Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. Operating mileage standards for vehicle tires Temporary standards RD 3112199 1085 02

When drawing up business plans for the technical operation of vehicles, completing coursework and diploma projects to determine the need for tires, it is necessary to use the “Temporary standards for the operational mileage of vehicle tires” (RD 3112199-1085-02).”

“On extending the validity period of the governing document

In order to ensure rational regulation of the mileage of car tires in operation, the Ministry of Transport of Russia r by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. AK-1-r.

Extended the validity period of RD 3112199-1085-02 “Temporary standards for the operational mileage of vehicle tires.”

Main provisions of the guidance document

Temporary standards for the operational mileage of vehicle tires. Rd 3112199-1085-02

RD 3112199-1085-02 contains regulatory and technical materials that establish the operating mileage standards for tires intended for use on cars, trucks, buses and trolleybuses, trailers and semi-trailers (categories M1, M2, MZ, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, 01, 02 and 03).

The document is intended for employees of motor transport enterprises and other organizations operating vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation in order to plan the need for tires, carry out financial calculations, determine the level of tariffs and ensure settlements for taxation of enterprises.

“Temporary standards for the operational mileage of vehicle tires” were developed at the Scientific Center “Technical Level and Safety of Vehicles” of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State Scientific Research Institute of Automobile Transport”.

Validity period extended until 01/01/2007.


Standards for the operational mileage of vehicle tires are intended to plan the tire needs of transport enterprises, implement a regime of economy and rational use of material resources, determine the level of tariffs and ensure settlements for taxation of enterprises.

Tire mileage standards were developed taking into account statistical analysis of actual data on average mileage and the main causes of failure of about 420 thousand tires taken out of service at motor transport enterprises of the Russian Federation.

2. Scope of application

These standards for the operational mileage of vehicle tires are established for tires intended for use on cars, trucks, buses and trolleybuses, trailers and semi-trailers (categories M1, M2, MZ, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, 01, 02, 03 and 04) (Appendix 1), which were not subject to refurbishment and were taken out of service for the following reasons:

    wear of the tread pattern (provided the tire is suitable for refurbishment);

    destruction of a production or operational nature, excluding the possibility of restoration repairs.

The norms are mandatory for use by organizations and individual entrepreneurs, regardless of their legal form.

3. Calculation of vehicle tire mileage standards

3.1. Operating mileage standards for vehicle tires are established based on the average statistical mileage of tires taken out of service.

3.2. The average statistical mileage of tires for cars (category M1), trucks (categories No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3), as well as buses and trolleybuses (categories M2, MZ) are presented in Table. 1 - 3. Tire mileage standards are established for each tire size and model, as well as each modification of the vehicles in use and correspond to certain operating conditions of road transport.

For automobile tires used on trailers and semi-trailers, operating mileage standards are established as for tractor-trailers.

3.3. Road transport and other operational factors are taken into account using a number of correction factors to the average tire mileage.

Correction factors depending on the category of operating conditions and the nature of operation of vehicles are presented in table. 4 and 5.

The standard tire mileage (Hi) is obtained by multiplying the average tire mileage by correction factors:

Hi = НхК1хК2,

where: N - average tire mileage, thousand km;

K1 - correction factor taking into account the category of operating conditions of the vehicle (see Table 4);

K2 is a correction factor that takes into account the operating conditions of the vehicle (see Table 5). In this case, the standard tire mileage should not be lower than 25% of the average tire mileage.

3.4. For new models of tires and new brands of cars for which tire mileage standards have not been established, the head of the enterprise has the right to introduce, by order of the enterprise, a temporary standard based on the average mileage of scrapped tires, agreed with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIAT. In this case, the validity period of temporary norms should not exceed 2 years. During this period, the compliance of the established norm value with the average mileage of a tire of a given size and model for a specific vehicle is checked and the norm value is clarified. Testing of temporary tire mileage standards is carried out by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIAT with the involvement of motor transport enterprises.

