1C Management Holding Card Solution. Functionality "1C: Holding Management

The company "1C" has released a new edition of the 3.0 configuration "1C: Holding Management" - a comprehensive CPM class solution. We will tell about the main entities of the editorial board and how users perceived them.

Currently "1C: Management Holding 8" Use more than 400 companies. The configuration is designed to automate the large spectrum of tasks for accounting, planning and controlling the efficiency of the holding of various scale holdings. According to the developers, the experience of the implementation of this decision of companies as AvtoVAZ, Medi, Tatneft, Avito, and others were accumulated.

About support and transition

Support the previous version 1.3, 1C plans until October 1, 2018. Until this time, both editions (1.3 and 3.0) will be issued simultaneously.

You can go to a new edition 3.0 by updating the configuration version 1.3.11 edition 1.3 to version 3.0.1. It is especially pleased that the entire information accumulated in the database will be saved.

Work new edition 3.0 requires the installation of the platform "1C: Enterprise" Not lower than version 8.3.10, which was posted on the April disk "ITS". Version 3.0.1 "Wow" is already available in the service. "1C: update programs"Also, it is planned to be included in the release "1C: ITS" for July 2018.

Revision 3.0 significantly expanded the configuration capabilities "1C: Holding Management" In terms of automation of basic functions. Consider more.

On risk management

The new subsystem "risk management" was integrated with a "balanced system of indicators". Now the company has the ability to manage the risks are centrally.

For prompt planning and budgeting

Added tools that allow all participating in the budget process to be conveniently entering, importing and analyzing data.

According to the author of the telegram channel "People in Yellow Haltahs", already "tried" these functions, a block on operational (preventive) control has become more meaningful in the new edition 3.0. A few more releases - and it will be possible to fully use the opportunities laid in it.

From what I liked: The developers replaced the document "Reservation" to the "Operational Plan" document, in whose rows just can be downloaded to articles, analytics and CFOs.

On the subsystem "Events"

This subsystem has been added to the editorial board 3.0 for convenient planning and accounting of recurring (templated) events.

What's new in the Treasury

The subsystem has been expanded on currency, interest, credit risks management, as well as the risk of short-term liquidity loss.

Tax Management and IFRS Standards

Added new opportunities for tax management in international groups of companies. The subsystem for "accounting and reporting of IFRS" is expanded in terms of functions for the preparation of final reporting, in addition, the developers automated new standards.

Improvements in the subsystems "Procurement" and "Process Management"

Processes for planning needs, ledges and automation of procurement procedures for both the subjects of 223-FZ and other companies were improved. Added functions to analyze the effectiveness of processes.

And finally

Until there isclaims to the stability of the system.

Also developers as one of the new "chips" Wow 3.0 were declared multi-line forms, but as specifically they are implemented - it is not clear. There are no appropriate examples in the demo-base, there is not a single picture in the instructions. Visually, an ordinary form from multi-period is impossible to distinguish. (Writes the author of the telegram channel "People in Yellow Rabat".)

But we hope that with the release of the nearest versions, the company "1C" will fix and finalize the editorial board 3.0 so that it can be used to all the functionality "on the full coil".

"1C: Holding Management 8" - comprehensive solution CPM class, designed to automate a wide range of tasks associated with the planning and control of the efficiency of the holding of various scale.

The software product is intended for the integrated automation of management companies of holdings and covers the main areas of management and fiscal accounting:

  • budgeting and centralized treasury;
  • consolidation of management reporting and business analysis;
  • contract management;
  • project management;
  • strategic Management in accordance with Balanced Scorecard;
  • accounting and tax accounting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • accounting, preparation of individual and consolidated reporting under IFRS;
  • management of master data (regulatory information) Group of Companies.

Since the decision "1C: Holding 8" is focused on effective work In typical groups of inhomogeneous landscapes of information systems, it has the following integration capabilities:
seamless integration with accounting and control systems on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8" using a direct connection, including decryption to the document of the external accounting system;
integration with any external accounting systems using technologies such as web services and ADO;
management of master data (reference and centralized regulatory information) of a group of companies;
In addition to the thin and web client "1C: Holding 8," 8 "includes ADD-ON for Microsoft Excel - a special client that allows for budgeting and analyzing management reporting to work with the information base data" 1C: Holding 8 ", without leaving the usual For many users of the office package;
The architecture of the software product allows you to combine with the minimum complexity to carry out an association with accounting configurations on the 1C: Enterprise platform version 8.3.

