Legal services vk. Texts about legal services: examples of how to write advertising that sells

Attracting followers and growing your base is an important task. How more people They will learn about you and follow you, the more recognizable your company’s brand will become.

What will help convince social media users to subscribe to your newsletter?

To motivate the subscription, it is more important to interest the user with a pleasant bonus or gift. Follow the win-win principle, you are interested in a subscriber, so that he becomes your client in the future, but the subscriber must also be interested in you, and for this you need to try and offer something really important and valuable.

What bonuses can be offered in exchange for a subscription?

Here you need to think, evaluate what is important to your target audience, what pain they have, what problems and help them solve these issues using the following tools:

    1. Reminders, checklists, step by step instructions – make useful, practical documents for your subscribers with instructions on how to solve certain problems legal problems, For example, “How to collect a penalty from a developer”, or “5 signs of fraud in real estate transactions”, “What to do if your company is sued?” etc. This will increase the loyalty of your audience
    2. Free 30-minute consultation– if you are ready to communicate with the client individually and answer his legal questions, provide him with this opportunity in exchange for a subscription. It is important not to sell immediately at the first consultation. First, get to know the person, build a dialogue, understand what questions he has, and only after that offer your help.
    3. Educational videos– if you are already mastering, making videos, then as a bonus for subscribing you can offer a series of training videos or even a video course, for example, “How to collect accounts receivable under construction contracts." Think about it.

We've looked at some of the main bonuses that you can offer, but the list is not limited to this. You can come up with something of your own. Take action!

The main problem with lawyers’ websites is the texts there about legal services ah are often difficult for the average person to understand. If the article contains examples such as “claim proceedings” or “subjective law”, you can scare off an unprepared client.

Contents (article updated on February 26, 2019)

A person is interested in only 2 questions: “How can I solve this problem?” and “Is it profitable for me to spend money on solving it?” For the buyer, the SELLING text about the provision of legal services should be written in simple and accessible language.

If a legal advertisement can be understood even by a person with incomplete secondary education (yes, yes, there are such people), then the audience reach will be much wider.

Texts about legal services: why are they needed?

How to write selling texts about legal services?

The best texts about legal services consist of 4 selling components:

  • Lead (intro). Describe possible problems client in everyday life. The use of professionalisms is allowed only in small quantities, with references and explanations.
  • Offer. Briefly and succinctly describe what you offer.
  • Objection processing. The client has questions and doubts - predict them in the text. Specific examples can be seen in samples of advertisements for legal services later in the article. Choose your words carefully. After all, it will be much more honest and beautiful not “ guarantee of results", A " reasonable forecast of a successful outcome of the case».
  • Call to action. Good lyrics about legal services they delicately hint at what horrors of legal hell await the client if he does not turn to a competent lawyer in time. While someone is chewing snot, the enemy is not asleep. He collects information, disposes of evidence and sells property. In general, he prepares cunning escape routes and carefully takes aim for a legal shot on the spot.

In your legal services flyer, focus more on the outcome rather than the process. This hints at a willingness to stretch the process indefinitely, which generates a stream of difficult clients. In pre-trial conflict resolution it is also necessary prompt assistance lawyer. Well-constructed arguments will nip the conflict in the bud and help avoid legal costs.

In a leaflet about the provision of legal services, attract the customer with free legal advice and constantly repeat this in the text. Google is literally bursting with queries " free lawyer", "free legal advice"etc., etc.

Do not hide the time allotted for a free consultation from the client. The main thing is to answer all questions professionally, and a grateful client will agree to a paid consultation. I will also recommend it to friends via wireless phone.

Texts about legal services: samples

Some are affected by horror stories, while others are affected by positivity. Based on the results of AB testing, you can find the most suitable option. Here's the first option:

Sample advertisement for legal services in a negative way

Did they demolish a partition in the apartment without approval from regulatory authorities in order to combine the rooms? This is an unauthorized redevelopment. Legalize unauthorized redevelopment until the apartment is sold at public auction by court decision in accordance with clause 5.1. Art. 29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Get the right to comfort. Contact us for a free consultation!

