Living with the soul - what is it? Life is to your liking. Pleasant wishes to people.

Part 1.

Life “according to your soul” is a lifestyle that can probably be considered ideal. Because, living “according to the Soul,” we, firstly, avoid many mistakes, secondly, we are free from fears and anxieties, and thirdly, we receive joy from life. In the life of someone who lives “according to the Soul,” different events may occur, not always pleasant and expected, but they will still be perceived and lived completely differently.

How to learn this?
A simple test - when something happens, what speaks louder in you, thoughts or feelings? Do you think more or feel more? Living “according to the mind” is an alternative way of living to living “according to the Soul”; many people live this way, but this approach brings with it many difficulties. For example, living “by the mind”, a person almost always experiences a lot of fears, strives to control (and this is very energy-consuming, because it is not within our power to control anything one hundred percent), which leads to a serious loss of energy, interferes with development and movement forward. There is also a possible imbalance with values ​​- “smart” people evaluate others, first of all, by the degree of “smartness”, while spiritual qualities come at the end of the list, which means that they are surrounded by people who are not congenial in spirit, kind, warm, and often completely different, and this means disappointment in friendships, unhappy families, and a lack of quality communication.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do to live “according to your Soul” is to learn to hear and express your feelings. Some people will succeed easily and quickly, others will need more time, but it is accessible to everyone. For example, an unpleasant situation occurs, try to live it only at the level of feelings - concentrate only on what you feel and go through all the stages of feeling, whatever they may be. Of course, you don’t have to be too emotional to study difficult situations, try to practice on something small, then complicate the task for yourself. While you are experiencing the situation with your feelings, watch your thoughts - it is most likely not possible to turn them off completely; at this stage it is not necessary. Try to let them flow on their own, do not get involved in their living. Imagine that you are observing thoughts from the outside, i.e., they are on their own, and you are separately, somewhere above them, and you are only interested in what you feel.

The next step is to try the same thing, but with situations that have not yet happened. For example, you are afraid of something (which may or may not happen), try this future situation thoroughly, and just watch your thoughts. By the way, when you look at thoughts from the outside, the subconscious beliefs that these thoughts form are clearly visible. That is, there is a chance to change these beliefs, which will help to free yourself from the fears that these beliefs create. I wrote in the article how to change beliefs "Beliefs that limit our lives".

After you learn to hear and express (i.e., live without thoughts) feelings, the voice of intuition will become clearly audible to you. It will no longer be drowned out by the stream of thoughts that our brain constantly produces. You will see that as many thoughts as it creates are not necessary at all, and you will want to learn how to turn it off. There are many techniques for stopping in the “now” moment that are freely available, you can take any one you like or look in my article “Practical skills for living in the “now”.

The next stage is the development of trust in the world, the most difficult. One of my mentors once said, “When it comes to faith, we are all weaklings,” and he was partly right, because completely letting go of control over a disturbing or frightening situation and simply doing your part to work on it is a task that is almost impossible without special preparation. Letting go means not controlling, it means letting everything happen not the way we want, but the way an unknown force decides. Of course, this will happen in any case, but when we control, we sincerely believe that we influence the result)).

Trust in the world can also be developed if there is a desire. I can say from my own example that I started doing this seriously when I was immensely tired of being afraid and exhausted, trying to lay straws where they stubbornly did not lay. I laid down my arms and decided to never fight anything that came to me again. Trust did not come immediately, but it did, and over all the past years I have never regretted my decision. There is no point in wasting energy on something that you cannot influence, and it is an amazing feeling when you know that they will help you and prepare everything in the best possible way; you just need to listen to your intuition and follow it. Intuition always tells you what to do What There is still more we can do to resolve the situation. It is important to do this and relax, allowing the Universe to do its part of the work.

