Who invented the Samsung phone. Samsung history

The option "All Russia" Megafon is a useful addition. The service helps to reduce the cost of communication in national roaming and to be constantly in touch while traveling across Russia.

The add-on can also be connected to corporate clients, except for those who use the "Around the World" tariff plan.

The option will last until the subscriber turns it off.

Description of the "All Russia" option

Many options of Megafon operate in roaming and the service "All Russia", which allows you to communicate freely outside your home region.

After connecting, incoming calls can be received in roaming from 0 rubles. Within the country, the cost of minutes is 3 rubles, the same amount must be paid for one message.

The Megafon website contains important information about the cost of services.

Go to new service is possible at any time, and its action begins immediately after the subscriber leaves his region. Entertainment calls and messages are priced separately.

The "All Russia" option is suitable for roaming in the best way - with her it will not be necessary to constantly count the waste of the balance on communication not in your region... The price per minute of the call and the sending of the message are fixed. You can freely call from Krasnodar to Moscow, or from Tula to Murmansk.

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To connect, you can use the simplest command of a few numbers or send a service SMS.

Convenient to connect option business people who often travel from one region to another. It is also suitable for individuals who do not sit still and often travel around the country.

The "All Russia" option is available for almost all regions of Russia.

You can activate the add-on as needed, that is, an unlimited number of times. Each subsequent connection will no longer be free.

Service features

Proposed tariff has its own characteristics:

  • the first connection is free;
  • daily write-off is 7 rubles;
  • in the home region, the action of the service is useless;
  • incoming calls for 0 rubles;
  • validity period is unlimited;
  • outgoing call for 3 rubles for a fixed minute of conversation.

Features and pricing

The conditions are set by the operator loyal, so all subscribers can use the option, except for some Megafon packages. Choose "All Russia" for short trips around the country associated with a different purpose.

The Internet is charged at regular rates - if you have connected beneficial packages for using free megabytes, then their effect is not canceled.

The combination will help you find out if you have actually connected a new add-on and will give short information about the possibilities of use.

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How to activate the "All Russia" option?

In what ways can you activate the service? There are several ways to do this, which are free.

Step 1. Login to your Personal Account.
Step 2. Go to the “Roaming.
Step 3. Before connecting, read the full terms of service.

Connection takes a minimum of time from the subscriber, and information about the activation of the service comes in the form of an informative message.

Connection methodKitTime of processing
Sending an empty SMSnumber 050097510-15 minutes
USSD command*548*1# 10-15 minutes
Personal Areaon the site10-15 minutes
Call to the operator8 800 550 05 00 10-15 minutes

Please note that all commands must be dialed on the phone on which you want to connect or disconnect the service.

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Step 1.

Step 2.

After you decide to enable the option, it takes effect almost immediately. You can receive a huge number of calls in roaming, because all incoming calls are valued at 0 rubles.

2 more connection methods:

USSD command for connection.

Service activation and receiving information through the operator.

Disconnection of the service

Disconnecting is as easy as connecting. To solve this problem, the operator offers more than one convenient option:

  • Personal Area;
  • short query *548*0# ;
  • bell operator.

Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

If possible, you can disable the add-on "All Russia" by contacting the operator's office... This method is used quite rarely, despite the fact that it, like everyone else, is free.

It is imperative to turn off the service when returning to your home region, otherwise the daily fee will be debited constantly, and there will be no benefit from it.

Payment methods for services in roaming

To pay the required cost in roaming for using the service, you can choose one of the following options:

  • take advantage of by credit card;
  • find a suitable terminal;
  • via app smartphone;
  • activate option "Pay for me".

With the help of the “Pay for Me” service, you can ask your loved ones to top up your phone account.

Summing up

If you go on a trip around the country, then you need to worry in advance about how to make the connection economical.

Favorable roaming in Russia offers the "All Russia" option, for which you do not need to pay for a one-time payment at the first connection, and each subsequent activation will cost the subscriber 30 rubles.

When leaving, check in advance the information about the possibilities in roaming.

To activate the option, you do not need to spend a lot of time and study the terms of its use - billing is per minute and starts immediately after individual notification of the operator in the form of a short text message.

