How marketing is related to economics. Marketing - as a universal language of economics

Today, probably only children do not know the term “marketing”. Its use in business is so great that under its “shadow” such concepts as “capitalization”, “competitiveness”, “efficiency”, etc. fade. It is not for nothing that I cited the key concepts for any entrepreneurial activity, which characterize the ultimate goals of any business. The influence of marketing on the development of the modern economy is very great (it is not for nothing that the 21st century is called the “century of marketing”), so it is advisable to understand what goals are pursued by marketing, the activities of which are designed to satisfy the needs of consumers of a particular product.

In marketing theory, experts distinguish 2 groups of marketing goals. The first group is associated with the final results of the enterprise’s activities (level net profit, market share, image, etc.), the second group is the goals of marketing itself. Among the many tactical goals covering individual functional components of marketing ( marketing research, pricing, communication policy), 2 stand out strategic goals:

– adaptation of the organization to the constantly changing (turbulent) market conditions;

– formation of the market and consumer needs.

If we trace the development of the world economy and the role of marketing in it over the past 100 years, it is quite obvious that the first goal was prevalent in business until the 70-80s of the 20th century. After which the second target took over the reins, which is understandable. The first goal involves the active adaptation of the enterprise to the market, competitors, and customer needs. Marketing market research plays an active role in achieving it.

The second goal presupposes unconditional leadership in the market; companies create needs, modern models doing business, and competitors have to adapt, and this means being second. The basis of this goal is no longer market research, but scientific research and innovative developments. Companies create needs, and therefore have the opportunity to “skim the cream” and receive excess profits due to the lack of competitors in these newly created market segments.

Take Akio Morita, for example. He instructed Sony employees: “Observe carefully how people live, get an intuitive sense of what they might want, and do it... Never do market research.” Under the leadership of Morita in 1955-79. Sony offered 12 highly successful revolutionary technologies, from transistor radios in 1955 to the Walkman in 1979. During its development, the Walkman was met with skepticism by market researchers: what sane person would want to carry around a tape recorder? However, contrary to all the “scientific” predictions, the Walkman turned out to be one of the most successful products.

In the early 1980s, Morita left the company and MBA graduates joined the company. They begin to conduct market research and base their strategic decisions. The results were immediate: Sony lost its famous marketing ingenuity and turned into a solid middle peasant.

Innovative activity for Western manufacturing enterprises, receptivity to technological innovation is a matter of survival in intense competition. Such high level the interest of enterprises in innovation, on the one hand, and dependence on them, on the other, determined the functioning of the system of continuous reproduction of innovation, the closest and most effective connection between the spheres of production and scientific and technical activity.

In Japan, they even launched the innovation indicator TAT (“turn-around time”), which characterizes the time from realizing the need for a new product to sending it to the market. The record value for this indicator belongs to Matsushita – 4.7 months.

However, attention is drawn to the fact that none of the goals we have disclosed include the consumer and his needs. In fact, everything is very simple, the ultimate goal of any organization, company or enterprise is to make a profit. No matter how embellished the missions of companies, not a single company enters the market without hoping for a long and stable income. Marketing is how companies achieve their goals. Therefore, marketing can be defined as a mercantile worldview, i.e. a certain prism through which everything around us is perceived, the trading principles of life that determine the nature of activity, setting goals, and forming a general life plan.

Nevertheless, there is a version that modern marketing is a kind of “business philosophy,” but an egoistic one, and therefore the most “material” philosophy of all, which is designed to nurture and nurture the immense human ego. The main principle of modern marketing is the principle of mutual satisfaction: satisfying one's own needs by satisfying the needs of other people. Moreover, the balance of satisfying these needs is interesting. The owner of the company satisfies a wide range of his needs from the lowest to the highest, the consumer, depending on the product provided to him, satisfies one or two.

Currently, attempts are increasingly being made to elevate marketing to the rank of an independent science. Is this legal on modern stage?

To do this, consider whether marketing corresponds to scientific knowledge from the point of view of a philosophical concept. The most revealing is the decomposition of marketing into elements of Kuhn's “disciplinary matrix”, consisting of four elements:

1. Symbolic generalizations, or formalized constructions, used by members of the community of scientists without doubt or disagreement.

2. Conceptual models.

3. Values ​​that cement this scientific community. The most ingrained values ​​are those related to prediction. They must be accurate, quantitatively justified, simple, logical, and with a high degree of probability.

4. Samples are recognized examples.

So, let's look at the first element of the matrix. Is there anything in marketing that is used by specialists without doubt and disagreement?

