When are the biggest discounts in summer? Seasonal sales: rules and tips

In many countries, the days of seasonal sales are set not by fashion stores, but by the state. In France, they usually take place at the beginning of June and last several weeks, prices at this time are reduced by 30-70%. At other times of the year, stores are prohibited from massively reducing prices. As a result, buyers have no problem obtaining information.


In Russia everyone shop fashionable clothes he decides when to hold sales, so the range in terms is quite large. In the gallery of shops Bosco di Ciliegi

The official sale begins in June.
In the store "Grishko", which specializes in dancewear and shoes, is high season in August-September, so discounts will only begin in November.
But usually the first stage of sales occurs in July; during this period, discounts, as a rule, do not exceed 30%, but almost all sizes are available. At the end of July - beginning of August, the second stage begins, prices are reduced by 50-70%, but the chances of finding something worthwhile decrease. Therefore, if fashion store

The sale is carried out in several stages, try to get into the first wave. Most brands start sales only in August, that is, at the very end of the season. If you are planning to capture the velvet season at sea, this offer is especially relevant - you can buy the hits of the season at a significant discount and have time to enjoy them.
Winter sales start in December and last until mid-February, but again, there is no uniformity among our stores. Some try to attract buyers with discounts before the New Year, others, on the contrary, seize the moment and sell goods at maximum profit.
How not to miss the sale? Many sites on the Internet are devoted to this problem, but not all of them offer necessary information timely. The point is not that they are slow, but that the stores themselves are not very willing to make contact. Some, for example, brands included in the group Zara, do not report their sales at all. Russian stores They will learn about the exact date from the main office in Spain only two weeks in advance. This information does not get into the press; customers only find out that the sale has begun when they come to the store; even the display cases are changed overnight. Most do not hide the start dates of sales, but they are not in a hurry to report them, so the result is about the same.

There is a way out of this situation - you need to become a regular customer. This is not at all a closed club, as it often seems. If you like a certain fashion store and you plan to go there from time to time, be sure to ask if he has loyalty cards. Sometimes they are given simply upon request, in some cases you need to make a one-time purchase over a certain amount. If such a purchase seems too much to you alone, come with a friend and get one card for both of you. Considering that most of these cards are cumulative, together you will reach the next level faster.
In all stores Bosco di Ciliegi There are cumulative Bosco discount cards, which are issued for purchases over 1000 euros, the initial discount is 5%, and the maximum is 20%. In addition, when purchasing over 300 euros, cards are issued Articoli

For which there is a 5% discount on accessories, perfumes and cosmetics, and three cards Articoli exchanged for one card Bosco. At the end of the season, before the official start of the sale, almost all stores hold customer days, when all regular customers are given an additional discount of 5 to 20%. The exact date of the event will be announced by telephone. If you want to be aware of all special offers, it is better to leave your phone number in the store. And if you are only interested in sale, do not hesitate to warn the seller about this.
Discount savings card for stores No One

Gives you the opportunity to participate in special promotions. Before the general sale, cardholders receive an SMS about the start of a private sale - during normal store opening hours, they can purchase items with additional discount up to 20%.
For Parade clients, Bruno Magli and Stuart Weitzman a single cumulative discount card is provided. Customers are the first to receive information about the new collection, sales, they are sent a new seasonal catalog by mail and an invitation to the buyer's day, where a fixed discount is provided plus a card discount. In addition, on this day there are special discounts on certain items. And, of course, regular customers receive holiday greetings.
In stores Levi's, Chevignon, Timberland, Naf Naf

Loyalty card holders are not only given a discount (including during sales periods), but also closed sales are held for them. You can get there either by invitation or by presenting a card; the discount ranges from 20 to 30% on the entire assortment.
Brand Guess launches in August 2008 bonus program regular customers. Once the card is issued, 5% of the amount of each purchase is credited to it. At the same time, you can use the card to pay 20% of the cost of your next purchases with accumulated points at any time. In the near future, holders of these cards will also receive additional benefits in the form of “closed sales”, special offers and holiday gifts.
At TSUM, two days of closed sales are specially allocated for black card holders.