An inexplicable thing is the soul. Nobody knows where it is, but everyone knows how much it hurts.
Anton Chekhov

IN first part we were talking about the initial stages of learning to live “according to the Soul”:
Hear and show feelings
Observe thoughts detachedly, without allowing yourself to be drawn into them,
Working with limiting beliefs that cause fears
Stopping in the “now”, controlling the flow of thoughts,
Developing intuition, following it,
Developing trust in the world.
Having already gone through only these stages, we qualitatively change our lives. Anxieties are no longer overwhelming, mistakes are made much less frequently, wishes begin to come true. This is somewhat reminiscent of a reward when a person has passed some stage of his journey and receives a gift for his success. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the case there, in the higher spheres: if you work well, you get it. The Universe always supports those who develop spiritually. And it seems that he not only supports, but also rewards)).

The next thing that is important to think about when learning to live “according to your Soul” is a sense of proportion. It might sound strange. I'll explain.

Dissatisfaction with life often arises when, as in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” everything is not enough for a person, no matter how much you give. A sense of proportion is the ability to take exactly as much as we really need. A very useful skill here would be the skill of competent goal setting, when you easily separate your true desires from those imposed by others or from stereotypes (everyone has them, which means I need this too). You can read how to set and test your goals correctly on my website in the section "Goals. Why are they needed, how to set and achieve them correctly?”.

At the previous stage, you learned to hear intuition; it’s time to use this skill to attract change (if reality does not suit you for some reason). It may be a painful stage, you may not even want to go through it, but those who decide will literally open the doors to positive changes. As long as we hold on to what we no longer need, there is little chance for something new. The stage is to conduct an audit and, let's say, spring cleaning in your life. Before you do anything, work with your desires (under the “Goals” section) - what do you really want, and what is pulling you back, preventing your desires from coming true? The work is done in writing (I’ll tell you for sure, written and mental work gives very different result, it is important to do this particular work in writing). Then look through the list of things that are getting in the way—what are you not ready to part with just yet? Why you are not ready, what is the reason - think about it. Do everything slowly, thoughtfully, these are important decisions. What is superfluous, unnecessary, meaningless in your life? Keep making lists and analyzing them. To start the process, you can start with general cleaning - in bedside tables, closets, on shelves, on the balcony, in the country house, etc. Listen to your intuition, it will show you what it is time to give up. These could be things, foods in the diet, activities, habits, relationships, anything. Look at your life area by area and make decisions.

I do not call for destroying the old life and building a new one on the ruins, not at all. In our case, “old” does not equal “unnecessary,” but there is definitely something unnecessary among the old, we need to find it and make decisions. Such clearing of space is sometimes painful, people change their social circle, profession, place of residence, way of thinking, it is important not to become discouraged and always remember - one door closes, another opens. Sometimes, indeed, new relationships are not established because the old ones are not completed. I repeat once again, it is important to approach the review of your values ​​very carefully and carefully, not to rush off the handle, and not to make hasty decisions. Give yourself as much time as you need, don’t rush the process, let it proceed at a comfortable pace. If you feel that your intuition is not working enough, it is difficult to trust it, you want to develop it more - there are techniques for this, contact us, we will work.

Ideally, in life, like a good housewife, there should be nothing “just in case.” After all, it often happens that an item has become small or has gone out of fashion, or something else, and we put it away in the closet “just in case” (suddenly I lose weight or fashion changes), a year passes, another, the item is still there, but we don’t dare throw it away . So in life, stacks of unnecessary, outdated beliefs, decisions, things, and relationships accumulate. But let's return to the sense of proportion. A person with a sense of proportion always feels in abundance. This is a question of gratitude too. A sense of proportion is, in essence, the skill of good, complete energy exchange, when we take from the world as much as we need, and give to the world generously, joyfully, without being greedy. What does it mean to “give to the world”? This means doing something for the benefit of not only yourself and your loved ones, but also others living on earth. That you do no evil is implied. I wrote in detail about how to give to the world in the article “What does it take to receive something?”.

A sense of proportion is the opposite quality of greed. You are already developing trust in the world, which means you know and believe that you will always be taken care of, and you will always have enough money for what you really need. And what you need or don’t need, developed intuition will help you determine. Here it is, life “according to your Soul” - free from fears, senseless control, loss of strength due to excessive loss of energy, refusal own desires(for the sake of strangers), and other things that bring life “according to the mind.” If you have any questions or need help, write to me. I wish you love and success).

