Crm technologies in marketing. What is CRM

There are many formulations of the concept "marketing", one of them believes that marketing is a type of human activity that is aimed at satisfying human needs through exchange.

In modern conditions, marketing is designed to perform the following tasks (for a specific company):

  • Analysis and assessment of actual and potential consumers of the company's products.
  • Development of new products and services for the company.
  • Assessing and forecasting the development of the market in which the company operates.
  • Development of the company's assortment policy.
  • Development of the company's pricing policy.
  • Formation of strategy and tactics of market behavior.
  • Organization of sales of the company's products.
  • Service support for sold products, and others.

In addition, a very big topic is with clients and other market participants (partners, dealers, suppliers, public organizations and government agencies)

Marketing Management carried out through planning, analysis and control of the implementation of marketing tasks. The main tool for marketing management is currently the use of CRM systems.

A CRM system is a strategy that helps create relationships between a company and its clients based on taking into account the individual needs of each customer.

The CRM system includes the necessary information and functional support that is capable of performing all the necessary operations:

  • The presence of a single information center in which a large amount of information about all clients is stored and to which the company’s employees have access.
  • The presence of multiple channels of interaction between clients and company managers, allowing them to issue and receive the necessary information.
  • Carrying out continuous analysis of the information received and making the necessary operational and organizational decisions on this basis.

In their ongoing work, CRM systems use various tools.

Three main types of CRM

Operational part of CRM ensures the collection and provides operational information on work with clients within the framework of business processes, the results of sales of the company's products, and the maintenance of sold equipment.

CRM Engagement Services using communication channels (telephony, e-mail, chats, Internet, etc.) ensure interaction of all company employees with each other and with clients

Analytical part of CRM combines disparate pieces of information into a single whole, processes the received information and develops proposals for carrying out the necessary marketing actions. For successful operation of analytical services, it is necessary to have a large array of initial information and statistical data, as well as good analytical tools.

Currently, in most CRMs, the operational part and the interaction service are widely used, which provide extensive information that allows you to assess the company’s position in the sales market and take the necessary measures to develop its strategy.

Insufficient development and application of analytical methods does not allow many firms to obtain higher profits from their activities.

There are possible options for using analytical products that contain an analytical module, both as part of your CRM system, and without such a module. In this case, third-party programs are widely used

In cases where third-party programs are used, problems arise associated with the import of such programs, and marketers are also required to have special knowledge and ability to work with third-party programs.

For this reason, it is necessary to have the necessary analytical modules in the CRM system software that can be used by the company’s marketers.

The use of CRM technology for marketing planning makes this process more accessible and less labor-intensive.

Marketing planning

Marketing planning is a process in which inputs are collected about the market in which a firm operates and information about its firm. The result of this process is a decision on the direction of development of the company.

The process of collecting and processing initial information is specific to each company, because it depends on many factors that the company uses in its practical work.

The process of processing and analyzing collected information in order to form conclusions and make marketing decisions is similar for many companies operating in a market economy.

Therefore, it is possible to use the same methodology for different companies, while simultaneously maintaining a variety of specific methods and techniques, taking into account the specialization and operating conditions of the company. Thus, the effectiveness of using the collected information base is determined by the technology embedded in the CRM system.

Marketing Audit Process

The most complex and expensive part of marketing planning is the marketing audit process, in which market research becomes the main thing. For a high-quality analysis of the collected information, it is necessary to have a set of analytical tools as part of the technology of CRM systems.

Two types of such tools are used: the first is real-time data analysis in order to obtain a quick analysis of information in the desired context. The second tool is the use of mathematical, statistical, graphic and other programs that allow you to find certain patterns in the resulting data array. If the terms are given in the original language, they will be: ( online analytical processing- real-time data analysis) and Data Mining(literally “data mining”).

Development and formulation of marketing goals and strategies

The next stage of marketing planning is the formulation of marketing goals and strategies.

The marketing goal is formulated in the form of specific numerical indicators (revenue, sales, market share, etc.) for each type of product that the company must enter in the selected period of time.

