Standard hour in production. Typical problems with solutions

Labor rationing involves establishing a measure of labor costs for producing a unit of product (piece, m, t), per unit of time (hour, shift, month) or performing a given amount of work under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Labor standards (standards of production, time, service, number) are established for workers in accordance with the achieved level of equipment, technology, organization of production and labor.

The labor standard determines the amount and structure of working time costs required to perform a given job, and is the standard with which actual time costs are compared in order to establish their rationality. When rationing the work of workers and employees, the following types of labor standards are applied: time standards, production standards, service standards, numbers, controllability, standardized tasks. Since the universal measure of labor is working hours, all labor standards are derived from the time norm.

Time standard is the amount of working time required to perform a unit of specific work (operation) by one worker or group of workers of the appropriate size and qualifications in the most rational way for of this enterprise organizational, technical and economic conditions, taking into account advanced production experience. The time standard is calculated in man-hours, man-minutes or man-seconds.

To establish the standard time, it is necessary to find out the composition of working time costs and their specific values ​​for performing this work.

The composition of the time norm can be represented as the following formula

NVR = Tpz + Top + Brake + Totl + Tpt (1.1)

(Top = Tos + Tvs), (1.2)

where Nvr is the time norm;

Tpz - preparatory-final time;

Top - operational time;

Tos - main time;

Tvs - auxiliary time;

Torm - time for servicing the workplace;

Totd - time for rest and personal needs;

Tpt - breaks due to technology and production organization.

Depending on the nature of the individual elements of time expenditure, the methodology for rationing each of them changes.

Preparatory and final time, for example, is set for a batch of identical products or for the entire task in general. Its value does not depend on the size of the batch of parts, but depends on the type and characteristics of the organization of production and labor, as well as on the nature of the work. In conditions of single and small-scale production The preparatory and final work is performed by the worker himself. In mass production, many of these works are performed by special workers (equipment adjustment, etc.). The required amount of preparatory and final time is determined on the basis of photographic data of working time and time standards.

Main and auxiliary time for all processes, except manual ones, are set separately. The main time depends on the volume of work performed and on the modes of the equipment used. It can be reduced by combining work methods, using multiple devices, group processing of parts, etc.

Scope of works for servicing the workplace and necessary costs the time required to complete them depends on the type and organization of production, the nature of the work performed, the type of equipment, etc. Some of this work can be carried out during machine-automatic time (lubrication and cleaning of equipment, sweeping away chips), while the other can be transferred to production maintenance workers.

The time for servicing a workplace is determined according to standards or according to photographs of working hours.

The amount of rest time depends on many factors that determine worker fatigue: physical effort, pace of work, vibration of the workplace, working posture etc. Rest time is determined as a percentage of operational time.

Time for personal needs is set in minutes per shift or in the amount of 2% of the operational time and is included in the time norm.

All working time costs (except for preparatory and final time) are established per operation or per unit (piece) of a product and in total amount to the standard piece time (Tpc). It includes the following elements:

Consequently, the time norm consists of two main parts: the preparatory-final time norm and the piece time norm.

For manual and machine-manual work, where time for servicing the workplace, as well as for rest and personal needs is normalized as a percentage of operational time, the formula for the norm of piece time takes the following form

where K is the time for servicing the workplace, rest and personal needs, as a percentage of operational time.

In enterprises, it is often necessary to know the total time spent on producing a product or performing an operation, i.e. calculation of all costs. For this purpose, the piece-calculation time is determined, which, in addition to the piece time, includes part of the preparatory and final time per unit of production. This is the most accurate and complete time standard. It is calculated by the formula

where n is the number of products in the batch.

The production rate is the number of natural (pieces, meters, units) or conventional units of production (melts, removals, etc.) that must be produced per unit of time (shift, month) in certain organizational and technical conditions by one or a group of workers with appropriate qualifications.

Several formulas are used to calculate production rates. The most general formula is as follows

Nvyr = Tsm / Nvr, (1.6)

where Nvyr is the production rate;

Tsm - shift fund of working time;

Nvr is the established standard of time per unit of product. In those industries where preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace, for personal needs and rest are standardized per shift, the production rate is calculated using the following formulas:

There is an inverse relationship between the time norm and the production norm, i.e. as the time standard decreases, the production rate increases. However, these quantities do not change to the same extent: the production rate increases to a greater extent than the time rate decreases.

The following relationships exist between changes in the time norm and production norm:

On individual species It is quite difficult to establish time and production standards for work. Under these conditions, labor standards appear in the form of service standards and manpower standards, which, with the mechanization and automation of production, are increasingly used in industry.

The service standard is the established number of pieces of equipment (number of jobs, square meters area, etc.), which must be served by one worker or group of workers of appropriate qualifications under certain organizational and technical conditions during the shift. It is derived from the time norm. To calculate the service rate, you need to determine the service time rate.

The standard maintenance time is the amount of time required under certain organizational and technical conditions for maintenance during the change of a unit of equipment, a square meter of production area, etc.

Having determined the standard time for maintenance according to standards or using timing, you can calculate the standard of service using the following formula:

where Nch is the service rate;

Nvr.o - standard time for servicing a unit of equipment, a unit of production

areas, etc.;

Nvr - the standard time per unit of work, per function performed;

n - the number of units of work performed during a certain period (shift, month);

K is a coefficient that takes into account the performance of additional functions not taken into account by the time standard (accounting functions, instruction, process monitoring), as well as for recreation and personal needs.

