Where can you paste ads. Correct drafting and distribution of advertisements

If I got a job in a company as a posting advertiser and I was given the task to glue these leaflets on the porches, if they catch me, I or the company in which I got a job will pay the fine

Wipers rip the flyers I pasted from the entrances and billboards

Hello! I have a problem with posting leaflets and distribution. The problem is that the wipers are tearing my leaflets from the entrances or from the relay boards. Is it possible to bring the wipers to criminal responsibility for ripping off my leaflets? although they do not have ...

What is the penalty for illegal posting of information?

What is the penalty for posting advertisements on poles? Or distributing them to cars in shopping centers on the mark

Is posting prohibited by law and who is entitled to a fine?

Good day! I got a job as a posting advertiser (without a contract so far). Is posting prohibited by law and who is entitled to a fine in this case: the company or me?

Is there a penalty for posting advertisements in elevators?

Is it possible to glue advertisements on houses, poles?

Hello, you can answer me this question. I live in the city of Astrakhan and the eternal problem with these posting ads. I constantly get caught up with sticky people who put up ads on houses, poles, pipes. Here, is it possible to glue in these ...

What are the possible sanctions for posting ads in the wrong places?

Hello. What are the possible sanctions for posting ads in the wrong places? We have an LLC. They themselves did not glue anything, they did not catch anyone by the hand. There is an advertisement of our organization on poles and porches. Competitors complained to the police.

What is the penalty for posting ads in the wrong places in Saratov?

Good day! I live in the city of Saratov. I want to know what kind of punishment is provided for sticking up advertisements in the stairwell on the walls, doors, in the elevator. And what article is regulated.

What is the law governing the posting of advertisements in the entrances of Ulyanovsk?

Where to find the law in the city of Ulyanovsk - for posting ads in entrances, on dashboards, on elevators

What is the responsibility for posting advertisements at the entrances?

What is the responsibility for posting advertisements at the entrances? In the elevators? Can they be held accountable?

Punishment for posting ads in houses

I am engaged in selection advantageous offers internet services. I pasted over the house (electrical panels, elevators, staircase doors) today they called and said that they would send a statement to the police. Will there really be any punishment, and if so, what?

Penalty for posting ads

Good afternoon, can I find out what kind of fine is provided for individuals for posting ads at the entrances of houses, in the city of Saratov?

With development social networks and other Internet communications, the good old paper ads have not lost their relevance and effectiveness. They are indispensable when it is necessary to distribute important information in a limited area in a short time and with minimal cost.

However, it is not enough to competently compose and produce the ads themselves - you need to stick them up with high quality. To prevent information leaflets from being ripped off by the first gust of wind, you need to choose the right adhesive.

Taking into account the specifics of street posting, the adhesive for the distribution of advertisements must have the following characteristics:

  • It should be universal, since ads will have to be glued on a variety of substrates (wood, metal, concrete, etc.);
  • The glue should set quickly and firmly "hold";
  • Have an easy-to-apply form. To smear the glue, liquid according to the ad, with a brush, firstly, it is completely inconvenient, and secondly, during the gluing process, clothes can get dirty. It will be much faster and more accurate to apply the glue if it is in a convenient tube with a dispensing spout or in the form of a pencil;
  • It should also be borne in mind that in the cold season and damp weather, many adhesives lose their effectiveness. This is especially true for posting ads at sub-zero temperatures.

What kind of glue do ad stickers use??

In fact, there are not many truly effective adhesives in the arsenal of professional advertisers. Let's consider them in more detail.

Adhesive rating - what is better to glue ads on the street in winter and summer

  1. First place.

Good old polyvinyl acetate aqueous emulsion - PVA glue (OFFISMAG, Brauberg).

Ideal for gluing paper to wood, brick, concrete, metal and even smooth glass surfaces. The glue has sufficient viscosity (when it comes to qualitative composition), so it is easy to apply and does not spread over the paper.

It is seized almost instantly, it is enough just to attach the ad to the base and smooth it with your hand.

