Description of the printing company and its structure. The production structure of a printing company and ways to improve it

Printing is one of the oldest industries currently on the market. Initially, printing houses were big business requiring large amounts of investment. However, the situation changed in 1980 with the invention of the first risograph (duplicator). Since then, small printing houses began to appear that do not require large financial investments and are able to serve small orders that would be unprofitable to perform on expensive offset equipment. Such is the printing house of OOO Spektr.

LLC "Spectrum" was organized in 2012. The main activities of the printing house are the creation of business cards, posters, booklets and pocket calendars. The main emphasis is placed on the efficiency and quality of order fulfillment.

The organizational structure of the Spektr LLC printing house has the following departments:

Customer Service Department;

Design department;

Printing department;


The functions of the customer service staff include:

1) providing customers with price lists;

2) ordering;

3) keeping statistics;

4) preparation of reports;

6) calculation of the order amount;

7) acceptance of prepayment;

8) maintaining a customer database;

9) communication with clients;

10) receiving layouts. In the absence of a layout, an offer of design services.

The functions of the design department employees include:

1) accepting orders for the design part of the work;

2) drawing up a layout;

3) approval of the finished layout

4) resolving specific issues with the client.

The functions of accounting employees include:

1) maintaining accounting and tax accounting in accordance with national standards and regulations operating in the Russian Federation;

2) provision of tax, financial and statistical reports within the time limits and bodies established current legislation;

3) submission of an annual report to the governing bodies of the company.

4) the issuance of wages;

5) provision of reports.

The functions of the employees of the print department include:

1) printing of products;

2) changing the order status in the system.

The internal organizational structure of the firm is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 - Organizational structure of the printing house of LLC "Spectrum"

Description of the software and hardware of the enterprise

The printing house "Spectr" has a set of software tools that allow you to organize viewing, creation and editing of layouts. These include the following tools:

Adobe Photoshop CS5;

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5;

Adobe Illustrator CC

Programs to help minimize paper handling:

Microsoft Office 2010: MS Word, MS Excel; MS Power point; MS Access.

The following technical means are used for printing:




Typography computers run on operating system MS Windows 7 and have the following system requirements:

Computer and processor with a frequency of at least 500 megahertz (MHz);

RAM memory at least 256 megabytes (MB);

Hard disk space 2 gigabytes (GB);

Disc reader, CD or DVD drive;

Screen with a resolution of at least 1024x768.

Structural and functional diagram of business organization "AS IS" and its description

The following persons are involved in the checkout process: account manager, client, designer and print department. They are also actors in the use case diagram (use case diagram) (Figure 1.3.1).

Figure 1.3.1 - Diagram of options for using the printing house of LLC "Spectrum"

The business processes that are assigned to each actor are presented in table 1.3.1.

Table 1.3.1 - Business processes of actors

Functions (business processes)

1) Viewing the price list;

2) entering the layout;

3) ordering design work;

4) approval of the layout created by the designer;

5) making payment;

6) receiving the order.

Account Manager

1) Formation of a price list for services;

2) ordering;

3) filling in customer data;

4) the appointment of the designer

5) tracking the status of the order;

6) receiving payment for the order.


1) accepting orders for design work;

2) work on the layout;

3) agreement with the client.

Printing department

1) Making changes to the order status.

information infological document typography

Information about the company:

The Operative Printing Salon of Print-Express LLC has been operating since 2005.

The main types of services are the sale of printing equipment (prepress, printing, post-printing, stitching, finishing machines, paper shredders) and consumables.

Kind of activity

1. trade, incl.

1.1. printing equipment, namely:


Embossing press

Manual cutter

Digital duplicator

Manual guillotine


Corner cutter

Paper shredder

Business card cutter


1.2. consumables, namely:

duplicator paint

risograph paint

offset ink

holders for calendars

master tape

double-sided tape


cursors for calendars

calendar loops

Piccolo rings

covers moisturizing

hot melt


2. service maintenance printing equipment

3.provision of all types of printing services, lamination, stitching

The company employs 26 people.

