The fastest manned aircraft in the world. Rating of manned aircraft

A fighter is a military aircraft designed primarily to destroy air targets.

Used to gain air superiority over the enemy, as well as to escort bombers, transport aircraft, aircraft civil aviation, protection of ground objects from enemy aircraft. Less commonly, fighters are used to attack ground and sea targets.

Despite the aggressive name, the fighter belongs to the defensive type of weapons; fighter aircraft do not have a separate offensive significance. However, at present, with an increase in the thrust-to-weight ratio of these machines (and, accordingly, greater payload capacity, that is, missile and bomb load), they have gained the ability to effectively attack ground targets, and, in the conditions of modern local conflicts, fighters can be used to destroy ground targets ( surface) targets.

According to some assumptions, in the future fighter jets will be able to take over the role unmanned vehicles(UAVs), the development of which is actively underway, and they themselves are already successfully used to destroy point targets on the ground. This will reduce the loss of flight personnel, simplify, lighten and reduce the cost of aircraft, as well as get rid of the restrictions on overloads imposed by the limits of the human body.


Front-line fighters are designed to gain air superiority by destroying enemy aircraft in maneuverable air combat day and night in all weather conditions. Also used for fire support for ground troops.

Multi-role fighters - designed to destroy both enemy aircraft and ground troops. The design of such aircraft uses stealth technologies, which makes it possible to covertly destroy enemy aircraft, as well as the ability to strike important enemy ground targets. Designed for combat day and night in all weather conditions, while remaining invisible to radar screens.

Fighter-interceptors are designed to protect ground objects from air attacks (airplanes, cruise missiles) by destroying them with missile weapons at large distances from the protected objects.

Carrier-based fighters

Note: in relation to the Russian Air Force, with the adoption of 4th generation aircraft (MiG-29 and Su-27), the boundary between types of fighters has blurred. These aircraft can successfully perform all the tasks assigned to front-line aviation, air defense aviation (as fighter-interceptors), and carrier-based aviation (in appropriate modifications adapted to the conditions of basing on a ship).

Airplanes are among the fastest air vehicles, capable of reaching speeds of over 1,500 km/h. Speed ​​is of great importance primarily for military aircraft, which must react instantly and carry out dangerous, highly complex tasks. They are capable of exceeding speeds of 2000 km/h, which is more than Mach 2. The top 10 includes the fastest fighters in the world, which are currently in service with many countries.

10 Raphael Speed ​​1,900 km/h

The French military aircraft Rafale opens the list of the fastest fighters in the world. The aircraft is capable of performing a wide range of missions, both at close and long distances. Its tasks also include defeating sea and ground targets, reconnaissance, gaining air superiority, and delivering a high-precision strike. Maximum speed at high altitude it is 1900 km/h (Mach 1.8). Rafale was specially developed for the French Navy and Navy by Dassault Aviation. The fighter was adopted by the French Navy in 2004. A total of 145 air units were produced.

9 Saab JAS 39 Gripen Speed ​​2,200 km/h

The Saab JAS 39 Gripen is the ninth fastest multi-role fighter in the world, developed by the Swedish company SAAB Avmonix in 1988. It entered service in 1997 and entered service with the Swedish Air Force. The modification is also used abroad: Gripen is in service with the Air Forces of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Thailand and South Africa. The military aircraft can be used as an attack aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft and fighter aircraft. At high altitudes, it is capable of reaching a maximum speed of up to 2,200 km/h (Mach 2.0). The company has produced about 270 JAS 39 aircraft, 204 of which are operated exclusively by the Swedish Air Force.

8 MiG-29 Speed ​​2,415 km/h

The MiG-29 multi-role military aircraft is one of the fastest Soviet fighters. The maximum speed of the aircraft at high altitude is about 2415 km/h (Mach 2.3). The fighter is capable of taking off and landing at unprepared airfields with poorly developed infrastructure to support flights. The MiG-29 has been used in many military conflicts and has proven itself as a defender of the skies. The fighter can conduct active combat and at the same time perform active maneuvers. It is capable of intercepting reconnaissance aircraft even at very low altitudes. Production of the MiG-29 continues to this day. In total, more than 1,500 air units were produced.

