We place your advertising on social networks. Online advertising on social networks: overview, placement features, types and effectiveness

In this article we will talk in more detail about advertising in social networks. You will learn about how much it costs, how and where you can buy it. Let's consider the issues of efficiency and feasibility of advertising goods and services. Let's begin...

Social networks have never been as popular as they are now. Of course, these are the most visited resources on the Internet. Due to the huge reach of users, social networks allow for strict targeting in order to most clearly show advertising to target users.

1. Affiliate programs for advertising on social networks

There are many affiliate programs for advertising on social networks. For money, your advertisement will be placed almost anywhere. For VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and FaceBook, the following options are possible:

  • Post on the user’s page (not very effective, because usually user profiles that place ads are bots)
  • Post in a group (much more effective if there are live subscribers in the group)

As for Twitter, you pay for posting a tweet or for retweeting. Unfortunately, Twitter has now faded into the background due to the huge flow of advertising on it. But for the general quantity it may make sense to use it too.

2. Buying advertising directly through a social network

On Facebook it is located in the right column below:

  • For clicks;
  • For impressions;

It's difficult to say what to choose. I can say for sure that all those who are involved in traffic arbitrage to transfer it to CPA affiliates buy advertising only for impressions. Clicks are very expensive and do not pay for themselves.

Advertising on social networks is purchased directly through their website. Before the ad begins to appear, it will undergo moderation. By the way, advertisements are often rejected. Now the requirements for advertisements have become much stricter, and the adequacy of moderation has decreased.

  • age
  • interests
  • city

2.1. How to order advertising on VKontakte

Or you can directly open this page: https://vk.com/ads. We get to the main page of advertising in VK:

  • Targeted Ads
  • Post promotion
  • Advertising posts in communities
  • Special offers in games

At the very bottom you can set up payment for impressions or for clicks. 1000 impressions cost 14 rubles, and 1 click costs 51 rubles. In my opinion, it is obvious that buying clicks is quite expensive.

After which the advertisement is sent for moderation. And you are offered to pay for future advertising. Everything is very simple and fast. The main thing is to be effective.

The Internet opens up enviable opportunities for business owners. Informing potential consumers has become easier. Social networks allow you to post an offer for free or for affordable money. Save time and resources for service providers. They can waste the entrepreneur’s energy in vain. In the event that you do not adhere to several rules, which we will talk about in our article.

Why is it important for an entrepreneur not to waste energy in vain?

In conditions of market oversaturation, every minute of a businessman costs not only money, but also prospects. The challenges require a pragmatic approach. Sequences of actions aimed at a specific result. Internet advertising, including free ways promotion is no exception. Let’s consider the issue of promoting services on social networks ourselves.

What are social networks?

Resources related to platforms for finding and communicating with people with similar interests. The first social networks belonged to the category of dating sites, forums and blog hosting. Let us narrow this concept to the framework of modern perception. If you ask a person what social networks are familiar to him, he will list the following:

Places of large-scale traffic accumulation. Residents of different countries and cities. Your clients potentially interested in using the service. But, they rarely visit the social network in order to search for offers. Your task is to interest the user of the resource or to be nearby at the moment when he needs services.

Where is the best place to advertise services?

  • Maintaining the company community;
  • Activity in thematic groups;
  • Placement of inexpensive advertising.

The first and second methods differ in terms of posting a link to your company’s community. The source is added to the ad or transferred to the wall of the thematic group. The effectiveness of the approach depends on the interest of the audience. Therefore, your message must be selling. Evoke positive emotions and encourage specific action.

Ways to cost-effectively attract subscribers to a group

In order to encourage network users to join your community, you can hold competitions and promotions. A small reward for 1 - 3 subscribers, which should be no more than 2% of the total number of subscribers. It makes no sense to do something like this in a young group. Resources that specialize in conducting sweepstakes and distributing prizes will help you.

