On-site car diagnostics as a business. Business plan for organizing a post for diagnostics and repair of electronic car systems

How strange it is to see what fantastic nonsense most of us are engaged in. How mediocrely we waste the time allotted to us by fate. Life from advance payment to salary and from vacation to vacation. And the eternal problem - will there be enough money until payday or will we have to borrow, will payments be delayed, will we forget to pay the next loan installment?

Where can I get money to spend my vacation the way I want? Where can I find funds for treatment and education? It would be nice to have new car. And I would like to change the apartment - but this is completely out of the realm of fantasy, this is not for us, this is for others - more wealthy, more successful, more...

More free? And will it always be like this? And today, and tomorrow, and in a year? And in ten years? What is so valuable in our lives that we are so afraid of change? What are we risking? Hateful work - from call to call, the need to communicate with the boss, depend on his mood? Is it a habit - as soon as you arrive at work, you immediately start waiting for your lunch break?

Not so far into history are the times when in Russia the very word business was not just abusive, it was downright criminal. There was no idea - honest business, had no idea - private business. Any business, even any attempt at business, was initially criminal. Illegal. A person could not say with calm pride about himself and his business: “this is my business, let it be small business, but this is my and only my business.”

A lot of time has passed since then, and we have slowly become accustomed to the fact that business itself cannot be bad or good, that it is bad or good business people do.

The same ones who once decided that working for yourself, being responsible for yourself, having your own business is much better than working “for someone else.” Better than watching your business ideas make money for others. Better than knowing that out of the hundreds of rubles you honestly earned the lion's share your boss will get it. The owner of the company where you work. Because it's his business. And you will only receive a salary. Which is never enough.

And more and more often thoughts come to me - how, in fact, am I different from my boss, from another person who has his own business? A business that brings him a stable and considerable income? Did he have a bright and strong business idea? Yes, it's quite possible. But around us are dozens, hundreds, thousands of ideas for business, thousands of opportunities to start your own business, hundreds of options that allow you not to rush headlong into an unfamiliar business, but to start gradually, learning and improving as you go. And what doesn’t stop us from trying different business options and ideas, choosing and adjusting the process, trying to find what suits us best? Our character, our temperament, our knowledge and education. It turns out that the point is not that we have run out of ideas for business, that we simply have no place in business? Or is it that business has no place in us?

In other words, the argument that we so love to give ourselves, they say, no good ideas for business and you shouldn’t try to find them - this argument is not correct. We are simply afraid to admit to ourselves that the only real argument against independent business is our reluctance to try ourselves in it. So are we afraid of business - or are we afraid of ourselves in business?

Another favorite argument of those who are afraid to start their own business and are looking for an excuse for their fear is “the train has already left.” They say there was a time when starting a business was easy, when it required little investment, and a ready-made business could be built in a couple of weeks. This is an illusion, dear ones. There are no definitively bad times to start a business. Each time, at each stage, has its own problems and its own benefits. Some things were easier to start earlier, some things were easier to start today.

If you wish, you can find examples of businesses that could not come true only because they were simply ahead of their time, or rather, their time had not yet come. Next, as one of the business ideas, we will talk about computer diagnostics of a car.

To implement this idea five years ago, financial costs were needed that were inaccessible to most of us. Today, this is an almost ready-made model of your business, which you can “promote” within a week, with minimal investment funds. And this is just one of hundreds of examples that we will tell you about.

So, the answer “I can’t do business because it’s too late to start” is also not suitable. And - let's open our main secret. Not a single answer as to why you cannot do business is suitable. But any option is ideal to justify your: “I don’t want to do business.” But there is a huge gap between “I don’t want” and “I can’t.” Whoever wants it is looking for solutions. Those who don’t want to look for excuses.

  • Financial independence?
  • More free time?
  • Independence from superiors at work?
  • The opportunity to travel and visit different countries?
  • Provide for old age?
  • Improve living conditions?
  • Pay off debts?
  • Give your children a decent education?

Have you recorded it? Now, honestly (after all, you are answering to yourself), mark with pluses those points that you can implement today. And tomorrow - remaining in the position you are in now, without own business. Let it be small, but your own.

Well, how? Were you able to mark many points with pluses? If a little, then answer yourself - what are you afraid of? What can modern people be afraid of? smart person who feels the need to live better than he lives now?