7 MiG-23 Speed ​​2,445 km/h

Among the fastest fighters in the world, the Soviet military aircraft MiG-23 ranks seventh. The multi-role fighter with a variable sweep wing took part in many armed conflicts in the 1980s. Its maximum speed at high altitude is about 2445 km/h, which is approximately Mach 2.35. The MiG-23 was introduced into service in the 70s and is still in service in countries such as India, Syria and Libya. A total of 3,630 fighter modifications were produced.

6 Typhoon Speed ​​2,450 km/h

The sixth position was taken by the German Typhoon, introduced into service with the German Air Force in 2003. The maximum speed of the aircraft at altitude is 2450 km/h or Mach 2.0. The aircraft is invisible to radars due to the use of stealth technologies. Part of the aircraft body is covered with special materials that do not reflect electromagnetic waves. The combat radius in fighter mode is 1390 km. The multi-role fighter is also in service with the UK, Italy, Austria, Spain and Saudi Arabia. At the moment, about 500 Typhoon air units have been produced.

5 Su-27 Speed ​​2,875 km/h

Fifth place goes to the Soviet military vessel Su-27. The fourth generation Soviet multi-role all-weather fighter, designed to gain air superiority, was designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau in 1977. In 1985, the aircraft entered service with the USSR Air Force. It is now in service with the Russian Air Force as the main fighter aircraft. Modifications of the Su-27 are in service with China, Ukraine, India and other countries. The maximum speed the aircraft is capable of is 2876.4 km/h (Mach 2.35). In total, about 809 of these air units were produced.

4 Grumman F-14 Tomcat Speed ​​2,485 km/h

The Grumman F-14 Tomcat is one of the fastest fighter aircraft in the world. It was developed in the 70s of the last century American company Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation. The fighter was retired from service by the US Navy in 2006. Currently supplied to Iran, where it is in service with the state. The fourth generation fighter-interceptor has a system that allows it to track 24 targets, as well as capture and launch 6 of them simultaneously at various altitudes and ranges. A total of 712 airborne units were produced. The Tomcat's cruising speed is 2485 km/h (Mach 2.34).

3 McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Eagle Speed ​​2,650 km/h

The American all-weather tactical fighter McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle opens the top three fastest aircraft in its class. It was commissioned in 1976. Currently in service with the US Air Force, where it will remain until 2025. This modification was created by an American company to gain air superiority. The maximum speed that the McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Eagle is capable of at maximum altitude is 2,650 km/h (Mach 2.5+). In total, about 1,500 air units were produced. In addition to the United States, fighter jets are operated by Israel, Japan and Saudi Arabia.

2 MiG-25 Speed ​​2,700 km/h

The MiG-25 ranks second among the fastest fighters in the world. The record performance that was recorded while flying on a military vessel was 2,700 km/h (Mach 3.2). The third generation Soviet supersonic fighter was created to intercept American reconnaissance vessels. The speed of sound of the MiG-25 is 3.2 times the speed of sound, which allows it to hit targets at an altitude of up to 25 km. The military aircraft actively took part in many military conflicts. The fighter is now in service with the Russian and Ukrainian Air Forces. In total, about 1,200 air units were produced.

1 MiG-31 Speed ​​3,000 km/h

The all-weather fighter-interceptor MiG-31 tops the ranking of the fastest in the world. Its main purpose is to intercept and destroy air targets at extremely low, low, medium and high altitudes when the enemy uses active and passive radar jamming, as well as false thermal targets. The aircraft entered service with the USSR Air Force in 1981. The MiG-31 is currently operated by the Russian Air Force. The fighter's maximum speed at high altitude is 3000 km/h (Mach 2.82). A total of 519 air units were produced.

A typical passenger plane flies at a speed of about 900 km/h. A military fighter jet can reach approximately three times the speed. However, modern engineers from the Russian Federation and other countries of the world are actively developing even faster machines - hypersonic aircraft. What are the specifics of the relevant concepts?