Online Rendez-vous discounts are held not only during the season, but also on store birthdays; dates can be found on the website.
Most stores cancel cards during sales periods, but not all. Discounts are cumulative, for example, in networks “Wild Orchid”, “Bustier”, Flo&Jo. In stores Le Coq Sportif, Gant, Fransa

The money you spend is credited to the card, and although you don't get an additional discount, you get closer to getting a next-level card.
Online TJ Collection and Lacoste There are no maps, but everyone can receive the newsletter. To do this, you need to leave your email address in the salon or subscribe to news on the website.
The end of the season is not the only time when you can purchase discounted items. Brands that release several collections per season may have several summer and winter sales.

If the store does not have a discount, then the old collections are located in separate corners. IN Cara&Co They are located on the second floor, and although they are not so easy to find, your efforts will be rewarded - they offer items at a discount of up to 80%.
In some stores you can see corners with discounted items. For example, in Benetton. A total sale is usually held before a store is liquidated, which can happen at any time. Then everything is sold at reduced prices, regardless of the season.
Pay attention to promotions that offer gifts with purchase. Most often this happens in cosmetics stores. It’s quite possible that it’s really worth buying another cream or powder and getting a travel set of cosmetics. But be careful - before you make an unplanned purchase, think about whether you really need this gift.

Efimova Zhanna Vasilievna,
lawyer of the Moscow Society
consumer protection

Items purchased on sale can be exchanged!
According to Art. 25. “On the protection of consumer rights”, the buyer can exchange the goods within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase (except non-food products of proper quality, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998 No. 55), which did not suit him in shape, size, style or dimensions. If a suitable item is not found, you are required to return the money. If defects arise, quality claims can be made during the warranty period, and if there is no warranty period or it has expired, within two years.
This cannot be done if the sale is related precisely to these shortcomings of the item. The fact of the presence of a defect must be recorded in the markdown report. If another defect is discovered in the item, you have the right to file a claim.
n The claim to the seller is submitted to in writing in duplicate. Specify your requirements: exchange of goods for a similar one or refund. Don't forget to write your last name, address and telephone number. The second copy remains with you. The seller must sign on it that he has received the complaint. If the store refuses to accept the complaint, do not despair, send a complaint by registered mail with notification of delivery. The request for a refund is satisfied within 10 days.






"Wild Orchid"

up to 50%

"Golden Dragonfly"




all of July





"Estelle Adoni"



end of July - August




Caractè re

Caterina Leman



end of July

up to 70%

end of July

up to 70%

Concept Club

July - mid August


Dimensione Danza

until the end of August

up to 50%

Dr. Koffer

from August to October

for the women's collection 10%, for individual models - up to 25%

Elena Miro


Fashion Continent


Firmato & Scontato

July - August



50−70% + discount with discount card


up to 50%

Gerard Darel


G-Star RAW

July - mid August


Inesse M


July - August


Lauren Vidal



Le Coq Sportif








When do clothing sales usually start? Best regards, Julia.

Fashionistas are often worried when they start summer sales, or vice versa winter. After all, this is a wonderful opportunity to purchase your favorite item at a much better price than at the height of the season. But how can you not miss this event?

In fact, stores do not have a single deadline for when prices begin to decrease. The dates are influenced by the collection's remaining stock, its popularity and other factors.

Summer discounts

But there are still certain periods when you can expect discounts. IN summer time This is usually the second half of June to August.

Please note that some brands conduct sales in several stages. The first wave occurs in June. Discounts at this time are minimal, do not exceed 30%. However, you should not ignore them. After all, right now there is a great chance to find the basic item you need or the dress you’ve been eyeing. Popular sizes are selling out quickly, so by the next wave of price cuts the selection will be quite limited.

