How does a bathyscaphe work? What is a bathyscaphe What is a bathyscaphe for children

Ocean research.

22. Bathyspheres and bathyscaphes.

© Vladimir Kalanov,
"Knowledge is power".

Before getting to know these devices, we ask readers to be patient and read our short story about the history of this issue.

And this history goes back centuries, more precisely in the IV (fourth) century BC. from an ancient manuscript it is known that Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) once sank to the seabed in a diving bell made of some kind of transparent material and donkey skins. The details of this dive are not given in the annals. It is impossible to say whether this event was real or not, especially since the chronicle speaks of the implausible size of the fish that allegedly swam past Alexander the Great at the time of his stay under water. But the very fact of such a story, albeit a fantastic one, suggests that already in those days people were thinking about immersion in water and using some kind of devices, like diving cameras.

Several prototypes of modern bathyspheres appeared in Europe during the 16th-19th centuries. Of these, the diving bell, created in 1716 according to the project of the English astronomer Halley, is of great interest, yes, it is the same Edmond Halley who discovered in 1696 that the comets observed in 1531, 1607 and 1682 are the same comet. The last time we admired Halley's Comet was in 1986. The frequency of its appearance in the Earth's region is about 76 years. This means that in 50 years, in 2062, our young readers today will be able to see Halley's comet in the sky. We hope readers will not judge us for this brief digression into astronomy.

So what did Halley design in 1716? It was wooden bell, open at the base, which could be lowered to a depth of 16–18 m. Five people fit in it, or rather they could stand in it, being waist-deep in water. They received air from two casks lowered in turn from the surface, from where the air entered the bell through a leather sleeve. The exhaust air was released through a valve located at the top of the bell. If there was only one diver in the bell, then, wearing a leather helmet, he could conduct observations even outside the bell, receiving air from it through a second hose.

The main disadvantage of such bells is that they cannot be used at great depths. As it sinks, the water pressure increases, and the air inside the bell becomes so dense that it becomes impossible to breathe.

The next stage according to the logic of development was the testing of the metal sphere. The first dive in a sealed metal shell with portholes was performed in 1865 by the French designer Bazin. His sphere was lowered on a steel cable to a depth of 75 meters. After successful tests, the directions for further improvement of such bathyspheres were determined, but the then technical capabilities did not allow them to be implemented.

Only 65 years later, in 1930, the bathysphere, the strength of the walls of which made it possible to descend to a much greater depth. It was designed by American naturalists William Beebe and two engineers - Otis Barton and John Butler. It was a steel sphere with an internal diameter of about 135 cm, a wall thickness of about four cm and a weight of 2.5 tons. The bathysphere had three round portholes made of quartz glass 20 cm in diameter and 7.6 cm thick, as well as a hole 36 cm in diameter, which the researchers seriously called the "door". So to speak, on board the bathysphere were cylinders with oxygen and vessels with a chemical absorber of carbon dioxide and moisture, as well as numerous instruments for observations. In the volume that remained free, the researchers W. Bibi and O. Barton were placed, bent over in three deaths. A searchlight was installed outside the biosphere, illuminating the water beyond the limits of natural light, and a telephone set was placed inside to communicate with the ship. From the ship, the bathysphere was lowered on one non-twisting steel cable.

During the first dive near Bermuda, W. Beebe and O. Barton reached a depth of 420 meters. In 1934, they dived in the same area to a depth of 923 meters. The time they spent under water was already estimated at several tens of minutes and even several hours and was limited by the supply of air and the possibilities of its regeneration. During the period 1930-1934, they descended thirty times into the depths and watched through the windows outlandish world underwater inhabitants. Among other observations, Beebe and Barton obtained interesting data on the spectral composition of sunlight at various depths.

Finally, in the summer of 1949, Barton, in a bathysphere of a slightly modified design, alone sank to a depth of 1372 meters off the coast of California, which was then a record for this type of oceanographic equipment.