Valid Editorial from 04.04.2002

Name of document"TEMPORARY STANDARDS FOR OPERATING MILEAGE OF MOTOR VEHICLE TIRES. RD 3112199-1085-02" (approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on 04.04.2002)
Document typeclassification, norms
Receiving authorityMinistry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Document numberRD 3112199-1085-02
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date04.04.2002
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published

"TEMPORARY STANDARDS FOR OPERATING MILEAGE OF MOTOR VEHICLE TIRES. RD 3112199-1085-02" (approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on 04.04.2002)

First Deputy
Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
April 4, 2002


This Guidance Document contains regulatory and technical materials that establish the operating mileage standards for tires intended for use on cars, trucks, buses and trolleybuses, trailers and semi-trailers (categories M1, M2, M3, N1, N2, N3, 01, 02 and 03).

The document is intended for employees of motor transport enterprises and other organizations operating vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation in order to plan the need for tires, carry out financial calculations, determine the level of tariffs and ensure settlements for taxation of enterprises.

"Temporary standards for the operational mileage of vehicle tires" were developed at the Scientific Center "Technical Level and Safety of Vehicles" of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Scientific Research Institute of Automobile Transport".

Valid until 01/01/2004.

1. Introduction

Standards for the operational mileage of vehicle tires are intended to plan the tire needs of transport enterprises, implement a regime of economy and rational use of material resources, determine the level of tariffs and ensure settlements for taxation of enterprises.

Tire mileage standards were developed taking into account statistical analysis of actual data on average mileage and the main causes of failure of about 420 thousand tires taken out of service at motor transport enterprises of the Russian Federation.

2. Scope of application

These service mileage standards for vehicle tires are established for tires intended for use on cars, trucks, buses and trolleybuses, trailers and semi-trailers (categories M1, M2, M3, N1, N2, N3, 01, 02, 03 and 04) ( Appendix 1), which were not subject to refurbishment and were taken out of service for the following reasons:

Wear of the tread pattern (provided the tire is suitable for refurbishment);

Destruction of a production or operational nature, excluding the possibility of restoration repairs.

The norms are mandatory for use by organizations and individual entrepreneurs, regardless of their legal form.

3. Calculation of vehicle tire mileage standards

3.1. Operating mileage standards for vehicle tires are established based on the average statistical mileage of tires taken out of service.

3.2. The average mileage of tires for cars (category M1), trucks (categories N1, N2 and N3), as well as buses and trolleybuses (categories M2, M3) are presented in table. 1 - 3.

Tire mileage standards are established for each tire size and model, as well as each modification of the vehicles in use and correspond to certain operating conditions of road transport.

For automobile tires used on trailers and semi-trailers, operating mileage standards are established as for tractor-trailers.

3.3. Road transport and other operational factors are taken into account using a number of correction factors to the average tire mileage.

Correction factors depending on the category of operating conditions and the nature of operation of vehicles are presented in table. 4 and 5.

The standard tire mileage (Hi) is obtained by multiplying the average tire mileage by correction factors:

Hi = H x K1 x K2,

H - average tire mileage, thousand km;

K1 - correction factor taking into account the category of operating conditions of the vehicle (see Table 4);

K2 is a correction factor that takes into account the operating conditions of the vehicle (see Table 5).

In this case, the standard tire mileage should not be lower than 25% of the average tire mileage.

3.4. For new models of tires and new brands of cars for which tire mileage standards have not been established, the head of the enterprise has the right to introduce, by order of the enterprise, a temporary standard based on the average mileage of scrapped tires, agreed with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIAT. In this case, the validity period of temporary norms should not exceed 2 years. During this period, the compliance of the established norm value with the average mileage of a tire of a given size and model for a specific vehicle is checked and the norm value is clarified.

Testing of temporary tire mileage standards is carried out by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIAT with the involvement of motor transport enterprises. After the temporary standards for tire mileage have been clarified, they are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and acquire the status of permanent standards.