With love, Yulia Solomonova

An inexplicable thing is the soul. Nobody knows where it is, but everyone knows how much it hurts.
Anton Chekhov

We were talking about the initial stages of learning to live “according to the Soul”:
Hear and show feelings
Observe thoughts detachedly, without allowing yourself to be drawn into them,
Working with limiting beliefs that cause fears
Stopping in the “now”, controlling the flow of thoughts,
Developing intuition, following it,
Developing trust in the world.
Having already gone through only these stages, we qualitatively change our lives. Anxieties are no longer overwhelming, mistakes are made much less frequently, wishes begin to come true. This is somewhat reminiscent of a reward when a person has passed some stage of his journey and receives a gift for his success. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the case there, in the higher spheres: if you work well, you get it. The Universe always supports those who develop spiritually. And it seems that he not only supports, but also rewards)).

The next thing that is important to think about when learning to live “according to your Soul” is a sense of proportion. It might sound strange. I'll explain.
Dissatisfaction with life often arises when, as in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” everything is not enough for a person, no matter how much you give. A sense of proportion is the ability to take exactly as much as we really need. A very useful skill here would be the skill of competent goal setting, when you easily separate your true desires from those imposed by others or from stereotypes (everyone has them, which means I need this too). You can read in my section how to set and test your goals correctly.

At the previous stage, you learned to hear intuition; it’s time to use this skill to attract change (if reality does not suit you for some reason). It may be a painful stage, you may not even want to go through it, but those who decide will literally open the doors to positive changes. As long as we hold on to what we no longer need, there is little chance for something new. The stage is to conduct an audit and, let's say, spring cleaning in your life. Before you do anything, work with your desires (under the “Goals” section) - what do you really want, and what is pulling you back, preventing your desires from coming true? The work is done in writing (I’ll tell you for sure, written and mental work give very different results, it is important to do this particular work in writing). Then look through the list of things that are getting in the way—what are you not ready to part with just yet? Why you are not ready, what is the reason - think about it. Do everything slowly, thoughtfully, these are important decisions. What is superfluous, unnecessary, meaningless in your life? Keep making lists and analyzing them. To start the process, you can start with general cleaning - in bedside tables, closets, on shelves, on the balcony, in the country house, etc. Listen to your intuition, it will show you what it is time to give up. These could be things, foods in the diet, activities, habits, relationships, anything. Look at your life area by area and make decisions.

I do not call for destroying the old life and building a new one on the ruins, not at all. In our case, “old” does not equal “unnecessary,” but there is definitely something unnecessary among the old, we need to find it and make decisions. Such clearing of space is sometimes painful, people change their social circle, profession, place of residence, way of thinking, it is important not to become discouraged and always remember - one door closes, another opens. Sometimes, indeed, new relationships are not established because the old ones are not completed. I repeat once again, it is important to approach the review of your values ​​very carefully and carefully, not to rush off the handle, and not to make hasty decisions. Give yourself as much time as you need, don’t rush the process, let it proceed at a comfortable pace. If you feel that your intuition is not working enough, it’s difficult to trust it, you want to develop it more - there are techniques for this, contact us, we’ll work on it.

Ideally, in life, like a good housewife, there should be nothing “just in case.” After all, it often happens that an item has become small or has gone out of fashion, or something else, and we put it away in the closet “just in case” (suddenly I lose weight or fashion changes), a year passes, another, the item is still there, but we don’t dare throw it away . So in life, stacks of unnecessary, outdated beliefs, decisions, things, and relationships accumulate. But let's return to the sense of proportion. A person with a sense of proportion always feels in abundance. This is a question of gratitude too. A sense of proportion is, in essence, the skill of good, complete energy exchange, when we take from the world as much as we need, and give to the world generously, joyfully, without being greedy. What does it mean to “give to the world”? This means doing something for the benefit of not only yourself and your loved ones, but also others living on earth. That you do no evil is implied. I wrote in detail about how to give to the world in the article

It is believed that transition to the Soul level comes when a person begins to live according to his heart, in another way they say “the fourth heart chakra of Anahata has opened”, let’s leave for now the complexity and multi-stage opening of the chakras and concentrate on the difficulties of moving to the level of the Soul from the level of Personality, on the transition to the fourth dimension from three-dimensional reality. The difficulties lie not in learning “in principle” to hear the inner voice and intuitively perceive events, feel energy flows, clearly see the subtle world, use astral vision, etc., but in making the voice of the Heart the main one, leading in your life. At the moment when good deeds, kind thoughts, and kind words become your first (not second) nature, a constant and natural habit, your main motto, which you will try not to change under any circumstances - then the transition to the level of the Soul took place and began to strengthen, up to this point only preparation is underway, but without it there is also nowhere.

