Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed production assets. Formula for the average annual value of fixed production assets Average annual value of fixed production assets

Fixed assets are means of labor. Unlike objects of labor, fixed assets are used many times in the production process and change their material form, but gradually wear out over time.

They are divided into production and non-production assets.

Production assets are involved in the process of manufacturing products or providing services, these include machines, machines, instruments, transmission devices, etc. .

Non-productive fixed assets are not involved in the process of creating products; these include residential buildings, kindergartens, clubs, stadiums, clinics, sanatoriums, etc.

There are the following types of monetary valuation of fixed assets:

1. Valuation at original cost, i.e. at actual production costs at the time of creation or acquisition, including transportation costs and installation, at prices of the year in which the OFs were manufactured or purchased.

Depreciation calculations are determined based on the original cost of fixed assets.

valuation at replacement cost, i.e. at the cost of reproduction of the PF at the time of revaluation.

This cost shows how much it would cost to create or acquire previously created or acquired PF at a given time.

On the balance sheet of an enterprise, PFs are listed at their original cost before their revaluation, and after revaluation - at their replacement cost. Therefore, the original or replacement cost is called the book value;

3) assessment based on the initial or replacement value, taking into account wear and tear (residual value), it gives a real idea of ​​the cost value of the assets at the time of their assessment, this is especially important when they are prematurely written off, replaced and reconstructed.

The average annual cost of fixed assets is determined on the basis of the initial cost, taking into account their commissioning and liquidation according to the following formula:

Table 4.1 - Initial data for calculating the value of fixed assets at the end of the year, average annual cost(option No. 2)

Table 4.2 - Initial data on the movement of fixed assets at the enterprise (option No. 2)

F bb.

Date entered

F select

Withdrawal date

The availability of fixed assets can be determined on a date and for a period. In the first case, these will be momentary indicators, in the second - averages for the period (interval). The value of fixed assets at the end of the period is determined:

Where: F k.p.- value of fixed assets at the end of the period;

F n.p.. - value of fixed assets at the beginning of the period;

F centuries- cost of received fixed assets;

F select - the cost of retired fixed assets for the period.

Determine the structure of fixed assets at the beginning of the year (Fig. 4.1):

Figure 4.1 - Structure of fixed assets at the beginning of the year, %

Calculation of the value of fixed assets at the end of the year:

  • - buildings: F k.p. = F n.p.. + F centuries - F select. = 15 221,5 (3,6%)
  • - structures: 52,341.2 (12.5%)
  • - transfer devices: 22,694.3 + 1,530 - 1,730= 22,494.3 (5.3%)
  • - machinery, equipment: 304,890 + 4,234 - 3,234 = 305,890 (73%)
  • - transport: 15,123+ 3,670 - 2,670= 16,123 (3.9%)
  • - tool: 7456 + 7.3 - 6.3 = 7,457 (1.8%)

Total: 419527.

We determine the structure of fixed assets at the end of the year (Fig. 4.2):

Figure 4.2 - Structure of fixed assets at the end of the year, %

Calculation of depreciation charges is carried out according to the formula corresponding to the selected method for each type of PF (Table 4.3)

Table 4.3 - Methods for calculating depreciation charges for each type of PF

Group of fixed assets

Method of calculating depreciation

Formula for calculation

Calculation, thousand rubles.


A 1 =15 221,5 *2/100= 304,43



A 2 =52 341,2 *3/100= 1570,236

Transfer devices


A 3 =22 494.3 *4/100= 899,772

Machines, equipment


A 4 =305 890*10/100= 30589


reducing balance method

where to -acceleration factor = 1,2

A 5 =16 123 * = 1547,808



A 6 =7 457 *50/100= 3728,5

Formula for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets:

Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets:

417726 + 1402,5 + 3528,3 + 1223,3 + 5,475 - 865 - 2425,5 - 1335 - 5,25 = 419 245,825

Table 4.4 - Results of calculating the cost of fixed assets at the end of the year, the structure of fixed assets, average annual cost, depreciation

Group of fixed assets

Cost, thousand rubles.