The strategy indicates the ways and means by which the company plans to achieve its goals.

Marketing planning ends with the development of programs that clearly formulate the goals to be achieved, marketing activities to achieve the goals, and the amount of the required budget. When developing marketing activities, the effectiveness and results of the activities that were planned to be carried out in the previous planning period must be taken into account.

The ultimate goal of marketing is to make a profit from one's own business activities. A CRM system allows you to take into account the needs and requirements of the company’s existing and potential clients in practical work. Available technologies make it possible to take into account customer preferences, classify customers according to their needs, and predict their behavior.

Marketing based on customer data to grow sales

Marketers must exercise a skillful approach to customer needs. Information collected about customers should be shared with sales staff and become a tool for quickly making decisions to meet customer needs. It is necessary to ensure that the company's sales representatives promptly inform customers about all new products and services offered by the company. Internet surveys should be used to identify customer needs.

Marketers need to take into account that using only a CRM system does not guarantee high results. It is imperative to assess the activities of competing firms and assess the possibilities of entering other markets for the company's products.

These requirements must be taken into account in the analytical tools of the CRM systems technology.

Example in the video clip - marketing in the Quick Sales 2 CRM system

Any company that sells goods or services gradually accumulates a large customer base. And it is very important to work effectively with this list - divide it into groups and create personal offers.

Now with the help of CRM marketing you can interact with customers on a new level!

Send letters to potential buyers, call recent clients, congratulate anniversaries with a special discount. And that's not it! You can select the contacts you need and show them advertising on all major platforms - Google, Yandex, Facebook and VKontakte.

Why do you need CRM marketing?

There is a whole sea of ​​possibilities before you! Here are just a few of them:

  • Increased conversion- send letters and offer advertising to those who have never bought from you before.
  • Repeat sales- select contacts who haven't made a purchase in over a month and send them a special offer.
  • Increased loyalty- send the birthday person an SMS message with congratulations and offer a personal discount :)
  • Personal approach- Do you have a client visit planned? Send him a voice message with a reminder and tell him how to easily reach you.

How it works?

It all starts with creating a segment - a group of contacts based on a certain characteristic. For example, all leads in progress or contacts with a purchase this month.

Use CRM marketing tools, find an individual approach to each client and achieve success :)

Photo from personal archive

Before moving on to the more practical part of my series of articles, I would like to agree on terms and clearly explain what I mean by the acronym CRM. Few terms have such different meanings as CRM.

Most people who are familiar with it, having heard that I work in a CRM agency, believe that we are implementing some kind of CRM software. These same people believe that CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management.

And they are absolutely right - in everything.

Even Wikipedia, without further ado, offers this definition: CRM (CRM system, short for Customer Relationship Management) is application software for organizations designed to automate strategies for interacting with customers (clients). This is a generally accepted concept and it includes IT tools and methodology (and, in an expanded sense, also strategy) for organizing and automating business relationships with customers.

Most often, this approach is used in B2B, where there is a sales manager. This entire methodology is used to expand its (sales) capabilities. To help record something, to remind someone somewhere, to make an automatic mailing somewhere, or to help with analyzing the database and sales funnel...

So we don’t do all this and I won’t talk about it. Although I will partially touch on IT platforms for working with consumer databases.

I want to talk a little about another CRM - one that is applicable in B2C businesses, both service and product. This is no longer just software and methodology, it is a communication toolkit that implies direct communication with consumers we know. Moreover, automation and IT support are no less needed here, since the task is complicated by the lack of a thinking sales manager. The volume of consumers is too large to maintain relationships with them through salespeople, but at the same time you want all communications to be as personal as possible. This means that the required tools must emulate the human approach.

This is exactly the kind of CRM we talk about with our clients from different areas (FMCG, automobiles, banks) who are interested in an effective approach to working with existing consumer bases. That's why I call this approach CRM marketing. I didn't find a suitable clear definition, so I'm using my own:

"CRM marketing is marketing communications built on the use of unique knowledge about existing and potential consumers."