Table 1


N p/pBase car modelTire model
1 2 3 4 5
Cars of domestic production and CIS countries
1. VAZ-1111 "Oka" and modifications135/80R12BI-30835
2. VAZ-2101, -2102, -2103, -2104, -2105, -2106, -2107, -2108, -2109 and modifications155-13/6, 15-13 I-15140
165-13/6, 45-13 AI-168U, M-145, S-110, Vl-20, VS-240
165/70R13Bl-85, VS-11, VS-2, BC-19, YA-508, KAMA-205, KAMA-503, MR-845
165/80R13MI-16-1, MI-16, YA-370, YA-51545
175/70R13Bl-85, VS-4, VS-11, VS-20, 10V, VS-12, M-202, M-204, I-380, I-458, I-545, I-552, I-391, BI-391, VLI-39145
M-232, O-78, Ya-400, 15V, SPT-440
185/65R13BC-13, BC-16, K-161, K-17745
3. VAZ-2121 "Niva" and modifications175-16/6,95-16 Vl-21, Vli-545
VS-17, Vl-5340
4. GAZ-24 and modifications7,35-14 ID-195, AID-23, VL-14, VL-2040
5. GAZ-3102, -31013, -31029, -3105, -33029, -24 and modifications205/70R14ID-220, OI-297, IL-259, VS-1, KAMA-ART, KS-2, BTsID-220, BC-1, I-371, I-503, NR-60, LM-2, Bel- 59, I-426, I-440, I-43650
M-227, M-21745
6. GAZ-3110 and modifications195/65R15L-8, KAMA Nicola, KAMA Grant, I-437, I-456, I-50150
7. GAZ-14 "Chaika"9,35-15 IL-126, IL-13724
8. ZAZ-968, -1102 and modifications155/70R13BTs-11, BL-85, BL-85-145
6,15-13 I-15140
9. IZH-2125, -2126, -2715, Moskvich-408, -412, -423, -424, -427, -2136, -2140 and modifications 6,45-13 M-145, Vl-20, BTS-1, S-11040
165/80R13MI-16, M-190, I-37045
Vl-14, AI-168U40
175/70R13IN-251, 10V, VLI-391, I-391, BI-391, I-40245
Ya-400, S-129, SPT-440
10. Moskvich-2141 and modifications165/80R14MI-18045
185/65R14BC-5, I-394, BI-394, M-239, 26V, K-187, YA-438, YA-460, YA-523, YA-540, VS-1850
Foreign cars
1. BMW of various modifications185/65R15, 195/65R15, 205/60R1450
2. Chevrolet of various modifications195/70R14, 185/70R14, 235/55R15foreign-made tires50
3. Daewoo of various modifications175/70R13, 185/65R14foreign-made tires45
4. Ford of various modifications175/70R13, 185/65R13, 185/65R14, 185/70R14, 185/75R14, 195/70R14foreign-made tires55
5. Hyundai of various modifications195/70R14, 195/75R14, 205/60R15foreign-made tires40
6. Honda of various modifications185/70R14, 205/65R14, 185/65R15, 195/60R15, 185/65R15, 205/65R15foreign-made tires50
7. Kia of various modifications165/70R13, 175/70R13, 195/75R14foreign-made tires45
8. Mercedes Benz of various modifications185/70R14, 195/65R14, 195/75R14, 195/65R15, 205/60R15, 205/65R15foreign-made tires50
9. Opel of various modifications185/70R14, 195/70R14, 225/70R15, 225/75R16, 235/75R16foreign-made tires60
10. SAAB of various modifications185/65R15, 195/60R15, 205/65R15foreign-made tires40
11. Renault of various modifications175/70R13, 195/65R14foreign-made tires55
12. Toyota of various modifications165/70R13, 175/70R13, 195/70R14, 185/80R14foreign-made tires50
13. Volkswagen of various modifications165/70R13, 175/70R13, 185/65R14, 185/70R14, 205/70R14foreign-made tires55
14. Volvo of various modifications185/60R15, 185/65R15, 185/70R15, 195/70R15, 205/65R15foreign-made tires50

