Aphorisms, quotes, statements of great people on the topic of error. Are mistakes always considered life experience? Are there mistakes in life?

mistakes in everyone's life

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Certainly, errors V life people meet frequently, even daily.
They are small and significant.
How do we feel about our mistakes?

Mistakes in everyone's life

Basically, a person is afraid of making mistakes, tries to avoid mistakes, and gets nervous if he realizes that he has made a mistake.

Why is a person afraid of mistakes?

Because they scold you because of a mistake.
They despise.
They condemn.
They look down on you.
They grin furtively.
They make irony in the eyes.
They laugh at mistakes.
Mistakes are punished.
They don't forgive.
They deprive you of attention.

Mistakes in life. Bad tactics.

mistakes in everyone's life

Scold yourself, feel guilty.
Fear of condemnation.
Suffer and engage in self-criticism.

“Hovering over” mistakes means pretending that nothing happened and hoping that no one will notice. (But one person will know for sure about this.)

Effective work on errors.

When is a mistake beneficial?

If it is analyzed.
If conclusions are drawn.
If new tactics for the future are developed.

Who never makes mistakes?

A person who does nothing.
A person who doesn't learn lessons.
A very smart person who knows everything and can do everything the first time. (I’ve never seen anything like this in nature or in life. And probably you haven’t either.))

Mistakes in life. Value.

Mistakes are a rake, and if you step on them, you should think about it and change. If a person does not change his behavior, acts in a stereotypical manner, then he gets hit in the forehead again and again. And this will continue until he understands that the reason for his troubles lies in his own behavior, and not in a coincidence or bad luck.

mistakes in everyone's life

Mistakes in life are:

Source of change
Source of improvements
A signal that you need to look for another way to act
An indicator that a person does not stand still, develops, searches, grows.

Mistakes do not allow us to rest on our laurels. They give a reason to change and develop.

Conclusion: each of us can make a mistake a fulcrum from which we can build on and become better, more experienced, wiser.

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Each of us has made enough mistakes in our lives. They leave their mark on our lives: they interfere with the achievement of our goals, the development of relationships, and simply affect a person’s emotional state. People have always made mistakes, are making them, and will continue to make them constantly. Below is a list of the mistakes that people make most often, and we will give some tips on how to avoid making these mistakes.

Mistake #1: Failing to wait.

Almost half a century ago, American scientists conducted a very interesting experiment with sweet treats; this experiment took place several years ago. What was the experiment? They sat a child in a room and offered him candy. But he had a choice: either he eats the candy right away, or waits 20 minutes and is given another candy.

In principle, everything was simple: either one candy right now, or two, but later.

There have been cases when children immediately started eating candy, without even hearing about the rules. But some children still chose the option and patiently waited for their second candy.

The experiment ended in the seventies, all of its results were published in the press. However, scientists decided to continue observing those same children with a sweet tooth. As it turned out later, this decision was correct. Those few children who had the patience to wait for the second candy achieved more in life than those who were not so patient.

The conclusion can be made simple: those who know how to wait will wait for more. Therefore, the ability to wait plays a very important role in our lives, which helps us realize our dreams.

We have heard about this many times. But despite this, many people still do not have patience when it comes to making important decisions.

How to avoid making such a mistake? Live in the present, don't run ahead of time. Learn to wait and the reward for this ability will not be long in coming.

Mistake No. 2. Wrong motivation.

People are overcome by fear when it comes to making important decisions, this happens because many do not know what they want. If you do not have an exact goal in life, then you can make many mistakes and accept many unnecessary offers.

If you were able to achieve success, for example, you stepped up in a career lecture, then the range of your opportunities is now wider. In the absence of a clearly defined goal, any little thing can mislead you and unsettle you.

Many people set themselves the goal of simply looking good. Need I say that this is not the right goal?

Think about why you are doing what you do.

Let's try to answer the questions by giving an example of writers. Why do they write books?

  • To get money.
  • Fame.

Almost everyone writes a book to get paid.

Many people in their lives just want to become lawyers, doctors, get a higher education and that’s it. But this is not a motivation, not a goal. Many people just want status; they don’t think that the main thing is to do the job well.

How to avoid making this mistake? Think about what is your goal? What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve it? Be honest when answering these questions.

Mistake No. 3. The desire to get everything at once

Let's look at this mistake using the example of a writer from America. He already has several books in his repertoire. The publishing house offered the young writer a contract to write a book. He was very happy and told everyone about it, including his teacher. But his reaction was completely unexpected.