A type of service standard is the controllability standard, which determines the number of employees or the number structural divisions, per one manager. These standards are used in cases where it is not practical to establish time standards.

The standard number of employees is understood as the number of workers of a certain professional and qualification composition required to complete a production task. Required number workers, busy servicing production is determined by the formulas:

where Nch is the population norm;

O - the total number of equipment units serviced, square meters of production area, etc.;

But - the standard of service.

In order to increase the labor efficiency of time-paid workers, they establish standardized tasks based on the above labor standards.

A standardized task is a set amount of work that an employee or group of employees must perform over a certain period in compliance with certain product quality requirements.

Standardized tasks can be set separately, and, if necessary, used in combination with service or staffing standards.

Taking into account the specifics of production, the volume of work established by a standardized task can be expressed in labor (standardized man-hours) or physical indicators (pieces, m3, etc.).

Depending on the organization of production and the nature of the work performed, standardized tasks can be set for a shift, a month, or for the period of complete implementation of a given amount of work.

cost time standard labor

2.9.1 Standardization of operations on universal manually operated machines.

Determination of basic (technological) time.

The main time is determined by calculation formulas for the corresponding type of work and for each technological transition (T o1, T o2, ..., T o n).

Basic (technological) time for the operation:

where n is the number of technological transitions.

Definition of auxiliary time.

For equipment designed to perform single-transition work with constant modes in one operation (multi-cutting machines, hydrocopying machines, gear cutting machines, broaching machines, thread processing machines), the auxiliary time T in is given for the operation, including the time for installing and removing the workpiece.

Auxiliary time for an operation is determined by the formula:

where t mouth is the time for installing and removing the part, given by type of device, regardless of the type of machine, min;

t per – time associated with the transition, given by type of machine, min;

t’ per – time not included in the time complex associated with the transition, min;

tmeas – time for control measurements after completion of surface treatment. The time for control measurements is included only in cases where it is not covered by the main time or is not included in the time complex associated with the transition, min;

Kt in – correction factor for auxiliary time, min.

Determination of operating time:

, min

where T o is the main processing time;

T in – auxiliary time for processing, min.

Determining time for workplace maintenance and personal needs.

Time for workplace maintenance, rest and personal needs is determined as a percentage of operational time according to regulatory reference books.

Piece time norm:

where α obs and α oln are the time for servicing the workplace and time for rest and personal needs, expressed as a percentage of operational time.

Determination of preparatory and final time.

Preparatory and final time T pz is normalized for a batch of parts, and part of it per part is included in the standard piece-calculation time:

, min

where n d is the number of parts in the batch.

2.9.2 Standardization of operations on universal and multi-purpose CNC machines.

Standard time and its components:

, min

where Tca is the cycle time of automatic operation of the machine according to the program, min.

, min

where T o – the main (technological) time for processing one part is determined by the formula:

, min

where L i is the length of the path traversed by a tool or part in the feed direction when processing the i-th technological section (taking into account plunge-in and overtravel), mm;

S mi – minute feed at the i-th technological section, mm/min;

Т m-v – machine-auxiliary time according to the program (for supplying a part or tool from the starting points to the processing zones and removal, setting the tool to size, changing the tool, changing the value and direction of feed), time of technological pauses, min.

, min

where Тв.у – time for installing and removing the part manually or with a lift, min;

Tv.op – auxiliary time associated with the operation (not included in the control program), min;

T v.meas – auxiliary non-overlapping time for measurements, min;

K t in – correction factor for the time of performing manual auxiliary work, depending on the batch of processed parts;

α tech, α org, α department – ​​time for technical, organizational maintenance of the workplace, for rest and personal needs during single-machine maintenance, % of operational time.

The standard time for setting up a machine is presented as the time for preparatory and final work on processing batches of parts, regardless of the size of the batch, and is determined by the formula:

where T p-31 is the standard time for receiving a work order, technological documentation at the beginning of work and delivery at the end of the shift, min; T p-31 = 12 min;

T p-32 – standard time for setting up a machine, fixture, tool, software devices, min;

T sample – standard time for trial processing (first part), min.

Technical standardization is carried out for operation 015 “Lathe with PU” and operation 025 “Complex with PU”.

The main (technological) processing time for each transition is determined by the formula:

, min

, min

, min

where l cut – cutting length, mm

y, ∆ - amount of infeed or overtravel, mm

L – path length of the cutting part of the tool, mm.

i number of passes.

L 1 =45 + 4 = 49mm;

L 2 =45 + 4 = 49mm;

T o1 = 49/(750 × 0.19) ×2 = 0.68 min;

T o2 = 49/(1000 × 0.19) ×2 = 0.51 min;

T o 3 = 10 × 12/(1600 × 0.16) = 0.46 min;

T o 4 = 8.5 × 12/(800 × 0.16) = 0.79 min;

The main processing time for an operation is determined by the formula:

0.68 + 0.51 + 0.46 + 0.79 = 2.44 min.