Some brands have specially designated places in stores, so-called corners, for remnants of past collections. There you can find things at a discount and outside the sales season.

At the beginning of July and until August, the second stage begins, discounts reach 70%. Now there is a chance to get a stylish new thing at a very reasonable price. But to find something worthwhile in the right size, you will have to work hard. In some stores, sales take place in one stage, and begin in July. These brands offer maximum discounts.

Information about sales in shopping centers

Black Friday

In the last week of November, it is worth preparing for the first discounts of new collections. In all stores, the so-called “Black Friday”, and in some the sale starts on Thursday, opening hours are increasing. Don't miss the opportunity to buy “your size” of the clothes you like at a discount.

Winter discounts

If you are wondering when winter sales start, then you should be on your guard by mid-December. Price reductions may continue until mid-February. Unified system shops, as in summer, do not. Some offer discounts early, others are trying to make the most of the New Year's rush. Therefore, it is necessary to keep an eye on your favorite brands.

How to find out when a sale starts

What to do so as not to miss the long-awaited moment? Stores are often slow to provide information about such events. Some brands change displays overnight without any prior announcement. You can only find out about the start of discounts when you come to the store.

To avoid such a situation, it makes sense to get a loyalty card. Of course, this applies primarily to your favorite brands. Sometimes such cards are issued simply upon request, in other cases a purchase for a certain amount may be required. But the cardholder receives an advantage not only in the form of discounts on purchases. They will be able to inform him over the phone about the sale dates. Just remember to leave your number. In addition, private sales are practiced in some stores. They are carried out exclusively for regular customers and before a massive price reduction. So there is a higher chance of finding a good item in your size.

Most brands have their own websites. Here you can view the collection and also subscribe to the newsletter. Then information about the start of discounts will come to email. If you have already tried on a set and decided on the size and color, then it is better to place an order through the online store.

How to make shopping fun

During the sales period, it is easy to lose your head, because the shop windows beckon with tempting offers.

In order not to regret later about wasted time or money, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • The most important rule is that before going shopping you should make a list of necessary purchases. During a period of low prices, you can get carried away with studying the assortment and forget about what you really need.
  • It’s worth planning a budget: how much you can spend on essentials and how much is left for spontaneous decisions.
  • The selected item must be carefully inspected before purchase to notice any possible defects.
  • It is recommended to thoroughly examine the contents of the shelves. Due to the large number of people, the correct size may not be in the right place.
  • You shouldn’t think too long about the thing you like. If you put it aside even for a short time, then it is quite possible that someone else will like it.
  • If you have doubts that an item is suitable, you need to critically examine yourself. You should not completely trust the opinions of sellers or friends; you need to rely on your own feelings.

Clothes for a pleasant shopping experience

To make shopping a pleasure, you need to take care of suitable clothes. This is especially true during sales periods, when shopping will probably take a lot of time. It is worth planning your route so that you have the opportunity to take a break, for example, drink tea in a cafe or have a snack.

The main requirement for clothing is that it should be comfortable, loose enough, and easy to take off. Items with intricate locks and ties are best left for another occasion. After all, even if you plan to buy trousers, it is possible that you will really want to try on a nice blouse. Therefore, the entire set should be fairly easy to remove.

Shoes should also be comfortable. It is best to choose a pair without heels. At the same time, you should wear slip-ons rather than sneakers or sneakers, because then you won’t have to bother with laces.

If you need to choose shoes to match certain trousers, then it makes sense to go to the store in them. In different shoe models, the proportions may vary slightly; you won’t be able to see this without trying them on.

It is recommended to carry a minimum of accessories to the store. A watch or bracelet of an original shape may leave a snag on the new item during the fitting process. Large earrings can also cling to fabric. In addition, bright decorations affect the assessment of the item used. And if you take them off, there is a risk of forgetting them in the booth.