In the second case, you can write texts about legal services in full in a positive way. A person gets a solution to his problems, and our caring specialists will run through all authorities with their tongues out, solve issues and show results. Which of the above options the customer will fall for depends on his specific character and outlook on life. To measure everyone with the same brush is an unforgivable mistake.

Sample advertisement for legal services in a positive way

Legalize redevelopment and unauthorized buildings. Create the perfect home to your liking and enjoy happy life– and we will take care of the tedious formalities of filling out the paperwork. Contact us for a free consultation now!

Example text of an advertisement for legal services No. 1

Do you doubt that you can afford legal services? Don't know how to prepare for the trial and protect your rights? Confused about the laws and don’t know how to correctly formulate a claim?

Contact our legal specialists and get answers to your questions completely free of charge: via online chat, by phone, or make an appointment.

Our services: inheritance lawyer, real estate lawyer, housing lawyer, car lawyer, criminal lawyer, lawyer for family disputes and civil cases.

What is an insoluble problem for you is an everyday situation for us.

We guarantee:

  • Availability .
  • Efficiency .
  • Confidentiality .
  • Complex service.
  • Transparency .

Failure to contact a lawyer promptly may result in prison time or loss of property. Don't delay, contact us now.

Contact details : address, website, telephone

Next, set aside half an hour for each client, notify him of this, and professionally answer his questions within the specified time. After the specified time has passed, you inform him that the time has expired and the problem is beyond the scope of a free consultation. Give him a business card with contact information. If he has received at least a partial solution to his problem, he will contact your company more than once, and will also call his friends through word of mouth. This works especially well on individual entrepreneurs. Very effective method attracting clients for a newbie.

Effective texts about legal services: tricks

Just don't deceive the client. Telling him the fables of Grandfather Shchukar is obviously a losing situation. Even if you manage to earn money once, there won’t be a next time. And he will dissuade others. And the main income for a lawyer comes from non-selling texts about legal services on the website, not advertisements on the fence, and not even commercial offers about cooperation, and regular customers and their social circle.

Texts about legal services: how to compose?

Over time, “big names” appear among clients or defeated defendants. This could be a famous politician, businessman, company or bank. You need to name them in a conversation with potential client– they will be your trump card. If you have already been able to cope with such a high-profile case, then you will definitely be able to cope with its problem. And include this in your legal sales copy.

The more texts about legal services contain specifics and narrow specialization, the more solvent clients will come to you. The more the ad says specifically about his problem, the more trust he will have. If you provide several services, try to write different advertisements for each.

Put yourself in the client's shoes. First think about WHAT the client wants. And secondly, HOW specifically you can help him. Then – will it be MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL.

And don't be afraid to write prices. The client tends to exaggerate them, so immediately identify your target audience.

Sample text of an advertisement for legal services on radio No. 1 (timing 40 seconds)

(Man sings a song with a guitar)

I bought an apartment on Tverskaya,

Without consulting a lawyer,

Now I live in a clean field,

And another one lives in that house.

Citizens! Learn from other people's mistakes. Before making an important decision for yourself, consult a lawyer. (Again the sound of a falling coin and a quiet “Thank you”) ...only with a lawyer. Law firm"Lawyer". Tel. 149-36-14, 149-36-14. And the consultation is only 150 rubles! (Killer argument)

Verdict: One of the rare examples when legal advertising about transaction support turned out to be creative and selling at the same time. Perfectly plays on psychological fears of losing an apartment during a transaction. In addition, 150 rubles is negligible compared to multi-million dollar transactions.

Sample of legal advertising on radio and YouTube No. 2 (timing 20 seconds)

Do you urgently need to draw up an agreement, a lawsuit or another document? The fast-jurist.rf service creates documents in 2 clicks for free and without registration. Detailed information on the website fast-jurist.rf.