Auxiliary time for the operation is determined:

, min

where t в.у – auxiliary time for installation and removal of the part, min;

t v.meas – auxiliary non-overlapping time for measurements, includes time for measuring with staples 0.14 min, time for measuring with a bore gauge 0.24 min, time for measuring with plugs 0.2 min, time for measuring with a template 0.11 min , t in.meas. = 0.14+0.24+0.2+0.11=0.69 min;

t mv – machine auxiliary time associated with performing auxiliary moves and movements when processing surfaces and turning the turret, min.

t v.u =0.7 min;

t mv1 =0.38min;

t mv2 =0.38 min;

t mv3 =0.26 min;

t mv4 =0.26 min;

0.7 + 0.69 + 0.38 + 0.38 + 0.26 + 0.26 = 2.67 min.

The time for servicing the workplace and the time for breaks for rest and personal needs is 5% and 4% of the operational time, respectively:

α obs =5% α oln =4%

Piece time is determined by the formula:

T pcs = (2.44 + 2.67) × (1 + (5 + 4)/100) = 5.5 min

The preparatory and final time is determined by the formula:

where T p-31 is the time to obtain the tool, T p-31 = 12 minutes;

T p-32 – time to set up the machine, T p-32 = 24 minutes;

T sample – standard time for trial processing (of the first part),

T arr. = 14 min.

T pz =12 + 24 + 14 = 50 min.

Calculation and design of machine tools.

When performing a complex operation with PU on a machining center

IR500ПМФ4 a torque is applied to the “Case” part.

The magnitude of the clamping forces of the part in the fixture can be determined by solving the statics problem for equilibrium solid, under the influence of all forces applied to it and moments arising from these forces - cutting and others tending to move the installed part (weight forces, inertial centrifugal forces), clamping and reaction of supports.

The magnitude of cutting forces and their moments are determined using the formulas of the theory of metal cutting or selected from regulatory reference books. The found value of the cutting forces for the reliability of clamping the part is multiplied by the safety factor K=1.4÷2.6.

Calculation of clamping force.

In our case, the workpiece is mounted on the fixture mandrel and pressed with the bottom plane to the plate with an M16 nut through a quick-release washer. During processing, the part is subject to a shear moment M cr and an axial force P o. The workpiece is kept from displacement by frictional forces that arise between the surfaces of the mounting and clamping elements of the fixture. With this fastening scheme given in Figure 2, the required clamping force is determined by the formula:

When boring.

Force applied on the threaded clamp wrench with nut:

Where: D H outer diameter of the nut support end D H = 24 mm;

D IN internal diameter of the nut support end D IN = 16 mm;

r cp– average screw thread radius r cp= 7.513 mm;

l distance from the screw axis to the point of force application Q

(mm) ;

d nominal outside diameter of thread d= 16 mm;

α – screw thread angle α= 3°;


s thread pitch s= 1.5 mm;

- the propeller self-braking condition is met;

φ pr reduced friction angle in a threaded pair φ pr 6°40’ ;

f - coefficient of friction for flat contact of two mating parts at the lower end of the nut f= 0,1 ;

β 1 half the angle at the top of a metric thread profile at f= 0,1β 1 = 30°;

l – length of the mounting plate

e – distance between screws

a – distance between the screw and the cutting area

K - safety factor, K=1.95

Q=40 N, which corresponds to the basic requirement for clamping mechanisms with manual drives - the hand fastening force is no more than 145-195 N;

b) Moment from force Q, attached key threaded clamp with nut:

c) Clamping force:

Calculation of the device for strength.

The most loaded link in the fixture is the M16 pin, since it constantly works in tension when it holds the workpiece in the fixture. In order to find out whether the strength condition is met, it is necessary to check the strength condition of the stud:



where: N – normal force, N=W=1541N (tensile strain)

A – cross-sectional area of ​​the finger, mm 2;

σ limit – ultimate stress of the stud material; for structural steel σ pre = σ t =360 N/mm 2 ;

s – safety factor.


where: D 1 =13.835 mm, internal diameter of the screw.

mm 2;

N/mm 2 ;


Allowable strength factor [s]=2.


The strength condition is met.

Also, to calculate the strength of the stud, it is necessary to perform a calculation for thread collapse. Since the main reason for thread failure is its wear. Calculation of thread wear resistance is determined by the permissible value of bearing stress [σ cm ]=60 N/mm 2


where: F – compressive force, F=W=1761.2N;

A cm – contact area, mm 2;

[σ cm ] – permissible bearing stress, [σ cm ]=60N/mm 2 .


where: d – hole diameter, d=13.835mm;

δ – nut height, δ=24mm.

N/mm 2 ;


σ cm<[σ см ];

5.3 N/mm 2<60 Н/мм 2 .

The conditions for the crushing strength of the pin have been met. Consequently, the selected pin will withstand the loads during operation of the device.

Calculation of devices for accuracy.

The installation error ξ y depends on the basing error ξ b, the mounting error ξ з and the device error ξ pr

,mm ;

where: s max – maximum radial clearance between the part and the fixture mandrel, mm.

,mm ;

where: D max – largest diameter of the base hole of the part, mm; D max = 100.0095 mm;

d min – smallest diameter of the installation pin, mm; d min = 67.94 mm.


The fastening error ξ з is equal to zero, since the contact movements at the joint “workpiece – fixture supports” practically do not change. Also in this case, the fastening forces are constant, the supports practically do not wear out, the roughness and waviness of the bases of the workpieces is uniform, since the mounting bases of the workpiece were processed before drilling.