There are not very many requirements for the bag. It is undesirable for this accessory to be large, as it will restrict movement. It is best to choose a medium bag, roomy enough to fit all the necessary things. Lovers of small handbags can limit themselves to a miniature clutch. Anyway, the store will pack your purchase in a branded bag.

Minimal makeup is appropriate when shopping. War paint can stain the item chosen for trying on. You should do any hairstyle that you feel comfortable with. It is recommended to put long hair in a bun or braid it so that it does not get in the way.

Shopping is a great way to relieve stress and lift your spirits. But you also need to approach it correctly. Make a plan, choose the right clothes and, of course, keep an eye on summer and winter sales.

When it comes best time to buy a car, airline tickets, household appliances, TV, furniture, mattress, laptop? We offer you a guide to smart shopping and reasonable spending, which describes in detail what to buy and in which months of the year.


This is the best time to buy a computer and holiday items. Immediately after the holidays end, a huge number of people rush to return gifts that were given to them and for some reason they did not like. CardCash.com, GiftCards.com and even eBay are selling returned items at discounted prices after Christmas.

Wrapping paper and tapes

In the weeks following the busy pre-Christmas and New Year's shopping, stores are selling off leftover wrapping paper and brightly colored ribbons at lower prices. Buy them now and save them until next year, since the shelf life of such products is unlimited.

Bed sheets

In January, there are usually big discounts on sheets, towels and blankets. The first such event took place in 1878, when a “White Sale” was held in a Philadelphia department store.

Computers and laptops

Starting in January, keep an eye on PC prices. Many companies are offering discounts on older models as they prepare for the upcoming release of newer systems.


The shortest month of the year is the best time to buy furniture, washing machine and dryers, wedding items.


This is the perfect time to start planning your summer wedding. You will have access to preferential prices for renting restaurants and cafes, meals and photographs.

Air conditioner

During the winter months, many stores offer devices at low prices, but finding them is not so easy.


New collections will hit showrooms in February, so furniture from older collections can be purchased much cheaper as stores try to “get rid” of them and free up more space.

Washer and dryer

In this case, the same rules apply. Home appliance stores are selling off older models to make room for newer appliances.


The best time to buy a suitcase and a digital camera.

Frozen food

March is Frozen Food Month. At this time there is a large-scale marketing campaign, which encourages stores to offer discounts and coupons throughout the month.

Bags and suitcases

Spring and summer are a time of mass vacations. Retail chains offer wide choice suitcases and travel bags. You can find new and exclusive models in single copies or products from past collections with pleasant discounts.

Digital camera

Monthly Consumer Reports recommends buying digital camera in March-April.


April is the best time to buy vacuum cleaners and winter clothes.


Plan your vacation in April. Early booking allows you to buy tours at a lower (premium) price. Moreover, at this time there is the largest selection of hotels and destinations.

Vacuum cleaners

Most new models are released in June, so retail stores They are trying to sell old vacuum cleaners faster. This is the perfect time to make a purchase and save a lot of money.


In anticipation of the fishing season, the choice of boats is huge and attractive discounts apply.

Winter clothes

As soon as new spring collections hit stores, prices for winter clothes drop noticeably. It happens that stores completely remove it from the shelves, leaving it until next year. However, most often old collection are sold at a 50-90% discount.


This month is the best time to buy equipment and a gym membership.

Clothes and shoes

May is the ideal month to buy demi-season clothing. At this time, a new summer collection is approaching, and stores are “getting rid of” the old one with great pleasure and discounts.

Gym membership

Summer is a low season for gyms, so the administration of fitness clubs and gyms begins to actively “lure” clients. Don't miss the opportunity to purchase a yoga or gymnastics membership at half price.

Kitchenware and small household appliances

Kitchenware is the most common type of gift for weddings and holidays, so stores often have sales ahead of the season.


You need to buy this type of equipment in the spring! Prices on last year's models will be reduced to free up showroom space.


The best time to buy a laptop, plane and train tickets, and underwear is June.


