GOST 10704 97 straight-seam electric-welded steel pipes. IPK publishing house of standards state standard of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics




1. This standard sets assortment of steel electric-welded straight-seam pipes.

2. The dimensions of the pipes must correspond to the table. 1.

3. According to the length of the pipe, they are made: of unmeasured length:

  • with a diameter of up to 30 millimeters - at least 2 m;
  • with diameter c. 30 to 70 millimeters - at least 3 m;
  • with a diameter of St. 70 to 152 millimeters - at least 4 m;
  • with a diameter of St. 152 millimeters - at least 5 m.

At the request of the consumer, pipes of groups A and B according to GOST 10705 with a diameter above 152 millimeters are manufactured with a length of at least 10 m; pipes of all groups with a diameter of up to 70 millimeters - a length of at least 4 m;

  • measured length:
  • with a diameter of up to 70 millimeters - from 5 to 9 m;
  • with a diameter of St. 70 to 219 millimeters - from 6 to 9 m;
  • with diameter St. 219 to 426 millimeters - from 10 to 12 m.

Pipes with a diameter of over 426 millimeters are manufactured only in unmeasured lengths. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, pipes with a diameter of over 70 to 219 millimeters can be manufactured from 6 to 12 m; multiple lengths, with a multiple of at least 250 millimeters and not exceeding the lower limit. installed for measuring pipes. The allowance for each cut is set to 5 millimeters (unless another allowance is specified) and is included in each multiplicity. To calculate the weight of a pipe or the length of a pipe, you can use a pipe calculator.

Table 1

Continuation of the table. 1

O.D. millimeters

Theoretical weight of 1 m of pipes. kg. with wall thickness. millimeters

Continuation of the table. 1

O.D. millimeters

Theoretical weight of 1 m of pipes. kg. with wall thickness. millimeters

Continuation of the table. 1

O.D. millimeters

Theoretical weight of 1 m of pipes. kg. with wall thickness. millimeters

Continuation of the table. 1

O.D. millimeters

Theoretical weight of 1 m of pipes. kg. with wall thickness. millimeters

Continuation of the table. 1

O.D. millimeters

Theoretical weight of 1 m of pipes. kg. with wall thickness. millimeters

Continuation of the table. 1

O.D. millimeters

Theoretical weight of 1 m of pipes. kg. with wall thickness. millimeters

Continuation of the table. 1

O.D. millimeters

Theoretical weight of 1 m of pipes. kg. with wall thickness. millimeters


1. When manufacturing pipes in accordance with GOST 10706, the theoretical weight increases by 1% due to the strengthening of the seam.

2. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, pipes with dimensions of 41.5 ґ1.5-3.0 are manufactured; 43 ґ1.0; 1.53.0; 43.5 ґ1.5-3.0; 52 ґ2.5; 69.6 ґ1.8; 111.8 ґ2.3; 146.1 ґ5.3; 6.5; 7.0; 7.7; 8.5; 9.5; 10.7; 152.4 ґ1.9; 2.65; 168 ґ2.65; 177.3 ґ1.9; 198 ґ2.8; 203 ґ2.65; 299 ґ4.0; 530 ґ7.5; 720 ґ7.5; 820 ґ8.5; 1020 ґ9.5; 15.5; 1220 ґ13.5; 14.6; 15.2 millimeters. as well as with intermediate wall thickness and diameters within the limits of the table. 1.

3. It is not recommended to use pipe sizes for new design.

3.1. Pipes of measured and multiple lengths are manufactured in two accuracy classes:

  • I - with cutting ends and deburring;
  • II - without facing and deburring (with cutting in the mill line).

3.2. Maximum deviations along the length of measuring pipes are given in table. 2.

Table 2

3.3. Maximum deviations along the total length of multiple pipes should not exceed:

  • + 15 millimeters - for pipes of class I accuracy;
  • + 100 millimeters - for pipes of class II accuracy.

3.4. At the request of the consumer, pipes of measured and multiple lengths of class II accuracy must have ends that are flanged on one or both sides.

4. Maximum deviations for the outer diameter of the pipe are given in table. 3.

Table 3

Note. For diameters. controlled by perimeter measurement. The largest and smallest limit values ​​of the perimeters are rounded to the nearest 1 millimeter.

5. At the request of the consumer, pipes in accordance with GOST 10705 are manufactured with a one-sided or offset tolerance on the outer diameter. One-sided or shifted tolerance should not exceed the sum of maximum deviations. given in table. 3.

6. Maximum deviations in wall thickness must correspond to:

± 10% - with pipe diameters up to 152 millimeters;

GOST 19903 - with pipe diameters over 152 millimeters for maximum sheet width of normal accuracy.

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is possible to produce pipes with a one-sided tolerance for wall thickness. in this case, the one-sided tolerance should not exceed the sum of the maximum deviations in wall thickness.

7. For pipes with a diameter of over 76 millimeters, a thickening of the wall at the burr by 0.15 millimeters is allowed.

8. Pipes for pipelines with a diameter of 478 millimeters or more. manufactured in accordance with GOST 10706. supplied with maximum deviations in the outer diameter of the ends. given in table. 4.

Table 4

9. Ovality and uniformity of pipes with a diameter of up to 530 millimeters inclusive. manufactured in accordance with GOST 10705. there should be no more than maximum deviations in outer diameter and wall thickness, respectively.

Pipes with a diameter of 478 millimeters or more. manufactured in accordance with GOST 10706. must be of three classes of ovality accuracy. The ovality of the pipe ends should not exceed:

  • 1% of the outer diameter of pipes for 1st accuracy class;
  • 1.5% of the outer diameter of pipes for 2nd accuracy class;
  • 2% of the outer diameter of pipes for 3rd accuracy class.