We often encounter situations when a growing, improving person, having reached his new level of development, to the limit of the visible possibilities of the “current day”, finds himself in an “open field” - there is no experience, theoretical understanding, little practice - on what to base his actions? The first sincere realization that the past experience is no longer suitable helps to begin a global restructuring and fill the void that has arisen... At this moment, the external dynamics of development slow down, new visible events slow down their pace, and the period begins internal work to revise and transform the basis that this person represents today is a scrupulous, painstaking activity of comparing, distinguishing, rethinking the basic foundations of oneself and preparing for new views, thoughts, actions, energies, etc.

In order for a person to learn to manifest himself and interact in the world in a new way, according to the Soul, his worldview must radically change - this is not a very simple, but important task, which “ideally” is never completed, because... there is “no limit to development except our own fetters and limitations.”

At that moment when a person faces a choice: “What to do next? What is the right thing to do?”, there is a great temptation to use old, previously developed personality patterns. Moreover, they are simply “eager to fight”, because... polished by many repetitions to the point of automaticity, and are launched almost immediately, you just have to forget about the lessons of awareness and the evolution of the Soul.

This is the very test, are you really ready to live according to your Heart, according to your Soul and search, experiment, create your own, complex, but correct, kind and bright, harmonious way of manifestation in the world full of joy and inspiration, or your inner conviction in that you are ready – declarative and artificial...

And, if things don’t go beyond declarations, then a situation always arises when “Yes, But...” something suddenly interferes with you, stops you and brings you back - often, according to the “classics of the genre”, this “something” will be external, not yours, you “have nothing to do with it”, there is someone extreme who prevented you from being kind and bright, “forced” you, “pissed you off”, “said the wrong thing”, “did the wrong thing” and now in response you “need it this way, because there is no other way,” etc. etc. - Sound familiar?

One simple example from working with students:

Thesis: “Whatever the lessons, they should not interfere with work”... Quite the opposite! Whatever the external circumstances at work, they should not interfere with you, think with your heart, make decisions with your heart, feel and act in this world from the Heart, from the Soul– we must strive for this and not forget this simple truth. To be more precise, it is not they that bother you, but two attitudes that conflict within you:


“It’s necessary; There is no other way, otherwise I will be considered weak; I have to do something...; I will make you respect me; I want and I will and that’s all; I don’t want to listen to anything, I’m definitely right; They don’t want to understand me, but why should I?; I will stand until the last, etc. etc.”


“I can be different; I try to understand clearly what is happening; I may not understand something or disagree with someone, but this is not a reason for a reaction; I flexibly change interactions, depending on situations, without crossing other people’s boundaries, which may be different, etc. unexpected; I trust myself and the world; I have a choice, and which one is the purest, brightest, kindest, loving and correct - here and now?

Even if others don’t understand what’s happening and demand to prove that they’re right “according to the individual’s instructions,” they drive them crazy, etc. ... this is their right to choose the format of communication, interaction, which you are gently/rudely/explicitly/invisibly suggested to take as the norm, etc. - and your choice may differ... but how often do we forget about this, getting carried away by old patterns... And where, at this moment, is your self-confident and declared readiness? Where is the spiritual discernment and wisdom of the spirit, where is the heartfelt aspiration towards goodness and light, the spiritual development of which they talk so much about? Similar checks await you at every step, until practice of living according to your soul will not become an everyday reality, unfortunately, we don’t know any other way...

No matter what beautiful words and lofty maxims are used, or, on the contrary, rude phrases, your task is not to leave the territory of the Soul, then no “alien” shadow will be able to tarnish the harmony of your inner world, and at the next step, you will understand that the shadow is not a shadow at all , and the illusion of perception, strengthened by your emotional state, and even if “that guy” was wrong, you will help him with your example to take the right path, and will not look for excuses for your rude actions in other people’s “problems” and look down on them.

