Examples of beautiful, creative and successful LLC company names in alphabetical list. How to come up with a name for an LLC that brings good luck? Name options for an accounting company examples

Brand. Brand

Method #2 - Name

Method No. 3 - Last name

McDonald's restaurant chain

Method #4 - Nature

Internet hypermarket "Platypus"

Method #5 - History

Method #6 - Mythology

Mikhail Goncharov,

Method #7 – Compound Word

Method #8 – Acronym

Method #9 – Quote

For hobbyists, the product brand does not matter much. They are often indifferent to which company produces cardboard blanks. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and satisfies the need for creativity. This gives the Leonardo company scope to create its own brands, bypassing the difficult path of dealership of international brands. Read more naming, which is part of branding and dedicated to the development of commercially effective names for brands, has at least 30 main methods. It is worth noting that the brand name should not only please its owner, but also evoke the associations necessary for positioning among the target audience and be based on iconic symbols and established concepts. All this is achieved through appropriate research. In addition, the brand name must be protectable. Before investing money in promoting a brand, it is important to clearly understand that the latter has exclusive rights in relation to the relevant goods and services.”

Today, businessmen are more willing to pay good money for professional naming - the development of a commercially effective name for a trademark. But before you pay money to naming specialists, you can try to come up with a name yourself. Often, the result of such an amateurish approach, after an examination carried out by reputable branding specialists, is considered very successful. Vadim Gorzhankin, General Director of PR & Brand of the Krasnoye Slovo agency, an expert in the field of marketing communications, talks about the 10 simplest methods for developing a name for a brand that can be adopted by every businessman.

Method No. 1 - Toponym (geographical name)

Pay attention to where your business is located or where your product or key ingredient comes from. Based on this principle, such brands as the Rublevsky meat processing plant, Essentuki mineral water, Klinskoye beer, Vologodskoye butter, Finlandia vodka, Ochakovsky kvass, Shatura furniture, Winston cigarettes, liqueur were created. Malibu, telecommunications company Nokia.

Method #2 - Name

One of the easiest ways to name a company or product is by the name of the person. Based on this principle, such brands as chocolate “Alenka”, beer “Afanasy”, frozen semi-finished products “Daria”, men’s magazine “Maxim”, women’s magazine “Liza”, car “Mersedes”, chain of dry cleaners and laundries “Diana”, fast food products were created. preparations "Alexandra and Sophia".

We initially planned that the brand would be a first-price product in its price segment. This is where the name came from, which seems to say “put me on the end”. And our main task is to participate in promotions, this is the peculiarity of promotion.

Method No. 3 - Last name

Along with the name, the surname can be the basis of the brand. As a rule, the brand name becomes not just a surname, but the surname of the company founder. For example, the Ford automobile concern, A. Korkunov chocolate products, Bochkarev beer, Smirnoff vodka, McDonald's restaurant chain, Levi's jeans, Brooke Bond tea, Jacuzzi hydromassage equipment ", Martini vermouth, Boeing airplanes, Parker pens, sportswear manufacturer Adidas.

Method #4 - Nature

Nature can be a source of inspiration not only for artists and musicians, but also for naming specialists. It is worth noting that often an animal, plant or natural phenomenon is associated with the properties of a product: the Grad multiple launch rocket system, the Sapsan high-speed train, the Utkonos online hypermarket, the Kangaroo chain of salons for children and expectant mothers, cars Jaguar, Puma sportswear, Alligator car alarms.

Method #5 - History

Often, a significant historical event or character becomes the name of a brand. It is worth noting that the exploitation of history is especially often used to form restaurant names. Examples include the Moscow restaurants Godunov, Pushkin, Graf-Orlov or Petrov-Vodkin. Many examples of “historical naming” are found in other areas of business: Napoleon cognac, Stepan Razin beer, Belomorkanal cigarettes, Lincoln cars, the Borodino trading and production group of companies.