Maybe you hope that your employer will suddenly appreciate you? Will he understand that he definitely can’t do without your services and will increase your salary many times over? Or will he make you a business partner? And are there any prerequisites for such hopes?

Or do you have a rich elderly uncle whose favorite and only heir? And he's going to give you a ready-made business for your birthday? A business that will bring you big and stable income? A business in which you don’t need to do anything special, a business in which everything runs on its own, you just need to look after it? Or you don't even want ready-made business? You're just waiting for your uncle to move to better world? And how is this uncle’s health, what do the doctors say?

Or maybe you hope for help and care from the state? For the help and care of our amazing and kind state? Will it provide good treatment for you, a good education for your children, and a dignified old age? Tell me, do you really believe this? Then - forgive the harshness - you yourself need a doctor.

In short, let's finish this long introduction. Judging by the fact that you came to this site dedicated to business and stayed on it long enough to read this far, you did not come out of simple curiosity. And you don’t need to be agitated for too long and in detail to make a fairly simple decision - try to find a business idea, a business model that is right for you. So what are we waiting for? Let's just try it.

In any case, we are all sane adults. And it is absolutely not necessary to immediately quit your job - no matter how boring and uninteresting it may be. Starting a business with insurance is a very right decision. The decision is prudent and smart. These are the decisions you will make when running a business. And as you can see, you are already doing quite well.

There is a great opportunity to try yourself in a new business, try to implement small idea business that does not require excessive effort and high costs. An attempt is definitely not torture.

When a person gets a computer, he does not immediately begin to perceive it as a new tool for making money. But the stage when the computer is just a toy and a means of obtaining information - this stage passes quite quickly. Unless, of course, you are 13 years old, you are an adult and are concerned about finding additional income.

You've probably heard about computer diagnostics of a car. This is good and promising business, car service is one of the constantly in demand services. So why don't you start providing this service? Difficult, expensive and complicated? Nothing of the kind.

Car service computer programs, which can be purchased and downloaded on our website, will open the door to this business for you. You can enter the business of car service and computer diagnostics of cars quite quickly and - what is important at the first stage - without any special expenses.

You can use a computer in a car service in several main areas - in computer diagnostics of injection engines and all other components associated with the ECU that are found in domestic and foreign cars. In the field of providing services for mileage adjustment on electronic speedometers (odometers). You can also provide services for working with immobilizers (with us you will find a huge number of firmware for immobilizers of various models).

It is not even an obstacle that you may have never serviced a car before, and you only know the car itself as a passenger. You just need a companion. Ideally, he will be a car mechanic.

Such a person already has a circle of regular clients, but he is unlikely to provide them with car diagnostic services - most auto mechanics are not well versed in computers.

The mutual benefit from such a partnership is obvious - together you can provide a wider range of car service services. You diagnose, he repairs. His clients may become yours; your clients may well want to receive not only car diagnostics, but also repairs.

For example, that’s how I started. I found a mechanic in my city who had a garage and an established customer base, agreed with him and started working. I agreed that I would give him 30% of my profits for a place to work. At first, I only worked on weekends, I worked from morning to evening in order to earn my client base. Over the weekend I managed to earn approx. 10,000 rub. of which he gave 3000 to the owner as agreed. After 2 months I decided to lighten the schedule a little, i.e. distributed working hours throughout the week, averaging 2-3 hours a day. I made an agreement with my partner and he informed clients that they should come for diagnostics in the evening when I went to work. In a week I managed to earn 10-12 thousand rubles. clean So we worked for about a year. I have saved up a sufficient amount of money, I bought my own garage and now I am doing this business on my own.

Everyone knows that most imported and domestic cars are fuel-injected, and the engine operation in them is controlled by electronic control units (ECUs). However, maintenance and diagnostics of such engines is a service sector where demand still significantly exceeds supply, especially in the regions. Of course, branded and expensive car service centers use modern, expensive scan testers. But not everyone knows that an ordinary computer with special program. The price of a computer diagnostic program is immeasurably lower than the cost of a scan tester.

What do you need to provide such a service - and what is the “price of the issue”? Let's count:

1. You will need a laptop - not one of the newest and most advanced ones. The main thing is that it has a COM port (“male” 9 contacts (2 rows, 1-5 and 6-9)), operating system Windows 98 on a computer. All this will cost you between 10 - 15 thousand rubles.