    Organization as a system

Rice. 1. LLC "Print-Express" as a system of interaction between the external and internal environment

The system of the LLC "Print-Express" company consists of an internal and external environment, which constantly interact with each other. Internal environment: Labor, material and monetary resources, business processes, manufactured products, income from them.

The staff produces printed materials. Manufacturing resources are purchased from suppliers. As a result of joint activities of the personnel, printed materials are produced and printing equipment is supplied to consumers.

External Environment: Consumers, Suppliers, Government, Financial Authorities and Labor.

Consumers of printing products pay for it and the company receives income. The government enacts tax legislation, which reduces the capital of the company.

With the help of the labor market, the company finds personnel.

Assessment of the organization system: In the print-Express LLC organization system, the internal environment closely interacts with the external one. Suppliers supply resources and products. Market work force provides its labor resources... The government and financial authorities influence the operations and revenues of the company.

The activities of the organization are clearly debugged and constitute a single system, therefore, if difficulties arise in interaction with any of the elements, this affects the life of the entire system as a whole.

The reasons for the decrease in the efficiency of the system:

By raising taxes, the government and financial authorities reduce the efficiency of the enterprise;

Suppliers often do not meet the delivery time for materials and products, which negatively affects the work with consumers;

Labor market: the type of activity of the company is quite specific, therefore it becomes difficult to find candidates and fill job vacancies;

High competition in the market reduces sales efficiency;

Consumers may not pay for products on time, which slows down money turnover.

2.Organizational model, used at the company "Print-Express" - linear-functional.

Lineyno-fynktsionalnaya ctpyktypa obecpechivaet takoe pazdelenie yppavlencheckogo tpyda, VARIATIONS kotopom lineynye zvenya yppavleniya ppizvany komandovat, a fynktsionalnye - koncyltipovat, pomogat in pazpabotke konkpetnyx voppocov and podgotovke cootvetctvyyuschix pesheny, ppogpamm, planov.

Executives of functional divisions (commercial director, financial director, deputy director for general affairs) influence production divisions. The basic functions of "Print-Express" LLC are taken: financial, commercial and production functions.

Fig. 2. Organizational structure of "Print-Express" LLC

The linear-functional structure is determined at this enterprise by the sale of a wide range of products, the provision of printing services and services.

Dedicated structure:

    liberation of linear leaders from the solution of many issues related to the planning of financial calculations, material and technical maintenance;

    The maintenance of the link “leader - subordinate” by the hierarchical ladder, in which each worker is subordinate only to one governor.

Deficiencies in the structure:

    each link is interested in achieving its own narrow goal, and not the general goal of the company;

    lack of strong interconnections and interoperability at the horizontal level between the divisions;

    a rather developed system of vertical interaction, in connection with which there is an accumulation of tasks at the upper level, their overload and delay in operational decisions.

A bureaucratic model of behavior has developed in Print-Express LLC due to the need for a clear hierarchy of employees. The company has a strict regulation of the competencies of employees.

Principles of bureaucratic behavior:

Job responsibilities are established on an ongoing, orderly basis;

Responsibilities are subdivided into different functional areas, each of which is provided with the necessary authority and sanctions;

Posts are established on a hierarchical scale;

Administration is based on written documents;

Employees have personal freedom and perform only those duties that are prescribed by their position;

There is a clear service hierarchy;

Employees are appointed on the basis of a contract;

They are selected on the basis of professional qualifications, preferably supported by a diploma;

The wages earned (in cash) are determined according to the position in the hierarchy;

There are certain career stages, and the advancement up the career ladder depends either on the length of service or on merit, but always at the discretion of the superiors;

The employee is subordinate unified system control and discipline.

3. Information flows in the organization

Fig 3. Information flows in Print-Express LLC

Form of transmitted information:


From the external environment, information about competitors is sent to the commercial director, who analyzes the information and reports the situation to the General Director.

Information from suppliers goes to commercial and CFO, they transfer it to the performers and enter it into the database of new contractors. Executors produce an order for materials and equipment and send it to suppliers.

Information from consumers goes to the commercial director and the production director in the form of orders, they do not send the order to the executors and they form it. Next, the performers contact and sell the order to customers.

The tax and finance authorities direct requests to the CFO, who generates and sends back financial statements and returns.