Method #6 - Mythology

Naming specialists have not ignored mythology, which has become one of the most productive sources for brand names. For example, the Mazda automobile concern received its name in honor of the Zoroastrian god of life named Ahura Mazda, and the idea for the name of the drink “Sprite” was born in the 40s of the 20th century. At that time, baby Sprite was especially popular in advertising campaigns - an elf with silver hair and a wide smile who wore a drink cap instead of a hat. A little later, his name became the name of a new carbonated drink - “Sprite”.

Mikhail Goncharov, On the network development strategy in the new market

– How did you translate the name of the network?

– We did not translate the name of the network in any way; the spelling will be in Latin transcription – Teremok. It doesn’t bother anyone that the phones are called Apple. There is a pharmacy chain called Duanereade in the USA, you can’t even read it. In America, strange names do not bother anyone. And we can tell you that there is a fairy tale in Russia about a teremok.

Method #7 – Compound Word

Quite often, a brand name becomes a compound word formed by adding two words together. For example, commercial bank Alba Bank, Aeroflot airline, cellular operator BeeLine, Volkswagen automobile concern, Aquafresh toothpaste, Sunsilk hair care product line, MasterCard credit cards, TV channel Euronews, weekly socio-political magazine Newsweek.

Method #8 – Acronym

An acronym is an abbreviation formed from initial letters, parts of words or phrases, pronounced as a single word rather than letter by letter. Example: the abbreviation “GUM”, derived from “Main Department Store”, is pronounced as a single word gum, and not ge-u-um. i.e. not by letter. Well-known acronyms include the name of the musical group “ABBA”, formed from the first letters of the names of its members: Agnetha, Björn, Benny, Anni-Frid, or the name of the automobile brand “VAZ” (Volzhsky Automobile Plant).

Method #9 – Quote

A well-remembered brand name, due to its consolidation in the minds of consumers, can be a name or expression from a work of mass artistic culture: cinema, animation, music, literature, etc. Examples include brands such as Prostokvashino dairy products, the White Sun restaurant Deserts", a chain of leather and fur stores "Snow Queen", a chain of stores of building materials "Old Man Hottabych".

We held a master class at the Leonardo hobby hypermarket. Is it always necessary to create your own brand?

For hobbyists, the product brand does not matter much. They are often indifferent to which company produces cardboard blanks. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and satisfies the need for creativity. This gives the Leonardo company scope to create its own brands, bypassing the difficult path of dealership of international brands. Read more naming, which is part of branding and dedicated to the development of commercially effective names for brands, has at least 30 main methods. It is worth noting that the brand name should not only please its owner, but also evoke the associations necessary for positioning among the target audience and be based on iconic symbols and established concepts. All this is achieved through appropriate research. In addition, the brand name must be protectable. Before investing money in promoting a brand, it is important to clearly understand that the latter has exclusive rights in relation to the relevant goods and services.”

retail, brand, business https://www.site https://www. 2019-08-16 2019-08-17 https://www.

When organizing your business, you should think through many important points. Many entrepreneurs do everything quickly and act decisively, but are completely lost when it comes time to think about what to name the company. This is a rather serious question, because the memorability and recognition of the future brand will depend on it. Moreover, the name of the company will influence its prosperity. When coming up with it, many points should be taken into account. At the same time, there are several approaches that will help in such a difficult choice.

Customer friendly company name

When thinking about how to name a company, you should take into account such a moment that it is convenient for clients. It should be clear to them what the name means. This is very important. It should be such that people perceive it only from the positive side. Under no circumstances should they experience feelings of disgust or any ambivalent emotions. You should focus on clients of different age categories. It is necessary to try to come up with a name that will be understandable to both young people and the older generation. If a company has been around for a long time, but due to some circumstances it needs to choose a new designation, then it makes sense to do a little research and ask existing customers. They can be offered a short survey with several new titles. The option with the most votes can be considered successful and winning. Thus, it is the clients who become the best advisers, because they are the main consumers of the services that the company will provide.

Is it worth calling the company by your name?