He, of course, was happy for his student, but he told him very important words - he needs to wait. The teacher believed that the young writer was not yet ready for such an important step. And the writer listened, he waited, worked on his skills, he spent several years on all this.

Now think about it, could he have written a book that became a masterpiece at his young age? Very unlikely. Let this example be a lesson to you. And think about whether you can do something meaningful now, or is it better to wait a little?

Perhaps the reward for waiting will be much better and more meaningful than what you would have received a couple of years ago.

How to avoid this mistake? You need to work long and hard, give your all to your work. Don't think that success will come to you right away. Have patience.

Mistake No. 4. Fear of missing out on a favorable moment.

Many people don’t know how to wait because they are afraid of missing out on that very moment. It's easy to confuse the short pause before taking action with the anticipation of the reward that awaits you.

When the moment comes to take action, you will realize it. Readiness to act does not mean that the moment has arrived. You need to be absolutely sure that the time to act has come.

How to avoid this mistake? When the moment really comes, don't let your indecision take over. You shouldn’t mark time and wait for the most opportune moment.

Mistake #5: Inaction due to fear of failure.

When you begin the path to your dream, there will be obstacles and difficulties along the way. You don't have to give up at the first one. Try to overcome everything, it may not work the first time, but it will still work.

What matters is how you behave after your first failure. Perhaps you will give up and refuse further action. Every effort must be made to prevent this from happening.

Think about the situation soberly, understand what led you to failure. Then try again. You will still be able to achieve your goal, and the emotions that will overwhelm you will be very pleasant.

How to avoid this mistake? Don't be afraid to act just because you might fail. It’s better to do it and regret it than to just sit with your hands folded.

Let's summarize.

To avoid mistakes that could affect your future, follow a few tips.

    Have patience, the ability to wait is doubly rewarded;

    Set yourself a goal, it should be clear;

    Be confident in yourself and your actions;

    Make important decisions only “with a sober head.”

Follow all these rules, and then any dream will come true.

Nurse Bronnie Ware from Australia cared for hopeless patients for the last 12 weeks of their lives. She recorded the most common life mistakes that patients reported and published them on the Inspiration and Chai blog.

1. Don’t dare to live life the way you want

Many people today build their lives based on the expectations of other people. In any area, they prefer what their partners or society approve of.

As a result, such people meet the expectations of everyone - parents, teachers, acquaintances - but they themselves feel constant pressure. Most of the time they feel cornered and unhappy.

How to avoid mistakes

Stay true to yourself. If you have the courage to live the life you want, you will likely face criticism and disagreement. Calmly listen to the advice and opinions of others, but if they do not coincide with yours, do not pay much attention to them.

Just as others have the right to express their opinions, you have the right to ignore them. You don't live to please anyone. So don't be afraid to ruin your relationship with people who disagree.

2. Working too much

It is accepted in modern society. People are busier now than at any time in history. Yes, the situation of workers in factories at the beginning of the 20th century was much worse, but then they had no choice, but we do.

Parents rarely see their children and shift their care to grandparents or nannies. People do not have time for relationships and other personal matters; career is always a priority, it rises above everything else.

Yes, work provides a means of livelihood, but for some people it becomes the main parameter of self-identification.

How to avoid mistakes

Determine your priorities. If you don't have time for a relationship, it means it's not your first priority. If you skip your gym sessions, it means you don't care that much about your fitness, even if you say otherwise.

Each person has 24 hours in a day, no more and no less. That's how much time in a day for successful entrepreneurs like , financial magnates like Warren Buffett, famous athletes like Serena Williams, or television celebrities like Oprah Winfrey. It’s just that some people spend every day productively, while others complain that they don’t get anything done.

Think about what you want to spend your time on and make informed choices. What do you value most in life? Are you spending your time according to your priorities? If you answered no to the last question, your desires and actions do not coincide. Fix it.

3. Not being able to express your feelings

Have you ever tried to forget a person and your feelings for them just because you were afraid to open up? If yes, then you are not alone. There are indeed many people in the world who are alone not because they are unattractive. No, they are educated, beautiful, interesting in communication, but closed to feelings. They systematically miss opportunities to meet new people and expand their social circle.

For the sake of comfort and peace of mind, they refuse any attempt to start a relationship, finding millions of reasons why this person is “not the one,” “not for me,” and so on.

How to avoid mistakes

It is better to regret what you have done than to regret missed opportunities. Or maybe you won’t have to regret it at all. Open up.