The general director of the company, focusing on goals and objectives, manages all processes.

The oral form of information transfer prevails at the enterprise.

Information system efficiency:

    ensures the viability and efficiency of the firm;

    provides employees with operational information that contributes to a more efficient work process;

    the targeting of information is respected;

    high speed of elimination of confusion in obtaining information and its use.

Distortion of information, inefficiency of information flows of the company:

    a large number of suppliers and consumers of information (design errors, human factor);

    the complexity and difficulty of practical visibility of information routes;

    too much workload on the think tank and think tank - delays in resolving operational issues;

    high dependence on the brain center - the possibility of error, biased assessment.

4.Degree of centralization with a linear-functional organizational structure, the highest. The CEO decides all issues in the company. The disadvantage of this is the overload of top management and low efficiency in decision-making.

LLC "Print-Express" has a lot of experienced and qualified employees, so the company could increase its diversification.

The need for diversification of the enterprise in question arises as a barrier is built on the path of further development of the printing industry. Such an obstacle arises for a rapidly developing company that operates in a slowly developing industry, there is an antagonism between the pace of development of the enterprise and the market. LLC "Print-Express" has a strong competitive position, which constantly comes into conflict with the slowly developing industry segment of the market. In this situation, it would be rational to make a decision to withdraw funds from the developed business to finance diversified activities. The carried out diversification of activities can be a prerequisite for increasing the efficiency of activities.

The general scheme for the preparation and release of publishing products, whether they are books, newspapers or magazines, consists of the editorial and publishing preparation of copyright originals and the transfer of these originals to printing enterprises for reproduction.

The author of a work must contact the publisher with a request to publish his work. The publishing house, in the presence of free production facilities, accepts the original from the author, draws up an appropriate contract and carries out work related to the preparation of the author's original and transferring it for printing to the printing house.

First of all, the publishing house carries out editorial and technical preparation of the author's original for reproduction at a printing enterprise, which consists in choosing the format of the publication, fonts, arrangement of elements of the publication, working with the author, etc. After preparing the publisher's original, the publisher sends it to the printing house. Requirements for copyright and publishing originals are regulated by state and industry standards, for example, GOST 7.89-2005 "Original copyright and publishing", OST 29.106-90 "Fine originals for printing reproduction. General technical requirements" and etc.

The general list of editorial and publishing processing of the author's original includes:

Work on the composition of the work;

Work on the content;

Selection and approval of the publication format;

The choice of fonts;

Editorial and technical design of formulas, tables;

Evaluation and editing of illustrations, etc.

To carry out all work to ensure high quality publishing original and support of printing works, a sufficiently developed production structure is required.

Figure 3.2. presents a generalized typical scheme of a large publishing house that carries out editorial processing of book and magazine, cartographic and other publishing products.

In order to improve the quality of book and magazine products, the publishing house is editing the author's original.

After processing author's original the publishing house enters into an agreement with the printing house for the printing reproduction of the publication and transfers to the printing house publisher's original... The publishing house provides support and control over the production of the print run of the order. After quality control and accounting calculations, the produced circulation of the order is transferred to the publisher acting as the customer.

In previous practice, the author's original, as a rule, was provided in the form of typewritten sheets in A4 format. The editor worked with such an original and, after processing and completing the relevant documentation, transferred the publishing original to a printing company for the production of a print run.

Currently, in connection with the introduction of technological processes printing production digital technologies the author most often provides the original to the editor on a CD-disk with a printout attached to the printer.

The development of the practice of digital technologies allows transferring to the printing house publisher's original on CD (with printouts attached). The production of a publishing original in digital form requires equipping publishing structures with appropriate digital publishing systems (DPS) and is carried out according to the scheme shown in Figure 3.3.

Rice. 3.3. General scheme for making a publishing original
on electronic media

The transformations that took place in the printing industry after the 90s of the last century led to a sharp change in the structure of orders for printed products. First of all, it should be noted that the bulk of the book publishers ended up in Moscow. In the rest of Russia, book publishers either ceased to exist or declined so much that they stopped working with large orders. Nevertheless, a large number of small customers remained, whose interests, as a rule, were limited to regional problems. The circulation of such orders rarely exceeded 1–2 thousand copies. In addition, there was an increase in small businesses in the territories of the regions. The products of these enterprises began to need packaging, and the need for advertising expanded. Against the background of a decrease in circulation of central newspapers printed in regional printing houses, the total number of periodicals... Thus, the total number of customers requiring editorial and technical preparation of printed products has increased significantly.

