How to design your own logo. How to create a logo or emblem yourself? The logo is me and my business

A logo is one of the components of identity, that is, corporate style. This is the basis that allows you to create a visual representation of the brand, making it holistic and recognizable. A competently and creatively designed corporate style gives the impression of solidity and prosperity of the company. So, the starting point in the identity is the logo; it is its development that is considered labor-intensive and the most responsible.

First, let's figure out what a logo is. Unfortunately, today this word means any graphic image. In fact, the logo is the original graphic design of the name.

For example:

And what many call a logo is actually a brand name.

In this article we will look at how to create both a logo and a brand name.

First, let’s decide what needs to be done to start creating a logo and brand name:

  • We study competitors. In order to differentiate and highlight a company among hundreds of the same ones, with the same activity profile, it is necessary to study everything related to competitors. You need to understand what techniques other companies used to create a logo so as not to repeat them. We are, of course, talking about the largest competitors. Everything is important here - the colors they use in their corporate identity and the symbols.

    Because the main task is not to get lost among competitors, but to stand out.

  • We study the activities of the customer. The logo and visual representation of the brand cannot be divorced from the main field of the company’s activities. Only after studying what the customer’s company does, you can figure out which direction you need to move. Pay attention to the company's history, functions and personality.

    We are developing a strategy. At this stage we are working with the brief. Everything that the customer wants to receive, his vision of the company’s identity should be outlined in the brief. It should contain fundamental criteria that you can rely on when creating a logo.

    We are looking for ideas. You already have some idea of ​​what the logo should be. The only thing left is visualization. Start creating a logo and brand name, using symbols and playing with details. It is very important to find the feature that distinguishes the company from others and translate it into the design of the brand name. Create different versions of logos in order to select the most interesting and original ones together with the customer. The main thing is not to overdo it with the number of options. Select a few and show them to the customer.

Now let's talk about what exactly a brand name should not be if you do not want to do a disservice to the customer and create a copy of someone else's mark.

The most common “disease” of corporate identity is the use of cliches and cliches. That is, if, for example, a company provides dental services, then the brand name must contain a graphic image of a tooth.

If this is a brewery, for example, then finding a brand name without hops, glass, barrel or malt is also not easy.

On the one hand, the choice of well-known symbols with instant association indicates that a person will quickly understand what the company does. But on the other hand, this absolutely does not guarantee that your company will be remembered, since all these symbols appear constantly.

Therefore, when designing a brand name and logo, the number one task is to think outside the framework of clichés and cliches.

Another important point - when creating a logo, do not forget that it is part of the corporate identity, which means you need to think about how the identity as a whole will look, primary or smaller elements, how it will look on print, etc.

So, a brand name must contain brand attributes and show the unique difference of the product. For this purpose, semiotics, that is, the science of signs, can be used. Briefly, the signs can be like this:

    Iconic sign. Such a sign literally reflects an object that uniquely illustrates the type of activity or situation in which the product is consumed. There is no hidden meaning or subtext, no secondary associations.

    Index. This is a graphic form of a sign in which there are no small secondary details, only the characteristics of the object remain. This type of sign can create additional associations.

    Symbol. The sign is quite complex for unambiguous perception, which can only be deciphered by those who understand the traditions or understand what this symbol is supposed to mean. These are visual abstract images - people, creatures, objects, so-called brand characters. In some cases, without text accompaniment, a symbol can mean anything. This design option is best suited for those companies that have many diverse services and cannot show everything at once in one logo. In essence, the symbol makes it possible to avoid specifics and at the same time make a more emotional brand sign.

Let's give examples.

Use of the iconic sign:

Using an index sign (simple one-component signs):

Using an index sign (two-component signs visualizing the name and activities of the company, or a double name):

Using the sign-symbol:

Another well-known technique is using capital letters in the brand name or decorative writing of abbreviations.

So, let's summarize. What should the logo and brand name be like?

    The logo remains the primary element because it can be used without an additional graphic sign. But in most cases they are depicted together. This means that they should organically complement each other.