Functionally configuration "Holding Management", being evolutionary development Solutions "1C: Consolidation of 8 prof" and "bookkeeping enterprise enterprise", I absorbed the project experience of hundreds of implementation of these applied solutions.

Functionality applied solution "1C: Management Holding 8"
Accounting and reporting under IFRS
Applied solution "1C: Management Holding 8" supports accounting for IFRS in two models: transactional and transformation. The transactional accounting model is most effective when accounting for IFRS is conducted in the same information system as the accounting of RAS. The transformational approach is recommended to use if the RAS data is transmitted by subsidiaries and dependent societies in the form of data collection forms.
For both accounting options, the functions of broadcasting the financial information of the RAS on the IFRS accounts plan are implemented. In addition, 14 parallel accounting objects are automated, accounting policies for which, as a rule, differ from the accounting policy of the RAS:

  • fixed assets;
  • intangible assets;
  • assets intended for sale;
  • biological assets;
  • loans and loans obtained (accounting at amortized cost);
  • loans issued and deposits;
  • accounts receivable (reserve and accounting at amortized cost);
  • notes and other financial instruments taken into account by fair value;
  • leasing;
  • investments;
  • reserve for reserves;
  • multicomponent transactions;
  • accruals of income and expenses (accruals);
  • closing the period, including calculation of the cost, deferred taxes, the balance of the balance.
The system implements a package of individual and consolidated reporting and notes to them. The functionality of the subsystem of accounting and reporting IFRS received a positive opinion of EY (Ernst & Young).

Tools reconciliation and elimination of intragroup operations
The portal reconciliation of intragroup operations is a tool that provides reconciliation in "each with each" mode, radically reduces the load on the management company and subsidiaries.
The portal supports arbitrary verification details, the settlement of discrepancies and contains services that simplify communications during the reconciliation process and reduce its timing.
The system implemented a constructor of the reconciliation of intragroup operations, which supports 5 standard Eliminate adjustments and standard consolidation amendments.

"1C: Holding 8" management includes 1C: Consolidation of 8 Prof "functional budgeting, which allows:
independently define the business user a list of necessary classifiers, analyst, indicators, develop budget models and reporting sets for various purposes;
Predict the dynamics of indicators using various options for calculating, consolidating and distributing indicators, as well as the functions of "moving planning" and "planning from achieved", quickly form the necessary budgets. At the same time, you can combine the planning methodology "bottom up" and "top down" and use the mechanisms of reconciliation and excluding intragroup operations,
serve the necessary principles for the allocation of financial responsibility centers due to developed functions for managing the organizational and financial structure of the Group;
regulate the budget process and distribute the responsibility between its participants, to use the routes of any complexity to harmonize budgets;
Automatically notify the involved officers about the progress of the coordination process.

In addition, the functional "1C: Holding 8" management makes it possible to more efficiently plan and ignore expenses thanks to:

  • in addition to the scripts "Plan" and "Fact" of the intermediate layer of data "Forecast", represented by charts of charges and payments, applications for operation, as well as a new object of planning "Transaction";
  • ensuring effective communications during planning due to new functions of commenting and managing versions of budgets;
  • reducing the timing and improving the quality of planning and operational analysis of budget execution through the use of a subtle, web client and a special client add-on for Microsoft Excel.
Project management
"1C: Holding Management 8" allows you to determine the decomposition of stages and works of projects or programs of interrelated projects, indicate responsible, timing and resources used.
As resources, any configuration reference books (for example, employees, nomenclature, non-current assets) can be performed. Natural and cost parameters may be indicated for resources.
Due to the ability to associate transactions on budget budgets money, income and expenses, resource movement with project stages The system allows you to effectively budgeting projects. Convenient visualization tools (Ganta and Sequence Charts) make it possible to visually submit financial and operational information about the project.

