Advertising on your car for money: conditions and pitfalls. Meat market

Demand for meat products remains consistently high. This is understood by most entrepreneurs who are actively seeking to enter this business by opening their own retail outlet or an entire chain. However, despite the win-win concept, in this business you may encounter many difficulties, such as high competition, the need to sell goods as soon as possible, etc. That is why you need to know how to advertise a butcher shop so that it brings a solid and stable profit. This article is intended to help entrepreneurs choose the most correct and profitable methods of promotion and immediately eliminate ineffective methods of advertising.

Point design




Install pillars in front of your store - they serve as great signposts. Moreover, it is not necessary to order signboards with ready-made printed posters. You can indicate special prices on them or attach sheets describing attractive offers.

Advertising in elevators

Advertising in elevators is a fairly effective way to promote a butcher shop. However, remember, placing such advertising throughout the city is simply impractical. In other words, you should only focus on the immediate area. You should also make sure that your poster stands out from similar advertisements.

Internet advertising


Not every butcher shop needs to have its own website. So, if you open a small outlet in a specific area, such advertising simply will not make sense. However, if you supply meat to restaurants or to homes, these services can be actively promoted on the Internet, and you should start with your own website. It will be possible to place an order through it and, of course, it will allow each client to carefully study all the information he needs.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Advertisements on classifieds sites

If you work not only in the store itself, but provide additional services, for example, selling a special marinade for barbecue with delivery, supplying meat products to public catering outlets, place such advertisements on free city resources. Such advertising is free, but very effective.

Print advertising


Posting and distributing leaflets is perhaps the main way to promote a butcher shop. You can distribute them through mailboxes, peck them out on porches, and hand them out near the store. This method is budget-friendly, but much more effective than, for example, sending out booklets or one-off newspapers.

Business cards

Despite the fact that not every store or butcher shop provides the customer with business cards, it is still worth printing out a batch and handing them out to visitors upon their first purchase. This is especially true if you also provide targeted delivery of your products.


Discount cards

Discount cards significantly increase customer loyalty. Having special discounts for regular customers motivates people to visit your store to buy meat products, even if they regularly visit the supermarket to buy other products.

Carrying out price promotions

Arrange interesting weekly promotions that will benefit both you and your customers. This way you will ensure stable sales of perishable products and increase profits.

What advertising doesn't work for meat shops?

  1. TV advertising. Streaming videos and tickers are simply not useful for these types of outlets, even if you advertise on local TV channels. Moreover, it will cause almost irreparable damage to your budget.
  2. Radio advertising. Such advertising is slightly more effective than television promotion, but it is also impractical for meat stores and even entire chains. It's better to focus on cheaper but more effective methods.
  3. Billboards. Billboards are good for almost all types of businesses, but not for this one. In order for them to bring any significant benefit, you will have to order billboards throughout the city, and each of them will cost you from 10-20 thousand. This is impractical even for large companies and chains, and disastrous for small butcher shops.

Examples of butcher shop slogans

  1. Excellent quality meat products!
  2. The choice of your nature.
  3. Nothing can replace meat!
  4. Eating tasty food is healthy.
  5. Life becomes more delicious.
  6. Natural choice.
  7. The desire to please everyone!
  8. A thick slice makes your mouth happy!
  9. Proven quality.
  10. Healthy taste of life!

Meat merchant Anthony Andrews from England mocks vegetarians with advertising signs that appeal to customers and attract new customers to him. So much so that when one of the passers-by tried to criticize the butcher for being rude, the seller did not even have to respond. After all, vegans rushed to defend the original marketing of the butcher shop.

Entrepreneur Anthony Andrews owns and runs a butcher's shop in the village of Duffield in central England, which is famous among locals for its unusual advertising.

In addition to the meat products, photos of which invariably appear on the store’s Facebook page, Anthony places boards with funny inscriptions near the store. Some of them are aimed at buyers.

You will eat meat.

And others are dedicated exclusively to competitors.

Hipsters are not allowed! Don't come here with your hairy faces, vegan diets, tiny legs and sawdust beds. Oh wait... it's about hamsters! Hamsters are prohibited!