For small volumes of work, the best solution would be to buy glue in a plastic tube with a dispensing nozzle.

For posting a large number of ads, it will be more profitable to purchase universal PVA glue in a large package (500 grams, 1 kg, etc.). Even if the glue thickens excessively over time, it can always be thinned with water.

Practice shows that PVA glue for ads works great at any temperature - both in summer heat and in winter (at temperatures up to minus 10 degrees).

2. Second place.

Inexpensive wallpaper glue (Metylan in a tube for joints and wallpaper, Quelyd Raccord)- professional posting ads often use it for two reasons: it is profitable (if you buy wallpaper glue, it turns out much cheaper than the same PVA) and convenient (as needed, you can quickly prepare the right amount of glue of the required consistency).

Wallpaper glue is based on modified starch, which, when swollen in water, forms a thick, sticky mass. The ready-made adhesive gives the paper a reliable adhesion to any wall surface.

The mixture is easy to dilute, without the formation of lumps.

It is enough to add the powder to water and stir thoroughly to obtain glue for posting ads in winter and summer.

You can also make homemade paste from ordinary flour - the most affordable of all possible options... To prepare a liter jar of adhesive, it is enough to have a glass of flour on hand.

The recipe for making paste for posting ads is simple:

  • Pour flour into a deep metal container.
  • Stirring continuously, pour a glass of warm water into the container.
  • After the lumps are completely dissolved, add another 2-3 glasses to the container hot water and cook everything for 10 minutes over low heat, not forgetting to stir.

The result is a thick, homemade glue that will provide a quick and strong set. Since the paste loses its properties over time, it is recommended to prepare it immediately before gluing.

3. Third place.

Most quick way gluing involves the use of not glue, but an ordinary wide adhesive tape... To increase efficiency at home, they make a blank of 30-50 or even more ads.

Everything is done very simply:

  • The ad is placed face up on the table and a strip of tape is glued on top of it (so that about 2/3 of its width the tape covers the ad and 1/3 goes on the table).
  • Then the next ad is placed on it and taped again.
  • The result is a thick bundle of glued ads, which are very easily separated from each other and glued to the Notice Board in one motion. The only drawback of this method is that the adhesion strength leaves much to be desired, especially at sub-zero temperatures.

Where can I post ads? For posting ads, special information stands and Bulletin boards. They can be found at public transport stops, as well as at the entrances of residential buildings.

There is a fine for posting ads in unidentified places.

Its size is determined by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; on average, this fine for citizens is 2,000-3,000 rubles.

What is the best time to glue ads at the entrances of residential buildings? The optimal time for pasting is considered to be an interval from 15 to 17 hours.

The point is that people read (see) ads when they return home from work. If you put up the ads earlier, then until the evening they can be disrupted by a janitor or "competitors".


I said that I worked for a while in a real estate agency. Not long, but with full dedication.
And the main thing for a realtor is a customer base. What to sell and to whom to sell, or rather to be an intermediary.

For me, the ideal option was when the seller of the apartment himself calls the agency and asks for help in selling his home. For him, this is not associated with any loss or inconvenience.

But where to get those willing? How to declare yourself? From here, I had to master the profession of a posting ad.

How to post ads

It seems that the matter is not tricky. Even more. But this is only at first glance. The lifetime of an ad can be different, so you need to carefully consider the method of posting them.

I used only two methods: with glue and with scotch tape.

Some advertisements, glued in March with glue, are still hanging. But this method is slow and not neat. Then you have to wash your hands from the glue for a long time, especially since I used glue for ceiling tiles... Like this:

But such announcements can only be torn off with a wall (and there is someone to tear them off - competitors and partisan grandmothers). They are not afraid of snow or rain and do not fold from the wind.

Sticking on tape takes less than a second, clean and tidy, but not very reliable and not durable. These ads don't last long. But it doesn't take long.

If everything is clear with pasting on glue - smear and glue, then with the second method there is a trick: I myself would not have guessed such a method, a girl who also previously worked at the agency suggested.