Management of contracts and limits. "Factory payments"
The resulting development of contractual management functions allows:

  • agree on agreements on random complexity routes;

The software product is intended for the integrated automation of management companies of holdings and covers the main areas of management and fiscal accounting:

  • budgeting and centralized treasury;
  • consolidation of management reporting and business analysis;
  • strategic management in accordance with Balanced Scorecard;
  • accounting and tax accounting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • accounting, preparation of individual and consolidated reporting under IFRS;
  • management of master data (regulatory information) Group of Companies.

The target segment "1C: Holding Holding 8" are groups of companies with full or partial centralization of finance management functions, managers and business units of which are heterogeneous from the point of view of industry affiliation or operated IT systems.

Since the solution "1C: Holding Holding 8" is focused on efficient work in typical system groups of inhomogeneous information systems landscapes, it has the following integration capabilities:

  • seamless integration with accounting and control systems on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8" using a direct connection, including decryption to the document of the external accounting system;
  • integration with any external accounting systems using technologies such as web services and ADO;
  • management of master data (reference and centralized regulatory information) of a group of companies;
  • in addition to the thin and web client "1C: Holding 8," 8 "includes ADD-ON for Microsoft Excel - a special client that allows for budgeting and analyzing management reporting to work with the information base data" 1C: Holding 8 ", without leaving the usual For many users of the office package;
  • the architecture of the software product allows you to combine with the minimum complexity to carry out an association with accounting configurations on the 1C: Enterprise platform version 8.3.

Functionally configuration "Holding Management", being an evolutionary development of solutions "1C: Consolidation of 8 profs" and "Accounting Corp enterprise", absorbed the design experience of hundreds of implementations of these applied solutions. Through the use and development of the functionality of predecessor solutions ("1C: Accounting 8" Versions of the Corp and "1C: Consolidation 8 prof") "1C: Holding 8" provides:

  • the ability to unite with the company's "1C: Accounting 8" software already used in the company,
  • low costs of partners and customers for training,
  • the ability to quickly adapt existing design developments to "Holding Management",
  • reducing the cost of migration with already used accounting and finance management systems.

The Holding Management Configuration can be used in the following use scenarios:

  • use as a complex automation system management company;
  • financial management automation in the United Holding Centers, Deploying a Unified Information Base in single Center data processing;
  • use as a corporate back office template, i.e., automation of financial management of both the management company and subsidiaries with the possibility of association or seamless integration with systems of operational accounting of business units;
  • use in the management company in the stand-alone CPM class solution as an "superstructure" over accounts.

Since the deployment scenarios above can be combined within the same information base, it allows you to use the most effective on this moment Approaches to the automation of various business units or migrate between different scenarios without replacing the basic applied solution.

Key competitive advantages Solutions "1C: Holding Holding 8":

  • the most popular functions of management companies and financial services of holding business units of holdings are automated, while there is no excess functionality for them associated with automation of operating activities (sales, procurement, production);
  • deep study of accounting and reporting under IFRS;
  • high variability in approaches to budgeting and limiting costs;
  • minimum implementation times and the cumulative cost of ownership;
  • implementation of recommendations for budgeting, treasury, methods of accounting and preparation of IFRS reporting prepared by the International Ey (Ernst & Young), providing audit and consulting services;
  • the use of new features of the platform 8.3.

Synergy received further development of the management efficiency tools with a recognized leader of the systems accounting, new functionality on the accounting of IFRS and project management, as well as the capabilities of version 8.3 of the 1C: Enterprise platform, makes it possible to effectively solve finance management tasks in the complex IT landscape of the territorially distributed holding.

The "Holding Management" configuration is designed for 8.3 "1C: Enterprise" platform.

1C: Corporation

"1C: Corporation" is a complex of integrable typical solutions developed on a single technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8" and widely used together to automate large enterprises, groups of companies and holdings:

  • "1C: Holding Management 8" (also includes "1C: Accounting 8 Corp");
  • "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2";
  • "1C: Salary and personnel management 8 Corp";
  • "1C: Document Drive 8 Corp".

The release of the complex of flagship products of the company "1C" is due to the constant increase in the number of organizations using several solutions at a single technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8.3". At the same time, such modern solutions have become the most popular with corporate clients as "1C: ERP enterprise management 2", "1C: Holding management 8", "1C: salary and personnel management 8 Corp" and "1C: document flow 8 korp". The synergy effect from the use of listed typical solutions is achieved due to the possibility of implementing through business processes when performing enterprise automation projects. The product "1C: Corporation" in addition to the listed typical solutions includes functional models that describe the capabilities of the decisions that are included in the supply and recommended scenarios of their sharing.