2. A special adapter “K-L-Line” for most foreign cars or “K-Line” for domestic cars - they will be needed to connect the car to the computer. When finished, they cost between 2000-3000 rubles. But, if you own a soldering iron, then you can easily assemble the adapter you need yourself. The cost of components is within 300-400 rubles. Adapter circuit diagrams for each program are included in the kit.

3. Special computer programs for diagnostics, work with immobilizers and odometers. Depending on what car models you will be working with, you will need different programs. You can find their names and descriptions on our website. The first stage will require approx. 5000 rub.

4. Place for diagnostics (garage). Space costs may vary. It all depends on your wishes and capabilities. If you are going to work according to the principle that we talked about a little earlier, i.e. together with a mechanic in his car service, then the costs on site will be minimal. You can either pay him a certain amount monthly, or give him a percentage of your earnings.

5. Funds for small initial advertising. You can keep it within 5-7 thousand rubles.

That's basically all.

Calculating to the maximum, you can easily fit in 1 thousand euros.

Now calculate how long it will take you to return the invested amount, if a simple car diagnosis, without any repairs, costs at least 200-300 rubles (depending on the region).

Correcting the mileage will cost the car owner 500 rubles. Now let's talk briefly about this specific service. Shall we discuss the ethical side of the issue? As soon as odometers appeared, so did those who changed the readings of these devices - so what is there to argue about? In other words, everyone does this. And the one who orders this service is responsible, not the one who provides it.

As you already understood, computer programs for changing odometer readings can also be purchased on our website. Adapters for working with odometers are not complicated in design. Electronic circuits are also provided complete with programs.

The cost of a set of equipment (assuming that you already have a laptop and a place for diagnostics) for providing computer diagnostic services in a car service center will pay for itself literally after serving the first twenty clients. And then there will be net profit.

And note, no one says that you have to work around the clock. A business such as computer diagnostics in a car service can be done on weekends or after the main job - for an hour or two a day. For starters, at least.

Diagnostics of one car takes on average 15-20 minutes. Those. in a good situation, you can easily earn 500-1500 rubles for these 1-2 hours a day. per day! Later, when you feel that this work brings you very good money, you will decide for yourself how much time to devote to it.

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Every person who has a computer wants to put it to good use. Usually highest income obtained at the intersection of different areas human activity. I’ll tell you about a great way to have a good and constant income using a computer in a car service.

  1. COMPUTER DIAGNOSTICS of injection engines VAZ, GAZ and foreign cars;
  2. CHIP TUNING of injection VAZs and foreign cars;
  3. MILEAGE ADJUSTMENT on the electronic odometer of VAZ and foreign cars.

Modern cars are fuel-injected. What is it? This means that the operation of the engine is controlled by an electronic control unit (ECU). Injection engines are still new to our car service, especially in the regions. Diagnosis and repair of such an engine is a problem. There are special scan testers that are very expensive (about $1000), or a computer program that costs a penny. The opportunity to make money is obvious. You could provide diagnostic services for injection engines in your city.

What will it take?

1) computer, preferably a laptop - 15,000 rubles;

2) an adapter (k-line) for connecting the car to a personal computer (easily assembled in 10 minutes, slowly) - 200 rubles worth of parts, or;

3) computer program for diagnosing injection engines;

4) a garage, it is better to negotiate with a practicing auto mechanic with your garage (as I did), besides, he could eliminate the faults found, he has a circle of his clients...

5) some free time, I do this in the evening, after work.

Total costs are about 20 thousand rubles. If you already have a computer, then the cost is about 1,200 rubles, excluding advertising costs.

Diagnostics of an injection car without any repairs in Tolyatti costs 200-800 rubles (if you live in the periphery, you can raise the price even higher). It is easy to calculate that if one car arrives per day, then your profit for the month will be 6 thousand rubles.

CHIP TUNING. What is this? The operation of the injection engine is controlled by an electronic control unit (ECU). The control unit contains a program for its operation. The control unit, receiving signals from various sensors, controls the operation of the engine. By changing the control program, we can influence its operation. This is called chip tuning.

What can you achieve with chip tuning?

1) Increasing engine dynamics and power: you want the car to pull confidently from the bottom. The corresponding program, with a certain increase in power, will provide higher torque in the low and high speed zone (acceleration dynamics). Good decision for city traffic.