All definitions, methods, principles, provisions - everything is the subject of fierce debate. After an excursion into the short history of the development of marketing concepts, which is the same for almost all authors, everything that follows is different in all textbooks. Perhaps the concept of “marketing mix” has the largest number of supporters. However, there is no final agreement here either. The question of four or five components of this complex is still debated today.

The second element of the matrix is ​​conceptual models. Creating models in marketing is very difficult due to the significant number of parameters. Consumer behavior is also difficult to describe. Attempts to reduce the buying process or marketing response to models are rife with vulnerabilities. But still, models exist. These include, first of all, models life cycle, demand, technology, brand, product and others, but it is difficult to fully classify them as conceptual.

The third element of the matrix is ​​forecasts. Most of them relate to future sales volumes, the effectiveness of upcoming advertising campaigns, changes in market conditions, etc. The techniques used for forecasting vary from extremely simple ones (extension method, method statistical indicators...) to very complex (forecast method based on several scenarios, multifactor index method, Delphi method...). All these methods are not accurate, not quantitatively justified, often illogical and do not have a high degree of probability. Some of these methods are “close to life”, but too far from meaningful forecasting; the other part is overly mathematized, but, on the contrary, “devoid of life”. It was the lack of reliable forecasting techniques that determined the difficult survival of marketing in “ real economy" Therefore, more and more often you can find advertisements in the press about the opening of clairvoyant vacancies at some enterprises in the Moscow region. Isn't this the best evidence that marketing today cannot justify most of the expectations placed on it?

Regarding the fourth element of the matrix, you can breathe a sigh of relief - “samples”, examples are available in sufficient quantities. Thanks to positive examples, indicating the invaluable benefits of using marketing, experts in this field are still listened to. Successful examples passed from mouth to mouth, copied from book to book, discussed at seminars and conferences. They talk about miraculous healing, about an extraordinary chance to “get well” if you regularly “accept marketing.”

Thus, of the four elements of the matrix that form the basis of science according to Kuhn, three are almost completely absent, which deprives us of the right to call marketing a science according to Kuhn’s concept. Without conducting a deeper analysis, we can say that marketing today is a two-component empirical-practical structure with the absence of an essential and ideological part. Even a superficial examination of marketing for compliance with the canons of science shows that at the present stage it is incorrect to consider marketing a full-fledged science. Therefore, the use of the word “science” in relation to marketing is possible not in the strict understanding of this meaning, but in the sense that marketing, having some signs of science, is at the preparatory stage, at the stage of scientific formation. This specific situation is not limited to marketing alone. There is another science whose fate is very similar to his. Marketing occupies the same position among the social sciences as ecology among the natural sciences.

In nature there has always been a balance, a certain equilibrium between various forces, objects and phenomena: fire and water, good and evil, cold and heat, day and night, god and devil, yin and yang, etc. A completely understandable question arises: what is such a counterweight for business in a market economy? The pursuit of profit (or rather the rate of its growth) is acquiring unimaginable proportions every year, it becomes the mission of business, enslaving the minds and consciousness of people, managers, and owners of capital. The only counterbalance in the pursuit of the “money fetish” is the global financial crisis. However, this counterweight is quite weak, because acts only as a temporary brake in the endless pursuit of profit; it is not able to change the psychology, the “direction of movement.” The market today makes George Bernard Shaw's quote irrelevant: “Money can buy a bed, but it cannot buy sleep; books, but not wisdom; food, but not appetite; lush outfits, but not beauty; medicines, but not health; entertainment, but not happiness; religion, but not salvation."

About the consequences of the notorious market economy Only the lazy don't speak today. This can be explained by the fact that the market does not really correlate with such a concept as the “quality of life” of the population. The differentiation of income and well-being has already moved from the national category to the global one. Intercountry competition has pushed “entire regions” below the poverty line. Today to really developed countries About 40-50 states can be attributed, while the remaining 200 ensure the prosperity of the “chosen ones”.

According to the chief economist of the World Bank (WB), Francois Bourguignon, today there are 1 billion 500 million people in the world below the poverty line, whose daily expenses are less than USD1. Another 840 million people are chronically undernourished. World Bank experts in their report emphasize that there are many countries in which, even if there is economic growth, however, there is a lack of social progress, since the fruits of this growth are distributed unevenly.