The device error ξ pr consists of several errors:

ξ ус – errors in manufacturing and assembly of installation elements and fixtures.

ξ n – progressive wear.

ξ с – errors in installation and fixation of the device on the machine.

ξ ус =0.01 mm, since the device is manufactured in workshops equipped with the necessary equipment.

ξ and tends to zero, since the wear of the mounting pins is not intense.

ξ с also tends to zero, since the installation of the fixture on the machine table is carried out once per batch of parts.



The permissible error in the location of holes with a diameter of 100 mm is 0.25 mm, with a diameter of 125 mm is 0.1

0.1mm > 0.0795mm

Since the error in the location of holes with a diameter of 100mm and 125mm is dependent, it increases by the tolerance of the base hole. Consequently, the permissible error is greater than the error of the device, which means that processing of holes with the required accuracy of relative position on a given device is possible.

Design of reference gauge

This device is a gauge designed to measure the center distance of 200 mm between two holes with a diameter of 100H8 and 125H8. It consists of a body measuring 332.5h14 and height 25js14/2 with a hollow plug with a diameter of 100 pressed into it with a threaded end M12-6N on which a handle with a diameter of 24h14 and a control roller with a diameter of 20 are installed, which is needed to measure the center distance.

The body of the device is installed on the surface of the part in size 580H14, based on a hole with a diameter of 100H8, a control roller is inserted into a through hole with a diameter of 125H8, with the help of which we control the interaxial distance of 200±0.05 and the symmetrical arrangement of holes with a diameter of 100H8 and 125H8. Dimensions are considered acceptable if the gauge and the control roller passing through a hole with a diameter of 125H8 in the gauge are simultaneously installed in holes with a diameter of 100H8 and 125H8.

D nom – size according to drawing

The TP tolerance field is determined from the formula

where D max,dmax – largest limit size, mm

D min ,dmin – smallest limit size, mm

ES,es – upper limit deviation, mm

EI,ei – lower limit deviation, mm

Positional tolerance T Pk =0.006mm

Limit deviations between the axes of two elements

Limit dimensions of caliber

The production rate is one of the key indicators of the success of work processes. From the article you will learn what formula to use to calculate the production rate, download samples of the necessary documents

From this article you will learn:

What is production rate

For correct standardization, without which it is impossible to develop an objective wage system at an enterprise and conduct economic planning, it is first necessary to determine the units of measurement. One of them is the production rate. This is the amount of work that an employee is required to do in a specific time while complying with organizational and technical requirements. It is set in physical units: tons, kilograms, meters, pieces, etc. Also, this indicator can be used not for one person, but for a group or brigade.

In production economics, output is determined at each enterprise separately and is regulated by collective agreement. At the federal level, regulatory documents provide only practical recommendations and a unified approach to calculating standards. Labor legislation guarantees the assistance of the state and trade unions in the process of standardization in order to respect the rights and interests of personnel (Article 22 of the Labor Code). At the same time, the employer is obliged to organize working conditions under which his requirements can be met (Article 163 of the Labor Code).

At the enterprise, a standardization specialist is responsible for calculating standards. He works in close cooperation with the economic service. They determine the average production value quarterly, and separately for different time periods. This allows you to adjust production plans and take production into account when paying labor.

Norms are not a strictly defined standard that is not subject to revision. On the contrary, compliance with production standards must take into account the characteristics and wear and tear of equipment, the condition of the premises, sanitary and hygienic conditions in the production area and change flexibly depending on the indicators. In other words, norms must be progressive, reflecting reality.

Topic of the issue

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Calculation examples

Let's look at examples of calculus. Let's start with something simple. The master makes handles for frying pans without the help of machines, using hand tools. How much can he do in a day? The total operating time is 20,000 seconds, 2500 seconds are required per handle. Therefore, 8 pens will be produced per day (20000 / 2500 = 8).

  1. Let's complicate the conditions. In a workshop that produces handles for frying pans, the time required to prepare equipment is taken into account. The shift lasts 28800 s. According to the standards, preliminary work requires 200 seconds, and to make one handle on the machine – 1700 seconds. This means that the norm is calculated (28800 - 200) / 1700 = 16.82 pens per shift.
  2. In another workshop they purchased machines with which the process of making handles is fully automated. According to the documentation, 50 pens can be made per shift. But we must take into account the service time - it takes 0.85 of the shift and the coefficient of useful labor time is 0.95. Therefore, we calculate this: 0.85 * 50 * 0.95 = 40.375 pens should be made by the machine per shift.

Shift production rate: formula

A mathematical model for determining productivity should also take into account shift work schedules and mechanization of production. When determining the norms for a shift, it is necessary to remember that 8 hours of shift are not equivalent to 8 hours of pure work time.

Shift production rate formula for automated workshops:

In mass production, it is advisable to apply the following rule:

Please note: if an organization plans to change standards, the employer is obliged to notify about this no later than 2 months in advance (Article 162 of the Labor Code). If the staff does not agree to work according to the new requirements, the further procedure is described in Art. 74.

Labor standards for workers are carried out using the following types of labor standards: time standards, production standards, number standards, service standards, as well as standardized tasks.