Table 2


N p/pBase car modelTire designation (size)Tire modelAverage tire mileage, thousand km
1 2 3 4 5
Trucks of domestic production and CIS member countries
1. Cars of the GAZ-3302 "Gazelle" family, incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications175R16C75
175/80R16CYa-447, DP-1075
2. Cars of the GAZ-2217 "Sobol" family and modifications185/75R16CK-156, K-170, K-182, M-21970
225/60R16M-250, K-17460
3. IZH-2715-01, -27151-01, -27156-01, Moskvich-2335, -233522 and modifications175/80R13I-37950
4. Pskovavto-2214, -2931 "Farmer"8,40-15 I-245, I-19255
5. Pskovavto-2943 "Farmer"175R16CK-135, I-462, I-512, VLI-10M, BR-102, VI-1475
6. RAF-33111, -3311 and modifications185/82R15CI-28860
7. UAZ-3741, -37419, -3962, -39629, -3909, -39099, -2206, -22069, -3303, -33039, -2746, -33036, -39094, -39095, -3153, -31539, - 3159225R16CK-15165
215/90R15Ya-245-1, YaI-357A65
225/75R16K-153, Ya-435A65
8,40-15 I-245, I-19250
Trucks with a gross weight over 3.5 tons up to 12.0 tons inclusive (category N2)
1. GAZ-52, incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications7.50R20V-196, IYA-19690
7,50-20 IYA-112A80
MI-173, MI-173-180
2. GAZ-53A, GAZ-3307, -3309, incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications8,25-20 IK-6AM, IK-6AM-1, IK-6AMO75
8.25R20K-55A, KI-55A70
3. GAZ-66, incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications12.00R18K-7050
12,00-18 KI-11565
4. ZIL-130, -431410, -433100, incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications9,00-20 VI-244, VI-244-175
9.00R20IN-142BM, IN-142B-175
5. ZIL-5301 "Bull", incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications225/75R16CM-25345
12.00R20Ya-439, DP-20, Ya-46250
6. ZIL-131, -4334, incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications12,00-20 KI-11375
1. ZIL-133, incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications9.00R20O-40BM-170
I-N142B, I-N142B-170
9,00-20 VI-244, VI-244-170
2. KamAZ-5320, -53212-5, -54112, incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications9.00R20IN-142BM, IN-142B-180
3. KamAZ-5315 and modifications11.00R20I-111A85
4. KamAZ-55102, -5511 and modifications (dump trucks)9.00R20IN-142BM, IN-142B-180
5. KamAZ-55111, -55118 (dump trucks)10.00R20I-28185
6. KamAZ-5410, -54112 (tractor tractors)9.00R20I-N142B, I-N142B-180
7. KamAZ-43101, -43105, -43106, incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications1220x400-533I-P18460
8. KrAZ-250 (vehicle chassis for installing special superstructures, equipment and bodies)11.00R20I-68A80
9. KrAZ-6444, -258B1, -5444 (truck tractors)11.00R00I-68A70
12,00-20 VI-24380
10. KrAZ-65032, -6510, -256B-1 (dump trucks)12.00R20I-109B85
12,00-20 VI-243, VI-243-180
11. KrAZ-643701 (timber carrier)12,00-20 VI-24380
12. KrAZ-260, incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications1300x530-533VI-3, VID-20185
13. MAZ-5337, -53373 (vehicle chassis for completing specialized bodies and installations), MAZ-53371, -53368, -53363, -53366, -53362, -6303, -63035, -63038, -63035-100, -63171, -509A, -5434, -64255, -6303-2611.00R20I-111AM100
12,00-20 IYAV-12B80
VI-243-1 VI-243 A, B, M80
14. MAZ-5433, -54331, -54323, -54328, -54329, -54326, -54327, -543268-020, -64221, -64229, -64224 (tractor tractors)11.00R20I-111AM90
15. MAZ-5549, -5551, -55516, -55513, -55514, -5552, -5516, 551603-023, -55165 (dump trucks)12,00-20 IYAV-12B80
16. Ural-4320, -4320-10, 4320-0611, -5323-20, incl. special and specialized based on their chassis and modifications14,00-20 OI-2565
17. Ural-4320-0911, -43206, -6361-011200x500-508ID-P28460
18. Ural-4420-01, -44202-10, -63614-01 (tractor tractors)1100x400-533O-47A50
19. Ural-5960-10, -5960-10-04, -5960-10-02, -6902-10 (timber carriers)1200x500-508ID-P28455
20. Ural-5557-10/31, -55571-30, -63615-01 (dump trucks)1200x500-508ID-P28455
21. Ural-IVECO-63291, -632920 (tractor tractors)12.00R20O-7580
Foreign-made trucks
Trucks with a gross weight up to 3.5 tons inclusive (category N1)
1. Mercedes-Benz 208 D "Sprinter"195R15foreign-made tires60
2. Mercedes-Benz 308 D "Sprinter"225R15foreign-made tires60
3. Ford Transit185R14foreign-made tires70
Trucks with a gross weight over 12 tons (category N3)
1. Cars Tatra, LIAZ, Magirus12,00-20 VI-24380
11.00R20I-111A, M95
12.00R20 11.00R20"Matador" company90
2. Truck tractors Volvo, LIAZ, Mercedes-Benz, Iveco, Scania, Tatra, Renault and semi-trailers11.00R20, 12.00R20, 295/80R22.5, 315/80R22.5, 365/80R22.5, 385/65R22.5"Matador" company90
11,00-20 I-111A, M90