"1C: Holding Management 8" - a comprehensive CPM class solution (Corporate Performance Management - Holding Efficiency Management), designed to automate a wide range of tasks associated with regard to the planning and control of the effectiveness of the holding of various scale. You can get detailed information about this application solution on the page http://v8.1c.ru/cpm/.

"1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" - an innovative solution for building integrated information systems for managing multidisciplinary enterprises, including technically complex multiscount production, taking into account the best world and domestic practices for automation of large and medium-sized businesses. Detailed information about the application solution "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" For example on pageHttp: //v8.1c.ru/erp/.

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 Corp" provides automation of tasks in all directions of working with personnel: personnel accounting, calculation wages and managing staff at enterprises of various scale in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation. The program is primarily focused on large companies, Corporations and Holdings, actively implement HR-technologies.

"1C: Document Drive 8 Corp" in the complex solves the task of automation of the accounting of documents, the interaction of employees, control and analysis of the performing discipline on commercial enterprises with difficult organizational structure or complex document flow. For a detailed description of the functionality of the solution "1C: Document Drive 8", see the page http://v8.1c.ru/doc8/.

Acquisition of comprehensive delivery "1C: Corporation" saves 296,000 rubles. Compared to the acquisition of products included in its composition.

In accordance with the license agreement, one set "1C: Corporation" can be used only in the company's office. If you need to use the supplied "1C: Corporation" of applied solutions in two or more offices, you should additionally in the required quantity to purchase "1C: Corporation" kits or the products listed below. This will provide legitimate use of appropriate applied solutions in holdings and groups of companies that have a complex structure and a large number of remote offices.

As amended 1.3, the implementation of the implementation of "1C: Holding Management 8" is taken into account in more than 100 Russian holdings, including such companies as "Zarubezhneft", "Russian Post", "AvtoVAZ", "NOVATEK", "Polyus Gold", " UTair, "United Shipbuilding Corporation", "NPF Welfare", "BTK Group", Pony Express, Eastward Capital, "Medsi". Development of an applied solution "Holding Management" is conducted with the methodological support of leading consulting companies: KPMG, Pricewaterhouse Consultation "(PWC), EY.

Corporate tax management

With the Methodological support of KPMG, a new subsystem "Corporate tax management was developed. When creating a methodology and the development of functionality requirements, the best CPMG experience in deufforization projects was used for large groups Companies, as well as experience projects for the formulation and configuration of the accounting and tax registers in the system of 1C, associated with the design of the system and the convenience of users.

In this edition, the subsystem allows:

  • simulate and form a tax structure of a group of companies;
  • identify controlling persons and controlled foreign companies;
  • to form notifications about participation in foreign organizations And about controlled foreign companies In accordance with the requirements of tax legislation.

For registration of foreign companies and foreign structures, the functions of IFRS records "Investments" and "Departure of Investments" are expanded. Consolidate data on assets of the Company are combined into the list of "Register of Investments".

Information about the ownership structure (incoming residues) is downloaded from the file in Microsoft Excel format. Relationships (connections) between the companies of the group for clarity can be visualized in the form of a schema and report and further model the future structure of ownership, and on the basis of the target structure - to form investment flow documents.

Notifications of participation in foreign organizations and on controlled foreign companies are formed automatically with the tracking of the current statuses of their readiness.

Budgeting and Financial Planning

The budgeting subsystem now supports the management of the changes in the budget model and the organizational and financial structure, allows you to speed up planning in the conditions of rapidly changing source data, contributes to improving communications and ensures the distinction between the responsibility zones between the participants of the budget process.

Implemented management of powers at the level of key sections of budgeting data with the help of a budget perspective - a list of budget articles, which is sustainable from the point of view of the powers of the participants of the budget process. For key budgeting measurements: Financial Responsibility Center (CFO), Scenario - Approval of planning data is available not only for the budget as a whole, but also for each of its perspective for the entire planning period. Realized workplace To manage the stakes of the reporting periods.

Since in normalized budget models, the hierarchy of articles usually corresponds to the hierarchy of the company's organizational and financial structure, the view hierarchy allows you to organize a convenient ascending coordination of budgets from the cost centers and income to investment centers.