Criteria for a hypersonic aircraft

What is a hypersonic aircraft? This is usually understood as a device capable of flying at a speed many times higher than that of sound. Researchers' approaches to determining its specific indicator vary. A common methodology is that an aircraft should be considered hypersonic if it is a multiple of the speed indicators of the fastest modern supersonic vehicles. Which are about 3-4 thousand km/h. That is, a hypersonic aircraft, if you adhere to this methodology, should reach a speed of 6 thousand km/h.

Unmanned and controlled vehicles

The approaches of researchers may also differ in terms of determining the criteria for classifying a particular device as an aircraft. There is a version that only those machines that are controlled by a person can be classified as such. There is a point of view according to which an unmanned vehicle can also be considered an aircraft. Therefore, some analysts classify machines of this type into those that are subject to human control and those that function autonomously. Such a division may be justified, since unmanned vehicles can have much more impressive technical characteristics, for example, in terms of overload and speed.

At the same time, many researchers consider hypersonic aircraft as a single concept for which key indicator- speed. It doesn’t matter whether a person sits at the helm of the device or the machine is controlled by a robot - the main thing is that the plane is fast enough.

Take off - independently or with outside help?

There is a widespread classification of hypersonic aircraft, which is based on classifying them into the category of those that are capable of taking off on their own, or those that require placement on a more powerful carrier - a rocket or a cargo plane. There is a point of view according to which it is legitimate to classify as devices of the type under consideration mainly those that are capable of taking off independently or with minimal involvement of other types of equipment. However, those researchers who believe that the main criterion characterizing a hypersonic aircraft, speed, should be paramount in any classification. Whether the aircraft is classified as unmanned, controlled, capable of taking off on its own or with the help of other machines - if the corresponding indicator reaches the above values, then it means that we are talking about a hypersonic aircraft.

Main problems of hypersonic solutions

Concepts hypersonic solutions- many decades. Throughout the years of development of the corresponding type of devices, world engineers have been solving a number of significant problems that objectively prevent the production of “hypersonics” from being put into production - similar to organizing the production of turboprop aircraft.

The main difficulty in designing hypersonic aircraft is creating an engine that can be sufficiently energy efficient. Another problem is lining up the necessary apparatus. The fact is that the speed of a hypersonic aircraft in the values ​​​​that we discussed above implies strong heating of the body due to friction with the atmosphere.

Today we will look at several examples of successful prototypes of aircraft of the corresponding type, the developers of which were able to make significant progress in successfully solving the noted problems. Let us now study the most famous world developments in terms of creating hypersonic aircraft of the type in question.

from Boeing

The fastest hypersonic aircraft in the world, according to some experts, is the American Boeing X-43A. Thus, during testing of this device, it was recorded that it reached speeds exceeding 11 thousand km/h. That is approximately 9.6 times faster

What is especially remarkable about the X-43A hypersonic aircraft? The characteristics of this aircraft are as follows:

The maximum speed recorded in tests is 11,230 km/h;

Wingspan - 1.5 m;

Body length - 3.6 m;

Engine - direct-flow, Supersonic Combustion Ramjet;

Fuel - atmospheric oxygen, hydrogen.

It can be noted that the device in question is one of the most environmentally friendly. The fact is that the fuel used practically does not emit harmful combustion products.

The X-43A hypersonic aircraft was developed jointly by NASA engineers, as well as Orbical Science Corporation and Minocraft. was created about 10 years ago. About $250 million was invested in its development. The conceptual novelty of the aircraft in question is that it was conceived for the purpose of testing latest technology ensuring the operation of motor traction.

Development from Orbital Science

The Orbital Science company, which, as we noted above, took part in the creation of the X-43A, also managed to create its own hypersonic aircraft - the X-34.

Its top speed is more than 12 thousand km/h. True, during practical tests it was not achieved - moreover, it was not possible to achieve the indicator shown by the X43-A aircraft. The aircraft in question is accelerated when the Pegasus rocket, which operates on solid fuel, is activated. The X-34 was first tested in 2001. The aircraft in question is significantly larger than the Boeing aircraft - its length is 17.78 m, its wingspan is 8.85 m. The maximum flight altitude of the hypersonic vehicle from Orbical Science is 75 kilometers.