Table 3


N p/pBase car modelTire designation (size)Tire modelAverage tire mileage, thousand km
1 2 3 4 5
Buses and trolleybuses produced in Russia and CIS countries
1. AKA 5225 "Russian", AKA 6226 "Russian"275/70R22.5KAMA-200165
2. "Volzhanin" 5256 "Volzhanin" 527011/70R22.5I-305, I-33460
3. Buses of the GAZ-221400, -3302, -3221, -2705, -3232 "Gazelle" family and modifications175R16CK-135, Ya-462, I-512, VLI-10M, Br-102, VI-14 60
175/80R16CYa-447, DP-1060
4. Buses of the GAZ-2217 "Sobol" family and modifications225/60R16M-250, K-17460
185/75R16K-156, K-170, K-182, M-21955
5. ZIL-3250, -3251 "Bull" and modifications225/75R16CM-253, Ya-462, DP-20, BC-26, I-35955
6. KAvZ-3976, -39765, -3276, -3275 and modifications8.25R20K-55A, KI-55A80
Vl-25, I39780
K-84, KI-11195
8,25-20 IK-6AM, IK-6AM-1, IK-6AMO80
7. KAvZ-3244225/75R16CM-253, I-439 60
8. LAZ-695, -699 and modifications10,00-20 IVL-1A, IVL-1AB80
10.00R20OI-73A, B80
I-A185, I-A185M, BCI-18575
9. LAZ-420210.00R20OI-73A, B75
I-A185, I-A185M, BCI-18575
10. LAZ-5252310.00R20OI-73A, B70
I-185, I-A185M, BCI-18570
11. LiAZ-677 and modifications10.00R20OI-73A, B80
I-185A, I-A185M, BCI-18570
12. LiAZ-5256 and modifications11/70R22.5I-305 60
13. MAZ-101, -103, -10411/70R22.5I-305, I-33460
11R22.5I-467, VS-965
14. MARZ-52661, -42191, -421911/70R22.5I-305, I-33460
15. PAZ-3205, -3206 and modifications7,50-20 IYA-112A80
8,25-20 IK-6AM, IK-6AM-1, IK6AMO80
8.25R20K-55A, KI-55A80
Vl-25, I-39780
16. PAZ-42231, -52691295/80R22.5I-45485
17. Pskovavto-22.14175R16CK-135, Ya-462, I-512, VLI-10M, Br-102, VI-1460
18. Pskovavto APVU8,40-15 Bel-1150
19. RAF-2203-01 and modifications, RAF-22038-02185/80R15CI-243, O-9545
20. SARZ-3280, SEMAR-32358.25R20K-55YA, KI-55A80
Vl-25, I-39780
21. UAZ-4528.40-15CI-24550
22. UAZ-2206, -220698.40-15CI-245, I-19250
23. YaAZ-526711/70R22.5I-30560
24. Trolleybuses12,00-20 VI-243M, VI-243A, B55
K-129, M-2865
12.00R20ID-109B, O-7565
I-332, I-368, BI-36880
I-150A, BCI-150A80
Foreign-made buses
1. Volvo-B 10MA "Safle" Volvo-B 12 Carrus star 602295/80-22,5 foreign-made tires95
Volvo-B7RF Avtomontaza12R22.5foreign-made tires85
2. lkarus-260, -280 and modifications11,00-20 B-19570
company "Taurus"80
company "Barum"70
11.00R20I-111A, M75
I-68A, M-20675
company "Barum"75
company "Taurus"75
company "Matador"75
10.00R20I-185A, I-A185M, BCI-18575
3. Ikarus-350.00, -365.1010.00R20I-185A, I-A185M, BCI-18580
4. Ikarus-415.0810.00R20I-185A, I-A185M, BCI-18575
12R22.5company "Matador"90
company "Taurus"75
5. Ikarus-435.0110.00R20I-185A, I-A185M, BCI-18575
275/80R22.5company "Matador"65
company "Taurus"85
6. Ikarus-250, -256 and modifications11.00R20I-30380
I-111A, M80
company "Matador"75
225/70R15Cforeign-made tires65
8. Hyundai H 100185R14foreign-made tires50
9. Karosa C834, C835, B831, B83210.00R20company "Barum"75
10. Karosa B 931E10.00R20company "Barum"80
275/70R22.5company "Barum"85
11. MAN-19211R22.5I-336, I-34670
12. MAN SL 232/22211.00R20foreign-made tires85
13. Mercedes Benz O 325 O 345, O 345 G11R22.5foreign-made tires95
14. Mercedes Benz O 33012R22.5foreign-made tires95
15. Mercedes Benz O 303 "Vityaz", "Stayer"295/80R22.5foreign-made tires100
16. Mitsubishi L-306.00-14Cforeign-made tires55
185R14Cforeign-made tires60
17. Nissan Urvan6.00-14Cforeign-made tires55
18. Scania city bus11.00R20foreign-made tires85
19. TAM 260 A 119T10.00R20foreign-made tires0,85
3. Constant work loading from bunkers or with an excavator, as well as in logging, construction sites, construction and road repairs0,85
4. Work on the removal of petroleum products and chemicals in conditions that destroy car tires0,85
5. Constant work with trailers, semi-trailers0,90
6. Constant operation of buses in international and intercity transport conditions0,90
7. Ambulance and emergency medical services0,90
8. Work in conditions of frequent technological stops associated with loading and unloading, boarding and disembarking passengers0,95
9. Hourly work in service of enterprises1,10