Anthony himself notes that his advertising is created to amuse potential buyers, and not to offend them, writes Metro. But one of the shop visitors decided otherwise.

The reason for the dispute, which subsequently unfolded on Facebook, was a sign dedicated to vegans.

Dear vegans, we have a cow here that has eaten all your grass. Welcome!

The user who started the discussion noted that he wanted to go to the store, but changed his mind as soon as he saw the writing on the board.

The upset client attached a photo with the same sign and the inscription about vegans to the publication. Unfortunately for the author of the post, his words impressed users less than an advertisement for a butcher shop.

Even fans of plant-based foods joined the discussion.

I think it's the meat eaters who are offended by the brilliant comeback! Perhaps the clogged arteries are blocking their sense of humor. Expand

In the end, the press secretary of one of the British vegan communities, Dominika Piaseka, left her review of Anthony’s shop, but not on social networks, but in a conversation with journalists. To begin with, the woman noted that the butcher’s behavior is absolutely justified and provoked by the vegans themselves.

At the same time, Piasecka emphasized that, in the opinion of the organization she represents, Andrews’ advertising not only does not offend vegetarians, but, on the contrary, promotes plant-based eating.

The irony is that such an inscription actually helps people see the connection between the dead cow sold at the butcher shop and the intelligent living being that it once was.

The spokeswoman expressed the hope that the announcement outside the shop would allow people to better understand the reasons and principles of veganism, and Anthony himself could only agree with her. The man had already offered the offended customer a free steak, and explained to journalists that he would be the worst farmer, because he would not be able to slaughter any of his animals.

Having made a decision open a butcher shop, business plan you need to give the main place, because the success of the entire event and the level of profit will depend on the correctness of the calculations made and taking into account all the details. The direction is very relevant and promising; with the right organization and implementation of the idea, the project can turn into a serious business that brings good passive income.

Trade in food products is always profitable, because, despite the crisis and various shocks, people buy them constantly. This statement is especially true regarding the main items - bread, meat, dairy products, fish, cheese, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Today, large retail chains and supermarkets have to a certain extent supplanted the butcher shop as a business, because there you can buy any packaged products, fresh and beautiful. But despite this, many still prefer to purchase meat in small specialized points, where you can be sure of the freshness and absence of chemicals in the product, choose any piece, ask the seller to cut it in half or give this particular cut, etc.

You can open a butcher shop with a relatively small investments. An amount of 200,000-300,000 rubles is enough to open one point, which will bring in about 100,000 profit monthly. Experienced businessmen advise, if such an opportunity exists, to open several outlets at once: to control and maintain four stores it will not take much more time and effort than one, and profits will quadruple accordingly.

Registration and room selection

The choice of premises for a store and registration must be carried out in parallel. After all, during the registration process you will have to issue permits for the place of trade, and the profitability and prospects largely depend on the place itself. The premises for opening a butcher shop should not be large - the cost of renting large areas will increase the costs of the business plan, but will not attract more customers than the point potentially can.

Enough for a shop area of ​​10 square meters to fill display cases with meat products and provide comfort to customers. If the opportunity arises to profitably rent a larger space, but it is difficult to fill it, you can think about selling related products - offal, dairy products, bread, etc. You can make a slightly higher markup on them and cover the declining income from the main line during periods of seasonal downturns in the meat trade.

Indoors you will need carry out repairs using hygienic and easy to clean materials. The interior should be simple and concise, because we are talking about opening a business selling quality meat products, and not about an elite one, where the decor should be attractive and not cheap.

To conclude a lease agreement and prepare to open a business, you need it register. You can choose one of two options - opening an individual entrepreneur or registering an LLC. The first option is simpler, faster and cheaper, the second provides more opportunities and is suitable for those who plan to seriously expand and create a network in the future.

Registration stage permitting documents includes obtaining a conclusion from the fire service, sanitary and epidemiological service. All employees must have medical records. In the process of trading meat, you will need to regularly obtain a sanitary certificate for the production of semi-finished products. You will also have to communicate with the veterinary service. To keep everything in order, it is necessary to require certificates from all suppliers to confirm the health of animals.