Descending into the depths of the ocean, Beebe and Barton kept in touch with the ship's crew by phone, which allowed them to feel not completely cut off from the rest of the world. But what courage these men must have had! They were well aware that their life at each dive depended only on the strength of the cable and the reliability of its fastening. If the cable broke, no one could save them, the heavy bathysphere would forever remain on the seabed.

The main disadvantages of the bathysphere are obvious. This is, firstly, the very principle of immersion and recovery of the apparatus, that is, dependence on a surface support ship, the impossibility of independent ascent. Secondly, the bathysphere in the water (or at the bottom) is motionless, and the researchers remain passive observers of the surrounding space closest to the bathysphere.

From these deficiencies free bathyscaphe- a fully autonomous deep-sea research vehicle, the movement of which is controlled by the crew itself. The bathyscaphe is not connected in any way with the accompanying vessel. Communication between them is carried out by radio, and the ship is used to deliver (or tow) the bathyscaphe from the port to the study area and back.

The idea of ​​a bathyscaphe was implemented by a Swiss physicist, professor Auguste Piccard. When designing and calculating the bathyscaphe, Piccard used his personal experience design and operation of the stratospheric balloon. The fact is that in order to solve some of his research tasks, he decided to climb hot-air balloon into the stratosphere. To do this, he designed and in 1930 built, at the expense of the National Research Foundation of Belgium, a stratostat with a pressurized gondola and a lifting cylinder filled with helium. On this stratospheric balloon, Piccard in 1931 rose into the stratosphere and reached a height of 15781 meters, and in 1932 the stratospheric balloon carried his designer to a height of 16201 meters. If we talk about altitude records, then after Piccard, in 1933, the stratospheric balloon "USSR", which was controlled by Professor E. Birnbaum and pilots G. Prokofiev and K. Godunov, rose to a height of 18,500 meters, and a year later, the stratospheric balloon "Osoaviakhim" reached a height of 22 kilometers. Unfortunately, this flight ended tragically - an accident occurred, and the pilots of the stratospheric balloon P. Fedoseenko, I. Usyskin and A. Vasenko died.

Piccard was the first to understand that the vertical movements of the stratospheric balloon and bathyscaphe are subject to one general pattern. During descent and ascent, both are affected by changing external pressure. Stratostat moves in the atmosphere thanks to a balloon filled with light gas. This means that the bathyscaphe must also have a balloon, a kind of float filled with a substance lighter than sea water. The aggregate state of matter for the float must be the same as environment, i.e. liquid. Gasoline was chosen as the filler of the float. When the pressure changes, the surrounding sea water and gasoline will shrink or expand to almost the same extent, and the cylinder shell (float) will not deform, since it will experience the same pressure on both sides.

The gondola of the stratospheric balloon is light, with thin walls, since the change in pressure with ascent height is insignificant: even at the highest ascent, it will be less than one atmosphere. The operating conditions of the bathyscaphe are completely different: its gondola at great depths will be exposed to water pressure of several thousand atmospheres. Hence the requirements for the strength of its walls.

Thus, a bathyscaphe, like a stratospheric balloon, consists of two main parts: a cylinder (float) filled with gasoline, and a spherical gondola made of durable steel connected to it. In this steel sphere, where the air has normal atmospheric pressure, the crew is accommodated. To dive the bathyscaphe, part of the gasoline is released from the cylinder. In order to avoid hitting the bottom, aquanauts drop part of the ballast, which is steel shot. For horizontal movement, a small propeller driven by an electric motor is used. To surface, you need to drop the ballast again. The bathyscaphe is equipped with the necessary equipment for life support and control systems, as well as instruments for underwater research. Of course, the ratios of the masses and volumes of the steel sphere, control parts, ballast, gasoline in a cylinder, and so on, are strictly calculated to ensure vertical maneuvering and reliable ascent of the bathyscaphe.