Please note that I am not talking about personal data. They are secondary. Think about what is more important for you - the knowledge that a person’s name is Petr Petrovich or the information that he cannot live without three cups of instant coffee a day, and he is committed to two different brands and makes his choice in the store, depending on the assortment or mood. That's why I'm talking about unique knowledge - those that at least somehow distinguish this person from the crowd and can help you make an offer a little more relevant to this specific person.

But it would be strange if very different entities had the same name and this irritated me a little until I came across Ogilvy's definition of CRM - consumer related marketing. And this, you see, is a completely different matter. There are the words "consumer" and "marketing" here. It's a little more complicated with the word related. “Relatable” is somehow not very good. I translated this phrase as “consumer-directed marketing.” And then I specifically looked at alternative translations of this word:

a) react (especially positively)

b) establish personal contact (with someone)

3) tell, narrate.

It seems to me that there are many suitable options. True, now it turns out that the word “CRM marketing” is doubled, but I don’t like the spelling “CR marketing” at all, and it won’t be clear to anyone. The terms “relationship marketing” (relationship marketing) or 1-2-1 marketing (one-to-one marketing) are sometimes used as synonyms. I will use everything.

By the way, this year marks the 20th anniversary of this concept. People started talking about relationship marketing in 1993 with the release of Regis McKenna's book “Relationship Marketing: Successful Strategies for the Age of the Consumer.” It was then that a new way for marketers came into practice: to get to know their customers better and increase the chances of retaining them through direct marketing, cross-selling, and loyalty programs.

It was generally an interesting time. Everyone was inspired by the new concept, they predicted a great future for it and everyone expected that it would soon replace all previous methods of advancement (about the same way people in the 60s were sure that by the year 2000 humanity would scatter across the cosmic distances, yeah). But at the same time, many right words were said.

Also in 1993, Don Peppers and Martha Rogers predicted the decline in the effectiveness of massive marketing campaigns focused on large-scale promotion of standard products. They proclaimed the need to focus not so much on products, but on customer relationships.

In their book The Future of One, they predicted that in the coming years: “ won't be trying to sell a single product to as many customers as possible. Instead, you will try to sell as many products as possible to each customer—over a fairly long period of time and across different product lines. To do this, you will have to focus on building unique relationships with each individual buyer on a one-on-one basis.”

One-on-one interaction means not only personalized messages, but also tailoring products to the specific (including unspoken) needs of the client.

Based on two-way communication between a company and its customers, this marketing concept allows us to formulate the specific needs or wishes of a specific customer (or customer segment) that the company is ready and able to satisfy. Research components of CRM programs (surveys, consumption analysis) provide unique opportunities for a brand manager to refine existing products or develop new ones.

Hand in hand with the one-to-one concept is permission marketing: customers don't just interact with a company individually, but they choose how and when this happens. “You can't create a 1-2-1 relationship with a customer unless the customer expresses a clear desire to have that relationship,” says Seth Godin, author of Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends - into clients."

This concept assumes that the client must decide for himself when and for what reason he can be distracted by a marketing message. In most cases, this should happen when the client sees some value for himself in such a distraction.

In practical terms, permission marketing is about creating a personalized message that is as relevant to the consumer as possible.

Based on the data collected about the consumer, it is necessary to create a “sweet pill” in which information from the brand will be favorably absorbed. Moreover, it is necessary to agree in advance with the consumer on the channel to be used and the frequency of communication.

One-on-one and permissioned marketing in B2C is virtually impossible without the use of special technologies to track consumer behavior, build personal profiles and two-way communication. The technological basis of CRM marketing - database marketing (database marketing, that is, technologies for managing and analyzing consumer databases and two-way communications based on them), was born at the same time, in the early 90s.

As you can see, the entire theoretical foundation was laid and sorted out 20 years ago. However, the bright future never came. Why? Let's just say it has arrived, but not for everyone. Some succeeded, some did not, and others believe that they are not yet ripe. Let's look together at the positive experience of the first, analyze the reasons for the failures of the second, and try to create more ready-made solutions for the third.