Equipment selection and personnel selection

The cost of equipment must be included in the business plan for a butcher shop with calculations. For normal operation of the store, you will need special devices and instruments, display cases, as well as a set of furniture and utensils for the comfortable work of sellers.

What you need to purchase for the store:

  • Freezers and refrigerators for storing products
  • Refrigerated display case for laying out meat and semi-finished products
  • Production scales and commercial scales
  • Set of axes, chopping block for cutting carcasses
  • Electric meat grinder for making minced meat
  • Cash register
  • Containers, packaging, knives, price tags, trays
  • Boiler for heating water
  • Everything you need for the bathroom
  • Additional equipment if you plan to produce other types of semi-finished products

Recruitment for business it has its own characteristics - for a small point, a specialist for cutting, a salesperson (or two working in shifts) and a cleaner are enough (or this work can be performed by a salesperson for an additional fee). Accounting can be carried out by an out-of-state specialist.

You need to choose a seller very carefully. After all, the level of sales will directly depend on how correctly and beautifully he displays the goods in the window, how friendly he is with customers and can understand and satisfy their complaints. It is very important that carcass cutting is done by a professional who knows all the nuances and subtleties.

An incorrectly chopped carcass can produce up to 15 kilograms of “rejects” - these are pieces of meat that have an unmarketable appearance or an incorrect ratio of bone tissue and pulp. Such a product will not “go away” for free, but the price will be noticeably reduced and, in general, this can significantly reduce income. The hewer can also produce semi-finished products.

If you have not yet been able to find a good butcher, it is easier to negotiate with the supplier about the delivery of already cut meat, and to hire a cook for semi-finished products. All employees will need to purchase a uniform.

Supplier selection and advertising

Purchasing meat is one of the most important points of a business plan. You can do everything right and open a business, but if the meat is of poor quality, tasteless or stale, customers are unlikely to come to the store more than once. When purchasing, you need to check the presence of a veterinary certificate and marks on the carcasses.

For a small store, it is enough to agree on small batches deliveries 1-2 times a week. It is not worth buying large quantities, since chilled meat is stored for no more than 3 days, then it loses its presentation. It is better to first buy in small quantities, and then, as demand and sales are analyzed, adjust purchases.

The range should include:

  • Meat itself – beef, pork, lamb
  • Semi-finished products – minced meat, shish kebab, soup sets, chops
  • By-products – heart, liver
  • Exotic products – ostrich meat, horse meat (small batches)
  • Dietary meat – turkey, rabbit

At first, 20-30 positions are enough, then they can be adjusted. A butcher shop is a great business idea for beginners, as organizing everything is quite simple. Advertising includes bright signage, installation of billboards and banners, advertisements in local free media, handing out leaflets personally on the streets and in mailboxes. Other advertising channels are not effective, since we are talking about a local store, about which residents of nearby houses need to be notified.

Calculating expenses and profits

The meat business is quite profitable; it’s not for nothing that you can often find advertisements on the Internet like “I’ll buy a shop.” In this case, you won’t have to do anything yourself or organize anything, but you can immediately get a retail outlet ready for work. As for saving, this option is simpler, but also more expensive.

Initial investment:

  • Equipment – ​​200000
  • Repair of the premises - 50,000

Monthly costs:

  • Salary to employees – 50,000
  • Purchase of meat – 50,000
  • Current expenses – 10000
  • Rental of a point – 20000

The initial investment will be around 205,000 and depends on what equipment is purchased. Monthly expenses are 130,000, profits can reach 200,000 or more, giving a good net income. The business pays off quite quickly.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 1,500,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 85,850 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 869,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 11 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will draw up a detailed business plan for a store selling meat with calculations of expenses and income.

Description of service

This business plan discusses the concept of a small butcher shop, which will sell fresh and chilled meat, semi-finished products, packaged portions, and various sets of offal. The possibility of working with product orders with subsequent home delivery will also be highlighted. We will start with an analysis of the meat market and possible competitors.

Market analysis

A butcher shop is perfect for budding businessmen. There are several reasons:

  1. easy and smooth entry into business and exit from it in case of failure;
  2. you can get by with a small investment;
  3. meat is a consumer product, so it will be somewhat easier to regulate your sales and market your products;
  4. lack of strict requirements (no need to obtain a license; certificates are issued by product suppliers);
  5. the ability to change the assortment depending on consumer demand.