<*>For other operating conditions of vehicles, K2 = 1.

Table 6


Category of operating conditionsOutside the suburban area (more than 50 km from the city border)In small towns (up to 100 thousand inhabitants) and in the suburban areaIn large cities (more than 100 thousand inhabitants)National economic and administrative significance of the highway
ID1 - P1, P2, P3- - Ia - main highways of national importance, including for international traffic
Ib - highways of national (not classified as category Ia), republican, regional (territorial) significance
IID1 - P4 D2 - P1, P2, P3, P4 D3 - P1, P2, P3D1 - P1, P2, P3, P4 D2 - P1- Highways of national (not classified as categories Ia, Ib), republican, regional (territorial) significance
IIID1 - P5 D2 - P5 D3 - P4, P5 D4 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5D1 - P5 D2 - P2, P3, P4, P5 D3 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 D4 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5D1 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 D2 - P1, P2, P3, P4 D3 - P1, P2, P3 D4 - P1Highways of national, republican (regional) importance (not classified as categories Ia and II), roads of local importance
IVD5 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5D5 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5D2 - P5 D3 - P4, P5 D4 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 D5 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5Highways of republican, regional (territorial) and local significance (not classified as categories Ib, II, III)
VD6 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5Local roads (except those classified as categories III, IV)

Road surfaces:

D1 - cement concrete, asphalt concrete, paving stones, mosaic;

D2 - bitumen-mineral mixtures (crushed stone or gravel treated with bitumen);

D3 - crushed stone (gravel) without treatment, tar concrete;

D4 - cobblestone, crushed stone, soil and low-strength stone, treated with binding materials, winter roads;

D5 - soil strengthened or improved with local materials; wooden and log coverings;

D6 - natural dirt roads; temporary intra-quarry and dump roads; access roads that do not have a hard surface.