The disadvantage of this method is the quality of the audience. The non-target subscriber will leave the group immediately after the end of the competition. Churn can reach 70%. The indicator can be reduced if information about the competition is posted through reposting in thematic groups.

Is it possible to gain subscribers?

Returning to the concept of the target audience, cheating does not give the community owner the desired result. You are promoting services through a social network. Therefore, group members must be genuine and interested in taking advantage of the offer. Based on practice, we do not recommend using programs and services with dubious content.

The search algorithm of social networks is developing and being refined. The times when the number of subscribers determined the success of a group are slowly fading away. The main criteria are the uniqueness of the content, the activity and quality of users. We recommend focusing on quality and target compliance.

Read about other ways to advertise services on the Internet in our separate article. We recommend that you pay attention to the article about

It's no secret that any social network today is a huge community of people who spend at least an hour a day in front of the monitor. Most often, each participant in any social network “sits” on it for several hours, chatting with friends, watching entertainment content, reading some news, and so on. All this time he remains “within” this site, being a potential advertising contact. It would be stupid not to use different advertising tools to monetize and make money from such a large audience.

Therefore, today advertising on social networks is both a powerful tool for earning money (for owners of groups and promoted pages) and a channel for selling their goods and services (for entrepreneurs, business owners). And don't use it like that effective tool is tantamount to refusing a powerful flow of clients.

In this article we will try to learn a little more about how advertising on social networks works. To do this, we will analyze different formats for purchasing advertising in the most popular Russian network“VKontakte”, as well as collected the opinions of some advertisers working with different types of it (to compare effectiveness).

What are they advertising?

So, first, we will define what (most often) advertising on social networks is used for. Who buys it and for what purpose? How much money are advertisers willing to pay in order to get their share of traffic?

If you have ever visited VK, you have probably noticed an advertising block on the left side of the page. It is designed quite simply: on top of it is a headline offering a certain product or service, below is a picture with the company logo or “face” - the person representing the product. Next may be text (although this is optional). In fact, the formats in which advertising is offered on social networks are quite different, and you could come across them all.

To understand who buys space on the VK page and why, you need to understand the audience of this resource. If we consider that there are millions of users on this social network, we can say that the audience here is quite diverse, and it can be targeted using different filters. Remember: you indicate your gender, age, as well as place of study and work in the questionnaire on the website. Advertisers who want to sell any product can customize their ad to show it specifically to you.

Therefore, the answer to the question about the purpose for which VKontakte advertising is ordered can be completely different, because the site’s audience is different, which means there are all sorts of product manufacturers - companies that need the attention of all these people.

In other words, advertising on social networks is used by a wide variety of businesses, from the owner of the local cinema to the largest online lingerie store. Everyone can find their buyer on VKontakte (as in any other network) and “reach out” to him with the help of their ads.

Where do they advertise?

Of course, despite the diversity of people who spend time on their favorite sites, their age, gender, income level and place of residence, advertising on social networks also varies. “VKontakte”, for example, has a more youth orientation. And if we talk about Odnoklassniki, then this site is more likely to appeal to an older audience. The dating site “Mamba” is unlikely to be visited by children and older people, as well as those who already have a soul mate. Here you can find lonely, adventurous people. That is, each social network has its own “core” - a group of users united by some common characteristics. You should focus on it if you are promoting advertising on social networks of one kind or another.

Types of Advertising

Each social network uses its own advertising format. Often sites work with different types to provide the advertiser with more tools with which to “reach” their client. It is quite difficult to cover all types promotional materials, which operate in Runet, so we will talk about the most popular network - “VKontakte”. This is where the largest audience is, and therefore the most active market. advertising services. Therefore, using her example, we will look at what online advertising on social networks is.

Ad block

The classic and most popular, apparently, format for promoting your services is placing ads in the side advertising block. The latter is located on all pages of the VKontakte website, and you can see it every time you visit this resource, on the left side. We talked about it a little higher.