Amount of depreciation, thousand rubles.

at the beginning of the year

structure, %

at the end of the year

structure, %


Transfer devices

Machines, equipment



The value of fixed assets at the beginning of the period was 417,726 thousand rubles.

The value of fixed assets at the end of the period amounted to 419,527 thousand rubles.

The average annual value of fixed assets amounted to 419,245.825 thousand rubles.

The amount of depreciation of buildings amounted to 304.43 thousand rubles.

The amount of depreciation of structures amounted to 1,570.236 thousand rubles.

The amount of depreciation of transmission devices amounted to 899.772 thousand rubles.

The amount of depreciation of machinery and equipment amounted to 30,589 thousand rubles.

The amount of transport depreciation amounted to 1,547.808 thousand rubles.

The amount of tool depreciation amounted to 3,728.5 thousand rubles.

The amount of depreciation for the year amounted to 38,639.746 thousand rubles.

The average annual total accounting value of fixed assets (fixed assets, funds) is calculated by accountants for the following purposes:

  • preparation of appropriate accounting and statistical reporting,
  • determination of the property tax base;
  • achieving internal management and financial goals.

The full accounting value of fixed assets is the original price of the object, which is adjusted by the amount of revaluation (depreciation). Revaluation may be caused by reconstruction, additional equipment, modernization, completion and partial liquidation.

During operation, fixed assets are subject to wear, and they completely or partially lose their original properties. For this reason, the calculation of the average annual value of fixed assets influences the calculation of the residual value.

The residual value is calculated by subtracting the amount of depreciation from the original cost.

Fixed assets, as a rule, transfer their value to finished products over a fairly long period, which may include several cycles. For this reason, accounting is organized in such a way that a one-time reflection and preservation of the original form occurs, including price losses over time.

Before considering the formula for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets, you should consider the classification of fixed assets.

The main production assets (funds) include:

  • Buildings, which are architectural objects that are designed to create working conditions (garage, warehouse, workshop, etc.).
  • Structures that include engineering-construction type objects that are used to carry out the transportation process (bridge, tunnel, track devices, water supply system, etc.).
  • Transmission devices (electricity transmission, gas and oil pipelines).
  • Machinery and equipment (press, machine tool, generator, engine, etc.).
  • Measuring devices.
  • Electronic computing and other equipment.
  • Vehicles (locomotive, car, crane, loader, etc.),
  • Tools and inventory.

To calculate the average annual cost of fixed assets, use the following formula:

C = Spn + (Svv * ChM) / 12 - (Svbh ChMv) / 12.

Here From mon is the initial cost of the OS,

Свв – cost of introduced OS,

Chm – number of months of operation of the introduced OS,

Svb – cost of retired fixed assets,

Chmv – number of months of retirement,

The formula for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets uses all indicators based on the original cost at the time of acquisition. If the organization has undergone a revaluation of fixed assets, then the value is taken as of the date of the last revaluation.

Formula for the average annual cost of fixed assets on the balance sheet

The formula for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets can be calculated using the balance sheet information. This method is used to determine the profitability indicators of an enterprise.

The formula for calculating the average annual value of fixed assets on the balance sheet is the sum of the indicators on the balance sheet line “Fixed assets” at the end of the reporting year and at the end of the base year (previous), then the amount is divided by 2.

To calculate the formula, information is used from the balance sheet, which covers transactions not only for the period as a whole, but also for each month separately.

The formula for calculating the average annual value of fixed assets on the balance sheet is as follows:

C = R + (W × HM) / 12 – / 12

Here R is the initial cost of the OS,

W – cost of fixed assets introduced,

FM – the number of months of validity of the introduced OS,

D – liquidation value of fixed assets,

L – number of months of operation of retired OS.

OPF are material and material elements that repeatedly participate in production process, do not change their original appearance, and their cost is transferred in parts to the cost of the manufactured products.

The average annual cost of OPF in the reporting period is determined by the formula:

Where: - the cost of OPF at the beginning of the year;

- cost of received OPF;

- cost of retired general purpose pension funds;

m is the number of months of deregistration of retired OPFs in the reporting year.

million rubles

Cost of OPF at the end of the reporting year:

Million rub.