In the interests of focusing the participants of the budget process, only on the desired budget data area has been implemented to limit the list of articles and analyst displayed in budgets, depending on the authority and other conditions, by:

  • forming a consolidated table form on the basis of a budget annea;
  • limitations of visible budget items depending on the key budgeting analyst (CFO or the functional direction of the Central Federal District, scenario, project);
  • saving custom settings of the structure and selections of the consolidated table.

Algorithms for calculating dependent budget indicators are optimized, including for poorly normalized budget models. For the convenience of optimizing the models, the performance of the calculation of individual reporting indicators was implemented.

The rules for calculating the indicators added the calculation function cash streams Budget Money Money Depending on Accounts Budget Accruals and Payment Conductions, matching between which is specified in the Special Table.

A new implementation of the "Summary Table" tool is proposed with improved ergonomics and increased performance. Implemented multi-threaded background recalculation of dependent indicators, which radically reduces the response time of the system and significantly improves the convenience of entering budgets. In addition to the new possibilities of commenting in the summary table and their coordination, the possibility of forced blocking values \u200b\u200bof indicators, excluding their change by other participants in the budget process, is implemented.

For the convenience of planning currency indicators, conversion of values \u200b\u200bof indicators in additional currencies and work with foreign exchange sums is implemented.

To improve the convenience of planning are also implemented:

  • unloading the data of the pivot table in Microsoft Excel and the reverse load of the changed data into the consolidated table;
  • copying values \u200b\u200bof random data cuts;
  • enter the dependent indicator by entering the deviation adjustment from the basic;
  • visual decoding formulas for the design indicators in the form of a tree.

Improved clarity tools for managing the reporting period and monitoring its closure.

Management of investment projects

Taking into account the increase in the dynamism of investment activities in the editorial office of 1 .3 you can add new investment projects And to determine budgetary powers during the planning cycle, more flexibly operate with projects and their stages as analysts of the budget process, to actualize projects without using documents "reservation of budgets".

Centralized treasury

The subsystem "Central Treasury" in the editorial office 1.3 was developed on the basis of the PWC company's methodology - the best consultant in the Treasury Treasury. Methodology combines the best developments in the field of constructing the treasury function and the automation of processes.

Using the editorial office 1.3 "Holding Management" will increase the efficiency of management of receivables and payables, credit, currency and interest risks in the conditions of high volatility of key macroeconomic indicators.

Together with PWC, advanced working capital management experience was applied and new features for the management of receivables and trade and credit risks were implemented. New features allow:

  • determine the matrix of the recommended payment conditions for various classes of customers depending on their significance and payment discipline;
  • monitor and update the payment schedule depending on the accounting events;
  • automatically remind of approaching the terms of payment under the contract;
  • automatically form a claim in case of delay in payment, take into account the forecast for the recovery of overdue debts in the budget of the cash flow;
  • register the events of claim-to-claim work, form reminders and notifications about them;
  • use factoring and bills to optimize the cost and timing of the collection of receivables;
  • use collateral, insurance, guarantee, letters of credit and bank guarantees as interim measures;
  • analyze accounts receivable in terms of aging and delay in various analytical cuts.

In addition to the universal generator of graphics of financial instruments (the "Settings of the Periodic Operations") is implemented separate species Financial agreements for typical tools for attracting / placement of liquidity: loans and credit lines, loans issued and received, overdrafts, deposits and minimal unsigned balance, bonds, shares, promissory bills.

Implemented trade operations by securities (Issue, redemption, purchase, sale), including using brokerage bills.

Based on the best practices of PWC on managing financial risks to identify, assess and hedging currency risks, the following functionality is implemented:

  • short-term assessment of the impact of currency volatility for the payment calendar and monetary position;
  • medium-term interval stress testing of an open currency position;
  • as standard tools for hedging currency risks, an interval reservation of a currency contract, a currency forward contract and swap are implemented.

In order to identify, assess and hedge percentage risks are implemented:

  • medium-term interval stress testing of interest risks at floating rates;
  • installation of placement limits and attracting banks and organizations of a group of companies;
  • reports on the structure, rates, cost, duration external financing Companies.