Verdict: Simple, short and clear. The target audience will immediately use the service, and others will also remember the name of the site on occasion.

Texts about legal services: sample radio advertisement for a credit lawyer for bank debts No. 3 (15 seconds duration)

(Background melody ModernTalking–WintheRace) Credit lawyer. Legal assistance to bank debtors. Restructuring. Credit holidays. Termination of the contract. Debt write-off. Representation in court. Phone in Abakan 321-000

Verdict: Simple, short and memorable!

Texts about legal services: example of advertising on radio No. 4 (timing 20 seconds)

Attention parents! Is your son being drafted into the army despite having illnesses? Contact “Conscript 18” urgently! “Conscript 18” – emergency assistance to conscripts legally. Even with a summons to dispatch. 100% guarantee of results. Contact us at 907-927, 907-927.

Verdict: Very clearly marked at the beginning target audience. They specifically identify problems for which they can help. The flow of clients is guaranteed!

An example of an advertising text about the legal services of a car lawyer No. 5 (timing 1 minute)

(The sound of an engine. A shout of “Where are you going?”, the sound of a collision and exclamations. The sound of a number dialing. Beeps).

- Hello! Emergency commissioners? Help out!

(Announcer's voice accompanied by music): The service of Russian traffic lawyers will quickly and competently file your accident and will support the case until full compensation for the damage. “Emergency Commissioners” work for you, who at the very short time will arrive at the scene of the accident. All employees have extensive experience in analyzing emergency situations. Competent lawyers represent your interests in the traffic police, insurance and in court, and also provide assistance on the road by telephone. We officially cooperate with the Gorodetsky District Traffic Police, and, most importantly, all this is absolutely free. The office is located at st. Republican, 75A. Contact numbers “Emergency commissioners” 413-44-64, Lawyers 8-920-297-17-90, 8-920-297-17-90

Verdict: 1 minute is a long time. A person who listens to the radio constantly will get tired of this annoying video. But he will remember it for a long time. But the main goal of advertising legal services on radio and television is not to entertain the buyer, but to sell.

Selection of keys for the text of legal services on the website

The services of a lawyer are the same goods as bread, clothes or a car, only intangible. They cannot be weighed, measured or photographed. But nevertheless, they are necessary and must be sold correctly.

Texts about legal services: selection of keys

In order for the text to bring people from search to your site, and for them to read the article with interest, you need to include the correct key phrases. In order to find out what people are interested in and what questions they type into the search bar, use the services “Wordstat” and “Keyword Planner”.

Order a text about legal services from a copywriter

So that work makes you happy good income, professionalism alone is not enough. It is important that the client learns how you can help him IN A LANGUAGE HE UNDERSTANDS. He doesn't need mountains of abstruse legal terms - he needs a solution to the problem.

Ordering a text about legal services from a copywriter means writing in detail about simple things, and SIMPLY about complex ones. The services of a lawyer, due to the complexity and variability of the legislation, relate specifically to the second option. Therefore, simplify, simplify and simplify again.

Make your company a star on the legal map of the region and make your way to the Legal Olympus.

Article update from 02/26/2019

Friends! Due to overload, I have suspended writing texts on legal topics. My site has successfully reached the TOP for a large number of keywords, a lot of people contact me, and many regular customers have appeared. You have to narrow your range of topics. I don’t have enough time and energy for everyone, alas and ah!

Therefore, if you need a selling text, I suggest you contact a proven freelance exchange. I myself started my career as a copywriter on these exchanges, and therefore I can recommend them with a clear conscience.

Exchange No. 1. On this exchange you can not only order legal selling texts from a copywriter, but also order the creation of a legal website, design of leaflets and banners, customization contextual advertising For law firm, creating and promoting a group on social networks, dubbing audio clips, creating legal videos and much more. Many people do this in a highly specialized manner, so finding a quality performer at a reasonable price is quite possible.