    The logo and brand name must be completely different and stand out favorably from the corporate symbols of other competing companies.

    The simpler the logo, the easier it is to read, remember and reproduce.

    The same goes for color solutions. The ideal option would be a combination of 2 colors. In some cases, when it does not contradict the concept and is justified from a strategic point of view, more than 2 colors can be used in a brand name.

Today we’ll talk about logos: importance, types and stages of creation. Let's find out why the site needs it and what requirements need to be taken into account when developing it.

The largest players in the world market agree to invest multimillion-dollar budgets in the creation of the main emblem of the company, its trademark. It is difficult for a business without a logo to promote its product, receive high consumer appreciation, and create an image of a successful and prosperous enterprise. According to the results of marketing research, a modern person receives more than 10,000 advertising messages every day. In conditions of such high competition, the effectiveness of advertising depends, first of all, on brand recognition and popularity.

A logo is the name of a company, presented in the form of a text, text-graphic or graphic symbol. The word itself appeared in the 19th century and denoted text cliches used by printing houses. Only in the twentieth century. the term began to be used as a designation of a symbol symbolizing a specific brand, organization or product.

Why does a brand need a logo?

First of all, for recognition. The image function of a good logo is difficult to overestimate. Being more than just a picture, the emblem performs a number of marketing tasks:

  • Distinctive– sets the brand apart from the competitive environment.
  • Protective– protects the brand product from copying and counterfeiting.
  • Warranty– when placed on a product, it confirms the declared quality.
  • Aesthetic– becomes one of the elements in the design of product packaging.
  • Advertising– recognition works, builds trust, increases loyalty.

What is a company logo? This is the basis of the corporate identity, the embodiment of the philosophy and principles of the brand. And also a symbol that you will have to come up with after reading this article.

An example of an excellent logo is the Formula 1 sign, which immerses you in the world of high speeds and frantic drive.

How to come up with your own symbol

There are only three main types of logos:

Symbolic (graphic or symbolic)

It is an abstract image. The advantage of such logos is that they are easily perceived and quickly remembered, creating stable associative connections in the brain.


Usually it is a stylized combination of letters or numbers, made using corporate fonts. To create a text logo, it is not necessary to use the company name. These can be abbreviations, abbreviations, artificially created words.


The most common type of logo, which combines text and symbolic components. It is considered universal, allowing elements to be used separately for placement on different media.

Principles and important rules

In order for the company logo to look organically on the website, business cards, packaging, etc., it is necessary to take into account and follow the rules for logo development:


Everyone knows that plagiarism is punishable. Therefore, we strongly recommend being creative and inventing. Moreover, such a solution will set you apart from competitors, such as, for example, the Mercedes company:

Three rays enclosed in a circle are a symbol of the production of engines for the three elements: earth, water and air.

Simplicity and conciseness

The lightweight design is not only quickly remembered, but also looks great on small media. A great example is the NIKE badge:

The swoosh symbol represents the sound of air being cut as it moves.


Think in advance about how the logo will look on an office sign, employee business cards, a website page, an advertising flyer, or a branded T-shirt. Regardless of the area of ​​the advertising plane and the compression percentage, the image quality should not suffer.

At Gazprom, everything is thought through to the smallest detail.


For all its simplicity, the logo must necessarily reflect the specifics of your company’s work and evoke appropriate associations. For example, as a sign of the Russian State Library:

Logo creation stages

Now let's talk about how to come up with and draw an emblem for your company or personal brand from scratch. To do this, you can use special graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator) or one of the online designers (ool Text, Logo Snap, Logo Yes, Simwebsol, etc.).

In order for a hand-made sign to fully reflect the company’s philosophy and the author’s idea, you will have to try. As inspiration, you can use association services (, brainstorming and the work of foreign colleagues.

Stage 1. Analytical

Before you start drawing, you need to think through the concept of the future logo. To do this, you will have to study the logos of competitors, formulate the competitive advantages of your brand, and highlight your target audience. Such detailed work is not only useful for business, but also a great help in the next step.