This block is configured from advertising account, available to all users. In it you can change settings such as payment format (per clicks or per 1000 impressions), audience (gender, age, groups, preferences and a lot of other settings), cost, appearance advertisements (picture and title, picture + title and descriptive text) and more. In fact, advertising on social networks in a specially designated block (and there is one, probably, on all sites, since this is a fairly common format) is represented by a special configurator. He gives wide choice options for what your advertising will be like. Your task is to set it up so as to interest your client, top up your account balance and start showing ads.

Post promotion

Another interesting option for providing information about your products is advertising posts. You can see them if you open the “News” section. Advertising services on social networks using such posts is a common way to promote yourself as “organically” as possible without causing irritation to users.

Illustration Depositphotos

In order to correctly distribute the budget allocated for advertising on social networks and get the desired effect from the campaign, it is important for the manager to think through every step of setting up advertising. SocialKey Ads project specialists give several recommendations that can help improve the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.

Place your bets, gentlemen!

1 . Select the optimal mode for broadcasting ads on different social networks.

Most social networks offer to choose a mode for broadcasting ads depending on the bid, which affects both the audience reach and the likelihood of the advertiser’s ads being shown to them. The higher the bid, the more often the ad will be shown compared to competitors. When choosing the “optimal” mode, the advertiser can count on the most complete audience coverage and low “competition” with competitors’ ads.

As can be seen from the examples, when choosing bets, an individual approach to each site is required.

2. Pay attention to audience reach and predicted results, not recommended prices.

Audience coverage allows the advertiser to estimate the frequency of displaying ads to a particular group of people. On average, it is shown to a unique user 4-5 times. If the audience reach exceeds 100,000, then the predicted frequency is 1.5-2 times per person. For a small audience (less than 10,000) - 15-20 times per person.

Social networks show advertisers predicted audience reach and recommended prices based on the selected settings. Therefore, in order to calculate an approximate budget, you need to know the audience reach, the average CTR for the social network and the cost per click. The calculation can be made using the formula:

Audience reach*Impression frequency*Average CTR by social media ad format*Cost per click=Predicted budget

Greeted by clothes

By the word “clothes” we mean the ad format. Users of each social network react differently to different formats, the choice of which determines more than 50% of the success of an advertising campaign. What we see in practice:

In order to embrace your target audience, promotion is necessary on all social networks. At the same time, one of the most converting formats is the one posted in the Facebook news feed (average CTR = 2.5%).

This is explained by the location of the ad in the news feed, the use of a wide-format image, a full description of 90 characters, the presence of additional buttons calling the user to action: “More details”, “Get an offer”, etc. Similar ad formats are available on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki (average CTR=0.4% and CTR=0.8%). Facebook’s noticeable lead in terms of CTR is due to the peculiarities of audience behavior (its active consumption of content from the news feed and loyal attitude to native advertising).

What do you call the ship...

Slogans are one of the most important tools for influencing purchasing power. Considering that an ad on social networks itself is an image + a slogan, it becomes clear how an advertiser can attract potential buyers. Let's look at this technique using a specific case.

In the example with the signature “Down payment 3%” the company left potential buyer in thought: is 3% good or bad, a lot or a little? And in general, 3% of what, of what amount? As a result, the click-through rate turned out to be quite low - 0.09%. In the case of the signature “First payment 99,000 rubles.” — the company gives a ready answer to the buyer how much money is needed to purchase an apartment.

The difference in conversion between the two ad options is obvious. The click-through rate in the first example is 4.5 times higher, and the number of targeted actions completed is more than 2 times higher. Therefore, when choosing a slogan or ad title, we recommend that you come up with and choose one that would remove additional questions from the consumer.

Don't be born beautiful, but creative

When choosing an image for an ad, many advertisers show the product face to face or, instead of the product, use pictures with cartoon characters, beautiful women/men, etc. This does not always have a positive effect on purchasing power. These methods, of course, can have their effect, but before choosing images, you should think about their effectiveness and usefulness for a potential buyer.