Considering that our country is large, then when we cross a particular area, the possibilities of standard packages cease to be active.

And in order not to spend a lot of money every day on calls with relatives not in your region, it is enough to connect a simple add-on "All Russia" - it spreads throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

Pay attention to the coverage area of ​​the Russian territory by Megafon.

The exception to this option is all cities of the Crimean Peninsula., where communication is still one of the most expensive. Within national roaming, the option has no advantages, so you need to connect other tariffs for these purposes.

All questions of interest can always be asked to operators who work for technical support or contact the Megafon communication salon.

To reduce the cost of communication in national roaming, you should take care in advance about connecting a special option designed for these purposes. Each operator has roaming options and Megafon is no exception. Moreover, the Megafon company provides its subscribers with several similar options.

If we talk about saving when traveling in Russia, then special attention should be paid to the options "" and "All Russia". This review will focus on the All Russia Megafon option. We will look at the features of the option, as well as how to enable and disable it.

  • Attention
  • The All Russia option is primarily intended to reduce communication costs while traveling across Russia. In international roaming, the option is useless, for such cases the tariff options "" and "" are provided.

Features of the All Russia Megafon option

After activating the "All Russia" option, the cost of incoming calls from numbers of any operators will be 0 rubles, regardless of the region of stay. The cost of a minute of an outgoing call within Russia will be 3 rubles. For each SMS sent, you will have to pay 3 rubles.

The Megafon "All Russia" option will start working automatically as soon as the subscriber leaves the home region. The home region is the region or republic in which the SIM card was purchased. The option is available to subscribers of all tariff plans, except for "Around the World".

  • Attention
  • SMS messages to suppliers' numbers, entertainment services are charged outside the Megafon All Russia option. The option works throughout Russia, except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

You can connect the option free of charge, but only if the subscriber has not connected the option before. Reconnection will cost 30 rubles. Of course, it was not without a monthly fee, which is 7 rubles per day. Considering that the cost of one minute in national roaming is almost 10 rubles, then the fee for the option looks quite acceptable, especially if you actively communicate while traveling in Russia.

How to connect and disconnect "All Russia" on Megafon

The operator has provided several ways to connect the "All Russia" option. All of them are extremely simple and take a minimum of time from the subscriber. Below we will list them all, you just have to choose the option that suits you.

You can connect the "All Russia" Megafon option:

  1. Dial on your mobile phone USSD-command * 548 * 1 # ... The option will be connected within 10-15 minutes. Information about the successful connection of the option will be sent via SMS.
  2. Send an SMS-message with any text to the number 0500975 (you can just send an empty SMS). As in the previous case, information about a successful connection will come in a message.
  3. You can also connect the "All Russia" option in. To connect the option, go by this link... Then click on the "Connect" button. A window will appear with information on how to connect the option. At the very bottom, find the item "Connect in your personal account" and click on it. Then follow the simple instructions of the system.
  4. If you have any difficulties when connecting the option or the above methods do not suit you for any other reason, you can connect the "Whole World". If you are already in roaming, then to contact the contact center specialist, dial +7 926 111 05 00 .
  5. Another most common way to connect services is to contact the Megafon office. This method is rarely used, but situations are different and it should be said about it.

You can disable the "All Russia" option:

  • USSD-command * 548 * 0 # ;
  • SMS-message to number 0500975 with the text STOP;
  • Megafon personal account;
  • By calling the customer support center.
  • Attention
  • To view connected roaming packages dial * 105 * 530 #. The same command will help you find out if you have the "All Russia" option enabled, if you are not sure.

This is where we will end this review. As you can see, the All Russia Megafon option can be very beneficial. If you have any questions, you can get an answer by calling the operator or by asking your question in the comments.

MegaFon's All Russia service is suitable for people traveling around the country.

This service connects quite quickly and quite simply. There are several ways to enable the "All Russia" option on Megafon:

  • connection using personal account where you need to enter the phone number and password;
  • send text to the given number 0500975, the text of the message is not important;
  • contact the MegaFon office in the place where you live;
  • dial * 548 * 1 # on your phone, then you will receive a notification about the service activation.

It doesn't matter which connection option you choose, you will soon be able to use it.