1.2 Calculation of indicators for the use of general fund

Capital productivity is an indicator that expresses the ratio of the cost of construction and installation work carried out in one year (or another period of time) to the average annual cost of the general public fund. Shows how much production (in monetary terms) is received from each ruble of operating capital.

Capital intensity – inverse indicator return on assets. Shows what share of OPF is in 1 ruble of construction and installation work performed on our own.

The renewal coefficient is the ratio of the cost of received general fund to the cost of general fund at the end of the reporting year.

Capital-labor ratio is an indicator characterizing the cost of the active part of the general public fund per one worker employed in construction.

Table 2. Calculation of indicators for the use of general fund

No. Name of indicators Conditional designation Values ​​by period
Base Reporting
1. Capital productivity 2,007846 -
- 1,912368
2. Capital intensity 0,4982 -
- 0,5228
Continuation of table 2
3. OPF update factor - 2,18
4. OPF disposal rate - 2,121
5. Reproduction coefficient of general population

- 0,069
66. Capital-labor ratio 62,22 -
- 60,72

Conclusion: as can be seen from the calculation of indicators for the use of OPF:

A decrease in the capital productivity indicator in the reporting year relative to the base year indicates a decrease in the volume of construction and installation work, which could have occurred due to ineffectiveness and rational use new equipment, and also due to the short time spent production assets in operation.

2. An increase in the capital intensity indicator in the reporting year in relation to the base year indicates a decrease in production efficiency, since the production of this construction products is provided at great expense by OPF.

3.Renewal factor– the main indicator characterizing the rate of reproduction of fixed capital. It is calculated as the ratio of the value of introduced physical capital to the total value at the end of the year. By construction organization equal to 2.18%. This value indicates a certain share of OPF renewal in a construction organization. The leading directions of renewal are an increase in the scale of disposal of physically and morally worn-out means of labor and a corresponding increase in the share of new ones aimed at replacing the first ones.

4.Attrition rate– a value reflecting the intensity of renewal of production assets, calculated as the ratio of retired capital investments to the total cost at the beginning of the year (taking into account capital retired due to physical and moral wear and tear, since it also retires for reasons not related to its aging). It is equal to 2.121%. This value means that the organization is to some extent updating outdated equipment. Increasing the degree of renewal is possible by attracting new equipment or major repairs (modernization) of old equipment, provided that the costs of this should not lead to an increase in production costs.

5.Reproduction rate– reflects the relative increase (decrease) of general fund due to their renewal (disposal). Equal to 0.069%, which indicates that the disposal of general purpose pension funds does not exceed their renewal. The noticeable difference between the retirement rate and the renewal rate suggests that the OPF is being updated more than it is leaving.

6. Capital-labor ratio– characterizes the equipment of employees of industrial enterprises. Decrease given coefficient indicates that in the reporting year, compared to the base year, the share of manual labor increased and the share of mechanized labor decreased.

1.3 We determine the shares of intensive (due to changes in capital productivity) and extensive (due to changes in the size of the general public fund) factors for changing the volume of construction and installation work.

Successful Operation fixed assets depends on how fully the extensive and intensive factors for improving their use are realized.

Intensive factors changes in the volume of construction and installation work are development factors production activities construction organization through more complete use of each unit of resource potential due to increased labor productivity, more complete use of materials, increased return on fixed assets, and better use of working time.

Extensive factors changes in the volume of construction and installation work are factors involved in the development construction production, increasing the output of finished construction products by attracting additional resources without increasing the efficiency of their use.

Extensive way development involves a way to increase production through quantitative factors while maintaining its previous technical basis: additional attraction of labor, the number of enterprises, workshops, sites, increasing the construction of new facilities. With this development path, a large number of resources (natural, labor, material) are involved in production, but no significant changes in engineering and technology, labor organization, worker qualifications.

In-production reserves for improving the use of existing production capacities are divided into extensive and intensive reserves.

TO extensive factors include reserves for increasing the useful operating time of equipment within the regime fund. These include eliminating intra-shift and full-day equipment downtime, as well as reducing the duration of scheduled repairs.

Group intensive reserves include measures to more fully load equipment per unit of time, improve the skills of workers and, on this basis, more fully utilize the productivity of machines, increase the output of finished construction products, etc.