The first experimental model of the bathyscaphe FRNS-2 was built in 1950 and belonged to the French Navy. Abbreviation FRNS translated means "National Foundation for Scientific Research." Experimental bathyscaphe model FRNS-2, made in full size, was tested without a crew. Then the FRNS-3 bathyscaphes were built and Trieste. All three bathyscaphes had a gondola of the same design. The steel gondola, in other words, the bathyscaphe's cabin, had an internal diameter of two meters. It comfortably accommodates two people who do not need to sit doubled up in the position of embryos in the mother's womb. The thickness of the cast wall is 9 cm, and in the area where the windows are located, it is increased to 15 cm. According to the calculation, such a gondola can withstand the pressure of a water column 16 kilometers high. A bathyscaphe with such a gondola can sink to the bottom at any point in the World Ocean: there is no depth of more than 12 km in the ocean. The body of the float and the walls of the gas tanks are made of sheet steel, they are not designed for high pressure: sea water freely passes through the hole in the bottom, balancing the pressure inside and outside the float. There is no danger of mixing water and gasoline, since gasoline is lighter than water and always remains above the water at the top of the float. Instead of fragile glass, completely transparent polished plexiglass is used for the portholes of the bathyscaphe. The weight of the gondola with equipment in the air is 11 tons, in the water - about half less and can be balanced by 15 cubic meters of gasoline. But taking into account the own weight of the float shell and the walls of the gasoline tanks, as well as the necessary supply of gasoline for vertical maneuvering and in case of a leak, into the bathyscaphe floats FRNS-2 And FRNS-3 refueled 30 cubic meters of gasoline, and floats Trieste- over 100 cubic meters. Two spotlights were attached to the floats to illuminate the underwater landscape.

Bathyscaphe "Trieste" was designed by Auguste Piccard, taking into account his own experience in designing the bathyscaphe FRNS-2. Active assistance in the construction of Trieste was provided by his son, Jacques Piccard. Bathyscaphe "Trieste" was launched in August 1953. In the period 1953–1957. Several dives took place in the Mediterranean Sea. The main pilot at the same time was Jacques Piccard, and he made the first dives with his father, who was then already 69 years old. So, in 1953, together they plunged into the Mediterranean Sea to a record depth of 3150 meters for that time.

A year later on the bathyscaphe FRNS-3 French officers Georges Waud and Pierre Wilm sank into the Mediterranean Sea to a depth of over 4,000 meters. The conquest of depth has begun.

In 1958 Bathyscaphe "Trieste" was bought by the US Navy, and then structurally modified in Germany at the Krupp plant. Basically, the refinement consisted in the manufacture of a more durable gondola. During 1958–1960 Jacques Piccard remained the main pilot of the Trieste bathyscaphe, by that time he had already become a professor and gained extensive experience in deep diving. And at the very beginning of 1960, Jacques Piccard decided to make his next, 65th, dive in the deepest place in the oceans - in the Mariana Trench.

In 1959, in the area of ​​Guem Island, near the deepest point of the Mariana Trench, the Soviet research vessel Vityaz operated, whose echo sounders recorded a depth of 11,022 meters. It was here that the deep-sea expedition of Jacques Piccard went as part of the auxiliary vessels "Lewis" and "Wondenks". The last one was towing Bathyscaphe "Trieste". After the location of the eleven-kilometer depth was determined with the greatest possible accuracy, the dive began. On January 23, 1960, at 08:23, the Trieste launched to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Together with Jacques Piccard, US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh was in the bathyscaphe's gondola. Both aquanauts understood clearly the degree of risk to which they were exposed. They knew that by the time they reached the bottom, the total pressure of water on the walls of the gondola would be 170,000 tons. Under the influence of this monstrous load, the diameter of the steel sphere will decrease by 3.7 millimeters. And if even a small crack appears, then under a pressure of 1100 atmospheres, a jet will hit inside the gondola, the destructive power of which will surpass the power of a machine-gun burst. Fortunately, everything went well, although not without rough edges. At a depth of about four kilometers, the ultrasonic transmitter, which provided communication with the ship, stopped working, but soon the connection started working again. At the eighth kilometer of depth, a window in the connecting vestibule burst, but this did not pose a danger. How Jacques and Don endured these troubles is easy to guess. At one o'clock D. Walsh reported that Trieste sank to the bottom. It was a flat, dense bottom of the Mariana Trench. The depth reached was 10919 meters. This record will never be broken, because there is no point in any new record, because the maximum depth of the ocean is only 103 meters more. The Trieste dive took 5 hours, the ascent took about 3 hours, and the time spent at the bottom was about 20 minutes. At a depth of about 11 kilometers, aquanauts managed to see a small fish similar to a flounder, as well as a shrimp.