To improve the efficiency of currency control automation, reminders of significant currency control events are implemented: the need to close the debt specified in the references on foreign exchange operations and confirm documents, and the formation of the specified references after the expiration of the regulatory period from obtaining the primary document. In addition, a set of reports is implemented to analyze the state of currency control in the company.

The liquidity poles that simplify intragroup financing are implemented, a ban on the use of these current accounts for transfer transfers.

Implemented the ability to specify the level of limits control for each budget article: on budgets, according to documents "Budget Reservation" or not control over. In addition, in the editorial office 1.3 improved the support of the Law of June 29, 2015 N 159-FZ.

Centralized procurement management

The functions of the subsystem "Centralized Procurement Management" are aimed at reducing the complexity of communications of procurement units with suppliers and on the development of support for procurement procedures in accordance with 223-FZ. To improve the efficiency of interaction with potential suppliers, implemented:

  • self-registration of potential suppliers in the system;
  • carrying out accreditation of suppliers;
  • management of the registry of accredited suppliers (reactering, deprivation and response of accreditation);
  • "Personal Cabinet Supplier" containing information on current trafficking, supplier orders, mutual settlements;
  • reports on the status of accreditation and qualifications.

The ability to conduct procurement procedures only with the participation of accredited suppliers, as well as the formation of a lot on the basis of pre-configured templates, significantly reduces the timing and complexity of procurement.

Managing the procurement procedure in the new edition has become more convenient: now the planned dates of the required stages of the procedure and marks about their passage are taken into account, and the state of the lot reflects the procurement procedure (for example, the "Collection of Applications of Members" or "Work Procurement Commission"). Implemented in the editorial office of 1.3 alerts and reminders of procurement commissions during the procurement procedures reduce the burden on employees of procurement units.

The requisite composition of the lot is given in accordance with the current practice of conducting procurement procedures on 223-FZ and their publication in EIS (Zakupki.gov.ru). Implemented unloading to EIS information about annual plans Procurement, lots, abolition protocols and choosing the winner of procurement procedures, concluded agreements and documents on their execution.

Implemented registration of claims related to tender procedures and the execution of prisoners with suppliers of contracts.

Report "Savings based on the results of auction" allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the procurement procedures.

Accounting and reporting under IFRS

As amended 1.3, new tools "quick closing" of the reporting period of IFRS are implemented:

  • "EDUCATIONAL" broadcasting of RAS wiring on IFRS accounts plan;
  • "Double closure" of the reporting period, which allows you to close the period under IFRS before the RAS and reflect the modified RSB data when broadcasting in the next period.

In addition to more than 50 parallel operation operations, parallel records of judicial claims are implemented.

Process management

The new edition implemented a more convenient and universal functionality of alerts about the events that occurred and reminders about the approximation of their planned dates. For each category of alert or reminders, you can configure the letter template in the HTML format.

The new response function of the response letter allows you to visit documents without going into "1C: Holding 8" management, and using any (including mobile) mail client.

Managing objects of objects allows you to automate not only the coordination of objects, but also life cycle any object.


Comprehensive solution "1C: Holding Management" class CPM (Holding Efficiency Management) "1C" presented in June 2014. It is intended to automate the management companies of Holding and is the further development of software products "1C: Consolidation 8 prof" and "1C: Accounting 8 Corp".


"1C: Holding Management" covers the automation of the main areas of managerial and fiscal accounting:

  • budgeting and centralized treasury,
  • consolidation of management reporting and business analysis,
  • contract management
  • project management,
  • strategic management in accordance with Balanced Scorecard,
  • accounting and tax accounting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation,
  • accounting, preparation of individual and consolidated reporting under IFRS,
  • management of master data (regulatory information) Group of Companies.

The head of the Automation of Management Accounting and Corporate Reporting "" 1C "Stanislav Mitrokhin explained Tadviser that" 1C: Holding Management "inherited the main functionality" 1C: Consolidation prof "(automation of budgeting, treasury, IFRS, BSC, master data management), However, contains a number of significant improvements that expand the possibility of solving.

Among them - the subsystems "payments factory" and "management of contracts", replaced by the subsystem "Centralized Treasury" "1C: Consolidation of prof" and providing conveyorization of payment flows while maintaining transparent control.