For example, for a girl who wants to get a manicure, it is important to see the results of the master’s work, and, by the way, not the founder of the business or any other abstract picture. This is what the results say advertising campaigns below, where the click-through rate differs by 1.5 times.

It's time for business

It is important to consider several factors:

1. Structuring the selected audience: the difference between age groups should be on average 5-7 years. Increasing or decreasing the difference leads to an increase in ad bid.

2. Geography: it is necessary to differentiate campaigns by different regions and cities with a population of over a million. This will significantly reduce costs.

3. Testing different ad formats: It is worth trying different combinations of images and texts, disabling those that are not effective and modifying those that bring positive results.

4. Using remarketing: installing the remarketing code on specific pages of the site can significantly reduce advertising costs by displaying advertisements only to those users who have already visited the advertiser’s site.

SocialKey Ads specialists are confident that these examples and recommendations will help the manager reduce search time effective ways setting up advertising campaigns on social networks, which means saving money advertising budget.

Text: Oksana Momit, head of mass sales and customer service of the SocialKey Ads project at Digital Society Laboratory

Good day to you, dear friends! Today we continue with you the topic of attracting from various Internet advertising channels.

As you remember, in the last article we talked about some of the secrets and subtleties of this effective advertising tool. I am sure you have learned a lot of interesting and useful information which you can successfully apply in practice.

The topic of our today's inclusion is “ High-quality advertising on social networks».

I decided to divide this topic into 2 parts. It's too big. Therefore, today we will talk more about what lies behind the concept of “Quality advertising on social networks” and about the main advantages and disadvantages of promoting affiliate programs on social networks. Why make money from affiliate programs? I think you haven’t forgotten what exactly our newsletter “” is dedicated to.

Now I won’t say banal things like:

“Social networks have gained enormous popularity today and can be an excellent tool for affiliate marketing and every self-respecting money maker should know how to attract social traffic to his or someone else’s site as an affiliate.”

Etc. This is a no brainer. I'm sure you've heard these phrases more than once. Just watch the short video below and you will be horrified by what social networks have become today:

Since we decided to touch on this topical topic of high-quality advertising on social networks, then I think you should know...

What is advertising on social networks?

In fact, there are 2 abbreviations that help you understand what lies behind the concept of advertising on social networks. Let's look at them.

SMM (Social media marketing) is the process of attracting visitors and attention to a brand or product through social networks.

That is, to put it differently, this is a set of measures to use social networks as channels for promoting various companies and solving other business problems.

I’m sure you’ve come across official feeds and groups of famous Russian and global brands on various social networks. This is exactly an example of SMM promotion.

SMO (eng. Social media optimization, SMO)- website optimization for social networks, or in other words, a set of measures aimed at attracting visitors to the website from social media sources: social networks, blogs, etc.

Here things are a little different. The main task of SMO promotion- is to form a community of interests within the site itself, to which visitors come from social networks. It is not the brand, the name of the company or product that plays a big role here. Here is the basis of everything - quality content, which attracts visitors to the site and turns them into regular visitors.

But what does this have to do with promoting affiliate programs and making money from them? - you ask. The most direct thing is that if we wish and are able, as partners of any product or service, we can use both SMO and SMM promotion for this.

And if we create high-quality content (video, audio, article), post it on social networks and people go from the content to the page of our website where our affiliate link is located or directly to the official website of our affiliate product or service, then this is already an example SMO marketing.

The most popular social networks

In fact, there are many social networks. Hundreds. Maybe thousands. But we don’t know about everyone. And, as a rule, we know only about those that are well-known and those that we ourselves use. 3 social networks are most suitable for promoting affiliate programs. I'm sure you're familiar with all three:

1) Quite simple for the user

2) Includes tools for money maker

3) Well attended (to put it mildly)

4) Traffic of various social levels (the ability to find targeted traffic)

The biggest mistake newbies make

Many times I have heard:

“Here I registered in one affiliate program. Posted links on social networks. Already 30 transitions and NOT A SINGLE ORDER.”