Of course, before talking about the advantages, you need to understand whether such an enterprise is profitable and will it generate income? Everything will depend, first of all, on the entrepreneur himself. Almost any business can be effective if it is managed correctly.

Meat is a consumer product. People constantly consume this product and, therefore, need it. Even in a difficult crisis situation, few people refuse meat.

As a result of recent events, the crisis does not affect meat stores as severely as stores in other segments. Another advantage is the introduction of sanctions on certain types of products, including meat. This prompted domestic manufacturers to increase production scales. And today’s buyers themselves prefer to buy Russian-made meat and semi-finished products.

Looking at the chart below, there are several very important trends:

If we consider the most popular types of meat separately, we can also talk about positive dynamics. Here are the results to date for the period from 2013 to 2015:

If you look at the diagram below, you will notice that these 3 types of meat today account for more than 95% of meat consumption in Russia. Poultry is in first place (40.1%), pork is in second (32%), and beef is in third (25.7%). Much of the lower demand for beef is due to higher costs.

It should be noted that in this market segment the price must be set based on consumer demand. People are willing to pay well for quality products, but they are not willing to pay dearly. You can't set a high markup. Its average level in the meat business is 30%. Anything higher can scare off the client and force him to look for another place of sale.

Before opening your own store, it is also very important to study the market structure of a particular city. The situation is different in different federal districts. For example, with regard to the production of sausages, more than 50% occurs in the Central and Northwestern District. The lowest figure is in the North Caucasus Federal District, accounting for less than 1%. This may indicate the following facts:

  • Demand is higher in regions where production levels are high.
  • The cost is higher where there is practically no own production, because products have to be brought from other regions.

It's no secret that people in the Caucasus prefer kebabs and lamb. Of course, sausage consumption there is small, so selling it in large quantities will not bring success to an entrepreneur.

So you need to consider each type of product in order to decide what to sell in your store especially actively, and what to move to the background.

Here you can make adjustments as your own store develops. Often, consumers themselves tell the entrepreneur what needs to be added and what is better to remove from the counter.

We will sell the following types of products in our store:

  • chilled poultry, pork, beef (you can add something else depending on the region, maybe it will be lamb, horse meat, rabbit or something else, no less exotic);
  • various sets of offal;
  • packaged portions;
  • various semi-finished products (this can be cutlets, dumplings, shish kebab, minced meat and much more).

Having sorted out the assortment, you can think about competitors. This can be done in parallel with identifying the products sold in the store. You can work with competitors based on the following strategies:

  • perceiving them as competitors;
  • seeing them as your partners.

The latter option allows you to strengthen the positions of both sellers. Firstly, the volume of consumer demand is very large; it will still not be possible to cover it alone. Secondly, each seller may have their own strengths and weaknesses. So, they may willingly buy meat from one person, and minced meat from another. This is exactly the strategy I followed Alexander Kerimov (owner of a chain of meat stores, working in the Russian market for more than 5 years), opening his own butcher shop.

If we talk about customer preferences, then most often they visit super- and hypermarkets to buy meat. Their shares account for 40 and 26%, respectively. Food markets are preferred by 1/5 of the country's population. The share of manufacturing stores accounts for about 13%. To many this may seem like a small amount. But a small store cannot provide even a tenth of a percent of the demand for meat in the city. Therefore, they also have plenty of opportunities.

When choosing a premises, you need to take into account the location of other retail outlets specializing in meat. There is no need to locate your store near supermarkets and hypermarkets. It is better if it is a regional retail outlet, which local residents can subsequently trust. Thus, loyalty to the products of a particular store will be additionally developed, which will have a positive impact on the organization’s profit.

Compose portrait of a potential buyer in this case it is not necessary, because all segments of the population (including the class with above-average incomes), people of different ages and genders will become consumers.

SWOT analysis

Of particular importance are external and internal factors that influence or can affect business performance.