At the beginning of the last century, a new direction in management appeared that could restore the balance of the market system - marketing. Typically, the foundations of marketing initially began to be formed not in theory, but in practice. THAT. Marketing came from practice to theory, and not vice versa. The content of marketing focused the business on the consumer and his needs. However, as often happens, practice has made its own adjustments to this area of ​​research - the needs and needs of real and potential consumers acted only as a springboard for improvement financial indicators business. Marketing over the years of evolution has become universal remedy attracting consumers and ensuring the required sales volume for the company. Recently, they are increasingly trying to determine the effectiveness of marketing, reducing it also to the final results of enterprises’ activities in the market (growth in net profit, sales volume, etc.). And most importantly, this does not contradict established principles; companies really try to best meet the needs of consumers.

If at the present stage many companies both in Russia and abroad build the concept of marketing mainly on selfish principles, pursuing the most important thing - making a profit, then in the future I would like the very understanding of marketing and its main mission to sound differently. Namely, not just an exchange between subjects of economic relations, but a fair exchange, not just the profit of an enterprise, but the reward of consumers for the work of the manufacturer, not just the manufacture of products, but the true desire of the manufacturer to satisfy the needs of the consumer as much as possible, not just a marketer whose main task is to sell the product , but a person who helps the consumer make the right choice.

Marketing is talked about and debated, taught and researched, encouraged and used, and ascribed to a wide variety of meanings, roles, and functions. Look into the literature, and your head will spin from the abundance of definitions. At the same time, marketing is a “type human activity" and "set of measures", "system strategic management” and “market research”, “management philosophy” and “sales promotion”. In a word, a panacea for some, and additional article expense for others.

Academicians try to compensate for the lack of real knowledge in marketing with a vague systematization of the obvious and a set of scholastic schemes, matrices, paradigms, often completely absurd. The game of science in marketing has become so rampant that they even came up with a name for it - SONK (Scientification of Non-Knowledge), which means “teaching ignorance.”

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They will look different depending on what point of view you look at them from:

from the point of view of the state - macroeconomics;

from the point of view of a company that offers products to the market and uses marketing tools;

from the consumer's point of view.

It seems most important for us to consider the latter, i.e. from the consumer's point of view, since the consumer is at the center of the marketing concept.

Marketing functions from the consumer's point of view are as follows:

1. Marketing makes consumers more informed.

One of the tasks of marketing activities is to inform the consumer about goods, services, their maintenance, and provision. And this task is carried out by such a direction of marketing activity as promotion, or marketing communications, one of the types of which, most familiar to you, is advertising. For the consumer, this means that he receives more information about how to satisfy his need, with the help of what possible alternatives. Accordingly, the consumer has the opportunity to make a more informed choice and buy the product that best suits his needs. individual characteristics, or the characteristics of the segment. As a result, the degree of satisfaction of consumer needs increases.

2. Marketing sets quality standards in the minds of the consumer.

Those. as a result of activities marketing communications, product policy, consumers have an idea of ​​what level of a product is considered a modern level, what consumer properties correspond to modern standards, modern level quality. A consumer informed in this way will no longer buy outdated products.

An example: a few years ago in Holland they conducted a survey among farmers: what they understand by the phrase “modern tractor”, and they named the design of this tractor and about 17 microprocessors. Imagine what the results of the survey would be if it were conducted among domestic agricultural workers. Probably somewhat different. Accordingly, the level of ideas about a quality product is different, and it is formed largely as a result of marketing activities.

3. The third function of marketing cannot be clearly interpreted positively as the first two.

It is dual in nature and lies in the fact that marketing makes consumers more manageable.

Those. As a result of marketing activities, consumers develop so-called stereotypical reactions, as psychologists call them.

A certain set of tools for influencing the consciousness, and even the subconscious of the consumer, and certain stereotypes of reactions - patterns are emerging. Most often they develop in a political situation, and in connection with this there is such an example.

We perceive one political leader as “bad,” another as “good.” And there are certain sets of properties that allow you to form a relationship. If it is possible to convince voters that these properties are inherent in a politician, the voter “himself” makes the conclusion that this leader is bad or good, in accordance with the set of properties that the press and other sources of information attribute to him.

The buyer's opinion can be manipulated in the same way, i.e. creating the idea of ​​a product as modern, stylish, fashionable, or, conversely, outdated.

This creates an extensive base for the formation of such consumer skills, tastes and preferences that a certain corporation prefers to see in the consumer.

All that is needed for this is a sufficiently large set of funds plus their material support.

Modern marketers, advertisers, and managers have these tools at their disposal.