Firstly, you will immediately feel better. Secondly, you will find out whether your feelings are mutual or not. Even if you get a refusal, it will be easier to come to terms with it forever than to be tormented all your life by the question: “What if?..”

Ultimately, ask yourself, what's the worst thing that could happen when you confess your feelings? They will refuse you (most likely politely), and you will simply understand that this is the wrong person.

And if your feelings are mutual, you will get an unforgettable experience, the bonus of which will be pride in your own courage.

4. Lose contact with your friends

It seems to us that friendship is something eternal. That she will remain in any case, even if we do not pay enough attention to her. Therefore, we easily sacrifice friendly meetings for the sake of work, cancel get-togethers because of romantic dates and other important matters. And then we regret the lost friends.

How to avoid mistakes

Instead of waiting for your friends to ask you to meet, take the first step. Perhaps they are also waiting for you to call or write to them, inviting them to spend time together.

If your efforts are not successful, perhaps people simply have other priorities. In this case, you will not regret moving away from them, because you did everything to prevent this from happening.

5. Don't allow yourself to be a happy person.

Are you deeply unhappy? Do you always complain about troubles in life? Do you harp on about the things you don't have and the opportunities you missed instead of enjoying what you have?

Too many people feel unhappy because of their ideas about where they should be and what they should have in order to be happy. However, many of these sufferers live in comfortable conditions, have a stable job, a decent income, a healthy social environment and a great family.

However, the feeling of happiness does not depend on material well-being. It depends on a person’s opinion of what it means to be happy.

How to avoid mistakes

Realize that happiness is everyone's choice. Many people believe that it depends on some factors. They think that they will be happy if they achieve this, that, the third, if their needs are met.

But happiness does not depend on achievements and does not come with them or after them. Happiness is something you can experience right now if you allow yourself to.

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the path.

What do you regret? Share in the comments.

Why does it happen that people with the same starting conditions and life potential have completely different achievements? One person achieves stunning career and financial success, while another is constantly in huge debt.

Some people are constantly developing, while others are in the same position as they were at 18, or even worse, when retirement comes. The reason for this state of affairs is the life mistakes that we make.

First life mistake. We seek to escape from our problems. Every unpleasant situation in life must be resolved as soon as possible. Otherwise, problems accumulate and “hit” the development process like a snowball.

Second mistake in life. Communicating with the wrong people. Our environment has a stronger influence on achieving success than many are accustomed to think. This applies to both close relatives and just acquaintances. If they are skeptical about your endeavors, constantly whine and complain about life, then it is better to stop communicating with such people. If this is not possible, then communication should be minimized. Chat with successful people, those that excel and motivate you.

Third mistake in life. Lie to yourself. Self-deception is extremely dangerous. So you will never achieve success in any field, be it sports, finance, career, etc. Be honest with yourself.

Fourth life mistake. Live in the past alone. This mistake is made by most people who think about how good they were in the past. “We lived like this during the USSR, but now what can I afford?”, “How good was it at your last job and with a higher salary?” - these are standard thoughts of a loser, which do not allow him to develop further.

Fifth life mistake. They are afraid to make mistakes and scold themselves for them. Every mistake should be perceived as a positive experience, and not as a disaster. This state of affairs sets the stage for positive developments in the future.

The sixth mistake in life. Measure success and happiness with money. Many people think that when they earn a million, they will be successful and happy. Money is only one of the means to achieve a goal. True success is measured by the opportunity to do what you love, self-realization and a harmonious combination of all areas of life. Finance is an integral part of success, but other components are no less important.

The seventh mistake in life. Waiting for better times. Many unsuccessful people put off taking action on their goals until next month, Monday, or year. This is fundamentally wrong. You should start now with the opportunities that you have. Otherwise, the likelihood that you will not be able to achieve your goals is close to 100%.

Eighth life mistake. Feel sorry for yourself and complain about life. Such people are psychologically programmed to fail. They have a lot of blocks in their subconscious that hinder the achievement of their goals. And, as a rule, such people don’t have any special goals.

The ninth mistake in life. Getting into a vicious circle. This mistake can apply to different areas of life. Regarding health, it can look like this: a person trains, and then goes into all serious troubles (alcohol, overeating, etc.). After a while, he comes to his senses and starts all over again. Or even simpler in financial terms: work - home - work, without any movement forward.

Tenth life mistake. Think in negative terms. This way you are setting yourself up for failure. Thoughts: “What if I can’t?”, “What if I lose money?” should be replaced with the following: “I can do it!”, “I have enough money for this!” and so on.