Stage 2. Sketch

Display on paper the symbols that you think reflect the specifics of your brand. Be inspired by the work of others, but never plagiarize. Remember that each trademark must be unique, and copyright infringement is punishable by law.

At this stage, detailed drawing is not needed. Play with accents and color schemes. If necessary, involve colleagues or friends in the work, brainstorm or discuss.

Important: it is impossible to patent a logo if there are identical or similar versions. This means that commercial use of such an emblem is not possible.

Stage 3. Trial

Are there a few options left? Show them to clients, employees, and representatives of the target audience. Listen to reviews. Pay attention to the associative series and such characteristics as memorability, symbolism, etc. Make changes to the option you like and present it to the world as a new emblem of your business.

Stage 4. Presentation

After all modifications and error corrections, your logo is ready for legal registration.

Your brand color

In this article, we have not yet touched upon another important aspect of creating a logo – the choice of color scheme. While it is color (according to American studies) that becomes the formative factor stimulating purchase in 60% of cases. Psychologists confirm that certain shades evoke similar associations in people, causing similar reactions and stereotypes.


Symbolizes activity, energy, activity. Actively used in auto industries, fast foods, and the film industry:


Calm and reliable, speaks of trust, protection and responsibility. Popular in energy, medicine, insurance, banking:


A symbol of wealth, prestige, environmental friendliness and naturalness. Saturated is associated with abundance, and light is associated with serenity, which is used by representatives of eco-food, construction and repair:


The brighter the shade, the more positive it carries. Liveliness, brightness, joy and fun - all these associations are used by youth brands, fast foods and companies involved in the sale of gadgets and equipment:


Respectable and “elite”, emphasizes prestige and exclusivity. Therefore, it works great in the “expensive” areas of branded clothing and accessories, perfume:

Don't turn your logo into a rainbow. Two to four colors will be enough to create an effective, memorable symbol. Otherwise, if significantly reduced (on a business card, as a favicon on a website), it can turn into an incomprehensible blur.

As you can see, creating a logo for a website or company is quite simple. If you have the desire, time, perseverance and basic PC skills, you can do this yourself. Try your hand, develop creativity, don’t be afraid to embody the most daring ideas - and your logo will actively work to develop and popularize your business.

If the face is the mirror of the soul, then the logo is a reflection of the entire essence of your company. You may not even realize it, but sometimes logos say much more about a company than its description.
Any company, any business or startup faces a moment when it needs to clearly decide on a logo. This is a very important, difficult and time-consuming task that can take more than one month. Logical questions arise: how to create a logo, what the logo should be, what color it is and what it is responsible for in various logos. Believe me, many questions will arise, and each of them needs a detailed and reasonable answer.

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Almost any detail of the logo - its color, shape, font, small details - carries hidden information for the client, and can subconsciously influence certain desires, decisions and preferences. For the development of your company, it is very important that all the details of the future logo are meaningful, have a certain meaning, and meet all specified criteria and topics.
Therefore, if you have wondered how to create a logo, or have been looking for useful information regarding the color of the logo and its influence on the subconscious of buyers for a very long time, then in this article you will find answers to all your questions.
I would like to answer that the article was written not just based on theoretical facts, but is based on my own experience in creating logos for several large companies, as well as on the experience of good friends who have PR and a design studio.

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1. Consider the scope of the business

The shape and details of the logo largely depend on the scope of your company. Not even from the field of activity itself, but from clients, their preferences and vision of this field. If you are engaged in a serious business, for example the supply of industrial equipment, then the logo should be made in strict colors, with clear shapes. Looking at such a logo, the client should immediately understand three factors: seriousness, responsibility, solidity. There should not be anything superfluous on such logos.
Conversely, if you sell clothes for young people, then the logo should be bright, with rounded shapes, various curls and fancy images. Focus on what is interesting to your target audience.
Of course, there are also “anti-logos” that work successfully although they do not meet any standard. I don’t deny that you can follow this path and create something unusual, creative, shocking. But, as a rule, choosing such a logo is a risk. Perhaps clients will understand and appreciate your idea, then there will be a super effect, but, most likely, such a logo will not be successful.