And, if two conditions are met:

1. professionals work,

2. these professionals have enough money to holding a company,

Then you can unambiguously predict the success of the product in the market.

At one time, the manager advertising company One of the American presidents, who later came to power, was asked: “You advised a candidate for US President. He won. What would happen if you advised his opponent?”

To this he replied: “I am 90% convinced that the result would have been the same.” Of course, there is an element of self-promotion in this statement, but the grain of truth here is quite large. Those. Having special knowledge and means, you can convince anyone of anything.

Marketers themselves believe that the percentage of consumers who are not receptive to marketing means is only 7–8% of the audience.

This means that everyone else can be convinced to act in any way.

This marketing function certainly cannot but cause concern. And if it only concerned the choice of one or another brand of product. But when it comes to political marketing, about political leaders (and political marketing in Russia historically began to develop much earlier than commercial marketing), this cannot but cause concern. Our society is even more susceptible to manipulation and the formation of positive and negative images than Western society. And this is because we have historically had a very high degree trust in the media.

Now let's look at the functions of marketing from an enterprise point of view.

1. Analysis environment and market research.

By environment we mean those factors that influence the consumer when making a purchasing decision.

We will also talk more generally about the consumer environment. It is necessary to study this environment so that marketers are able to make decisions adequate to the state of this environment, and if they do not have information about the influence of external factors on consumer behavior, they cannot predict its behavior. Therefore, marketing research, its conduct and analysis of the results are a key condition for marketing success. Without accurate, timely marketing information, a company's success in the modern market is impossible.

2. Analysis of real and potential consumers.

The consumer is key figure in marketing. All areas of marketing activity are focused on it, and it is necessary to know the characteristics of consumers at least in order to offer them the product that they really need. There is an independent discipline in marketing, which is called consumer behavior. It mainly studies the decision-making process of consumers and examines the factors influencing their behavior.

3. Planning a product or service (product).

This is the process of developing new products, implementing an assortment policy, positioning the product on the market, i.e. determining the placement of new products in the market, decisions regarding branding and packaging, and decisions regarding the product life cycle. Product planning is the most labor-intensive area of ​​marketing, which is covered in a separate topic in this course.

4. Planning of product distribution and sales (place), i.e. bringing the goods to the point of sale.

This includes such actions as: searching for intermediary organizations that will bring the product to end consumer; selection of means of delivery of goods and determination of storage location; determination of specific functions of the product distribution system; determining the list of services that must be provided to the consumer when selling a product, etc.

5. Promotion planning, communication policy(promotion), i.e. organizing the process of communicating information about goods and services to end consumers.

6. Price planning.

This includes identifying factors influencing pricing, production general policy pricing, development of pricing strategies and tactical pricing decisions, i.e. price changes depending on specific situation on the market.

This is what marketing functions look like from an enterprise point of view. Each function will be discussed on a separate topic of the proposed course.

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Marketing is one of the fundamental disciplines for market professionals such as retailers, advertising workers, marketing researchers, managers of new and branded products, etc. Listed professional figures market you need to know:

  • how to describe the market and break it into segments;
  • how to assess the needs, demands and preferences of consumers within target market;
  • how to design and test a product with the consumer properties required for this market;
  • how to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​​​the value of a product through price;
  • how to choose skillful intermediaries so that the product is widely available and well presented;
  • how to advertise and sell a product so that consumers know it and want to buy it.

According to the founder of marketing theory, American scientist Philip Kotler, Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange .

The role of marketing in the economy is to increase its trade and operational efficiency. At the present stage, marketing is understood as an expression of a market-oriented management style of thinking, capable of not only responding to the development of the market environment, but also changing the parameters of the environment itself, providing access to the market, expanding the market, and ensuring market security.

History of the emergence and development of marketing. Four eras of marketing

Most scientists define marketing as a type of human activity that is aimed at satisfying emerging needs and wants through exchange. And although exchange relations arose almost simultaneously with the emergence of humanity, the formation of marketing as a separate science began to occur only after the “Great Depression” that reigned in the West in 1923-1933.

American scientist and economist Peter Drucker believed that Japan became the birthplace of marketing. In 1690, the founder of the future famous Mitsui family settled in Tokyo and opened the first department store. In this store Mr. Mitsui spent trade policy, which was about 250 years ahead of its time. For the first time in the history of trade, the store owner focused on his customers, purchasing only what was in demand, providing a system of guarantees for the quality of goods, and constantly expanding the range of goods.