Among other dives Trieste, partially modernized, we note its dives in the Atlantic Ocean in April 1963 to search for the missing US Navy nuclear submarine Thresher (USS Tresher SSN-593). In the autumn of 1963, the bathyscaphe Trieste was disassembled.

After the reconstruction, this bathyscaphe was named "Trieste II". This modification had a more durable gondola with an outer diameter of 2.16 m, with a wall thickness of 127 mm, weighing 13 tons in air and 8 tons in water. A useful design refinement of the bathyscaphe was the installation of internal keels in the body of the float and an external stabilizer. This was done in order to prevent the occurrence of rolling or its reduction - after all, currents and waves in the ocean exist, as you know, not only in the upper layers of water, but also in depth.

"Trieste II" in 1964 he also made several dives in search of the Thresher submarine, but they were unsuccessful.

A deep-sea vehicle of another model was designed by French military engineers Georges Waud and Pierre Wilm. In 1962, their triple bathyscaphe "Archimedes" with a mixed French-Japanese crew sank to the bottom of the Izu-Bonnin Trench off the coast of Japan to a depth of 9180 meters. In 1964, with the help of this submersible, French experts explored the bottom of one of the deepest trenches in Puerto Rico in the Atlantic Ocean, descending to a depth of 8550 m.

With the help of deep-sea vehicles, researchers from different countries had the opportunity to see with their own eyes the seabed and its inhabitants in the deepest places of the World Ocean, such as the Mariana or Puerto Rican trenches. This was all the more important because, until the middle of the 20th century, many scientists questioned the possibility of any life at a depth of more than 7 thousand meters, where complete darkness and eternal cold reign. For example, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, at a depth of about 11 km, where Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh descended in January 1960, the water temperature recorded by an outboard thermometer was only 3.4 ° C.

All this is so. But, on the other hand, ocean depths of 10–11 km are still the exception rather than the rule. The area of ​​the ocean floor with such a depth is a very small part of the total area of ​​the ocean floor. The largest area is occupied by areas of the ocean floor up to 4–6 km deep, and the depth of the shelf is even much less. To solve most of the scientific problems of oceanology, there is absolutely no need to go down to the deepest points of the ocean. Vehicles designed to operate at extreme depths (10–12 km) require very large material and monetary costs at all stages of the life cycle: during design, manufacture, testing and operation. Such costs are estimated at many hundreds of millions of dollars. Of course, deep-sea vehicles must comply with the most high requirements reliability. To work at a depth of up to 4-6 kilometers, less expensive and quite reliable devices were designed and built. To dive to such a depth, a float balloon may be absent, and the gondola, which experiences less stress, is made of less durable material and has increased dimensions, creating Better conditions for crew work.

In 1965, the American designer E. Venk built a bathyscaphe "Aluminaut" for work at depths up to 4500 meters. This bathyscaphe does not have a float, and the hull made of aluminum alloy is designed for three hydronauts, for whose work and rest optimal conditions are created: folding berths, heating devices and others. The crew can work on the bathyscaphe continuously during the day.