In the following articles, I will talk about the main reasons for failure in CRM projects and approaches to economic assessment of the feasibility of CRM communications. But before we move on to analyzing the experiences and practices of those companies that see CRM marketing as an effective tool for improving the quality of communications with their consumers, we note that there are many barriers to this understanding. The most serious of these barriers is discussed a few paragraphs below.

CRM marketing in B2C: down with media stereotypes

CRM is expensive. I encounter this barrier very often. Yes, the cost of an individual contact in CRM marketing is higher than many other tools. But let's approach it from the standpoint of efficiency. Effect/price ratio. The effect is a sale or attracting a client.

If you have a unique product, then according to all the laws of the genre, your task is to convey this information to the target audience as quickly and comprehensively as possible. These technologies have been developed for a long time and a media agency will easily calculate the cost of a contact for you. Just let's be honest - in addition to your audience, a lot of people will fall under this scope. And often coverage is generally put at the forefront and the advertising campaign sets the goal: “we’ll tell everyone, maybe someone will buy.”

In addition, your competitors work on the same principle, creating advertising noise and reducing the likelihood of people seeing your message (think of banners in rotation). To stand out, companies increase media budgets, becoming hostage to competition in the media. The airwaves are filled with messages from the richest advertisers, and second-tier companies are becoming less and less visible. As a result, costs increase, and the effectiveness of each invested ruble decreases proportionally.

And then what about the cost of a truly effective contact, of which at least something remains in the consumer’s head? It begins to differ significantly. But no one will tell you it, even if you want to count it. But more often than not, no one thinks about the real cost of attraction.

And somewhere here, the cost of personal, targeted contact with each of the potential consumers begins to approach the cost of media attraction. In addition, the quality characteristics of the contact in the first case are disproportionately higher. Moreover, modern digital communications have an extremely low cost per contact, comparable to media costs. But the issue of preparing a personal message - this should be left to the IT platform.

Today, many B2C companies (including FMCG manufacturers) see CRM as a real alternative to the media budget race. “In a market where all information channels are clogged with advertising messages from competitors, and customers no longer believe annoying advertising and prefer to make informed choices on their own, the CRM strategy becomes the most effective means of business development.” - says Pavel Cherkashin, author of the book “Are you ready to fight for the client? Customer Relationship Management Strategy".

Designed to automate the company's customer interaction strategies. Specifically, to increase sales, optimize marketing, and improve customer service by maintaining customer information and customer history, establishing and improving business procedures, and subsequently analyzing results.

Classification of CRM systems

Three “Us” or division by functionality:

  • U sales management (SFA - from the English. Sales Force Automation)
  • U marketing management (conducting marketing campaigns, analyzing the results of campaigns)
  • U management of customer service and call centers (processing of subscriber requests, recording and further work with customer requests)

OKA or division by levels of information processing:

  • ABOUT operational CRM - registration and prompt access to primary information on events, campaigns, projects, contacts and other segmentation options
  • TO Collaborative CRM (from English - cooperation; joint, coordinated actions) - organization of close interaction with end consumers, clients, up to the client’s influence on the company’s internal processes. (Conducting surveys to change product qualities or service procedures, web pages for clients to track the status of their order, notification via SMS about events related to the order or personal account, the ability for the client to independently configure and order products and services in real time and other interactive features).

· A analytical CRM - reporting and analysis of information in various sections (sales funnel, analysis of the results of marketing activities, analysis of sales effectiveness by product, customer segments, regions and other possible options).

Welcome to the market of CRM systems, or on sale today



Implementations in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries

Microsoft Dynamics CRM - a customer relationship management system that improves employee productivity inside and outside the organization and facilitates collaboration between sales, marketing and customer service departments using modern technologies integrated into a single work environment.

A Microsoft representative office has been operating in Russia since November 1992 (since July 2004 - Microsoft Rus LLC).