Extensive improving the use of fixed assets assumes that, on the one hand, the operating time of existing equipment in a calendar period will be increased, and on the other hand, it will increase specific gravity operating equipment as part of all equipment available at the enterprise.

Although the extensive way of improving the use of fixed assets has not yet been fully used, it has its limit. The possibilities of the intensive route are much wider.

Intensive improving the use of fixed assets involves increasing the degree of equipment utilization per unit of time. This can be achieved by modernizing existing machines and mechanisms and establishing an optimal mode of their operation. Operation at optimal mode technological process ensures an increase in production output without changing the composition of fixed assets, without increasing the number of employees and reducing the consumption of material resources per unit of production.

Intensity the use of fixed assets is also increased by technical improvement of tools and improvement of production technology, elimination of bottlenecks in the production process, reduction of time to achieve the design productivity of equipment, improvement scientific organization labor, production and management, the use of high-speed work methods, advanced training and professional excellence workers.

The development of technology and the associated intensification of processes are not limited. Therefore, the possibilities for intensively increasing the use of fixed assets are not limited.

1.3.a Dynamics of construction and installation work volumes in the reporting year due to changes in capital productivity:

Million rub.

1.3.b. Dynamics of construction and installation work volumes due to changes in the size of the open fund:

Million rub.

Dynamics of construction and installation work volumes:


Million rub.

Million rub.

- therefore, the calculations were performed correctly.


Fixed production assets (FPF) are means of production for long-term use: buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, etc.

To calculate depreciation charges and indicators of the efficiency of use of fixed production assets, their average annual cost is calculated.

We calculate the average annual cost for each type using formulas depending on the initial data.

For transfer devices, a disposal of 17,900 thousand rubles is planned. in the 1st quarter, the average annual cost of OPF is planned according to the formula

where F is the average annual cost of open pension fund, thousand rubles;

F 1.01 -- cost of OPF at the beginning of the year, thousand rubles;

FN.S.G. -- cost of open pension fund at the beginning of the next year, thousand rubles;

F 1.02, ..., F 1.12 - cost of open pension fund at the beginning of each month, thousand rubles.

For machinery and equipment, it is planned to commission 84,300 thousand rubles. from June 1, the average annual cost of OPF can be calculated using the formula

where F VV is the cost of the OPF put into operation, thousand rubles;

F CHOICE - cost of decommissioned OPF, thousand rubles;

t 1 -- the number of full months remaining until the end of the year from the date of putting the OPF into operation;

t 2 -- the number of full months remaining until the end of the year from the date of disposal

OPF out of operation.

For vehicles, it is planned to retire 2800 thousand rubles. in August, the average annual cost of OPF can be calculated using formula 5

enterprise revenue costs profitability

Since the input time is 1620 thousand rubles. is not planned for computer technology, then the average annual cost of the general fund can be calculated using the formula


where F NG is the cost of OPF at the beginning of the year, thousand rubles;

F VV - cost of the OPF put into operation, thousand rubles;

F CHOICE - cost of decommissioned OPF, thousand rubles.

5300 + = 6110 thousand rubles.

We calculate the structure for each type of OPF using the example of machinery and equipment:

where is the average annual cost of OPF by element, thousand rubles;

Total average annual cost of OPF, thousand rubles.

We summarize the calculation results in Table 2.

Table 2 -- Average annual cost and structure of open pension fund

According to this RUES, the active part includes machinery and equipment, transmission devices, computer technology, tools and vehicles, and make up 63.8% of the total cost of OPF. The passive part of the general public fund includes buildings and constitutes 36.2% of the total cost of the general public fund. In general, according to this RUES, the structure of the OPF is rational

The concept of average annual price (hereinafter - AP) in economics is interpreted as a value that reflects the change in the price of fixed production assets (FAP) throughout the year as a consequence of their commissioning and liquidation. Calculation of average annual cost is necessary for analysis economic efficiency production is carried out taking into account the initial cost of funds. We will tell you in the article how the average annual cost of fixed assets is calculated, according to what formula and indicators.

Characteristics of the average annual price of fixed production assets

When making calculations, the accountant must be guided by the following documents in force in the Russian Federation.

