How to write a cover letter sample. Cover letter for resume with example and sample

When sending your resume to an employer or intermediary (for example, a recruitment agency), it is advisable to support it with a cover letter.

A well-written letter will attract interest and can serve as a starting point for further personal contacts. It is advisable to write a cover letter according to generally accepted standards. Your letter should be short, but at the same time it should attract attention and be able to show your value to the position for which he is applying.

It is customary to send a cover letter addressed to a specific person in the company you want to join.

More often cover letter written in three to four paragraphs.

First, they write about the source from which you learned about the vacancy, as well as the position for which you are applying.

  • State the purpose of your letter.
  • Next, write about your experience and qualifications.
  • Prove to the potential employer that your candidacy is ideal for this vacancy.
  • Interest the person who will read your letter.
  • IN short form outline the successes of your work activity.
  • Make a connection between your previous experience and the employer's requirements.

At the end of the letter you should indicate your further possible contacts with the employer: calls for a personal meeting, a visit to the organization, etc.

And be sure to thank us for spending the time to review your resume.

Now let’s look at writing a cover letter using a specific example.

Cover letter for manager's resume

Hello, Svetlana Vladimirovna!

From an advertisement in the newspaper “Work and Personnel,” I learned that your company has a vacancy for “Advertising Space Sales Manager.”

I really hope that you will be interested in my candidacy for this position.

Currently I hold the position of manager of advertising projects in the advertising department of the agency "Pushkin and Co."

My responsibilities are:

My experience in presenting products, collecting interesting information about a possible client and negotiating skills with managers at any level allowed me to achieve significant results.

I even received the title of best employee of the year.

I have carefully studied the scope of responsibilities, as well as the requirements for this vacancy, and I believe that my work experience and my skills will allow me to achieve significant results, increase the profit of your company, and I will have the opportunity further growth professionally and financially.

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A cover letter is a form of business etiquette. In addition to a simple register of transferred documents, it contains recommendations for handling them. In addition, based on the registration data, you can determine the execution time and the fact of sending. For an example of how to write a cover letter for documents, see the article.

How to write a cover letter for documents

There is no single unified form of writing. Requirements for the preparation of organizational and administrative documentation are described in GOST R 6.30-2003. The requirements of this standard are recommended.

How to write a cover letter for documents? Let's start with the basic rules:

  • on letterhead;
  • indicating the date and registration number.

Let's take a closer look at a sample cover letter about sending documents, what main sections the text can be divided into and what information should be reflected in them.

Letter section

Brief description


About sending a response to a claim


Theme that defines its purpose

Covering letter of submitted documents


A specific appeal to the manager, preferably addressed, indicating the name and patronymic

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Purpose of the message

Brief formulation

In response to your claim, I am enclosing confirmation that the stated requirements were met within the time limits specified in the Supply Agreement.

Main part

Statement of the essence with summing up and expression of hope, gratitude, etc.

According to the information received from you, there were facts of violation of clauses 2.3 and 3.6 of the Agreement. In turn, I inform you that the components were delivered on time, which is confirmed by the Invoice, and the work was completed on time, which is confirmed by the date of acceptance of the work on the Work Order. I consider the requirements set forth in claim No. 2, sent to us on July 14, 2017, to have been fulfilled in full. I ask you to consider and send information about your decision to us within the period established by law. I express my gratitude to you for using the services of our company, and I hope for further cooperation.


List of applications. Polite signature


  1. Supply contract, number of sheets.
  2. Consignment note, number of sheets.
  3. Work order, number of sheets.
  4. Photo of the installed banner, number of sheets.

Head, Sidorova Maria Ivanovna.

Full name and contact details of the performer.

Example of a cover letter for documents

Enterprise employees not only have to send such requests to counterparties, but also receive them from them. It makes sense for business clerks to develop a form for an incoming cover letter for documents. It will be required if the counterparty provides the package without explanation. This often happens in collaboration with individuals, but also for legal entities this case is no exception. To optimize document flow, the counterparty will be able to fill out the proposed form, which will indicate all the necessary information.

Sample cover letter for transfer of documents. Form designed to be filled out by the counterparty:

What not to indicate

The text of the appeal is kept in business style. Despite the fact that the message is not an independent form, you should not allow familiarity when composing it. The covering letter for documents should not evaluate what is happening, be emotional and contain phrases that in one way or another may offend the recipient. An example of phrases that cannot be used and options for replacing them:

Who signs the letter

The appeal can be signed by the head of the department, manager, chief accountant, head of the organization. In this case, communication ethics should be observed. If the text contains an appeal to the head of the company, then it must be signed by an equal manager. It should also be remembered that the manager delegates the execution of instructions to the performers. Therefore, when signing, the director should indicate the contact details of the contractor so that the recipient does not have to waste time searching for the person responsible. Printing in this case is not mandatory.

Upon receipt, the recipient will assign the document an incoming number and date, which the clerk will enter manually or using a stamp. Using this information, it will be possible to easily track the stages of its passage and clarify at which level of consideration the application is at one time or another.

Your cover letter should explain and complement your resume. The purpose of a cover letter is to show yourself with best side and interest the employer, thus increasing the chances of successful employment.

For some vacancies, especially those that require written communication skills, employers will not consider resumes without cover letters.

It is important to understand that there are no universal tips for writing a cover letter, since the nature of the cover letter depends on the position you are applying for and the requirements of the specific employer. Therefore, this article provides general recommendations - vectors that you can focus on when creating a cover letter.

1. Carefully study the text of the vacancy. Before writing a cover letter, be sure to read the vacancy text to understand the employer’s requirements and the specifics of the job. This way you can support your cover letter with additional arguments.

2. Try to make your cover letter as personal as possible. Don't write the same cover letter for every occasion.

3. Say hello, introduce yourself and tell them what position you are applying for. This way you will make life easier for the recruiter, because large companies There may be dozens of different job openings.

4. Explain to the employer why you are interested in the position. Tell us how your experience and skills relate to this position, how you can apply that experience, and why you think you are a good candidate.

4. Be sure to include your contact information: mobile phone where you can be contacted. Sometimes it happens that an employer decides to invite a candidate for an interview after reading a cover letter, without looking at his resume.

5. The cover letter should be positive and without complaints.

Examples of good cover letters:

By writing such a cover letter, you have a better chance of getting hired.

Mistakes when writing a cover letter

1. Copying the same template when responding to different vacancies.

2. Imitation of a cover letter.

3. Chaotic text.

4. Excessive frankness, self-confidence, talking about irrelevant experiences.

5. The desire to seem witty.

6. Carelessness, spelling and punctuation errors.

7. Demonstration of disrespect for a possible employer. Despite the obviousness of this error, such letters, unfortunately, cannot be called an exception to the rule. Is it necessary to explain why such a response to a vacancy deprives the applicant of hope for employment?

Good luck in your job search!

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