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Distinctive feature Olympus electronic office is its rich functionality, which originated from classical office work.

On a large scale industrial enterprise The tasks of the secretary (clerk) are not only the registration of documents, but also a host of other tasks:

  • determination of the manager to whom to submit the incoming document for resolution
  • preparation of pre-resolutions
  • delivery of the document to the executor
  • original return control
  • summary analysis of task execution
  • control over the execution of orders
  • generation of final reports on unfulfilled tasks
  • sending outgoing documents
  • search for the required document by request
  • printing, scanning
  • and even storing a huge number of documents. A good clerk is responsible for all this.

Electronic office Olympus can do the job good people easier and more efficient!

Automatic registration:

Incoming emails

Using the built-in email client, the system reads the details from the email and fills out the registration card with them

  • Correspondent is automatically detected
  • Nested components are attached
  • In accordance with the rules, a registration index is formed
  • The contents and outgoing details of the documents are determined
The technology for preparing outgoing and internal documents in Olympus is similar, so agreed and approved documents are automatically sent for registration with already known details

Outgoing letters and internal documents

Automatic control of re-received documents

The system itself catches documents that re-enter the organization and warns about it.

Automatic notifications about the return of the original

The system provides a diagram of the movement of the original, and if it is not returned on time, it will notify the registrar.

Convenient connection system

Document links in Olympus suggest the possibility of obtaining a detailed history of all interconnected documents, including archival ones, created in addition, in cancellation or change.

Report designer

Using the report designer of the Olympus system, an employee can create the reports he needs without the help of an administrator or programmer. This is how reports are often generated on unexecuted or control documents.

Flexible filtration system

The Olympus system provides the ability to perform a request to search for documents using a filter line. The filtering line allows you to formulate many variable search conditions for the desired document.

Electronic office in the Olympus system is a tool for organizing digital office work. This segment accumulates all information related to enterprise documents. It contains user history; stores all document links; informs about the deadline; includes all files created with the document; provides answers to questions from performers and those responsible regarding the document, as well as the results of their work.

Execution control

Execution control in the Olympus system- this is a deep functionality that provides information about the timing, stages and results of execution of orders. This functionality is present throughout the system, from the electronic office to the structured storage. The functionality is based on the deadlines for the execution of documents and instructions and informing about the failure of these deadlines.

Visualization of execution control

  1. Color indication and messages from the Olympus system about missed deadlines.
  2. Specialized mode with the total number of tasks received, taken on, completed on time, completed with a delay by period, and not completed on time.
  3. A whole system of reports on the execution of instructions in the context of the document, executors, and supervisors.

Special control

For timely and high-quality execution of tasks, Olympus has a special control system. Its essence is that all the most important tasks assigned to control must undergo the procedure of removal from control, i.e. closing. In some cases, removing a task from control requires an assessment of the quality of the work performed by a competent specialist. Then the system can additionally apply a confirmation procedure.

Formation of a control order

  1. The issuance of control orders is accompanied by the appointment of a supervisor and, if necessary, an employee confirming the quality of execution.
  2. Based on control orders, the performance discipline coefficient is automatically calculated.
  3. The special mode “Analysis of execution of control tasks” shows information about the timeliness of execution of control tasks.
  4. Desktop analytics dashboards transform this information in graphical form.

Document management

Proper document management is key efficient work department, division, service and the organization as a whole. "Document management" in the Olympus system is a modern large-scale enterprise management tool specifically focused on high-level business processes.

“Document Management” is a Segment of the Document Flow - Olympus module, built on the principle of a planner, i.e. all tasks and documents received by an employee are arranged in one list.

The list shows the type of assignment, topic, content, date of receipt, due date, and from whom it came. This list can easily be supplemented with the desired column.

A red background indicates an overdue task, which will help you remember to complete it. The system has advanced control, when a color indication indicates the approaching deadline for the execution of a document.

Below the list of bookmarks you can see all additional information which will be required to make a decision. This is the text of the document, the detailed task, the history of the movement and related documents.

Easy to find in the program required document, and also raise the history of working with him. Moreover, history shows how many circles the document has already been circulating, who has taken it to work and who has not yet.

Prompt receipt of information:

  • who initiated the document;
  • who agreed;
  • who currently has it;
  • what comments were given and by whom on the document;
  • whether this document is related to other documents and how, with the ability to open related documents as well;
  • For an employee, service, division or the entire enterprise as a whole, see the picture of executed and unfulfilled orders.