2) Elimination of the converter: If the car is equipped with a catalytic converter, then there is always a risk of poisoning the catalyst and oxygen sensor with leaded gasoline. You can exclude the catalyst, and then leaded gasoline will not be harmful to the injection system. At the same time, an increase in engine power is observed.

3) Elimination of floating faults: the car was looked at at a service center and could not find the cause of the engine periodically stalling at idle, or the CHECK ENGINE lamp coming on when the engine warms up, despite apparently normal engine operation? The reason may lie in program errors. Often such problems are solved by replacing the old serial program with a new one.

Almost all tuning versions have improved modes idle speed, cold start, the temperature at which the cooling system fan turns on has been reduced (for those who are “boiling”), identified errors present in older production versions have been eliminated.

Again, there is a good opportunity to make good money by providing this service.

  1. already mentioned: computer and adapter (k-line);
  2. chip programmer - $120;
  3. microcircuits 27C2S6, 27CS12 and sockets (5 pieces to start with) - 35 rubles each;
  4. adapter for loading the control program (firmware) into the ECU (a very simple and easy-to-assemble circuit diagram) - 100 rubles worth of parts;
  5. The program is a firmware loader for the ECU and the firmware itself (control programs).

Total in addition to the above (it is assumed that you already have a computer and an adapter (k-line)) about 5 thousand rubles.

The payback is very fast: chip tuning costs on average from 1000 rubles; and there are plenty of owners of fuel-injected 99-current, 10-current, and 15-current cars who want to drive differently than everyone else (sporty acceleration dynamics).

MILEAGE ADJUSTMENT. Let's leave aside the ethical side of adjusting odometer readings; odometers have been twisted or twisted since they were invented. Currently, three types are used on front-wheel drive VAZ cars dashboards with electronic odometer. In a simplified form, the odometer in these systems is a counter of pulses received from the vehicle speed sensor, a divider and an information storage device in the flash memory of the panel. There is a computer program for changing the odometer readings. It allows you to quickly and easily adjust your mileage. The program works through a special adapter (very simple, about 30 rubles worth of parts). The cost of this complex is minimal, and the income from its use is very high. The cost of adjusting the mileage of a VAZ electronic odometer is 500-600 rubles. Payback occurs in 2-3 uses.

FINALLY, a few thoughts.

1. If you have never worked with cars before, then it is highly advisable to find yourself a companion who is a practicing auto mechanic (as I did). There are a lot of advantages to this. Firstly, you have a representative office and a place to work (I have a simple garage). Secondly, there is complementarity. There are very few car mechanics among computer scientists and vice versa. And both win. Thirdly, his clients immediately become yours, and you begin to attract new ones to him (mutual promotion), etc. etc...

2. These services are focused on modern domestic fuel-injected cars and complement each other. This allows you to receive additional profit. For example, if a car comes to you for diagnostics, then it is very likely that the owner of the car will be interested in chip tuning and mileage adjustment.

3. This business is not very common and, having mastered it, you most likely will not have competitors.

4. There are more and more fuel-injected cars every year, and even now there are already plenty of them. And this trend will only intensify. For example, the VAZ 2110 has been produced only with injection for more than a year.

5. It does not take much time and you can work in the evening after work. It takes me on average 1-2 hours a day and brings in 500-2000 thousand rubles a day! (city of about 50 thousand inhabitants). How bigger city, the higher the profit.

6. You get new circle acquaintances and, most likely, very wide. New acquaintances -> new information -> new opportunities. It's hard to overestimate!

Dear blog site reader! I present to your attention the first article in the “Business Ideas” section. As you guessed from the title, we’ll talk about how computer diagnostics, as a business, is a profitable business.

A person who has his own personal computer at hand will definitely be able to find a worthy use for it. It can be used in almost any area of ​​commerce. Entrepreneurs, especially young ones, often underestimate how useful a computer could be in a car service. And I will tell you that these possibilities are quite high, and according to your wallet, you can easily implement this business without difficulty. In addition, computer diagnostics of cars today is quite promising service. All you need as a businessman is to purchase the necessary equipment and rent premises, as well as register as an individual entrepreneur.