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2. Be clear about what you want

When the question of creating a logo comes up, as a rule, the customer does not know what he wants. The dialogue between the customer and the designers is usually like this: “We don’t know what the logo should be, but we should like it and surprise everyone.” Unfortunately, 99.99% of designers do not have foresight abilities and do not use the services of psychics in their work. Therefore, if you want to get a good logo, then you need to clearly understand what you want and convey your idea to the designer as accurately as possible.
How to do this? Before ordering a logo design, you should search the Internet for images from other companies. Collect 10-20 of the ones you like the most. Find particularly successful details in each and tell the designer about it. The logos you choose do not necessarily have to be from the same field in which your company operates. The main thing is to decide what you liked most.
Also, along with “I like”, select the logos of companies that you think are terrible. Point out what you definitely shouldn’t have. If this is done, then the designer will have an initial idea of ​​what the logo should look like, which elements to include, and which ones to avoid. However, it is important here not to fall into outright plagiarism. Especially if you are going to register the resulting masterpiece as a trademark. If it is too reminiscent of the logo of famous brands, you may be denied registration.

3. Use no more than 2 colors

There are certain companies and areas of business where God himself ordered the use of many colors in the logo. For example, innovative companies that bring something new to the world and want to emphasize this with their logo. As a rule, these are large companies with huge investments and prospects. Among the most famous are Google, Microsoft, Apple. Also, multi-colored logos are used by entertainment companies (just remember the logo of the NBC television channel). Well, don’t forget about printing companies, on whose logos it would be a shame not to include the entire palette of colors, thereby emphasizing their field of activity.
But there are not so many companies that can afford to use all the colors of the rainbow in one logo. As a rule, there are no more than 5% of them, and the remaining 95 should adhere to a strict rule - no more than two colors. This will give the logo rigor and allow you to focus on those shades that you consider the most successful in your field.
Using two colors is the best choice not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for practical ones. It often happens that a logo needs to be printed on a black and white printer, and any color logo will look ugly and sloppy. We must not forget that multi-color logos have a number of problems when used in various printing products. They look optimal only on a white background, and if there is any other background, the effect is instantly lost.

The color of the logo plays a very important role

4. Remember that colors have semantics

The top three colors used in company logos are blue (33%), red (29%) and black or gray (28%). Another 13% of companies use yellow. The remaining colors are in demand by an insignificant share of firms - green, purple, pink account for no more than 5%. The explanation here is quite simple: the leading colors are the most noticeable and striking. Moreover, each of them carries its own hidden message to the consumer. Red is energetic and aggressive: it is a common color for the logos of automobile brands (Toyota, Jaguar, Audi). He is loved by brands that emphasize modernity and promote an energetic lifestyle (Canon, Coca Cola, MTV, Red Bull, from Russia - MTS). At the same time, red is often perceived as a youthful color (the combination of red and yellow is even more youthful): it is not suitable for companies whose business wants to emphasize “moderation and accuracy.” Blue is better suited here - it calms and puts you in a pleasant mood. This is the best color for technology companies (Intel, IBM, Samsung, Siemens): it casts metal and glass. Among automobile companies, it is loved by those who emphasize simplicity and reliability rather than energy (Ford, BMW, Volvo). For the same qualities, it is loved by banks (Deutsche Bank, VTB), payment systems (Visa, PayPal, Webmoney) and postal services (remember the blue eagle on the Russian Post logo). Blue encourages positive communication; it is not without reason that it is the leader among the logos of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, VKontakte). Black is a minimalist and precise color: it must be used with great care, as it can easily add a hint of gloom. It emphasizes quality and representativeness (Mazda, Mercedes Benz, Nike). However, in most cases, black is not used as the main color - it serves mainly to highlight the inscriptions (Renault, Lego). Yellow is the ideal color for companies in the food industry (McDonalds, Burger King, Subway) and the entertainment industry.