Ease of working with a large array of documents:

  • the system itself generates a list of documents for consideration;
  • the system prompts which documents need to be urgently taken into account;
  • the system informs about the deadline that is coming to an end;
  • the system makes it possible to delegate your work and easily control timely execution;
  • the system allows you to obtain the history of work on any document;
  • the system will allow you to appoint deputies during your absence and see how the deputy worked.

Ease of document management:

  • increasing the speed of information exchange;
  • increasing the level of performance discipline of employees;
  • compliance with contract deadlines;
  • possibility of receiving necessary information, quickly without getting up from your workplace.

Storage structure

The structured document storage of the Olympus system is not just a library with limited access to folders, it is an individual “knowledge base” for each employee. The principle of constructing the Olympus storage is based on the user’s access rights to sections, folders, documents, and files. The system automatically builds an individual archive structure for each employee. The user sees only those sections and documents to which he has rights.

Moreover, the employee has the opportunity to copy part of the archive structure, folders, documents to his personal storage. This feature will allow the user to get the information or document he needs even faster.

Filling the storage

The storage in the Olympus system is filled with documents automatically based on the results of completing the cycle of working with the document. This technology allows you to accumulate the necessary documents in the appropriate sections without specifically allocating time for this work.

When a new document appears in the repository, the system notifies the employee if he is subscribed to such notifications.

Ease of working with documents

Olympus storage is distinguished by functional services that determine the convenience of working with documents:

  • Versioning;
  • Links of documents (cancelled, expired, in addition);
  • Extract from the archive;
  • Issuance of the original;
  • Storage attributes (inventory number, storage, rack, shelf, number of copies).

Typically, the burden of ensuring “paper” document flow and monitoring the execution of orders falls on the divisions of the organization involved in office work: the office, business management, as well as those responsible for office work in structural divisions. It is for them that the “Office” module of the DIRECTUM electronic document management and interaction management system is intended. This module facilitates the implementation of routine operations for processing paper documents in accordance with the requirements of the State Budgetary Educational Institution, on which traditional Russian office management technology is based:

  • unified registration of all incoming and outgoing correspondence, as well as internal documents using registration and control cards (RCC);
  • registration of the location of a paper document at any stage of it life cycle: review by management, approval of the draft document, execution, etc.;
  • exercising control over the timely execution of instructions, resolutions and instructions from management;
  • writing off documents in the file in accordance with the nomenclature of files adopted in the organization;
  • quick search for the necessary information based on the status, availability, movement of paper documents;
  • obtaining the necessary standard forms and journals, as well as statistical reports on the organization’s document flow.

In addition, the "Office" module allows you to organize exchanges between different organizations. With such an exchange it is possible to use electronic signature(EP), and special system mechanisms allow you to control the delivery of documents. The exchange principles are based on the industry exchange standard electronic documents"Interaction of automation systems documentation support management", approved by the Guild of Documentation Managers.

Maintaining a list of cases and logs

Flexible system numbering allows you to assign a number to a document in a section electronic journal registration. For each journal, a custom method for automatically numbering documents within the journal is specified. The number may include a department code, a journal code, as well as any other necessary details.

When preparing documents for transfer to the archive for each nomenclature file, you can print the cover of the case, as well as an inventory of the case documents, which significantly reduces the time for preparing documents for archival storage.

Registration of documents

To register documents in the "Office" module, registration and control cards (RCC) are used, which contain all primary data (correspondent, division of the organization, representative of the organization, date of registration, registration number, topic and summary document, delivery method, etc.), as well as the necessary information about the status of any paper document of the organization (location, execution status, etc.). For outgoing documents, you can specify a distribution list by organization.

The system provides the ability to register documents from both organizations and citizens.

For organizations using decentralized document registration, the system uses registration locations - workplaces of secretaries and office employees. Each registration location can serve one or more departments. Depending on the place of registration, it is possible to differentiate access rights to data.

When moving a document between departments, each place of registration can have its own RCC. Thus, an RKK chain appears, along which you can track the movement of a paper document not only between employees within a department, but also between departments. In addition, through the RKK, the relationship between the registered documents of the system is carried out, such as: “In response to”, “In pursuance”, etc.

The registration procedure is simple and consists of filling out the required fields of the RKK, and a registration number is assigned automatically.