The range of services provided, and the issue of premises

It is possible to specialize in such types of services as diagnostics of injection engines, mileage correction and chip tuning. If you wish, over time you can expand the range of services provided with more and more new offers. The target customers will be owners of used cars. And diagnostics, you understand, is a fairly necessary procedure, and without it there is no way to check what condition your vehicle is in now.

Also, do not forget to buy an adapter to be able to synchronize the car with a computer, as well as special software and a diagnostic scanner - a device that determines the thickness of the coating. When considering the issue of premises, renting an auto mechanic’s garage is ideal. There, if necessary, he could eliminate the faults found.

How much money do you need to invest, and what is the profitability?

Like cool idea! But approximately how much money do you need to invest in this idea? Well, I can’t name a specific amount. Well, as far as I know, the total costs should not exceed 130-140,000 rubles . To effectively attract clients, it makes sense to provide on-site services, but then, in this case, the prices for diagnostics will be higher.
What is the profitability? Today, one car diagnostic costs
By market price order 2000 , or even 3000 rubles. Thus, your income can be from 50,000 to 60,000 rubles per month provided that you receive one order per day. The project pays for itself quite quickly, in just a few months. But it is quite possible earlier. It all depends on how productive you are.
Thank you for your attention! I hope you liked the idea and this article! Don't forget to subscribe to our email newsletter to receive updates on new interesting articles.

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Business plan for organizing a diagnostic and repair post electronic systems cars

1. Project goals

In the previous chapters of the work, an analysis of the situation of the Avtodom-Ateks enterprise was made and, based on this analysis, recommendations for a development strategy were given. Diversification appears to be the most attractive strategy.

Now it is necessary to determine: which area of ​​activity needs to be developed first? The answer is obvious: it is necessary to develop a range of services for diagnosing and repairing electronic systems of cars. The reasons for this decision are as follows:

· this service is increasingly in demand on the market;

· our regular customers will be willing to use this service from us;

· this will allow you to attract new customers both for this service and for the entire range of services provided by the enterprise;

· work with electronic systems fits well into the general profile of the enterprise;

· the company's personnel have enough high level qualifications, only minimal training is required;

· the company has the opportunity to rent production space to set up a post for diagnosing and repairing electronic systems of cars.

We will take the planning horizon for project implementation as the statistical average this species activities, that is, 3 years. Project start date: 06/01/2006

2. Description of the type of activity

In general, it is not difficult to fix this or that malfunction in a car. And, as a rule, for a relatively short time. This statement, however, is true only if three conditions are met: it is known how, with what and what exactly needs to be done. If, as a rule, problems never arise with the first two, then the third often becomes a real stumbling block. First of all, this concerns problems associated with the engine and various electronic systems, with which modern cars are stuffed, as they say, to the very roof. Thus, the correct identification of the causes of failures and malfunctions has come to the fore today, which gives us the right to even talk about a new specialty in a car service - a diagnostician. The sharp increase in the number of vehicles equipped with electronic fuel injection systems has led to a significant increase in demand for services related to the diagnosis of the technical condition and repair of such vehicles.

First of all, engine control systems (EMS) require particularly thorough diagnostics. The technical condition of the vehicle's engine control system is one of the most important factors, affecting the traction and speed performance of the vehicle as a whole. A practical solution to the problem of diagnosing the technical condition and repair of vessels is impossible without the use of special technical means, most of which are measuring instruments.

You can create all kinds of puzzles for yourself out of the blue, then strain your mind in search of answers and suffer for a long time trying to solve the problem of which diagnostic device should be preferred. Or you can take a simpler and more natural path. It’s easy to understand what kind of instruments for diagnosing the engine and its systems exist today and what exactly you can find out with their help. And also understand that to fully diagnose an engine you need a certain set of equipment. And having understood this, create the configuration that best suits one or another specific needs.

3. Necessary equipment and its selection

Firstly, all equipment for engine diagnostics can be divided into several groups, each of which performs its own range of tasks. These groups can be defined something like this:

1) Control unit scanners;

2) Measuring instruments;

3) Testers of actuators and engine components.