Projects: Poster, RIA Novosti, FC Lokomotiv, VSK Insurance House, Promintel Group, TRUCK CENTER, Gallery, CITY FM, Relax FM, Alpina Publishers, VK ProfMedia, GLIMS Production, etc.

Oracle CRM On Demand is a customer relationship management system that is accessed by subscription via the Internet (as a SaaS service). Oracle CRM On Demand allows you to manage sales, service, conduct marketing campaigns, provides virtual call center functions and a data warehouse with built-in analytical tools.

Projects: Artec Group and others.

Oracle Siebel CRM is a customer relationship management system developed by Siebel Systems Corporation, which was acquired by Oracle Corporation in 2006. The system combines transactional, analytical and communication components, thereby covering all operations related to contacts with the consumer.

In 1994, an Oracle representative office in the CIS opened in Moscow.

Projects: Sberbank of Russia, JSC Russian Railways, etc.

SAP CRM— the system significantly improves the work of departments that directly communicate with the client (sales department, website and online stores, marketing department, service departments, subscriber services, call center).

On the Russian market since 1992

Projects: “Technosila”, “Ural Bank of Reconstruction and Development”, etc.

Terrasoft CRM— a domestic development, a fully functional CRM system that covers the main areas of customer relationship management and organization of internal company processes.

Terrasoft company was founded in 2002.

Projects: AST, Diamantbank, Radio Lux, CEBIT, Ant, Lineservice, Baltic Training Group, Watson Telecom, D&Y, etc.— for automation of the sales department (business process automation, SFA Sales Force Automation), planning and conducting marketing campaigns (CRM Marketing planning & Campaign management), Cloud Computing, customer service automation (CRM service).

The first official partner in Russia appeared in 2008.

Projects: Forex Club, Sodexo, Volzhskie Dachas, OLANT

NetSuite CRM, like all NetSuite products, is based on the principles of “SaaS” (a business model for selling and using software in which the supplier develops a web application and independently manages it, providing customers with access to the software via the Internet). Thus, customer data and NetSuite CRM itself are located not on the customer’s equipment, but in a specialized data center of Level 3 Communications. Access to the system is possible only through a Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome), while all customer relationship management capabilities that are necessary for managing sales and managing the process of working with clients are retained in full.

The Russian-language version of the NetSuite system appeared in April 2006.

Projects: Pharmacy chain 36.6; LLC "First Insurance Company"

Megaplan — This is a domestic business management system, which was invented in 2006 by a MESI graduate. The system allows you to set tasks and instructions, monitor their implementation, store a database of company employees, maintain customer history, etc.

Megaplan company was founded in 2008.

Projects: NTV Plus, Akado, Ru Tube,,, etc.

Test drive, or application of CRM in different areas of business

Over the past five years, the company has acquired several local companies and has significantly increased its turnover and advertising space. All this led to an increase in sales, which required the company's management to take a new approach to sales management.

Gallery is currently implementing a CRM implementation project that will functionally cover the automation of sales and marketing business processes, including managing sales plans, generating and agreeing on commercial proposals, maintaining contracts, managing discounts and markups. The peculiarity of the CRM project in Gallery is the need to implement processes specific to the outdoor advertising operator - managing orders for advertising through contractors, storing design layouts, maps and photographs, recording data on advertising surfaces and their reservation queues.

Dmitry Zaitsev, CEO of Gallery:“We are heading for further development. To bring the strategy to life, we need to standardize all business processes, reduce unreasonable costs and increase sales. The implementation of a CRM system pursues the same goals - ensuring a high level of customer service, stimulating direct sales, promoting non-standard advertising campaigns and maintaining optimal price conditions.”

Media companies

The Afisha company is part of the Profmedia holding. The company's main projects: magazines "Afisha", "Afisha-MIR", "Afisha-Eda", a series of Afisha guidebooks, the Internet portal, "Afisha Atelier" (production of special projects, corporate magazines, websites for clients ), the annual project “Afisha Picnic”.

The CRM solution of the Afisha company includes management of sales of advertising space in print publications (magazines "Afisha", "Afisha-Mir", "Afisha-Eda", Afisha Guidebooks), and also covers automation of sales management and execution of Atelier projects "Afisha" The solution also provides management of marketing sales support.