Document name What does it include?
PBU 6/01 No. 26nAccounting for general fund
Guidelines for accounting of fixed assets No. 91n dated 10/13/2003Rules for the organization of accounting for open pension fund
Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-05-05-01/55 dated July 15, 2011On the average value of property on which property tax is calculated
Tax Code of the Russian Federation, art. 376Determination of the tax base

Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets

There are several options for calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets. The accountant has the right to choose one or even a number of calculation methods depending on the goals pursued.

SP calculation method SP calculation formula Characteristic
The month of input (withdrawal) of fixed assets is not countedSP = (OPF price at the beginning of the year (January 1) + OPF price at the end of the year (December 31)) / 2;

price of OPF at the beginning of the year + price of introduced OPF - price of written-off

The book price of OPF is involved in the calculation;

this option is considered less accurate, since the month when the OPF was entered and withdrawn is not counted

The month of input (withdrawal) of fixed assets is countedFormula 1 (for economic indicators of capital productivity, etc.):

SP = price at the beginning of the year + number of months from the date of entry of assets - number of months from the date of withdrawal of assets until the end of the year;

Formula 2 (intermediate level):

SP = (price at the beginning of the first month

Price by the end of the first month

Price at the beginning of the second month

Price by the end of the second month, etc...

Price at the beginning of the last month

Price by the end of the last month) / 12;

Formula 3 (definition of SP for taxation in the tax period):

SP = (residual price at the beginning of the first month

Residual price at the beginning of the second month, etc.

Residual price at the beginning of the last month

when calculating an advance for half a year, 3, 9 months, a denominator is taken equal to the sum of months and units

A reliable method, since all proposed formulas take into account the month of withdrawal (input) of assets, in addition, the method makes it possible to use several calculation options

Data for calculation is taken from available documents:

  • balance sheet (asset value);
  • balance sheet according to account. “Fixed assets” (cost of introduced assets);
  • credit turnover on account "Fixed Assets"

Of the described calculation options, taking into account the month of input (withdrawal) of funds, the formula for calculating the average level is recognized as the most accurate. This formula 2, by which the average chronological one is calculated, is also recognized as the most reliable. As for the calculation of SP for property tax calculations, Formula 3 is considered the only acceptable one for this type of calculation. Other calculation options are not used to calculate property taxes.

Example 1. Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets, taking into account the month of their entry (write-off)

The results of this calculation option look more convincing, since the calculations take into account the month of input (withdrawal) of assets. The following values ​​are used for calculations:

  • price at the beginning of the year (10 thousand rubles);
  • the price of introduced OPF (150 thousand rubles - March, 100 thousand rubles - June and 200 thousand rubles - August);
  • the prices of written-off general purpose pension funds are 50 rubles (250 thousand as of February, October).

So, the calculation is carried out according to the formula: price at the beginning of the year + (number of months from the time of entry / 12 * price of entered OPF) - (number from the time of withdrawal / 12 * price of written off OPF).

According to the SP calculation, it turns out: 10,000 + (9/12 * 150 + 6/12 *100 + 4/ 12 * 200) - (10/12 *50 + 2/12 *250) = 10,000 + (112 + 50 + 66) - (41 + 41) = 10,146 rubles. This is the value of the SP of the main assets.

Example 2. Calculation of the average annual cost of fixed assets without taking into account the month of their entry (write-off)

This is a simplified method of calculation, less accurate than that used in the previous example. SP calculation is made using the formula: (OPF price at the beginning of the year (January 1) + OPF price at the end of the year (December 31)) / 2.

The cost at the end of the year is calculated as follows: the price of the general fund at the beginning of the year + the price of the introduced general fund - the price of the written off general fund. For calculations, the digital data given in example 1 is used.

Analysis of the values ​​obtained when calculating the average annual value of fixed assets in examples 1 and 2 So, in the two examples given, the same digital values ​​were used. These data show that the entry and write-off of assets was carried out unevenly throughout the year. Thus, OPF were introduced in March, June and August, and write-offs were made in February and October.