Life mistake number eleven. Worry about what other people will think. Remember, if you fail, you alone are responsible for it. But if you succeed, it will only be your success. Other people don't care about you. Only if you don't owe them anything!

You should remember these life mistakes well and try to prevent them on your path to achieving success!

Often mistakes underlie thoughts, actions, decisions, but some of their consequences are so beautiful that you want to make mistakes again and again. However, there are mistakes that you should not make. 10 most unnecessary mistakes in a person’s life:

1. Lack of choice.
Oddly enough, most people do not directly make a choice about which path they will take in life. Everything is left to chance. How it goes.

As a result, they are tossed through life like an autumn leaf in the wind. He goes to college because a friend advised him. I went to the section because they praised me. I got a job because it was close to home.
The result is boring work, dreary life, sad family.

I had a fight with my boss and changed jobs. I had a fight with my wife and changed my wife. I had a fight with my body and exchanged this light for that one.

Why did you live? Not clear.

2. Expectation of a miracle.
Variation of the first error. Everything is the same, but at the same time there is hope for a miracle. Tomorrow everything will be completely different. Something will change in the life mechanism and a beautiful garden full of blooming roses will appear around. Not today. But soon, very soon. Well, not very soon, but it will definitely happen.

The idea that if you want a garden, you need to grow it, somehow doesn’t come to mind.

3. Hard work of a squirrel in a wheel.
In this case, a person is ready to work day and night, but he himself does not know what he wants. He works two jobs and takes overtime. He puts all his strength and health into the endless rat race. Hurry up, even sooner. There is no time to rest, no time to get sick. He fusses, fusses, burns all his energy, and who needs all this is unknown. I struggled until retirement, earned a lot of money, but no health, no loved one, no joy in life.

4. Searching for a successful loophole.
The dream is that you can pull off some successful scam and get everything at once: money, fame and half a horse in addition. As a result, a person constantly runs around in search of the next stunning idea, participates in all the “mega-promising” projects and expects that right now he will solve all his problems with one finger, which are becoming more and more every day.

5. Stubborn steadfastness.
The man chose that his path was punching holes in punch cards. And he achieved great skill in this. Few people can punch holes in punched cards so skillfully and quickly. But punch cards were outdated, and no one needed his talent.

But no, he will prove it to everyone. He will work every other day as a night watchman, and in the remaining three days he will improve his ability to punch holes.

All his walls are covered with punched cards with perfectly punched holes, and in his chest, especially valuable punched cards are set aside in strict order for inheritance.

No one understands him and no one wants to understand, but he is offended by the whole world and believes that someday his skill will be useful.

6. I am a small person.
In this case, a person assures himself that nothing depends on him personally, therefore, where he sits and what he does, this is all already determined and there is no way to change it. Therefore, all that remains is to sit quietly and humbly carry your cross to the grave.

7. Finding the guilty.
Oh, there's a lot to do here! Finding those to blame for the unfortunate trajectory of your life is not easy, but very simple.
Parents did not inherit the genes of genius, and those that were accidentally passed on were mercilessly trampled on by the school conveyor belt.

Childhood was difficult, cakes were not given every day, but homework was given every day. In addition, the bad influence of the street completely confused the fragile soul and accustomed it to kin, wine and domino. To top it all off, all this happened in a country with an incorrect regime and inadequate rulers, who did not provide any assistance in education, but only put spokes in the wheels of a young, inquisitive mind.

And, perhaps, there was a chance to become one of the people, but it was stolen by the free masons - the Freemasons, who finally put an end to all the joys of life and all that remains is to drink and swear, drink and swear at those who again raised the price of vodka.

8. Who would solve my problems.
A very convenient position of removing full responsibility for everything that happens to oneself.
- You know, I remember names and numbers so poorly that I don’t even remember how many husbands I had.
- I suffer from topographic cretinism, that I can never get to the toilet in my apartment the first time, there were so many embarrassments because of this.

Looking for a job? What do you mean, I don’t know how to do anything, and then, what if I have to work all day? It's so strange.
“You’re stressing me out, it would be better to get into my position, I’m a delicate person and I don’t like being burdened with all sorts of problems.” So what, these are my problems, well, you will solve them somehow.

9. All goats.
All failures in life are attributed to those people with whom a person comes into contact. That’s why you can’t make a career with a goat boss, goat subordinates don’t understand anything, you can’t cook porridge with goat friends, and it’s better not to have anything to do with goat women at all.

Therefore, it is very difficult for such a spiritually advanced person to live. After all, how to live when you are enlightened, and there are goats all around?

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