When discussing how to name a company beautifully, many believe that the ideal option would be to give it your name or the name of a loved one. However, in reality, you shouldn't do this. Firstly, many people perceive it negatively. They may associate the company name with some personal or unpleasant situations. As a result, it will simply be unpleasant for them to use the company’s services. Secondly, when naming a company after your loved one in order to please them, you should think about the fact that the relationship may not last long. In the event of unpleasant events, this business will remind you of this and bring only negative emotions. Moreover, in the event of a sale, not everyone will want to buy a company with someone else's name.

What is the name of the LLC company?

As for small businesses, shops, cafes, etc., choosing a name here will not be as difficult as for a large legal firm LLC. This happens because the success of the business depends on it. Considering that such a company will have several founders, the opinions and interests of each of them must be taken into account. Thus, most often companies registered as LLCs have a name consisting of the initials of the owners. Sometimes it works out quite well. But this doesn't always happen. When thinking about what to name a law firm, you should also take into account the specifics. Her line of work can speak for itself. If this option is not suitable, then you should study various dictionaries, try to choose a name based on an associative series, or look at the original versions in foreign languages.

Company name depending on the type of activity

The name of the company should directly reflect its type of activity. At the same time, there is no need to try to make it long and describe everything the company does. It is enough to come up with one word that will fully describe the activity and cause an association with it. This is always a winning option, because clients will immediately understand where they are going and what they will be offered here. If the company has an unclear name, people will simply pass by, except for those curious to find out what it means.

Original company name

It will entirely depend on the wishes of its owners. They are the ones who think about what the company can be called. A good option would be to come up with something unusual and original, and most importantly, something that sounds good. Of course, there is a possibility that people will not understand what we are talking about, but if you approach this choice wisely, then the company will prosper. A fictitious name that will have no meaning has other advantages than its easy sound. From a legal point of view it is difficult to find fault. Usually, problems arise when another company already has the same name. In this case this will be excluded. The individuality of the name will also help to distinguish the company from a large number of similar competitors.

The role of a foreign language in a company name

Foreign language plays a fairly large role in company names. Often, when thinking about the correct name for a company, entrepreneurs choose nice-sounding options. However, they do not always know how it will be translated from different languages. Sometimes a beautiful word can have different interpretations. On the one hand, it will mean something good and bright, but on the other, it will mean something completely obscene. As a result, the company looks funny to many. Such entrepreneurs begin to re-collect all documents and re-register the name. This is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming process. That is why it is better to immediately choose a name that will subsequently bring profit to the company.

Choosing a company name from a numerological point of view

Today, when deciding what to name a company, many entrepreneurs believe in numerology. Some of them even turn to fortune tellers and astrologers to help them make the right choice. So, with the help of numbers and the science of numerology, you can calculate whether a particular name will be favorable. There are special tables that facilitate independent calculation when choosing the appropriate option. You just need to calculate a single digit number, which can be either good or bad. If the result is an unfavorable figure, entrepreneurs think about a different name. Not everyone believes in this, so the approach here is absolutely individual.

There are several tips that you can follow to come up with the right company name. So, you need to be as concise as possible. You should choose a short name. It will be easier to remember and sound better. If a company is going to develop its website, its domain name will be much easier with a short option. Among other things, it is necessary to study the competitor market. You need to come up with a company name that will undoubtedly stand out among all the others. This will attract the attention of customers. When choosing a brand name, you can use a dictionary and also brainstorm. Sometimes a good idea can suddenly come to mind. Don't limit yourself to just one option. It is better to come up with several spare company names, because when registering it, it may turn out that one already exists. In this case, you will have to quickly make another decision, which could be fatal. Besides, there is no need to rush. Having made your choice in favor of several options, you need to put them aside for a few days and walk around with this thought. In the end, the final name will be chosen with a fresh perspective.

How to protect yourself from negative influences. Mantras for health and healing from negativity.

How to remove the evil eye at home

How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye on the Internet

Your envious people and ill-wishers may be watching you, but you may not know anything about it. It's better to play it safe, because even if you don't believe in the existence of the evil eye, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Take three minutes to read this article, where I explain to you (in my opinion, quite clearly) why you may be susceptible to this scourge.