This is funny. It’s ridiculous to think that 30 clicks from social networks will bring you a sale. Especially if you recommend it to your friends who have no idea what you are advertising and how this product or service can help them. For advertising on social networks NEED A TARGET AUDIENCE. Even if 2000 people who are not interested in your affiliate product or service switch, the result will most likely be zero.

My clever way to advertise on Twitter

But... it was a very cunning scheme. I'll tell you a little about how I did it...

I created a Twitter account. I found accounts of famous information businessmen and added myself to the followers of people who read this same information businessman. That is, these were people who were really interested in the topic of information business.

In a couple of days I could add a couple hundred of these people. A certain percentage was added to my readers. This is called mutual following.

This way I could add several thousand people, several hundred of whom read me. Well, if you didn’t read it, you at least saw some of my messages in the general feed.

Then I wrote various messages. They could lead like free courses, trainings, and on sales pages. But the goods were inexpensive - 300-900 rubles. And of course, my messages were more or less enticing. That is, a very large part of the readers followed my links. And there were sales. There were few of them - 5-7 per month, but they were there.

I don't know how this method works today. But I'm sure it can be used. So keep your head up.

Advertising on social networks: main advantages

First of all, of course, I would like to touch on the advantages of this type of advertising:

In many social networks, advertisers can show their ads strictly targeted at the target audience. Such advertising is also called targeted when you can assign the gender, age, profession, place of residence, marital status, and hobbies of the visitor. This makes it possible to show your ads only to those who will be interested in the goods and services you advertise.

In many social networks you have the opportunity to analyze the process of carrying out quite deeply advertising company, evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising company based on many parameters and, based on this analysis, adjust the course of your advertising campaign to achieve a better result.

3) Large audience

As you know, social networks are visited by millions of users every day, which provides enormous potential for advertisers. No tool can bring as many visitors to your website, affiliate product or service as effective, high-quality advertising on social networks. If you use social networks and advertising tools correctly, you can get tens of thousands of visits and hundreds of affiliate sales. This, of course, cannot be done without special knowledge and a hefty advertising budget.

Disadvantages of advertising on social networks

In fact, there are as many disadvantages as there are advantages:

— It is very difficult to filter quality traffic

— There is no clear forecast of the result of the launched advertising campaign

— Lack of knowledge of tools for effective advertising

But many of the disadvantages can be minimized if you know how to effectively use advertising tools and learn how to do so. This is true. Many failures when launching advertising campaigns occur precisely because a person does not know how to properly use advertising tools, test advertisements and further correct them.

What is better to advertise on social networks?

The age-old question. And in many respects it is determined by what social networks were created for in general - for communication and entertainment. Therefore, entertainment products or general consumer goods are more often sold. That is, what is interesting to the majority. Generally. For example, now, in the summer, advertising T-shirts will work well :)

Again, a product or service for advertising on social networks should be chosen based on exactly how you will advertise and what you will advertise. For example, on VKontakte you can advertise goods and services using your own groups and publics, other people’s publics and groups, as well as through advertising network the most social. Depending on the choice of advertising channel within the social network itself, the advertised goods and services will differ. We will talk about this in more detail in our next inclusion.

  • Shoes
  • Loans
  • Online games
  • Dating services
  • Cell phones
  • Travel services
  • Etc.

In the next issue...

And in conclusion, I just want to cheer you up and show you this funny video. Check out how the Secretary General rocks :)

Friends! I look forward to your comments and additions! And, of course, I will be glad to see your “likes”.

Have a great summer mood and Happy Independence Day!

Sincerely, your friend and assistant Bulat Makseev

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