The solution appeared a project budgeting subsystem. In addition to the standard project management functions, the definition of the decomposition of stages and works, resources, deadlines responsible - the possibility of managing the program related projects intersecting through resources and timing is supported. In addition, "1C: Holding Management" allows you to associate budget parameters with project stages, which makes it possible to combine the budgeting and project management process.

Like "1C: Consolidation 8 prof" The new solution allows you to automate the preparation of IFRS reporting using the transformation, for this it has a corresponding set of tools. In combination with the new transactional accounting accounting for IFRS, automating such accounting objects as non-current assets, leasing, financial instruments, reserves, as well as with an improved subsystem of elimination and consolidation, it allows you to effectively automate the preparation of both the individual and consolidated statements of IFRS. At the same time, it is not fundamentally whether all companies of the Group are accounting for accounting specifically in "1C: Holding Management" or in other systems.

In addition to the capabilities described above, the new subsystem "portal reconciliation of intragroup operations" and a number of other "quick closure" tools allows several times to reduce the period for closing the period.

Another new opportunity, compared to "1C: Consolidation of prof," is the maintenance of accounting, for which a separate decision was previously required.

Compared as with a solution for managing an enterprise "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0", "1C: Management Holding" contains a functionality for integration with external accounting systems, managing master data, consolidation, as well as more advanced software functions, budgeting automation, treasury , preparation of IFRS reporting, business analysis, but does not contain production and commercial functional.

For whom it is intended

According to Stanislav Mitrichina, "1C: ERP UE 2.0" is oriented, mainly to solve the tasks of the enterprise level either on a group of companies where there is a single corporate template information system For all subsidiaries. "1C: Holding Management", in turn, is focused on the automation of management companies, as well as the automation of subsidiaries with various species activities or operational accounting systems.

"With the heterogeneous business" 1C: Holding Management "is an optimal choice in combination with" 1C: ERP UE 2.0 ", or specialized sectoral solutions"," Says Stanislav Mitrokhin.

It is worth noting that the circle potential customers The new decision is not limited to the holding only. Stanislav Mitrokhin notes that there is a noticeable number of large monocompany, which are needed to be implemented in "1C: Holding" functions, such as advanced budgeting, IFRS, CPM functions, treasury, etc. According to its estimates, with regard to this decision in Russia has to have 2000 to 5,000 potential customers.

Beta version

In August 2014, 1C reported on the release of the beta version of the decision "1C: Holding Management". Its recommended retail price is equal to the value "1C: Consolidation of prof" - 360 thousand rubles. The cost of the product at the dealer is 180 thousand rubles, and at a permanent partner, it is even lower than 162 thousand rubles.

The package of beta version includes the "1C: Enterprise 8.3" platform and a license to use a solution for one workplace. To use the product on more jobs, client licenses "1C: Enterprises" are needed, which are purchased separately.

The distribution of the beta version "1C: Holding Management" is carried out only through partners with the status of "1C: Center ERP", as well as through the "1C: Consulting" network partners. At the same time, "1C" plans herself to oversee pilot deployments performed by partners, representing interest from its point of view regarding the approbation and development of the new functional.

Final version. Start of sales

At the end of November 2014, 1C reported that from January 2015 "1C: Holding Management" comes on sale. The recommended retail price of the basic product is 990 thousand rubles, and licenses for subsidiaries and branches - 150 thousand rubles.

The delivery license "1C: Holding" license allows the use of a product in a file version on one workplace. To use it on more jobs, client licenses "1C: Enterprises 8" are needed, which are purchased separately. At the same time, you can also use client licenses "1C: enterprises 8" acquired for other products.

As for the license for subsidiaries and branches, it permits to use the decision in local network legal entity or a branch, and client licenses and licenses for the server necessary for the work of the software product are also purchased separately.

Based on the price list of the company, at the price "1C: Holding Management" at the time of the exit, it became the most expensive of all typical solutions that produce the "1C" itself.

"When the business companies and / or IT landscape are heterogeneous, the cost of automation projects is growing non-linear depending on the number of companies. But we can be significantly smoothed this dependence, the complexing "1C: Holding Management" and industry software products. Therefore, the difference in value is less than 700 thousand rubles between him and "1C: Consolidation prof" is a bit, "said Tadviser earlier about the value of the new product, the head of the" Automation of management accounting and corporate reporting "" 1C "Stanislav Mitrokhin.