5. Picture or text – what is more important?

41% of companies use only text in their logo. You also need to decide what is more important to you – a beautiful graphic picture or a well-written text. On the one hand, the text increases brand awareness, the name will always be heard and will be easy to read. But on the other hand, the absence of a picture minimizes the hidden message to potential clients.
Small companies, in our opinion, should choose the text version of the logo also because they very rarely have a good designer who can successfully draw a picture and correctly position the text. Professional designers who specialize in creating logos charge thousands of dollars for their work. Sometimes these costs are not necessary for small companies.

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The vast majority of small companies choose text. Although if you look at world-famous companies, you can find similar logos here too. For example, YouTube, Skype, Yandex, Yahoo!, Google - they all followed this path.
“For small companies the situation is not so dire. You can act like one of my friends, who drew an incomprehensible “doodle” in Photoshop and wrote the name of the company underneath in a beautiful font,” says the head of the design company. An example is the Nike logo, which was designed by an amateur designer, but became famous throughout the world. And few people know that the Disney logo is just a beautiful painting by Walt Disney, which was taken as a basis.

6. Using the company name is highly desirable, but not required.

About 10% of companies do not use their name when developing a logo. This is very strange, because recognition is deteriorating significantly, but the fact remains. The most famous brand that uses only a picture is Apple from Apple. Back in 1978, a rainbow logo appeared, which seemed to shout to the whole world: “We are a new, but rather unusual company. You can expect a lot from us, and you will see it.”
The image of only a picture on the logo dates back to the Middle Ages, when in front of the craft workshops there was a tin sign with the selected goods produced in this workshop. But then there was a monopoly on manufacturing, and if a buyer saw a shoe in front of a store, he knew that this was where he would buy the shoe, and nowhere else. Nowadays the competition is huge, and the image of a shoe is unlikely to help you tell about yourself fully.
If you still decide to limit yourself to a picture, then follow the path of Apple and take a bright, memorable image. Although our advice will be rational: do not take risks, because Apple is a unique company, and it will be very difficult to repeat their success. Choose a logo option that combines a picture and an image.

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7. Correct font

If you choose a text version of the logo, then the font is an important component. Of course, it is much easier to choose than a color or the right picture, but it also has its own characteristics. The font is also easy to match to the direction of your business, just like the rectangular shapes and curlicues we talked about above.
Try not to use standard fonts that everyone already knows. If you write the name in ordinary Times New Roman or Arial, then many will consider you a lazy person who did not particularly care about the appearance of the logo.
Although there are exceptions. One has only to look at the logo of the social network VKontakte. And when Pavel Durov was asked how long it took them to create the logo, the answer came immediately: “30 seconds. I just typed the name in a standard font and I liked it.”
But again, VKontakte is the exception rather than the rule, and you shouldn’t look up to them in the area of ​​logo creation. Choose unusual fonts that are little known. Yes, you can do something interesting yourself if you slightly modify little recognizable types of writing.

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8. You need to choose the original picture

Choosing the right and successful image for your logo is a whole task. Let’s say right away that the task will be extremely difficult, and don’t despair if you don’t find anything useful the first time. How many of you know what the Apple logo looks like? I am sure that everyone now imagined a bitten apple. Now remember what the very first logo of this company looked like? Do you know? It was a jumble of all sorts of elements: the canvas depicted a landscape, a tree, and Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree, biting an apple. To be honest, the logo was very lousy. As a result, it was simplified to a minimum and only the apple was left.
Believe me, in the process of work, your company’s logo will also change and evolve, acquiring new features and characteristics. This is a normal and integral process of development of any company.

Depending on your artistic talents, creating a logo may be something you can do in your sleep, or it may be something that will give you insomnia. If you are one of those who find it difficult to come up with and draw pictures, this article is for you. In this article, a specialist from Logaster will tell you how to create a logo step by step - from choosing an idea to choosing the finished file format. Your logo may not win any awards, but at least you'll have a nice logo to put on your website or business card. So let's begin! Steps 1 to 4 are devoted to brainstorming when creating a logo. Steps 5 to 7 will teach us how to create a logo design, including such aspects as choosing a shape, font, and color. And in Step 8 we will learn how to create the final design as a finished file.