The Afisha system was designed in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of a sales manager’s error, and as a result, reduce risks in relation to the company. Currently, most work regulations are as automated as possible, and access to commercial information is strictly limited at the level of price list items, available organizations, contacts and transactions. The company's corporate CRM system employs about 60 users, including employees of the sales service, advertising project support department and Afisha management. Thanks to the integration of the CRM system with the corporate management system, the company's financial service also gained access to managing sales processes regulated in CRM.

Ekaterina Kruglova, Deputy General Director of the Afisha company:

“Using CRM for Afisha is one of the ways to maintain the company’s high growth rates in the media and publishing services market. Since Afisha is developing quite quickly, expanding both the scale of the company and its business areas, ensuring commercial success requires serious support at the level of technological and management solutions.”

Exchange trading

The Forex Club company provides access to Internet trading to hundreds of thousands of clients from more than 120 countries and unites several brokerage companies and educational institutions for traders.

When choosing a CRM solution, the company's management set the task of increasing the efficiency of the department's employees in attracting new traders.

During the project, end-user training was carried out, after which managers in the trader department in different countries were able to start using the system, and managers were able to see in real time the results of the managers’ work and the dynamics of opening demo accounts and trading accounts.

Pharmacy chains

Pharmacy chain 36.6 is the fastest growing company in the retail sector of beauty and health products. The company manages 1,004 pharmacies in 29 regions of Russia.

Network management has been studying the capabilities of the systems since the spring of 2005. An important factor in the decision to launch the pilot was the application, which is a ready-made Ecommerce portal for interaction with clients and partners, easily integrated into existing network management systems. It was also important for the management of Pharmacy Chain 36.6 to provide outsourcing opportunities, as it was important to optimize IT costs.


CJSC Alfa-Bank (Belarus) was created in 1999 (until November 2008 - CJSC Bank for International Trade and Investment (CJSC Mezhtorgbank). In July 2008, the Alfa Group consortium completed the acquisition of more than 88% of this Alfa-Bank offers its services through its head office in Minsk and 14 branches in all regions of the country.

In November 2010, the bank completed the CRM implementation project. The main goal of introducing a CRM system at Alfa-Bank was to increase the efficiency of work with corporate clients (Belarusian enterprises in the field of oil refining, wholesale trade of petroleum products, metallurgy, industry, construction materials). The bank needed a functional tool to create a unified customer database and store the history of relationships with them, manage employee working time and build analytical reporting.

To increase the efficiency of working with clients, the project developed an automated system for distributing potential clients between client managers, and added a mechanism for transferring all client matters to another client manager in case of a temporary or complete change of leading specialist. At the same time, unauthorized use of data is prevented by creating a universal space for viewing only selective (predefined) information about bank clients and contact persons. Alfa-Bank department heads have full reporting on managers’ activities, sales funnel, and loan transactions.

Bank employees began using the CRM system 3 months after the start of the project.

Andrey Kosach, Director of the Information Technology Department of Alfa-Bank CJSC:“The bank’s main priority is quality service and meeting the needs of our clients. And the implemented CRM system ensures automation of the process of interaction between the bank and the client from the moment of expression of interest to the conclusion of the transaction.”

Sports clubs

The Lokomotiv football club dates back to 1923 and currently has a wide infrastructure, which includes its own sports base in the Odintsovo district, the central Lokomotiv stadium, the ice palace of the same name, as well as the LokoSport sports complex. The Lokomotiv football school has 11 teams and trains highly educated football players for the club’s main team.

By introducing CRM, the club's management pursued the goal of creating and implementing an effective program for working with fans, which would include collecting the most complete information about fans, conducting various surveys and questionnaires, organizing marketing events for fans, carrying out news and information mailings to fans and the media about significant events .

Today, the club information system of FC Lokomotiv allows you to centrally manage all communications and marketing initiatives of the club in relation to fans, media and business partners and is a resource where all information on fan activity flows from other sources - the club's ticket and cash register systems.