The ovality of the ends of pipes with a wall thickness of less than 0.0 1 outer diameter is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

10. Curvature of pipes. manufactured in accordance with GOST 10705. should not exceed 1.5 millimeters per 1 m of length. At the request of the consumer, the curvature of pipes with a diameter of up to 152 millimeters should be no more than 1 millimeters per 1 m of length.

General curvature of pipes. manufactured in accordance with GOST 10706. should not exceed 0.2% of the pipe length. The curvature per 1 m length of such pipes is not determined.

11. Technical requirements must comply with GOST 10705 and GOST 10706.

Examples of symbols:

Pipe with an outer diameter of 76 millimeters. wall thickness 3 millimeters. measured length. II class of accuracy in length. made of steel grade St3sp. manufactured according to group B GOST 10705-80:

Note. IN symbols pipes undergone heat treatment throughout the entire volume. after the words “pipe” the letter T is added; pipes undergone local heat treatment weld. - the letter L is added.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Metallurgy


V. P. Sokurenko. Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. M. Vorona. Ph.D. tech. Sciences; P. N. Ivshin. Ph.D. tech. Sciences; N. F. Kuzenko. V. F. Ganzina


Price 9 kopecks.

Official publication




Official publication

MOSCOW -1975

© Standards Publishing House, 1975





Electrically welded steel tubes. Range

10704-63 1 2

7. The difference in thickness of pipes should not exceed the tolerances specified in clause 5.

8. The out-of-roundness of pipes with a diameter of up to 402 mm inclusive, as well as calibrated pipe ends, must be within the permissible deviations for the diameters indicated in the table. 2 and 3.

The ovality of pipes with a diameter of 426 mm or more with uncalibrated ends, as well as along the body of pipes with calibrated ends, should not exceed ±2.10 (0.005 D, + 2 mm).

The permissible ovality of pipes with a wall thickness of less than 0.01 Dn is established by agreement of the parties.

9. Technical requirements for pipes are determined by GOST 10705-63 and GOST 10706-63.

10. The curvature of the pipes should not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 linear line. m.

At the reasonable request of the consumer, the curvature of pipes with a diameter of up to 152 mm should be no more than 1 mm per 1 linear line. m.

Examples of pipe symbols:

With an outer diameter of 25 mm, with a wall thickness of 2 mm, a length divisible by 2000 mm, from steel grade VStZop, manufactured according to group B of GOST 10705-63:

ru0 in St3sp GOST J0705_ 63

The same if the deoxidation method is not specified in the order:

The same, 5000 m long (measurement length), made of grade 20 steel, manufactured according to group B GOST 10705-63:

t - 25 X 2 5000 GOST 10704-63

1 ruoa B 20 GOST J0705 __ 63

The same, manufactured according to group D GOST 10705-63:

Pipe with an outer diameter of 1020 mm, with a wall thickness of 10 mm, of unmeasured length, made of BStZsp steel, manufactured according to group B of GOST 10706-63:

In the symbols of pipes with heat treatment and after the word “pipe” the letter “T” is added.

The designation of pipe manufacturing groups B, B coincides with the first letter in the designation of steel grades according to GOST 380-71.

(Changed edition - “Informational Index of Standards” No. 1 1974).

1. a* 1.41 1.47 1.92 1.61 1.00 1.79 1.91

2. C4 2.14 2.1" 2.72 2.31 2.M

2. M 2.74 3.02 3.1*

1.32 1.3* 1.41 1.56 1.60 1.21 I.M l.tt l.t* 2 91 200 2.13 2.31 2.44 2.70 2 «2 1.94


1.022 1"; 1.144 1.2*

1.0*1 1.1" 1.1" I.IW 1.3* 1." 1.41 1.51 1.01 I.M 1.71 1.24 l.«3 1.92 2 02 2.14 2.37 2.47 2.32

1.33 1 42 1 90 1.ы I.T2 1.29

1. M 1.90 1.94 2.03

2. » 2.;9 2.S3 2.64 2.7*

1.70 1.62 1.97 2.12

2.96 2.12 2.40 7.80

2.97 3.13 3.24 3.66

I.t2 I.M 1.94 7 00

4. » 4. S3 4.9*

3. M 3.74 3.94 4.20 4.0

2 37 2.44 2.” 2.74 2.Yu 2.11 3.33 3.4* 3.55 3.70 3.77 4.00 4.22 4.49 4.90 6.1"

3.70 3.79 3.94 4.07 4.25 4.49 4.27 6.I 5.62 5 75 6.31

4.01 4 10 4.27 4.30 4.67 4 M 5.18 5.74 * CO 6.” 0*5

" U I M I II.*"

M M M M 1 M M


I tsh 1"M *

: | sch 13.9S 15.06

I. Рм«;м tpr*. alg."echt"yg ■ s">6"i. p*« s*"**» *rps*t«**!*« * .

2 T")44v. "kga mtemi cr;a>"f"v.i "c*tg"i*-m" .""maga. 6gDU" ip"ymp*ch*H.p *ycva aoMfv MWV 1 Gb* |"%6 m GOST 10706 A" WFHimtiae chkga >*gl"o"*ch iu 1% m s*gt ""*"

4. By "6Ya1n" GOfaOyat*."* mat wtfOJfrm 4>r<« ini ММП* И»** с дммггяамм ~

cr-»mtCT»*e< ГОСТ ЗН2-62 (1*4*. 7/

(Iamgigiijti edition - “Naform)ld”ate.1b olmdprtoyu.Ch I 1974).

From 1/1 1976, instead of GOST 8597 -^57, GOST 19903-74 was introduced for sheets with a width of 500 mm or more.

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