To meet the needs for the editorial and technical preparation of printed products (not only for books and magazines and periodicals, but also for labeling and packaging), the printing house began to form its own editorial and publishing divisions. With the presence of editorial and publishing departments, the printing houses began to provide customers with a full range of services for preparing and printing orders, without forcing them to run around the city in search of organizations performing editorial preparation of orders. This construction of the production structure allowed printing houses not only not to lose customers, but also to expand their clientele, thereby improving economic indicators enterprises. Such printing enterprises began to be called "publishing and printing complexes", or IPK.

On the other hand, at the same time, given the deficit in the provision of editorial and publishing services, small editorial centers began to be created that carried out editorial and technical preparation of orders, providing services to small customers. After receiving the prepared publishing original, the customer contacted the printing house, where the print run of the order was printed for him. Over time, these kinds of publishing companies began to realize that by acting as an intermediary, they were losing money. The more adventurous executives of these small editorial businesses gradually began to acquire printing equipment, thereby not missing the customer and getting additional profit. Enterprises in this direction over time began to be called "editorial and publishing centers" - RIC.

At present, both forms of such enterprises are united by common goals - to provide a customer intending to receive printing products with a full range of services. Figure 3.4 shows a general scheme for constructing the structure of the PKI and RIC.

Rice. 3.4. New Forms of Structural Relationship Building
"Customer - editorial office - printing house"

In this structure of typography the division of the management system into its component parts is carried out according to the production criterion, taking into account the degree of concentration and specialization of production, as well as technological features... The system of links of management reflects the production structure of typography.

The primary link in the production typography structures is an workplace where workers perform individual operations for the manufacture of products or maintenance of the production process using appropriate equipment. The number and relationship of jobs in production process define a site (department). It is a set of geographically separate workplaces designed to perform homogeneous work or various operations for the manufacture of products of the same name.

The following divisions are organized in the printing house, the organization and management of which is entrusted to the corresponding deputy directors (highlighted in brackets):

Orders department (commercial director);
- production unit (production manager);
- Accounting (Deputy Director for Finance);
- supply and sales department (head of supply and sales department);
- service and repair department (chief engineer);
- quality control department (deputy director for quality);
- security department (head of security).

Printing house orders department includes managers for the receipt, registration and support of orders, designers for the development of original layouts and output of films, a proofreader and a driver of the forwarder. The main purpose of this department is the interaction of the printing house with customers of printing products. Management functions of this department are entrusted to commercial director, in accordance with the job description.

TO production division of the printing house includes areas (workshops, departments) in which operations are carried out to process the transformation of basic raw materials, semi-finished products and materials into finished products and the stages of production. The functions of managing the production unit are performed by the head of production, in whose subordination are the foremen, printers, carvers, cutters, decoilers and other workers.

On accounting department the printing house is entrusted with the functions of accounting, financial and management accounting. The internal goal of accounting is to develop effective management decisions based on analytics of financial and management accounting indicators. Management functions are entrusted to the Deputy Director for Finance, with a combination of the work of the chief accountant.

Supply and sales department provides the printing house with material resources from suppliers and sales of finished products to customers. The department is headed by the head of the supply and sales department.

Maintenance and repair department of the printing house ensures uninterrupted operation of equipment, conducts preventive examinations and repairs. The chief engineer supervises the work of this department.

Department technical control typography develops and implements measures for the continuous improvement of quality management in all areas of production activities of the printing house. The department is headed by the Deputy Director for Quality.

On printing house security department entrusted with the functions of organizing the safety of the functioning of production. The department is headed by the head of production.

The full version of the document is available only to members National Association printers. You can receive the document upon request by e-mail.

The complete large structure is available only to NAP members.