The system is integrated with the ticketing system and cash register system, which allows you to keep track of purchases of tickets, season tickets, and club paraphernalia by club card holders, regardless of where the purchase was made on the stadium premises or at remote points of sale.

The functionality of the solution allows you to accumulate and analyze information about fans, their preferences and activity, and segment the audience of fans both based on basic information (gender, age, geographic location) and additional information on the fan card. The system carries out automatic mass e-mail and SMS mailings to contacts.

Alexey Kirichek, first vice-president of FC Lokomotiv:“The implementation of the system allows us to implement new marketing initiatives, create conditions for the active participation of fans in the activities of the club, involving both individual football fans and various groups and movements of club fans in communication. We focus on the best practices of using information technologies from leading foreign football clubs.”

How to choose a system? With mind and heart. Since it will be very difficult to cooperate with a “chocolate” company whose consultants you do not like. And you will have to work together for several months (with the exception of so-called quick projects, where implementation is carried out within 1.5 months).

Study, ask the opinions of your business colleagues, listen to your intuition, correlate desires with opportunities and have a clear idea of ​​what exactly you want to get as a result.

CRM marketing is a way of processing information about the customer base. You collect data, segment your audience and build a separate interaction scenario with the company for each segment.

Let's figure out why and for what business CRM marketing is worth attention, and how to apply it.

What is CRM marketing

Synonyms - “omnichannel marketing”, “eCRM”, “relationship marketing”, “1-2-1 marketing”, etc.

The basis of this strategy is unique knowledge about leads and current clients. You collect and process them in a CRM system, then manually segment and create personalized offers to tailor products to the explicit and implicit needs of a specific user.

Scenarios can be implemented manually (a manager who calls clients using a prepared script) or automatically. It will require additional software. The choice depends on which channels you interact with your audience through: email, SMS newsletters or social network messengers.

After synchronization with the CRM system, information from it enters these services, and mailings are carried out automatically. Your task is to set everything up correctly.

The ultimate goal is to motivate specific targeted actions: purchase, increase in order, etc. This role is played by a motivating mechanism - bonus tools in the form of discounts, coupons, bonus points. As an option, you can offer bonuses and discounts through a savings system.

This approach to lead generation and nurturing improves lead quality and increases the client's sales and/or LTV.

Types of CRM Marketing

There are 2 main types - activation and informational CRM activities.

Activation ones are material incentives to perform a target action. For example, discounts and bonuses. They are used in response to new requests from leads to convert them to customer status.

All this involves costs. However, you provide different value than your competitors and thus avoid price competition.

Informational includes upselling and repeat sales (for example, extension of the tariff validity period) to ready customers. To do this you:

  • Disseminate information about new products;
  • You receive feedback and close customer objections. This is a chance to improve your attitude towards the product and the company, as well as increase emotional loyalty;
  • Tell us how to use the product. This is generally useful if you have a SaaS service. Reason: often clients simply do not have time to master the program or all its capabilities and refuse to renew their subscription.

The main auxiliary tools are email and SMS mailings, push notifications, as well as communities on social networks as an additional channel of communication with the audience.

How CRM Marketing Works

CRM marketing is focused on different marketing goals: engagement, sales, information. Which one depends on the behavioral characteristics of a particular client and his value to the company.

Here are the steps to achieve them:

1) Collection of data about users from incoming calls or completed application forms on the website. You need to synchronize them with the CRM system so that all customer data immediately goes there.

2) Segmentation according to specified parameters (data that you collected at the first stage). For example, type of business or client.

At YAGLA we use the following classification of target audience: entrepreneurs, freelancers, full-time marketers.

3) Development of scenarios for segments and different types of actions. Here you manually define the number and content of messages for each segment.

4) Running scripts. To do this, you need synchronization with third-party software - platforms for email, SMS mailings, notifications through social network messengers. There are also special services that allow you to send messages through several channels at once. For example, CarrotQuest.