How to neutralize other people's envy?

Nowadays people communicate in all sorts of networks. And everywhere they post photographs of them beautiful, successful, wearing cars and diamonds. Well, or just happy. Of course, most people who see your photos on the networks don’t care who you are, what you have there, and how. But there will definitely be a couple of individuals with not very pure thoughts. These could be ex-wives (who have not completely let go of their ex-husbands), lovers (who sleep and see their lover leaving his wife), friends (friends with failed careers, with a constant lack of money and who are not successful with women), girlfriends ( constantly jealous of your happiness, but carefully hiding it), mothers-in-law who sleep and dream of how to free their son from his shackles. Mothers-in-law also come across with similar thoughts. Former classmates who were jealous of you all through school... Children's photographs are very vulnerable. It’s not for nothing that some resources impose restrictions on posting photos with children.

The fact that this ill-wisher’s thoughts will return is absolutely certain. But this doesn’t make it any easier for you! This energy will begin to affect you now. I offer you my skill and my energy to protect your photos. Send me your photos for protection. Payment is made after the work is completed. The price for the work is symbolic.

No one will ask you whether you believe in damage and the evil eye or not. They will simply silently envy you - and the damage is right there!

Unfortunately, many people categorically do not believe in the existence of energies. You can often hear that " I don’t believe in damage and that means no one found it on me t." No one will ask you whether you believe in it or not. They will simply envy you. Your beauty, your health, your success, your family happiness, your new fur coat or car, your newborn baby. The reasons for envy can be listed endlessly. It can be an incredible little thing! For example, a new ring on your finger! Or the fact that you are successful with the opposite sex! Yes, someone will envy you for being smarter or smarter. . Or the boss will praise you for a job well done, but not your colleague (just not for that). And this will not necessarily be said out loud by someone else. Or maybe the thought is material! is a flow of energy.

Energy, in its initial form, is neutral. It is neither positive nor negative. And only a person can give it one direction or another. Imagine that a person who has the ability to exert a strong influence will envy you (he may not even know about it). And this person activates negative energy with the help of his bad thought. After all, it is logical - if the thought is negative, then the energy is negative. And, accordingly, if they envied you, they added negativity to their thoughts. And you took it upon yourself. And if you do not protect yourself, then this energy begins to affect you in the most unpredictable way. Imagine that a person wishes you harm on purpose? After all, there are such people, you know! What then does the energy of his thoughts turn into for you?

I can still convince you of this. But it’s not just me who talks and writes about this. There are other resources too. I am simply offering you my assistance in protecting your photographs and images on the Internet.

Protect your photos from the negative impact of envious people and unkind eyes.

Payment is made after the work is completed on protection. Payment can be made at any Qiwi terminal near your home or at any Sberbank ATM. Online payment can be made using Yandex-Money. The cost of protecting ten photos symbolic.

I work only “live”, no automatic uploads - you send me your photos to my email address, which I will send to you. Your photos will not be saved anywhere on the Internet. They will also be deleted from my computer as soon as I finish working with energy and send the photos to you. No automatic sendings - everything is individual for each person, that is, for you personally. Write me a message, indicate the number of photos and your email address. Here you can find out the price and write a message.

What will I do with your photos? I will place a translucent image with special words that will reflect all the negativity from your photos. I will also work on your images energetically.

Protect your photos from the evil eye, damage, and negative influences on social networks and the Internet.

There are many amulets and amulets in real life. But a photo on the Internet is still something digital that cannot be touched. Of course, you can try to protect yourself. Some people advise writing some text on the photo (I write special words to protect against damage and the evil eye, which were taught to me by an old Ukrainian woman who spent her entire life healing people with her energies) and this will serve as an additional barrier to protection from the evil eye. You can read a prayer in front of the photographs. But, unfortunately, not everyone can work with energies. Therefore, contact a specialist. That is, to me!