In the West, people started talking about marketing only in the mid-nineteenth century. The first to suggest that marketing should be the central activity of an enterprise, and working with its own circle of consumers should be the task of a manager, was Cyrus McCormick. This man is better known as the inventor of the first combine, but it was he who created such marketing areas as pricing policy , market research, service.

As an academic science, marketing originated in America. Marketing courses were first taught at the University of Illinois and Michigan in 1901. Therefore, the USA is considered to be the birthplace of modern marketing.

In the history of marketing, scientists identify four main eras :

  • production era;
  • sales era;
  • the era of direct marketing;
  • era of relationships.

Production era lasted until 1925. At this time, even the most developed companies in Europe focused only on the production of quality goods, and hired third-party people to sell them. It was believed that good product quite capable of selling himself.

The most prominent representative of the business of those years was Henry Ford, whose famous phrase: “Consumers can have the color of the car they want as long as it remains black” best characterizes the attitude to marketing of that time. Most industrialists believed that it was enough to produce best product to get ahead of your competitors. However, this turned out not to be entirely true, and the era of production ended before reaching its peak.

Sales era (since 1925) - in Europe and the USA, production techniques were improved and production volumes increased. Manufacturers already had to think about more efficient ways to market their products. It was a time of great discoveries, and completely unfamiliar products appeared on the market, the need for which still needed to be convinced by the population. IN large companies Sales specialists began to appear, but they were still given a secondary role.

The era of marketing itself began after the Great Depression. The population's demand for goods began to grow, and so did the importance of sales departments. Only those companies survived that knew how to take into account consumer demand and focus on it. During the Second World War, there was a pause in the development of marketing relations.

After the war, marketing was no longer seen as an additional or secondary activity. Marketing began to play a leading role in product planning. Marketers, together with product engineers, identified consumer needs and tried to satisfy them. Market orientation helped achieve rapid financial success, and consumers eagerly accepted new products. This is how consumer-driven marketing was born.

Relationship Era appeared towards the end of the twentieth century and continues to this day. Her characteristic feature– the desire of marketers to establish and maintain stable relationships with consumers. The company strives to maintain permanent relationships with suppliers. Potential competitors create joint ventures, brands come together in one overall product. The main goal in a highly competitive environment is to maintain and increase sales and stay afloat.

History of marketing development in Russia

The periodization of marketing development in Russia has significant differences . The first period of marketing development began in 1880 and lasted until October 1917. It was a time of active development of Russian industry based on big business. Even then, various marketing tools, in particular the formation of public opinion through the release of printed and wall advertising, participation in international exhibitions and fairs, patronage.

Domestic entrepreneurs have successfully used sales and personnel promotion techniques. There was an industry for the production of packaging for goods. But united marketing system hasn't happened yet. While in large universities in Europe and America marketing was already taught as a separate discipline, in Russia individual knowledge on marketing could only be obtained in a general course economic theory , which was taught in commercial schools.

The revolution interrupted the development of marketing in Russia. Within five years the country needed most of its industrial and food products. Production was stopped and destroyed. Civil and first world war pushed the marketing problem far into the background.

With the advent of the NEP era, new round development of marketing in Russia. The Market Research Institute appeared in Moscow, the first institution in Soviet Russia to study marketing. N.D. Kondratiev The theory of “Business cycles” is created, the first scientific work on marketing. However, with the advent of 1929 and the rigid distribution system of goods, the development of marketing froze again until the Khrushchev thaw.

Under Khrushchev, Soviet economists became interested in marketing, giving a negative assessment of marketing as a phenomenon completely alien to the economy of Soviet Russia.

In the 1970s, Russia began to reach foreign market, and ignorance by domestic specialists of the simplest basics of marketing led to failures in trade relations. Realizing their mistake, the country's leadership urgently rehabilitated marketing by introducing a new academic discipline in a number of universities in the country.

New stage The development of domestic marketing began in 1992-1993. The economic reforms of those years are assessed differently, but it was they that led to the formation market relations and spurred the development of marketing.

Many enterprises found themselves on the verge of bankruptcy and were forced to resort to marketing tools in order to establish sales against the background of the rapidly changing economic situation in Russia. Some urgently repurposed their activities, focusing on consumer demand, while others closed and declared bankruptcy.

Today, the importance of marketing in Russia is recognized by all those associated with the market and involved in economic activity. Marketing is taught as a separate discipline in colleges and universities. Marketing has become an independent specialty; marketing graduates are becoming in-demand specialists in any enterprise.

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