What to paint for a long time, watch the video (please do not throw stones, this is my first recording experience):

These two methods are quite enough to convey to citizens the purpose of your service. And then the more ads you stick, the naturally cooler.

Where to post ads

This is also a separate issue. I will write you this: wherever people go. These are stops, arches leading to the courtyards of houses, entrances and notice boards.

Just remember that this is not entirely legal. Their owners will tear them off the notice boards, it is forbidden to glue them at stops and you can run into an administrative fine, and the entrances are vigilantly guarded by grannies, especially now in summer.

And NEVER, hear never stick announcements on the doors of the porches! This is very annoying for the tenants, and any of them.
Nearby - please, at the door, no, no.

No need to glue ads to other people's ads, especially those posted for money (there is such a profession). You do not know when you will go there, but they will be there tomorrow and the service life of the ad will decrease. Below I will tell you about one pasting machine.

There is no need to glue advertisements in the entrances, even if you manage to get there. People are already annoyed by the abundance of advertising in their mailboxes, and if you dirtied the walls of their homes, it will definitely not add loyalty.

The leaflet will be equated with an abusive inscription, and you yourself know for that. Out of a lack of emotion, our people can call back at the indicated number and express a lot of unpleasant facts, the case was in my practice, although everything seemed to be culturally done. Apparently my grandmother did not have a day, but here my leaflet flaunts at the entrance. Proud and lonely.

If you see that the entrance is clean, then only you can decide whether to glue there or not. The wipers are clearly working. And it depends on everyone's personal luck that they will tear it off before the potential seller sees it or not.

Much depends on the design and content of the ad, but this is a topic for a separate article and not for me, I did it myself by touch. But he witnessed how my ads, pasted in the morning at the same time as the girl, were already torn off by the time of dinner, and her were hung.

They differed only in color (it is on yellow paper) and the name next to the phone number. That's it. Who tore them off and how he pondered is anyone's guess.

Job posting ads

If there is any need in the market, then there is always someone who is ready to fulfill it for you for a modest remuneration.

There is such a job - to post ads. They charge 2 rubles for their services in our city. for the ad. And since I did this personally, I will say that this is a democratic price.
The work is nervous, hard and illegal.

One of my clients was just an ad post. So he found mine, called (sold the room) and we got into a conversation while I was photographing his object.
It turns out they travel all over the region to glue, and their main clients are all sorts of "Loan money" and "Office work".

I'll tell you that if I pasted 100 ads in one evening, it was considered a cool result, and these guys, in order to earn more or less decent money, have to glue in hundreds. every day in any weather.

I would not go to post ads for money, even for 5 rubles a piece. At the same time, I do not know how much the office from which they work takes. Also probably at least half.

But such a job may well suit students as an option for earning money, no skills are required, and walking in the evening along the entrances is not so stressful. I even liked it, if not one did it, you go through conversations, talk and work.

What is the exhaust

To be honest, I didn't really lean on this method of attracting clients (but in vain), and for all the work I pasted 500 leaflets at most.

They brought me 5 calls (CTR = 1% turns out), which in general, given the level of competition, is not bad.

But these are the most best clients... They are aware that you are an agency, and there is no need to play around and cheat before entering an apartment with a camera.

It's another matter that such comrades simultaneously apply to 4 more agencies, and this only interferes with the matter, but this is a completely different story ...

Illegal posting of ads is an administrative violation that must be punished by the internal affairs bodies.

There are also legitimate ads that are posted on message boards. How much is the fine for illegal posting today?

Key aspects

Quite often, Russian citizens make illegal actions, and most often this is due to incompetence in legal framework, and ignorance of the basic laws that govern public life.

But few people will like it if their rights are violated or violated, but many cross the forbidden line and commit misconduct.

Therefore, on the streets of the city you can often see advertisements in places such as cultural heritage sites, monuments, buildings, fences, and bus stops.

In a word, they are glued wherever there is enough space, and good overview for passers-by.