Aircraft from North American

Another famous hypersonic aircraft is the X-15, produced by North American. This unit analysts classify them as experimental.

It is equipped, which gives some experts a reason not to classify it, in fact, as an aircraft. However, the presence rocket engines allows the device, in particular, to perform Thus, during one of the tests in this mode, it was tested by pilots. The purpose of the X-15 device is to study the specifics of hypersonic flights, evaluate certain design solutions, new materials, and control features of such machines in various layers of the atmosphere. It is noteworthy that it was approved back in 1954. The X-15 flies at a speed of more than 7 thousand km/hour. Its flight range is more than 500 km, its altitude exceeds 100 km.

The fastest production aircraft

The hypersonic vehicles we studied above actually belong to the research category. It will be useful to consider some production models of aircraft that are close in characteristics to hypersonic ones or are (according to one methodology or another) hypersonic ones.

Among such machines is the American development of the SR-71. Some researchers are not inclined to classify this aircraft as hypersonic, since its maximum speed is about 3.7 thousand km/h. Among its most notable characteristics is its take-off weight, which exceeds 77 tons. The length of the device is more than 23 m, the wingspan is more than 13 m.

The Russian MiG-25 is considered one of the fastest military aircraft. The device can reach speeds of more than 3.3 thousand km/h. Maximum take-off weight Russian plane- 41 tons.

Thus, in the market for serial solutions with characteristics close to hypersonic ones, the Russian Federation is among the leaders. But what can be said about Russian developments in terms of “classic” hypersonic aircraft? Are engineers from the Russian Federation capable of creating a solution that is competitive with machines from Boeing and Orbital Scence?

Russian hypersonic vehicles

At the moment, the Russian hypersonic aircraft is under development. But it is going quite actively. We are talking about the Yu-71 aircraft. Its first tests, judging by media reports, were carried out in February 2015 near Orenburg.

It is assumed that the aircraft will be used for military purposes. Thus, a hypersonic vehicle will be able, if necessary, to deliver destructive weapons over considerable distances, monitor the territory, and also be used as an element of attack aircraft. Some researchers believe that in 2020-2025. The Strategic Missile Forces will receive about 20 aircraft of the corresponding type.

There is information in the media that the Russian hypersonic aircraft in question will be mounted on the Sarmat ballistic missile, which is also at the design stage. Some analysts believe that the Yu-71 hypersonic vehicle being developed is nothing more than a warhead that will have to be separated from the ballistic missile at the final stage of flight and then, thanks to the high maneuverability characteristic of the aircraft, overcome missile defense systems.

Project "Ajax"

Among the most notable projects related to the development of hypersonic aircraft is Ajax. Let's study it in more detail. The Ajax hypersonic aircraft is a conceptual development of Soviet engineers. In the scientific community, conversations about it began back in the 80s. Among the most notable characteristics is the presence of a thermal protection system, which is designed to protect the case from overheating. Thus, the developers of the Ajax apparatus proposed a solution to one of the “hypersonic” problems we identified above.

The traditional thermal protection scheme for aircraft involves placing special materials on the body. The Ajax developers proposed a different concept, according to which it was supposed not to protect the device from external heat, but to let heat inside the machine, while simultaneously increasing its energy resource. The main competitor of the Soviet aircraft was considered the hypersonic aircraft “Aurora”, created in the USA. However, due to the fact that designers from the USSR significantly expanded the capabilities of the concept, new development was assigned a wide range of tasks, in particular research ones. We can say that the Ajax is a hypersonic multi-purpose aircraft.

Let's take a closer look at the technological innovations proposed by engineers from the USSR.

So, the Soviet developers of Ajax proposed using the heat generated as a result of the friction of the aircraft body against the atmosphere and converting it into useful energy. Technically, this could be realized by placing additional shells on the device. As a result, something like a second corps was formed. Its cavity was supposed to be filled with some kind of catalyst, for example, a mixture of flammable material and water. The heat-insulating layer made of solid material in Ajax was supposed to be replaced with a liquid one, which, on the one hand, was supposed to protect the engine, on the other hand, would promote a catalytic reaction, which, meanwhile, could be accompanied by an endothermic effect - the movement of heat from the outside body parts inward. Theoretically, the cooling of the external parts of the device could be anything. The excess heat, in turn, was supposed to be used to increase the efficiency of the aircraft engine. At the same time this technology would allow the generation of free hydrogen as a result of the fuel reaction.