Standard time- this is a given amount of time required to produce a unit of product (unit of work) by one worker or group of workers of a certain qualification in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

Production rate- this is a given number of units of products (scope of work) that an employee or group of workers of a certain qualification must produce per unit of working time in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

Number of people- this is a given number of workers of the relevant profession and qualifications, which is established as necessary to perform the necessary work tasks (functions or scope of work) in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Standard of service- this is a given number of units of means of production (equipment, devices, workplaces, etc.) that an employee or group of employees of a certain profession and qualification must service during a unit of working time in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

Standardized task- this is a specified amount of work that an employee or group of employees must complete during a work shift or for another unit of working time.

There are also standard labor standards. These include intersectoral, sectoral and professional labor standards. Intersectoral labor standards are unified in nature and developed taking into account uniform organizational and technical conditions at enterprises in various industries. Industry labor standards are labor standards established for work specific to a particular industry. Their development is carried out through research at enterprises in a specific industry. Professional labor standards are developed for specific types of work in standard organizational and technical conditions. Local labor standards are labor standards developed directly at the enterprise itself for work that is specific to the organization and there are no standard intersectoral, sectoral, professional labor standards. The experience of Russian enterprises with examples and figures can be found in section Labor rationing portal libraries.

The establishment of standardized tasks for workers has become widespread in the last few decades to stimulate the productivity of hourly paid workers in the context of the transition from mass and large-scale production to the production of a wide range of products in small series. As a rule, standardized tasks are set for workers who are paid on a time basis. For example, in the main production - workers employed on conveyor lines, automatic line operators, electric and gas welders, in production service departments - machine operators in repair and transport areas, machine operators in experimental and tool areas. Standardized tasks are developed on the basis of time (output) standards and are established in labor (standard hour) or natural indicators (tons, meters, units of repair complexity, etc.) within labor standardization in production.

The time rate (Nvr) and the production rate (Nvir) are inversely related, which is determined by the equations:

N vr = 1/N exp; N vr = 1/N vr

Based on the standard time per unit of production (work) and the estimated number of working hours in the time period, the standard output of the worker is determined.

Example . A worker produces part M-1 in a 5-day work week of 40 hours. The estimated average monthly working time is 168 hours. The standard time for manufacturing a part is 0.33 standard hours. Production rates for time periods are characterized by the data in Scheme 1.

Application of the time standard for calculating standard production

Name of time period

Estimated standard working time, hour

Standard time per unit of production, standard hour

Standard output for the time period, pieces

511 (168,6/0,33)

6130 (2023/0,33)

Time standards and production standards are used in determining prices for the piecework principle of remuneration. The piece rate is determined by dividing the hourly tariff rate (C) corresponding to the category of work performed by the hourly production rate (N exp) or by multiplying the hourly tariff rate by the established time standard (N exp) in hours.

P = C/H exp or

P = C x N time

Example. Based on the example data, the standard time for manufacturing a part is 0.33 standard hours, the hourly production rate is 3.03 units. The work is charged 5th category. Hourly tariff rate of the 5th category is 16,000 rubles. Let us determine the piece rate in Scheme 2.

Piece rate calculation

An example of calculating piecework wages for a product assembler performing various work tasks is as follows (see Diagram 3).

Sheet for calculating piecework wages for a product assembler for the month

Process number

Tariff rate, rub

Production rate

Price per unit of work, rub

Number of units produced

Amount of piecework payment, rub.

Total piecework wages for manufactured products

Practical examples of standardization at Russian and global enterprises can be found in Almanac "Production Management"

I. Handmade works of all types of production .

Single production, all types of work:


Calculation time standard, used to calculate the cost per unit of production, is calculated using the formula:


Where Bullpen– coefficient taking into account the costs of preparatory and final time.


II. Machine and machine-manual work in mass production .

Standard piece time calculated by the formula:

Where A – standard time for organizational maintenance of the workplace OB(ORG) Here Top, V - time limit for rest and personal needs (OTL) Here Top, With - amount of time for workplace maintenance ABOUT(TECH) Here That.

III. Machine and machine-manual work in mass production .

Standard piece time calculated by the formula:

Where A - standard time for servicing the workplace ( ABOUT) as a percentage of operational time, V - – norm of time for rest and personal needs ( OTL) as a percentage of operational time.

In mass production, the rate of calculation time for 1 piece includes the rate of piece time and that part of the preparatory and final time for a batch of parts that falls on one piece.

Tsht.k=Tsht+Tpz/p, Where n – the number of pieces in a batch of simultaneously processed workpieces.

Standard time for processing a batch of parts:



Where n– number of parts in the batch.

In mass and large-scale production, the norm of piece time is at the same time the norm of piece-calculation time, since preparatory and final functions are performed by special workers.

51 Use of norms in operational and tactical planning at an enterprise.

Tactical planning is inextricably linked with strategic planning, since where strategic planning is used, the need for tactical planning arises.

Tactical planning is the detailed planning, identification and development of issues within technical lines. Tactics can be considered as certain steps, steps towards the top - the overall goal provided for by the strategy.

The tactical planning process consists of two interrelated stages: preparing the plan and adopting it. Preparation of a plan includes the collection, systematization and clarification of various information about the activities of the enterprise, analysis of the information received, presentation of planning goals and objectives, setting tasks by the manager to individual structural units and employees for the development of the plan, and determining the activities to be included in the plan.