Protection against the evil eye and damage yourself at home

There are various conspiracies and of course prayers. Moreover, you should not be afraid of the word “conspiracies”, because this is the same prayer, only, so to speak, not official.

The name of a new company is no less important than a prestigious appearance for a business person. It creates the first impression of the organization; a successful and memorable name increases the client base. You should not overestimate its importance - without quality, a suitable price and other components, the name itself will not make the company popular.

However, you shouldn’t put it off for later or take this issue lightly, since this is one of the main parts of the PR image of any company, which should be handled by appropriately qualified people who know the rules of marketing and are not devoid of a creative approach.

Types of names

Any enterprise can have from one to six titles. But only one of them is mandatory– full company name in Russian . Based on the term, it becomes clear that this must be a full name containing the phrase “Limited Liability Company” written in Cyrillic, in compliance with the rules of the Russian language.

There are also a number of other names in addition to the full name requirements:

  • the mandatory name should not have English words, except in Russian transcription, foreign language characters, some prefixes like “VIP”;
  • The use of obscene words or any word forms that discredit any part or social group of the population, as well as violating the rules of morality and ethics, is not allowed;
  • a prerequisite is uniqueness, that is, a company with that name should not be in Rosreestr;
  • names of foreign countries cannot be inserted;
  • Without special permission, it is prohibited to use the word “Russia” and all derivative (cognate) words, as well as the names of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, settlements, authorities, the word “Federal” and other similar words.

Apart from the official business name, other forms are optional and some of the requirements do not apply to them. Such an “alternative” may be an abbreviated name, a full name in English (in compliance with international standards) for the foreign market, and an abbreviated name in English. A short name in any language of the peoples of Russia is allowed.

Legal aspects

Regulation of the activities of any organization occurs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Civil Code contains Article 54, the content of which affects the name, location and legal address of the organization. In addition, the fifth paragraph indicates that the full corporate name of the legal entity is indicated in the constituent document and in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE).

The name is officially approved for the enterprise at the time of state registration.

The uniqueness of the name is another prerequisite. However, at the time of the emergence of a legal entity, repetition is not excluded. You can verify the uniqueness using a special service available on the Internet, called “search service in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” at egrul.nalog.ru.

If two companies have exactly the same names and are engaged in similar activities, the previously formed company can demand a name change from the second one in court.

How to come up with a company name yourself

Anyone who decides to solve this problem on their own needs to rely on the rules of marketing, the Russian language and, of course, a creative approach.

What you need to keep in mind when choosing the name of your organization:

  1. Reflection of the company's scope of activity. If necessary, the name should indicate exactly what the business does or the product it produces, for example, “Planet Plumbing.”
  2. Internet oriented. It's no secret that people solve most of their problems through search engines. Therefore, you need to make sure that, with the corresponding request, the company is high enough in the list of answers and does not have consonant (identical) names with companies in the same list.
  3. Positive effect. The word (phrase) should evoke neutral or positive associations, without negativity or ambiguity.
  4. Ease. Make sure the name is easy to read, pronounce and remember. You shouldn’t go too far with abbreviations; few people will want to contact the RPPKZL company without knowing what it does.
  5. No unnecessary hyperbole (exaggeration). It would be a mistake to call an average establishment a big word, especially if the essence does not correspond to the name. These include “elite”, “royal”, “empire” and other similar epithets.
  6. The right combination of beautiful, one might say fabulous words and pragmatism. In this case, a lot depends on the specific activity.
  7. No hint of a larger organization. Many entrepreneurs sin by creating doubles of large holdings with a similar name in order to attract additional customers using the name of an older competitor. At one time, the doubles “Abibas”, “Neike”, “BucksstarsCofee” were known. Beware of the trend, introduced after the success of Apple, of using an "i" at the beginning of the name, so as not to end up with something like "iBank" "iCoffee" or "iWheels".

Suitable for most areas standard rules for creating a name, which are not very imaginative, but have already been time-tested:

  • names (your own, relatives), folded syllables from first or last names, with and without prepositions;
  • a surname in which the ending “-ov” changes to “-off” or a surname with the addition of “and K”, “and Ko”, “and partners”;
  • abbreviations for activities/products or made up of the first letters of various words;
  • geographical names (pond, mountains, street);
  • category of activity, types of services.