You can register there in one click using your VKontakte, Facebook or Google+ account; mastering the exchange interface is no more difficult than reading this article to the end :) To order text, advertising, social networks, audio, video for a lawyer, click here.

Exchange No. 2. This exchange specializes only in copywriting. I recommend it if you need to get legal text at a minimal price or if you need a very large number of articles. There are a lot of performers here, so the dumping is just off the charts. If you doubt the quality of the artist, check the box “Select artist manually” and choose from the responses of the authors with the most readable portfolio :) To order legal article, press here.

I helped as much as I could. If you have questions, ask them in the comments, I will answer them in detail. Let the wind of profit blow in the sails of your business!

View prices

Promoting legal services on social networks is quite a complex and interesting task. In today's video, I answer a question from one of my subscribers on the topic of promoting legal services on social networks.
So, Question: I started promoting the legal services of a family lawyer in St. Petersburg. Profile - legal services, divorce proceedings, division of property and children during divorce. Where would you advise me to look for a target audience for promoting legal services on social networks?

Answer: In today's video I answer the question of promoting legal services on social networks. How to promote legal services on social networks, using the example of divorce lawyer services. By analogy, you can promote other legal services on social networks on social networks. Be sure to watch this video and apply all my recommendations for promoting legal services on social networks!

Question from a subscriber

In today's video I answer the question of Alexander Bakalov or Bakalov (I apologize if I pronounce it incorrectly). The question is: “Hello! I started promoting a family lawyer in St. Petersburg, specializing in divorce proceedings, division of property and children in divorce. Where would you advise me to look for my target audience?

Answer to a subscriber's question

Alexandra, since you live in St. Petersburg, I recommend that you focus all your efforts on St. Petersburg and work on this particular geo. Social network, which will suit you best is “Facebook” plus “Instagram”. But despite this, we must not forget that we need to be present both on VKontakte there and on Odnoklassniki.

promotion strategy

In your case, the promotion strategy is promotion personal brand. That is, all applications, all leads, all potentially interested people should contact you, and they should come to you based on trust in your personality. How is this trust formulated? This trust is expressed solely through your professionalism. That is, what should you do? You must show that you are a cool expert who knows what he does. Secondly, you must show that you know absolutely all the subtleties and nuances of divorce proceedings. Third, you must generate this content and show that you have been doing this for a very long time, or, if recently, that you have been doing this very deeply, deeply immersed, delving into the process, into the nuances.

By the way, one of the very good and interesting ideas- this is to sort out the divorce proceedings of some famous world stars. That is, take the divorce process. This one had this, she had this. Divorce proceedings: what the lawyer did for this, so that she was left with this, he was left with this. And what could be the consequences and worst expectations if the lawyer did not work correctly. That is, I think that in your case this will be of invaluable benefit to the audience that is faced with this problem.

And the promotion strategy, I repeat once again, is content, content, content. You must break down your niche, your specificity, into very small, small parts according to keywords, on key topics. And these words, these key questions from the target audience, which you can fill out in Yandex.Wordstat and see what the target audience is looking for. And to answer these questions, shoot videos, write articles and generate traffic to your blog. A blog is an excellent opportunity in which you can write articles for SEO promotion of your site, plus attach a video with a similar title that matches the title of the article. And these videos and articles will promote your site higher and higher in the search engine. That is, if you take care of adding interesting articles that relate directly to your topic.

how to advance

Then you can advertise these articles in the news feed there on Facebook, on Instagram, receive applications, conduct webinars, online broadcasts and everything like that. But the point is that you must collect traffic on the page, generate useful content and provide benefits to your target audience.

I hope I answered your question. If you have any additions, write in the group on VKontakte, in the “Q&A” section. You can read about promoting consulting on social networks. Vladimir Kazakov was with you. Write your questions. Agency "MADWINS". Bye!

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