In addition to tactical planning, one should distinguish between current, or operational, planning.

Current, or operational, planning is what a manager at an enterprise does every day. This includes planning the operation of an enterprise for a short period of time. This can be a day, a month, a quarter, a half-year or even a year. It depends on the strategic and tactical goals of the enterprise.

Ongoing planning is usually driven by the need to respond to many factors. For example, there should be an immediate reaction of the manager to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances that could cause the death of people. These include natural disasters (flood, fire, earthquake, etc.). Force majeure circumstances also include strikes. The manager must quickly respond to emergency situations that arise, to changes in the external or internal environment of the enterprise in order to prevent undesirable consequences or extract maximum benefit for the enterprise. This may include resolving current problems and tasks, such as conflicts.

52 Concept, essence and classification of labor standards.

Labor standards- these are regulated, predetermined labor costs for performing a unit of work in the most rational organizational and technical conditions.

The standards determine reasonable labor standards for work performed at various workplaces, enterprises and in various industries. The application of labor standards ensures uniformity in labor standards for similar work performed at enterprises, because they express the dependencies between the necessary labor costs and the factors influencing them. Establishing standards according to existing standards at the enterprise significantly reduces labor costs for operational planning.

For the correct use of labor standards when determining standards, they are classified according to the following criteria:

By degree of enlargement distinguished: elemental (differentiated), enlarged standards.

Elementary (differentiated) standards are established for individual techniques or labor actions. The most common are differentiated standards, developed for the implementation of individual labor techniques and intended for calculating specific standards in conditions of mass, large-scale and serial production.

Enlarged standards These are time standards for performing a set of technologically and organizationally interconnected work practices.

By time consumption category There are standards: for individual cost categories, operational time standards, partial piece time standards, piece time standards.

By area of ​​application There are: intersectoral, sectoral, local standards.

Inter-industry standards are intended to standardize the labor of workers of similar professions and specialties engaged in performing similar technological processes at enterprises in different sectors of the national economy.

Industry standards are used to standardize labor for work performed at production enterprises of similar types, and take into account the specifics of labor in the industry.

Local regulations are established for types of work specific to one or several similar enterprises that are not included in industry standards. Such standards are approved by the enterprise administration in agreement with the workers' union.

53 Formation of a system of standards at the enterprise.

The formation of a system of strategic goals and target standards is consistently carried out according to the previously discussed stages of the strategic process.

One of these stages is the formation of a system of main strategic goals of financial activity, ensuring the achievement of its main goal. A system of such goals is usually formed in the context of the dominant areas of strategic financial development of the enterprise.

In the first dominant area, which characterizes the potential for the formation of financial resources, it is proposed to choose maximizing the growth of the enterprise’s net cash flow as the main strategic goal. In the second dominant area, which characterizes the efficiency of distribution and use of investment resources, when choosing a strategic goal, preference should be given to maximizing the profitability of the enterprise's invested equity capital.

In the third dominant area, which characterizes the level of financial security of an enterprise, the main strategic goal is to optimize the structure of its capital (the ratio of its own and borrowed types). And finally, in the fourth dominant area, which characterizes the quality of management of the financial activities of an enterprise, we recommend choosing the formation of an effective organizational structure for managing financial activities as the main strategic goal (the formation of such an organizational structure integrates the requirements for the qualifications of financial managers of individual divisions, the need for volume and breadth of information for making management decisions at the appropriate level, requirements for the technical equipment of managers, the level of used or financial technologies and tools, delimitation of control functions of management, etc.).

The developed system of goals and target standards serves as a criterion for assessing the success or failure of implementing the financial strategy of the enterprise in the coming period.

54 Registration of standards and their implementation in the practice of the enterprise.

Regulatory materials for labor standards contain: general section; characteristics of the equipment and equipment used, technology of the standardized process; optimal options for organizing labor and production; regulatory section.

When developing the Normative Section, the form of presentation of standard values ​​is determined (empirical, graphical or tabular). The most common form is a standard table, which, as a rule, consists of a main part and correction factors. Its content corresponds to the layout drawn up at the preparatory stage.

When developing a standard table, the values ​​of the main factors influencing the standard values ​​of labor costs, the typical labor process and the conditions for its implementation are clarified and adjusted; correction factors that take into account changes in standard values ​​depending on the influence of unaccounted factors (qualitative and quantitative); the construction of standards (series of required standard values) is carried out, ensuring the required accuracy in establishing reasonable labor standards in specific production conditions.

The value of quantitative factors is usually given in the form of intervals or a specific value (the average of two adjacent factor values) with the notation “to” (for example, “weight in kg” or “weight in kg to”), and standards - in the form of a specific value, which is average for a given factor interval.

In order to ensure the specified accuracy, all normative series must be close to the series of geometric progression, i.e. the value of each subsequent value must be equal to the previous one, multiplied by the denominator of the geometric progression accepted for this series.

Digitization of normative tables can be done either directly from graphs or using formulas.

For ease of use of standards, numerical values ​​of factors and standard values ​​should be rounded.

56 Labor rationing for key workers.

The variety of work performed by engineers and employees, the lack of unified algorithms for their implementation, the subjective features of the thinking process when processing the necessary information and forming decisions exclude the possibility of using traditional methods of direct, direct rationing of their work.