Logo creation statistics
Before we move on to tips on how to create a logo, we would like to provide statistics about the logos of top brands. Here are a few key points you may want to consider as you design.

Step 1. Finding an idea for your logo
Online logo galleries such as and are great places to get design inspiration.

Look at the logos of other companies similar to yours. Ask yourself what you like and don't like about them. What works and what doesn't, but don't copy the design - just find what you like and follow that style into your own design. Your goal should be to come up with a logo design that communicates who you are, what you do, how you do it, and who you do it for.

Another way to find an idea for a logo is to make several sketches of the future logo. Write the name of your logo in different styles and fonts, draw different symbols, icons - in one word, everything related to your company and product/service. Perhaps one of these sketches will become the basis of your logo.

Step 2: Think about your target audience
A logo is not created because it is necessary or fashionable. The logo must have a specific function and benefit for the company. Therefore, at the initial stage of creating a logo, you should clearly understand who your clients are, what they like, and what qualities of your company they value. Finding out this is necessary to create a logo that will evoke the feelings and emotions that you need and thus create a positive brand for your company. To do this, you can ask yourself 11 questions that need to be answered before creating a logo

Step 3. Adhere to the principles and rules of creating logos
To make a logo truly effective, you need to follow certain rules. You can find out detailed information about the principles of creating a logo in the article; below we have selected the most important principles with a brief description.

The logo must be simple: A simple logo design makes it easy to recognize and allows the logo to be versatile and memorable.

The logo must be memorable: An effective logo design must be memorable and this is achieved by creating an original logo that will stand out from others.

The logo must be durable: The logo must stand the test of time - not lose its effectiveness under the influence of fashion or any other short-term phenomena, be future-proof and effective in a few years. For example, well-known companies do not create a new logo, but only slightly improve it, making it more modern.

The logo must be universal: A high-quality logo always looks great in any environment and in any form.

Step 4. Draw some logo sketches
Sketching is a quick and easy way to get ideas from your head onto paper. So after you've collected all the ideas, take a paper and pencil and draw some logo examples. If you don't know how to draw with a pencil, you can use graphics programs such as Illusrtator, Photoshop. If they are not possible, use online logo designers. With their help, you can find the right icon or font for your logo.

Step 5: Choose a Logo Shape
The shape of a logo has a psychological effect on people. With the help of certain forms you can evoke the desired feelings and emotions. For example, a square symbolizes stability and constancy, a triangle symbolizes strength and knowledge. How to choose the right logo shape? Look at the image from Logowiks below and choose the one that suits you based on the specifics of your business.

Step 6. Decide on the color of the logo
When choosing a color for your logo, think about what color reflects your company's personality. For example, if your company is fun, creative and colorful, consider using yellow or orange shades in your logo. Using the infographic below, you can choose a logo color based on the theme of your business. Click on the picture to view it in a larger size.

Finally, think about what colors your competitors are using. This is important in order to stand out from their background. Sometimes, choosing a color that is the opposite of your main competitor can help customers differentiate you.

Also be sure to think about the functional impact of color on things like readability, eye strain, and attention-grabbing. To do this, follow the rules below:

1. Stick to 2 primary colors, and do not use more than 4. A small amount allows you to achieve the desired effect.

2. Choose only 1 or 2 primary colors and the rest should be secondary colors that are barely noticeable.

3. Resist the temptation to add more colors - use more shades instead.

4. Provide enough white space to allow the eyes to remain relaxed.

Useful services for color selection
Finding the right color is not easy. Luckily, there are many online services that can help you choose colors for your logo.
Adobe's service provides a large library of ready-made color schemes and, using a special color wheel, you can select colors that will match the desired color. Detailed video on how to work with

This is a Russian-language service for selecting colors and generating color schemes. The service works similarly to, but has slightly fewer features. Detailed video on how to work with Colorscheme

Step 7: Choose a font for your logo
Font selection is an important aspect of logo design. The right font can highlight the strengths of your company, but the wrong one can make the logo unreadable and negate all your efforts in creating a positive image of the company. At the same time, among thousands of the most diverse and attractive fonts, how can you find the one that is ideal for your logo? Click on the picture to view it in a larger size.