You should know that such free way dissemination of information may entail administrative responsibility.

Such a trifle can deprive the offender of several thousand rubles, and if an organization offering its services in this way is noticed, the bill will go to a more serious amount.

What it is

Advertising and the types of its distribution are an integral part of business development. We can say that in the 21st century, most of the information that each person (consumer) receives is imposition through advertising.

All marketing fundamentals are built on information dissemination, propaganda and more. And the main condition is sticking in the right place.

Usually these are places with a large flow of people, central streets, and, of course, stops. After all, where else do people have free time while waiting for transport?

Local authorities are forced to hire special workers who monitor the cleanliness of the city and tear down advertisements in the wrong places.

But this is not the only way of punishment, so the culprit is brought to justice and undertakes to pay the fine.

Even when a common person who is not involved in mass sales, wants to convey something to people, offer private services or sell an old refrigerator, he violates the rules of posting, and must be punished for his actions.

The main law governing the rules of information notification is the federal law on advertising, and it establishes only the minimum penalty that must be observed throughout Russia.

In turn, the regional authorities control the implementation of the basic law, and can increase the amount of penalties if they consider it necessary, therefore, in each region, this violation will cost the violator a different amount of the fine.

Term of payment of the foreclosure

A fine for posting ads in the wrong place is an administrative offense, and the procedure for collecting a fine is based on a resolution that is sent by letter.

The offender has 2 months to pay or 10 days from the date of the letter of appeal.

If the offender ignores this request, after the expiration of the due period for payment, the amount of the fine will double in total, and will increase until the authorities turn to the bailiffs for enforcement.

Therefore, if a citizen receives such a letter, he must immediately pay for it, otherwise, this can create an extra problem.

Legal Aspects

14.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation applies to citizens, officials, legal entities. persons who violate the law by illegally posting ads in the wrong places.

The code specifies the amount of fines that depend on the person who committed the offense.

Ordinary citizens will pay the smallest amount, but if a legal entity does it. person, the amount of the penalty will be several times higher. "On Advertising" No. 38-FZ is the main law governing the activities of all entities.

Its main goal is to create and control favorable and equal conditions for advertising, to prevent unfair advertising.

Article 19 describes the rules of use outdoor advertising... For legal placement, the distributor must dispose of information on specialized public or personal structures.

Before using it, it is necessary to obtain a permit, which is issued by local self-government bodies, and to obtain the consent of all persons of the owners, if the advertisement is glued on residential buildings, entrances.

It is prohibited to distribute on road signs, poles, objects of cultural heritage if the advertisement violates the general cultural appearance.

Article 8.13 of the Administrative Code tells about the violation and punishment for all persons posting ads in Moscow.

What is the penalty for posting ads in the wrong place?

Posting ads in the wrong places is regarded as an offense, which is accompanied by a punishment in the form of a monetary penalty.

If the illegal action was committed by physical. person, i.e. an ordinary citizen, his fine will be from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles.

But for officials and organizations, the punishment is much higher. For officials, the amount for an offense can range from 4 to 20 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - from 100 to 500 thousand rubles.

The fine is only part of the atonement, but the authorities are demanding violators to remove the widespread ads.

The amount of the fine depends on the place of pasting. For example, the amount will differ significantly if the ad was on the post road sign or any other post.

There are nuances with regards to residential buildings and entrances. Residents of the house have the right to post announcements on their house, on the walls, in the entrance, if all residents are not against such an action.

Where to see unpaid

It is very easy to check for fines. To do this, you can go to the bailiff service, enter personal information in the specified fields, and send a request for verification.

When filling out the forms, you will be presented with a choice of how to issue an answer. Each citizen can choose the most convenient one for him.

This can be through the postal service, pick up in person, with the help of your representative, or watch the answer online.

Unfortunately, this process will take some time, up to 17 days, but if the admin. The violation still exists, the program will definitely find you and notify you.

It should be borne in mind that if your fine is already with the bailiffs, the time for payment is already less than 60 days, so if there are violations, take care of paying in advance so as not to double the amount of the penalty.