However, this does not eliminate the need for an objective quantitative measurement of their labor, but the development of the necessary system of time standards is significantly complicated, since it is impossible to study labor using traditional methods of observational study.

Only some systematically repeating work with a strictly defined content (for example, control, testing a certain quality parameter of a product, printing, etc.) can be standardized based on the results of a direct study of the time it takes to complete them.

For all other types of engineering, managerial work and production maintenance processes, time standards are established indirectly based on statistical or actual data, taking into account the main factors influencing the labor intensity of the standardized work.

Time standards for rationing the work of engineers and employees can be expressed in the form of labor intensity or standards for the number of performers for a certain type and volume of work performed.

Labor intensity standards for engineering and management work, depending on the method of their establishment and accuracy, can be:

· differentiated, i.e. by process elements and factors determining duration;

· enlarged, established as a whole for a certain type of work, or in the form of an allowable number of performers to perform certain functions.

Standards for the number of personnel engaged in performing certain functions have been developed at the Labor Research Institute.

In particular, a methodology for standardizing the work of engineers and employees by management functions has been developed, based on methods of correlation analysis, and calculation formulas have been given for determining the number of engineers and employees in the main departments of the enterprise management apparatus (Table 3).

Based on these formulas, special tables can be developed in which the calculated numbers are given for specific factor values.

57 Peculiarities of rationing in conditions of brigade organization of work.

The object of labor standardization in the conditions of a brigade organization is the collective labor process.

The basis for establishing a comprehensive time standard for a team is the operational time standards designed for individual work. In this case, if each operation is performed by one worker, the formula is used:

Where Tsht.i is the time standard for the i-th operation;

Kef – coefficient taking into account the effect of collective work;

n – number of operations assigned to the team.

If several workers are involved in some operations, then the norm is calculated using the formula:

where Nchi is the norm for the number of workers performing the i-th operation.

If a team produces several units (sets) of products, then the norm is calculated using the formula:

where m is the number of units (sets) of products manufactured by the team.

Thus, a comprehensive team norm is established on the basis of unit time norms for performing operations (works), which are calculated by the analytical method. A correction factor that takes into account the effect of collective work should be established on the basis of time-keeping observations carried out by selective teams at several workplaces.

The most important element of the organization of labor, including wages, is rationing - the establishment of reasonable costs and results of labor of individual workers or groups of workers.

According to the principles of labor standardization adopted in our country, the standard time for an operation is the sum of the following elements of time spent:

TH = tPZ + tBSP + tOSN + tOOB + tTOB + tOLN + tTP, (1.14)

where tПЗ – preparatory and final time;

tBSP – auxiliary time;

tOSN – main (machine) time;

tOOB – time of organizational maintenance of the workplace;

tTOB – workplace maintenance time;

tOLN – time for rest and personal needs;

tTP is the time of organizational and technical breaks due to the specifics (technology) of production.

58 Labor rationing for auxiliary workers.

LABOR STANDARDS FOR SUPPORTIVE WORKERS - establishing the necessary labor costs based on various types of labor cost standards (time, output, service, number), the choice of which depends on the service function, the nature of the work performed, and the type of production. They are most widespread with N.t.v.r. service standards and staffing standards (equipment adjusters, mechanics and electricians for inter-repair maintenance of equipment and electrical equipment, work distributors, storekeepers, etc.). Standard time for N.t.v.r. are used in cases where the work they perform is regulated in composition and content, and their volume can be measured in specific units. (metalwork and machine tools in the tool production of the enterprise, loading and unloading work, etc.). Production standards can be established for auxiliary workers engaged in one regularly repeating job (preparation of molding and core mixtures, intra-shop transportation in enterprises with mass production, preparation of paints, solutions, etc.). The choice of one type of norm or another depends significantly on the type of production. Thus, in mass production, the work of product quality controllers can be standardized using time standards. In small-scale and individual types of production with a large range of products, accounting for the work performed by inspectors becomes very labor-intensive. In this case, it is advisable to apply service standards that determine the number of key workers who must be served by the product quality controller.

59 Objectives, content and stages of analysis of the organization and regulation of labor.

Labor rationing in a modern enterprise is the most important means of forming and distributing labor resources and a prerequisite for sound planning of production and economic activities of the enterprise.

Any labor activity becomes a subject of economic science and an object of improvement only if it can be measured with a degree of accuracy necessary and sufficient for practice. Labor measurement usually refers to the establishment of the necessary time spent by a qualified worker to perform a specific job at a certain level of labor intensity through the use of various methods and means.

The main task of technical labor standardization (TLT) is to establish a scientifically based measure of labor costs for all types of work and for each type of worker employed both in the sphere of production and in the field of its management.

TNT plays a fundamental role in most production calculations: production capacity, number of employees, labor intensity of products, production volumes of a particular product.

TNT allows:

a) most fully identify and use reserves for increasing labor productivity;

b) assess the possibilities of saturating the sales market with specific products;

c) reduce production costs;

d) improve the use of production capacity;

e) restructure the course of the labor process and its organization in the most rational way.