First group of devices is a set of devices designed to establish communication with vehicle control units and perform such procedures as reading and erasing errors, reading current values ​​of sensors and internal parameters of the control system, checking the functionality of actuators, adapting the control system when replacing individual vehicle components or during a major overhaul engine repair. This group of diagnostic devices is developing very dynamically and every year brings new scanner capabilities and new names of their manufacturers. In principle, scanners can be compared with each other according to such parameters as a table of applicability by type of car and a list automotive systems, a set of functions implemented in the scanner for each car or system, modernization method software. Combined with the price of the devices, you can create a comparison table that will give you a rough idea of ​​whether or not it is worth purchasing a given scanner model.
Why an approximate match, you ask? Because scanner manufacturing companies do not have a direct connection with car manufacturers and, therefore, out of 10 car models of a given year of manufacture, there can always be one or two that were missed when designing the scanner - the manufacturer learns about this only from end customers or does not find out at all . In addition, buyers of diagnostic equipment can often suffer from the fact that managers of firms selling equipment do not have sufficient information about the subject of the auction and replace it with their own eloquence.

According to estimates from a number of car services that are actively involved in diagnostics, having a set of scanners for all cars with advanced capabilities (even adaptation) is not economically feasible, and in the absence of properly trained personnel it is also dangerous - incorrect actions when interfering with the operation of the unit can lead to deterioration of the system engine control and, as a result, cause unnecessary problems in customer relations. When choosing scanner models, you need to take into account the specialization of the service and the list of the most frequently serviced models (for example, if one Fiat car comes to you a year, then it is hardly advisable to purchase a scanner specifically for servicing it).

In addition, you can have one or two scanners with an average set of functions, but with a wide range of car models - in this case, in most cases you solve the assigned tasks, and compensate for the functional shortcomings of the scanners with the help of universal equipment from the second and third groups.

In the second group devices have been assembled that can be used to diagnose any engines - the physics of engine operation does not depend on the control method. All of these devices are used to detect malfunctions, as well as to check scanner readings, since no electronic system can check itself with absolute certainty - for example, air leaks in the intake manifold can cause a message about an air flow meter failure, etc. In the absence of the devices listed below, you often decide to replace one or another sensor without proper testing and may subsequently find yourself in a scandalous situation in which, as we know, there are no winners. The most famous representatives of this group:

Gas analyzers.

Gas analyzers and smoke meters. An analysis of exhaust gases can give a general picture of the technical condition of any internal combustion engine. When the fuel-air mixture burns in the engine cylinders, various chemicals are formed. These are CO, NOX, CH, O2 and some others. Analysis of the percentage of each of these compounds in the exhaust gases makes it possible to judge the working processes occurring in the engine and identify the causes of deviations from the norm. The method for assessing the serviceability of an engine based on the quality of exhaust gases is a topic for a separate discussion; now we will only talk about the devices that perform this test.

Since gasoline and diesel engines use different types fuel, various components are formed in the exhaust gases, different devices are used to check them: a gas analyzer for gasoline engines and a smoke meter for diesel engines.

The functionality of the gas analyzer is determined by the number of measured parameters. Recently, measuring the two main gases CO and CH has become insufficient for high-quality engine diagnostics; the latest generation of gas analyzers are four-component (CO, NOX, CH and O2) with a calculated coefficient l (lambda). The l coefficient is a relative value and shows the ratio of fuel and air in the working mixture. Some models of gas analyzers can measure voltage in the vehicle's on-board network, temperature, and so on.

Most gas analyzers are designed as stand-alone devices and display measurement results on a digital display. Also, many models may have a built-in printing device. More recently, models have appeared that allow you to display measurement results on a personal computer. This allows you to present information in the form of graphs and diagrams, and connecting a scanner, motor tester and gas analyzer to one PC makes this complex an excellent tool for car diagnostics.

As already mentioned, exhaust gas analysis only shows big picture engine condition, a scanner and a motor tester designed to test individual engine systems allow you to identify the specific culprit of the malfunction.


In this group of devices, one representative of which - the compression gauge - has long been loved by all car services, there is a significant addition. First of all, this is a fuel pressure tester, which was not available in car service centers designed to repair carburetor cars. The main characteristics of this device are the range of measured pressure (usually it ranges from 0 to 6..8 bar) and a list of adapter fittings for connecting to the fuel systems of various cars. Also gaining great popularity is a valve-piston group leak tester, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the location and nature of a leak in the combustion chamber, compared to a compressometer, a vacuum gauge, which allows one to evaluate the correct operation of the engine intake system, and a catalyst backpressure tester, which allows one to evaluate the throughput of the catalyst.

Specialized car testers.