JSC "Kovylkinskaya Printing House" is one of the enterprises of the printing industry. The company has been operating in the field of printing services since 1924, and as an open joint-stock company has been working since October 1, 2007.

The highest authority is the Ministry of Press and Information of the Republic of Moldova. The main activities of JSC "Kovylkinskaya Printing House" are: printing of newspapers, brochures, magazines, stitching and binding works, production of paper and cardboard packaging, as well as cutting paper into size.

The priority direction of the printing house is the production of newspaper products (table 1).

Table 1

Priority areas of activity of JSC "Kovylkinskaya Printing House"



amount thousand rubles

amount thousand rubles

amount thousand rubles

  • 10137
  • 13437
  • 13236

In 2009, newspaper printing accounted for 68% of the total volume of production, and 21.9% for letterheads.

However, the management and directly director N.A. Serov is constantly in a creative search.

Largely thanks to his initiative, foresight, intuition and analysis of the situation on consumer market new opportunities for fruitful, and most importantly, high-quality work are constantly emerging in the printing house.

Despite the fact that the volume of work of the printing house is impressive, the staff of the enterprise is insignificant and amounts to only 29 people.

However, the most highly qualified specialists work there with full dedication, often performing not only their direct functional responsibilities but also showing all their creativity to improve the work of the typography.

It makes sense to consider the organizational structure of JSC "Kovylkinskaya Printing House" (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Organizational structure of JSC "Kovylkinskaya Printing House"

The General Director of OJSC "Kovylkinskaya Printing House" is Serov N.А. which, within the organization, is entrusted with the following functions:

  • 1. General management of production - economic and financial - economic activity enterprises.
  • 2. Organization of interaction of all structural divisions.
  • 3. Ensuring the fulfillment of all obligations assumed by the enterprise, including obligations to the budgets of different levels and extra-budgetary funds.
  • 4. Creation of conditions for the introduction of the latest technology and technology, progressive forms of management and labor organization.
  • 5. Taking measures to ensure healthy and safe environment labor at the enterprise.
  • 6. Monitoring compliance with the activities of all services.
  • 7. Protection of the property interests of the enterprise in court, arbitration, authorities state power and etc.

To perform the functions assigned to him, the general director of the enterprise is obliged:

  • - To manage, in accordance with the current legislation, the production and economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise, bearing full responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, the safety and effective use of the enterprise's property, as well as the financial and economic results of its activities.
  • - Organize the work and effective interaction of all structural divisions, direct their activities towards the development and improvement of production, taking into account social and market priorities, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, increasing the volume of sales of products, and increasing profits, quality and competitiveness of manufactured products, its compliance with international standards in in order to conquer the market and meet the needs for the relevant types of products (services).
  • - Take measures to provide the enterprise with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, create safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, comply with the requirements of environmental protection legislation.

The general director of an enterprise belongs to the category of managers and is accepted (dismissed) by a decision general meeting founders.

The general director of the enterprise is accountable to the founders of the enterprise in the person of the general meeting of the founders.

The CEO is responsible for:

  • 1. For non-performance ( improper performance) their job responsibilities; for committed in the process labor activity offenses; for causing material damage within the limits determined by the current labor legislation RF.
  • 2. For the consequences of decisions made by him that go beyond his powers, established by law, the charter of the enterprise, other regulatory legal acts... The general director of an enterprise is not relieved of responsibility for actions entailing responsibility, performed by persons to whom he delegated his rights.
  • 3. For unfair use of property and funds of the enterprise in their own interests or interests contrary to the interests of the founders.

During the absence of the director of the enterprise, his duties and functions are performed in established order an appointed deputy who is fully responsible for the quality, efficient and timely implementation of them. In JSC "Kovylkinskaya Printing House" deputy general director is Artemkin I.S. On production manager Tikhanov N.V. The following functions are assigned:

  • 1. Leadership production activities enterprises.
  • 2. Introduction of new technologies, development of measures to improve labor productivity and reduce production costs.
  • 3. Control over the quality of products, etc.

The production manager belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the general director.

The production manager reports directly to CEO... During the absence of the production manager, his duties are performed in accordance with the established procedure by an appointed deputy, who bears full responsibility for their proper execution.