Upgrade to "1C: Holding Management" under standard conditions Available for users of products "1C: Accounting 8 Corp", "1C: Consolidation Prof" and "1C: Consolidation 8", and for users of beta version "1C: Holding Management" available Upgrade on preferential terms.

Association of Accounting I.CPM. The functional has become a common practice in automation of budgeting, treasury and preparation of IFRS reporting both at the level of the Holding UK and at the DZO - subsidiary and affiliates.

Purpose of Product Creating 1C: Holding Management - The optimal combination of functional in common management companies in a single system.

Tasks solved:

  • Maximum functional coverage of management companies
  • The continuity of the functional of the new product and predecessor solutions
  • Simplified migration with already used accounting systems, including Accounting and 1C: Consolidation
  • The ability to combine with used accounting systems


Management accounting and reporting

  • Parallel Accounting Documents;
  • Broadcast;
  • Transformation;
  • Alternative closure of the period.


  • Availability of different planning methods: from the top-down-down, bottom-up, sliding;
  • Tabular interface;
  • Modeling tools: prediction of the dynamics of indicators, search for optimal value, reverse calculation of indicators;
  • Tools matching and commenting.


  • Eliminate adjustment designer;
  • Ready-made mechanism of elimination of mutual settlers, provision of services, sales of stocks, sales of VNA, investment.
  • Consolidation amendments, accounting for the acquisition / disposal of business in the period of reporting;
  • The ability to perform the consolidation process is fully automatically.

Business Analysis and Financial Analysis

  • The possibility of a ligament of strategic goals, KPI, initiatives aimed at achieving goals;
  • Distribution of responsibility between managers;
  • Strategic, personal and target accounts.

Master data management

  • Applied solution provides imports using direct connection, storing information about the structure of the reference books of external information bases And their synchronization with internal directories "1C: Consolidation 8".
  • Importing NSIs both during the external data download session and on demand that accelerates import imports from external information bases and improves the quality of the source data.
  • "1C: Consolidation" allows you to automate cleaning, harmonization, removal of a double in NSI from various external sources.
  • The system implements a centralized maintenance and coordination of changes to the reference corporate classifiers, as well as the export of standardized NSI into consumers' accounting systems using a direct connection.

The system supports two strategies to use reference books:

  • Using the reference book "Arbitrary Classifier". This strategist for ordinary classifiers.
  • Migration of the required reference books from accounting systems in "1C: Consolidation 8" and full support for the entire detailed composition. This strategy is used for reference books that have a large number of conditions for processing in "1C: Consolidation 8" details.
  • From the point of view of synchronization of reference information "1C: Consolidation 8" and external information bases are supported by two approaches.
  • The standard synchronization option is synchronization on key details of internal and external reference books. This option involves a simple key definition (one or more key details) to synchronize reference books. On the other hand, this approach makes it necessary to control the consistency of the values \u200b\u200bof key details of various information bases.
  • An alternative synchronization option is element synchronization of reference books. This option allows not to modify the reference books of external information bases and concentrate NSI management tasks only in "1C: Consolidation 8", but, on the other hand, requires manual element synchronization of reference books.

Accounting for IFRS

  • Support for two accounting models: transaction and transformation;
  • Transactional for IFRS accounting in one system with RAS;
  • Transformation for IFRS accounting according to external RAS systems;
  • More than 50 operations in 11 types of accounting "from the box";
  • there is finished plan accounts that can be changed;
  • A set of reporting is based on illustrative reports.Ernst & Young.

Contract Management

  • Coordination on random complexity routes;
  • Comment, investment;
  • The life cycle of contracts: on approval, approved, transferred to the signature, signed, executed, executed, terminated, suspended;
  • Accruals and payments.

Portal reconciliation VGO

  • Two models of reconciliation are traditional (reconciliation in the Criminal Code) and decentralized;
  • The portal is a tool providing decentralized reconciliation in DZO-DZO mode;
  • Support for arbitrary detail reconciliation: counterparty, group of operations, contract, accounting documents;
  • Settlement of discrepancies and templates of settlement operations;
  • Services that are simplifying communications.

Factory payments

The resulting development of contractual management functions allows:

  • coordinate contracts on random complexity routes,
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