Features of the "All Russia" option of MegaFon

Immediately after connecting this tariff to your number, you can make any calls for only 3 rubles per minute, SMS messages will cost the same amount. And incoming calls will become free at all. Note that all of this is available within Russia. What is included in the Megafon "All Russia" tariff?

  1. If you have not used this option before, then, as a pioneer, the connection is free.
  2. The tariff starts to operate outside your place of residence, where you have activated the function.
  3. Messages to representatives' numbers various services are not paid, also according to the tariff they have their own amount of payment.
  4. The service will be valid until you want to disable it.

The cost of the tariff "All Russia" MegaFon

The cost of this option Megafon "All Russia" is available to absolutely everyone.

The first use and connection of the tariff will be absolutely free. If you decide to activate the service again, it will cost 30 rubles. Subscription fee will be 7 rubles per day. Calls to your phone will be free of charge. At the time when you call someone, the cost will be 3 rubles per minute. Messages will cost 3 rubles each.

How to deactivate the service

To turn off "All Russia" Megafon, you can dial the number of the provider's support service and turn it off. But first, double-check if you have this tariff by dialing the command * 105 * 530 # from your phone and calling. You can also disconnect with the command * 548 * 0 # and call. Send a free SMS message to 0500975 with the text STOP. You can also disable this option from your personal account.

How to pay for the tariff "All Russia" on MegaFon in roaming

“Pay for me” - while roaming, you can ask a friend to pay for you, if the balance suddenly does not have the required amount. The message is completely free to the number of any operator.

"" - this service allows 50, 100 or 300 rubles for 3 days, during this time you need to reimburse the amount, otherwise there may be a minus on your phone account.

Bank card - you need to connect bank card to the phone. You just need to have access to the Internet and fill in the required fields online to connect the card. After activating the option, if necessary, you can top up your mobile account.

"Pay when it is convenient" - with this option you can enjoy all the benefits of telephony if you have no money in your account. You will be set the amount by which you can go into the minus. At this time, you can continue to perform the operations you need. This service and its provision cost nothing.

  • The idea, the name of the brand was not long in coming, -
  • Samsung scandal and
  • Samsung-Electronics Company scandal, -
  • Died Apple founder, a competitor of Samsung, - Steve Jobs... ???, ?? attack
  • Samsung, - three stars, three sons of the founder of the company Byong Chul Lee.

    Founder of Samsung

    Samsung - which means three stars. The three sons of the founder of Samsung Electronics Company and Byong Chul Lee himself became the prototype of the corporation's name.

    The layman had the opinion and impression that Samsung(Samsung), - conditioners, mold like cakes, so massive and truly national brand has turned out.

    Samsung is not to blame. Customers are to blame, dealers positioning Samsung as a popular brand at bargain prices.


    Byong Chul Lee - the founder of Samsung, probably repeatedly turned over in his grave from such resourcefulness of his Chinese comrades.
    They sculpt Samsung like cakes - this is a deceptive impression.

    In fact, the production base of the Korean, initially, brand has a rather long and glorious history.

      Samsung air conditioners are high-tech divisions of a huge corporation. Note the opinion that Samsung is a cheap and worthless technique of poor build quality and defective components for the production of air conditioners.

    The idea, the name of the brand was not long in coming - Samsung, so Samsung.

    In part, those who assert so will be right. Since the old used lines for the production of Samsung climate technology are not "thrown away", but fall into the grasping and sticky paws of Chinese grabbers.

      In those densely populated villages and Chinese villages, to relieve the employment pressure of the ever-increasing population of China. Well, imagine, a second-hand Chinese farmer dropped the hoe and began to solder, assemble, complete air conditioners.
      What quality of complex household appliances (air conditioners) will we get at the exit from such a conveyor, from a plow, dare I say this?

    Samsung as the best selling brand.

    And so that these Samsung "conditioners", made by a Chinese master from a plow, would sell well, especially did not guess which name of the conditioner to choose. What is the best selling brand of split systems? - Samsung.

      The idea, the name of the brand was not long in coming - Samsung, so Samsung.

    Byong Chul Lee, as the founder of Samsung Corporation, would probably have repeatedly turned over in his grave, from such resourcefulness of his Chinese comrades. So play. on the reputation of the brand, on tradition, on faith, on Samsung's pursuit of excellence ...