At the moment, there is no information available to the general public about the continued development of Ajax, but researchers consider the implementation of Soviet concepts into practice to be very promising.

Chinese hypersonic vehicles

China is becoming a competitor to Russia and the United States in the hypersonic solutions market. Among the most famous developments of engineers from China is the WU-14 aircraft. It is a hypersonic controlled glider mounted on a ballistic missile.

An ICBM launches an aircraft into space, from where the vehicle sharply dives down, developing hypersonic speed. The Chinese device can be mounted on various ICBMs with a range from 2 to 12 thousand km. It was found that during tests, the WU-14 was able to reach a speed exceeding 12 thousand km/h, thus becoming the fastest hypersonic aircraft according to some analysts.

At the same time, many researchers believe that it is not entirely legitimate to classify the Chinese development as an aircraft. Thus, there is a widespread version according to which the device should be classified specifically as a warhead. And very effective. When flying downward at the marked speed, even the most modern systems A missile defense system will not be able to guarantee interception of the corresponding target.

It can be noted that Russia and the United States are also developing hypersonic vehicles used for military purposes. At the same time, the Russian concept, according to which it is supposed to create machines of the corresponding type, differs significantly, as evidenced by data in some media, from technological principles, sold by the Americans and the Chinese. Thus, developers from the Russian Federation are concentrating their efforts in the field of creating aircraft equipped with a ramjet engine that can be launched from the ground. Russia plans to cooperate in this direction with India. Hypersonic vehicles created according to the Russian concept, according to some analysts, are characterized by lower cost and a wider range of applications.

At the same time, the Russian hypersonic aircraft, which we mentioned above (Yu-71), suggests, as some analysts believe, deployment on ICBMs. If this thesis turns out to be correct, then we can say that engineers from the Russian Federation are working simultaneously in two popular conceptual directions in the construction of hypersonic aircraft.


So, probably the fastest hypersonic aircraft in the world, if we talk about aircraft regardless of their classification, is still the Chinese WU-14. Although you need to understand that real information about it, including those related to tests, may be classified. This is quite consistent with the principles of Chinese developers, who often strive to keep their military technologies secret at all costs. The speed of the fastest hypersonic aircraft is more than 12 thousand km/h. The American development of the X-43A is “catching up” with it - many experts consider it to be the fastest. Theoretically, the hypersonic aircraft X-43A, as well as the Chinese WU-14, can catch up with the development from Orbical Science, designed for a speed of more than 12 thousand km/h.

The characteristics of the Russian Yu-71 aircraft are not yet known to the general public. It is quite possible that they will be close to the parameters of the Chinese aircraft. Russian engineers are also developing a hypersonic aircraft capable of taking off independently, rather than based on an ICBM.

Current projects of researchers from Russia, China and the United States are in one way or another related to the military sphere. Hypersonic aircraft, regardless of their possible classification, are considered primarily as carriers of weapons, most likely nuclear. However, in the works of researchers from different countries of the world there are theses that “hypersonic”, like nuclear technologies, may well be peaceful.

The issue is the emergence of affordable and reliable solutions that make it possible to organize mass production of machines of the appropriate type. The use of such devices is possible in the widest range of sectors of economic development. Hypersonic aircraft are likely to find greatest demand in the space and research industries.

As production technologies for the corresponding machines become cheaper, people may begin to show interest in investing in such projects. transport businesses. Industrial corporations and providers of various services may begin to consider “hypersonic” as a tool for increasing business competitiveness in terms of organizing international communications.