In the same (1965) year, a bathyscaphe was built "Alvin", named after the designer, American oceanographer Allen Weine. The device is designed to work at a depth of up to 1800-2000 meters. The crew of three people can be on board the device for a whole day. With the help of the device "Alvin" ("ALVIN") a number of successful hydrological and biological studies have been carried out. Let's talk about one of these studies.

In 1977, American geologists and geochemists surveyed a section of the Pacific Ocean floor off the coast of Ecuador. In that area are the spurs of the Pacific submarine ridge. Coming out of the ocean, they rise above the water in the form of the volcanic Galapagos Islands. On "Alvin" instruments were installed that continuously record the temperature of the outboard water and allow it to be sampled for subsequent analysis. There was also equipment in the form of a mechanical arm for taking samples of bottom soil and immobile animals. Among the lifeless spaces of the ocean floor, covered with frozen lava flows, among mountain gorges littered with huge stones, observers saw a wide white ring about 50 meters in diameter, then several more of the same rings with a diameter of 50 to 100 meters. These rings turned out to be alive: they were made up of thousands of large mollusks with thick white shells. The shells of some bivalve mollusks reached 30–40 cm in length. White crabs and some other crustaceans were also moving here. Fish swam around these rings. When "Alvin" hovered over the center of the rings, the external thermometer showed the water temperature up to 22°C. The water in the small surrounding area was heated to this temperature by hydrothermal vents spouting through cracks from under the ocean floor. Deep-sea inhabitants of the ocean are unaccustomed to warm water. Therefore, they were located at a certain distance from the exit points of hot jets, forming rings around cracks in the ocean floor. The temperature of the water in which these creatures were, did not exceed 3-4 degrees. diving "Alvina" led to several discoveries. Firstly, the presence of hydrothermal springs in this region of the ocean floor was revealed, providing conditions for the existence of various animals here, most of which, according to the conclusion of zoologists, were not known to science before. Secondly, the source and method of feeding these animals at great depths (2000–3000 meters) was discovered. It turned out that sulfur bacteria, which are synthesized from carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide coming from the bowels of the Earth, serve as food for mollusks and worms near these underwater thermal springs. Shellfish and worms, in turn, are food for fish and crabs.

Since the 1960s, hundreds of underwater vehicles have been designed and built in Russia, the USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, France and other countries to perform various tasks within the shelf. The estimated immersion depth of such devices is different: from 200 to 2000 meters.

As for devices capable of diving to the extreme depths of the World Ocean, there are currently no more than a dozen of them all over the world.

In conclusion of the topic of deep-sea vehicles for scientific purposes, we separately note the Russian research complex called "World".

© Vladimir Kalanov,
"Knowledge is power"

Submersibles include bathyspheres and bathyscaphes. These are small and very specialized submarines. They are more often used for scientific research than for military purposes.

These tiny ships with very strong hulls, often made of titanium, can dive in the ocean to record depths. In 1960, the French submersible Trieste set a diving record by reaching the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in the Mariinsky Trench at a depth of 35,802 feet.

Submersible vehicles can not only be located where the pressure is 1000 times greater than at sea level, but also examine and photograph underwater areas using photo and video cameras. And mechanical "hands" can take geological and biological samples and deliver them to the surface in mesh containers. These same "hands" can help repair equipment on underwater pipelines or faulty cables on underwater communication lines.


This apparatus consists of a very strong crew compartment connected to a huge tank filled with gasoline. Inside the tank are ballast tanks, which are filled with sea water when diving and emptied when surfacing. A significant part of the bathyscaphe's equipment is located on its outer side: searchlights, TV and movie cameras, flashing lights - everything that helps to see in the pitch darkness of the ocean depths.

Bathyscaphe "Alvin", pictured above, helped to make many discoveries in underwater exploration.

The interior of the cramped control compartment on the Alvin bathyscaphe is associated with various instruments.