You can learn how to choose a name for your company from this video.

Examples by area of ​​activity

Different names are suitable for organizations depending on the type of services provided and the area. Below are examples of such names that can be considered successful.

  1. Trade. For a trading company, it is important to point out the wide selection, quality of the product and, possibly, specific types of goods. Example: “Alliance” speaks of a wide range, “Wallpaper Planet” speaks of a sphere.
  2. Construction. The use of cognate words, professions, and the use of objects are suitable. Example: “BigStroy”, “Brigadier”, “New House”.
  3. Transport, cargo transportation. In this area, speed, power and expeditionary component are important. Example: “Forsazh”, “Forpost”, “Ural-Logistic”.
  4. Public catering. The widest flight of imagination and scope for experimentation is provided specifically for public catering establishments. From the banal “At Maxim’s” and “Georgian Dinner” to the spontaneous “Rainbow of Taste”, “Sweet Paradise” and “Wine Grad”. The main condition is memorability and the absence of repulsive factors.
  5. Construction of oil and gas wells. A serious industry requires a serious approach. The name should inspire trust and reliability. Letter combinations such as “gas”, “oil”, “oil”, “tech”, “resource” are often found. Example: Sakha-Oil, Gazbank or Dobytchik.
  6. Medicine. Medical terms and industry-related words will sound good. Example: “Hippocrates Medical Center”, “Emergency Surgery Clinic”, “Vision+”.
  7. Consulting. Any firm that advises on important legal issues must, with its name alone, inspire confidence and speak of involvement in the law and a high level of knowledge. Example: “Hand of Themis”, “Partner”, “Lawyer Advisor”.
  8. Tourism. When people imagine tourism, they think of sun, sea, flights and vacations. This is exactly what the name of a travel agency should convey. For international tours, English words are also common. If the company specializes in last-minute travel packages, this must also be indicated. Example: “Fire Tours”, “AsiaFly”, “Flying”, “Discover the Earth”.
  9. Car service. The most common prefix is ​​“Auto”. If we are talking about service for servicing tires and wheels, then the corresponding word is added. Example: “Altai-Auto”, “Tires and Wheels”, “Siberian Tuning”.
  10. Furniture. Furniture production and sales is an expensive and important business, which means the name plays an important role. It should attract and speak of grandeur and elitism; the use of certain styles is not excluded. Example: “Exclusive Furniture”, “Loft-Classic”, “Sofa Empire”.

For those looking for a relatively neutral and simple name, here is an alphabetical list of some names:

Proper use of creativity

Often, in pursuit of originality and attracting attention, many companies fantasize about naming, sometimes arriving at surprising results. One of the toy stores for children's creativity spared even two letters, calling itself LLC "Y".

The Moscow supplier of sand and crushed stone did not even change the letter, creating the sonorous LLC “Ooo”. The travel agency “Away” seems to call for incredible travels and achievements with its name. In Zelenograd, there are incredibly positive installers of engineering equipment working at LLC “EVERYTHING WILL BE COOL!!!”.

Another innovative way - name your legal entity according to Feng Shui. According to this theory, the name should contain a development vector, it should not be capacious (3-5 letters) and, preferably, begin with a vowel.

Uniqueness and humor can, of course, attract a customer base, but you need to realize that humor is inappropriate in some areas, so be careful with it.

Popular questions

Is the name of the business inclined? Names can be declined in different ways. The most popular is using a generic word. For example: Organization "Invest" - organizations "Invest" - into organization "Invest". Abbreviations, of course, are not declined.

Another option is by the main word in the title. Example: “Cellular systems of the Caucasus” - no “Cellular systems of the Caucasus”. Thus, a name is declined unless it is preceded by a generic word.

Are there any services for selecting names? Yes, and freely available. On the Internet you can find more than one generator of names for legal entities, projects and the like, if the founders do not want to do it themselves. As for the names of branches, products and other things, this should be handled by the organization’s PR department.