Stores like Victoria's Secret and Bare Necessities are selling out of stock this month.


Sales of laptops for schoolchildren and students actually begin in June. Quite often, stores offer computers bundled with a printer or a gift card.

Tickets and last minute tours

In June it is not too late to plan your Christmas holidays and book tickets; there are often discounts and special offers at this time. Don’t forget about summer holidays, the season of last-minute travel packages is coming.


Best time to buy jewelry and picnic items.

Summer clothes

Prices for sundresses, T-shirts, shorts, etc. in the middle of the season they begin to decline noticeably.

Picnic items

As soon as summer has passed the middle, stores reduce prices on themed goods: baskets, skewers, barbecues, tents and tents, swings, etc.


Summer is not rich in holidays, March 8 has already passed, and Mother's Day and New Year are still very far away. IN jewelry stores It's quiet, so they offer lower prices to lure customers.


August is the best time to buy stationery, grills.


When you go to the store, you will find a lot advantageous offers, especially on outdoor grills, because the season of mass outdoor recreation is already coming to an end.


Retail stores are offering discounts on backpacks, laptops and other back-to-school supplies.


As a rule, by this time most of the collection has already been sold, and the remainder is sold at large discounts. Perhaps your size will remain one of the last in the store.


The first month of fall is the best time to buy a car and patio or garden furniture.

Patio furniture and garden furniture

Big stores need to make room for Christmas items, which is pushing them to sell out seasonal goods with big discounts.


Car dealers are satisfied profitable promotions, in order to sell cars of the current year of production, because the New Year is just around the corner.


In September, many companies hold product sales.


The best time to buy gardening tools and jeans.


Jeans left over from the previous collection are sold at a deep discount for a short period of time before the pre-holiday shopping begins.

Products for home and garden

October brings the biggest savings on lawn mowers, garden tools and camping supplies.


The best time has come to choose gifts.

"Black Friday" and "Cyber ​​Monday"

They can last all week, and this is a great opportunity to buy not only clothes and shoes, but also an inexpensive TV, household appliances, computer and smartphone.

Sweets and candies

If you are a big fan of sweets, then plan your purchases for November; this month there is a lull in prices before the New Year.


It is also better to buy them in November - this is a good time to choose Christmas gifts.


The best time to buy champagne and sports equipment.


The approaching holidays and competition between sparkling wine producers are significantly reducing prices.

Sports equipment

Towards the middle of winter, sales of sports equipment and equipment begin at attractive prices.

Wedding dress

Winter is not the most popular time of year for a wedding. At this time, the salons are empty and ready to fight for every client, offering very good discounts not only for dresses and suits, but also for accessories.

I will allow myself to take an expert position in this dialogue. I have been working with clients as a personal purchasing assistant in European countries for 7 years (400 hours or 2.5 weeks is only the time I spent in the air during flights). We will talk about seasonal sales, which primarily means discounted sales of clothing and shoes, which are held at the end of any season, both summer and winter. I propose to discuss Russian retail, since during this period it has significant differences from European retail.

Seasonal sales rules

If the real goal of your shopping is to save your budget, then seasonal discounts are a real source of savings for the patient buyer. A red tag with the word “Discount” works magically, and a product marked “Sale” immediately has an audience ready to purchase it. Everyone wins here: the buyer is satisfied with both the price and the purchase, and the seller is happy that he sold the stale goods and freed up space for a new delivery.

Sales are certainly beneficial to all parties in the process, but, as you understand, there are pitfalls here. Only with a competent approach can you use the process of shopping at sales for your own benefit.

The first problem that you will have to face: most often, the slow-selling sizes XS and XXL or those models that have not aroused interest among buyers remain. And if you see interesting thing, which you really need, then don’t wait for a sale, since most likely it won’t be there by that time. Therefore, my advice to you: have a list of necessary purchases at hand and strictly adhere to it, without deceiving yourself during the shopping process that you “will soon lose weight, and this dress will fit you just right.”