When registering directly from the RKK, it is possible to enter a scanned (electronic) document into the “Electronic Document Management” module and automatically attach it to the RKK. To quickly enter a large volume of documents, system input services are used to ensure continuous entry of documents into the module. In the future, the RKK, like the entered electronic document, can easily be found by barcode on the paper counterpart of the document, thanks to the quick identification technology built into the system.

According to the RKK, logs of incoming and outgoing documents are printed. For outgoing documents, you can automatically generate and print an envelope label.

Movement and execution of documents

After registration, the incoming document goes through the stages of consideration, resolution, control and execution of the document. At the same time, further work of performers with the document can be carried out entirely in electronic form. This significantly reduces the time spent on performers and prevents accidental loss of the original.

Depending on the manager’s work style, he or she reviews the document either in paper or electronic form.

Based on a resolution made by the manager, the document can be put under control with the appointment of executors, instructions and deadlines. For performers who work with the “Business Process Management” module, the secretary or the manager himself can quickly create a task directly from the Work and Development Committee. Working with tasks allows you to make full use of the system’s capabilities for monitoring the execution of orders, such as: recording complete correspondence on the execution of orders; possibility of sending for revision; flexible routing configuration, etc.

Subsequently, based on tasks related to the RKK, you can quickly recreate the history of work on the document, the approval procedure, and the rationale for the decision made.

If the “Office” module is used independently, all orders issued to executors are entered by the secretary into the document’s RKK, after which their timely execution is monitored. At the same time, instructions can be printed for manual users.

When working with electronic documents, all document movements are carried out through tasks, while the location of the paper document at any time is recorded on a special RKK tab. This allows you to quickly find the original paper document through the RKK. Work with outgoing and internal documents is based on the same principles.

Exchange of electronic documents between systems

Using the system, you can organize the exchange of official, legally significant electronic documents between organizations. The exchange of documents is based on the use of the industry standard for the exchange of electronic documents “Interaction of automation systems for document management support”, approved by the Guild of Documentation Managers.

Documents can be exchanged between structural divisions one company (holding) and between independent partner organizations. In this case, the exchange parties may use different electronic document management systems or not work with such systems at all.

If the exchange is carried out between divisions of one company (holding), then work with documents takes place in the modules “Electronic Document Management”, “Business Process Management” and “Office”. If the exchange is made between third parties, then the electronic document is exported from the system to an ESD file. The second party can either import the ESD document into the electronic document management system they use (provided that this format is supported by this system; the ESD format is open), or use the freely distributed DIRECTUM OverDoc program to work with the ESD document. DIRECTUM OverDoc allows you to view a document, its attributes and all electronic signatures with which the document was signed, including the authenticity marker.

Search and analysis of information

From the moment of registration of any document in the system, you can find both its registration card along with information about the location and process of execution of the document, and the electronic document itself.

The system searches by registration numbers, correspondent, author of the resolution, as well as all RKK details and any combination thereof.

In addition, the system provides specialized reports that significantly increase the efficiency of users: Documents under consideration, Overdue orders, Documents subject to return, etc.

Web module "Office"

The “Office” web module is designed to automate work with official paper documents, for example, administrative documents, incoming and outgoing letters, instructions, reports and memos. Facilitates the processing of paper documents.

Processing of paper documents is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the State Budgetary Educational Institution, on which traditional Russian office management technology is based.

The “Office” web module is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • unified registration of all incoming and outgoing correspondence, as well as internal documents, using registration and control cards;
  • control over the timely execution of instructions, resolutions and instructions from management;
  • quickly search for the necessary information on the status, availability, movement of paper documents;
  • obtaining the necessary standard forms and journals, as well as statistical reports on the organization’s document flow.

The basis of the “Office” web module is the reference books “Registration and control cards”, “Instructions for RKK”, “Nomenclature of cases”.

Advantages of integrating the Office module with other system modules

Thus, thanks to the interaction of the modules " Electronic document management », « Business Process Management" and "Office" within unified system ensuring an increase in the efficiency of the organization in full compliance with domestic traditions and standards of office work. All mechanisms provided by each module can be used in various combinations of “paper” and “electronic” stages of document processing. At the same time, traditional “paper” office work fits harmoniously into electronic document management organizations with developed horizontal connections.

IN large companies Every year correspondence is conducted with tens of thousands of counterparties, and internal documents are created by thousands of employees. Some correspondence may be received and processed in paper form. Electronic office management systems help companies increase their work efficiency several times and create a single repository of all documents.