Amount of the amount to be paid in Moscow

As we have already found out, each region differs in the amount of penalties, since regional authorities have the right to increase fines. And of course, in Moscow, fines are slightly higher than federal rates.

If the violation was committed by physical. person, the amount of the fine will be from 3-5 thousand rubles, the fine for posting ads in the wrong place on individual entrepreneurs is the same as for ordinary citizens, for firms and their managers - 35-50 thousand rubles, but for legal entities. individuals, the fine reaches up to 150 thousand rubles.

Where can you glue according to the law

The law specifies that the dissemination of information in the form of sticking advertisements can be carried out only in specially designated places.

The list of permitted places includes:

How to escape punishment

In order to legally evade responsibility, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the legislation. Moreover, every citizen has the right to appeal a fine within 10 days.

If you have facts that give you the right to get away from illegal actions described in the law and the code, it is highly likely that the fine will be canceled. There are many tricks out there, but they cannot guarantee safety all the time.

For example, if a pasted ad contains only mobile phone, then it will be very difficult to prove that the organization is related to the posting, which will save about 45 thousand.

Upon presentation of a fine, you can try to negotiate, and promise immediately, to tear off all pasted ads.

Video: fines for illegal ad placement. What is recognized as this type of offense

You should be aware that such fines come when the city is put in order in global scale or before the elections.

Therefore, during this period, you should simply refrain from posting. Well, the most reliable way is to follow the rules and regulations, post ads in permitted places.

This method can be combined with submission to free online bulletin boards, specialty newspapers or magazines.

Moreover, it has been proven that combining several types of advertising will be much more effective than one type on a large scale.

Liability in the form of an administrative fine is provided for posting advertisements in the wrong places.

Therefore, when deciding to post advertisements on poles and fences, first think about whether it is worth damaging public property.

Is it possible to post ads - where, how, on what and other questions, many advertisers ask themselves when choosing advertising as a way to promote BTL.

Let's say right away what is possible, but where and how to glue, so that your ad hangs as long as possible, read this article. Very often people choose this very conservative way of delivering information. But very often you can hear that a person was fined for posting ads. Let's understand this issue.

Is it possible to post ads: where and how?

You have several basic options where you can officially post your ads.

  1. Special large pedestals, which are located in crowded places.
  2. These can be places for posting posters.
  3. Specially equipped stands at public transport stops.
  4. Inhabitants of entrances often equip places themselves, where anyone can place their ad.

These are the main places where you can post ads.

There are a number of places where posting ads is not prohibited. Such places should not contradict the following principles, namely:

  • do not spoil the facades of city buildings and structures
  • do not mislead or distract drivers
  • are not placed on structures and bridge supports
  • do not spoil city property or property of individuals. and legal. persons

These are the basic principles, observing which you will not arouse the interest of the administration.

Thus, answering the question: is it possible to post ads - it is possible if it does not contradict these principles.

Where is it prohibited to post ads?

First of all, these are any pillars, someone else's property, for example, doors. If you nevertheless decide to break the law, you will receive a punishment for sticking up. The amount of the sanctions depends on the specific region. As for Moscow and St. Petersburg, here you will have to pay a fine of 1000-5000 rubles. The exact amount depends on the severity of the offense. Legal entities you will have to pay significantly more - at least 25,000 rubles. You can find out the specific amount from any lawyer from your region, or by opening the code on administrative offenses(Coap).

Why is it profitable to glue ads in the right places?

Not only will you not receive a fine, but you can also count on the advertising to last much longer. longer time... For example, an advertisement on permitted pedestals hangs on average for about two days. But on the poles or on the doors of the entrances, such an advertisement will hang for only a few hours. It all depends on the janitor's duty schedule. And the residents themselves disrupt such ads, some may even complain. In order to minimize risks, it is best to glue everything in such a way that the paper can be quickly peeled off, no glue remains on the surface. Otherwise it will only anger the cleaner.

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