Examples of communications

#1: How to connect with a client at a time when he is most in the mood for it

The amoCRM service has a store of integrations from partners that expand the functionality of the CRM system. Among them is B2B Family.

B2B Family works like this: the manager receives a notification the moment the client opens a presentation in the mail. This is when it is best to call this client and talk with him about the letter.

No. 2: how to prevent the client from ignoring the request

In the same case, we set up automatic sending of SMS messages with the text:

“Good afternoon, (NAME)! A presentation of the LensVens franchise has been sent to your email (E-MAIL). From the presentation you will learn how to achieve an income of 150,000 rubles/month in just a month.”

This way we managed to avoid low open rates of emails.

No. 3: how to process applications from quiz landing pages

The visitor is asked to answer 5 questions about choosing a kitchen:

When he sends an application with answers, he receives in return 4 suitable offers from manufacturers, compares them by price and conditions and chooses the best.

For you, this automates the processing of applications, and for the user it makes interaction with the site as convenient as possible. After each submission of the form, responses are sent by email in the following form:

This is what a new request entry in the CRM system looks like:

An important advantage of the approach: when a manager calls a client, he does not need to ask a second time for information that the client has already left during previous contacts with the company. She is all in front of his eyes in the system. Therefore, you can go straight to the sales proposal.

Conditions and limitations of CRM marketing

CRM marketing is right for you if:

  • The number of clients excludes personal interaction with managers. As a rule, this happens in B2C business;
  • The customer's value (the amount of purchases over a certain period) justifies the costs of communication. This is usually true for expensive products (for example, cars) or with a high share of monthly expenses (FMCG products);
  • It is possible to collect information. Even if there is no direct contact with customers, you can attract an audience to the social network community. This is especially effective for a young, socially active audience.

Limitations of CRM marketing:

  • The need to update the customer database;
  • Costs of maintaining a technical platform, communication and motivation. However, the high price of a lead is justified by its quality;
  • Difficulty in accurately assessing the effect of communications;
  • Delayed return. Don’t expect your profits to jump several times in just a week. For correct conclusions whether it worked or not, it takes at least six months. That is, at the very beginning you invest in CRM marketing, but do not receive a guarantee that it will be effective. In this case, a lot depends on how correctly the scripts are created and configured.

Here is a list of industries for which CRM marketing is a win-win option:

  • FMCG: many consumers, high share of wallet, high communication activity of brands with several points of contact with the target audience, a fairly involved audience;
  • Automakers: high purchase cost, high involvement in the selection and ownership process, customers share information quite easily;
  • Retail: there is a unique amount of valuable information - purchase history, high audience involvement and good response to motivational events;
  • E-commerce: everything is the same, only in a ready-made electronic format + additional data collection capabilities;
  • Finance, insurance: large audience and data on consumption patterns, allowing for forecasting;
  • Telecom: the same thing, only the data update rate is much higher, which provides endless possibilities for analytics.

How to Use CRM Marketing for Forecasting

The marketing group "Completo" created a predictive model. This is a calculator that calculates the financial return on marketing investments and helps you decide what is best to invest in, taking into account the specifics of your business. The output is marketing indicators, revenue and the effectiveness of each promotion tool.

All data for this is taken from the CRM system. Using them, experts created a sales funnel with the following stages of interaction:

  • Incoming requests (leads without division into online and offline);
  • Contacts (all potential buyers);
  • Contacts with target interest;
  • Projects;
  • Contracts.

Sales funnel according to data from CRM:

It helps to identify bottlenecks through which you can grow.

For example, low conversion into contracts (no more than 15%). We found out that some data was collected incorrectly. Next, we found statistics on hits from search engines by site and keywords. Due to incorrect settings, information was not transmitted to CRM for all keywords.

Instead of a conclusion

So, why do you need CRM marketing? Perhaps Suresh Vittal, vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research explains it best:

“Sales people can no longer act simply as hunters; they must become fishermen. They must study where their best "prey" lives; discover which bait attracts her best; and determine what tactics are best to use to hook her.”

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