When repairing contact ignition systems, a specialized automotive tester was often sufficient to find faults in the system. Given the predominance of electronic ignition systems, its capabilities for diagnosing them are clearly insufficient; automotive oscilloscopes and motor testers, which have much greater capabilities in comparison, come to the fore.


Although installing the ignition in most injection engines is impossible, test values ​​for ignition systems still exist, and timely determination of the discrepancy between the calculated and actual ignition timing angles often helps determine the nature of the malfunction. But to check the ignition timing in injection engines, it is necessary to use stroboscopes equipped with flash delay adjustment, since these engines usually do not have a separate mark for setting the ignition timing.

Specialized automotive oscilloscopes.

These devices have a set of specialized sensors (high voltage, vacuum, current) and a special system for synchronizing with engine rotation using a spark plug current sensor for the first cylinder. which allows you to diagnose the engine control system using any parameters. At the same time, they retain the capabilities of a universal oscilloscope and, therefore, can be used to check the operation of almost all electrical circuits of a car. In addition, they can replace a number of individual devices used for diagnostics - for example, if you have a vacuum sensor in your car oscilloscope, you no longer need to purchase a vacuum gauge.

Motor testers.

The measuring part of the motor tester basically coincides with the measuring part of a car oscilloscope. The difference between motor testers is that it can not only display oscillograms of any measured circuits, but also produce comprehensive assessments engine performance in several parameters at once (dynamic compression, acceleration, comparative cylinder efficiency, etc.), which can significantly reduce the time for troubleshooting. When purchasing equipment, it is also necessary to take into account that such devices as a gas analyzer, strobe light, etc. are often an integral part of motor testers. - therefore, although the price of a motor tester is quite high, when purchasing it, the losses in the total amount will be relatively small compared to the purchase of a separate automobile oscilloscope, gas analyzer and strobe.

Third group of devices is an equipment for in-depth testing of the engine management system and its individual nodes. It contains:

Simulators of sensor signals.

Designed to check the unit's response to changes in signals from individual sensors (for example, temperature or throttle position sensors) - in some cases, the control unit may not respond to changes in the signal from the sensor, and this fact may be perceived as a sensor failure.

Injector tester.

At the initial stage of diagnostic development, such devices were quite actively sold on the market, but recently preference has been given to stands for cleaning and checking injectors - they include checking, and, if necessary, cleaning of injectors can be carried out more efficiently. In addition, these stands themselves create a separate set paid services, the return on which increases every year.

Vacuum pump.

This device allows you to check the functionality of actuators actuated by vacuum in the intake manifold (for example, an afterburning valve or a catalyst purge valve), as well as check the vacuum sensor in the intake manifold with the engine stopped.

Spark plug tester.

Allows you to visually check the operation of spark plugs without installing them on the engine. Some testers have the ability to test the spark plug under pressure, i.e. in conditions close to real ones.

High voltage discharger.

These devices allow you to check the operation of the car's ignition system under a load close to the real one. For ignition systems with a mechanical distributor, a spark gap with an air gap of 10 mm is used to modern systems ignition without distributor - 20-21 mm.

So, we decided to do diagnostics and repairs. Based on the foregoing, let us give several recommendations for the configuration of a diagnostic station and some rules that must be followed in diagnostic work.

The simplest solution.

First of all, the most necessary device is a gas analyzer, preferably a four-component one with a calculated lambda coefficient (l). Diagnostics of the engine, as the main unit of the car, is simply impossible without this device. By choosing a model with the ability to measure electrically, you will slightly limit the capabilities of the motor tester. A compression gauge and fuel system pressure gauge are fairly inexpensive, but nice little things in a diagnostician’s kit. A simple injector cleaning installation will be of great help when you encounter cases of poor quality of the working mixture in the cars being examined.

Mobile or stationary post.

The next question is which diagnostic post is more preferable for us: stationary or mobile?

If we equip a diagnostic station at the station maintenance, then you need to pay attention to the possibility of packaging equipment around a personal computer (PC). This will make it possible to create a single diagnostic complex from a scanner, a motor tester and a gas analyzer with the ability to update software. In addition, the PC can contain a huge database of serviced vehicles, which in itself is a huge help in work.

If you plan to carry out field work (technical assistance on the road), then you need to pay attention to the possibility of operating devices from the vehicle’s on-board network. Although, when using a laptop, you can maintain mobility and use the above advantages of a PC.