    But back to the official history of the brand.

    Samsung and Sanyo scandal.

    Is Li such a sinless self ?, founder of Samsung - Byong Chul Li.
    From the source it is clear that at the dawn of its development of Samsung, they Chul Li and the stars are sons, began cooperation with the Sanyo corporation, and for some reason they called the tandem Samsung Electronics Company, although the leader and innovator of the tandem was, by definition, the most technologically -developed Sanyo company. "Well, as they called it, they called it, what is there to cling to?" - Asks the man in the street.

    And that's what, there is a hook.
    This is so - it was the Sanyo corporation, with its military technologies, that gave an industrial kick, a spurt, if you will, of the growth of Samsung Electronics Company.

      They, this Sanyo-Samsung tandem, flooded the market of the 70s black and white TVs, at that time, technology the highest quality, but also with not a small margin, that is, profit.

    It was the Sanyo corporation, with its military technologies, that gave the industrial kick to Samsung.

    Samsung, - Byong Chul Lee was a woman, maybe a man of azure color. Perhaps this is possible, but this is a completely different story.

    Making counterfeits is immoral ???

      Let's go back to the beginning of our story, the story of the Chinese left and right manufactures of Samsung household and HVAC appliances. Is it so immoral for them, the Chinese, to manufacture counterfeits? No, it is not so.
      Compared to the kidnyaks who were arranged by Byong Chul Lee himself, and now they continue the "Samsung case" - plagiarism, his "stars" sons, the Chinese trace of forgeries - it's like accidentally stepping on a cockroach or an ant. That is, these are incomparable and incomparable "things" and misdeeds.

    Moreover, that:

    • old and worthless equipment, Byong Chul Li and "three stars", were shoved into the Chinese comrades for a reason

    And for a good penny, which the "dark", illiterate and naive Chinese peasants must work in full, and, having worked, remain to the grave of their lives owed and obliged to Samsung Corporation. Yes, this is exactly what the founders of Samsung Electronics Company have about fairness.

    Nothing has changed today, in 2012. Samsung, product catalog (air conditioners) 2012. New 2012, - just a date, everything is old, stable. Samsung ???, ?? he optimized his costs and cut them down so much that he didn’t even find a penny to pay the Chinese, he didn’t find a cup of rice, to update the catalog of his products for 2012.

    • Strange history, is not it?

    Well, as a confirmation of this conspiracy, or maybe not, the version about Samsung is the scandal with the American company Apple.

    Scandalous Samsung.

    Samsung Electronics Company scandal - with the American company Apple.

    Samsung completely ripped off the iPad, the Apple iPhone, these ... stars, blah, took it and tore it off. I don’t understand how Americans tolerate the antics of the Korean upstarts?

    What Americans are patient, romantic and naive people. Ideas and technologies are stolen from them - industrial Chinese and Korean spies, they introduce, cooperate to sell, and the inventors themselves (Americans) and the "parents" of ideas, software and the intellectual property of Apple in the face of the American people were left with a nose.

    There is a Korean joke, a joke about big-nosed Americans. And when Koreans clarify that this American nose is snotty and wet, they, Koreans, shyly giggle at this too.

    Here's a story ... To be continued.

    The founder of Apple, a competitor of Samsung, Steve Jobs, has died. Question to Samsung - who is next ??? American again?

    The story was not long in coming, the founder died Apple - Steve Jobs.

    The audience listening to Steve Jobs's speeches was so inspired by his speech that they were ready

    Steve Jobs is not with us.

    to buy Apple products right in the hall, this is exactly the powerful charisma that Steve Jobs possessed.

    Of course, a person with such a powerful gift of persuasion and, possibly, strong hypnotic abilities - could influence audiences all over the world, Korea, in this sense, is no exception.

    Unfortunately, the envy of competitors and among them Samsung, indirectly, and maybe deliberately, shortened the life of a wonderful person, an innovator of ideas, breakthrough technological solutions Apple - Steve Jobs.

    He, Steve Jobs, was a multifaceted and talented person, he not only offered what people needed at a given time, but also convinced the world that it was Apple that was the innovator.