Su-27 – 2500 km/h

Su-27 is a Soviet/Russian multi-role, highly maneuverable, all-weather, heavy fighter of the fourth generation, developed by the Sukhoi Company. It was intended as a direct competitor to large fourth-generation fighters built in the United States, such as the Grumman F-14 Tomcat and F-15 Eagle. The first flight of the Su-27 prototype took place on May 20, 1977, and in 1985 it entered service with the Soviet Air Force. Today it is one of the main fighters in Russia; its modifications are in service with India, China and many other countries.

General Dynamics F-111 – 2655 km/h

General Dynamics F-111 - supersonic American tactical bomber, aerial reconnaissance and electronic warfare aircraft developed in the 1960s by General Dynamics. It made its first flight on December 21, 1964, and was put into operation on July 18, 1967. He took an extensive part in combat operations in Vietnam. A total of 562 units were produced during production for the US Air Force and the Australian Air Force.

McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle – 2665 km/h

The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is an all-weather tactical fighter aircraft developed in the early 1970s by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) for the US Air Force to achieve air superiority. Its first flight took place in July 1972. In 1974 it was put into operation. Exported to Israel, Japan, Singapore and Saudi Arabia.

MiG-31 – 3000 km/h

MiG-31 is a two-seat supersonic heavy fighter-interceptor. Work on its creation began at PJSC RSK MiG in 1968. The first flight took place on September 16, 1975. The aircraft was built on the basis of the single-seat MiG-25, primarily to cover the territory of the USSR from attack cruise missiles from the Arctic side, where there was no continuous radar field. It is the first Soviet fourth generation fighter.

North American XB-70 Valkyrie – 3309 km/h

North American XB-70 Valkyrie is a prototype of an American strategic bomber that was supposed to fly at an altitude of 21 thousand meters at a speed three times the speed of sound. A total of two copies were built. The first experimental aircraft, the XB-70 Valkyrie, first flew on September 21, 1964, the second on July 17, 1965. One of the aircraft is now in the National Museum of the United States Air Force near Dayton, Ohio. The second, on June 8, 1966, while flying in formation of several aircraft, collided in the air with a Lockheed F-104 Starfighter, fell to the ground and was completely destroyed.

Bell X-2 – 3370 km/h

Bell X-2 is an American experimental aircraft designed to study aerodynamic and thermodynamic characteristics during flight at speeds from 2 to 3 Mach number. Its development began in 1945 by Bell Aircraft Corporation in conjunction with NACA and the US Air Force. The creation of the X-2 aircraft was completed in 1952, and its testing began in 1953. A total of two copies were built. Both met with disaster, after which research was stopped.

MiG-25 – 3470 km/h

MiG-25 is a supersonic Soviet/Russian fighter and reconnaissance aircraft, the world's first production fighter to reach a speed of more than 3 thousand km/h. It was developed by JSC RSK MiG in the early 1960s. It is the last aircraft designed by Mikhail Gurevich before his retirement. The first flight of the prototype took place in 1965, and in 1970 it was put into operation. A total of 1,190 copies were produced.

Lockheed YF-12 – 3661 km/h

Third place in the list of the fastest manned aircraft in the world is occupied by the Lockheed YF-12, an American interceptor prototype developed by the famous aircraft designer Clarence Johnson on the basis of the Lockheed A-12 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. This aircraft is the world's largest manned interceptor. It first flew on August 7, 1963. A total of three YF-12s were produced, each valued at approximately $18 million. After a series of flight tests, the project was closed.

Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird – 3818 km/h

Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird is an American strategic reconnaissance aircraft developed in the late 50s by Lockheed based on the Lockheed A-12 aircraft. Is the first aircraft, created using stealth technologies. Its first flight took place on December 22, 1964. It was in US service from 1964 to 1998 and was actively used for espionage. A total of 32 aircraft were produced, 12 of which crashed due to accidents (none were shot down).

North American X-15 – 7274 km/h

North American X-15 is a hypersonic experimental rocket plane that set a number of world speed and altitude records (107.96 km). Work on its creation began in 1955 and was entrusted to North American Aviation. A total of three prototypes were produced. On March 10, 1959, the car took off for the first time. Over the course of nine years - from 1959 to 1968, out of a planned 200 test flights, the X-15 carried out 199. The record was the flight of pilot Joe Walker on August 22, 1963.