Here are some simple tips to help you with this: Avoid popular fonts Yes, your Microsoft Office suite includes a set of fonts. The problem is that everyone else has it too. Therefore, using a font from your OS library would be a bad idea. The same rule applies to popular public fonts. Be Timeless If everyone suddenly seems to be using a certain font style (like the now ubiquitous Sketch Block), keep looking. Look for original fonts that will make your logo stand out. Remember, the font and logo as a whole should stand the test of time. Trends come and go, and what you definitely don't want is to invest a significant amount of your time and money into a design that will become outdated almost overnight.

Choose a readable font. The logo text should look great, and even more so, be readable in a small size. Check how the font will display in different sizes. Give Some Space Jazz trumpeter great Miles Davis once said that the notes you don't play are just as important as the notes you do play. Therefore, when choosing a logo font, it is necessary to take into account the distance between characters (kerning). Too much spacing can make the logo look scattered and incoherent, while too little can make it illegible.

Use the personality of the font. Your logo is the face of your brand. It is number 1 on your company's list of community touchpoints. So when choosing fonts, think about the personality of your brand and what you want to convey with your font. Is it speed, strength, reliability, availability or attention to detail? The style and personality of a font will go a long way in creating a quality logo.

Useful sites for finding fonts
Among the popular services for searching fonts are the following.
MyFonts is one of those places where you can find all the free fonts at once. In addition, there are paid unique fonts.
Some fonts on the site are distributed free of charge, but you must purchase a license to use them for commercial purposes.
Catalog of free fonts (Cyrillic available). There is a search and filter by font families.

Also see our selection of 200 free fonts for creating logos.

Step 8: Create the final design
After you have made a few sketches of the logo, you need to move on to creating it. You can do this in 3 ways: - create a logo yourself in a graphics program; — create a logo using an online logo generator; - Use an online logo maker.

Create a logo yourself
If you choose this method, you will need to decide on a drawing program, such as Adobe Illustrator and/or Adobe Photoshop.

Adobe Illustrator is a vector drawing program. It is often used to draw illustrations, diagrams and logos. Lessons on creating a logo using Adobe Illustrator:

Adobe Photoshop is the most popular photo and raster image editing program. Its uses range from full-featured editing of large photographs to the creation of complex digital paintings and drawings. Lessons on creating a logo using Adobe Photoshop:

Creating logos using an online logo generator
Online logo generators are a good option if you don’t have the skills and knowledge to create logos yourself and don’t have enough resources (time, money). We have collected several online services that will be useful to you when creating logos.
Russian-language online logo generator, with support for Cyrillic in logos. We described the process of creating a logo using this service below. Let’s just clarify that after creating a logo, you can download files in raster (PNG and JPEG) and vector formats (SVG and PDF). You can also make business cards, envelopes, forms, favicons based on the created logo.

Zillion Designs
This is a simple logo creation tool. You can create your logo in just 3 steps, similar to Logaster. In Zillion Designs, you choose all the elements of the logo yourself - image, color, font. After successfully creating your logo, you can download the file in EPS, JPEG and PNG formats.

Hipster Logo Generator
An interesting service for creating a logo. This service is full of different tools and settings, so you can create a logo that looks exactly the way you want. With Hipster Logo Generator you can create simple yet interesting logos. There are also disadvantages - you cannot edit elements, and the interface is in English.

How to create a logo online
Let's create an example logo using the Logaster service. Go to the main page of the service and click “Create a logo”.

Enter your logo text and select a theme. Click “Next”.

The service will offer dozens of logo options. Choose the one you like and click on it.

If you need to make edits, for example, change text, color, icon, font, etc., then click “Edit logo”.