Oil pump engine

Gasoline-filled tanks and expandable diaphragm compensate for pressure effects.

Water pressure increases with depth

For every 3,300 feet in depth, the pressure increases by 100 atmospheres. (One atmosphere is equal to the pressure of the entire earth's air column at sea level).

Spherical surfaces resist pressure best due to its uniform distribution over the surface. Rectangles are easier to crush.

The opportunity to dive to the bottom of the sea is due to the Swiss scientist-inventor Auguste Piccard. As a professor of physics at the University of Brussels, Piccard was actively involved in atmospheric research, taking Active participation in the preparation and implementation of several flights on stratospheric balloons.

The first flight took place on May 27, 1931 from the site in Augsburg; in addition to Auguste Piccard, Paul Kipfer became its participant. Scientists have climbed into the stratosphere for the first time in history. The height they managed to reach was 15,785 meters.

The second flight took place in 1932, on August 18. This time, Max Cosins flew with Piccard. Stratostat launch was made from Zurich, and the height reached was 16,200 meters. In total, Auguste Piccard took part in 27 flights, reaching a maximum altitude of 23,000 meters.

By the mid-1930s, Piccard came up with the idea of ​​​​the possible use of a balloon with a pressurized gondola (this is what stratospheric balloons looked like) to explore the ocean depths inaccessible to humans. Alas, the outbreak of the Second World War did not allow him to bring to its logical conclusion the developments begun in 1937.

Piccard returned to them in 1945 when the war ended. The resulting apparatus was called a bathyscaphe, having formed a word from Greek roots meaning "deep" and "vessel". Piccard's creation looked like this: a sealed steel gondola for the crew, to which a large float was attached, filled with gasoline to ensure buoyancy. To be able to surface after diving, several tons of steel ballast were used. During the dive, the ballast was held by electromagnets. This design ensured the ascent of the bathyscaphe even in the event of a possible equipment failure.

The first deep-sea submersibles

The first bathyscaphe received the code name FNRS-2, its tests took place in 1948, and two years later the device was handed over to the French fleet. Until 1954, several modifications were made to the FNRS-2. As a result, the bathyscaphe with the crew on board dived to a depth of 4,176 meters.

The next apparatus, on which Auguste Piccard worked already together with his son Jacques, was the Trieste bathyscaphe, assembled at the shipyards of the Italian city of Trieste, after which it was named. It was on this apparatus that Jacques Piccard, together with US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh, made the first ever dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest place in the world's oceans. The explorer conquered the depth of 10,916 meters.

There are only five bathyscaphes (with a gasoline float) in history, two of them (FNRS-2 and Trieste) were designed by Auguste Piccard. Other profits were created in the USA ("Trieste-2"), France ("Archimedes") and the USSR ("Poisk-6").

The history of further underwater research is already connected with deep-sea manned vehicles, which are not formally bathyscaphes, since their design lacks a float filled with gasoline. One of these devices will be discussed further.

Deep-sea submersibles "Mir"

There are generally two devices. Today, both are used by the Russian Academy of Sciences and are based aboard the research vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. The history of the Mir submersibles began in the early 1980s, when the USSR Academy of Sciences decided to get at its disposal submersibles for deep-sea research.

It was not possible to create such devices on the territory of the USSR and an attempt was made to order them abroad. As a result, a diplomatic crisis arose between the United States and Soviet Union. It arose in connection with an international treaty, according to which a number of countries, including Canada, with which negotiations were initially held on the construction of the device, do not have the right to "export advanced technologies to the USSR."

As a result, the construction of the Mir spacecraft was carried out in Finland. However, in this case, it was not without diplomatic troubles. Be that as it may, the devices were eventually not only built, but also successfully put into operation.