Job responsibilities of the production manager:

  • 1. Implementation of direct operational regulation using funds computing technology, communications and communications, the course of production, ensuring the rhythmic release of products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts.
  • 2. Implementation of the management of the development of production programs and production schedules for the enterprise and its divisions, their adjustment during the planning period, the development and implementation of standards for operational and production planning.
  • 3. Organization of operational control over the course of production. Providing production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, etc.

The production manager is responsible for:

  • - For improper performance or non-performance of their duties stipulated by the job description, - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • - For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • - For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chief Accountant Sheina I.A., belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the general director of the enterprise.

The chief accountant reports directly to the general director.

The chief accountant of OJSC Kovylkinskaya Printing House is entrusted with the following functions:

  • 1. Guidance of implementation accounting and reporting at the enterprise.
  • 2. Formation accounting policy with the development of measures for its implementation.
  • 3. Providing methodological assistance to employees of the enterprise's divisions on accounting, control, reporting and economic analysis.
  • 4. Ensuring the preparation of economically justified accounting estimates of the cost of production, payroll, charges and transfers of taxes and fees to budgets of different levels, payments to banking institutions.
  • 5. Identification of on-farm reserves, elimination of losses and non-productive costs.
  • 6. Introduction of modern technical means and information technologies.
  • 7. Control over timely and correct design accounting documentation.

To perform functions Chief Accountant should:

  • - Carry out the organization of business accounting - financial activities and control over the economical use of material, labor and financial resources, the safety of the property of the enterprise.
  • - Lead the work on the preparation and adoption of a working chart of accounts, forms of primary accounting documents used for the registration of business transactions for which standard forms are not provided, the development of forms of documents for internal accounting reporting, as well as ensuring the procedure for conducting inventories, monitoring business transactions, compliance accounting information processing technologies and document flow procedure.
  • - To participate in the economic analysis of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise according to accounting and reporting data in order to identify on-farm reserves, eliminate losses and non-productive costs.

The chief accountant is responsible for:

  • - For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties, provided for by the job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • - For committing an offense in the course of carrying out its activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • - For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Accounting department is independent structural unit enterprise and reports directly to the general director and chief accountant of the enterprise.

The accounting department is headed by the chief accountant appointed by the order of the General Director of OJSC Kovylkinskaya Printing House.

Tasks and functions of accounting:

  • 1. Organization of accounting for economic and financial activities.
  • 2. Ensuring the timeliness of settlements for contractual obligations, tax payments, and other settlements with creditors and suppliers.
  • 3. Development of forms of documents for internal accounting reporting.
  • 4. Ensuring the order of carrying out inventories.
  • 5. Control over the conduct of business transactions.
  • 6. Providing settlements for wages and etc.

The chief accountant is responsible for the improper and timely performance of the accounting functions.

Equipment Repair Engineer reports to the deputy general director and directly to the general director of the enterprise.

The following functions are assigned to an equipment repair engineer at OJSC Kovylkinskaya Printing House:

  • 1. Maintenance of electronic equipment and equipment of the enterprise.
  • 2. Ensuring correct technical operation, smooth operation of equipment.

To perform his functions, an equipment repair engineer must:

  • - Participate in the development of long-term and current plans and work schedules, Maintenance and repair of equipment, measures to improve its operation and increase the efficiency of using electronic equipment.
  • - Take measures for the timely and high-quality performance of repair work in accordance with the approved documentation.
  • - Make orders for equipment and spare parts for it, technical documentation for repairs, work reports.

The main production sites at Kovylkinskaya Printing House OJSC are:

Computer laboratory, editing, copying, binding, cutting and printing departments, which are under the jurisdiction and responsibility of the production manager and the general director.

In general, the organizational structure of OJSC "Kovylkinskaya Printing House" is effective. To improve organizational structure the organization's management needs:

  • - Clarify the functions performed by the performers, determine the actual load of each of them;
  • - Establish the existing division of functions and responsibilities between production sites, groups and individual performers;
  • - Reveal functions and tasks not assigned to performers by means of analysis job descriptions available staff;
  • - Check whether the qualifications of the employees are appropriate for the work they perform.
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