The second important tip: during the discount season, sellers have a so-called “ideal buyer”, who is already warmed up by the very idea of ​​​​taking at least something quickly, before a shopping competitor emerges. The situation itself is impulsive, and the person does not have time to think about such a thing as justification of the price. Take a few minutes to check the reality of the prices listed. To do this, you just need to go to the Yandex.Market application via your phone and check the starting price. Often, retailers inflate the original price in order to attract customers with a larger price difference that actually does not exist. Even if you were lured by the words “90% discount!”, don’t be so naive: no one will miss out on their benefits.

Another important point that you may encounter during the sales season, especially towards the end, is the quality of the goods. Pay attention to defects in fabric or cut, because even if the price of the product has not been accepted for several weeks, it is possible that the item has significant flaws.

In this regard, let me give some advice from an “experienced” shopaholic:

  1. On the eve of the start date of sales, monitor the places of your planned shopping in order to gain time and, possibly, negotiate with sellers.
  2. Try not to waste time. Be one of the first buyers and choose what you really need, otherwise you will have to buy things that others did not need. Don’t expect maximum discounts: they only reach those products that have not been sold for years.
  3. Do not buy expensive items from sales. Plan your purchase ahead of the season and try to use, for example, a discount card, which also allows you to save some money.
  4. Stores do not necessarily get rid of low-quality or bad items at sales. It’s just that their commercial appeal is lower than that of those models that were purchased at full price. They may have a less functional style or a model that is difficult to combine.
  5. Think about it, do you really need a new swimsuit at the end of summer? Or is it better to set aside this amount to buy warm clothes for the next cooler and longer season?
  6. Every item you purchase (not necessarily during sales) should be something you really need. Remember this!

But still, sales and sales sometimes have a hypnotic effect on us, and then we buy things that then lie uselessly in the closet and create the same situation: the closet is full - there is nothing to wear.

  • buy only those things that you really like and need, which means they won’t be lying around in the closet;
  • It’s better to spend money on quality things, then they will last a long time;
  • all personal items should decorate you, emphasize your strengths, and, of course, hide your flaws.

It is better to create a wardrobe in which every item of the costume ensemble is your favorite. Then just this fact will lift your spirits. You will feel natural and comfortable, which others will definitely not be able to help but notice. Good luck with the sales!

Russian clothing sales are one of the favorite topics for discussion. As a rule, it is customary to talk about them as unsystematic, spontaneous actions aimed only at deceiving a gullible buyer and selling illiquid goods.

Yes, clothing sales in our country do not yet reach the world level, that’s a fact! Domestic market has its own characteristics, sometimes with a minus sign. But still, on Russian market, many serious companies have already appeared that live according to global trade laws. And for them sales, discounts, promotions are not a whim, not a deception of customers, but a necessity dictated by the laws of trade, and such events are planned carefully and according to a number of rules.

Sale – always an event, no less important than the appearance of a new seasonal collection. Sale is one of the stages life cycle fashion. At the center of any sale– discounts, allowing customers to save their hard-earned money, and therefore to interest them and attract them to a particular store.

Trade is cyclical. The spring-summer season begins on February 15 and ends on August 15. The rest of the time is considered the autumn-winter season.

During the season, promotions for collections or individual goods. Such events are necessary to attract and retain customers, as well as for sales of products whose seasonality is limited.

For example, in mid-autumn, promotions are appropriate for outerwear, in April - May for a number of items from their first spring collections, in early summer, for example, for swimwear.

All kinds of discounts allow you to regulate the flow, so they are necessary throughout the season. Discounts and promotions make it possible not to bring goods to total sales, and to avoid too large a discount on obsolete goods. When for low price They sell huge quantities of unsold goods, this is the wrong purchasing policy, you need to order as much goods as you can sell. Sales we need to plan, and not waste goods purchased by mistake for pennies.