The idea of ​​devices and their development is entirely the merit of Soviet scientists and designers. The Mir devices were manufactured in 1987 by the Finnish company Rauma Repola and installed on the base ship. The base ship - "Akademik Mstislav Keldysh" - left the stocks of the Finnish shipyard Hollming in the city of Rauma in 1981. Today, the ship and devices belong to the Institute of Oceanology. P.P. Shirshov RAS.

World structure"

The body of the apparatus is a spherical gondola made of martensitic, highly alloyed steel, with a nickel content of 18%. Nickel-cadmium batteries 100 kWh are used as a power plant.

On board there are places for three crew members: a pilot, an engineer and a scientist-observer. The observer and engineer lie on the side benches, the pilot sits or kneels in a niche in front of the dashboard. An emergency rescue system is also provided.

Scope of application

The maximum depth available to the Mir devices is 6,000 meters. This allows for research focused on different outcomes. For example, the devices were used to survey the site of the sinking of the Komsomolets submarine.

From the moment of commissioning and until 1991, the Mir vehicles took part in 35 research expeditions in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Already after the collapse of the USSR, the Mir devices were used to explore Lake Baikal, this expedition took place in 2008. In 2011, the devices worked in Switzerland on the research of Lake Geneva.

  • Free electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia, section "Batiscaphe".
  • Free electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia, section "Deep-sea manned vehicle "FNRS-2"
  • Free electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia, section "Trieste (bathyscaphe)"
  • Free electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia, section "World (deep-sea vehicles)".
  • Yurnev A.P. Uninhabited underwater vehicles.

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. It should be noted that our site provides data from different sources- encyclopedic, explanatory, derivational dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word bathyscaphe

bathyscaphe in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


A, m. Self-propelled apparatus for deep-sea research.

adj. bathyscaphe, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. Self-propelled apparatus for deep-sea research.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Bathyscaphe (from Greek bathys - deep and skaphos - ship) deep-sea self-propelled vehicle for oceanographic, etc. research. It consists of a steel ball-gondola (crew of 1-3 people, instruments) and a float-body filled with a filler (usually gasoline) that is lighter than water. Buoyancy is controlled by dropping ballast and releasing gasoline. It is propelled by propellers driven by electric motors. The first bathyscaphe was built by the Swiss physicist O. Piccard in 1948. In 1960, the Trieste bathyscaphe reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. (approx. 11 t. m).


(from the Greek bathýs ≈ deep and skáphos ≈ ship), a deep-sea autonomous (self-propelled) apparatus for oceanographic and other research. B. consists of a light body - a float filled with a filler lighter than water (gasoline), and a steel ball - a gondola. The float contains tanks with ballast and batteries. The gondola accommodates the B. crew, control equipment, an air regeneration system, a radio station for communications on the surface, an ultrasonic telephone, a television camera, and research instruments. Electric motors with propellers and lamps are installed outside. Modern submarines are equipped with devices for taking soil samples, photographic equipment, and remote-controlled manipulators for conducting underwater work. B.'s buoyancy is regulated by dropping solid ballast (usually steel shot) and releasing gasoline from a shunting tank.

The first B. (FNRS-2) was built and tested by the Swiss scientist O . Piccard in 1948. In 1953, Piccard and his son Jacques descended to B. Trieste to a depth of 3160 m. D. Walsh on the modernized B. "Trieste" reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. so far remains the only means of human exploration of the ultimate depths of the ocean.

Lit .: Guo J., Vilm P., At a depth of 4000 m, trans. from English, L., 1960; Piccard J., Dietz R., Depth ≈ seven miles, trans. from English, M., 1963; Diomidov M. N., Dmitriev A. N., Underwater vehicles, L., 1966.

.═B. S. Yastrebov.