External factors are factors that cannot be influenced. For a butcher shop they are as follows:

  1. Possibilities
  • Review of pricing policy during the operation of the store.
  • Fast customer service, especially in the evening, will ensure an excellent flow of customers into the store.
  • A high assortment will be a competitive advantage. This is due to the lack of competitors in this market segment.
  • Possibility of switching to a 24-hour work format in the absence of 24-hour convenience stores nearby.
  1. Threats
  • Dumping center from large stores. Federal-level discounters like Pyaterochka, Magnit, and Diski pose a particular danger.
  • More meager assortment in contrast to large stores.

Internal factors are those that can be influenced by an entrepreneur, if necessary. If we talk about a butcher shop, then internal factors include:

  1. Strengths
  • Average level of competition for stores of the same format.
  • High vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
  • Excellent store visibility.
  • Being close to shops and institutions with related offers (grocery store, for example).
  • High population density in a particular area.
  • High level of well-being of the population in a particular part of the city.
  1. Weaknesses
  • High competition from city super- and hypermarkets.
  • Lack of parking and convenient access roads.
  • Low traffic during the day, lack of significant buildings nearby that could provide additional flow of customers.
  • Store unknown.
  • Lack of work experience.

Opportunity Assessment

When assessing the capabilities of a store, you need to understand that this is a seasonal product. The lowest level of demand is observed in the hot season. Is it possible to fight this? Yes, you can. This should be done in two ways:

  • Look for wholesalers who would purchase products from the store. These can be restaurants, small summer cafes and verandas.
  • Change the assortment. During the hot season, people prefer to relax in nature and barbecue. Consequently, the main level of demand needs to shift to the preparation of preparations for barbecue and its marinating. At the same time, sales in other product categories will be significantly lower, and the overall level of revenue will be almost at the same level.

As for suppliers, it is better to work either with large factories or with those farmers who can provide a veterinary certificate for the products sold. In this case, the cutting in our case will be done by a butcher working in a store; he will chop the meat and sort it into portioned pieces. It is very important to find an experienced worker who knows how to cut a carcass in such a way as to sell the resulting pieces as expensive as possible. Much will depend on the work of this employee.

The seller will sell the products. There will be two of them in total. They will work in shifts - two to two. The store will be open seven days a week according to the following schedule:

Total: 84 hours per week, 360 hours per month.

The butcher will work according to his own schedule. He will arrive at the store at 8:00 and leave at 14:00. Total: 42 hours per week.

You will also need a loader driver to bring products from suppliers and unload them. He will do this in the first half of the day, and leave work as it is completed. You can consider another option, when the supplier himself will deliver the goods, and the butcher will unload it.

Accounting will be carried out by a third-party organization (outsourcing), cleaning in the store will be done by a cleaner working part-time. Sunday will be her day off, when the rest of the staff will clean the premises (the butcher in his premises, the sellers in his territory).

If the store subsequently sells meat wholesale, then the driver will also handle its distribution.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Organizational and legal form or. When registering, you will need to indicate activity codes according to OKVED. For this store it will be:
  • 52.22 – Retail trade in meat, poultry, products and canned goods from meat and poultry;
  • 52.22.1 – Retail trade in meat and poultry, including by-products;
  • 52.22.2 – Retail trade in meat and poultry products.

If you plan to expand the range in the future, then it is better to think in advance about including the sale of these products in the list of activity codes.

2. Retail trade, according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, makes it possible to use preferential taxation systems. In this case, the entrepreneur can choose:

  • “Income” 6%;
  • “Income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region);
  • UTII;
  • form.
  1. To work, you will need a certificate from veterinary services, which is issued by Rospotrebnadzor. To draw it up, a preliminary inspection report of the veterinary shop will be made.
  2. All workers, including the driver, are required to have a health certificate. Employees must undergo the necessary examinations on time.
  3. Permit for retail trade, which is issued by the veterinary service (doctor) after examining the carcasses. To avoid such a need, it is better to look for suppliers with a ready-made veterinary certificate and certificate.
  4. The store must have a book of complaints and suggestions. You should design a consumer corner by placing in it the texts of various documents that must be in the store by law.
  5. Permission from the fire department.
  6. Permits for the store itself from the veterinary service.
  7. It is worth reading the document “Requirements for meat industry enterprises”.
  8. If you accept payments from customers using bank cards, then you need.
  9. You can do your accounting in .