Use the color selection infographic to choose the right font for your type of business. Use the same tips for choosing a font. If you are happy with the logo, click “Save”. Download the logo for free (small size) or full size for $9.99.

In addition to the logo, you can also create other products. For example, a business card or letterhead.

Keep listening
Once your logo is created, it is important to remain open to feedback. To do this, show the logo to a test group of people who match your client's profile. You can show them several design options or just the one you feel is the strongest option. Ask them if they like the logo, what emotions it appeals to. If you are satisfied with the answers, congratulations! You created a great logo. If not, you may need to rework your logo design.

Choose the right file format for your logo
Your logo can be saved in two formats. One is known as vector and the other as raster. You need logo files in both one and the other format. Vector format (PDF, CDR, EPS, SVG) is used for editing the logo, as well as for scaling and printing. Raster format (PNG, JPEG) is used for working on the Internet. For example, to place your logo on a website, social networks, or in an email signature. To work with vectors, programs such as Corel, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape (free program) are used; for rasters, Adobe Photoshop, Pint.Net and others are used.

That's it! I hope our article was useful. Don’t forget to write what tips you have for creating a logo and share the link to the article on social networks.

Good afternoon, dear readers.

In the previous article we talked about, but how to make a logo yourself?

It’s quite a painstaking task, but if you manage to come up with something brilliant, then, believe me, it’s worth it.

Initially, the logo was invented in order to highlight your company / website in the market. If you want to achieve this, then you should definitely read this article.

The logo is the face of your company/website. If there is no original logo, and your site does not attract attention at all, then it is unlikely to stand out from the huge number of similar sites.

If you want your Internet resource to be visited by as many users as possible, then you just need to create something that really attracts attention.

First, let's figure out what types of logos there are.

Types of logos


Display the logo in the form of pictures, signs, symbols, icons. This type is popular among huge modern companies or websites. An image can be meaningful, it all depends on what meaning you put into it. Popular companies with this look: Apple, Nike


This type is quite simple, but just as popular as the symbolic one. It represents ordinary letters that are displayed in different shells. Examples with this type: M-Motorola, ACER, Nokia.


This type of logo consists of the previous two. It includes various images of objects, animals, plants and the text itself. Examples: Adobe, Adidas, Microsoft.
Which type will you choose? The choice is yours.

Creating a logo for the site

There are many programs (services) on the Internet for creating logos for online websites. Some of the most popular programs:

  • LogotypeGenerator
  • Flamingtext
  • hipsterlogogenerator

The programs are simple to use, all actions are performed step by step. Believe me, a logo can be created very quickly, with at least a little skill. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can always trust a professional.

Below are instructions for creating logos using the flamingtext service as an example:

Notes! You can download it for free only with a watermark.

Favicons for the site

To attract mass attention to a website, many people use Favicons.

A favicon is an icon in a special format that is displayed before the page URL in the address bar, next to the bookmark.

Favicon and logo usually look the same. Only the favicon is much smaller and has a different format (.ico)

In order for it to carry a semantic load, certain requirements must be met:

  • Create a Favicon in the same style as the site is being designed. Use the same design elements and color palette.
  • Keep the Favicon simple so that it is easy to understand.
  • Don't use complex images.

To create a Favicon there is such a resource X-Icon Editor. The program has import and export functionality, as well as Favicon preview on the browser tab.

Photoshop and Paint

I would like to note that the most wonderful logos can be created in Photoshop, because you completely come up with them yourself. Photoshop has rich functionality and a wide palette of colors.

Don't be afraid if you have never worked in such a program. There are many detailed instructions online and video tutorials on how to use the program. But if you don’t have time to study, then find a pro on one of the freelance exchanges. Here are the most popular:


There is also the well-known standard program “Paint”. This is a very simple program. It is, of course, very inferior to Photoshop, since it contains only the simplest tools. But thanks to these tools you can create a masterpiece

In conclusion, I would like to note that everyone can do everything, you just have to set goals correctly and love what you do.

If this article was informative for you, subscribe to blog updates, recommend reading the article to your friends on social networks.

Bye everyone and see you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

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