be on topic!

We invite you to download an interesting resume that differs from official style and may be suitable for example for a designer

  • Tip 4: Use the same font throughout your document. There is no need to play around with fonts, maybe this will attract attention to the text, but they will not take such a presentation seriously.
  • Tip 5. If you often change places of work, then you should probably leave the most profitable places of work. And gaps in work can somehow be explained at an interview.
  • Tip 6. There is no such thing as too much experience. But it’s also not worth pointing out that you serve people well at the McDonald’s cash register if you get a job as a manager.
  • Tip 7: Grammar errors always turn people off. Check all foreign words; it is possible that the employer may be fluent in the language.
  • Tip 8. Save your resume only in the format docx. In rare cases, you can send a pdf.
  • Tip 9. Do not write why you were fired or why you quit. Dry facts start date of work - end date of work.
  • Tip 10: Don't include a list of references. This is as repulsive as praise itself. If necessary, the employer will call the place himself former job and find out how you were doing there and no recommendations will save you.

Download CV can be found in Word doc and docx format from our website

For your convenience, we have prepared ready list for download in alphabetical order













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