The assortment of stores is constantly changing. There are clothing brands that produce up to 12 collections per season. Such collections are called “themes”. Therefore, some of the “topics” need to be marked down and sold off. During the season, it is possible to sell at a 30% discount the goods that have been hanging in the shopping area for about a month. The amount of discounts depends on the product turnover periods, which are different for each specific brand.

There are no strict uniform regulations for sales, discounts and promotions. There are some rules that vary depending on the brand's policy and the specific situation at hand.

For example, such a policy is possible: if during the first 2 weeks of sales more than 50% of an item is sold, then we can say with confidence that this item will not be discounted during the season, and there is a high probability that it will be sold out long before final sale. So, it’s not always worth putting off buying something you really need or really like until later. If less than 50% are sold, then the item can be discounted by 30% and then by 50% if the first discount did not have an effect. It’s always good when a buyer uses the services of specific, so to speak, “their” stores. In this case, you can take a closer look and understand the sales policy of this trading platform. Spontaneous shopping in this sense is less profitable.

Sales, usually include 3 stages and can last up to 2 months. Summer, begins in mid-June and ends in early August. Winter - from mid-December to early March. Sometimes the remaining assortment is left for more late date, allocating a special area for it in the sales area. Classic discounts at the first stage are 20 - 30%, at the second - 50%, at the third -70%. Discounts of 80-90% are very rare in our market. The start and end dates of the stages of discount amounts depend on marketing policy company and sales in the season.

Experts believe that the optimal duration of sales is 45 days. The start time of sales depends, first of all, on how the season went. The better the season for a store, the later the sale starts. The second criterion is the timing of the start of sales in stores of competing brands.

There is a rule that during the season, items with discounts are placed in a remote part of the store, and during the sales period, the sales area moves to the first positions, but new supplies move to the background. Promotions are most often promoted in the entry area and other active points of the trading floor.

The newer the collection, the closer to the entrance it is located. And during sales periods, certain approaches to zoning are applied. At all stages sales in the area adjacent to the store entrance, they present collections with maximum discounts. The most relevant product groups for this season are also posted here. In the area moderately distant from the entrance, there are more expensive or out-of-season goods. This is where you can buy a warm jumper or coat at a discount at the height of summer. In the part of the store furthest from the entrance, goods with a minimal or no discount are presented - accessories, basic models, as well as new collections arriving before the end of the sale. Therefore, if there are signs and inscriptions on the store window indicating the presence of a sale, upon entering trading floor, take a good look around.

In some stores, discounts start from 10–15% and reach 70%. Companies often do not adhere to generally accepted stages of sales and discount amounts, conducting markdowns depending on the current situation. Some start the sale much later than in other stores and end it after 3 weeks, starting with 40% and quickly increasing the discounts to 50 -70%.

Merchandising varies greatly depending on the level of the brand. In stores in the “medium +” segment, during sales periods, walls and tables look freer, neater, hanging is not very frequent, and special attention is paid to accessories. Arriving at such a store, the buyer immediately perceives the quality level, sometimes without even knowing the name of the brand or its status.

The middle and low price segments make no secret of their inventory. Typically, during sales You will see tall stacks of clothes, dense hanging, each model can be presented in several sizes.

Changes during sales appearance mannequins One of the common techniques is to dress the mannequins very simply, in fairly modest clothes, which allows you to focus on the sale and promote all the store's offers, and not stimulate the buyer to look for any specific items, without spurring his interest in things that are only flashy. Only the sale collection can be presented on mannequins, which accentuates the interest of buyers. Some companies dedicate one part of their windows to sales, and decorate the other part in a seasonal concept, placing new items. In some cases, mannequins are decorated with some material that is not related to the collection; this is done so that when entering the store, the buyer is tuned to the sale in general, and not to any specific item.

Learn to shop on sales, take advantage of discounts and promotions, and then all the stories about complete deception will remain just idle talk. And, of course, I want to believe that after some time we will still reach the level of sales of the global trading community!

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