PBX categoryPermitted maximum weight, tPBX characteristics
M1Not regulatedDesigned for the carriage of passengers and having no more than 8 seats, except for the driver's seat (passenger cars)
M2 M3Up to 5.0 Over 5.0Those with more than 8 seats, excluding the driver's seat (buses, for M2, including articulated ones)
N1, N2, N3Up to 3.5 Over 3.5 up to 12.0 Over 12.0Designed for transportation of goods (trucks)
01 Up to 0.75Trailers
02 Over 0.75 to 3.5Trailers and semi-trailers
03 04 From 3.5 to 10 Over 10.0Trailers and semi-trailers

The website "Zakonbase" presents "TEMPORAL STANDARDS FOR OPERATING MILEAGE OF VEHICLE TIRES. RD 3112199-1085-02" (approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on 04.04.2002) in the latest edition. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you read the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To find the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use convenient navigation or advanced search.

On the Zakonbase website you will find "TEMPORAL OPERATIONAL MILEAGE STANDARDS FOR VEHICLE TIRES. RD 3112199-1085-02" (approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on 04.04.2002) in a fresh and complete version, in which all changes and amendments have been made. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information.

I approve
First Deputy
Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
April 4, 2002


RD 3112199-1085-02

(as amended by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
dated 01/05/2004 N AK-1-r)

This Guidance Document contains regulatory and technical materials that establish the operating mileage standards for tires intended for use on cars, trucks, buses and trolleybuses, trailers and semi-trailers (categories M1, M2, M3, N1, N2, N3, O1, O2 and O3). The document is intended for employees of motor transport enterprises and other organizations operating vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation in order to plan the need for tires, carry out financial calculations, determine the level of tariffs and ensure settlements for taxation of enterprises.

"Temporary standards for the operational mileage of vehicle tires" were developed at the Scientific Center "Technical Level and Safety of Vehicles" of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Scientific Research Institute of Automobile Transport".

Valid until 01/01/2004.

1. Introduction

Standards for the operational mileage of vehicle tires are intended to plan the tire needs of transport enterprises, implement a regime of economy and rational use of material resources, determine the level of tariffs and ensure settlements for taxation of enterprises.

Tire mileage standards were developed taking into account statistical analysis of actual data on average mileage and the main causes of failure of about 420 thousand tires taken out of service at motor transport enterprises of the Russian Federation.

2. Scope of application

These service mileage standards for vehicle tires are established for tires intended for use on cars, trucks, buses and trolleybuses, trailers and semi-trailers (categories M1, M2, M3, N1, N2, N3, O1, O2, O3 and O4) ( Appendix 1), which were not subject to refurbishment and were taken out of service for the following reasons:

Wear of the tread pattern (provided the tire is suitable for refurbishment);

Destruction of a production or operational nature, excluding the possibility of restoration repairs.

The norms are mandatory for use by organizations and individual entrepreneurs, regardless of their legal form.

3. Calculation of tire mileage standards

3.1. Operating mileage standards for vehicle tires are established based on the average statistical mileage of tires taken out of service.

3.2. The average mileage of tires for cars (category M1), trucks (categories N1, N2 and N3), as well as buses and trolleybuses (categories M2, M3) are presented in table. 1 - 3.

Tire mileage standards are established for each tire size and model, as well as each modification of the vehicles in use and correspond to certain operating conditions of road transport.

For automobile tires used on trailers and semi-trailers, operating mileage standards are established as for tractor-trailers.

3.3. Road transport and other operational factors are taken into account using a number of correction factors to the average tire mileage.

Correction factors depending on the category of operating conditions and the nature of operation of vehicles are presented in table. 4 and 5.

The standard tire mileage (Hi) is obtained by multiplying the average tire mileage by correction factors:

Hi = H x K1 x K2,

H - average tire mileage, thousand km;

K1 - correction factor taking into account the category of operating conditions of the vehicle (see Table 4);

K2 is a correction factor that takes into account the operating conditions of the vehicle (see Table 5).

In this case, the standard tire mileage should not be lower than 25% of the average tire mileage.

3.4. For new models of tires and new brands of cars for which tire mileage standards have not been established, the head of the enterprise has the right to introduce, by order of the enterprise, a temporary standard based on the average mileage of scrapped tires, agreed with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIAT. In this case, the validity period of temporary norms should not exceed 2 years. During this period, the compliance of the established norm value with the average mileage of a tire of a given size and model for a specific vehicle is checked and the norm value is clarified.

Testing of temporary tire mileage standards is carried out by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIAT with the involvement of motor transport enterprises. After the temporary standards for tire mileage have been clarified, they are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and acquire the status of permanent standards.

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