Marketing plan

It is very important to properly promote your own store. To do this, it makes sense to use the following types of advertising:

  • Local advertising in the form of posting leaflets at entrances and in elevators.
  • Placement in local newspapers.
  • The store must have a sign. Nearby you need to place appropriate signs, pillars, and banners above the road.
  • You can use advertising on the Internet, but spending a large amount of money on it is impractical.
  • Communication with clients on thematic forums. This advertising method is especially relevant when searching for wholesale buyers.

And yet, the main tool will be word of mouth. To do this, it is necessary that the buyer likes the product, atmosphere and service in the store. Getting recommendations from your customers is not easy. But it’s possible to do this, you just need to treat your own business with trepidation.

Calculation of projected income

Every day a small store is able to sell about 250 kilograms of various meats, bones, and bacon. The approximate revenue is 50,000 rubles. At the same time, the cost of production is about 38,500 rubles (the markup, as mentioned above, is about 30%).

Monthly revenue will be 1,500,000 rubles, and the cost of production will be 1,154,000 rubles.

Production plan

To organize your own store you will need premises. Many people believe that for the “face” of a retail outlet, it must be large. In reality, everything is completely different. It is important that the store is well-groomed and neat, and the size does not really matter. Inside you will have to place:

  • shopping area;
  • area for preparing semi-finished products and cutting products;
  • area for cutting up carcasses and deboning them.

For the first time, the last two rooms can be combined, especially since the butcher will do both.

It is very important that the place has high traffic. Having serious competitors nearby is undesirable.

It is better to look for a room that has already been renovated in order to minimize the cost of decorating the store.

One of the major cost items will be the purchase of equipment. You don’t have to buy everything at once; you can rent something or buy used. As you make a profit, you can purchase the necessary equipment. So, for work you will need:

  • refrigerator;
  • refrigerated display case;
  • freezer;
  • trays;
  • scales (conventional and industrial);
  • block;
  • ax (1-2);
  • set of knives;
  • packaging equipment;
  • thermometers;
  • meat grinder.

For the first time, you need to purchase consumables (price tags, bowls for finished products, packaging).

Inventory will be small, as products deteriorate quite quickly.

Regarding salaries (including tax and insurance contributions):

  • seller – 29,000 rubles;
  • butcher – 32,000 rubles;
  • loader driver – 31,000 rubles;
  • cleaning lady – 15,000 rubles.

Organizational plan

You can do without a car and order delivery, but it is better to have your own car, as practice shows.

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 1,500,000 – 1,399,000 = 101,000 rubles.
  • Tax (we will calculate the simplified tax system for the difference between income and expenses): 101,000 * 0.15 = 15,150 rubles.
  • Net profit: 101,000 – 15,150 = 85,850 rubles.
  • Profitability: 85,850/1,500,000*100% = 5.72%.
  • Payback: 869,800/ 85,850 = 10.13. Therefore, the business will pay off in at least 11 months.


One of the most significant risks is seasonality. How to deal with it was discussed above.

Another serious risk is excessive savings. Under no circumstances should you skimp on products or equipment. Let it be already used, but high-quality equipment, rather than cheap and bad. The success of the store and the duration of storage of the goods depend on the storage conditions.

We must not forget that products can deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to calculate approximate daily revenue and compare the demand for goods for each item in order to adjust your purchases and not accumulate excess products.

It is imperative to establish cooperation with suppliers. Outages can result in serious downtime and losses for the store.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!


For several years now, there have been certain trends, techniques and strategies in the creation of advertising videos for meat and sausage products. After all, all market players are trying in every possible way to hook the audience and attract their attention to their product and increase their market share. Some use humor, some use new technologies, and some use an intriguing plot.

In this article we will try to analyze and analyze the techniques and strategies for creating an effective advertising video that exist in advertising meat products.

First, let's look at strategies for creating a video that is based on an interesting story concept. There can be many options, but most importantly, the brand story should evoke certain positive emotions in the viewer.