Requirements for quality standards:

1 progressiveness - it is determined by the degree to which it (the norm) takes into account the achievements of science and technology, the prospects for their development, and advanced production experience;

2 objectivity of the norm - it is established by factors that do not depend on the personal qualities of the individual performer (i.e., the norm for one type of work under the same organizational and technical conditions is the same for all performers);

3 physiological validity - those psychophysical characteristics of the human body that are inherent to the performer are taken into account, as well as the influence of the work environment (fatigue, gas pollution, elevated temperature, etc.);

4 economic feasibility - the lowest labor costs for workers and equipment.

60 System of indicators for assessing the level of labor organization at an enterprise.

A system of indicators characterizing the level of labor organization at the enterprise:

The acceptance turnover coefficient is determined by the formula:

Kop = Chpr / Chsr Ch 100,

where Kop is the reception turnover coefficient; NPR - the number of employees hired during the period; Chsr - average number of employees for the period.

The turnover ratio for disposal is determined by the formula Kv = Chv / Chsr Ch 100,

where Kv is the turnover ratio for retirement; Chuv is the number of employees dismissed for all reasons during the period.

The fluidity coefficient is determined by the formula Kt = Chut / Chsr Ch 100,

where Kt is the fluidity coefficient; Chut - the number of employees dismissed due to staff turnover.

To analyze the degree of stability of work collectives, the coefficient of composition constancy is used, which is determined by the formula Kps = Chop / Chsr Ch 100,

where Kps is the coefficient of composition constancy; Chop - the number of employees who worked the entire reporting period.

Assessment of labor organization consists of determining the level of labor organization, its impact on the use of working time and fixed assets, the performance and health of workers, the possibility of harmonious development of each participant in social production, as well as identifying the reasons for the non-compliance of the existing labor organization with the planned level.

To analyze the use of labor, study working conditions, develop and conclude collective labor agreements, information about working hours is needed. Enterprises take into account several time funds.

The calendar time fund is calculated both in man-days and in man-hours. When determining the calendar fund of time in man-days, it is equal to the sum of the payroll number of employees of the enterprise for all calendar days of the period (month or year), and when determining in man-hours, the fund in man-days should be multiplied by the normal average working day.

The time fund is the difference between the calendar fund and man-days coming on weekends and holidays.

The maximum possible working time fund is determined by the difference between the time fund and the man-days falling on regular vacations.

61 Assessment of the level of labor regulation at an enterprise.

To characterize the quality of standards at an enterprise, the following indicators are used:

1. The share of technically sound standards, as an absolute indicator, gives only an approximate idea of ​​the quality of existing standards. ;

2. The average level of fulfillment of standards is determined as the ratio of the actual time spent to the standardized one - Kvn = Tf / Tn.

By applying probability theory, it is possible to determine the degree of deviation of the average percentage of compliance with standards for a division from a similar indicator for the enterprise as a whole caused by the quality of current standards. For this purpose, for each division, the maximum permissible deviation in the level of compliance with standards is calculated due to differences in the individual productivity of workers according to the formula:

D= Kvnp.*M / √ 100*Chr., where

Kvnp – average percentage of compliance with standards for the enterprise;

M – the maximum deviation of individual labor productivity of individual workers from the average level, is taken equal to 33% for machine and machine-manual work and 50% for manual work.

CR – the number of piece workers in this division.

If the average compliance with standards for a department exceeds the value D, then this indicates the low quality of the current standards.

To successfully solve the problem of labor organization, assessing the level of this work is of great importance. The methodological recommendations of the Labor Research Institute “Quantitative assessment of the level of labor organization, production and management at an enterprise” provide a system of coefficients with which you can assess the level of organizational labor, identify reserves for increasing production efficiency, and determine directions for improving labor organization.

1. Level of division of labor – Kr.t. = 1-∑Tn.z/ (Tsm.* Chr), where

∑Тн.р. – total time for performing work not specified in the assignment during the shift, min.;

2. Level of organization of r.m. – Korg.m. = Nр.т.п../ Ntot.

Nr.t.p. – number of work stations organized according to standard projects.

3. Level of equipment of the r.m. - Kosn.m. = Sf./Stp

Sf – number of equipment and tools actually used on the river, Stp. - according to the technical process.

4. Level of centralized service r.m. - Kobs = Nr.ts. / Ntotal

Similarly, by comparing actual values ​​with standard or planned values, coefficients are determined for other areas of labor organization:

Cooperation of labor,



The monotony of work, and others.

62 Assessment of the level of use of working time.

The use of working time is analyzed by comparing reported data with planned indicators. But first of all, it is necessary to give a general assessment of the use of working time. In this case, the object of analysis is the deviation of the actual time worked in man-hours in the reporting period from the same indicator for the previous period or from the planned indicator.

When calculating the increase in output by reducing the loss of working time that occurred through the fault of the organization, you should multiply the planned average hourly output by the loss of working time.

To analyze the use of working time, the following main indicators are used:

Full actual duration of the working day = Total number of man-hours worked by workers per shift (including overtime work) + Number of workers working in a shift

Actual average working day duration = Total number of man-hours worked by workers during scheduled hours - Number of workers working in a shift

Regular working hours = Total number of man-hours that workers must work during regular hours + Number of workers per shift

Indicators characterizing the use of working time:

1. Average number of days of work per worker: Dsr = FChD/Lsp

where FFD is the actual man-days worked;

2. Average number of hours of work per average worker: SChChr = FChCh/Lsp

where FCH – actual man-hours worked;

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