The variety of brands of cars and their age impose certain restrictions on the choice of equipment. First of all, this concerns the choice of scanner. As mentioned above, the scanner is strictly tied to the make of the car; even the year of manufacture of the car and the brand of the “on-board computer” can affect the quality and the possibility or impossibility of diagnostics as such. When choosing a scanner, the main attention is on the list of brands and years of production of cars that the scanner supports, a set of cables for connecting to the control connector of the car, as well as the ability to change the scanner software to expand the capabilities. I would like to once again draw attention to scanners that work with a personal computer - a PC has almost unlimited capabilities for updating software, and if necessary, you only need an additional cable.

In addition to the listed devices for efficient work the post you create requires purchasing:

· Two-post lift with a lifting capacity of 2500 kg. for cars - 1 pc.;

· Transmission racks with a load capacity of 300 kg. - 2 pcs.;

· Rolling jack with a lifting capacity of 2000 kg. - 1 piece;

· Charging and starting device - 1 pc.;

· Mechanical workbenches - 2 pcs.;

· Set of hand tools.

A market review of the equipment offered for sale showed the following. Sales of equipment we are interested in, its installation, maintenance and repair, as well as personnel training and technical support carry out five most large firms:

· "Am-Euro";

· "Barclay-Auto";

· "Diakom-Auto";

· Diamax Holding;

· "Novgorod GARO Plant".

Based on long and painstaking study commercial offers These companies decided to cooperate with the Diamax Holding company. It is located at:

For convenience of calculations, we round the resulting amount to 400,000 rubles. Depreciation of equipment will be calculated on the basis that the residual value over three years will decrease by 50%. Monthly, respectively, it turns out to be 1.4%, or 5600 rubles.

The equipment placement plan is currently being developed. The post has the ability to work with two cars at the same time. That is, the diagnostic and repair post will have two parking spaces. Total area is 50 sq. m. This means a 20% increase in existing production space. Rent 70 rub./sq.m. m/month, or 3,500 rubles per month for the planned area.

The costs of maintaining and servicing the rented premises will add 20% or 2000 rubles monthly to the existing expenses of the enterprise under this item.

Equipment costs


Price RUR

Universal diagnostic complex DTS-25.2.

Fuel pressure measuring kit ID-U

Installation for cleaning the fuel system of gasoline and diesel engines. Carbon Cleaner System II.

Stationary 2-post lift P3-T-SP

Hydraulic transmission stand SG-1, 2 pcs.

Hydraulic rolling jack K 4845

Workbench 22.2-25-G 5015, 2 pcs.

Charger and starting device (approximately)

Set of hand tools (approximately)

4. Staff

equipment engine car personnel

The main purpose of car diagnostics is to search and detect a faulty car system and engine, in particular. Often, restoring contact in the circuit of one or another sensor prevents a “major” engine repair, so the quality of diagnostics primarily depends on the person, on the diagnostician. The client’s reaction also depends on it. Therefore, you should first learn all the intricacies of the process. There are special courses for this, when choosing which you need to pay attention to the following:

· training should be conducted by sufficiently trained mentors;

· the training program should include theoretical issues of the operation of all vehicle systems and internal combustion engine subsystems (components, sensors, actuators, etc.);

· practical exercises, as an integral part of the program, should be carried out in real conditions car service stations and, best of all, using the equipment on which you will work in the future.

When purchasing equipment, do not hesitate to ask the seller about the availability of such preparatory courses - specialist training and further support can only be provided by those companies that take this area of ​​activity seriously. And most importantly, we must not forget that quickly and competently carried out diagnostics, the ability to accurately catch the “culprit” of the car owner’s problems can only contribute to the growth of the authority of the enterprise and, as a result, an increase in the number of grateful clientele.

Therefore, a decision was made to train the two most qualified employees and transfer them to this type of activity. on their old places 2 additional people will be hired. Which will lead to an increase in imputed tax on the enterprise as a whole. These expenses can be safely attributed to the unit being created.

The situation with training courses is approximately the same as with equipment. A decision is made to train two employees in Diamax Holding courses. The cost of training will be 10,000 rubles.

Wages production staff piecework and is 40% of the amount paid by the client for the work performed. It is calculated according to the “Work” column in the “Order for work on a vehicle” form.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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