SP calculation was carried out in two different ways: without taking into account the month of entry (write-off) of assets and with it taken into account. The option for calculating SP, described in example 1, takes into account the month of entry (write-off) of fixed assets. It is complex, but more reliable. In example 2, a simplified calculation method was used for calculation (without taking into account the month of entry and write-off of assets). But it was he who gave the inaccurate result.

The difference in the obtained digital totals for the SP when calculating in the two examples is obvious. The value of the SP in the first and second examples is slightly different (10,145 rubles and 10,075 rubles). The difference is 70 rubles. Thus, if the input (output) of fixed assets is uneven, calculation of SP can be carried out in any way, but the one that takes into account the month of entered and written-off assets will be more accurate.

Common errors related to calculating the average annual value of fixed assets

Enough common mistake- inclusion of the value of land plots on the balance sheet in property tax calculations. Firstly, property tax is not deducted from plots of land. Secondly, only those lands that are the property of the organization are classified as OPF.

Another error is observed when calculating SP. When calculating for property tax calculations, the cost indicator of fixed assets is taken, the tax base of which is determined as the cadastral value. At the same time, the price of such funds does not need to be taken to calculate the residual value of assets when calculating SP.

Economic indicators characterizing the efficiency of using fixed assets

The degree of effectiveness of the application of OPF is determined by core economic indicators - capital productivity, capital intensity, capital-labor ratio. Thus, capital productivity reflects the ratio finished products per ruble OPF. Capital intensity is the amount of funds for each ruble of finished products. Capital ratio indicates the degree of provision of working organizations with assets.

The analysis of the economic indicators under consideration is aimed at finding, eliminating and preventing problematic situations in relation to the profitability of enterprises. To carry out calculation operations for these indicators, the SP of fixed assets is used. Calculations are carried out using different formulas:

  1. For capital productivity: volume of manufactured products / SP of fixed assets.
  2. For capital intensity: SP of fixed assets / volume of production.
  3. For capital equipment: SP of fixed assets / average number of employees.

The dynamics of these economic indicators throughout the year characterizes the consistency of the use of funds with different sides. Thus, the positive development of the capital productivity indicator, that is, its increase, indicates the effectiveness of using the general fund. Low capital intensity indicates sufficient efficiency of equipment use. In relationship, both indicators manifest themselves as follows.

Capital intensity is growing, but capital productivity is decreasing, which means that irrational use funds by the organization. Accordingly, measures should be taken urgently.

For research on the use of fixed assets, the dynamics of changes in each indicator are taken into account separately. Thus, the inconsistency in the use of resources is also indicated by an increase in the capital-labor ratio with low growth in labor productivity in comparison with the indicator.

Since technical condition assets depends on the degree of their deterioration, then the relative wear rate is also of no small importance for the characteristics of fixed production assets. The depreciation coefficient is calculated as follows: the credited amount of depreciation during use (end, beginning of the year) / initial price of the general fund (beginning, end of the year). If during calculation it turns out that the depreciation rate at the end of the year is less than the figure at the beginning of the year, it means that the condition of the assets has improved.

Answers to questions on calculating the average annual cost of fixed assets

Question No. 1. How do capital productivity and average annual cost relate to each other?

Capital productivity is considered by economists as a general economic indicator, which shows the effectiveness of using OPF. High level capital productivity exceeding the industry average indicates that the organization is highly competitive, and vice versa. The level of capital productivity below the industry average indicates the organization’s non-competitiveness.

Question No. 2. How does capital productivity (fixed assets) affect profit?

When OPF and capital productivity exceed the amount of production and sales expenses, profits will also increase. As capital productivity increases, economic stability also increases, as does the efficiency of using funds. When the level of capital productivity falls, these characteristics decrease.

All calculations for the average annual price are carried out according to the standard formulas given. However, it is more appropriate to use exact way calculation given in example 1. If a number of OPF were entered and written off in a year, then the SP is calculated for each asset, taking into account the period of use. As a result, the results are summarized.

Question No. 4. How to correct accounting errors made last year (period) in the data that was used to calculate property tax?

Standard counting options:

  1. OPF entry coefficient = price of entered OPF for the period / price of OPF on the balance sheet at the end of the year.
  2. Write-off coefficient of general fund = prices of written off general fund by period / price of general fund on the balance sheet at the beginning of the year.

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