    How I put together the pages that appear here in honor of the incredible genius that was Steve Jobs. I can't help but notice the irony of many: on almost all of these pages we see a blank slate, but history reminds us more and more of obituaries.

    Steve Jobs changed the way, the worldview - with which we worked on the computer, Steve introduced us to products that we have fully accepted and appreciated, along with a new philosophy about how we get information.

    As a result, many of us (myself included) first heard of the death of Steve Jobs on Wednesday evening, October 5th.

    Brand name: Samsung

    Year of the brand's appearance on the market: 1948

    Industry: Appliances, electronics, shipbuilding, finance, chemistry, entertainment, aircraft

    Products: TVs, telephones, home theaters, refrigerators, microwave ovens and many others.

    Owner company: Samsung Group

    Company headquarters: Republic of Korea: Seoul

    The history of the industrial group Samsung, one of the monsters of the modern global economy, began in 1938, then in the united Korea. An entrepreneurial resident of the town of Daegu, trader Byong Chul Li decided to expand his business and, together with Chinese partners, founded a rice trading company. Things were going well, the company mastered all new areas of activity, the staff grew, and in 1948 it was decided to give the enterprise a fashionable "American" name: Samsung Trading Co.

    An unambiguous version of the origin of the word Samsung(pronounced "samson") no, but the most common version is that in translation from Korean it means "three stars". Perhaps the choice of the name is related to the three sons of the founder of the company, Biong Chul Li, one of whom, Kong Hee Li, is the current leader of the industrial group.

    In 1969, the firm made a breakthrough into the cutting-edge electronics industry from virtually scratch. Samsung Electronics Company "SEC" was created jointly with the Japanese firm Sanyo, which specialized in the production of semiconductors and after a few years became the property of Samsung.

    A major step forward in the history of the company took place in 1969, when it, together with the Japanese company Sanyo, opened a workshop for the assembly of black and white Japanese TVs in South Korea. Already in 1973, in the city of Suwon, a full-fledged large-scale production of various consumer electronics, but joint venture completely passed under the control of Samsung Trading Co and became Samsung Electronics Corporation.

    Having started its activity in the consumer electronics market practically from scratch, for several years Samsung Electronics has taken a prominent place on it. By adopting Sanyo technology and then concentrating on semiconductor manufacturing, the corporation has grown over time into one of the largest and most renowned electronics manufacturers in the world.

    In August 1973, the headquarters of the corporation moved to Suwon (South Korea), and by December, the construction of a plant for the production of consumer electronics was completed. Later, the Korean company Semiconductor Co. joined the corporation, initiating mass production washing machines and refrigerators.

    By 1978, a sales office was opened in the United States, and Samsung Electronics' export volumes exceeded US $ 100 million. In 1979, the first consumer video recorders were released.

    In 1980, Korea Telecommunications Co. joined the corporation, which was later renamed Samsung Semiconductor & Telecommunications Co.

    In 1983, the production of personal computers (model: SPC-1000) began. And in 1983, a 64M DRAM chip was released with a memory capacity of 64 MB, Samsung was the first to release a player capable of reading ordinary CDs, CD-ROMs, VIDEO-CDs, PHOTO-CDs, CD-OK player. A year later, a sales office in England and a VCR plant in the United States were opened, and construction was completed. the largest plant for the production microwave ovens(2.4 million pieces per year).

    In 1986, the Korean Management Association awarded Samsung Electronics the " Best company of the year. ”The same year was marked by the release of the ten millionth color TV, the opening of sales offices in Canada and Australia, research laboratories in California and Tokyo (Japan). In the fall of 1988, a representative office appeared in France, and the corporation merged with Samsung Semiconductor & Telecommunications Co.

    By 1989, Samsung Electronics ranked 13th in the world in semiconductor products and opened factories in Thailand and Malaysia. In 1992, factories were launched in China and Czechoslovakia, and the company itself is included in Group A, according to the international credit rating... In order to improve the management structure in December of the same year, Samsung Electronics switched to unified system presidential administration.

    In December 1991, the development of personal mobile telephone devices was completed.

    In August 1992, the development of the mobile telephone system was completed.

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