Bathyscaphe (Bathyscaphe) (from - deep and - ship) - an autonomous underwater vehicle for oceanographic and other research at great depths. The main difference between the bathyscaphe and the "classical" submarines consists in the fact that the bathyscaphe has a light hull, which is a float filled to create positive buoyancy with gasoline or another low-compressible substance lighter than water, carrying a strong hull underneath, usually made in the form of a hollow sphere - gondolas(an analogue of a bathysphere), in which equipment, control panels and crew are located under conditions of normal atmospheric pressure. The bathyscaphe moves with the help of propellers driven by electric motors.

Examples of the use of the word bathyscaphe in the literature.

The jungle camp is assembled, the collections are loaded into the mobile, the tents are rolled up and hidden in the biostation house, bathyscaphe Mashenka Belaya is packed in a backpack, Javad carefully holds a collection of butterflies on his knees.

Nose bathyscaphe hung over the cockpit, and the observation chamber was no more than six feet from the broken glass and practically at the same level.

A free-hanging guidedrop touched the bottom, but this did not compensate for the negative buoyancy bathyscaphe, as it was bound to happen, and the base of the observation chamber flopped heavily into the black mud.

He couldn't predict where the octopuses were heading, and bathyscaphe clearly inferior to live torpedoes both in speed and, especially, in maneuverability.

Admiral Perrin, - the correspondent began, - our viewers are interested to know why, for testing a new bathyscaphe selected ill-fated Italian liner?

Proceeding from the need to justify the expectations of his admirers and trustees, Professor Picard expressed a desire to take a direct part in the first, control dive bathyscaphe.

Professor Picard, a prisoner of the sea, turned on the lanterns to check bathyscaphe, and the sea lit up from below with a bright radiance.

He pointed to a part on the table, a simple solenoid switch that I had brought from bathyscaphe.

Whether the octopus left him when Lyudmila Nikolaevna and Valery moved to bathyscaphe, or then managed to turn on the lock chamber.

I will hang around on the ship of the Security Administration and from morning to night debug deep-sea bathyscaphe.

According to information we received today, a Japanese firm has bought a deep-sea bathyscaphe.

Bathyscaphe drowned, cameras and records are dead, there are huge predators in the lake, some savage is fishing, but actually nothing special.

Then they open the shutters on the bunkers with ballast, the shot spills out, and bathyscaphe pop-up-at.

It was not difficult to figure it out: he would wake up and find that the restless satellite had disappeared, scold him and go in search of the ocean, then lower him into the crater bathyscaphe.

Bathyscaphe, in which they dived, took only the two of them on board, although there was still free space in it, and in the waiting room Daniel noticed several more people waiting for the transport.

Bathyscaphe (from Greek bathýs - deep and skáphos - ship)

deep-water autonomous (self-propelled) apparatus for oceanographic and other research. B. consists of a light body - a float filled with a filler (gasoline) that is lighter than water, and a steel ball - a gondola. The float contains tanks with ballast and batteries. The gondola accommodates the B. crew, control equipment, an air regeneration system, a radio station for communications on the surface, an ultrasonic telephone, a television camera, and research instruments. Electric motors with propellers and lamps are installed outside. Modern submarines are equipped with devices for taking soil samples, photographic equipment, and remote-controlled manipulators for conducting underwater work. B.'s buoyancy is regulated by dropping solid ballast (usually steel shot) and releasing gasoline from a shunting tank.

The first B. (FNRS-2) was built and tested by the Swiss scientist O . piccard om in 1948. In 1953, Piccard and his son Jacques descended into B. "Trieste" to a depth of 3160 m. In 1954, the French J. Guo and P. Vilm on B. FPRS-Z reached a depth of 4050 m. In January 1960, J. Piccard and D. Walsh reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean in the modernized B. Trieste. so far remains the only means of human exploration of the ultimate depths of the ocean.

Lit.: Guo Zh., Wilm P., At a depth of 4000 m., trans. from English, L., 1960; Piccard J., Dietz R., Depth - seven miles, trans. from English, M., 1963; Diomidov M. N., Dmitriev A. N., Underwater vehicles, L., 1966.

. V. S. Yastrebov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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