“Office” covers the entire cycle of working with paper documents: from entry and registration to filing in the archive. The functionality is fully consistent Russian standards office work, allowing you to automate most “manual” operations.

Maintaining a list of cases and logs

The approved composition of the nomenclature of cases is maintained in a special directory of the system. In the case of decentralized document recording, registration locations are provided within structural divisions.

Nomenclature of cases

When preparing documents for transfer to the archive for each nomenclature file, you can automatically print the cover of the file, as well as a list of documents. The time to prepare for archival storage and search in the archive is reduced several times.

Registration of documents

To enter a document into DIRECTUM, fill in the required fields of the registration and control card (RCC), and a registration number will be assigned automatically. A flexible numbering system allows you to assign a number to a document in the context of each registration log arbitrarily and automatically. The number may include a department code, a journal code, and any necessary details. With the implementation of the solution, the average time for document registration is reduced by 35-50%.

RKK example

RKK contain primary data (division, date of registration, registration number, etc.), as well as information about the status of any paper document, for example, its location. When moving a document between departments, each place of registration has its own RCC. You can track the movement of a paper document within a company through the chain of created RCCs.

You can also attach a document or a scanned image of it to the RKK. To quickly record a large volume of documents, the streaming input service DIRECTUM Capture Service is used. It supports various ways of entering documents: capturing from email or from a file system (for example, from a scanner).

The function of creating RKK and filling in data can be transferred to the intelligent mechanisms of Ario. Having received the document, they independently classify it, recognize the text and fill the RCC with the extracted significant information. The clerk can only check the correctness of filling out. This allows you to further reduce registration time and reduce the number of routine operations.

Review and execution of incoming documents

After registering an incoming document, the clerk sends it to the manager for review in a couple of clicks. Based on the results of reviewing the document, the secretary or the manager himself forms instructions on the document.

If the manager has an assistant, the preliminary review of the document with the preparation of a draft resolution is carried out by his assistant. The manager can only approve the draft resolution and send instructions for execution.

In the process of executing orders, the following is ensured:

  • recording correspondence regarding execution;
  • the ability to delegate and send for revision;
  • control of deadlines, requests for a new deadline.

Controllers monitor execution visually. A brief summary reflecting the situation on related orders is available to all participants in the work.

Order tree

Sending letters to correspondents

The solution is closely integrated with the “Exchange with counterparties” module. Once an outgoing letter has been approved, it can be easily sent to recipients via document exchange systems - this eliminates the need to print the document multiple times and reduces delivery costs.

In addition, for outgoing documents, you can specify a distribution list for organizations and automatically send emails addressees or print envelopes that meet Russian Post standards.

Envelope printing

Registration and familiarization with organizational and administrative documents

The preparation and sending of administrative documents for approval is fully automated. It is enough to fill in the necessary data in the action wizard, after which the system will generate a document and send it to the necessary employees for approval and signing:

After signing, the organizational and administrative document can be sent to interested employees for review. To do this, you need to fill out the RKK mailing list. This list can also be used in the future to distribute another document.

Employees from the mailing list receive assignments to review the document. In the DIRECTUM system, to confirm familiarization, it is enough to complete the task. And if a task is sent to familiarize yourself with a document that is not entered into the system, then this is indicated in the text of the task and the performers familiarize themselves with the document in paper form.

Search and analysis

Using known details, both the electronic document itself and its RKK can be found, along with information about the location and stage of execution of the document.

Search by RKK

You can also quickly find the required document along with the RKK using the barcode on the paper equivalent of the document. Thanks to fast identification technology, the barcode is read by a special scanner, after which the system automatically finds the document and related tasks.

Window for actions on a found document

To analyze the efficiency of users, the system provides specialized reports: “List of familiarization”, “Control of deadlines for execution of orders”, “Statistics of execution of orders”, “Documents to be returned”, etc.

Sample report

The web client can be used in remote offices geographically distributed organization or as the main client, providing cross-platform and ease of administration. To work, you only need Internet access.

Incoming RKK in the web office

Effect of implementation

Using the solution, employees will receive orders and instructions for execution in a timely manner. Execution control management decisions will become completely transparent.

  • To a minimum reduces the risk of losing documents
  • 2 times the time for preparing and approving an outgoing letter will be reduced
  • 12 times will speed up the search for the location of paper documents
  • 2 times the preparation of information for management on the execution of instructions will be accelerated
  • By 20% Implementation of management instructions will increase

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