1. Family values ​​in videos of meat products.

This is perhaps the most popular topic when creating a video script for meat products. Sausage, sausages, ham, dumplings, juicy chicken and tender meat - all these products are part of the diet of any modern family. This is why advertisers often focus on family in videos. All these videos, as a rule, carry the same message: “We make our product for healthy nutrition for your family. Look how everyone loves it and how delicious it is.” Some go further and exploit the emotions of children and their charm in family videos. Here are some examples:

2. Humor in commercials for meat products.

The humorous component, just like family values, evokes emotions in the audience, especially if this humor is something close and dear to them. The funny, humorous video is easy to watch and easy to share. And it doesn’t matter whether the advertisement contains an expensive product or a mid-price product. Kind and funny advertising, especially when children or popular characters take part in the filming, not only captivates the modern viewer, but also arouses trust and interest in the brand. It’s also better remembered and sinks right into their soul. Perhaps the best example of advertising meat products and sausages is the first commercial for Ostankino sausage from the “Daddy Can” series of commercials, where a little girl amazed everyone in the class with her dad’s culinary skills:

Another very good example of the presence of humor in the script for the commercials “Taste is above circumstances” for Salnikov dumplings with the participation of the popular comedian, star of the show “Ural Dumplings”, Andrei Rozhkov:

3. Traditions and history of the product.

Often in commercials, advertisers show viewers not a fictitious story with characters, but the history of the brand itself, and the history of the creation of the product. And also how and why this or that meat product reached the consumer’s table. This is very well demonstrated in the advertising video for the Starodvorye meat processing plant, whose face was the famous theater and film actor Yan Tsapnik. Together with the main character, the viewer goes straight to the village sausage shops and gets acquainted with the entertaining history of the creation of delicious meat products:

4. Fairytale motifs.

The meat brand "Starodvorye" decided to hook even the youngest viewers with its fairy-tale story. And the plot of these commercials was based on motifs from children's fairy tales and fantasy stories:

The most common strategy for creating high-quality advertising videos for various food products, including meat products, is macro photography of products with the participation of a professional food stylist. Meat products using slow motion (rapid) shooting with a high frame rate and juicy and appetizing images of meat products being cut or falling - this is a distinctive feature of many food videos with food photography. The main goal of such commercials is to catch the viewer’s eye, to make him fall in love with a beautiful picture using large product shots. It is very “tasty” to show the product, causing appetite and even hunger. This is why meat products in this shooting format look juicy, bright and appetizing. To do this, advertising often uses a slow-motion effect, in which falling, cutting and pouring look most appetizing. Such a shoot is impossible without a professional food stylist. A striking example of such videos are:

Meat processing plant "Starodvorye" - Chopped from Starodvorye:

Meat brand Welkom:

Manufacturer of meat delicacies "Rublevsky":

6. Abstract plot of commercials for meat products.

It happens that sometimes a viewer watches a commercial and it is not at all clear to him what exactly is being advertised. The video can be beautiful and bright, touching and sweet, cheerful and funny, but the video will not contain even a hint of the advertised product. It is difficult to say how effective such advertising is for promoting a product. But some network advertising agencies, in pursuit of festival awards, choose this controversial strategy of advertising commercials for meat products and sausages. A striking example is the advertising of the Klinsky plant:

By the way, if we talk about the budget for effective advertising campaigns, then we cannot help but highlight several very high-quality advertising videos from one manufacturer. Namely, the Klinsky meat and sausage products factory and a series of its expensive commercials costing hundreds of thousands of dollars:

Some producers believe that stars can influence their potential customers and persuade them to buy their brand of sausage. This, for example, happens in the commercial for the Good Deed sausage:

8. Music videos of meat products.

TM "Skvortsovo" meat processing plant "Sausage Paradise":

Trademark "Dmitrogorsky Product":

Using the examples of the presented videos, we demonstrated the basic strategies and techniques for creating modern commercials for meat products. But that's not all. After all, the imagination of creative advertising authors is limitless. And everything directly depends on the financial capabilities of the customer. Services for the production of advertising videos in this segment do not differ in price from other industries, and their approximate cost on the market today averages about 2 million rubles for a video with the involvement of professional actors, and 300 thousand rubles for a graphic video.

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