Communication from the Soul - does not involve the use of words as the main form of expression of content your message and/or real attitude to the situation, problem, issue, person, etc.

Communication according to the Soul is communication “from the Heart, to the Heart”:

«… Here we recited the Teacher, and stretched a thread through the heart…»

Using beautiful words “we love you; This is wonderful; huge gratitude; I speak sincerely; I speak from the Soul,” etc. - often there is nothing more than a trick, verbal manipulation, when a person passes off what he wants as reality. And what is even more sad, the person himself may not realize this, thinking about himself in a superlative form: “I know for sure that this is from the Soul”... Simultaneously with the speech pattern, which has a generally accepted meaning, contradictory actions are performed, vibrations are emitted and energy-information waves, emotions and thoughts spread - which do not correspond to the content of the spoken words...

And at the moment when you begin to distinguish the vibration of words, and distinguish their real content and energetic meaning in the context of the message, from those verbal labels in which actions and thoughts are packaged, like sweets in a wrapper, you begin your difficult transition to the level of the Soul and at this moment no external words, promises, and assurances can no longer prevent you from seeing the truth coming from the Heart and distinguishing it from the truth of the Personality. We will talk about this in detail in the new Mindfulness lesson in the live broadcast of reality No. 68:

Topic: Difficulties in moving to the Soul level

Today, after a long break, we are resuming new weekly Mindfulness lessons and invite you to take part in live reality broadcast, which will be devoted to the issues and difficulties of the transition from the third reality to the fourth dimension, changes and difficulties, obstacles that await you and accompany you on the path of the Evolution of the Soul.

The main questions of the lesson “How to live according to your soul”:

  • Why is it so difficult to maintain a kind and loving state of mind and mood?
  • Why does a negative reaction occur and what to do about it?
  • How to distinguish manifestations of the Soul from the desires of the Personality
  • Where is the border between the third and fourth changes?
  • How much practice do you need to learn to live according to your soul?
  • What determines the accuracy of the distinction: who is now in charge, Soul or Personality?
  • What to do when you have a very Strong Personality
  • What to do when you have a very Weak Personality
  • What to do when you realize your mistakes, how to correct them, what to do next
  • Who and how can help me pass my lessons, and who and how can interfere?
  • And much more

Take part in a new open lesson Awareness, anyone can, we will be glad to see your questions, we will try to analyze in practice several of your “working” problem situations:

It is believed that transition to the Soul level comes when a person begins to live according to his heart, they say differently - "The fourth heart chakra Anahata opened", let us leave for now the complexity and multi-stage nature of the opening of the chakras and concentrate on the difficulties of transitioning to the level of the Soul from the level of Personality, on the transition to the fourth dimension from three-dimensional reality. The difficulties do not even lie in learning “in principle” to hear the inner voice and intuitively perceive events , feel energy flows, clearly see the subtle world, use astral vision, etc., but in order for the voice of the Heart to become the main one, leading in your life at the moment when good deeds, good thoughts, and kind words become yours. first (not second) nature, a constant and natural habit, your main motto, which you will try not to change under any circumstances - then the transition to the level of the Soul took place and began to strengthen, until this moment only preparation is underway, but without it nowhere too.

We often encounter situations where a growing, improving person, having reached his new level of development, to the limit of the visible possibilities of the “current day”, finds himself in an “open field” - there is no experience, theoretical understanding, little practice - on what to base his actions? The first sincere realization that the past experience is no longer suitable helps to begin a global restructuring and fill the void that has arisen... At this moment, the external dynamics of development slow down, new visible events slow down, and a period of internal work begins to revise and transform the foundation that today This person is a meticulous, painstaking activity of comparing, distinguishing, rethinking the basic foundations of oneself and preparing for new views, thoughts, actions, energies, etc.

In order for a person to learn to manifest and interact in the world in a new way, according to the Soul, the worldview must radically change - this is not a very simple, but important task, which “ideally” is never completed, because for development "there is no limit except our own shackles and limitations".