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1. MiG-25 3.2M

Soviet single-seat supersonic high-altitude interceptor, designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau.
A legendary aircraft on which several world records were set, including a speed record, but as usual in the USSR, they kept silent about many things. According to General Designer R.A. Belyakov, exceeding M=3 speed by the MiG reduced the airframe's service life, but did not lead to damage to the aircraft or engine. according to familiar pilots, the plane repeatedly surpassed the 3.5M threshold, but such a record was not officially recorded.
On September 6, 1976, the Mig-25 aircraft was hijacked by USSR Air Force pilot Viktor Belenko to Japan. The plane was returned, but before that it was dismantled down to the screw. The new aircraft were modified and received the MiG-25PD index; all those in service were modernized and awarded the MiG-25PDS index.
Belenko at the Hakodate airport fired a pistol, preventing the “Japs” from approaching the MiG, and demanded that the plane be covered, but the commission that investigated the incident came to the conclusion that the flight was deliberate, although without obvious treasonous purposes.

2. Lockheed SR-71 3.2M

US Air Force strategic supersonic reconnaissance aircraft. Unofficially named "Blackbird". The aircraft became famous for its unreliability; in 34 years, 12 of the 32 existing aircraft were lost.
The main maneuver of the aircraft when avoiding missiles was climb and acceleration. In 1976, the SR-71 “Blackbird” set an absolute speed record among manned aircraft with ramjet engines - 3529.56 km/h

3. MiG-31 2.82M

two-seat supersonic all-weather long-range fighter-interceptor. The first Soviet combat aircraft of the fourth generation. The MiG-31 is designed to intercept and destroy air targets at low, extremely low, medium and high altitudes, day and night, in simple and adverse weather conditions, when the enemy uses active and passive radar jamming, as well as heat traps. A group of four MiG-31 aircraft is capable of controlling airspace with a front length of 800-900 km.
Maximum permissible speed at altitude: 3000 km/h (2.82 M)

4. McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Eagle 2.5M

American all-weather tactical fighter of the fourth generation. Designed to gain air superiority. Adopted into service in 1976.

Maximum speed at high altitude: 2650 km/h (Mach 2.5+)

5. General Dynamics F-111 2.5M

two-seat long-range tactical bomber, tactical support aircraft with variable wing geometry.
Maximum speed: at altitude: 2655 km/h (Mach 2.5)

6. Su-24 2.4M

Soviet front-line bomber with a variable sweep wing, designed to carry out missile and bomb strikes in simple and adverse weather conditions, day and night, including at low altitudes with targeted destruction of ground and surface targets. According to familiar pilots, the plane is equipped with an autopilot system capable of controlling the plane at ultra-low altitudes, holding, for example, 120 meters above the ground, but not many pilots could mentally withstand the work of the autopilot; the plane was approaching the rise of the earth's surface, rocks, etc. at high speed. d. and exactly at a distance of 120 meters made a climb maneuver.

7. Grumman F-14 Tomcat 2.37M

Jet interceptor, fourth generation fighter-bomber, with variable wing geometry. Developed in the 1970s to replace Phantoms.

8. Su-27 2.35M

Soviet multi-role, highly maneuverable, all-weather fighter, developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau and designed to gain air superiority.
Thanks to thrust vector control, the aircraft is capable of performing miracles, “Cobra” and “Frolov’s Chakra”. Such aerobatics demonstrate the ability to keep the aircraft from stalling at angles of attack exceeding the critical one.

9. MiG-23 2.35M

Soviet multi-role fighter with variable sweep wing. MiG-23 fighters took part in many armed conflicts in the 1980s
Maximum permissible speed, km/h 2.35M

10. Grumman F-14D “Tomcat” 2.34M

The F-14D modification differed from the previous ones with a more powerful Hughes AN/APG-71 radar; the system allows you to track 24 targets and capture and launch missiles at 6 of them simultaneously, at various altitudes and ranges, with improved avionics and a refurbished cockpit. A total of 37 aircraft of this type were built, another 104 were converted from previously produced F-14As and were designated F-14D.

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