You will learn several ways to come up with a company name in this video.

The name is the first impression of your company, its face and business card.

The name helps the company develop in the market and attracts buyers.

By looking at examples of successful and unsuccessful names, you can decide what to name your company.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that there are a number of requirements when creating a company name.

Requirements for determining the name

  • The full name of the company must be in Russian. Foreign words can be included in the company name, but only in Russian transcription. Latin characters are not allowed. Such common abbreviations and abbreviations as LTD, VIP are written in Cyrillic, and the & sign is written as “end”.
  • The names of cities and regions of the Russian Federation can be used only after agreement with local authorities.
  • The words “Russia”, “Russian Federation”, as well as their word forms and abbreviations can be included in the company name only after official permission from the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and payment of state duty. Currently, the fee is 50,000 rubles.
  • The names of intergovernmental, international institutions, as well as official authorities cannot be included in the name of an enterprise registering on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • The use of obscene words and expressions in the company name is prohibited.

Besides the legal aspects, there are certain rules for creating a new name. The process of creating this name is called naming.

What is naming?

Naming dates back to the 19th century and includes knowledge of psychology, linguistics, marketing, sociology and other sciences.

The name of the company should itself sell your product, according to experts in the field of naming.

Today, there are professional naming agencies that will help you develop a good name specifically for your company.

But using the advice of leading experts, you can come up with a successful name yourself.

The naming principles state:

  1. Uniqueness and creativity. Originality is what will set you apart from your competitors. Therefore, it is better to immediately discard hackneyed boring names as unnecessary.
  2. Euphony. Once you come up with a name, ask your friends to pronounce it. Do you like the sound of it? Will employees be proud to say their company's name?
  3. Information content. Let the name carry a semantic load, so that a potential client, having heard it, already understands what we are talking about.
  4. Brightness. Your business name should stand out from other companies in the same niche.
  5. Associativity. It is not necessary that the name directly indicates the type of your activity. Sometimes in naming the method of associations is used with the help of images of literary heroes, comic metaphors and hints.
  6. Use of "positive" letters. Experts have discovered that each letter carries an emotional connotation for a person. Thus, the letter K at the beginning of the company name promises reliability, Z is associated with something evil, but strong. The letters X, Ш, Ш – are considered “sad” and “dull”, and D and L – evoke joy and positive emotions.

Name examples

When planning to occupy a certain niche in the market, you need to consider your target audience.

When choosing a name, speak to the buyer in his language.

Respectable ladies are unlikely to want to visit a Japanese restaurant called “Sushi-Mushi”, and young people will not be attracted to the “Quiet Evening” cafe.

Therefore, when choosing a name for a restaurant, studio or construction company, first of all decide who exactly you will work with.

Construction The company, depending on its field of activity, may be called:

  • My fortress
  • Elite – Build
  • Marvelous House
  • Guarantee
  • EcoStroy
  • Reconstruction
  • Master OK
  • Monolith Stroy

Legal The following names are suitable for the company:

  • Advisor
  • Themis
  • Lawyer
  • Expert
  • Partner
  • Consultant

Tourist the company will attract potential clients through names:

  • Around the World
  • Cote d'Azur
  • Paradise
  • Wind rose
  • Pilgrim
  • Oasis
  • Globus Tour
  • Vacation

Tea shop will stand out among competitors with the name:

  • Welding
  • Real tea
  • Tealeaf
  • Plantation
  • Samovar
  • Tea house

Real estate agency can be called:

  • Good choice
  • Square meter
  • Favorite City
  • Cozy home
  • House Domych

Children's cafe suitable names:

  • Sweet tooth
  • Far Far Away Kingdom
  • Fairy tale
  • Planet of Childhood
  • Little toddler
  • Chocolateland
  • Yummy

Of course, the name itself will not bring profit and fame to your company.

But still, the name is a very important link between you and potential clients.

A correctly chosen name is the key to a successful start and subsequent development of the enterprise.

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