At the moment when a person faces a choice: "What to do next? What is the right thing to do?", there is a great temptation to use old previously developed personality templates. Moreover, they are simply “eager to fight”, because... polished by many repetitions to the point of automaticity and start almost immediately, you just have to forget about the lessons of awareness and the evolution of the Soul.

This is the very test, are you really ready to live according to your Heart, according to your Soul and search, experiment, create your own, complex, but correct, kind and bright, harmonious way of manifestation in the world full of joy and inspiration, or your inner conviction in that you are ready - declarative and artificial...

And if things don’t go beyond declarations, then a situation always arises when "Yes, But..." Suddenly something will interfere with you, stop you and bring you back - often according to the “classics of the genre” this “something” will be external, not yours, you “have nothing to do with it”, there is someone extreme who prevented you from being kind and bright, “forced”, “pissed off”, “said the wrong thing”, “did the wrong thing”, and now in response to you “It’s necessary because there’s no other way" etc., etc. Sound familiar?

One of the simple examples from working with students.

Thesis: “Whatever the lessons are, they should not interfere with work”... Just the opposite! Whatever the external circumstances at work, they should not interfere with you think with your heart, make decisions with your heart, feel and act in this world from the Heart, from the Soul— we must strive for this and not forget this simple truth. To be more precise, it is not they that bother you, but two attitudes that conflict within you.

  • First: “It’s necessary; there’s no other way, otherwise I’ll be considered weak; I have to do something...; I’ll make you respect me; I want and I will, and that’s all; I don’t want to listen to anything, I’m definitely right; they don’t want understand me, why should I; I will stand to the last, etc., etc..
  • Second: “I can be different; I try to clearly understand what is happening; I may not understand something or disagree with someone, but this is not a reason for reaction; I flexibly change interactions depending on situations, without crossing other people’s boundaries, which can be different and unexpected; I trust myself and the world; I have a choice, and which one is the purest, brightest, kindest, most loving and correct - here and now?

Even if others don’t understand what’s going on, and demand to prove you’re right “according to the individual’s instructions,” they drive you crazy, etc... it’s their right to choose the format of communication, interaction, which you are gently/rudely/explicitly/indirectly offered to take for the norm, etc., and your choice may differ... but how often do we forget about this, getting carried away by old patterns... And where is your self-confident and declared readiness at this moment? Where is the spiritual discernment and wisdom of the spirit, where is the heartfelt aspiration towards goodness and light, the spiritual development of which they talk so much about? Similar checks await you at every step, until practice of living according to your soul will not become an everyday reality, unfortunately, we don’t know any other way...

No matter what beautiful words and lofty maxims are used or, conversely, rude phrases, your task is not to leave the territory of the Soul, then no “alien” shadow will be able to tarnish the harmony of your inner world, and at the next step you will understand that the shadow is not at all a shadow, but an illusion of perception, strengthened by your emotional state, and even if “that guy” was wrong, you will help him with your example to take the right path, and will not look for excuses for your rude actions in other people’s “problems” and look down on them .

Communication from the Soul - does not involve the use of words as the main form of expression of content your message and/or real attitude to the situation, problem, issue, person, etc.

Communication according to the Soul is communication “from the Heart, to the Heart”:

"…Here we recited the Teacher, and stretched a thread through the heart…".

Using beautiful words "we love you; this is wonderful; great gratitude; I speak sincerely; I speak from the Soul" etc. - often there is nothing more than a trick, verbal manipulation, when a person passes off what he wants as reality. And what’s even sadder is that the person himself may not realize this, thinking about himself in a superior form: “I know for sure that this is from the Soul”… Simultaneously with the speech pattern, which has a generally accepted meaning, contradictory actions are performed, vibrations are emitted and energy-information waves, emotions and thoughts are distributed - which do not correspond to the content of the spoken words...

And at the moment when you begin to distinguish the vibration of words and distinguish their real content and energetic meaning in the context of the message, from those verbal labels in which actions and thoughts are packaged, like sweets in a wrapper, you begin your difficult transition to the level of the Soul, and at this moment, no external words, promises and assurances will no longer prevent you from seeing the truth coming from the Heart and distinguishing it from the truth of the Personality.

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